Line from the little finger to the base. The meanings of the lines on the hands in palmistry with a detailed description. Main lines on the human palm

Palmistry- a very ancient method of studying the path of life from the palm of your hand.
India, China, Rome, Persia, Egypt, Tibet is not a complete list of peoples who practiced palmistry.
The greatest progress in this art was made by the Greeks, considering it an almost exact science,
requiring in-depth research.
The fact is that the patterns visible on the palm have not only their own meaning, but also a connection with astrological objects.
You need to look at both hands!
First on the left - it shows the qualities that we inherited from our ancestors.
And then on the right - it shows how we developed talents and inclinations throughout life (for left-handed people the opposite is true).
It is also noticed that lines denoting fateful events appear on the left hand only after their occurrence.
And the right one can show them many years in advance.
If the difference between the lines of both hands is small, it means that the person has changed little throughout his life.

What do the lines on the hand mean?

Length LIFE LINES corresponds
approximate life expectancy.
Often this line shows not how long, but how a person will live.
If it breaks in the middle of the palm and ends at the fork,
but overall clear and deep, then a person is desperate by nature,
ready to take risks.
The shorter and weaker the line, the weaker and timid the person.
If it resembles a chain, that is, it breaks
or consists of small segments, then this means illness
at that moment in time, which can be determined by the location of the chain.
A long, clear and deep Life line speaks of an enviable
internal energy and an objective outlook on life.
If it ends at the hill of the moon,
that is, on the opposite side of the palm,
This means that a person loves to travel and even immigrate to another country.

LINE OF FATE during life it can appear and disappear.
It happens that she is absent in the first half of life,
and then appears clear and deep.
This line tells how we deal with life situations.
Some people don’t have it at all - this means that people do not strive to achieve their goals, they wait for the weather by the sea.
A clear line is a sign of certainty in life. Often this option is often found in the hands of politicians and artists.

MIND LINE symbolizes intelligence. It is usually clearer on the right hand than on the left.
This means that a person makes full use of his gifts. If it’s the other way around, then you haven’t opened up yet.
If the line runs straight across the entire palm, then the person is consistent and purposeful,
has an inclination towards natural sciences and mathematics.

HEART LINE reveals the sensual nature of a person. The line may change throughout life. If it is located very high, then in front of you is a pleasant and successful person in all respects. If it is very low, then internal experiences will not provide career opportunities. Ideally, the Heart line should be deep and clear.


Bracelets or Wrist lines located on the wrist
usually there are two or three.
Ancient palmists believed that they could be used to approximately determine a person's life expectancy, counting each line as thirty years.
They also wrote that if the first line bends in the direction
to the center of the palm, this means dangerous childbirth for women, and problems for men
in sexual life.
As for life expectancy, you should not rely on these lines.
They speak, rather, about the health and strength of a person.
With good health, the lines of the wrist are visible clearly and clearly,
but in young people they can be mild.
A bend in the first line is a sign of physical weakness,
and it is more significant in women than in men.
Lines running from the Mount of the Moon to the bracelet mean a penchant for traveling.

What do hills on your hand mean?

If there are no tubercles and the hand looks flat, you have a cold
and a lethargic person.
Ideally, the mounds should be firm and springy to the touch.

The largest hill is named after VENUS.
It is located under the thumb.
Not very big and well decorated, it means increased
emotionality, desire to please everyone.
It really stands out on the hands of artists, singers and musicians.

Hill MOON located opposite Venus, under the little finger.
Indicates creativity and rich imagination.
Strongly manifested in the hands of romantics, idealists, artists and writers.

Hill MARS under the hill of Mercury.
Speaks of energy and enthusiasm.
If it’s too big, then the person is a bully and always gets into trouble.

If the hill is well developed MERCURY under the little finger, then the person loves change.
He has a good sense of humor and knows how to make money. But a very large hill speaks of greed.

Hill APOLLO lies at the base of the ring finger. Tall and elastic, it speaks of a person's inherent sense of beauty.
And it is often found on the hands of artists and art lovers.

Hill SATURN under the middle finger indicates that a person loves solitude and music.
If the hill is high and the middle finger is very long, the person is prone to melancholy and depression.

Hill JUPITER at the base of the index finger, responsible for the desire to lead,
well developed among high military ranks, leaders of new movements, as well as people who are not afraid to express their opinions.


You can see many signs on most hands
these are special formations from lines that show talents,
give additional characteristics and goals in life.
Special attention look at the lines that form the letters of the alphabet,
such as A or E.
You can often find the first letters of people's names on your hands.
or names of places that will play a big role in your life.
The location of these letters is especially important for determining the time
events according to the hand, since this will definitely show
when a given person or place becomes part of your life.

Stars, crosses and triangles

Star on the hand suggests an unexpected event.
It will be a shock that will affect every system of your life.
Even if the star has a favorable position
(for example, under the ring finger),
then it promises bitter joy from some unexpected victory.
This could be unexpected luck (receiving money) or an explosion of public attention to your life.
Maybe - good job, which you found too late and it required a complete change in your lifestyle.

Cross on the hand (excluding its position under the index finger)
usually indicates an obstacle or delay in your path. At this moment you must monitor your physical condition,
find the strength to overcome difficulties and avoid risks to your health.
Triangles on the hand are generally considered very lucky signs (especially if formed by separate,
and not the main lines of the palm). They bring a sense of satisfaction to the area of ​​life they point to.

Signs under the index finger

Star, you are destined to do great things yourself.
(the value of the remaining lines must correspond to this prediction),
or someone very famous and influential will meet in your life.

The cross is a sign of a long or very useful relationship, kinship of souls or finding a real spouse.

Triangle, early success as a result of good contacts, great luck or success with the help of family and other patrons.
An aura of benevolence and philanthropy surrounds you.

Signs under the middle finger

The cross, it shows the difficult period of adaptation to a new life after retirement.
You will have to learn to relax and find a new role that will give you inspiration and motivation to move on with your life.

Signs under the ring finger

A star, she often predicts great financial success or increased public attention.
You have charisma, but it will most likely take time to achieve success.
However, luck is in your own hands.
You shouldn’t indulge in bitter feelings caused by waiting too long, understand,
what is this life experience was necessary for you to achieve your own victory.

Signs on the base of the palm

Star, a sudden event in family life that changed your entire early life
(usually in your teens or early twenties) and set you on a new path.
It also predicts creativity and the ability to please the general public with one's work.
With a successful mind line, you can trade new ideas and benefit from the goods of the future.

Cross, difficulties and obstacles at an early age that slowed down your development.

Signs on the life line

Star, an unstable period when you must monitor your health.

Signs on the line of the mind

The star predicts creativity and talents. Sometimes interpreted as the development of hypertension.

Signs on the line of fate

Star, a sudden event will change the direction of your life.

If the Heart line is short and begins under the ring finger of Apollo, very wide or looks like a chain,
then the person is not interested in and perhaps even repulsed by the opposite sex.

Example of a lucky hand

1 .Well-being and prosperity throughout life (double line of Life)

2 . Absolute happiness (the line of Fate is straight).

3 . Excessiveness in love and kindness (branches at the beginning and end of the Heart line).

4 .Will be a faithful friend for life (cross under the index finger).

5 . Huge energy reserves
(Ring of Venus, located between the index finger and the little finger).

6 . Perfect genius (fork on the Mind line, reaching the edge of the palm).

7 . Success in the arts, fame
(the line of Apollo goes vertically to the hill of Apollo, passes close to
Life lines).

8 . Insight in business, love and happiness
(conjunction of the ring of Venus with the Mount of Mercury).

9 . Good temperament
(the presence of a genetic line that not everyone has).

10 . A triple massive bracelet on the wrist promises a long life.

11 . The only, passionate and deep love (cross on the hill of Venus).

Fortune telling by hand - Line of fate

Current page: 16 (book has 23 pages total) [available reading passage: 16 pages]

Line of Apollo (Sun)

The line of Apollo, or the line of the Sun, can take the form of a straight vertical line (or, less commonly, an arc) and mark its location anywhere between the wrist and the hill of Apollo (see Fig. 98). It is noteworthy that there may be several such lines on the palm. When conducting palmistry analysis, one must also take into account that the line of the Sun rarely represents a solid and continuous contour. Most often it is torn in several places, and may look like a dash or several overlapping segments. However, the owner of the line of the Sun, whatever its configuration, is known as a true connoisseur of art, has a penchant for inventiveness or a developed artistic imagination.

This beautiful line, called the Ability line by the famous American palmist William G. Benham, symbolizes the potential to achieve success, as well as natural talents and a passionate desire to achieve wealth and fame. In addition, it can be used to find out what rewards await a person for his efforts. As for relationships, the presence of the line of the Sun can emphasize the charm of the owner of the hand and the ability to feel confident in any society.

The strongest and at the same time rare outline of the indicated line implies its beginning at one of Rosetta’s bracelets and ending at the very base of the ring finger (Fig. 170).

Rice. 170. Apollo's ideal line

Such a hand characterizes a diamond that has turned into a diamond after appropriate processing. A gifted, promising child received an appropriate education and, with a lot of effort, achieved brilliant success in the field of art, culture or fashion. This is also an excellent sign for a self-confident businessman who has quick and clear thinking, allowing him to find solutions to difficult problems without outside help. Particularly favorable for a human creator is a picture on the palm when the line in question is well colored, correctly formed and concave towards the Mount of Apollo. This is a truly outstanding personality, capable of hypnotizing others with his personal magnetism. If the Apollo line begins on the hill of Venus behind the Life line and reaches the ring finger (Fig. 171), it means that the person has the gift of imagination and excellent visual memory, which makes it possible to easily remember minor details.

