Sauna approval. Sauna in an apartment Sauna in a residential building opening hours

Bathhouse in the house: pros and cons

Installation of stove and chimney

  • It is more difficult to install a sewer drain system in the basement. You will need to dig a hole in the basement floor large enough to accommodate the waste water tank.

    On the prohibition of the operation of a sauna located in a residential apartment building

    In the future, the contents will have to be pumped out of it using a pump and sent to the main sewer.

  1. The installation of shelves at the top and bottom follows the same principle. For greater comfort, you can make the lower shelves removable or, in extreme cases, retractable. Installation work is carried out using stainless steel screws.

    But the caps of the consumables will be hot during steam procedures. To avoid accidentally getting burned, you should slightly deepen the screws into the thickness of the planks.

There are times when it is impossible to install an independent hood, then you need to leave a small gap (10-15 mm) under the door. It is also possible to make a special hole in the door leaf, which can be opened if necessary. It will serve as an exhaust valve.

Installation of stove and chimney

All articles Current issues concerning the illegal equipment of a sauna and (or) bathhouse in a non-residential premises (V. Marinovskaya)

In the commercial activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who own real estate (in particular, non-residential premises), there are often cases of conflicts of interest regarding the ownership, use and disposal of common areas when carrying out repair and reconstruction work on the real estate property they own. This is especially true for owners who own basement or attic premises, as well as tenants and subtenants who decide to carry out construction and redevelopment of the leased property.

This article will discuss the reconstruction of basements and first floors in non-residential commercial premises, basements and basements in multi-apartment residential buildings and other buildings for the construction of saunas and baths. This question is very relevant, since, as practice shows, the majority of people who begin this reconstruction often do not receive permission from any of the co-owners of the premises (in particular, this applies to load-bearing walls and communications affected by this type of reconstruction: gas, water, heat and electricity supplies, on which the load increases sharply and which, as a rule, are not designed for this), and the competent authorities required to control these types of work. This, in turn, leads to lawsuits, numerous restoration work and, as a result, to losses and wasted nerves and financial investments. Considering the huge disparate body of legislation, which includes various GOSTs, norms and SNIPs, as well as the fact that the legal relations of owners of non-residential premises, non-residential premises in apartment buildings, affecting the use of the common property of the building, are not directly regulated by law, co-owners are often lost and they do not know on the basis of what legal acts they can defend their rights violated by illegal redevelopment.
To substantiate the relevance of the above, we can consider case No. 2-7835/2014 dated December 2, 2014 (Sverdlovsk District Court of Perm, Perm region). During the consideration of the case, it was established: HOA "S" filed a lawsuit against B., R., LLC "P-T" and asked to declare illegal the actions of the defendants in arranging a mini-hotel in the basement, to recognize illegal the actions of the defendants in arranging in the basement of the sauna house, declare illegal the actions of the defendants to change the in-house engineering equipment and utility networks(…). The court fully satisfied the HOA's requirements.
In its decision, the court proceeded from the provisions of Part 1 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, SNiP “Residential Buildings” (it is not allowed to locate all enterprises in the basements and basements of residential buildings, as well as stores operating after 11 p.m., consumer service enterprises that use flammable substances (except for hairdressers and watch repair shops with a total area of ​​up to 300 m2); baths and saunas (except for individual saunas in apartments)) and a number of other regulations.
So, when carrying out repair and reconstruction work (construction of a bathhouse and (or) sauna), the owner of a non-residential premises must remember the following.
In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 64, relations between the owners of premises located in a non-residential building that arise regarding the common property in such a building are not directly regulated by law. Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the norms of legislation regulating similar relations are subject to application to these relations, in particular Articles 249, 289, 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation<1>. According to Art. 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owners, by right of common ownership, own the common premises of the house, the supporting structures of the house, mechanical, sanitary and other equipment (...). This is confirmed by the above-mentioned Resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court: “... the common property of the building includes, in particular, premises intended to serve more than one room in the building, as well as landings, stairs, halls, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics , basements in which there are utilities, other equipment serving more than one room in a given building (technical basements), roofs, enclosing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of this building, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located outside or inside the premises and serving more than one premises."
<1>Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2009 N 64 “On some issues in the practice of considering disputes regarding the rights of premises owners to the common property of a building.”

Taking into account the instructions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules for maintaining common property in apartment building <2>, common property must be maintained in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation(including sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, technical regulation, protection of consumer rights), in a state that ensures: safety for the life and health of citizens, safety of property of individuals or legal entities, state, municipal and other property; compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of premises owners, as well as other persons.
<2>Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491 (as amended on March 26, 2014) “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the case of the provision of services and performance of management and maintenance work and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration."

