Seeing acne on the face in a dream. Why do acne on the face dream: interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books for men and women. Extruding formations in a dream

To understand why acne is dreaming, you need to remember all the nuances of your dream. For example, where exactly did the pimple jump up?

1. On the face

If in a dream a pimple jumped on you, then soon you will have a brilliant idea. The main thing, as the dream book writes, is not to miss the opportunity to implement it.

As a result, you will receive not only tangible material profit, but also the respect of influential people. Still, such dreams often portend a romantic acquaintance.

A furuncle on your forehead says that you have become envious. Perhaps this will amuse your vanity. However, having received such a warning, be careful and careful, because the ill-wisher may take action.

  • A pimple on the face of another person - to an easy romantic infatuation.
  • Dreams that he is on your cheek - to an unexpected meeting.
  • A pimple in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips - to kissing.

If you dream that an abscess has formed near your eye, this means that you have a secret admirer. Perhaps he is very close, but you are not paying attention to him. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Happiness can be very close.

2. On the body

A dream in which pimples jumped up on your neck warns that you weigh every word in conversations with your superiors. A period has begun in your life when, due to your irritability, you can say too much. The dream book recommends not to start over trifles and not be rude to others.

If in a dream one large furuncle appeared on your neck, then your efforts will be appreciated. Don't be surprised if you are offered a new, more profitable job. Most likely, you will like the new business.

  • A pimple on a friend's body is dreaming - to a serious conversation with him.
  • To see him on the body of a loved one is a romantic walk.
  • A boil appeared at the head - for a difficult job.

When you dream about a pimple on your back, it means that you are not doing your business. And to see him on his stomach means to rush things, to run ahead of the locomotive.

Pustules on the hands speak of hidden talents. And if they jumped on their feet, then a long journey awaits you.

Squeeze them out

According to the dream book, acne that you had to squeeze out in a dream dream about solving the current problem. Pressing them on your face means finding the long-awaited harmony in your personal life.

If you are not married, you will soon meet your prince. And for married women, such dreams portend reconciliation with a loved one and harmony in the family.

  • Pressing a large purulent pimple in a dream is to improve your financial situation.
  • Doing this in front of strangers is to overcome complexes.
  • Squeezing someone else out is to meet that person.
  • To squeeze out a lot - to wealth.
  • Squeezing a small pimple is a surprise.

If you dreamed of purulent acne that you had to press on your face, this means that you are on the verge of a new relationship. And when you dream that you are trying to get rid of a pustule on your neck, you will soon be able to realize your plan.

To squeeze out pimples on the body means to independently figure out your problems. And if in a dream you cannot do this, then in reality you will have to resort to the help of loved ones.

To squeeze pimples that are strewn all over the body is to try to cope with the temptation. And to reach the boil on the back means solving a difficult problem. Author: Vera Fractional

Sometimes in a dream you may notice that something is wrong with your appearance. Why do acne on the face dream? To understand the meaning of sleep, you do not need to look into a dream book: acne on the face causes problems and discomfort in real life and is a sign of minor troubles in a dream. However, having seen such a dream, there is no need to worry. It is better to interpret it according to the dream book, taking into account all the details and details, so that you know what you should prepare for.

As almost any dream book says, acne on the face in a dream symbolizes the problems that you have to face in reality.

Acne is an unpleasant but inevitable phenomenon. Skin disease, otherwise referred to as "acne", is accompanied by skin redness, itching and irritation. Every teenager goes through this phenomenon, and in adulthood, very few people manage to forget about this obsessive "friend" forever. This cannot be avoided, you can only show wisdom and find out what problem in the body acne is letting you know about. So in a dream, acne comes to visit us for a reason, they distinguish some kind of internal, hidden problem.

The interpretation of what acne dreams about in a dream depends on their number and their location.

If you dreamed of a lot of acne

If you dreamed about acne on your face, it is possible that your diet leaves much to be desired. One way or another, you need to take care of your health as soon as possible.

The whole body covered with acne is an alarming sign, you have been jinxed, damaged, or a large number of people are simultaneously doing you evil, and their ill intentions began to affect your well-being.

But at the same time, as another dream book says, acne on the body, purulent abscesses and boils dream of material well-being, a tangible improvement in the financial situation in your family.

One pimple: where exactly did it jump in?

