How to dance to a fat girl in a club. How to dance with a girl in a club. Professional dance schools

It's hard for people who are seriously interested in learning how to dance in a club not to envy. Finding an answer to a question is a powerful proof of their free time, which they spend a lot of fun.

A good dance is based on musical composition. In any city, there is a huge number of nightclubs. Pops in them sounds occasionally, in the first place is electronic music. Many people do not know how to move the body when an electronic musical composition sounds. They sit at a table and drink liquor, waiting for a suitable motive.

There are two ways to solve the problem. The first one involves changing one's own attitude to the music played in clubs. The second suggests finding a nightclub where the DJ works with the wishes of the crowd.

Modern club youth, despite their loyalty to popular musical styles, enthusiastically welcomes retro sets and sensibly reworked pop music.

DJs strive to satisfy the wishes of young people, and administrators worry about the attendance of institutions. Finding a nightclub with suitable music is not difficult. But another question arises - "how to dance to it"?

Step by step action plan

  • Start by discovering popular club music. Download some songs and listen for a few days. The player will help. Accompany the audition with dancing. Make it sound when you work or communicate.
  • You will have several favorite works and your own direction will be determined. If you want to move while playing music, do it for fun. You can't force yourself.
  • Then move on to more active actions. Visit a nightclub and take a close look at the dance floor. Surely, there is a dancer on it, whose movements will please. It will remain to adopt them imperceptibly.
  • After this "outing", pay special attention to your homework. At home, carefully work out the movements borrowed from an experienced dancer. Try to improvise as the character and atmosphere of the dance depends on the DJ and the dancers.
  • Over time, learn to dance well. If that doesn't seem like enough, sign up for a dance school and take your skills to the next level.

You will achieve great success in the club if you feel free and feel how to control your own body. Sometimes a person cannot become a dancer. I think there are only a few. Almost every lover of nightclubs can conquer the pinnacle of club dancing.

Many guys want to learn how to dance cool in clubs because they don't want to look ridiculous in the eyes of their friends. Even people who occasionally drop into nightclubs dance well if they follow the rules.

Club dances varied, it is not difficult to choose the right style that will allow you to look decent on the dance floor.

You can bring originality and uniqueness to the style by successfully combining elements of various dances.

Professional dance schools

  1. Lessons in the direction that you choose on your own will teach you how to dance, introduce you to people, help you lose a few pounds, improve your physical health and have fun.
  2. Constant training will teach you to relax, make your movements free and relaxed. If there was stiffness and constraint, such ballast will pass.
  3. Choose your school carefully. If you like a certain option, be sure to attend the free class, explore the dance hall and chat with the teachers.
  4. You won't be able to dance professionally right away. It will take no more than ten lessons to prepare for dancing at the disco. Just repeat the movements learned in the lesson at home.

Workouts for guys at home

  1. If you don't have time for dancing school, practice at home. Homeschooling is slightly less effective in terms of effectiveness. The main thing is the desire to learn dancing.
  2. There is a wide selection of training videos on the Internet, watching which you will learn the secrets of professional dancers.
  3. During home workouts, constantly look at yourself in the mirror to control your movements and make them perfect. Home teaching alone is not enough, it will take constant practice on a real site.

Lesson for beginners

How a guy should behave in a club

  1. If you're in a club, try to relax. Do not think that the dance will be unfashionable. Release your emotions and have fun. It will turn out to move beautifully if the movements are relaxed and confident.
  2. Listen to the rhythm on the dance floor. Strive to match your movements. Improvise. If you constantly dance in a pattern, it will quickly get bored.
  3. Only a person with a flexible body and excellent plasticity dances beautifully. Keep fit by playing sports and exercising.

Any guy can quickly learn to dance with simple guidelines. If you manage to put your soul into the dance, the fair sex will definitely throw you admiring glances. Beautiful dance will help you get to know your body better and learn about the inner world.

Club dances are striking in variety. They help girls connect with guys, which often leads to the onset of romantic relationships. Some women of fashion try to stand out from the crowd with the help of dancing, moving attractively and gracefully.

Let's imagine that you are in a beautiful nightclub. You are sitting at a table, drinking tequila, your favorite musical composition starts playing. Under the influence of incomprehensible forces, you slowly rise and move towards the dance floor. What's next?

  • Listen carefully to the rhythm. If you manage to penetrate them, the dance will turn out to be graceful and graceful. A person who is out of rhythm brings disharmony to the site.
  • Let go of insecurities and relax. Relaxed movements look beautiful. Have fun while dancing without bothering your head with thoughts.
  • The first movements are always slow. On the first bar, do not wave your arms, such movements are very tiring. By the middle of the dance program, you will be tired.
  • It is not recommended to shoot from the sides while dancing. Use this weapon with caution in nightclubs.
  • Don't copy the movements of other dancers. Dare to improvise, make the movements original and unique.