Rice. 171. The line of Apollo begins on the Mount of Venus behind the line of Life and reaches the finger of Apollo

It is also a sign of great artistic talent. Most often, the owner of the hand comes from the appropriate social class and at the beginning of his career receives help from family members and relatives. There are many examples when a creator was inspired to create masterpieces by his wife or simply by his beloved woman, who became a real muse of talent.

If the Apollo line begins on the Mount of the Moon and extends to the ring finger, we can assume that the person has a soft, indecisive character and is dependent on others. To make important decisions, he needs outside support and, despite his own talents, he feels confident only under the guidance of a stronger and more self-confident person. But, undoubtedly, his positive qualities are lack of conflict and the ability to work in a team. In addition, such a person is an incorrigible dreamer, capable of seeing a fantastic plot even in the most trivial everyday story.

Rice. 172. Short line of Apollo, lying low on the palm

Sometimes the Apollo line can start very low on the palm and quickly break off without ever reaching the Mercury finger (Fig. 172). Most often, this implies the flowering of talent at an early age, thanks to a bright innate gift. Sometimes in this situation one can trace a certain shade of tragedy in the fate of a person who in his youth surpassed others, using his extraordinary abilities. But as he grew older, he lost interest in creative activity and succumbed to opposing circumstances, turning from a potentially great personality into a colorless mediocrity. With the appropriate combination of signs (see “Family in the Palm”), it can be assumed that the owner of the hand owes parting with his talent to his spouse, who turned out to be the dominant partner, building the family structure at his own discretion.

You can see the palm on which the Apollo line starts from the very center (i.e., from the plain of Mars) (Fig. 173). This configuration of branches also denotes a forced transformation of innate qualities in harsh reality. Most likely, such a hand belongs to an intelligent person who is able to assimilate life lessons, but at the same time does not lose the deep core of his own “I”. As an example, we can cite a writer who is forced to engage in “business projects,” that is, write books that pay well, and leave his favorite topics aside.

Rice. 173. The Apollo line begins in the very center of the palm

If the line of Apollo emerges in an arc from the well-developed superior mount of Mars (Fig. 174), it means a long struggle for success.

Rice. 174. The line of Apollo begins on the Upper Mount of Mars

However, the owner of the hand is naturally endowed with both brilliant talent and pronounced qualities of a fighter, and therefore subconsciously does not wish for any other life. The desired reward will be not only recognition from the outside, but also personal spiritual comfort.

The hand on which the Apollo line begins on the Life line belongs to a person who knows how to ennoble any hard work and turn it into worthy work (Fig. 175).

Rice. 175. The Apollo line comes from the Life line

He puts his soul into any business and is proud of his achievements. For example, an ordinary renovation in an apartment turns into a flight of designer’s imagination, and an old used car turns into a car enthusiast’s dream. In addition, if both lines are drawn favorably, we can say that prosperity will come to the owner of the hand through inheritance.

The situation when the Apollo line bends under the little finger indicates a desire for a catchy appearance and visual effects combined with a perky, artistic and sparkling character. Such a person is the soul of the company. He is not only dressed in fashion, but at the same time he behaves very confidently, stylishly and relaxed. For example, young people with such an Apollo line in their appearance can preach the so-called “Gothic” style, reveling in its dark beauty. And representatives of the older generation show off expensive suits and flashy accessories at a business dinner. It is noteworthy that such people approach the choice of a sexual partner in a similar way, focusing mainly on appearance.

Rice. 176. The Apollo line ends with a square under the ring finger

A cross on the Apollo line can block creative energy, but other palmistry signs have a significant positive and protective impact on a person's life. Thus, a square under the ring finger on the Apollo line means that an influential person will help the owner of the hand achieve greater success (Fig. 176). Perhaps it will be a boss who has spotted the remarkable talent of his subordinate, a wealthy friend, or simply a rich person who spares no money for charity.

A star on the Apollo line increases personal luck and makes a person attractive to others. As you know, the owners of such a sign changed the course of history. A star near the finger of Apollo (Fig. 177) enhances the skill of an orator and is often found on the hands of actors, singers, TV presenters and other people with clear diction. Some palmists claim that using personal charm, communication skills and a protective sign on the hand, you can take any risk in order to earn big money.

Rice. 177. Star on the line of Apollo under the ring finger

A broken, weak Apollo line means ups and downs in popularity, as well as doubts and difficulties on the creative path. If this line is inexpressive, pale and blurry, then the owner of the hand lacks concentration and perseverance, so he is unlikely to become a famous specialist in his field.

Rice. 178. Chaotic strokes that do not cross the Apollo line

Multiple intersections of the Apollo line with other palm lines and branches means that this person will have to achieve highest goal overcome many obstacles, most of which are generated by such vices as envy and greed. Chaotic needle-like strokes around the Apollo line that do not intersect it (Fig. 178) indicate enemies and envious people who want to harm the talent. However, all these troubles cannot cause serious harm and stop the desire for self-expression and success in creativity.

Noticeable lateral lines merging with or running parallel to the main Apollo branch indicate random sources of income. For example, an artist may receive a series of orders from a wealthy client, or a writer may suddenly find a wealthy sponsor who wants to stage his play. At the same time, many short lines crossing the Apollo line indicate serious obstacles that arise due to the fault of the immediate environment. The owner of such a hand can become a victim of envious friends, experience the betrayal of a corrupt partner, or fall into the power of despotic parents accustomed to controlling the fate of their offspring.

The situation with many clearly visible Apollo lines different lengths(Fig. 179) may mean that the owner of the hand cannot choose a professional field for himself.

Rice. 179. The Apollo line consists of several lines of different lengths

He is endowed with various talents and an inquisitive mind, which makes it possible to master more than one skill or succeed in several arts at once. But here it is important to understand that it is possible to achieve extraordinary heights only in one single area, completely devoting yourself to this path. It is interesting that musicians usually have a large number of thin branches that make up the Apollo line, while among painters and poets they are few in number, but more expressive and deep.

Particularly noteworthy is the situation when the two lines of Apollo are shaped like the letter “V” (Fig. 180). Two forces (society and the unconscious) push the owner of such a hand in different directions, and he cannot choose between public recognition and personal happiness. In this case, it may be advisable to seek help from a competent person who sympathizes with the owner of the palm and is aware of all his affairs. It is this kind of support that will help you choose the only path that will activate your incredible inner potential.

If several branches are visible at the very base of the ring finger, this denotes great artistic talent, and a branch in the form of a trident (Fig. 181) promises wealth and success in commercial affairs, provided that the person who craves all this stops rushing about and worrying, concentrating on specific practical steps.

The complete absence of the Apollo line on the hand speaks of a person who neglects financial issues and is content with little - both in the material plane and in the spiritual sphere.

Rice. 180. The Apollo line consists of two lines connected in the shape of the letter "V"

Rice. 181. Branching of the Apollo line in the form of a trident

Line (belt) of Venus

In one form or another, the line of Venus can be found on almost every hand. Its synonymous name is the Belt (or Ring) of Venus, because in the classical version this sign is located on the palm in a semicircle, starting between the index and middle fingers, and ending at the Mount of Mercury, between the ring and little fingers (see Fig. 98) . Some palmists call the Belt of Venus the second line of the Heart, according to its location - between the lines of the Heart and top part palms.

As the name suggests, the Belt of Venus is associated with the erotic and loving nature of a person. Thus, this sign correlates with great sexual appetites, especially if it is combined with the main indicator of sexuality - the large Mount of Venus.

IN old school Palmistry believed that the complete absence of the line in question was a very good sign, indicating a balanced person, not subject to destructive passions and deception. Such negative properties of the Belt of Venus stem from the fact that this line, with its semicircle, seems to cut off the Mount of Apollo from the rest of the palm. As you know, this “solar” hill carries powerful creative energy, correcting and ennobling with it many negative palm signs, and being isolated by the Ring of Venus, it loses its properties. As a result, all symbols and combinations of lines fully exert their harmful influence on a person’s fate. In the 19th century, when hysteria was a common diagnosis, palmists called the Belt of Venus the “line of hysteria.” And since sexual energy often manifests itself in the form of mental imbalance and a tendency to promiscuity, the most accurate synonymous name for this branch would be the “libido line.”

It is now known for certain that the Belt of Venus occurs in 10% of people, and its presence emphasizes the emotional responsiveness and sensual receptivity of nature. People with this palmistry symbol are easily suggestible, susceptible to the influence of passions and bad habits, and are also prone to sexual fantasies, although the extent of all this depends on the clarity, length and depth of the line itself. However, when analyzing a hand with a pronounced Belt of Venus and describing the psychological portrait of its owner, one should definitely take into account the severity, direction and clarity of the main palm lines, as well as the state of the hills.

If a well-developed Mount of Venus is densely cut with a large number of thin and deep lines, then love of love turns into a vice, and sensuality into refined depravity. Such a person is irresistibly drawn to rash actions. He, as they say, “thinks with the lower chakras,” that is, he constantly seeks sexual saturation, easily falls in love and also easily forgets his partners. Bad inclinations can lead such a subject to alcohol or drug addiction, and any attempt by others to delay this fall plunges him into rage or deep depression.

The situation when the Belt of Venus at its beginning is intersected by other palm lines (for example, the line of Fate, Fig. 182) means that the owner of the hand at an early age learned the taste of sensual pleasures, without having much of an idea about caution and self-esteem. This sign also indicates some scandalous circumstances from his youth that a decent person would not want to remember.