Why dream of a pimple on your nose - there is a person in your environment who shows sympathy for you. He is not inclined to express his feelings openly and will not do this if you do not help him. Pay attention to the gestures, you are clearly shown signs of attention, and you, due to your own busyness or for other reasons, do not notice anything.

I dreamed of a pimple on my forehead - once you made a promise to another person whom you have safely forgotten. Most likely, it was a long time ago, but this person has an excellent memory, and she (or he) often remembers you with a “kind word”. Try to remember this word and pay back this debt.

As the dream book says, a pimple on the chin means that you have an ill-wisher among your neighbors, the motive for such an attitude is petty envy, empty everyday nit-picking addressed to you, or simply the personal dissatisfaction of this person with his own life. The situation can be changed only by one lack of attention to the offender. In this case, he will simply not be interested, and he will leave you alone.

Pimple on the ear - you may not be heard and understood correctly. Try to be laconic in society and express your thoughts as clearly as possible, literally and without reference. Avoid touching on slippery topics such as politics, religion, race or ethnicity.

A pimple on the cheek - a romantic event awaits you that will give you a lot of pleasure. It will be a pleasant and unexpected surprise. You can be given flowers, invited to dinner, made a public component, or whatever you like.

A pimple on the neck - you have to solve problems that do not belong to you. Out of sympathy or a sense of duty, you decide to help someone in a difficult situation. You will spend a lot of time and energy on this, but in the end you will experience tremendous moral satisfaction that will help you overcome your own difficulties in the future.

Acne on the arms or legs is a signal that it is only your own laziness, wrong attitudes and prejudices that interfere with the implementation of plans. As soon as you stop looking for external reasons for your own failures and get down to business, we will immediately begin to succeed, and you will unexpectedly quickly achieve your plan.

A pimple in an intimate place - means that in the near future you will find yourself in a situation in which you will have to experience a feeling of shame, you may make a mistake in front of witnesses, or express yourself unsuccessfully or incorrectly. Respected people may become aware of your mistake. It is possible that you will be ashamed of another person, child, spouse or close relative.

Acne on the back or buttocks - you have to return to your original positions, whatever that means. Go through training on a certain topic again, meet a person from the distant past and “step on the same rake”, again find yourself in a place where you no longer planned to appear. This dream signals to you that you have not passed life lessonsthat are associated with that person, place, or event.

If you've seen acne on another person

If you had a dream, acne on the face of your husband or wife, this portends developing conflict on household soil. Understatement in little things breeds discontent, which, in turn, develops into a conflict that can cause serious discord. Spouses in this situation need to "squeeze out the pimple of discord" and eliminate the cause of the discord.

A pimple in a child - in the near future you will be the object of ridicule. The reasons for such an attitude of others are insignificant and not worth your attention, this situation should not drive you crazy, follow the usual route.

Why dream about crushing acne in a dream for your child - you can successfully solve emerging problems, cut off independence from the situation, defeat enemies and rivals without much difficulty.

Seeing an older person with acne on their face or body means intergenerational problems. You may have misunderstandings with your parents about raising the younger generation. You may feel that you are being implanted with other people's interests and priorities. Or, on the contrary, your children may show disobedience towards you. Seeing a pimple on the face of an enemy or ill-wisher means that this person no longer dislikes you and is ready for a quick reconciliation, it's up to you.

Interpretation from various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

If you are wondering why you dream of squeezing acne on your face, you should look into the dream book. It is for this that there is such an opportunity to lift the veil of time as the interpretation of dreams. For each person, the interpretation of sleep will be individual, with an emphasis on personal or professional life, on the sphere of hobbies or household chores, depending on what is the main priority at the moment.

Miller's dream book - minor everyday problems

  • As this dream book says, to squeeze out a pimple in a dream means in reality to face minor difficulties, to solve current problems. It seems to you that you are pathologically unlucky, that you have an evil eye, but you are clearly exaggerating the significance of what is happening. This pointing period will not last more than two weeks.
  • If you see someone of your loved ones with acne, then soon this person will surprise you with an unexpected act. You will understand that you did not know him at all before. If the acne was very noticeable, and there were a lot of them, then this act will not please you, but more upset. If this person itches, he feels uncomfortable in your dream, but his act will have irreversible consequences.
  • Before the wedding, a girl seeing a pimple in a dream means that the offspring will appear in the first year of marriage, the child will be healthy and happy. The larger and more visible the pimple, the larger the baby will be born. If there are a lot of acne, then there will be many children in the family.