I will add that only girls with flexible and plastic bodies manage to move beautifully. If a everyday life not very active, at work you have to sit at the table for hours, the body's reaction to going to the club can be unpredictable. It's not hard to avoid this. Exercise daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Video tutorial for beginners

Based on personal experience, I will note that the girls behave more relaxed and free on the dance floor. Sometimes there are shy people. If you are one of them, enroll in a dance school. By attending classes, under the guidance of a teacher, you will get rid of complexes and free your body.

The benefits of dancing

Any girl wants her leisure time to be rich, interesting and useful. Many women attend dance school. Very good, because this is the guarantee of good physical and psychological health.

According to doctors, dancing must be practiced regardless of profession, age and gender. Movements tone blood vessels, muscles and joints, which has a positive effect on well-being. Scientists have proven that people who regularly attend dance classes or dancing houses, have strong immunity and stable metabolism.

Dancing helps to alleviate the problems associated with the spine. Posture becomes perfectly even. If you're wondering how to stop slouching, sign up for a dance. Dancing will make your gait beautiful and graceful.

Dancing is the perfect solution for the insecure and notorious. Rhythmic movement liberates, adds confidence and activates the desire to communicate.

Throw shyness in a box, stock up on desire and confidence, and go to the dance floor to win hearts.

There are many modern dance styles, but before copying the movements that you liked from this or that video clip, it is worth working on your plasticity and grace. You don't have to attend choreography classes to do this, just spend some time at home.

How to learn to dance at home?

Before starting training, objectively assess your abilities. To do this, turn on the music, stand in front of the mirror and dance. Try different movements: raise your arms, move your hips, shoulders. If something turns out badly, then you need to work.

During this "spontaneous" dance, try to feel your body as a whole and each part of it separately. Feel separately the arm, leg, waist, and the whole body.

Remember, sweeping movements convey energy, but if you make them smoother, you can convey all your tenderness and calmness.

In the process of learning to dance, the main thing is practice. So don't limit yourself to going to the club. If you feel embarrassed to dance at first, be a spectator. See how other girls are dancing, divide these movements into beautiful and unsuccessful ones. When you get home, try to repeat what you like best. Practice and perfect these movements.

How to dance freely in the club?

If you think you've gotten enough exercise at home, it's time to move onto the dance floor. We will give you some tips to help you quickly get used to and conquer everyone with your sense of smell.

The main thing to remember is that dance is lightness and positive emotions, so you shouldn't complicate it, just enjoy the moment, and mastery will come with time.

The girl is an airy creature. Plasticity and beauty are inherent in their movements, and they dance, as a rule, gracefully and attractively. Lightness in dancing is natural for girls, but sometimes they need to help her learn. How to dance for a girl in a club and what movements are in fashion now? Welcome to our helpful tips!

Now there are dance floors and clubs in almost every village, and the question of the correct dance technique is very relevant. Previously, one could simply jump up and down, shifting from foot to foot, but now the quality of the dance has increased significantly among the regulars of club venues. This is not surprising, because quite a few directions appeared and a lot of room for developing their own style, which many rushed to take advantage of. Guys, of course, find it easier - break and tectonics seem to be made for them. Girls traditionally receive more demands, they are expected to be more graceful and plastic. Simple rules and a simple home workout will teach you how to dance freely and beautifully, delighting the visitors in the club with your confidence.


At home, see how flexible you are and what you do best. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and try to move only your hips, leaving your shoulders, arms and legs motionless. If it doesn't work out and at the same time the whole body is dancing, then you have to work on yourself. Listen to your body, feel each part of it separately. The amplitude of movements influences the beauty of the dance: high and sweeping will give you energy and expression, low - grace and tenderness.

Now on the Internet there are a lot of videos on various dance styles. Girls who do this professionally will share how to move, explain which body parts are involved in this and demonstrate various tricks in detail. You can watch one of the videos below.

You can learn to dance and pick up fashionable movements by looking at various chips and techniques in video clips.

Scroll through your head the combinations you like from pelvic rotations, steps. Figure out how you can move your arms. Try right away, do you like your image? Dance at home to different music, change the tempo and try. Feel free to improvise.

We join the atmosphere of the club dance

Do a little exploration: come to the club and, sitting at the bar, watch the dancing girls... As you can see, most girls dance without any complex movements, and their manner is about the same. Highlight what you like and take these movements into your arsenal. Note what looks clearly unfortunate from the outside and, accordingly, do not use this manner in your dance.

Consider the possibilities of your clothes and shoes, it is unlikely that tectonics will succeed in heels. Dress comfortably so that your clothes do not constrain your body.

