Dream interpretation samurai with a sword. Phoebe's big dream book Interpretation of sleep Sword. What does Sword mean in a dream?

Dream interpretation sword

Why is the sword dreaming? This symbol has a large number of interpretations according to the version various dream books... Before turning to special sources for help, you need to decide on the details of your dream scenario, and draw appropriate conclusions based on the information received. Each symbol is unique, and therefore it cannot be tried on only for one specific image.

Where to begin?

As the dream book narrates, the sword is a symbol of victory over enemies, as well as positive life changes, but you should not rejoice ahead of time. Underneath all this positive, there can be hostility and a tense situation within the family.

What does the vision tell about?

What is the dream of a sword that had to be used for its intended purpose? If you are watching someone, then you will actually gain fame and authority. The dreaming symbol can be seen in a different state:

  • whole and brilliant - to gain strength and health;
  • broken and rusty - to a serious illness.

However, another interpretation can be distinguished, foreshadowing revenge or treason. loved one... The dreamer must become extremely careful in preparation for a possible trick.

Why is the battle dreaming?

The bloody sword battle brought discord and tears to many families, and therefore such a scenario is unlikely to leave positive emotions in a sleeping person. The dreamer must understand who is attacking whom, what events occur next.


If you had to fight using your sword, then in reality expect difficult times... Your enemies will be at the peak of their luck, which cannot be said about you.

Dreaming about the battle

If you fight one on one, there is a high probability of loss, but if the enemy was defeated by your hand, then most likely you will come out of this situation with your head held high.

According to the second interpretation, a representative of the stronger sex may have a rival, causing jealousy and quarrels with his beloved. The dream book recommends to immediately resolve the situation without resorting to reproaches and insults, since they will not lead to a positive result. Your task is to give more love and care that the chosen one is trying to find from another man.


If you only have to defend yourself with a sword, then a serious quarrel with business partners will occur in your life. the main task - to find a compromise in the current situation, excluding further misunderstandings, which could further undermine the existing relationship.

Seeing a wound in a dream

If the battle led to injury, then, according to the dream book, envious people and enemies gathered in a close circle of a person, waiting for the right moment for a counterattack. If you were badly wounded in a dishonest fight, then soon you will learn about plans that can be started that can be prevented.

If you injured your offender, then very soon your cunning will help achieve the desired result. A mortal wound is a symbol of boundless strength and energy.

What's happened?

Many dream interpreters focus on the fact that in order to obtain a correct forecast, a sleeping person must remember night images as accurately as possible. In real life, it is difficult to find two identical dreams, and therefore you need to follow simple recommendations.


What can making a sword mean? As a rule, such a sign portends an influx of work that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure. According to the second interpretation, a sleeping person is a blacksmith of his own happiness, that is, success and well-being will depend on his actions.

See the forging of a sword in a dream


If a woman pulled out a cold weapon from its scabbard, then, according to the interpreter of dreams, the long-awaited firstborn will await her. If the battle immediately began, then in reality you will have to defend your own reputation.

To take the sword out of its scabbard and go on a hike - to gain great happiness, says the Chinese dream book.

Important details

Viewing a sword in a museum is a lack of romance. If a young representative of the fair sex entered into a duel, then, according to Miller's dream book, her feelings would not be entirely mutual.

Most likely, the chosen one will lead her by the nose for a long time.

The dreamer's task is to remember the image of the sword, which he managed to see in his night dreams. If you saw a samurai sword, then there will be more illogical actions in your life. You need to get rid of such a character trait, and therefore you need to learn how to control your own emotions.

If it has become difficult to characterize other people's actions, then it makes sense to use your own ingenuity.

What can a souvenir sword hanging on the wall mean? Dream interpreters talk about danger. If he fell, then in reality he will have to use all his strength and courage. Holding antique weapons - to the renewal of forgotten enmity.

Do you like edged weapons? Even those who have never held it in their hands have a very good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a sword looks like. The image of this military weapon is familiar to people from films and books. And what does this image mean if it appears to us in dreams? About what the sword is dreaming of, read below.

The sword is in your hands

Never held a sword? This is a bit of a problem for the imagination. It can helpfully provide you with this opportunity. Why is the sword dreaming? If you see edged weapons in a dream, do not be alarmed. It only partly portends trouble. A man always bared his sword in cases when enemies were approaching. But if you have edged weapons at the ready, no enemy will be afraid. The person who held the blade in the dream is well prepared for battle. In reality, you do not have to use force to cope with the problem. But it doesn't hurt to be on the alert. A person must be ready to repel the attack of enemies who can plan their operation for a long time. For example, shortly after sleep, a person may experience problems at work. The blockage will be solved simply if you are ready for it. Delegate some of the tasks and take some of the work home. Problems can be solved quickly if you manage to have a good rest and gain strength before an emergency.

