Peter the first field of miracles. As in the old days in Russia the teapot was called

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Today we have Friday, December 21, 2018, which means that the TV show "Field of Miracles" is being played on Channel One. Leading and artistic director of the game Leonid Yakubovich and the participants of the game.

We will dedicate our today's game International Day tea, according to the Teledam website. Traditionally, a musical group performed before the game, this time it was the Domisolka Children's Musical Theater. Below you can find questions and answers in the Field of Miracles for today 12/21/2018.

Questions in the game "Field of Miracles" for 12/21/2018

International Tea Day is an unofficial holiday that is celebrated annually on December 15 at the initiative of the Center for Education and Communication. It is a working day.

International Tea Day is also celebrated in Russia, where tea is one of the most popular drinks. While this holiday is celebrated locally in the Russian Federation. So, on December 11, 2009 in Irkutsk opened the exhibition "Tea Time", timed to this date.

What other samovar was in the old days among rich people besides everyday, festive and children's?

There were also so-called “linen samovars” in the house, which were necessary for heating water for washing clothes or for washing dishes.

What was the first samovar for?

Today, together with Azerchai, we celebrate International Tea Day. Here is the task for the second round. Peter the Great brought from Holland a device very similar to a samovar. Russian masters have learned to make their own version. So the samovar became Russified and was originally intended for making not tea, but what?

What was the name of the teapot in the old days in Russia?

A teapot is a small closed vessel with a spout, a lid (as a rule, although there are exceptions) and a handle for heating and boiling water. Usually teapots are made of metal.

What does the taste of real tea compare to in China?

During tea drinking, it is customary for the Chinese to say to guests: "When you taste real tea, you taste the taste ..."?

What were the taverns and teahouses in Russia since ancient times, according to Trofimov?

A question for the Supergame. Smolensk ethnographer Alexander Trofimov wrote this about Russian tea: "Since ancient times, our taverns and tea houses were not only drinking establishments, but also peculiar folk ...?

Answers: 1. Linen 2. Sbiten 3. Container 4. Life 5. Chancery. The winner won the Supergame and the prize was a car.

A TV game called the Field of Miracles for December 21, 2018 has already been held in the eastern regions of our vast country, so many viewers from these regions already know the correct answers to the questions of the last issue of the capital show.

It will acquaint readers with the correct answers to all questions in the capital show Pole miracles and the Teleresponse website. Let's find out what questions and answers Leonid Yakubovich prepared for us together with the players and whether the Supergame took place today.

Questions and answers in the Field of Miracles for 12/21/2018

International Tea Day is a relatively young holiday. The idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating "Tea Day" was in the air for many years, but only after discussion at world public forums in Indian Mumbai and Brazilian Porto Alegre (represented by the Center for Education and Communication), in 2004 and 2005, respectively, the date of December 15 began to be called International Tea Day.

What other samovar was in the old days for rich owners besides everyday, festive and children's?

In Russia, wealthy owners used to keep several samovars. An ordinary samovar was used every day, a ceremonial samovar was boiled for holidays, a children's samovar was usually small and boiled quickly. And what other samovar did the rich owners have? 8 letter word.

There were several of them in each house: the usual one - for daily tea drinking, the front one - in case guests came, the children's one - a small samovar, which boiled very quickly, it was put on the “children's” table, but was mainly used in the morning to drink faster tea. In addition, there was a linen samovar - water was boiled in it for washing, washing dishes, etc.

Answer: Lingerie (8 letters).

What was the first samovar for?

Today, together with Azerchai, we celebrate International Tea Day. Here is the task for the second round. Peter the Great brought from Holland a device very similar to a samovar. Russian masters have learned to make their own version. So the samovar became Russified and was originally intended for making not tea, but what? 7 letter word.

Sbitennik is a special vessel for preparing sbiten. Sbiten has been known in Russia for over 1,000 years. Before tea appeared, Russian people drank sbiten constantly and regularly.

Answer: Sbiten (7 letters).

What was the name of the teapot in the old days in Russia?

A teapot is a small closed vessel with a spout, a lid (as a rule, although there are exceptions) and a handle for heating and boiling water. Usually teapots are made of metal.

