Wishes for the student in learning. Beautiful wishes for the students for the new year. Wishes for primary school teacher

Happy Birthday. I wish you to be courageous and versatile, tireless and cheerful, energetic and confident, purposeful and persistent. Listen to your parents, understand your teachers, take care of your friends, believe in your dreams! Good luck and always have a great mood.

Happy birthday to the most diligent student, a wonderful boy. I wish that studying is easy and simple, that every day be successful and happy, that you always manage to show your abilities and talents, that luck is on your side, that you have cheerful friends and a good mood.

Happy birthday to an excellent student, a cheerful and mischievous schoolboy. I want to wish you success in your studies and hobbies, may any business end in victory, may there always be strength and enthusiasm to achieve your goals, may the path of your life be kind and happy, may there always be close people and true friends.

Happy Birthday. Let school life remain a good page in your memory forever, I wish you success in your studies and high marks, strong knowledge and fascinating interests, faithful comrades and good mood, great happiness, good luck and luck.

Happy birthday to a diligent student, a wonderful child, a kind and joyful little man. I wish you great victories and achievements in various fields of study and hobbies, I wish you to be a real parental pride, I wish you cheerful and loyal friends, a good mood and fulfillment of all desires.

On your birthday, I wish to become only better, smarter, more educated every year! Let all subjects come easy at school, and they will always help you with difficulties! Let friends be faithful, and parents be proud!

Happy birthday to our student! We wish you great success in the educational process. Ease in obtaining knowledge and skills. The highest marks, amazing ideas and a clear understanding in choosing your favorite business. Grow healthy, smart, purposeful and happy!

I wish that your smile always shines on your face, and the lights of happiness sparkle in your eyes! Let school grades do not fall below the "four", because success should accompany you through life! I sincerely wish that your cherished dreams come true on this magical birthday!

Happy holiday! Good grades, cheerful and devoted friends, joyful days, and parents so that they understand and do not scold over trifles. May there be many bright and funny adventures in life, and there will be no place for tears on your face!

We wish you to study only for five plus, so that your parents can be satisfied with your success. We wish you never to be afraid of something new, feel free to plunge into interesting world sciences, unravel its mysteries and learn to conquer even the elements. We wish you triumphs, victories and conquests, learn, strive, go forward and never know defeat. Happy birthday!

We promise to praise you
And praise always and everywhere.
With you knowledge opened the door,
The granites of sciences gnawed at everything.
Beloved Lyceum, you have become a home,
We were so good at it.
All teachers are native there,
And every floor is familiar to us.
You remember us too often
Lyceums will come to you.
And everyone will leave a memory
A part of the Lyceum in the soul.

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Wishing young teachers

Young teachers have a difficult path ahead. They are the ones who will lead the paths of knowledge of the young, teach them what they know themselves, and maybe learn something from the students themselves. I would like to wish young teachers patience, diligence and inspiration, so that approaching the teaching creatively, ignite the spark of interest in the audience, and I also want to wish them not to be too strict and smile more often!

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First teacher, first homework, the first answer at the blackboard and the first assessment, entered by him confidently and fairly. My first teacher! You were strict and wise, appreciated young students and conscientiously passed on your knowledge to them. The first teacher is the one whom you remember with warmth in your heart. Sometimes severe for the wrong answer, right there you gave a chance to correct everything, or helped to learn this lesson for the future. Meetings with you, now that the school time has passed, is very lacking! You would like to wish new, smart and loyal listeners and many years of your favorite work.

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Wishing your favorite dance teacher

I learned to dissolve in the dance
I repeat every "PA" after you.
My teacher, let me confess
I love and respect you very much!

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Wish for September 1 to classmates and teacher

On this September 1, I would like to wish our teacher more good students and interesting lessons. And do not lose your passion for work, because how much you love to teach, how much children will want to learn! After all, you are making the future of our country, so let's make it better! And I would like to wish first-graders that they always come across good teachers in their lives!

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happy birthday wishes for kindergarten teacher

Dear kids today
They rush to congratulate you in the morning.
Laughing and interrupting
Like child's play.
And you enjoy looking at them
After all, these are your babies.
For them, you are a mother - the second,
They do not have a soul in you.
You stay the same
Patience wish you a bag.
You are a woman, beautiful from God,
A wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent teacher.

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Wish for September 1 to first-graders teachers

I wish that first-graders find a new fascinating world beyond the threshold of the school, so that interest in learning does not weaken over time, but only intensifies. For each of the children to acquire friends and like-minded people in the person of their classmates and teachers.
And teachers should wish the ability to evoke creative impulses in their students, the desire to create, dream, look for themselves, and, of course, patience.
Since September 1, you, Teachers and Trainees! New discoveries and let your life be bright and interesting!

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Wish for Teacher's Day

Once upon a time they brought us very young to school. We were wearing bows, we held a primer in our hands. You took us by the hand to the desks, where you taught reading and how to write correctly, you also taught us to grow up. Thank you for your education, Patience in your eyes! In life, let fate smile at you! Health will not bypass your house! And there is always a lot of joy in life!

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Wishing young teachers

It's so scary to cross the threshold of a class as a teacher for the first time!!! But you have taken this step, a step towards the children and towards yourself. You have become part of the teaching staff and you can proudly say: "I am a teacher"! I wish you to always remember that you must not only teach children, but also learn from them. To learn childish spontaneity, curiosity, cheerfulness, because every person should remain a little child in his soul. And I also wish you to love your profession with all your heart, because there is nothing more beautiful in the world than BEING A TEACHER!!! Keep it up and I'm sure you'll succeed!!!