Rice. 182. The Belt of Venus intersects with the line of Fate

If the Ring of Venus in the palm is combined with a long and well-defined line of the Head and a convex, developed hillock of Apollo, then such a combination indicates that the owner of the hand has noble traits in character, and is also not devoid of intelligence, intelligence and creativity. All these qualities will help him successfully overcome the passionate influence emanating from the Belt of Venus, which can result in stunning lyrical works.

A short and clear Belt of Venus (Fig. 183) is a sure sign of a hyper-emotional personality.

Rice. 183. Short and clear Belt of Venus

This person does not know peace and peace of mind. As soon as he loses his vigilance and sense of proportion even for a moment, all the demons of his soul will break free. According to some palmists, a short Belt of Venus is characteristic of an active and at the same time insightful person, for whom the feelings of others are an open book. This sign is usually found among professional showmen, socialites and public figures who use their sexual energy and charisma to win over the public. A long, torn and poorly formed Girdle of Venus can be a sign of a restless character. It indicates a person who has difficulty meeting his emotional needs, or symbolizes difficulties in discharging accumulated internal tension. Thus, a torn Venus Belt may be a sign of an extremely sensitive person, prone to outbursts of irritation and unsuccessfully trying to find an outlet for his energy in sex. If the gaps in the Venus line are very large, so that its outlines are only partially expressed, the owner of the hand may be frivolous, irresponsible and promiscuous in sexual relations.

Rosetta lines

The Rosetta line can be found on any palm without exception. These are horizontal lines, as if surrounding the wrist with several rings (see Fig. 98) and stand out especially clearly if the hand is slightly bent. Rosetta, as it were, limits the palm, marks its end, so sometimes its lines are called bracelets of Venus or simply bracelets. Also, Rosetta is placed in astrological dependence on the zodiac sign Leo, therefore in the old works of French palmists it is called the Leo line or simply Leo.

The top bracelet of Rosetta is traditionally associated with health, the second with wealth, and the third with love. And if all three ring lines are solid, clear and localized parallel to each other (Fig. 184), this marks a healthy, long life, full of prosperity and serenity.

Rice. 184. Three solid rings of Rosetta

In particular, it is believed that each clear, unbroken bracelet corresponds to 30 years of excellent health. Thus, the ring lines of the wrist act as additional lines of Life, adding strength, energy and courage on the path of life.

It is great if Rosetta has an oval outline, since this foreshadows numerous inheritances and prosperity in his youth (Fig. 185). At the same time, if on a woman’s hand the top line is curved towards the palm like a bow, then this warns of a high probability of difficult childbirth (Fig. 186).

Rice. 185. Oval shape Rosettes

Rice. 186. The top line of Rosetta is curved in the shape of a bow

If Rosetta’s rings (especially the second) are forked, this can be considered a prediction of honors and wealth in old age (Fig. 187). Weak, torn rings in the form of short lines or bracelets in the form of chains indicate poor physical condition, a difficult life and frequent periods of stress.

If a line begins from the rings of Rosetta, running along the Upper Hill of Mars and following to the Hill of Apollo, then this foreshadows wealth, fame and honors that will be acquired through the patronage of an influential person (Fig. 188). Several signs in the form of circles on bracelets mean that a person will be an heir several times.

Rice. 187. Rosetta's second ring is bifurcated

Rice. 188. From Rosetta begins a line running along the Upper Hill of Mars to the Hill of Apollo

Several signs in the form of circles on bracelets mean that a person will be an heir several times.

If lines depart from Rosetta heading towards the Head line, this serves as a sign of rapid career growth. If such lines bend, for example, towards the Mount of Venus (Fig. 189), then a career will be associated with a person of the opposite sex, and if they stretch in the direction of the Mount of Apollo, then a career is expected in the field of art. The length of the lines to the Mount of Mercury promises a career related to finance or science.

Rice. 189. A branch from Rosetta's ring goes to the Mount of Venus

If the lines of Rosetta form an angle open towards the thumb, this portends a marriage without love, but strong, reliable and long-lasting (Fig. 190).

Rice. 190. Rosetta lines form an angle open towards the thumb

The fourth ring of Rosetta is very rare and generally a very good omen. Its owner will be favored by fate throughout his life and into old age. Usually, the Life line is very long on both palms and may have a sister line (“Guardian Angel line”) - a sign of protection and good luck. A hand with these signs can well be called “lucky”.

Secondary lines of the palm

The minor lines listed below are usually small and are not found on every hand. However, their influence on human life is quite great. The very name of these lines reveals hidden meaning and controlling energy.

Milky Way Line, or Line of Communication

The Milky Way line, or the line of Communication, is found very rarely on the palm, but its presence leaves a significant imprint on the communication abilities of the individual and the specifics of communication. Some palmists call it the “sister line to the Mercury line,” the “Voluptuous line,” or the “Charisma line.” Usually this line starts at the wrist, runs along the edge of the palm and goes to the finger of Mercury (Fig. 191). A clear, unbroken line indicates a person's ability to benefit greatly from their communication skills. In addition, the presence of the Communication line in the palm indicates that the subject is prone to displaying strong emotions, spurring him on to passionate conversation and the ability to persuade.

Rice. 191. Long Line of Communication

He can flatter in order to melt the heart of a proud interlocutor, or Venus can pretend to be offended in order to influence someone’s vulnerable soul.

From the point of view of sexual relations, the presence of the line of Voluptuousness in the palm of the hand in combination with the pronounced Belt of Venus indicates a tendency towards ardent and unrestrained manifestations of emotions generated by love passions.

A completely straight and wide line of Communication reveals a restless person who often becomes annoying to others. When this branch originates from the large Mount of Venus, its owner can easily become a victim of addictions, since he is inclined to plunge into the world of uncontrolled passions (Fig. 192).

Rice. 192. The Line of Communication originates from the large Mount of Venus

If a branch from the line of Communication flows into the line of Apollo, then this indicates the possibility of gaining wealth through the acquisition of profitable acquaintances (Fig. 193). However, if the lines in question do not intersect, then financial losses may follow as a result of a breakdown in relations between people. For example, this could be the division of company property or divorce proceedings.

Rice. 193. A branch from the line of Communication flows into the line of Apollo

If the line of Communication passes from the palm to the wrist, then before us is a keen and passionate person (Fig. 194). However, it is the fact in which direction he directs his actions that is fateful. Its energy can be harmful and destructive, bringing the Branch misfortune both to its owner and those around him, or it can help to grow spiritually and give happiness to others. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the configuration of Rosetta’s rings.

Rice. 194. The Line of Communication goes to the wrist

Rice. 195. Ideal line of Intuition

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Hand lines

The laws governing worldly success are mysterious and controlled by the actions, or Karma, of our previous life and our present condition. In other words, the marks, symbols and lines present on the hands of people during and after birth are there according to the karma of their previous existence. If signs and lines are erased, appear or deepen, this is the result of our current actions. How exactly the lines change is a mystery, the fact is that changing our circumstances and ideals stimulates our mind and nervous system, as a result of which changes appear on the lines of the hands. Therefore, our life is the result of our past and present actions - this can be clearly read on our palms. Therefore, signs and symbols play an important role in astropalmistry. They correspond to the planets and other marks on the hands.

Life Line ( green) begins at the foot of the Mount of Jupiter, at the inner edge of the palm, between the index and thumb and arches around the Mount of Venus.
The Line of Mind (head) begins between the thumb and index finger, runs across the palm to the Mount of Mars, not reaching the edge of the palm. It usually begins at the same point as the Life line, so that the roots of these lines merge on most hands.
Line of Mind ( blue) associated with it is a judgment about the area of ​​mental abilities, thinking, and the functioning of the central nervous system.
Health Line ( yellow) begins on the Mount of Mercury and goes down the palm parallel to the line of Success (Apollo). The Health line is associated with the idea of ​​the state of the digestive organs. (rarely there)
Heart Line ( red) goes around the hills of the upper fingers of the hand, except for Jupiter. It usually starts near the root of the index finger, lowers slightly, then goes in a gentle arc, the convexity of which is directed downwards and reaches the very edge of the palm, serving as a dividing line between the hills of Mercury (under the little finger) and Mars (edge ​​of the palm). This is the only main line that is sometimes completely absent. The Heart Line marks the emotionality and sincerity of nature. This is the area of ​​feelings and attachments.
Line of Subday (purple) most often it originates at the bottom of the palm from the bracelet, in the very middle, i.e. from the gap between the hills of Venus and the Moon. Along the line of Fate you can read about all events, past and future. You can predict all changes: successes, failures, obstacles, the end result of your career.
Apollo Success Line ( blue) associated with it is a judgment about material wealth, productivity in art, and the height of ideals. The Line of Success emphasizes the significance of success determined by a good line of Fate. People with this line easily gain recognition and achieve their goals. The Line of Success lies in the lower part of the palm, but it is fickle: it starts from the line of Life, and from the hill of the Moon, and from the space between them, and goes to the finger of the Sun (Apollo). (rarely there)
Rosetta Line ( gray) represents lines encircling the wrist. These lines are believed to indicate longevity, health, and happiness. Each well-closed wrist line predicts 30 years of life. If there are many transverse lines on the wrist, this means that happiness will accompany the person.