Golden sword

A person who holds a weapon of noble metal in a dream is doomed to success. The dream foreshadows the person that health and personal affairs will be on the mend. The subconscious mind indicates the vector of development, and does not predict fate. A person who sees himself in a dream with a golden sword should enroll in a gym or do some kind of sports. Such training can raise morale and improve the physical fitness of the individual.

Why dream of a sword made of gold? A similar image portends improvements in fate. A person will be able to get a promotion and cope with new responsibilities without problems. The person should understand that nothing in life is given just like that. And in order to get a place in the sun, you have to sweat a lot. Take on the extra workload and complete your projects on time. Take the initiative and everyone possible ways move forward. Be active and take action. This is the only way you can quickly achieve career growth.

Give a sword

Why is the sword presented to you in a dream? If the blade is sharp, danger awaits you. The subconscious mind warns the dreamer that someone from relatives or close friends is weaving intrigues. People can be jealous of success, or they can entertain themselves by spreading gossip. Evil tongues can ruin anyone's life. Therefore, try to find the enemy among your friends before he takes action. You can disarm a person by honest conversation. Take the potential offender to clean water and ask why he decided to ruin your life. Believe me, a person can have plenty of reasons. There is a possibility that the behavior of this person is quite fair. You could once greatly offend him or annoy him. If this becomes clear in a conversation, ask for forgiveness and ask how you can make amends. Offer the person help or advice. The one who is going to take revenge is often in such a position when he urgently needs help from outside.


Why dream of fighting with swords? Such a colorful performance foreshadows trouble. Many interpreters say that in reality the dreamer will have evil rivals who want to ruin a person's life. Such persons can appear both in the work sphere and in personal life. At work, the dreamer may have a competitor. Such a person should not be perceived as an enemy. A person who is equal to you in the power of reason or is slightly ahead of you in his development is a very useful person. Competition will be an incentive to work. You will improve your knowledge, pump your abilities, and all this will be done easily and with pleasure.

What is the dream of sword fighting? Scenes like these foreshadow the appearance of a rival in his personal life. Take a closer look at the environment of the other half. Is there a former love on the horizon or a candidate for the role of a heart conqueror? Become more attentive to your loved one, show tenderness and care. The other half will not go anywhere if they are sure of the sincerity of your feelings.

Sharpen the sword

Are you worried about the night dreams you saw? Why does a woman dream of a sword? If in dreams a woman sharpened edged weapons, then soon she should expect good news. All business started will be completed quickly and easily, and there will be more reasons for joy. A girl can find herself a new hobby that will allow her to make interesting acquaintances and realize her creative potential. Meeting old friends can bring joy. The woman could forget that she had agreed to go to the cinema, and the subconscious mind at night decides to make an unusual reminder to the dreamer.

Sharpening swords portends a girl's happiness in the business sphere. A lady can open her own business, and her business will go uphill. But it is not worth delaying the implementation of the conceived idea. You should start preparing to start your business immediately.

Forge sword

Are you not distinguished by blacksmithing skills? The subconscious mind can give you the opportunity to appear in the role of a forge in night dreams. Why does he say that the weapons that you forge for yourself will help you in the future. A proverb would be appropriate here: man is the blacksmith of his own happiness. The subconscious hints about this to you. In reality, you need to think about your problems and ways to solve them. The person must be step by step plan, in which you should paint how to find a way out of a difficult situation. It will be easy to carry out the plan. You just need to start and your plan will begin to be implemented.

Find the sword

Why do you dream of a sword in your hands? Did you find edged weapons on the road? This is a bad omen. The subconscious mind tells the dreamer that a vile person has appeared in his environment. Such a person may impersonate a friend, but in fact create meanness and spread gossip. Think about which of your new acquaintances is capable of such disgusting deeds. If you can't figure out the "rat" yourself, ask your best friends for help. Close people will help you find a traitor who decided to destroy your happiness. Such a person will turn out to be envious. If he regrets and says that you misunderstood your intentions, do not believe it. Disown him and don't talk to him. There is no point in continuing to communicate with unworthy people.