According to Art. 55.24 of the Town Planning Code concerning the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the operation of buildings, structures, the operation of buildings and structures must be carried out in accordance with their permitted use (purpose).
As an example, we can cite the Ruling in case No. 33-4723/2011 of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court (cassation) dated May 17, 2011. The court found that between the city administration Nizhny Novgorod and S. (the investor) concluded an investment contract dated December 21, 2000, according to which the investor was required to carry out reconstruction and major repairs of non-residential premises No. 1 (...). The parties determined their shares in the right of common shared ownership in premises No. 1, namely, the share of individual entrepreneur K.P. Semin. amounted to 7/10 shares and 3/10 shares are in municipal ownership. Based on these documents, the parties registered ownership of the shares they determined. The same agreement established that S. is a user and independently uses the entire premises for the purpose of organizing a cafe, gambling and entertainment business. According to clause 17 of the agreement, the validity period of the agreement was established by the parties from August 22, 2002 to August 22, 2005. From the case materials, it appears that S., without the consent of the second owner - the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, redeveloped the disputed non-residential premises, in connection with which, by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of March 18, 2004, at the claim of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, S. was assigned the responsibility bring the disputed non-residential premises into compliance with the inventory plan of the BTI as of May 28, 2002 and the defendant was prohibited from placing baths, saunas and a swimming pool in this premises (...).
Unfortunately, the owner, who is carrying out such a significant reconstruction of the non-residential premises he owns, is not puzzled by the fact that his construction works(without obtaining approvals or permits) may harm the health and property of other owners. Attempts by co-owners and (or) employees of the management company to conduct at least a visual inspection of the ongoing reconstruction are refused, citing the fact that private property is inviolable and no one has the right to enter the territory belonging to him without the permission of the owner of the premises, except in cases specified by law. However, these persons forget that co-owners of the premises have the right of access to common property (for example, utility lines, which are usually located in basements) for the purpose of inspecting it. Clause 13 of Government Decree No. 491 establishes: inspections of common property, depending on the method of managing an apartment building, are carried out by the owners of the premises, persons attracted by the owners of the premises on the basis of an agreement to conduct a construction and technical examination, or responsible persons who are officials of the management bodies of the partnership owners of housing, a housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the responsible persons), or a management organization, and in the case of direct management of an apartment building - persons providing services and (or) performing work.
As for the placement of baths, according to part II, clause 2.1, Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2013 N 70 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, design, equipment, maintenance and the operating mode of baths and saunas" (together with SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance and operating mode of baths and saunas. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards") (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 13 .2014 N 32244) baths should be located in separate buildings.
According to clause 6.84 of the Code of Rules SP 118.13330.2012 "SNiP 06/31/2009. "Public buildings and structures". Updated version of SNiP 06/31/2009 (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 N 635/ 10). With changes and additions dated August 7, 2014." It is not allowed to place built-in saunas in basements, under stands, in dormitory buildings of children's health camps and boarding schools, preschool educational institutions, hospital inpatient facilities, as well as under and adjacent to premises in which there are more than 100 people<3>. As a rule, there are many more people in office and business center buildings and apartment buildings, and therefore building a sauna in the basement of an office building is not possible.
<3>Change No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 7, 2014 No. 438/pr, amended paragraph 6.85, which comes into force on September 1, 2014.

Clause 4.10 SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings” (adopted by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2003 N 109) (date of introduction October 1, 2003 to replace SNiP 2.08.01-89*) it is established that in the basement , on the first and second floors of a residential building it is not allowed to place baths and saunas (except for individual saunas in apartments).
It is also necessary to take into account the provisions according to which all buildings (structures, fire compartments and parts of buildings, structures - premises or groups of premises functionally interconnected) according to the class of functional fire hazard depending on their purpose, as well as on age, physical condition and the number of people in the building, structure, the possibility of them being in a state of sleep are divided into:
- buildings intended for permanent residence and temporary stay of people;
— buildings of entertainment and cultural and educational institutions; buildings of public service organizations;
- building educational organizations, scientific and design organizations, governing bodies of institutions, including: buildings of governing bodies of institutions, design organizations, information and editorial and publishing organizations, scientific organizations, banks, offices, offices;
- industrial or warehouse buildings<4>.
<4>See: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated April 24, 2013 N 288 (as amended on July 18, 2013) “On approval of the Code of Rules SP 4.13130 ​​“Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions" (together with "SP 4.13130.2013. Code of rules. Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions"), Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2009 N 382 (as amended on 12/12/2011) “On approval of the Methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk in buildings, structures and structures of various classes of functional fire hazard” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 08/06/2009 N 14486), certain provisions (in particular Art. 32 Chapter 9 "Fire-technical classification of buildings, structures and fire compartments") of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ (as amended on June 23, 2014) "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" (as amended and additionally ., entered into force on July 13, 2014).

This classification also affects the possibility of equipping dry heat baths (saunas) depending on the class of buildings, the degree of its fire hazard, the rules for the construction of such saunas, but, of course, taking into account the above provisions of regulations, SNiPs, and norms.
Example. In this case, the sauna was located in the basement of the building educational building. Case No. 2-2679/10 dated August 24, 2010 of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk on the claim of the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk district of the city of Irkutsk against the individual entrepreneur T. for a ban on the operation of a sauna. The court found that during an inspection of the activities of the sauna "Z.", owned by the individual entrepreneur T., violations of fire safety rules were revealed in the basement of the educational building I.

Sauna (pitfalls, + and -). (.)(.)

