What's the most important lesson you've learned from your life? Life lessons to be learned before it's too late An important lesson in life

Lessons from a life-wise person that we must learn in order to gain invaluable experience from the older generation

Life experience is one of the most important things in life. We all strive to be independent, wise, self-confident individuals. However, sometimes, we forget that our wisdom is an experience gained over many years. For the sake of such an experience, many people go through many obstacles and difficulties in life. For this reason, the experience of the older generation is very important for us, as it carries life lessons - the most valuable knowledge.

Here are 50 life lessons we must learn from Barry Davenport, a life-wise man:

  1. Life is what it is now. We are always looking forward to incredible things that will happen in the future, but we forget that life is going on right now. Learn to live in the present moment and stop hoping for illusions in the future.
  2. Fear is an illusion. Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even if they do, they often turn out to be not as bad as we thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen. The reality is not so bad.
  3. The most important thing in your life is the people you are close to. Always put them first. They are more important than your job, hobby, computer. Appreciate them as if they are your whole life. Because that's the way it is.
  4. Debts are not worth it. Spend money according to your ability. Live freely. Debt won't let you do this.
  5. Your children are not you. You are the vessel that brings children into this world and takes care of them until they can do it themselves. Teach them, love them, support them, but don't change them. Every child is unique and must live their own life.
  6. Things collect dust. The time and money you spend on things will one day ruin you. The fewer things you have, the more free you are. Buy smart.
  7. The fun is underestimated. How often do you have fun? Life is short and you have to enjoy it. And stop thinking about what others will think when you feel good. Just enjoy it.
  8. Mistakes are good. We often try to avoid mistakes, forgetting that they are the ones that lead us to success. Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.
  9. Friendship demands attention. Protect friendships like an ornamental plant. It will pay off.
  10. Experience first. If you can't decide whether to buy a sofa or go on a trip, always choose the latter. Joy and positive memories are much cooler than material things.
  11. Forget the anger. The satisfaction from anger goes away after a few minutes. And the consequences can last much longer. Listen to your emotions and when anger comes, take a step in the opposite direction.
  12. And remember about kindness. A small dose of kindness can work wonders with the people around you. And it requires little effort from you. Practice this daily.
  13. Age is a number. When you are 20, you think 50 is a nightmare. But when you are 50, you feel like you are 30. Our age should not determine our attitude to life. Don't let the numbers change the real you.
  14. Vulnerability heals. It's great to be open, real, and vulnerable. This enables the people around you to trust you and share their emotions with you, and you can share them in return.
  15. Posing builds walls. Creating an image of another person in order to impress someone will play a cruel joke on you. Very often people see you-the real through the image, and it repels them.
  16. Sport is power. Exercising on a regular basis should be part of your lifestyle. It makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. It also improves health and appearance. Sport is a cure for all diseases.
  17. Resentment hurts. Let her go. There is simply no other right way.
  18. Passion improves life. When you find any activity that you are crazy about, every day becomes a gift. If you haven't found your passion yet, make it your goal to do it.
  19. Travel gives experience and expands consciousness. Traveling makes you more interesting, wiser and better. They teach you how to interact with people, their habits and cultures.
  20. You are not always right. We think we know the answer to any question, but we don't. There is always someone smarter than you, and your answers are not always correct. Remember this.
  21. It will pass. Whatever happens in life, it will pass. Time heals, but things change.
  22. You define your purpose. Life is boring without a purpose. Decide what's important to you and build your life around it.