On the surviving palm leaves with texts on astropalmistry, there is no mention of the rule that the right hand reflects a man, and the left - a woman - this is a purely gypsy myth accepted in European circles. In ancient India, women were not considered inferior to men when it came to understanding destiny. In fact, women were at the center of philosophy and art. Since fate affects both men and women equally, the difference between the right and left hands is not determined by gender. The left hand has become more important than the right because it reflects who you are in this world, and the right hand reflects who you will be in the future. Of course, there are special signs for women, such as the arrow, lightning rod, double square, scales of justice, sword, lotus and eight-pointed star. They all signify prosperity and long life.

Signs and their meaning

The TRIDENT is a very rare sign, which is formed by branches from the connection of the line of the hand. Do not confuse the TRIDENT with the FORK, a much more common sign.T. necessarily has a clear pattern and usually completes (begins) the movement of the lines. The best option is when the trident is located on the hill of JUPITER - this is a guarantee of the social significance of a person and his ideas, or on the hill of APOLLO - this is a sign of public glory, fantastic success.

Square, rhombus, rectangle are considered signs of protection.
Signs that remove the threat from bad lines
And they soften the blows of fate (on lines and hills, among others).
Example: Sq. on the heart line this is the prevention of some kind of unrequited love (i.e. light flirting without worries).

The large quadrangle is otherwise called the “Hand Table”.
It is formed due to the intersection between each other: the line of the Mind, the Line of the Heart, the line of Fate and the line of Success. It may have an irregular shape - beveled corners, far from straight, the absence of some of the sides. It’s good if Ch. is correct, large and expands towards the Mount of JUPITER. This speaks of good health, directness and breadth of nature, honesty, kindness, pleasant character. Otherwise, then this is a person. indecisive, weak, cowardly, selfish, etc.
And if there is no such figure at all in the center of the palm, this is an indicator of bad character. If in the center of the Ch. there is a cross, not connected by any lines, then this is a special mystical sign (the gift of divination and a special inclination to study the OCCULT SCIENCES).

Connection of lines: Mind, Heart, Health. If the Health line is almost not expressed, then a torn triangle is obtained. In general, this figure means the development of mental abilities and health. The correct figure means excellent health and a lively, insightful Mind. If there is a break in the lines, then the side of the triangle on which this break occurred is deprived of its integrity and positive properties.

The cross in the "Table of the Hand" is found on the hand of an honest man. Such a person will not abandon or betray. And if he does this, it will only be out of stupidity or accident, but not intentionally. Such people always suffer if they do not live up to the trust of others.

Cross on the Mount of Jupiter.
This is almost the only place where the cross carries a positive charge. any cross indicates that at a certain period of life, an explosion unexpectedly occurs in the flow of energy gradually coming to you from above. Here this is a violation of the usual surge of energy that feeds pride and reasonable egoism. An explosion - and you no longer think about yourself, you lose your appetite and sleep, forgetting about everything and flying in reality. Sound familiar?
This is Love!

Thin vertical lines on the phalanges of the fingers, especially on the index finger, are a sign of general decency not only in life, but also in thoughts.
Even when committing immoral acts (no one is immune from circumstances), these people have a solid core of decency within them. They are almost never capable of betrayal.

The widened upper phalanx of the middle finger indicates that the person in front of you is responsible and serious in all respects.
Even children with such a middle finger are very responsible. By the way, if you find this sign on your baby’s hand, don’t scold him over trifles and don’t make a scene over serious things, he’s already worried, maybe even more than you.

The ring finger leans toward the middle finger.
A person with such an inclination of the ring finger is difficult to approach and serious. In love, these people show deep loyalty, deeply aware of the responsibility for their connections. Such people suffer too much in the event of a divorce.

The fitted lower phalanx of the thumb speaks of a person’s tact, his good demeanor, and his ability to control himself in the selection of expressions.

Cross under the middle finger.
This is a sign of disaster. However, the time has passed when this sign clearly sentenced a person to death. Thanks to progress, the development of technology and medicine, it is no longer easy for a person to just accidentally die from an accident. However, you need to be careful. A brick falling from a roof will let everyone through except the owner of such a sign. The bank robbers will take him hostage. Therefore, the risk is simply contraindicated for such people.

An asterisk on the Mount of Venus at the base of the thumb.
This sign speaks not only of unhappy love, but also of an unhappy marriage.

Mesh on the upper phalanx of the ring finger.
If such a person has not yet manifested severe mental disorders, they will still manifest themselves someday.

The crosses located on the Mount of Venus are very close to the Life Line.
Any cross indicates that at a certain period of life (see the scale) an explosion unexpectedly occurs in the flow of energy gradually coming to you from above. Near the Life Line, such an explosion primarily affects your physical health. It is generally believed that such crosses indicate the loss of loved ones, with the condition that this loss will greatly affect the person.

Dangling, that is, a short life line.
ONLY IF such a pattern is PRESENT ON BOTH HANDS, it indicates the end of life, if not in the physical, then certainly in the spiritual sense. Occurring on one hand, it means that after a certain period of time a person completely stops receiving vital energy and stops developing.

The sign of the cross is a sign of hesitation, indecisiveness, and it is unfavorable on the mount of Mercury (tendency to duplicity, theft), and on the mount of the sun (if the line ends on the sign) of the butt current to achieve fame and wealth. On the mount of Saturn - this is a sign of the danger of violent death, on the mount of the moon - self-deception (with a descending line of the mind) and danger from water, on the mount of Mars - defeat in the fight; in contact with the line of the mind - the danger of an accident (head injury), with the line of fate - opposition from other persons, and in the line of the sun - means obstacles in achieving success c.

But the mystical cross (located in a large quadrilateral), not touching the main lines, or formed by their extension (heart line or mind line) by crossing the line of fate, speaks of the ability to be ok cultism, insight, intuition, the gift of reproach.

The triangle sign is generally a favorable sign, indicating outstanding abilities. This is a sign of success, a harmonious personality. On the mount of Jupiter (with a straight and long line of the mind) this is a sign of the ability to achieve successful social and government activities, on the mount of Saturn - a tendency towards hypnotism y, occultism, to research in science, on the hill of the sun - combinations of abilities for pure art and science, on the hill Venus - balance and prudence in heart affairs, on the mount of Mars - success and protection in military affairs, on the mount of the moon - balance, contemplation and practicality some aspirations.

Among the small signs, a favorable sign that eliminates one or another drawback or danger is the square sign. For example, if the break in the life line is still connected by a square, then the threat of a dangerous disease in this case is complemented by the possibility of recovery. Also on the mount of hills, a square improves signs, and on the mount of Jupiter it foretells a happy marriage. On the contrary, the star sign is considered an unfavorable sign, being located at the ends of the fingers - on the inner side of the upper phalanx: On the index - this is a threat to life due to a pride, on the middle - the same on the rock side, on the nameless - on the fire side, and on the little finger - from various enterprises that threaten entrepreneurs with bankruptcy.

The island sign, according to general opinion, always deteriorates the evidence of one or another line on which it finds itself. Like dots (hollows), it means illness, trouble, failure, life’s adversity, without which a person’s life is indispensable. For example, islands at the beginning of the life line indicate a predisposition to respiratory tract diseases, especially when the fingernails are round and convex in the center, but the islands are the middle of the line is a sign of predisposition to diseases of the digestive organs, and in the lower part of the line - the kidneys, bladder and genitourinary organs. On the line of the mind (head), the islands mean a tendency to mental overstrain: Under the hill of Jupiter - from excessive ambitions, under the hill of Saturn - from suspiciousness and suspicion you, self-digging, under the hill of mercury - from whims and delights, under the hill of the sun - from vain aspirations, and also hazardous to eyes and face. An island at the beginning of the heart line is a sign of predisposition to heart diseases (nail diagnostics should also be taken into account here). On the line of fate, the island is a sign of a tendency toward adultery, but near its beginning on the Mount of Venus, the island indicates the possibility of an unfavorable influence of marriage on the path of life, and at the end of it - for blows and losses in declining years.

Signs represented by a series of dots - circles - are harbingers of success when located on the bumps, and on the lines the dots are red or blue, especially dark ones indicate, unlike white ones, a pain of one or another organ, determined by its location. Likewise, the hash sign, indicating extremes in character, is an unfavorable sign. So, on the mount of Venus this is a sign of debauchery (including sexual), on the mount of the sun - a tendency to carelessness based on vanity, on the mount of Saturn it is evidence of strength about egocentrism and predisposition to gloomy depressive states, about the inability to set life goals (and when the line of fate for segments - about the confusion in the head). The lattice sign on the mount of Jupiter speaks of incredible pride, and on the mount of Mercury - about a tendency to theft, on the mount of Mars - about the possibility of violent death, and finally and the bunpe of the moon - about anxiety and lethargy (for women - about hysteria).

Dragon's head.
Place - Star on Dragon lines or bracelets.
Meaning - Quiet life or old age.

Dragon's tail.
Place - Line running from the second bracelet to the Mount of Venus.
Meaning: Disagreement with relatives or wife.

Cross of Mars.
Place - Cross or star on the hill of Mars.
Meaning - Happy travels.

Line of Disaster.
Place - From the Life line up, through the second joint of the thumb.
Meaning: Violent death or great danger from a married woman.

Location - Small lines on the second joint of the thumb.
Meaning: Grumpiness. Small horizontal lines rising towards the first joint are a sign of wealth in the second half of life.

Helmet of Hermes.
Place - A cross or star on the third knuckle of the small finger, especially in the middle.
Meaning: Ingenuity and eloquence.

The pattern of lines on a person's palms is unique and mysterious. Recognizing and interpreting these curves is the basis of palmistry. There are many manuals for mastering this area of ​​esotericism that explain its key concepts. Studying the meanings of ​lines​ ​on​ ​hands​ ​in​ ​palmistry​ ​with​ ​detailed​ ​description helps to determine the present and future of a person, to describe the characteristics of his personality.