Dream interpretation of Wangi - you have envious people

Grandma Vanga, after seeing such a dream at night, advised to wash immediately with cold spring water in the morning. In her opinion, to see acne on your face in a dream means to be exposed to another eye of envious people and ill-wishers. The more acne, the more enemies you have. Squeezing out all acne in a dream means defeating enemies.

To see a pimply teenager in a dream means recovery from a disease that has long burdened you. Getting rid of the disease will happen without any external intervention. To see a pimple on the face of a husband or groom means that he has another, and you have an insidious rival.

Freud's dream book - you are offended at someone

Dr. Freud was convinced that squeezing acne on your face in a dream means carrying a load of resentments from the past that prevent you from moving on and going towards your dreams. Unclosed gestalts weigh you down, you need to seek professional help if you cannot solve the problem yourself.

Squeezing out acne means fighting your own complexes and internal contradictions. You are at the stage of rapid spiritual growth. Very soon you will become a different person, realize the mistakes of the past and will be able to correct them. Seeing a pimple on your chest means soon falling in love or experiencing romantic experiences. If you are married, you are strongly advised to avoid temptation.

Modern dream book - you will make a profit

Acne on your face should be understood as the ripening fruit of your own efforts. Good, rich harvest, profit. If you are raising children, then right now they will show you that the efforts were not in vain. If you invested in a business, you will make your first profit. If you've tried to gain the respect of your colleagues, long-awaited recognition is just around the corner.

Acne on the face of a stranger means damages at the hands of a third party. If you apply for a service, it may be of poor quality. The product may be overdue or defective. It will be difficult to achieve the truth. But it is possible with some effort.

Symbolic dream book - minor troubles

Your success in business and well-being is disliked by ill-wishers. Someone you trust is plotting behind your back. This will bring minor annoyances that you can handle with success.

Big dream book - fear of judgment

If a person notices acne - financial receipts. I dreamed of a lot of eels - fear of public condemnation. Red acne signals self-confidence. An ominous or repulsive appearance (in blood, pimples, bruises) does not always predict only problems.

Dream interpretation for lovers - put your affairs aside

The beginning of a real business you are planning, the planning and development of which you devoted everything recent timesshould be delayed. You are not ready to do this. The reason may be insufficient study of important issues.


Squeezing a pimple on your face in a dream is not the rarest plot. At least once each of us had such a dream, even if he does not remember it. This dream does not promise fatal failures and troubles to anyone, its meaning is reduced to everyday difficulties and obstacles. Even minor troubles can be prepared in advance and mitigated, so such a dream should be taken as advice and hint.

Video "Why Acne Dreams"

Needless to say, a pimple is a huge nuisance for both women and men. Naturally, night vision with a similar storyline will cause, if not anxiety, then disgust. In order to drop all worries and prepare for what the new day brings you, you need to know exactly what the pimple is dreaming of.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the world

If you dreamed about a pimple, the decryption can be found in the Dream Book of the World. The following options are possible:

  • If you dreamed that you had a big pimple on your face, it means that soon you will meet some special person (most likely, he will be rich and influential). This fact will cause strong envy among others.
  • If acne was on the other person's face, then soon you will plunge headlong into a new romantic relationship. But they will be fleeting.
  • Why is a purulent pimple dreaming? This is a symbol of accumulated cases and problems. If in a dream you squeeze it out, it means that soon all your worries will remain in the past.
  • If you saw a huge amount of acne covering your face and body, it means that you are a very lazy person. Perhaps this is the reason for all your failures.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne for some other person (friend or stranger)? This means that you are too intrusive in communication. Unfortunately, if you don't change your behavior, many will turn their backs on you.
  • A pimple on the nose is a competition. Most likely, you will have to fight with strong opponents for a place in the sun.