  23. Often times, risk is good. To change your life, you have to take risks. Making deliberate and risky decisions helps you grow.
  24. Change is always for the better. Life is changing, and you shouldn't resist it. Don't be afraid of change, go with the flow and see life as an adventure.
  25. Thoughts are unreal. Thousands of thoughts fly through my head every day. Many of them are negative and frightening. Don't trust them. These are just thoughts, and they will not become reality if you do not help them.
  26. You cannot control others. We want the people around us to behave the way we want them to. But the reality is that we cannot change other people. Respect the uniqueness and independence of each person.
  27. Your body is a temple. Each of us has something that we hate in our body. But our body is the only thing that belongs only to us. Treat him with respect and take care of him.
  28. Touching heals. Touch has many positive properties. They normalize the heartbeat, improve well-being and relieve stress. This is a gift to be shared.
  29. You can handle it. It doesn't matter what situation is in your head. The reality is you can handle it. You are much stronger and wiser than you think. You will get through it and experience it.
  30. Gratitude makes a person happier. And not only the one to whom the gratitude is addressed, but also the one who says it. Remember to thank people for everything they do for you.
  31. Listen to your intuition. Your reasoning is very important, but intuition is your superpower. She uses your experience and life model to find the answer to any question. Sometimes it arises spontaneously, and better listen to it.
  32. Remember yourself first. Don't be narcissistic, but remember that the most important person to you is yourself.
  33. Self-honesty is freedom. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception is blinding yourself.
  34. Ideals are boring. Perfectionism will make your life boring. Our differences, features, phobias and weaknesses are what makes us unique. Remember this.
  35. Take action to find purpose in life. She will not find herself. Help her in this and do your best to find the goal.
  36. Small things are important too. We all expect big victories and achievements, forgetting that they consist of small and sometimes even imperceptible steps. Appreciate these steps.
  37. Learn. Is always. If you think that you know at least 1% of everything that is in our world, then you have never been so mistaken. Learn every day, learn something new about different things... Studying keeps our brains in good shape, even in adulthood.
  38. Aging is inevitable. Our bodies are aging and we cannot stop them. The best way slow down aging - enjoy life and live every day to the fullest.
  39. Marriage changes people. The person with whom you connected your life will change over time. But you too! Don't let these changes take you by surprise.
  40. Worry is pointless. You only need to worry if it leads you to a solution to the problem. But the nature of worry is such that it never happens. Worry shuts down your brain, and you simply cannot deal with the situation. So learn to deal with anxiety and try to get rid of it.
  41. Heal your wounds. Don't let the wounds from your past affect your present life. Don't pretend they don't mean anything. Find support from loved ones or those who are professionally involved in the treatment of emotional trauma.
  42. Simpler is better. Life is full of complexity, confusion and commitment that only make it worse. Simple life gives space for joy and favorite activities.
  43. Do your job perfectly. If you want to achieve anything in life, you have to work. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but don't rely on them. Trust in yourself.
  44. It's never too late. Late is just an excuse not to try. You can achieve your goals at any age.
  45. Actions heal longing. Any action is a cure for anxiety, procrastination, melancholy and anxiety. Stop thinking and do something.
  46. Do what you feel like doing. Be proactive. Don't wait for life to roll a bone for you. You may not like the taste of it.
  47. Let go of prejudice. Don't be attached to the opinions or beliefs of the community. Be open to any opportunity or idea. You will be surprised how many opportunities life gives if you do not reject them.
  48. Words matter. Think before you speak. Don't use words to offend the person. When you do this, there will be no turning back.
  49. Live every day. When you're 90, how many days will you have left? Live and appreciate each of them.
  50. Love is the answer to any question. Love is why we are here. This is the force that drives the world. Share and express it every day. Make the world a better place.