The court also found that the operation of the sauna under such conditions creates a threat of fire, as well as a direct threat to the life and health of people in the building of the educational building I. The court came to the conclusion that the prosecutor’s claims were justified. The court decided to satisfy the claims of the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk district of the city of Irkutsk, to prohibit the operation of the sauna "Z.", owned by the individual entrepreneur T., in the basement of the building of the educational building I.
And also case No. 2-1409/14 dated February 26, 2014 (Sovetsky District Court of Lipetsk), case No. 33-619/2015 (Armed Forces of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa) dated January 20, 2015 and others.
Actions of a person to make changes to the design feature of a building and carry out partial reconstruction of a part of the building affecting the area and surface of load-bearing walls, electrical, heat, water supply and sewerage networks that are part of the common property (and not intended for technical specifications for the construction and operation of a sauna, bathhouse, etc.), as well as the actual implementation of major repairs and reconstruction in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation during the construction of a bathhouse and sauna can be classified as illegal, encroaching on the safety of life and health of citizens, the safety of the property of the owners of the building at the specified address, as well as individuals or legal entities.
Thus, a person violates a whole complex of regulations relating to the regime for maintaining common property established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (including on the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, technical regulation), which entails administrative, criminal liability, as well as civil -legal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for causing harm due to violation of sanitary legislation. Damage caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to the property of a legal entity due to violation of sanitary legislation, is subject to compensation by the citizen or legal entity that caused harm, in full accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Taking into account all of the above, we can recommend that the owners of non-residential premises whose rights are violated should not be afraid to defend them, since in this situation the law is on their side, and persons interested in this construction and reconstruction should comply with the norms of legislative acts.

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Bathhouse in the house: pros and cons
How to set up a home steam room
Ventilation equipment for baths and saunas
Installation of stove and chimney

A home steam room is always good, but if it is located in the basement, even better. Is it really? Today we will analyze in detail all the pros and cons of a bathhouse in the house, as well as the technological stages of construction.

In Western countries, not only in villages, but also in urban areas, the presence of a bathhouse in the basement of a house has become quite common. The high cost of land allows houses to be built with only a small area, so they try to use even the basement as functionally as possible (read: “How to make a sauna in the basement of a house - step-by-step instructions”).

In Finland, for example, as statistics show, a sauna is installed in almost every second private home. Even in apartment buildings, a basement must be allocated for arranging a public steam room.

As for Russia, today it is quite common to see houses being built using Western technology. This approach allows you to significantly save not only land area, but also finances. This article just talks about the pros and cons of a sauna in the house, and also describes the technology for arranging home baths and saunas.

Bathhouse in the house: pros and cons

A bathhouse in the basement has not only positive, but also negative aspects that should definitely be taken into account:

  • An attached or basement bathhouse is beneficial. In addition to convenience, it should be noted that there are savings on the construction of an additional bath room. There is no need to spend money on laying the foundation, walls and arranging the roof. The basement space will be used to the maximum advantage, and the land plot will not be cluttered.
  • Communications for arranging a heated floor in a steam room can easily be connected from a home boiler (read: “How to make a heated floor in a bathhouse from a stove - device diagram”).
  • When installing a steam room in a house, it is important to carefully consider the installation of the ventilation system. Otherwise, increased humidity and fungal formations are inevitable. For safety reasons, you will have to additionally install a drainage system and fire-fighting equipment.
  • It is more difficult to install a sewer drain system in the basement. You will need to dig a hole in the basement floor large enough to accommodate the waste water tank. In the future, the contents will have to be pumped out of it using a pump and sent to the main sewer.
  • Building a separate structure for a steam room is better because you can build a second floor and equip it as a holiday house.
  • In the basement, a steam room stove is often installed with an electric one, since a wood-burning stove is considered a fire hazard. If, however, the bathhouse is built on the ground floor and a wood-burning stove is provided, then it is extremely important to responsibly approach the installation of a powerful exhaust system. After all, what better sauna in the house or separately, it is a matter of personal preference.

How to set up a home steam room

As already noted, a steam room in a home can cause some difficulties with wastewater drainage and ventilation. But besides this, there are some other aspects of the arrangement that require no less attention - these are hydro and thermal insulation. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Stages of building a basement steam room:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to build a wooden frame, which will later be sheathed with insulating and finishing materials. It is advisable to make the bathhouse small, then the power of the installed stove will be required.
  2. At the insulation stage, it would be good to use a material such as mineral wool. The thickness of the layer for the ceiling is 10 cm; laying occurs perpendicularly in two layers. To insulate the walls, you will need a thickness of 20 cm or more. This stage is necessary to preserve heat in the steam room and save on the power of the heating furnace. It would be a good idea to use mineral wool with an already provided layer of waterproofing.
    Important note! Insulation materials such as polystyrene foam are prohibited from being used in bathhouses for fire safety reasons.
  3. The arrangement of a bathhouse or sauna also requires a vapor barrier. To do this, you will need thick-layer polyethylene or heat-reflecting insulating material, which is important to be tightly and firmly attached to the frame with a construction stapler. The joints must be coated with a waterproofing compound and taped.

Important notes! When making the frame, it is important to strengthen the places where the shelves will be attached and the stove will be located. Read also: “Correct arrangement of a bathhouse FROM AND TO.”