To read the lines on the hand and their meanings in palmistry, first of all, choose the palm: right or left. In this case, the right-handed or left-handed person who is being told fortune-telling is taken into account. In the first case, the right hand is the active hand, and the left is the inactive hand. For lefties it's the opposite.

If we consider right-handers, the meanings of the lines in the palm of the left hand are determined as the potential inherent in a person from birth. They come from the heart and soul. The meanings of the lines in the palm of the right hand determine the options for fate that have developed under the influence of life events. At the same time, the bends in the hands may vary, indicating deviations from the predetermined “scenario”, which indicates the person’s work on his personality.

In palmistry, there are 4 types of main lines that reveal the spiritual and practical essence of a person. They show a person’s abilities and determine the extent to which he uses them. The fewer breaks and branches there are at the bends, the more positive their interpretation. Many lines on the palm are a sign of a person’s complex and winding fate. Some bends are missing or merge into one.

  • faded ones indicate health problems, personality passivity;
  • reddish ones are found in optimistic people with positive energy;
  • yellow color is present in closed, selfish individuals, with liver pathologies;
  • a dark shade of curves (blue or dark yellow) is characteristic of vindictive, arrogant, reserved and overly serious people.

As everyone gains experience, they develop their own method of interpreting the results.

Reading in palmistry the meanings of the lines on the hand for beginners is carried out from the heart line (to determine the mental organization), then the head line (intellectual abilities) is studied, then the life line (concentration of vital forces) and the fate line (the path of life). The bends are considered as a whole and only after that a conclusion is made about current events and the future of a person.

Heart line

Determines the emotional component of the personality. It represents the upper horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm under the little finger (from the beginning of the life path) to the inner.

  • A clear, clear, arched line ending between the middle and index fingers is a sign of stability in the emotional state and indicates a person’s responsiveness and rationality.
  • The location of the bend near the line of the mind indicates a restrained character, a predisposition to strong feelings.
  • A short line that breaks under the middle and ring finger indicates difficulties in expressing emotions and alienation.
  • The intersection of the entire palm straight is a sign of a sympathetic person who empathizes with other people.
  • Twisting curves indicate the emotionality of nature.
  • The connection of the heart line with the lines of the head and life warns of the risk of fatal consequences, murder out of jealousy.
  • A clear red bend means passion, without branches or a weak manifestation - callousness and dryness of nature. The double line indicates the reliability of a person in marriage. The same curve on both palms speaks of selfishness, a long one on the left hand speaks of an emotional shock that has left a mark for life.

Life line

Indicates the vitality and energy of a person. The curve runs across the palm, as if separating the thumb. The sharper, clearer and longer the line, the more resilient and stable the person. However, life expectancy, contrary to popular belief, is not determined by this bend. A person with a short life line will live well into old age. In addition, the length and type of bend can change over time.

The life line indicates the concentration of the vital forces of a particular person.

  • The beginning of the bend at the edge of the palm indicates a decisive character, if it is presented in the form of a chain - this is a sign of dependence on others.
  • The connection of the initial segment with the head line indicates caution, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.
  • Sometimes a parallel line is marked next to the life line - the sister line or guardian angel. The meaning of the guardian angel line on the hand is defined as a favorable sign, good luck, happy changes.
  • A break in the life line predicts changes in it. If it is noted on both palms, it warns of a serious illness or injury. A fatal result is possible when this bend intersects the line of the head and heart.
  • The meaning of 2 life lines on the hand (with their almost identical thickness) is defined as the combination of 2 values ​​(family and career).
  • If this curve does not intersect with the line of the head, this indicates the courage and talent of the person.

Mind line

The meaning of the head line on the hand, or mind, determines the intellectual level of the individual, the power of thinking. The curve runs horizontally from the edge to the middle of the palm, starting between the bases of the index and thumb and moving towards the ring finger.

  • The longer the line, the higher the intellectual abilities. If it reaches almost to the edge of the palm or ends under the little finger, the person is insightful and has the gift of foresight. A short bend (the end under the middle finger) indicates a low inclination of the individual to analysis and concentration on current events.
  • The branching of the end of the head line speaks of creative thinking (“writer’s fork”).
  • A slight, intermittent bend indicates slowness, weak memory, thinking and attention; a straight line indicates logical judgment; a curved line indicates intuition and subjective perception of the world.
  • A significant distance between the beginning of the head and life lines means ambition and independent thinking.
  • The meaning of the double line of the mind on the hand is interesting, indicating the versatility of the personality, its psychological split. This is a creative, talented person, but at the same time he is in constant conflict with himself. The meaning of the two lines of the mind on the hand is determined by the 2 lives of the individual, in which he plays different roles (sociable at work, but withdrawn at home, etc.).
  • The connection between the curves of the mind and the heart is called the “monkey line,” which shows the subordination of the mind to the feelings or vice versa.

Line of fate

It is considered the most changeable of the main lines on the palm. It is located vertically in the middle of the palm, under the middle finger. This bend characterizes life values, a person’s career, his conscious goals, and allows him to make the right choice. It can be clearly or poorly expressed, sometimes absent.

  • A long straight line from the base of the palm indicates a person’s courage, independence, longevity, and stability of fate.
  • The broken line indicates frequent changes of professions.
  • In self-sufficient individuals, its beginning is noted in the middle of the palm. The end of the line at the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) portends wealth, success, at the hill of Apollo (at the ring finger) - achievements in creativity, at the hill of Mercury (under the little finger) - failure, bankruptcy, however, such people are sociable and they are recommended to choose a profession with taking into account this quality.
  • The branched end of the bend speaks of joy, pleasure from life. If a line is found from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, this indicates the parapsychological abilities of the individual.
  • The absence of a fate line occurs in people without individual characteristics, characterless personalities, and in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

The line of fate is considered unstable, capable of appearing or changing direction when life circumstances change.


Such lines are considered additional; they detail the information received, report important events, health, a person’s inclinations, etc. Accessory curves also change over the course of life and may be absent. A large number of such traits indicates a rich emotional life, a thirst for variety and impressions. The clearer and more pronounced the bends, the more reliable the information obtained from them.

Line of health (line of Mercury)

The value of the health line on the hand determines the physical, psychosomatic well-being of a person. The curve runs from the little finger down the palm towards the thumb. Possible contact with the life line.

  • There is a lack of a health line. This indicates the strength of the body, the healthy state of organs and systems.
  • The clarity and continuity of the trait indicates poor physical endurance, fatigue, or the individual’s persistence in business.
  • If the line begins to squirm, this indicates problems with the digestive system and increased anxiety.
  • Merging with the line of the mind and heart or excessive depth indicates a risk of brain inflammation.
  • A broken line indicates poor health and business failures. When crossing it, short lines indicate the risk of accidents.
  • If a triangle is formed in the palm of the hand from the lines of life, head and health, this is a sign of luck.
  • At this line you can find a “satellite” (Milky Way) from the dashes closer to the edge of the palm. It foretells a happy life.

Line of ​Glory

The line runs from the bottom of the wrist vertically across the palm to the ring finger. Evaluates the success of an individual, the possibility of receiving awards, achievements, and public fame.

  • A pronounced, clear line indicates a successful working career and enjoyment from it.
  • In the absence of a line, a person can achieve success, but without social recognition.
  • A broken line means alternating successes and failures in your career.
  • If the line passes under the index finger, success is expected in art. This also foreshadows its ending under the ring finger in the form of a triangle or asterisk; the square at the end marks the help of the patron.

Marriage line

The meaning of the lines of marriage and children on the hand characterizes emotions, feelings for a loved one; according to their ratio, it is determined from which union the child will appear, how many of them will be born in total. Perhaps several dashes. The marriage line runs under the little finger; the closer to the base, the later the relationship will arise.

  • Weak lines are romances, pronounced ones are signs of marriage.
  • Many intersecting lines indicate a person’s predisposition to cheating.
  • A perpendicular line that does not intersect with the marriage line indicates a child. The meaning of the lines of children on the hand determines their gender (a weak line is a girl, a clear line is a boy), as well as the miscarriage or abortion that occurred (broken lines). Gemini in palmistry is marked with the V sign.
  • The meaning of love lines on the hand, if they continue on the edge of the palm, indicates the duration of the relationship; their branching downwards foreshadows separation.
  • An interruption of the bend by a dash indicates a break in the relationship due to divorce or death. Its renewal predicts the reunification of relationships.

money line

Based on the direction, it indicates the possibility of generating significant income.

  • If the line starts from the base of the thumb and tends to the index finger, ending there in the shape of a star, this is a sign of money-making ability.
  • If the bend is directed from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, this indicates earnings in business.
  • The end of the money line under the ring finger with the intersection of the fame line predicts unexpected financial success.
  • The line from the base of the thumb to the little finger indicates financial assistance from relatives. From this position the line of inheritance is considered. It is located between the ring finger and little finger. The value of the line of inheritance on the hand allows you to find out the degree of wealth. A long and thin line means high profitability.

Line​ ​travel

Characteristic of people seeking a change of scenery and life changes. Located on the edge of the palm in the form of horizontal lines. These lines reflect trips that influence the individual's life path.

  • The intersection of the line with the life line indicates that the trip is associated with health problems (treatment).
  • The intersection of the travel line with the fate line means changes in life.
  • The intersection of several travel lines indicates dangers on the trip. If the lines run inside the square, it acts as a symbol of amulet.
  • Interruption of dashes means that the journey is postponed or delayed.