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We all went to school once. Remember how touching and exciting it was to enter first grade. We put on school uniforms and, with our heads held high, carried the bouquet to our first teacher.

School in our understanding was something new, unknown and incredibly interesting. Having started learning, we said goodbye to childhood and began a difficult path into adulthood. We were too small, and we had no other choice. Therefore, school life was presented in bright colors. The parents were as happy as we were, because it was assumed that the school would lay the basic foundation of knowledge, so necessary in the future. In addition, for the next 9-11 years, children are attached. At the same time, few people think that modern system school education does not keep children interested in knowledge and does not teach independence. But it perfectly forms dependence and indifference. So, after serving our term at school desks, we go to universities for another five years. Having received the long-awaited diploma of education, we go free and, with disappointment, realize that most of our knowledge is not applicable in life. Assessments that were once the meaning of life, except for ourselves, are of no interest to anyone. But to deserve them, we spent fifteen years. Gradually, through trial and error, we become wiser, gain self-confidence and are ready to overcome the next batch of obstacles. At the same time, rarely does anyone think that many life difficulties might not have happened if they told us about them at school.

What we are taught in school

How often do adults use the knowledge they learn at school or university? Yes, they studied many different subjects, wrote tests, passed exams. However, few people will be able to prove a theorem, solve a problem in chemistry, name the capital of Madagascar, or speak a foreign language fluently. And mathematics is a separate topic altogether. For many people, logarithms and integrals have remained a mystery, like the ancient writing of the Maya Indians. The situation with today's schoolchildren is no less sad. Asking any child why he goes to school, we are unlikely to get a clear answer. Most children honestly admit they don't know or say, "Because everyone walks." And to the question: “What do they teach you there?”, Schoolchildren usually answer: “Read, write, count”. Moreover, many parents can teach a child this in just a few months. Even if only the school does it, the training should not drag on for many years.

According to the majority, the study of mathematics contributes to the development of logical and abstract thinking. Therefore, this subject is given a huge number of hours. curriculum... Of course, multiplication, solving equations and problems, makes the brain work. But is it only the exact sciences that develop the flexibility of the mind? Why is drawing, music, literature not suitable? The artist mentally imagines the drawing, calculates the proportions and distances, the pressure of the brush and the color saturation. The musician, synchronizing the composition with the text, remembers notes, chords, maintains the necessary pauses and at the same time adjusts the pressure on the instrument. The poet in his poems creates vivid images that only hint at certain qualities of real objects. In their activities, these people do not use mathematical calculations. However, they achieve excellent results. In real life, there are many situations that require a search for solutions and analysis, but do not belong to the exact sciences.

Halo effect

Each of us had "successful" and "lagging" classmates. In most cases, this stigma is stuck in elementary school and is very difficult to get rid of. Teachers believe that if a child is successful in mathematics, then the rest of the subjects are easy for him. Conversely, a student who received a couple of times bad grade are considered lazy or unable to learn. This phenomenon is called the halo effect. In other words - the wrong first impression of one person about another or about a situation. For example, people incorrectly believe that a talented singer can also run a bank well, and that a famous athlete will become a great politician. Or a person who dreams of driving is recommended to learn how to ride a bicycle. It is quite natural when we are successful in one thing, but do not understand another. And if we want to learn something, then we need to learn it, developing our abilities. Sing, paint, be fluent foreign languages... And school mathematics, supposedly developing abstract thinking, will definitely not help with this. It turns out that we are forced to count logarithms, only because they are prescribed in the school curriculum. How are these mathematical calculations useful in our everyday life?

Why do we go to school

We are told that school knowledge are needed when entering the university. Then why do all high school students attend training courses or do they work with tutors? And after graduating from university, we cannot find a job, because we have no experience. Or even worse - our profession has ceased to be in demand during our studies at the university. The exception is people who remain at the institute as a graduate student or teacher. But what about those who want to work in the office? It turns out that school and university do not give us the knowledge we need for real life. But they are constantly being checked: control, cut-off work, tests, exams. The school does not seek to educate all students and is discriminatory, dividing children into “capable” and “dumb”. Students are turned into obedient slaves, and children who do not want to obey are made losers.

In the education system, the most important thing is to get a mark for the only correct answer, not knowledge. Moreover, in modern world it is simply unrealistic to survive with one solution to the problem. Pupils are so keen on the race for grades that after the graduation ball they cannot answer elementary questions from the school curriculum. Many people say that school teaches us how to learn. Of course, it gives certain knowledge, teaches to think, but not to learn in any way. The school curriculum does not contribute to self-development and self-education, that is, personal qualities that make it possible to achieve success in life. The education system is destroying every child's creativity, making schoolchildren the same robots. At the same time, the school is a very convenient institution for any state. She controls children, forms the instinct of submission and allows you to impose the politics of the country. In the future, such people are easy to manage. Many states even publish their own history textbooks, which interpret events in a favorable light, taking into account the opinion and interests of the ruling elite.