Interpretation according to the Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor

Why is a pimple dreaming? In this dream book, you can come across the following interpretation:

  • This is a negative symbol that indicates the beginning of some kind of disease-causing processes in the body. You need to be more attentive to your health, and, if possible, visit a doctor.
  • Why is there a big pimple on the forehead in a dream? This means that you have some kind of heart problem.
  • If in your dream acne is localized on the cheeks, this means that you should pay attention to the condition of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Pimples in the area surrounding the lips, including the chin, symbolize kidney and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne on your face? This is not a very auspicious sign. This means that you pay attention to superficial facts, and do not get to the bottom of things. This applies not only to health, but also to relationships with people.
  • If you squeeze out a lot of pus from a pimple, and a wound remains in its place, this symbolizes a long illness. If the skin becomes clean after that, it means that treatment will pass quickly and painlessly.

Interpretation according to the Women's Dream Book

For women, acne presents a particular problem, even ate they see them in a dream. Here are the interpretations:

  • A huge pimple on the face and body is a symbol of unexpected luck. Lucky chance will lead you to wealth and high position in society.
  • Why do acne on the body dream? This is a symbol of the fact that you are not doing your business. Try to change jobs, otherwise the feeling of hopelessness will accompany you constantly.
  • If in a dream you squeeze pimples, it means that in real life you will fall under suspicion. Others will be sure that you have committed some kind of impartial act.
  • A lot of acne on the face can portend a deterioration in relationships with others. Perhaps you are being overly selfish, thereby pushing your friends and family away from you.
  • Why dream of pressing acne on the forehead? This means that one of your close people will face illness or trouble. It is you who will be responsible for solving this problem.

Interpretation according to the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

All titled persons were anxious about their dreams. Not surprisingly, they even had their own interpreters. When asked about what the pimple is dreaming of, Catherine the Great answered the following:

  • This is a sign that a person is working too hard, forgetting about rest. At the same time, he does not experience either material or moral return from this.
  • If acne was not on the dreamer himself, but on someone else, then some kind of threat hung over this person. Try to remember your vision. Perhaps it was someone close to you.
  • Why does a young girl dream of acne on her face? This means that her behavior will be subject to strong judgments. And for a man, this dream symbolizes the risk of committing rash acts that will entail unpleasant consequences.

Interpretation according to Smurov's dream book

If you look into Smurov's Dream Interpretation for the interpretation of the dream about acne, you will get the following answers:

  • If a rash appears on your hands, it means that you will be very disappointed. In this case, the main fault will lie with you.
  • Pimples on the chest indicate that some kind of disease is developing in your body. Don't delay going to the doctor.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne? This is evidence of your frustration and dissatisfaction with life. But soon you will overcome all difficulties without resorting to outside help.
  • If in a dream you saw one huge pimple, it means that a white streak will soon begin for you. You will meet a reliable and loyal person who will become your life partner.
  • If you squeeze acne not for yourself, but for someone else, then you are an altruist and strive to solve other people's problems. But do not forget about yourself.

Interpretation according to Adaskin's dream book

Adaskin's dream book says the following about acne:

  • A pimple is a symbol of material wealth. The solution to all financial problems awaits you soon.
  • A lot of acne on the body is a vain experience. Anything you are making a huge problem out of is nonsense.
  • If you dream about how the face and body of another person is covered with acne, it means that you are very worried about your family and friends.
  • A purulent pimple is a symbol of the hypocrisy of others. Try to get to know the people with whom you communicate better and weed out unnecessary ones.

Interpretation according to the Universal Dream Book

Why do acne on the face and other parts of the body dream? Here are the answers:

  • In reality, you are experiencing some unpleasant emotions that can bring you to a depressed state.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne? This means that you will become a witness to some unpleasant event or even a scandal. And the more pus came out of the pimple, the more unpleasant emotions this incident will leave you.
  • Another interpretation of a dream in which a person squeezes out a pimple means a false accusation. It is possible that you will be suspected of meanness, to which you have nothing to do.
  • If the face of the interlocutor was covered with acne, this means that you have an envious person. It is possible that the person with whom you communicate very closely actually treats you badly and wants defeat.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book is considered one of the most accurate and authoritative. Regarding acne, it says the following:

  • A pimple is a symbol of some new pleasant acquaintance. If there were a lot of rashes on your face, this means that a fateful meeting awaits you.
  • Why dream of a pimple with pus? This is a symbol of great luck and good fortune. Soon there will be some chance in life for success and self-realization, so don't miss it.
  • If you dreamed that your whole body was covered with acne, this means that soon you will have to communicate with an extremely unpleasant person. It will not be possible to avoid this, as it will be associated with duty of service or family relations.
  • Trying to get rid of acne with ointments, lotions and other means means that you are a rather gentle and sensible person who tries to solve any problems by compromise.