Entering the dance floor, do not immediately rush to actively dance, waving everything that you can. Smoothly adjust to the rhythm of the music, tune in internally. Start your movements slightly and gradually increase their activity.

Finally, and most importantly, relax and don't get nervous. The dance will be natural only when you feel free. Believe me, those who dance around do not care, they are resting and they do not care about you. Therefore, move as you feel comfortable, without pinching or limiting yourself. Gradually increase the complexity of the combinations and you will succeed.

Going to a club and dancing with a girl may seem too difficult for some. It's loud, cramped, and no one really knows anyone. But if you think about what these factors really mean and follow the tips below, you will see that dancing with a girl is actually very easy!


Come up to the girl

    Find a girl you like. Make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend and be on the lookout as any other guy might be interested in her too. As a rule, no one wants trouble, unless of course you are disgusting and arrogant. If the girl has a boyfriend, apologize and move on.

    Rate her interest. While this is not always necessary, try to get a signal from her that she wants to dance. You can look into her eyes and smile. If she smiles back or in some other way suggests that she has noticed you, she probably wants to dance with you.

    Dance to the music, approaching her from behind. Approach at a certain angle so she can see you coming. Leave some space first so that she doesn't feel like you are pushing yourself onto her.

    • Some girls don't like being approached from behind. Act according to the situation and decide if it is better to approach it from the front.
  1. Wait for her to get close. If she is interested, she will move closer and dance with you. Most women dance to their own rhythm, and when dancing to the beat, take it and follow it. Move your hips together so you both feel comfortable dancing.

    Key aspects of dancing with a girl

    1. Lead. After you've danced with her for a bit and are ready to change the pace, your partner may feel comfortable placing your hand on her thigh. If she doesn't like it, then apologize and think about maybe switching to another partner, unless she expresses her desire to continue dancing with you.

      Let her let you touch her herself. Some girls will want to increase the energy between you by allowing you to touch certain parts of the body. In almost any situation, only a woman is allowed to initiate this. She will most likely take your hand and put it where it should be.

      • Do not pinch or grab it in any other quick and childish way. You will destroy all the chemistry that has developed between the two of you. Take it easy and let her be in charge until you are completely sure of what she wants.
    2. Pay attention to proportionality. If you are a tall and lanky guy, try to choose girls who are also tall or at least of average height. If you are dancing with a girl who is significantly smaller than you, your movements are likely to look awkward, no matter what you do.

      Focus your attention on her. Don't look back at other people. Let your eyes participate in what you do too. Good dancers dance to be looked at, not to be watched.

      Follow the rhythm. In most clubs, songs tend to follow the same rhythm - one-two-drum, one-two-clap. You should stick to the rhythm while dancing with her, otherwise she will most likely lose interest.

      Concentrate on your feet. This is just as important, if not more important, than the movement of the torso. Use both heel and toe. Move them smoothly, and your whole body will move smoothly as well.

      Change your movements. When the song changes, do the same with your movements. Squat lightly. Place your hands on different parts of her body (within reason, unless she suggests otherwise). Gesture from time to time if you like. Stand out from the crowd to keep them interested.

      Be confident in yourself. If you look awkward or uncomfortable, it will put her off. Girls love the confident. Remember, no one is watching you dance. Everyone came to have fun and enjoy the environment, just like you.

      Accept rejection. If your partner makes it clear that she has had enough of dancing with you, no matter how short-lived, accept that and move on. Remember that your chances of dancing with another girl increase as soon as you finish your last dance.

    • If you are dancing in front of a girl you are interested in, look into her eyes and smile. Don't look overly anxious or nervous.
    • If the girl refused you, you don't just need to stay put. Keep dancing and quickly move on to someone else.
    • If you start dancing with a girl and she doesn't move to the music or doesn't move at all, she is not interested in you. Move on.
    • If you are worried about being rejected, the best way will dance with the one who dances herself. Ideally, she will be next to a friend who is dancing with someone else.
    • Try not to choose a girl who dances with a large group of girlfriends. She may refuse you just to show herself, or because she does not want to be the only dancer separately.
    • If a girl really doesn't want to dance with you, she will completely remove your hands from her hips.


    • If you come up to a girl to dance, and she suddenly urgently needs to “go to the ladies' room,” consider that you were refused. Don't try to dance with her when she comes back. If she really needed to go to the toilet and wants to dance, she will come up to you.
    • Don't touch her buttocks to get her attention, or you will get a slap in the face as this really annoys most girls.
    • Never ask the girl in the club to dance with you, as you just have to yell in her ear. The best thing is to just start dancing with her and let things take their course.
    • Try not to dance the last slow dance with her because you are more likely to be rejected as these songs are more for couples. If she refuses you, it can be very embarrassing and hurtful.