The education system was formed several centuries ago. Over time, it was slightly corrected, but generally left unchanged. Of course, school and university are an important part of a person's life. However, we receive knowledge that is relevant, at best, for the last century, but not for the 21st century. School teaches us to live in a non-existent world. We don't need grades today. We need answers to questions about the difficulties and circumstances of modern life. The theoretical knowledge with which our heads are clogged is not applicable in practice in about 80% of cases. As a result, we see a lot of unhappy people who cannot properly organize their lives, because they were not taught this. At the same time, nothing fundamentally changes in training. Yes, they are building new schools, hiring talented teachers, reducing the number of children in classes, but this does not bring positive results. Because the education system itself remains wrong. As a result, both the students are crammed with this system and the teachers, who are also regularly tested on knowledge and re-certified by the teaching staff. Before the tests and exams, children are in a stressful state, as they are afraid of getting a bad grade. So why do they need this stress? Or do damaged nerves help someone in real life?

What knowledge needs to be given at school

Often in the media there is information that schoolchildren or students do not know the laws of thermodynamics, cannot solve an equation with three unknowns. At the same time, hardly anyone remembers the mediocre education system, which seriously lags behind modern life. The world is changing very quickly, therefore knowledge must correspond to reality. Every person at birth has their own creative potential, which schools and universities waste in equalizing our interests. Indeed, in order to live a full life, it is not at all necessary to memorize the material from the school curriculum. There are more important things that really come in handy in life. How much more useful it would be to go to school if life problems were solved there.

For example, in mathematics, you can calculate the real salary that a person receives. Since some pupils and even students naively believe that by earning $ 500 a month, you can save $ 6,000 in a year. If you subtract tax, transportation and lunch costs, you will be able to save, at best, an amount equal to your monthly income. We are not taught how to count change in the store, interest. Special attention should be paid to money management: how to change currency, conditions of bank loans, etc. In social studies, you need to talk about the rights and obligations of a person, about paying taxes, about how to get legal assistance and understand the laws. Tell about paperwork and obtaining various certificates. In literature lessons, teach children to correctly express their thoughts: how to write a business letter, a statement, how to communicate on the phone, negotiate, enter into a discussion. A school newspaper could be organized where students can publish their own articles. In informatics, talk about the everyday use of digital technologies. Tell students that the Internet is not only social networks and online toys, but also an excellent opportunity for self-development: electronic encyclopedias, distance learning... In addition, information on the global network is more relevant than in school textbooks. It is also important to focus on real-life situations in labor lessons. For example, how to turn off the water if the neighbors are flooded, connect the outlet, make repairs, wash things so as not to spoil them. The subject of life safety, by and large, is much more important than mathematics and physics, since it is about life. Basic survival skills, first aid and emergency behavior will be useful to every person.

The list of skills that are not taught in school goes on and on. On the one hand, these are the little things in life, but on the other, they are so necessary to survive in the modern world. Moreover, all the material does not need to be spent for many years. The mossy education system is unlikely to change anytime soon. Accordingly, you can only rely on yourself. Knowledge is our main wealth that will lead to success. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to self-development and teach your children to do this: read books, play sports, learn from someone else's and your own experience. Every child has the right, using the opportunities and knowledge of modern society, to grow up to be a happy person. But the education system, unfortunately, will not teach this.

The material was prepared by Daria Lychagina


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Regina Brett, twice Pulitzer Prize winner, became world famous for writing this philosophical column.

And she knows what she is talking about - she has endured a lot in her life. These lessons were written by a woman who raised her child alone for 18 years and managed to defeat breast cancer at 41, a woman who only met her true love at 45 and was able to achieve success and make a brilliant career.

45 lessons life has taught me:

  1. Life is not fair, but still good.
  2. When in doubt, take another step forward.
  3. Life is too short to be wasted on hate.
  4. Don't take yourself too seriously.
  5. Pay off your credit card debt every month.
  6. You don't have to win every argument.
  7. Cry with someone. It heals better than crying alone.
  8. You can get angry with God. He will understand.
  9. Save up for retirement from the first salary.
  10. When it comes to chocolate, it's pointless to resist.
  11. Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present.
  12. There is nothing wrong with children seeing your tears.
  13. Don't compare your life with someone else's. You have no idea what they are really experiencing.
  14. If the relationship is supposed to be secret, it’s better to give it up.
  15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God won't blink.
  16. Life is too short to be wasted in long boring parties.
  17. You can transfer anything you want if today is interesting for you.
  18. The writer writes. Write if you want to be a writer.
  19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, the second childhood depends entirely on you.
  20. When it comes time to follow what you truly love in this life, don't give up.
  21. Light the candles, use good sheets, wear nice underwear. Keep nothing for a special occasion. This special case is today.
  22. Do your best and even more, and then - come what may.
  23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear bright red clothes.
  24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.
  25. Your happiness does not depend on anyone but you.
  26. During any so-called disaster, ask yourself the question: "Will this be important in five years?"
  27. Goodbye to everyone and everyone.
  28. You shouldn't care what others think of you.
  29. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
  30. It doesn't matter if the situation is good or bad, it will change.
  31. Your job won't take care of you if you get sick. Your friends and family will do it, so take care of this relationship.
  32. Believe in miracles.
  33. Growing old is a more profitable alternative than dying young.
  34. Your children only have one childhood. Make it unforgettable.
  35. Come out for a walk every day. Miracles are happening everywhere.
  36. If we piled up all our problems and compared them to strangers, we would quickly take ours.
  37. You don't have to constantly look back at life. Just do your best right now.
  38. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
  39. However, the best is yet to come.
  40. Get rid of anything that is not useful, beautiful, or funny.
  41. All that really matters in the end is what you loved.
  42. It doesn't matter how you feel - get up, get dressed and go out in public.
  43. Give in.
  44. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
  45. Although life is not tied with a bow, it is still a gift.

I was once a schoolgirl, then I became a teacher. I did equally well in all or almost all subjects. But how many of them have come in handy in my life? Looking back, I can now quite clearly say which subjects were useful to me and which ones were not very useful. Some I, if I had my way, would leave and even expand, while others I would significantly reduce or even remove from the school curriculum.

Exact sciences

Now I have just returned from a forum where young mothers argue: do all the polls need exact sciences. Let the associate professors and professors, advisers and experts of the Ministry of Education decide about the "population size". I can only be responsible for my own experience: the exact sciences WORKED FOR me.

No, I did not calculate the height of my own house using trigonometric formulas, and the rest of the formulas were of little use to me in their pure form. But the exact sciences taught me:

  • count and calculate;
  • think analytically and logically;
  • having a couple known values, identify unknowns;
  • understand the initial laws of the universe.

Before my first and only loan, I was very worried that I would not be able to pay the installments on time. Both daughters studied at the university, one on a paid basis, the other on a free basis. All the money went with a whistle into this hole, there was little left until the payday. Naturally, I wanted to know exactly what my contributions would be, and what penalties apply to those who are late. I received the contract, but asked to take it home, which indescribably surprised the bank employee.

After calculating well on the calculator, adding on the costs of electricity and heating, plus the minimum costs for food and unforeseen costs for medicines and tights, I refused that loan and took it elsewhere. And even this one, more loyal, I barely pulled out. Thanks to my class teacher, math and algebra teacher - she taught me how to count.

It's the same with physics. Thanks to our old physicist, our whole class learned how to connect electrical circuits, repair educational sockets and switches. Low bow to you, Andrey Georgievich.

And also thank you for teaching us how to distinguish the electrical conductivity of objects, and I know exactly what can shock and what cannot, and how to deal with static electricity.

But about astronomy, about Kepler's laws, like Newton's laws, I only know that there seem to be only two of them, and they all relate to mass and energy. That's all I got out of school course... We learned constellations later together with our daughters in the interesting children's magazines "The World Around You".

Chemistry, for all its attractiveness, turned out to be not such an applied science. Well, I know that NaCl is salt and H2O is water. But in the choice of household chemicals, such chemical formulas are now used that I have no idea about: these are harmful compounds or neutral ones.

Natural science

Botany, zoology and anatomy, as well as geography - I attributed all this to the natural sciences. I never had a passion for them, but, oddly enough, they came in handy. The sweetest granny taught us floriculture, and I learned how to destroy pests without killing the flowers themselves and houseplants... I learned how to do top dressing and correctly pinch the processes, achieving splendor.