Interpretation of the Magic Dream Book

If you had a pimple in a dream, be sure to look into the Magic Dream Book. In it you will find the following interpretations of your dream:

  • Why dream of squeezing acne on your face? This means that emotions have taken over your mind. Try to react more calmly to annoying situations.
  • If in a dream your face is covered with pimples, then someone is trying to compromise you. Most likely, your opponent will succeed.
  • If in a dream you squeeze pimples on the face of other people, this means that soon you will have a frank conversation, during which you will make many unexpected revelations.
  • If in a dream a pimple jumped up on your leg and interferes with walking, this means that you should expect a blow from family or friends. But try not to accumulate anger and resentment, otherwise it will badly affect your health.


Of course, acne is an unpleasant phenomenon, even when it comes to sleep. But sometimes the meaning of such a vision can be quite favorable. But some commentators interpret the pimple as a health problem. Therefore, even if you feel good, get a medical examination to make sure that the dream did not bode well.

Why do acne on the body dream and what can you learn from such a dream? Maybe this empty dream is only dreamed of when, in reality, unpleasant papules with purulent contents appear on the skin? Symbolically, a dream about acne on your own body means dissatisfaction with yourself, when a person subconsciously looks for defects in himself.

Acne, dreamed of on the face of a friend whom you recognize, may mean that envy of him has firmly settled in the heart and you want to find at least some flaw in it.

If you dream about acne, what is the interpretation of popular dream books?

Adverse acne dreams

One well-known dream interpreter, Miller, explains acne dreams as follows:

  • separate large acne on the face - to disease;
  • all over the body - to empty troubles;
  • rashes on a stranger - to the illness of a close relative.

If a young unmarried girl dreams of purulent papules on her own skin, she will be slandered by people from whom it was impossible to expect such meanness.

The Angelic Dream Interpretation examines in detail the plot with acne. He considers dreams of acne to be bad.

You may have to spend time in empty anxiety, and then find out that the problem was not worth it, in order to fix the situation, there was no need to worry.

If you see rashes on your own shoulders, minor troubles will not keep you waiting. They cannot be underestimated, you will have to spend a lot of nerves and efforts to restore peace of mind.

Acne on the face - others will demand help, they will not be able to refuse. If a woman dreams of acne, you need to prepare for condemnation by others for a minor offense.

Squeezing acne - life began to improve.

IN Big dream book acne dreams:

  • on yourself - to depression;
  • from a friend, it means that this person harbored resentment and anger in his soul;
  • to squeeze out an eel - you will have to participate in an unpleasant squabble, to the cause of which you have nothing to do;
  • consider the purulent contents at the tip of the nail - you will have to answer for an act that you did not commit.

The famous psychiatrist Z. Freud also dealt with the interpretation of dreams. A young girl, he believed, dreamed of such stories only in the event of her sexual promiscuity.

If a man dreamed of acne that poured out all over his body, then this indicates his violent messy relationships, unwillingness to stop at one partner. After such a dream, you should think about whether it's time to stop. If you have not already contracted a venereal disease, then very soon you will have to visit a doctor for an unpleasant reason.

A large furuncle on the nose - a woman who has been sought for a long time will finally meet halfway.

Auspicious dreams

In the Islamic dream book, all pimples that dream during the week portend wealth. The larger the body area on which the rashes are localized, the larger the capital.

It's a shame if acne is dreamed of by someone you know: he is unlikely to share.

According to the French dream book, each pimple is an addition to the family.

Esotericists believe that the appearance of acne on their skin - to a romantic acquaintance, for someone - a slight hobby will leave a pleasant trace and memories, but will not develop into serious feelings.

The famous dreamer Wanga also believes that papules on the skin are unexpected wealth in the near future.

But a favorable interpretation is given to sleep only if one's own skin is disfigured. When you dreamed that you had to communicate with a pimply person, in reality you need to keep your ears open. Someone is already making insidious plans, and if you do not protect yourself, then in the future you will have to say goodbye to your reputation, and serious damage will be done to your business. Thus, the subconscious is trying to warn its owner. In a stranger, if you look closely, you can see familiar features.

When you wake up, you should immediately try to remember the smallest details of the dream. This will help prevent an attack from an ill-wisher.