Finishing work for the bathhouse:

  1. Tile is always chosen as a floor covering for a bathhouse or sauna. It would be a good idea to additionally make a floor grate from smooth wood beams.
    Important note! Before decorating the walls, it is necessary to lay the wiring. Wires are selected that are resistant to thermal loads of more than + 170 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to attach slats on top of the vapor barrier layer on the walls to provide a small free space between the decorative sheathing and the insulation layers.
  3. The final finishing of the steam room is made from lining (10-12 mm). Using pins (the step between fastenings is 30 cm), the planks are attached one after another. The joints are closed, if desired, with decorative molding. Important note! Before finishing the steam room, it is advisable to leave the lining for a day in the room of the future bathhouse, so that the planks get used to the humid climate.
  4. The installation of shelves at the top and bottom follows the same principle. For greater comfort, you can make the lower shelves removable or, in extreme cases, retractable. Installation work is carried out using stainless steel screws. But the caps of the consumables will be hot during steam procedures. To avoid accidentally getting burned, you should slightly deepen the screws into the thickness of the planks.
  5. The next step is to install the door. It can be wooden or glass, but it must swing outward. For aesthetic purposes, it is advisable to finish the door in the same way as the walls. The handle for easy closing is made of wood; no lock is required.
  6. For lighting, special lamps with increased insulating properties are used, and they are screened from above with a grille.

Ventilation equipment for baths and saunas

In such rooms, ventilation must be present. If there is no natural ventilation passage, you will need to do it yourself. The supply air valve must be located above or below the stove. According to the rules, the ventilation outlet is installed below the level of the furnace. Read also: “Options and installation of a sauna for the home.”

There are times when it is impossible to install an independent hood, then you need to leave a small gap (10-15 mm) under the door.

Options for installing a bathhouse in the house - pros and cons of the solution

It is also possible to make a special hole in the door leaf, which can be opened if necessary. It will serve as an exhaust valve.

It is a good idea to install a drying system in the steam room, but this is an optional measure. You can allow the room to dry out simply by opening the door completely.

Installation of stove and chimney

When installing furnace equipment, it is important to follow all fire safety measures, as well as manufacturers’ recommendations. One of the important measures is the installation of a protective thermal screen on the wall behind the stove. The stove is attached to a pre-strengthened frame using the parts provided in the package. It is advisable to create a protective fence around the stove so that you do not accidentally get burned on it.

If a wood-burning stove is provided, regardless of whether the bathhouse is in the house or separately, you will need to install a chimney. It can come out through the roof slab or along the wall outside. A sandwich pipe or an ordinary stainless steel pipe is used as a chimney, but in this case it will need to be insulated with mineral wool (5 cm thick).

Insulation is done from the side of the room to increase draft. There should also be a hole under the pipe to drain condensate. The upper zone of the pipe must be covered with a deflector to prevent accidental fire or reverse thrust. Where the chimney pipe passes through the wall, a metal nozzle must be provided, which is filled inside with non-combustible material, expanded clay, for example.

Naturally, it is best to provide for the construction of a bathhouse during the initial construction of the house. However, this is not always possible, so the described method of arranging a steam room is a good alternative.

My friends and I have a tradition: every year on December 31st we go to the bathhouse,” everyone knows this classic phrase from the universally beloved film. And how did one of these campaigns end for the hero of “The Irony of Fate”? A comrade accidentally ended up in Leningrad, fell asleep in someone else’s apartment and... everything started spinning. It's good that everything ended well in the end. What if not? And in general, is it possible, for example, to arrange a mini-sauna in a city apartment? And what do the law and its representatives think about this? We wanted to talk about all this today.

“We don’t have saunas in our area!”

This is exactly how the bureaucrats answered in the councils of three “dormitory” districts and in the MVK of two administrative districts(IMC - Interdepartmental Commission). It almost sounds like “there is no sex in the Soviet Union.” It's the same with saunas. An acquaintance of mine, who recently bought an apartment in one of the former “nomenklatura” buildings, for a long time could not understand why on Saturdays, in the late afternoon, the electricity in the entrance was regularly cut off. It turned out that several steam lovers had settled in the house. “They cut down the bathhouses” in individual apartments and at the end of the week they collectively “let them steam.”

But the council employee assured that she had not received such complaints and that the other day she personally carried out an inspection for the presence of these same steam rooms - and did not find any. The experience of communicating with the secretary of the Interregional Internal Affairs Committee of the Central District made me remember the classics. I quote: “We do not allow saunas in apartments - we do not have the appropriate regulations for this. The “Law on the Procedure for Reconstruction of Premises in Residential Buildings in the City of Moscow” says nothing about saunas. The same applies to federal regulations.” The prefecture of the Southern Administrative District told me the same thing: “The law does not openly prohibit the construction of saunas - there are simply no relevant regulatory documents. Moscow City Building Standards (MGSN) provide for the possibility of installing saunas in first category houses (that is, in brick or monolithic houses with reinforced concrete floors and large apartments: the minimum living area of ​​a 1-room apartment is 38 sq.m., a 2-room apartment is 54 sq.m. sq.m., 3-room – 68 sq.m. – Auto.). But these are the norms for builders and designers; we are guided by legislative acts. That’s why we don’t officially allow anyone.”