I know who pollinates whom in the plant world, and how fertilization generally occurs, including in humans. Mendel's laws of heredity are, in principle, an interesting thing, but I can hardly figure out whose nose my offspring will inherit: maybe mine, or maybe my second aunt's grandmother due to a strange combination of genes.

The fauna is quite interesting and diverse, but zoology was useful to me only in keeping my pets, and then, I shoveled a lot of literature. I think that it makes no sense to study zoology for a whole year, they give a lot of extensive, but superficial knowledge there. It would be better to give short, but useful, - about diseases of pets or about their maintenance / upbringing.

Geography was presented in our country one-sidedly. I knew the map of Russia well, but even the geography of the union republics was very bad, not to mention the rest of the world. Well, who of you will tell you offhand where Argentina is - in the North or South America? And the Dominican Republic?


The humanities, especially languages, have come in handy in my life. They, and even literature, feed me to this day. Maria Mikhailovna was an honored teacher of the Russian language and literature. She made our immature mind think, taught a clumsy language to find the right words to convey her emotions to listeners and readers.

But here's the bad thing: the volumes of books to read were and remain too large. I think all four volumes of War and Peace were read by one of the class. So we had meaningful dialogues with the teacher, and the rest dozed quietly. With a shudder I remember how I struggled through the long French dialogues, so beloved by Lev Nikolaevich, with footnotes, asterisks and explanations of the translator. Who can master such a thing at the age of 15? Audiobooks are not an option. Auditory perception is a rare form of perception. Most people fall asleep while reading measured, right? It is high time for the school curriculum in literature to be revised, cleaned up and shortened.

Sports and culture

I wrote about my relationship with sports at school to V. I was not hopelessly unsportsmanlike and proved it by earning the title of Tourism Instructor. But I did not fit into the school framework: the goat, rope, log and other shells became my personal enemies. I believe that swimming and self-defense should be taught at school, and there should be rope parks and other devices for active pastime in the yard. There, children can climb, hang and develop their normal reflexes.

Here, in sports, I also referred to NVP - initial military training. Hmm, who would have thought that she would be useful to me? But it came in handy!

I can, for example, hide behind a hemp when nuclear explosion... Hmmm, and such posters hung in our cockpit: actions when the enemy used weapons of mass destruction. I remember being amazed at how important it is to wash off radioactive dust. Why did no one think about it, when in 1987 strawberries from Zhitomir were sold everywhere, where a dusty cloud was blown away by the wind ... And if it's no joke, then I could disassemble the AKM, march and do exercises on the parade ground just as well as boys. I served in the army, and my school skills were very useful to me.

With regard to culture, not everything is so simple. Remember the singing lessons? Why singing and not music? Nobody sang, everyone was fooling around, and our teacher bleated lonely with his thin barite to his own accompaniment.

But then, already being a teacher, I went to a music lesson to visit my class and make a couple of announcements. I went in and stayed: they listened to the classics! The children discussed, argued and again listened to certain points. I don’t know if it was in the program, however, I’m convinced: you need to learn to listen to music, and different ones. Let it be optional, but at least give an idea of ​​real music.

Drawing drawing strife. I myself taught art in a rural school part-time. After short courses, we, young teachers of other specialties, were taught to draw and teach drawing so that everyone could depict a person, a bird or a tree. There are, it turns out, special techniques, very effective. They are now being actively presented as know-how.

Here, I also refer home economics to culture. We were taught to make patterns, sew, embroider and mend holes. Oh, how my knowledge helped me! I regretted that I did not know how to sew shoes - everything else, from dresses to tracksuits, I sewed myself. I embroidered emblems, sewed in zippers, everything was like a "brand". Remember "Chinese dresses"? I also sewed them, not only for my daughters, but also for the girls of the neighborhood. And how many socks and tights I have darned, do not count.

We were also taught to cook and set the table. Thanks to Nina Fedorovna for this. But, alas, no one taught us manners at the table. I sharply regretted this in a Greek restaurant, when from my clumsy attempt to use a knife and fork, the olive flew right to the next table. Good manners cannot be instilled in one day.

What I clearly lacked

After graduating from school, I missed a lot. Nobody taught me first aid. I would not refuse also from driving lessons, from the course of minor car repairs and household appliances or from carpentry skills. Let our girlish housekeeping and labor lessons for boys alternate! Then they would learn to cook, and we - to repair small things and drive a car. Let us be given a driver's license along with a certificate.