Broken sword

If your melee weapon is broken, then expect trouble. You will start to have health problems. There is a chance that they have already begun, and you stubbornly ignore them. Demonstrating the image of a sword, the subconscious wants to convey to the dreamer the importance of the problem. A person who saw a cold weapon must undergo a full medical examination. Do not hide the truth from yourself, even if it is not very pleasant. Knowing about your problems, it will be easier to solve them. After reviewing the survey report, make a step-by-step plan for what and when you will treat. A similar table should be done in consultation with a doctor. Ignoring the signs that the subconscious mind sends, a person can get sick and even die. Do not let death, treat immediately.

Swing the sword

The subconscious mind shows quite accessible images, and even without a dream book they can be unraveled. What can mean a dream in which a person brandishes a sword? A person who waves a cold weapon without any purpose, in reality, is very afraid of something. She may be intimidated by the responsibilities or responsibilities that need to be taken on. The subconscious mind considers such fears to be trifling. Don't be afraid of your daily responsibilities. A person should become stronger and learn to relax. Feel free to face problems and do not worry that you will not cope with something. There will always be people who can help you.

Sheath the sword

Why is a girl dreaming of a sword? If a woman is sheathed with edged weapons, it means that she wants to improve relations with someone around her. The lady should reflect with whom in recent times she could quarrel. A person can not always notice the wrongs inflicted on him. The opponent may remain silent and not respond to the abuse, but harbor resentment. The girl who is told by the subconscious to put the sword into the sheath should be softer with those around her. A lady must learn to restrain her emotions and not flare up for any reason. The girl must avoid conflicts with all her might, they can end badly for her.

Sword in the hands of a woman

Did you dream that you are good at knives? Why dream of a sword in the hands of a woman? To hold edged weapons in her hands is a great success for a girl. Such a dream should be interpreted as bringing happiness closer. The lady will be able to cope with all the difficulties. a woman can alone, she will not have to ask for help either from friends or relatives. The enjoyment of this victory will be immense. A woman who in a dream will pull out a sword from its scabbard must wait for a replenishment in the family. Soon she will give birth to a son. The heir will be born healthy and will grow obedient. Family life will be cloudless and happy.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

old - slander about the past; to the old enmity; beautiful - to reconciliation in the old lawsuit.

See weapons in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The interpretation of dreams in which a weapon is present depends largely on your personal attitude towards it. Some people are not afraid of the deadly power of weapons, as they often spend their free time hunting or in the shooting range. For this part of people, dreams about weapons are hardly worth giving fateful significance, however, if you do not take into account who is being shot and who is hunting nearby. However, others are afraid to deal with weapons - and for them it is a forbidden symbol, a symbol of taboo. If you belong to this part of people, then for you to see weapons in a dream is a sign of a threat from the environment or from other dream characters. Weapons symbolize desperate attempts to take control of a situation or establish authoritarian relationships with others.

Why do weapons dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

old - the return of old debt; the modern is empty jealousy; shoot - count on what you shoot; long road; they shoot at you - you will fall in love; lead or guest from afar; aiming - malaise; forced trip.

The meaning of a dream about a saber

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, wave a saber, as if scaring someone - you are so afraid that others will be disappointed in you that you tend to exaggerate the degree of your sexuality. Simply put, in conversations you attribute to yourself imaginary victims of your sex appeal, while the real situation is much more modest. Be careful, otherwise they will find out about your violent fantasies, and you will find yourself in an absurd situation. Fighting in a dream with someone on sabers - you have to fight for family happiness, which they want to take away from you. Perhaps a certain person will enter your family who will change the established state of affairs, will try to "turn the river back." It is in your power to prevent unhappiness if you are careful with those who come to your house.

Dreamed of a bayonet

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a bayonet in a dream means that your ill-wishers will try to subordinate you to their power. But if the bayonet belongs to you, the situation will be favorable for you.

Glaudius, scimitar, katana, kladenets sword, damask sword

Sword in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • To have - honor and glory
  • To break is neglect. Receive - Reach Power
  • Dreams of your own Marriage
  • Aliens - you will reveal the secret.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit Sleep Sword:

    Sword - to have - honor and glory - to break - neglect - to receive - to attain power

    What is the dream of the Sword in Modern dream book?

  • If you dreamed that you were looking at knightly armor and a sword in a museum, then in real life you lack romance. For the young women a dream in which she sees a sword fight warns her that she is misleading her fans, giving them unjustified hope of reciprocity.
  • IN Muslim dream bookif the Sword is dreaming:

  • Sword - sword - means a king, a child, woman or area.
  • If someone sees in a dream that he is wearing a sword in a sling, he will become a ruler in the state, or he will receive a wife, or will have a child.
  • If someone sees in a dream that the sling of his sword has torn, he will lose power, or his child will die, or he will give his wife a wrench.
  • If you dream about the Sword? IN Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky:

    Sword - Luck, luck, victory.