Prefabricated and built saunas

Prefabricated saunas are assembled from ready-made panels, like a construction set. If necessary, they can be easily disassembled. As a rule, ready-made prefabricated saunas are sold by well-known foreign manufacturing companies - Finnish, Swedish, German.

But if you decide to set up a bathhouse in a country house or country house, you can build a sauna. Both domestic firms and distribution companies of ready-made cabins are engaged in construction. The difference between a built cabin and a prefabricated one is that the sauna is built, figuratively speaking, “from the plank”.

There is also the option of a “built-in sauna”: in this case, the walls of the finished room are finished as a sauna (for example, a pantry is lined with clapboard, a corner of the bathroom is used as the walls of a cabin). It is clear that disassembling such a structure is more difficult than a finished one.

You can do what you can't

Then I turned to companies that were ready to take on the “legal registration of apartment redevelopment.” Four clearly stated that building saunas in apartments is not allowed. And in the fifth, they again referred to the Moscow city building codes (MGSN 3.01-96), which provide for the design of saunas in apartments in first-category buildings, including single-apartment buildings (in other words, in cottages). And they advised us to contact those who developed these building standards - the Moscow Research and Design Institute of Typology and Experimental Design (MNIITEP).

Margarita Nekrasova, head. laboratory for inspection of buildings and structures of MNIITEP:
– Yes, indeed, domestic saunas are allowed to be installed in first category houses. We also submitted a corresponding request to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center of the Central Administrative District. The response of the chief sanitary doctor was as follows: “The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center of the Central District, in response to your request, informs you that, according to the letter of the Moscow City Sanitary Epidemiological Supervision Center No. 2.4 - 1578 dated December 3, 1999, it does not object to the use of prefabricated saunas in residential buildings that have a hygienic conclusion ( certificate) and intended, according to the scope, specifically for residential apartments. Prefabricated saunas should not be placed in the projection of living rooms.” (that is, saunas can only be placed in the corridor or bathroom. - Author).

But personally, I am cautious about saunas in apartments. Indeed, from the point of view of the reliability of electrical wiring, even houses of the first category are not the same. And if there is no three-phase current at the entrance, it will need to be connected additionally. It is also important where the sauna is located. For example, it is not allowed to be placed in a room or kitchen. You cannot make a sauna in the basement - the fire inspectorate will not allow it. In general, firefighters may have the main complaints about a home sauna.

I had to contact the fire department.

Vladimir Volik, senior engineer of the regulatory and technical department of the fire inspection of the Central Administrative District:
– In Moscow, according to building codes (MGSN 3.01 - 96, clause 3.31), the presence of saunas in apartments of first category buildings is allowed. But the Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP) developed for Russia say nothing about this. As a rule, the installation of saunas in city apartments is prohibited. In any case, this issue in other cities is resolved with the local government supervision.

According to Moscow city building codes, an “apartment” sauna should be no larger than two people. This requirement is dictated, in particular, by the fact that the power of the electric furnace required to heat a larger cabin will exceed the capabilities of the electrical network. And then - the ventilation system in the apartment may not cope with a large amount of steam.

According to building codes, the finishing of the sauna is allowed to be made of hardwood. If you make coniferous upholstery, then at high temperatures the wood will begin to release resinous substances and become sticky. In addition, due to the high content of resins, coniferous wood can even spontaneously combust. (My question about the fact that Finns and Swedes have been using specially treated coniferous wood in their saunas for many years, which does not emit resin, remained unanswered. - Author).

There is one more requirement for a home sauna: installation of a perforated dry pipe around the entire perimeter of the steam room ceiling. A “perforated dry pipe” is an ordinary pipe with a tap and holes drilled in it, which is connected to the water supply. When the tap is closed, the pipe remains dry (that's why this device is called a “dry pipe”). But if, God forbid, something catches fire in the steam room, you open the tap and the walls are sprayed with water.

An electric sauna stove must only be factory-made and must have an automatic shutdown, for example, every eight hours of continuous operation or when a certain temperature is reached. If you forget to turn it off, it should turn itself off. It is imperative to install a residual current device (RCD) on the electrical network - they are now being made in homes on demand. You can buy an RCD at an electrical goods store, and an electrician will help you install it correctly.

In addition, the apartment must be equipped with fire detectors. In high-rise buildings, the fire detector “box” is usually attached to the ceiling in the hallway. And all new houses (including those “first category houses” that we talked about), as a rule, are equipped with them. If a fire occurs, the fire detector automatically signals the joint dispatch service, and “01” is already called from the control room.

Sometimes a house is initially designed with a sauna, although this happens very rarely. If a person, wanting to build a sauna, makes redevelopment in the apartment, he cannot do without approval from the Interdepartmental Commission. In these cases, we, of course, give our conclusion. But if the space allows you to install a sauna, for example, in the corner of the bathroom, how will they know about it? Only if something happens (for example, a fire breaks out and neighboring apartments are damaged). Then the sauna owner will have to compensate for the damage.

So I would like to advise that only specialists should install a sauna. There is no point in doing this on your own. And further. The sauna must have good thermal insulation, special wires with non-flammable insulation, lamps with heat-resistant glass and insulation from moisture.

What follows from this?