I lacked basic legal knowledge, for example, in the sphere of consumption or protection of labor protection. I also see today that I had no idea about pedagogy and child physiology. We all deal with younger children: brothers, sisters and nephews. How to handle them properly? How do you know if adults are treating them and you personally? Hygiene issues, child abuse issues and the basics of sex education - this was clearly not enough for me.

Yes, many children copy the behavior of their parents. But, if children have an alternative: to grow up the same as their parents or to become different - where do they get other role models? The school has the opportunity to receive not only education, but also upbringing. It would be nice if our children as a result were able to:

  • to distinguish bad from good, not theoretically, but practically,
  • plan your life,
  • not to postpone problems, but to solve them as they become available;
  • be able to calculate your finances;
  • be able to defend yourself and know the basics of survival,
  • know and apply the practical rules of communication.

And finally. There are many losers in life and that's okay. Nature deliberately made people unequal in terms of laziness and ingenuity. But if you do not teach the child anything, he will have less chances than others, even if the child is by nature intelligent and active.

And what school subjects helped you in life, and what turned out to be completely unnecessary?

Life is a difficult thing, and it's not for nothing that they say that you still need to be able to live your life well. Sometimes life gives us such problems that their solution seems to us from the realm of fantasy.

How to overcome everything and make your life bloom with new and very bright colors?

There are several lessons that everyone should learn in order to at least slightly improve their life.

So meet Life Lessons:

1 You and I live in the present

We need to remember with you that we are in the present time, that is, we do not need to worry too much about the past (it cannot be returned), and very often think about the future (especially in a negative form). You just need to Live - with capital letter this word, and also try to make our life better here and now. And remember that this is not just "thinking about the future", but much more effective.

2 Life is very short

Life is short, so everything in this life must be done, and the sooner you start, the better. Therefore, stop for a moment and think about what is really important and paramount for you in life, and what does not matter. And start to act on the basis of these priorities. Without delay!

3 If today it is very difficult for you, then tomorrow it will definitely pay off

Therefore, you should never lose heart and give up when difficulties arise. They are always there when we start something new and really worthwhile. Ask yourself the following question: "Am I ready to spend 5 years my life in a way that others do not want, so that later the rest of my life can be lived as others never dreamed of ?!" My answer is definitely YES!

4 Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Believe me, if this becomes a habit with you, then you and everyone around you will simply be amazed at the fact that all your affairs will be done simply with cosmic speed.

5 In any, even the most terrible mistake, there is a positive experience

For those people who continue to hope for the best, even being in a very difficult situation, there is always a chance to fix everything, so do not pay attention to mistakes, but just move on.

6 You are your best friend

Before you start to like other people, before they begin to respect and reckon with you, you must first of all make friends with yourself. We must start to like ourselves, respect ourselves and reckon with ourselves.

7 Less words, more action

The person whose words do not disagree with deeds is worthy of the respect of others. But the one who does business without wasting words and achieves success is doubly worthy of this respect. Do more, don't talk.

8 If everyone in the world does at least one good deed during the day, the world will change for the better.

This lesson is without comment. Help the beggar or move the old woman across the road and this world will change. At least for you.

9 Time heals any pain

Here is an excerpt from one book:

“When a few years ago I asked my grandmother how to forget all the bad things that happened to me, she drew two circles and said:“ Look at them. ” Black circles are our life experiences. Mine is bigger because I am older and have seen a lot. And the little red circle inside is all bad that happened to us. Let's say that something bad happened to us - the same thing.

But on my black circle, it will take up a much smaller percentage of its area. For you, it seems much larger because it is a hefty part of yours. life experience... I am not saying that it is not important, but I look at it in a completely different way. Understand - what is most important for you now and covers the whole world, with time will recede into the past and will not seem so important as it is now. "

10 Never give up!

In this lesson I will simply quote the words of Mike Tyson: "When it is very difficult for me, then I remind myself that if I give up now, it won't make it easier for me!"

I hope that these lessons in life will at least make it a little better!

Thank you and Good luck to you!