Answer: A vessel (8 letters).

What does the taste of real tea compare to in China?

During tea drinking, it is customary for the Chinese to say to guests: "When you taste real tea, you taste the taste ..."?5 letter word.

Answer: Life (5 letters).

What were the taverns and teahouses in Russia since ancient times, according to Trofimov?

A question for the Supergame. Smolensk ethnographer Alexander Trofimov wrote about Russian tea: "From ancient times our taverns and tea houses were not only drinking establishments, but also peculiar folk ...? A word of 10 letters.

Answer: Chancery (10 letters).

The winner won the Supergame, which this time consisted of one word and received the keys to the car from Azerchai.

Today we have Friday, June 09, 2017, and the next release of the capital show Field of Miracles is on the air, and today the guests are spinning the drum again in the studio! And of course, we have prepared for you the correct answers to rather difficult questions, which are answered today by the show participants. In 1718, Peter I issued a decree, according to which it was impossible to write ... How?

The correct answer to the question is CLOSE

The most widespread literary genre were letters and chronicles, and the keeping of chronicles was not at all the prerogative of official chroniclers - a deacon in a small town already considered it his duty to keep records of events taking place in front of his eyes, these numerous, small, naive, but very detailed records could make a detailed picture of the life of that time, but the overwhelming majority were destroyed by direct order of Peter. What can we say about the decree, which forbade "writing locked up" and threatened with severe punishments not only for "hackers", but also for those who knew - and did not report.

To what extent this approach contradicts the image of Alexei Mikhailovich, who is characterized as "curious and pleasant, but more noble than a practically useful ruler."

Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article you can read brief overview today's game "Field of Miracles" held on June 9, 2017. In the studio, the leading and artistic director of the capital show "Field of Miracles" Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich. The vocal group "Sarafan" performs, then Leonid Arkadyevich invites the first three players to the studio.

At the drum of the game "Field of Miracles" the first three players: Roza Guseinova, Evgeny Gerasimovich and Nina Pavlovna.

Few people know, but today significant date... On June 9, 1672, Peter the Great was born. Naturally, all of today's program will be dedicated to this historic event.

Here is the assignment for the first round. Under Peter the Great, the soldiers were recruited mainly from peasants. In order to preserve the cloth from which the uniforms were sewn for them, the tsar issued a decree to sew buttons on the front side of the sleeves so that the soldiers could not ...

Why did Peter the First ordered to sew buttons on the sleeves of uniforms? (9 letters)

The second three players: Askar Nigmatullin, Nadezhda Georgievna and Ekaterina Sergeevna.

Here is the task for the second round. Under Peter the Great in 1718, a decree was issued in Russia, the violation of which threatened death penalty... He forbade writing ... how?

How did Peter the First forbid writing by his decree of 1718? (9 letters)

The third three players: Alexander Igorevich, Nikolai Timofeevich and Zarifa Salakhova.

Here is the task for the third round. In December 1699, Pyotr Alekseevich issued a decree on the celebration of the New Year. Here is what was written there: "This date, stop fooling people's heads and counting New Year everywhere from January 1. In honor of the New Year, decorating with fir trees, amusing children, sledging from the mountains, and not inflicting on adults ... there will be enough other days for that. "

What, according to the decree of Peter the Great, could not be done to adults on the New Year? (8 letters)

And the task for the final round. Among the many decrees of Peter the Great, there is an order not to appoint to government posts ... who?

Who, by order of Peter the Great, could not be appointed to government posts? (5 letters)

Super game tasks.

  1. The word horizontally is 14 letters. Peter the First was a reformer, under him great changes took place in medicine, education ... What else did Peter the Great change in Mother Russia?
  2. The word on the left is vertical 5 letters. Peter the First said: "Speak briefly, ask a little, go away ... how?
  3. The word on the right is vertical 5 letters. Tsar Peter the First once ordered all Russians to consider a gopher ... who? Who did Peter the First order to consider the gopher to all Russian people?

Answers in "Field of Miracles" for June 9, 2017 (06/09/2017)

  1. Wipe off
  2. Shut up
  3. Muzzle
  4. Redhead

Answers to questions Supergames.