Plots of dreams about squeezing out acne cannot be classified, the authors interpret them too ambiguously. Such a dream can mean financial loss or getting rid of minor troubles.

So pimples different dream books explain contradictory.

If you dreamed about a similar plot, you need to look for a favorable interpretation.

Then you will be in a good mood all day.

A third of his life, a person sleeps and sometimes dreams. They are kind, scary, alarming, in some cases they warn of upcoming events. Dreams in which acne is dreamed, prophesy wealth and marriage, promise happy changes in life. Sometimes skin rashes warn of negative events that can be prevented in time. Various dream books describe precise interpretation dreams.

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Acne warns not to trust everyone.

Miller's dream book

Multiple skin rashes, according to Miller's dream interpreter, mean big troubles in reality, which will soon be resolved safely. Changes await those who dreamed and a new stage in life. If acne is located in unexpected places, then good news can be expected in the near future.

But there is also a positive omen. If you dream about hair loss, it can mean getting rid of depression….

Purulent rashes warn that you should not trust everyone in the immediate environment. You need to take a close look at your friends, perhaps there are envious and ill-wishers among them. If abscesses burst themselves in a dream, then all existing problems will be resolved safely and without the participation of the one who had the dream.

IMPORTANT! When interpreting dreams, it is necessary to connect the dreamed plots with real events. Through associations, it will not be difficult to understand how to act correctly in order to achieve the goal and not make mistakes.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Dreamed acne according to the interpreter of dreams of the Bulgarian seer means a comfortable and carefree life. Wealth will come very easily, but Wanga advises not to lose vigilance so as not to lose it. If blood flows when squeezing out abscesses, then you should remember about relatives. Perhaps they are in trouble and need help.

For a single woman, a large pimple on her nose means the appearance of a fan in real life. If the rash is red, without pus, then the relationship with a new acquaintance will end in marriage. Squeezing blackheads in a dream - to rash acts and losses.

ATTENTION! Dreams don't come true from Friday to Saturday and Wednesday to Thursday. Prophetic dreams fall on the period from Thursday to Friday.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

In the Muslim interpreter of dreams acne means wealth and success. Moreover, the more skin rashes you dreamed about, the richer your life in reality will be. Squeezing out abscesses - to achieve financial well-being, you will have to overcome many obstacles and difficulties. Pimples on the nose dream of receiving a large inheritance, and a rash on the forehead means respect and honor in society.

If abscesses appear on the palms and soles in a dream, you should pay attention to your health. Existing advanced diseases need to be treated, so you need to visit a doctor and be examined.

Skin rashes can be dreamed of by both women and men.

Who dreamed of a pimple?

The interpretation of dreams will be more truthful if you consider who they dreamed about. Skin rashes can be dreamed of not only by girls and women, but also by men.

To an unmarried girl

An unmarried girl who sees a pimple in a dream can get ready for the wedding.

Her fan will propose soon.

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A dream in which a woman sees a rash on her face or body warns of trouble. The society will become aware of carefully concealed actions. People will judge the woman and she will be very ashamed.


If a woman or a girl in a position dreams that her breasts or stomach are covered with acne, then most likely she will give birth to a girl. A dream in which a pregnant woman sees rashes on her face, arms and legs warns that you need to avoid stressful situations, otherwise you can harm the unborn child.


For men, dreaming acne means a promotion. It is highly likely that in reality a man will be offered a leadership position.

Squeezing acne in a dream is a great success.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

When decoding dreams, you should take into account the dreamed details. This will help to correctly interpret the dream and avoid many mistakes in reality.

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Popping pimples

All the problems that have accumulated lately can be overcome. A white streak will come in life, and luck will accompany everything.

The whole face is covered with pimples

It is worth reconsidering your actions and deeds, so that later you will not be ashamed of them and do not have to answer. It is also necessary to analyze and, if possible, correct your past mistakes.

One huge pimple

Large profits are expected.

It could be a gift from a relative or a lottery win. It is possible to receive an unexpected inheritance.


Dreamed acne predicts financial well-being and a successful career for a person. For girls, a dream can mean a long-awaited marriage. In some cases, dreams warn of negative situations that may happen.

To prevent unpleasant consequences in life, you need to be able to correctly decipher dreams, and it is imperative to take into account the details and who had the dream.