With the help of minor lines in palmistry, information is obtained about details that influence a person and his life path. These curves are optional; they are absent or in excess on the human palm. Their number is individual for the individual. In this case, the lines are assessed not only on the palms, but also on the fingers themselves. They are also available in individual quantities.

The meaning of the lines on the fingers determines the character of the individual, her abilities, and destiny. A cross on the upper phalanx of the thumb means poverty, a star on the lower one is a sign of wealth. A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger indicates inheritance, a cross on the middle finger on the nail phalanx indicates the woman’s infertility.

A small number of minor lines on the hands speaks of a person’s stability and perception of life as it is. A significant amount of bending is a sign of a nervous-irritable personality.

Line of intuition

Located on the edge of the palm under the little finger, it is also called the line of the medium. This trait is rarely observed and indicates extrasensory, psychological, personality abilities, and developed intuition.

  • The bend of the line to the sides does not matter.
  • A pronounced and clear line speaks of a person’s ability to manage the gift.
  • A dashed line indicates that abilities need to be developed.

Line of confrontation

It consists of horizontal lines located at the outer edge of the palm (almost on its edge) between the lines of the heart and head. They may be present on both hands. They are often subtle and barely visible.

Such lines mean obstacles, obstacles on the path of life in achieving the plans and goals of the individual.

Line of flight

The line is located in the lower part of the palm, near the wrist. When doing fortune telling, decoding such a line indicates an escape from problems into your own world.

  • Often the line crosses the life line. This indicates a time period when the individual is escaping from the world.
  • Such an intersection can also mean suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Line of influence

These horizontal and vertical lines are located on the Mount of Venus (the area at the base of the thumb). Lines mean the influence of loved ones, significant people on the life of the individual.

  • Horizontal lines when fortune telling by hand mean negative, hostile influences on a person’s life, vertical lines - a sign of positive influence and mutual assistance.
  • Many dashes indicate dependence on others. They often talk about a large number of sexual partners. Such people are overly susceptible to outside influence and are sensitive.
  • A small number of lines indicates independence of actions and thoughts, life without attachments.

Line of the Sun

The most favorable trait in palmistry. The meaning of the line of the Sun on the hand is defined as a sign of success, happiness, an easy life, while a long and clear one is rare. It runs from the wrist to the ring finger or appears as a segment at its base, at the line of the heart, and sometimes comes out from other lines on the palm.

  • A straight line speaks of optimism, a cheerful personality, and happiness.
  • Absence indicates failure, but is usually combined with the individual's talent.
  • A weak line means a waste of energy.
  • The line does not reflect family relationships; it is often found on the palms of famous people.

Line​ ​Mars

It takes place on the Mount of Mars (near the thumb) and has a curved appearance. The meaning of the Mars line on the hand is reliable only if the length of the line is more than 2 centimeters and it is clearly defined.

  • It indicates vitality, passion. Often observed in people who are professionally involved in sports. Indicates the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • If the line runs parallel to the life line, it provides it with strength and protection, especially when the latter is intermittent.
  • People with the Mars line are less susceptible to diseases and are lucky, including in accidents.

Line of Neptune

Often called the line of voluptuousness. Mysterious and mystical trait. It is located in the lower part of the palm, at the wrist, and its different directions and appearance are noted. Characterizes a person’s abilities, including extrasensory, his character, passion, state of health, etc.

  • The presence of this line on the hand can warn of the presence of poisons in the body; its curvature is a sign of allergies.
  • The direction from the Mount of Uranus to the wrist indicates a person’s interest in parapsychology and other similar sciences.
  • When the line moves from the wrist to the Mount of Venus, passion and thirst for pleasure of the individual are noted. Characterized by rich imagination and the ability to mysticism.
  • People with the Neptune line are prone to the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, and prophetic dreams. A cross or star at the end of the line portends danger during sea voyages.

A square-shaped brush with long fingers and short nail phalanges usually belongs to a person who is purposeful, sincere, with an aptitude for the exact sciences, but he is distinguished by mistrust and lack of interest in spiritual growth.

The time when certain events in a person’s life should occur is determined as follows. At the intersection of the fate and liver lines there is a mark corresponding to 25 years of age; the point of intersection with the line of the mind is at 50 years old; the point where the line of fate intersects with the line of happiness corresponds to 75 years of age. If the line of fate continues further, then its end is considered to be the 90th year of life.

Sun Line

The line of the Sun (Apollo) originates on the Mount of the Moon. A clear line of Apollo is considered a very good omen, bringing fame, wealth and success. If the Apollo line starts from the wrist itself (rastsetta) and stretches to the base of the ring finger, this is considered the most prosperous sign.

The broken line of Apollo in any area means obstacles experienced by a person on his life path. Mostly these obstacles will be caused by the envy of other people.

If near the Apollo line you can see a large number of lines that do not have a specific configuration, but do not intersect with it, it means that the enemies will not be able to harm him.

If the Apollo line has a split on the hill of the same name, this means that a person will be faced with a situation where it will be difficult for him to make a decision and he will chase two hares.

If the Apollo line has several minor branches just below the base of the finger of the same name, then this sign indicates the presence of great talent.

The complete absence of this line indicates that a person, despite all his efforts, will never be able to achieve great achievements in life and the glory and honors associated with them.

Liver line

Belt of Venus

Figures and signs

Big triangle

The Great Triangle is otherwise called the Field of Mars or the Plain of Mars. It is located in the center, and its sides are the main lines - life, liver (Mercury) and mind. If the liver line is absent or very weakly expressed, this side of the large triangle is indicated by the line of fate. Based on the size and other parameters of the large triangle, one can make a prediction about the vitality and intellectual abilities of a person.

The inner corner is formed by the lines of the mind and liver. If it is expressed clearly enough, then the person will have a long life. An angle that is too sharp indicates nervousness and irritability, while a blunt angle indicates fickleness and slowness of mind.

Small triangle


The quadrangle (otherwise this figure in palmistry is called the “table of the hand”) is formed by four main lines - the heart, mind, fate and liver. If there is no liver line on the hand or it is not clearly defined, it is replaced by the Apollo line.

The large, regular-shaped and clearly defined “hand table” has an extension directed towards the Mount of Jupiter. This configuration is typical for people with good health, positive character traits, who are respected by others due to their directness, openness and readiness for self-sacrifice. A wide quadrangle speaks of a large number of friends and a happy life full of joyful events.

If the entire space of the quadrangle is cut up by many small lines, it means that the subject has a limited mind. A pale x-shaped cross within a quadrangle is considered an ill omen and indicates eccentricity. A cross of the correct shape indicates a penchant for mysticism.

A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger prophesies the receipt of an inheritance. Two parallel strokes intersecting with two of the same strokes indicate a future or completed divorce. Horizontal lines on the middle phalanx of the index finger expose a deceitful and envious person.

If parallel vertical lines are clearly visible on the middle phalanx, this is a sure sign promising a large marriage. If exactly the same lines appear simultaneously on the lower and middle phalanges, then these signs also indicate the nobility of the soul. Vertical parallel lines on all three phalanges of the index finger portend a happy life.

A cross at the base of the nail phalanx of the middle finger in women means childlessness. An oblique line on the lower phalanx of the middle finger denounces stinginess or prophesies death as a result of an accident. Several wide lines on the middle phalanx indicate the number of sons of the subject who will grow up to be good people and continue the family line. If the lines are too thin, then their number corresponds to the number of childless daughters. Two vertical parallel lines on the lower and middle phalanges portend a happy life. If a network of lines is located at the same place, then the interpretation of the sign changes to the opposite. Short vertical lines at the base of the middle finger portend diseases of the musculoskeletal system - gout, rheumatism, etc.

Vertical lines on the second phalanx of the ring finger predict fame, but small income. Short vertical lines on the nail phalanx of the ring finger indicate receiving a rich inheritance. Three vertical lines on the lower phalanx indicate the glory and honors that will go to the children of the subject. The network of lines on the ring finger indicates mental suffering that will be caused by people from your close circle. Three parallel vertical lines on the nail phalanx of the ring finger predict a successful marriage. A double cross on the lower phalanx of the ring finger foreshadows great fame. A network of lines forming a resemblance to the letter “m” on the lower phalanx of the little finger indicates the talent of the speaker. A regular cross on the second phalanx of the same finger speaks of the talent of a preacher; an irregularly shaped cross is a harbinger of misfortune. Vertical parallel strokes on the lower phalanx indicate the number of children, but only if the heart line is solid and clear.



1 – finger of Jupiter; 2 – Solomon’s ring; 3 – Mount of Jupiter; 4 – heart line; 5 – line of mind; 6 – phalanx of will; 7 – life line; 8 – phalanx of logic; 9 – lower hill of Mars; 10 – line of Mars; 11 – Mount of Venus; 12 – line of fate; 13 – daughter life line; 14 – bracelets; 15 – finger of Saturn; 16 – Apollo’s finger; 17 – finger of Mercury; 18 – ring of Saturn; 19 – Mount of Saturn; 20 – Hill of the Sun (Apollo); 21 – belt of Venus; 22 – hill of Mercury; 23 – lines of children; 24 – marriage lines; 25 – line of the Sun (Apollo); 26 – line of intuition; 27 – upper hill of Mars; 28 – health line; 29 – hill of the moon; A – zone of internal activity (determines close relationships, sexuality); B – zone of external activity (relationships with society and the outside world); C – internal passive zone (relationships with the subconscious); D – external passive zone (creativity, energy)

The liver line usually begins at the radius, not far from the life line, and connects the head line with the heart line. If it is evenly colored, clearly visible and has no branches, it means that the subject is a strong nature, with excellent health, a clear conscience and good memory. A curved, thin and broken line reveals a bad person. Negativity intensifies if there is a cross on the liver line. The double line indicates the presence of abilities in medicine and mathematics.