If you analyze the information obtained from official sources, it will become clear: in order to steam without problems, it is better to comply with regulations and orders “from above” in this regard. Of course, whether or not to buy a sauna, assemble it from ready-made panels or build it, build it “like ours” or “like the Finns and Swedes” is up to you to decide. The main thing is that it is safe and of high quality. But regarding the “dos and don’ts” the conclusions are as follows:

    The pleasure of steaming in a home sauna is available only to residents of apartments in first-category buildings and, of course, to owners of country mansions.

    It is not allowed to install saunas in the basements of city houses, in rooms or kitchens.

    It is better not to undertake a special redevelopment of the apartment “for a sauna” (that is, demolishing walls, making additional doorways, etc.) - it is unlikely that you will be able to legally register a home steam room.

    Building a sauna is an option more suitable for owners of their own country houses. And in a city apartment, such a sauna can create additional difficulties. After all, in essence, this is also a redevelopment, so getting it through the BTI will be very problematic. So it is better to purchase a ready-made prefabricated sauna - if necessary, it can be disassembled and transported to another place.

    According to the requirements of firefighters, the power of the stove in a home sauna should be no more than 4.5 kW. This means that the size of the sauna should be small - for one or two people. Compare: to heat a sauna with a volume of 1.2 - 2 m3 you need a 2 kW stove, and for a large family sauna with a volume of 7 - 12 m3 you need an 8 kW unit. Furnaces with a power of over 6 kW are connected to a 380 V network (three-phase network), and in our apartments - 220 V (single-phase network).

    If you have chosen Scandinavian spruce or pine for your home sauna, which is not yet officially “recognized” by our regulations, the requirements of the fire inspection regarding the protection of the sauna and the house from fire must be strictly followed.

So, under no circumstances should you install a sauna in your apartment yourself - believe me, even if you succeed, nothing good will come of this idea. This complex and responsible task can only be entrusted to specialists who will take into account all safety requirements and do everything according to the rules.

Based on site materials

Is it possible to open a sauna in the basement? apartment building, premises of 105 sq. m., I own, not residential.

Hello! It is possible if the premises meet all the requirements and the location of this type of business will not violate the rights of residents.

Good evening. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the consent of all residents of this household. Have a nice pleasant evening.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

In a house with 2 owners, the neighbors built a bathhouse-sauna in the house itself, is this legal and where can I go, it’s dangerous, I fear for my part of the home and my household.

Good day. You cannot build a bathhouse in a residential building; the bathhouse and sauna must be a separate object. You can contact the architecture with a complaint or the prosecutor's office to check the legality of the construction.

Anna, you don’t need architecture, but contact the Housing Inspectorate under the city administration, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire departments). They will go and check with your neighbors.

Hello! If a residential building was reconstructed without your consent and without permission, then file a complaint with the city (district) administration and the Housing Inspectorate.

For many owners of country houses and summer cottages, a home sauna has become a familiar pleasure. Its dry, hot atmosphere promotes relaxation, recuperation and improved mood.

But what about residents of city high-rise buildings who also want to pamper themselves with the healing heat? Is it possible to set up a sauna right in your apartment? Until recently, this idea seemed incredible. However, this is quite possible, although it is troublesome from the point of view of obtaining the necessary permits.

Let's figure out what standards govern the design of saunas, what methods of installation exist during the renovation of an apartment or after its completion.

Sauna - a room with a stove, but without a water tank, lined with wood.
Temperature from 70 to 120 degrees.
Dry vaping is achieved due to low room humidity - no more than 20 percent.

Infrared cabins cannot be classified as saunas due to the use of other principles of heating with infrared radiation.


The presence of a sauna in an apartment building is considered acceptable and is regulated by the following regulatory documents in construction:

  • SNiP (Building Norms and Rules) 01/31/2003 "Residential multi-apartment buildings"
  • SP (Code of Rules) 31-107-2004 "Architectural and planning solutions for multi-apartment residential buildings."
  1. It is necessary to observe the minimum and maximum volumes of the steam room - ranging from 8 to 24 square meters.
  2. A drencher (water spray nozzle) or a perforated dry pipe should be installed under the ceiling of the sauna, connected outside the sauna to the internal water supply.
  3. It is permissible to use only a special factory-made oven for heating, which automatically turns off when the temperature reaches 130 degrees and after continuous operation for 8 hours.
  4. Wood materials that are used to construct saunas must have a special impregnation that protects them from rotting and fire.

You will need the production of a project that needs to be agreed upon:

  • with the Housing Inspectorate;
  • with the Inspectorate of State Architectural and Construction Supervision;
  • with a homeowners association or other service organization;
  • with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • with the State Fire Service;
  • with the Office of Rospotrebnadzor.

These recommendations have been agreed upon with the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow and are relevant for residents of the Moscow region. Residents of other regions need to further clarify the requirements of local authorities.


  • It is better to install a sauna during the redevelopment of the apartment. If this is not possible, the option remains after the repair is completed.
  • It is better to locate the sauna next to a bathroom with a bath or shower.
  • To ensure that the bathroom wall does not interfere with the implementation of your planning solution, we recommend dismantling it.
  • Installation of a waterproofing base is required. For example, a concrete base on top of two layers of waterproofing. Tiling is also done before installing the cabin.