    The interpretation of the Sword's dream The newest dream book:

  • We'll have to sacrifice something to keep the current situation.
  • See the Sword in a dream in Eastern dream book:

  • The dream in which you examine knightly armor and a sword in a museum testifies that you lack romance. Young a woman a dream in which she sees a duel with swords hints: she is misleading her fans, giving them an unjustified hope of reciprocity.
  • What does it mean to see a Sword in a dream Noble dream book?

  • To put in a scabbard - the soul yearns in vain for peace.
  • To decorate it is to divert anger from another person to yourself.
  • To wave them - to experience fear; advice - do not waste your energy.
  • Falling off the wall - you'll need a lot of courage soon.
  • See him on the wall - stay away.
  • Its between you and another person
  • To take out of them is to experience a passionate feeling.
  • To hack to death - to win with his strength and energy.
  • The sword is too heavy - pity for the enemy bothers you.
  • Knocked out of hands - feel uncertainty.
  • To throw - they want to quarrel.
  • They cut you down - to discover new strength in yourself.
  • To lose is to feel chaos.
  • The sword will break in battle - your spirit is not strong enough.
  • To see the sword - to start enmity / to join the battle for the truth.
  • To pierce the enemy - to defeat him by cunning.
  • What does the sword mean in a dream Gypsy dream book?

  • Holding, carrying, or waving a sword - you will receive special awards. Fighting with a sword - to a quarrel with business partners.
  • Sword in a dream Schiller's dream book:

  • danger and successful self-defense.
  • To see the Sword in a dream. IN Women's dream book:

  • The dream in which you are watching a fight with swords does not bode well for you either good or bad. This is just a warning so that you stop and think before deceiving your many fans, each of whom is sure that you love him.
  • What does sword mean Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • Sword - means a king, a child, woman or some area.
  • If someone sees in a dream that he is wearing a sword in a sling, he will become a ruler in the state, or he will receive a wife, or will have a child.
  • If someone sees in a dream that the sling of his sword is torn, he will lose power or his child will die, or he will be forced to divorce his wife.
  • To dream of a Sword. IN Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book:

  • If he sees that he has pulled out the sword from its scabbard and inserted it back, then he will encourage good and forbid evil, receive prosperity, praise and reward.
  • What does the Sword in Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book:

  • You lose your knife, sword, saber. - Foreshadows ruin, monetary losses.
  • The woman pulls the sword from its scabbard. - The birth of a son.
  • Blood comes from the blow from the sword. - Heralds a treat with food and drink.
  • You take a sword from a man. - The arrival of a person from afar.
  • The man gives three swords. - You will become the head of the district, the governor.
  • A sword or knife lies at the head of the bed. - portends great happiness.
  • You travel, you walk with a sword or a knife in your hands. - Foreshadows material benefits.
  • Cutting yourself with swords with a man. - It portends great luck, benefit.
  • Knives or sword falls into the water. - Heralds the death of his wife.
  • You hold a sword (knife) in your hands, strike and prick another person. - portends loss.
  • Sharpen the edge of a knife or sword. - Foreshadows joy, good luck.
  • The woman is holding a sword. - Great happiness, honors.
  • Having pulled out the sword from its scabbard, you go on a hike. - portends great happiness.
  • About the appearance of a rival, which can make you jealous and lead to a quarrel with your beloved woman.

    Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

    Sword - honor, protection / danger; whole, clean - health, strength; rusty, broken - illness; break down - joy; to find - dangerous friends; to lose - sadness; hurt someone - well-being / quarrel with that person.

    Dream interpretation of a gypsy

    Knives or sword falls into the water - portends the death of his wife.

    You lose - ruin, monetary losses.

    Traveling, walking with a sword - portends material benefits.

    Sharpen the edge - joy, good luck.

    The woman pulls the sword from its scabbard - the birth of a son.

    Islamic dream book

    If he sees that he pulled the sword out of its scabbard and put it back - he will incite to good and forbid evil, will receive prosperity, praise and reward.

    Sword - means a king, child, woman or region.

    Will become a ruler in the state, or will receive a wife, or will have a child.

    If he loses power, or his child dies, or gives his wife a divorce.

    Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

    Sword - means a king, a child, a woman or some area.

    If anyone sees in a dream that he carries a sword in a sling - he will become a ruler in the state, or will receive a wife, or will have a child.

    If anyone sees in a dream that the sling of his sword has broken - he will lose power or his child will die, or he will be forced to divorce his wife.

    Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

    See yourself impaled by the sword - to anxiety or to desolation.

    Wear a sword - to the disease.

    Exercise with a sword - it promises protection.

    Be impaled by a sword or wounded - to anxiety.

    Swing them - to the opportunity to experience fear.

    If a sword is thrown between you and another person - it means that someone wants to embroil you.

    Chopping in a dream with swords - to great luck, benefit; sharpen a sword - to joy, luck.

    To pierce the enemy with a sword - to his victory with your cunning, hack an enemy with a sword - to victory by his strength and energy.

    The sword on the wall to see - warning: be on your guard; sword falling from the wall - means that you will need a lot of courage soon.

    Sheath the sword - means that your soul yearns in vain for peace, take out of them - you will soon experience a strong passion; steal sword - to divert anger from another person to yourself, lose sword - to the chaos of feelings and thoughts.

    The sword in the dream is too heavy - means that pity bothers you.

    Take a sword from someone in a dream - to a guest from afar, take three swords at once - to a promotion; travel in a dream with a sword in hand - to a close, material benefit; if the sword is at the head of the bed - great happiness awaits you.

    Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

    Sword - this powerful symbol can carry several meanings. He can indicate power, truth and honor. The Knights of the Round Table used swords to serve truth and good.

    The sword can be a symbol - protection. Do you feel like you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from physical or emotional threats? Sometimes it is more beneficial to strengthen your strength than to focus on defense and attack.

    The sword also says - about the destruction of the ego and penetration behind the veils of the illusions of life. In folk tales, a dragon or monster is usually killed with a sword. The monster can symbolize your own demons I or your inner illusory world.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    To dream of people threatening you with swords - means that in the near future you will be seized by an irresistible desire to leave everything and indulge in rest, which you will do.

    Be wounded by the sword - to illness and severe mental shock.

    Fight someone with swords - your arrogant attitude towards friends will lead to the fact that they will avoid contact with you. Broken sword - a sign of treason and cruel revenge.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    Receive - to achieve power.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Sword - to try to regain their place.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    Look at a sword in a dream - to justify before the authorities, as the proverb says: the sword does not cut a guilty head.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Seeing a sword in a dream - to some kind of pain.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Sword battle seen in a dream - says that you will have enemies.

    If you dream that you are forging a sword in a forge - in reality painstaking work awaits you, which, however, will bring satisfaction.

    Dream interpretation for bitches

    Sword - An unexpected and dangerous nuisance, although it will catch you by surprise, will not cause harm, because you will be able to quickly concentrate 'and repel the attack.

    Women's dream book

    A dream in which you watch a sword fight - does not promise you anything good or bad. This is just a warning so that you stop and think before deceiving your many fans, each of whom is sure that you love him.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

    Sword in a dream - symbolizes a very serious conflict that requires a lot of tension and resilience.

    If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

    Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

    Turn the linens inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

    Parable "Teacher of Calmness"

    There lived a great master of fencing. And there was no equal to him in that matter in the whole wide world.

    One day a student came to him and asked him to teach him how to fight with sharp swords.

    The master did not want to take new disciples and was not disposed towards the applicant who came, but he was so stubborn and insistent that the master showed sympathy and agreed.
    He drew a square in red paint on the floor of the hangar where the classes were held, and told the student to walk methodically and relaxed along its outline.

    Every day the student walked the contour of this square with perseverance and calmness.

    Days, weeks, months passed. After a year of senseless walks, the student came to the master and said:
    - I can not do it anymore! I do not get the point of it! Let me go!

    - But I see the meaning! If you really want to learn - continue your studies, - the teacher answered.

    And the student again began to walk on the square and again at one moment could not stand it.

    - That's it I'm leaving! I asked you to teach me how to fight with swords, and instead I am engaged in dumb walking with an incomprehensible purpose.

    Then the master removed two sharp swords from the wall. He took one himself, and gave the second to the student.

    - And now you must remember your inner state, in which you walked the contour of this square day after day. The master took the sword and struck.

    The disciple repelled it effortlessly. The master struck another blow, and again the apprentice deflected it.

    The master struck again and again and the disciple easily reflected them.
    - Now, you can do everything and I have nothing more to teach you, - said the master and left.