The liver line is often accompanied by a sister line, called the Milky Way line. It also originates near the wrist and extends towards the Mount of Mercury. Its presence indicates a passionate nature, especially if such a person has another sign of passion - the belt of Venus.

Belt of Venus

The belt of Venus originates between the mounts of Saturn and Jupiter and is a semicircle ending between the little and ring fingers. The meaning of the belt of Venus is most often unfavorable.

A clearly outlined belt of Venus, forming a regular semicircle, indicates sensuality and passion. These qualities are enhanced if the belt is crossed by numerous small lines. A double belt means unbridled voluptuousness and an unhappy marriage.

Lines crossing the belt of Venus at the very beginning indicate rash behavior in youth, which can lead to shame. A belt in the form of a regular half-ring reveals a person who is constantly at the mercy of passions and bad habits.

In rare cases, the belt of Venus seems to be open towards the Mount of Mercury. This is a good sign, because it indicates that the bright beginning in a person continues to fight dark passions. Such people sooner or later manage to curb the harmful influence of Venus.

Figures and signs

In addition to the lines and hills, on the palm you can see three separate figures, the boundaries of which are the main lines. These are small and large triangles and a quadrilateral.

Big triangle

The Great Triangle is otherwise called the Field of Mars or the Plain of Mars. It is located in the center, and its sides are the main lines - life, liver (Mercury) and mind. If the liver line is absent or very weakly expressed, this side of the large triangle is indicated by the line of fate. Based on the size and other parameters of the large triangle, one can make a prediction about the vitality and intellectual abilities of a person.

A clearly defined large triangle of regular shape means good health and a happy long life. If one of the lines is broken, then the person has a disadvantage characteristic of this line. Hard skin in the area of ​​the greater triangle indicates weakness of the nervous system.

Each of the three angles of a large triangle has its own meaning. The upper angle, which is located closer to the Mount of Jupiter, is formed by two lines - mind and life. If the angle is acute, it means that positive traits predominate in the person’s character. A blunt upper corner is a sign of laziness with a noble soul and good abilities.

The inner corner is formed by the lines of the mind and liver. If it is expressed clearly enough, then the person will have a long life. An angle that is too sharp indicates nervousness and irritability, while a blunt angle indicates fickleness and slowness of mind.

The lower corner is formed by the lines of the liver and life. If this angle is clearly defined, it means that the person being examined has good health and kindness of heart. An acute angle predicts weakness and stinginess, a blunt angle predicts ignorance, rudeness and laziness.

The presence of another triangle in the inner part of the large one indicates either a heroic character or a tendency towards cruelty. The absence of the liver line and the small size of the large triangle indicate pain and poor health. A cross in the very center of a large triangle indicates a grumpy character.

Small triangle

The small triangle is formed by three lines - fate, liver and mind. This sign is present on the palm only if the person has a well-developed liver line (Mercury). If this line is not present, we can talk about the complete absence of this sign, which indicates insufficient development of intelligence. A clear small triangle, especially on a child's hand, indicates good learning ability.


The quadrangle (otherwise this figure in palmistry is called the “table of the hand”) is formed by four main lines - the heart, mind, fate and liver. If there is no liver line on the hand or it is not clearly defined, it is replaced by the Apollo line.

The large, regularly shaped and clearly defined “hand table” has an extension directed towards the Mount of Jupiter. This configuration is typical for people in good health, positive features character, respected by others due to their directness, openness and readiness for self-sacrifice. A wide quadrangle speaks of a large number of friends and a happy life full of joyful events.

If the quadrilateral is too small or has curved sides, this is considered a clear sign of indecision, lack of independence, poverty of the sensory sphere and petty egoism. The complete absence of a quadrangle is considered a bad sign, foreshadowing misfortune.

If the entire space of the quadrangle is cut up by many small lines, it means that the subject has a limited mind. A pale x-shaped cross within a quadrangle is considered an ill omen and indicates eccentricity. A cross of the correct shape indicates a penchant for mysticism.

Special signs and lines on the fingers

The thumb and all the signs on its surface correspond to those character traits that relate to the material side of life. A star on the lowest phalanx of the thumb portends success in matters related to money. A cross on the nail phalanx, on the contrary, prophesies poverty. A double line at the very base of the finger portends a break in the marriage relationship. An arched line at the base of the finger, where it forms an angle with the inner edge of the palm, is a sign of future glory and honor. Parallel lines on the lower phalanx, located vertically, give an idea of ​​the number of children.

A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger prophesies the receipt of an inheritance. Two parallel strokes intersecting with two of the same strokes indicate a future or completed divorce. Horizontal lines on the middle phalanx of the index finger expose a deceitful and envious person.

If parallel vertical lines are clearly visible on the middle phalanx, this is a sure sign promising a large marriage. If exactly the same lines appear simultaneously on the lower and middle phalanges, then these signs also indicate the nobility of the soul. Vertical parallel lines on all three phalanges of the index finger portend a happy life.

A star at the very base of the index finger speaks of the patronage of influential people.

A cross at the base of the nail phalanx of the middle finger in women means childlessness. An oblique line on the lower phalanx of the middle finger denounces stinginess or prophesies death as a result of an accident. Several wide lines on the middle phalanx indicate the number of sons of the subject who will grow up to be good people and continue the family line. If the lines are too thin, then their number corresponds to the number of childless daughters. Two vertical parallel lines on the lower and middle phalanges portend a happy life. If a network of lines is located at the same place, then the interpretation of the sign changes to the opposite. Short vertical lines at the base of the middle finger portend diseases of the musculoskeletal system - gout, rheumatism, etc.

Vertical lines on the second phalanx of the ring finger predict fame, but small income. Short vertical lines on the nail phalanx of the ring finger indicate receiving a rich inheritance. Three vertical lines on the lower phalanx indicate the glory and honors that will go to the children of the subject. The network of lines on the ring finger indicates mental suffering that will be caused by people from your close circle. Three parallel vertical lines on the nail phalanx of the ring finger predict a successful marriage. A double cross on the lower phalanx of the ring finger foreshadows great fame. A network of lines forming a resemblance to the letter “m” on the lower phalanx of the little finger indicates the talent of the speaker. A regular cross on the second phalanx of the same finger speaks of the talent of a preacher; an irregularly shaped cross is a harbinger of misfortune. Vertical parallel strokes on the lower phalanx indicate the number of children, but only if the heart line is solid and clear.



1 – finger of Jupiter; 2 – Solomon’s ring; 3 – Mount of Jupiter; 4 – heart line; 5 – line of mind; 6 – phalanx of will; 7 – life line; 8 – phalanx of logic; 9 – lower hill of Mars; 10 – line of Mars; 11 – Mount of Venus; 12 – line of fate; 13 – daughter life line; 14 – bracelets; 15 – finger of Saturn; 16 – Apollo’s finger; 17 – finger of Mercury; 18 – ring of Saturn; 19 – Mount of Saturn; 20 – Hill of the Sun (Apollo); 21 – belt of Venus; 22 – hill of Mercury; 23 – lines of children; 24 – marriage lines; 25 – line of the Sun (Apollo); 26 – line of intuition; 27 – upper hill of Mars; 28 – health line; 29 – hill of the moon; A – zone of internal activity (determines close relationships, sexuality); B – zone of external activity (relationships with society and the outside world); C – internal passive zone (relationships with the subconscious); D – external passive zone (creativity, energy)

Psychic sign on your palm. Fingerprints. Palmistry.

Every person has psychic abilities. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, talent for the occult, or healing.

An extrasensory gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will it be able to manifest itself fully. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can bring on a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. At a more mature age, there are no obstacles to working independently on yourself. Certain signs on the palm will help you better understand which direction to choose.

2.Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of engaging in occult sciences. This sign indicates high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3.Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, among leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. This sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also indicates high professionalism in any field of activity.

4.Minimum three lines on the Mount of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were required to be apprenticed to a doctor. As a rule, owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It's never too late to take up energy techniques - for example, reiki, as well as healing touch, living practice, etc.

5. Island on the Belt of Venus occurs in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities may not manifest themselves in the normal state. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future by falling into a trance, for example, during a strong emotional experience.

6. White Mage Ring (Ring of Jupiter). This is the mark of a master. He talks about the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. The “Ring” is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. These are people who have achieved deep self-realization. Often bearers of the “white magician’s ring” also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.

7. Black Mage Ring. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with the “evil” eye. It is best not to get in their way and not enter into conflicts with them. They have great potential for negative force, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message sent out will sooner or later come back.

8. Freestanding cross in the center of the palm called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that a person’s emotions and reason (right and brain) are in complete harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calm. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make the right decisions in any situation.

9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter, or teacher’s square - testifies to innate oratorical talents. Such people are excellent at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.

10. Isis Line. Owners of an arcuate line from the Mount of Mercury to the Mount of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.

11. Double life line. In extrasensory perception it is called the line of the guardian angel. Such people have significant energy; they are much luckier in life than others.

12. Radial loop on any finger. It is often called the "scanner" sign. Bearers of this difference are able to capture the emotional state of others and adopt it. They are often on someone else’s wavelength, and often find themselves in situations that are not “their own.” They are easy to convince of anything and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your hand, when communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are and where they are imposed, someone else’s.

13. Circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon. The sign reflects clairvoyance abilities. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe “pictures” on the screen of internal vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Thanks to numerous “police” TV series and detective novels, we are aware that each person’s fingerprints are completely individual. Therefore, when it comes to fingerprints, the first thought is about criminals who are identified in this way. But fingerprints do more than just help distinguish one person from another. They can tell a lot about their “master”.

By what criteria do we not look for lovers? For some, the main thing is appearance, for some it is character, for some it is the size of the wallet, and for others it is the presence of intelligence and a sense of humor.

Nationality, eye color, zodiac sign, year of birth, temperament can be important... In general, humanity has accumulated a lot of data that is designed to help in determining one’s soul mate. One of the authoritative compatibility tests is the fingerprint test.

The figure below shows the 7 main types of fingerprints. You and your lover take turns dipping the index finger of your right hand into black paint, leaving fingerprints on a white sheet (most importantly, don’t mix it up!) and see what future awaits your couple!

What do the fingers advise?

AA- such partners feel good and calm together.

AB- a couple with such prints will be fine. The main condition is to be interesting to each other and not object to your partner’s hobbies.

AB- the partners have little in common, but if B learns to support A, the union can turn out to be quite good.

AG- both are very independent and are used to relying only on themselves. An alliance is possible, but many quarrels and disputes await it.

HELL- D is too boring with A. Therefore, a good relationship will not work out.

AE- in order for such a couple to form, both need to work a lot on themselves and on their overall relationships.

AJ- despite all the dissimilarity of the partners, the union is promising.

BB- very strong and interesting relationships! To the envy of your enemies and the joy of your loved ones.

BV- Partner B may be too much of an owner, but this will not harm the relationship.

BG- there will be a lot of quarrels, since both are very intolerant. If the couple learns to come to an agreement, the union will turn out to be stable and pleasant.

DB- all responsibility for this union rests with partner D. If he can lead and B can obey, the prospects for the relationship are good.

BE- Partner B should set the tone for this relationship; it is his initiative that is the main one. Partner E is too modest and passive; if you rely on him, the relationship will never work out.

BZ- the union is ideal for partner F: partner B will carry him in his arms all his life!

BB- a gentle, cheerful and cheerful couple! The relationship will be interesting and long-lasting.

VG- despite the fact that each of this Lara is an individualist, the relationship will turn out to be extremely strong and reliable.

VD- both partners are quick-tempered, but easy-going. The union will constantly “spark”, but will not fall apart.

BE- this is the case when opposites not only attract, but also create a harmonious couple.

VJ- an excellent union based not on passion, but on tenderness.

GG- this union is ruled by passion. More precisely, numerous passions. It may be difficult, but it will never get boring.

GD- if these two do not break up after the first date, a great feeling will arise between them for many years.

GE- the complexity of this union is that any relationship implies responsibility, and neither partner wants to take it upon themselves.

GJ- It’s unlikely that anything will work out for these two. They speak different languages.

DD- the motto of this couple is “woe from mind.” If they think less and listen to each other more, everything will work out well.

DE- a stable union, but partner E should pay more attention to partner D: he often needs psychological support.

J- the whole life of this couple is a continuous exciting adventure. Others can only envy!

HER- both are condescending and responsive to others. A couple that will be adored by friends and numerous acquaintances.

HEDGEHOG- a union that is happy in all respects.

LJ- they say about such couples: “A marriage made in heaven.” Ideal spiritual connection and excellent relationships.

Everything is imprinted!

This test is universal. You can check compatibility with someone with whom you have just started a relationship. If you've been married for a long time, the test will help you determine why things aren't going well in your relationship and tell you how to fix it. Even if there is no prince on a white horse on the horizon yet, you can see which partner will be ideal for you, and... Look for your lover not only by a glass slipper left somewhere, but also by a fingerprint!

The ideas of ancient palmistry form the basis of the modern science of dermatoglyphics, which studies the connection between signs on the fingers and the outlines of lines on the palm with genetic factors.

Our brains are programmed to protect us and ensure our survival. When you understand your own subconscious attitudes, as well as the attitudes of people close to you, you will be able to avoid many problems, primarily in your personal life. The lines on our hands reflect our so-called initial programming; they will indicate what reaction to conflict is inherent in us and how this affects life in general.

The pattern of lines on your palms can tell not only about your program, but also what you are thinking and feeling at the moment. Apart from fingerprints, all other lines on the hands change throughout life. Your thought patterns have created a map on your palms that can help you trace where your thoughts and feelings have led you to this moment and where they are likely to take you if you stay on your current path.

Our emotional and mental patterns are formed in the first 7 years of life. And if you don’t change, you will always subconsciously react to conflict situations in the way that was inherent in you back then, in early childhood. Nobody has “perfect programming.” But if you understand from the lines of your hand what exactly was given to you initially, then you can, if you wish, change these patterns so that instead of automatic unconscious reactions to what is happening, you consciously make all decisions. Even complex initial schemes will not interfere with successful personal relationships.

First, let's dispel some superstitions. Hands do not carry information carved in stone about what “should happen.” Remember: your hands are a map of what you are thinking and feeling now. When you look at them, you see the direction of your movement through life, as if you were looking at an ordinary map of the area. If you don't like your destination, just change your route! The more emotions you put into your thoughts, the faster a new neuropathway will form in your brain. Thoughts accompanied by feelings and actions are the fastest way to rewire your brain.

Left and right hands in palmistry

The left hand is responsible for privacy and the starting point of your consciousness when you form ideas. It shows you what's in the creative, receptive part of your brain. Thanks to this part of the brain, a person recognizes faces and musical impulses, and feelings, instincts and intuition are born here.

The right hand is responsible for logic, mathematics and analytical skills. It shows how ideas reflected on the left hand are translated into reality. This hand is more responsible for our social life.

Usually the lines on the right and left hands are different. If the difference is significant, it may indicate a large gap between what a person has in mind and the actual implementation of plans, or shows how different his behavior in public and private life is. Those who have dominant lines of the left hand feel more comfortable in small groups of people; if the lines of the right hand are more pronounced, the person loves crowds of people and is charged with the energy of the crowd.

Note: If you are left-handed, this does not change the meaning of the hemispheres of your brain. It simply means that you operate from the more creative side of life.

Masculine and feminine

Each of us contains both masculine and feminine principles. The masculine principle manifests itself in the reaction of resistance and struggle in a tense situation. This means that a person will defend his opinion, his feelings and decisions. Such people enjoy arguing.

The feminine principle is triggered in an attempt to escape open confrontation. This does not mean that a person will run away at the first sign of a brewing conflict. He is simply programmed to solve problems peacefully. Such a person may remain silent, not advertise his thoughts and desires, demonstrate passive-aggressive command, and emotionally distance himself from the problem.

The more curved lines of the hand carry the imprint male energy, the most direct - female. The more straight lines (especially the main ones) on a person’s hand, the less flexible and more focused on results he is. He wants to achieve his goal as soon as possible, right now. Don't distract him or you'll be at great risk! The shorter the line, the more impatient the person is. All this is useful to know to maintain harmony in relationships.

Main lines of the hand

The main three lines of the hand are the heart line, the head line and the life line. They are located in this order for a reason! The heart line is the highest because our heart has the greatest charge in the body. The electromagnetic field around the human heart extends approximately 90 cm. In the area of ​​the brain - only a couple of centimeters, regardless of your IQ. Because the electrical charge of our heart is 100 times greater, and the magnetic charge is 5000 times greater than that of the brain.

That is why some people who are not distinguished by external beauty can make a lasting impression on members of the opposite sex. It's all about personal magnetism. For example, what is the difference between a beauty who attracts the attention of many men, but not for long, and a girl of ordinary appearance who is constantly surrounded by crowds of admirers? Of course, the main difference is in their heart lines!

Heart line

The heart line is the main line at the top of the palm. It runs right under our fingers and is responsible for creative inspiration and the intuitive part of our nature. In palmistry, it is considered the female line. Ideally, by looking at the heart line, we can control how much our life corresponds to the program and build it the way we want it.

Straight line of the heart - with enhanced feminine energy- gives us very emotional people. They do not like confrontation and would rather try to manipulate others than engage in open conflict. The curved (masculine) shape of this one gives more balance and a desire to diversify the experience here. This palm pattern distinguishes researchers who easily deviate from the initial course. People with an uneven heart line love to flirt and explore new territories. They tend to make high demands on themselves and others. They may not even realize that they demand too much from people because they are even stricter with themselves.

Mind line

Below the line of the heart is the line of the head or mind - this is the male line, which is responsible for our logic. It shows in what cases and how we use the mind to implement our ideas in real life. In many ways, the head line also serves as protection for our heart. The heart has more power, but the brain works to protect what we love. Because it is what we love that we are most afraid of losing.

The direct (female) form of this often indicates a tendency towards negative thinking. Such people constantly have a subconscious fear that everything will happen according to the worst-case scenario. It is important for them to be the best in their work and for others to recognize their superiority. While those with a curved head line are their own censors.

Life line

The life line is the third main one, it lies below the head line. It is neither absolutely straight nor absolutely curved; we all have both feminine and masculine traits within us. Contrary to popular belief, life expectancy cannot be judged by its length. It rather shows HOW you will live it. If the life line runs close to the center of the palm, this is the palm of an explorer, and if it is close to the hill of the thumb, such a person is not inclined to move a long distance from home and his roots. A high passing line speaks of great ambitions, or. on the contrary, if it starts lower, closer to the big toe. Just a little observation will allow you to avoid many mistakes in communicating with loved ones and relationships.

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