To set up a sauna, you can use one of three options:

  • purchase a ready-made factory-made sauna
  • order a prefabricated sauna made for your project
  • make a sauna using the construction method.

Let's consider these options in more detail.



Such prefabricated cabins are fully assembled at the factory. In this case, you purchase a ready-made steam room, equipped with a stove, electrical wiring, lamps, and in some cases, a shower. Furniture is also included. As a rule, it has a lattice structure that provides ventilation.

The dimensions of the finished cabins are fixed, the maximum dimensions are 2200 mm x 2200 mm x 2200 mm. The choice is yours depending on the size of the room.


  • The walls are assembled from individual wooden panels (400-600 millimeters wide and 60-80 millimeters thick).
  • The panels are fastened together using bolts or self-tapping screws.
  • The joints of the shields must be tightened with foil, achieving thorough sealing so that hot steam from the sauna does not enter the living area.
  • The cabin roof is similarly assembled from panels.
  • The sauna is connected to the power supply and ventilation.
  • Instead of a floor, lattice ladders are laid on a concrete base with cladding.

Traditional wall finishing material is a tree. Such a wooden shield is a kind of “pie” made of several layers: a wooden frame, filling with basalt wool, vapor barrier, reflective aluminum foil, clapboard lining (outside and inside).

Fashion trends- production of one or more walls from tempered glass (more than 10 millimeters thick) or a combination of glass and aluminum profiles.

Manufacturers: Harvia (Finland), Jacuzzi (Italy), Sauna Dunn (Russia).


Advantages of a custom-made sauna:

  • Dimensions that exactly match your wishes and the room where it will be installed.
  • You can order a cabin of any configuration and equip it with furniture and equipment at your discretion, including those purchased separately.
  • It is possible to order panels covered with plasterboard so that you can finish the external walls of the sauna in the same style and with the same materials as the living quarters.


The design of saunas made to order is practically no different from ready-made ones. Manufacturers - the same companies plus private workshops.


Installation of a prefabricated panel sauna can be done even in an apartment where renovations have been completed and finishing work has been completed, since it can be done quickly and accurately. Installation time is one to two days. The installation principle is the same as for the finished cabin.


A sauna, which is carried out using a construction method, will cost less than the options discussed above. However, the construction process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming.


  • The sauna is built at the stage of redevelopment and renovation of the apartment and takes a lot of time.
  • The cabin frame is made of wooden blocks with a section of 60 x 60 mm.
  • The frame posts are fastened to the floor and ceiling. There is no point in making the cabin ceiling higher than 2200 mm, so as not to waste energy heating the excess volume of air. The niche above the cabin ceiling can be used as a mezzanine.
  • The outside of the frame is usually covered with clapboard. From the inside, it is a layered “pie” made of insulation, foil, and a layer of polyethylene. It is important to control the tightness of the entire structure.
  • After making the outer layers, they proceed to the interior finishing according to the method described for the previous versions of the sauna.


It is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the sauna for the following reasons:

  • ensuring the flow of oxygen for people receiving the session
  • adjustment of the vaping mode (reducing the vaping temperature, reducing humidity)
  • ventilation of the sauna after the end of the steam session to ensure the safety of the wood.

For ventilation purposes, leave a gap under the cabin door or cut in inlet and outlet valves. In this case, the inlet valve is located in the wall next to the stove, and the outlet valve is on the ceiling.


For safety reasons, please follow the following mandatory requirements:

  • It is permissible to install only hidden electrical wiring in the sauna. It is carried out under the casing using a heat-resistant cable.
  • The oven requires a separate power cable from the distribution panel.
  • It is necessary to ground the electrical wiring and protect it with an automatic circuit breaker and a residual current device (RCD).
  • Use only waterproof lamps in the sauna. To avoid burns, the lamps are covered with wooden screens.

Setting up a sauna in an apartment building is not an easy task. Entrust the selection and installation of the sauna to professionals - responsible craftsmen of the TopDom construction company. Only in this case will the work be completed in compliance with all building codes and regulations.

The sauna has long ceased to be a place where people come exclusively for “light steam.” Modern saunas have become entire complexes that combine a bathhouse, a spa with a full range of beauty treatments, and an establishment for meeting friends, where you can celebrate a birthday and even have a corporate party. These services are in demand - many people now want to relax with health benefits, so if, while planning a new business, you are thinking about how to open a sauna, you are on the right track.

Let's start with registration

The first thing you need to do is register your business. An individual entrepreneur can open a sauna, but if you plan to sell to visitors alcoholic drinks, the only possible option is , only in this case will you be able to obtain the appropriate licenses.

You need to submit all the documents necessary for registration to the tax office, and notify it of the transition to a special regime; in the case of a sauna, the most suitable regime will be or. This must be done within the period established by law.

Additional documents

To open a bathhouse, you will need to collect a whole package of documents and obtain permits:

  • permits for the premises from the SES and fire service;
  • industrial sanitary control program;
  • agreement with a laundry for washing bath accessories;
  • a contract for the maintenance of the ventilation system, including its disinfection;
  • contracts for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization;
  • contracts for waste removal and recycling of fluorescent lamps.

Choosing a room for a sauna

When choosing a room for a future sauna, you can (with rare exceptions) not particularly worry about its location. Still, a bathhouse is not a place where people can accidentally “drop in” while walking nearby. They usually go there purposefully. So it makes sense to focus on the size and rental price of the space, as well as its functionality.

The minimum area required for a sauna is from 100 square meters. meters. Here you can easily arrange everything you need: a locker room, a relaxation room, a shower room, a steam room, a small swimming pool and utility rooms. For any additional services (massage, spa treatments) you will need separate rooms.

And first you should decide on the range of services that you plan to provide: if you do not plan this in advance, an unpleasant situation may arise when there is simply not enough space for something important. It is better if there is “extra” space left - it will be much easier to deal with it by organizing, for example, a small cafe or beauty salon or subletting additional meters.

An important point: refurbishing a former bathhouse and converting any other room into a sauna will require approximately the same costs. Another option that may be more profitable is to build a bathhouse building from scratch - modern technologies and materials allow this to be done quickly and not particularly expensive.

Setting up the room

As you know, a sauna is a fire hazard, and for the future owner this means that he will have to spend a lot of money on finishing the room with special materials before opening the sauna.

To equip a steam room, you need to purchase a heater - wood-burning or electric, or, as an option, the now popular infrared sauna.

The remaining rooms will need furniture (tables, chairs, hangers, sofas for relaxation, etc.), as well as Appliances(music center, TV panel, kettle, coffee maker). Even a small sauna should be equipped with a swimming pool; it will require filters, pumps, etc.

Fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises

To ensure that the operation of the sauna does not raise questions and objections from the concerned services, certain (rather strict) requirements must be met:

  1. The sauna must be equipped in a separate building or in a public building, provided there is a separate entrance. If you open a sauna in a residential building, you will need to provide sound, thermal and vapor barrier.
  2. It is prohibited to locate saunas in basements and in rooms adjacent to those containing more than 100 people.
  3. All bathhouse premises must be equipped with fire detectors.
  4. It is prohibited to use resinous materials in the cladding.
  5. The windows in the sauna should have opening transoms.
  6. The furniture is made from materials resistant to chemical detergents. Installation of upholstered furniture is not allowed (here we are talking about the sauna itself; in the relaxation room there may be chairs and sofas, of course). In areas of high humidity (swimming pool, shower) you should use rubber mats.
  7. The volume of the steam room can be from 8 to 24 cubic meters, and the ceiling height must be at least 1.9 m.
  8. The stove in the steam room must be installed at a distance of at least 20 cm from the walls. Its permissible power will depend on the size of the room, but the maximum is 15 kW. After 8 hours of continuous operation, the oven should automatically turn off. The cable protection must withstand the maximum possible temperature in the sauna.
  9. A shield made of fireproof material with thermal insulation properties is installed above the stove - the distance from the ceiling should be 5 cm or a little more.
  10. It is necessary to ensure air circulation in the steam room; for this there must be ventilation system and gaps (at least 3 cm) under the door.
  11. The air temperature in the steam room should not rise above 110°C (there should be automatic control of excess). It is necessary to install a thermometer in the room.
  12. The steam room requires a fire extinguishing device; its sprinkler heads must be open, and the device itself must be connected to the water supply. The control panel is located outside the steam room.
  13. All washing equipment is made from materials that are resistant to high temperatures and disinfection.

Sauna business plan: expenses and income

In addition to one-time expenses for starting a business and equipping the premises, the sauna owner also faces ongoing costs.

To work in the establishment you will need administrators, a bathhouse attendant, a stoker, cleaners, and a security guard. If the sauna provides an expanded range of services, you need to add a massage therapist, cosmetologist, bartender, etc.

You also need to purchase Consumables: disposable slippers, brooms, special bath caps, towels - all this can be provided for a fee or included in the cost of the service.

How much it will cost to open a sauna depends on its size and level. However, even according to the most conservative estimates, you will need to invest at least one and a half million rubles - approximately the same amount will be the cost of equipment and personnel, without taking into account the cost of rent or construction of your own building.

If we take into account the construction or re-equipment of the finished premises, utility bills for the year (about 5 million), personnel and advertising costs (another 1 million), you need to prepare about 6-7 million rubles as starting capital.

At a cost of services of 1,500 rubles/hour, income will be about 300 thousand per month, i.e. up to 3.6 million per year, which will allow the sauna as a business to pay for itself in 2–3 years.

The expenditure side of the budget must include possible costs for finishing work in the steam room and shower room. Due to the high temperature and humidity in these rooms, they may need repairs even before the sauna is fully paid for.

To attract visitors to the sauna, a variety of advertising events are suitable: commercials on TV and radio, advertising blocks in newspapers, distribution of flyers, business cards, navigation, promotions and prizes.

Today, many people are looking for a place to vacation via the Internet, so having your own website with bright photographs and a good description of services, and most importantly, with the ability to book online, will be a definite plus.

At first, the main task is to develop regular customers: sauna lovers, as a rule, make a choice in favor of one establishment and remain faithful to it. So, by creating the most comfortable conditions for relaxation, you will provide yourself with a continuous flow of visitors and, as a result, constant profit.