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Poem wishes to the teacher from a friend

You sow reasonable, good, eternal,
generous and humane
You teach to think and you teach to love
You always learn to be human.
I want to wish, my friend,
So that the children go to school, loving your subject,
So that they don't forget when they grow up.
What they were once taught for so long.

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Wish for Teacher's Day in prose

Dear you, our (name patronymic)! I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success in this difficult but necessary work for all. We wish you wonderful, smart, sensitive, bright students who you can be proud of. And many fruitful years to you in our school. We are happy that a professional like you works within these walls.

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Happy Teacher's Day Wishes

Dear our teachers! You are invisible heroes. Who every day make their small and modest feat. But this does not make the feat any less significant. And on your holiday, I want to wish you that your feat is always appreciated and with gratitude!

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Teacher's Day Wishes

Our dear teachers! How would we be without you? You not only taught us what is written in the textbooks, but also shared your rich experience, thereby providing invaluable support. I want to wish you a lot, probably the encyclopedia is not enough to describe all the wishes from A to Z. But remembering that brevity is the sister of talent, we, your faithful students, want to wish you health, happiness, love and success in your favorite work!

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Parent's wishes to the teacher

Today we are parents, we wish you a teacher, all the best, as well as health and happiness. We are grateful to you for the warmth and care with which you treat your students, our children. Let there be only good and bright in your life, and let all the hardships not having time to begin, let them disappear away.

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Wish to the teacher

Today we wish the teacher, a representative of an important and serious profession, the most important components of happiness, namely, health, good luck and love! Let every day be full of only good events and meetings with worthy interlocutors. Let the students grasp everything on the fly.

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Wish teacher

What can a teacher ask for? Probably not to lose interest in their work. Indeed, without the desire to teach in this profession, there is simply nothing to do. So that the desire to learn oneself does not disappear, because without this desire you cannot teach anyone else anything. And most importantly, I would like to wish more good, smart and diligent students!

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Graduates' wishes to the teacher

Dear teacher. We have experienced a lot together on this road of life called school. You led us and were our guide. Sometimes, we offended each other, but without this it is impossible. But here we are at the end of the road. We are graduates. We really want to wish you good luck in your work, love from your future students, success in your profession, and most importantly, remain faithful to her, and that she brings you pleasure.

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Sms wishes to your favorite dance teacher

I will not wish you happiness because you are already happy. After all, you have found your place in life, and is this not happiness? I wish you only talented students and also go through life dancing.

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Wish to my first teacher

I want to wish you good health! And attentive kind children's eyes. And lots of whys from your students. And so that each of your wards become a professional in some business or just a wonderful person. I know it will be for you the best award. And may your students remember and love their first teacher all their lives, as I remember and love you.

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Wish for September 1 to teachers

Dear teachers! September 1, on the one hand, is a holiday, the beginning of a new one, but, on the other hand, it means we need to teach these children again! I just want to wish you not to lose courage and remember that you are doing perhaps the most important thing in life, you are creating the future, because children are our future!

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Sms wishes for teachers on Teacher's Day

Congratulations on your day.
And I want to wish you.
Do not be discouraged at school
So that your eyes are with fire!

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Wishes to teachers in verse

Learn, learn and don't give up
Know everything to be surprised
Everybody needs teachers
Let dreams come true!

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Driving instructor wishes

I want your students to be beautiful women. Dexterous silent, so as not to confuse the gas with the brake and other miscellaneous things!

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Wishes for a driving instructor

I wish you empty roads, green traffic lights, intelligent and silent students!

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Chemistry teacher wishes

We wish you to be as hard as chromium and osmium in the face of illnesses, as valuable as gold and platinum to your superiors, and as soft as potassium and sodium to your students!

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Wishes to the teacher on Knowledge Day

On this day, when the new school year begins, I want to wish you inquisitive and attentive students. Let them listen to you with their mouths open, but silently! Let this day, when you are already tired of resting on vacation, and the deuces and homework have not yet begun, become the most fun and bright day of the year!

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Wishes for primary school teacher

Children come to you quite unintelligent kids. You teach them all the basics of literacy, reading and counting, you lay the foundation for the rest of their lives. And children grow up and forget about it, it seems to them that they knew how and always knew it. I want to wish you that your students, no matter how far their lives take them, always remember you with warmth and gratitude, so that on Teacher's Day, your house is always full of flowers, and your phone is bursting with congratulations!

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Don't forget us teachers
And do not keep evil in your heart,
Don't be offended by us
Yes, sometimes we are unlucky
Yes, sometimes they annoyed you,
And rejoiced, we will not hide,
Holidays and weekends.
Now it's time for us to part
Let's leave the schoolyard
And in the new life whirl
Will spin us, but just believe
We love you very much in our hearts
And we miss you already
According to the comments, deuces and lessons,
But we're leaving, the deadlines have passed.
Now we want to wish you
Teaching new kids
To be better than us
Smarter, more obedient a hundred times
To make each class friendlier,
Now goodbye, goodbye!

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Wishes to the class teacher

Dear teacher!
Our class leader
We got to class early
To congratulate you together.
We want to wish you
Joyfully walk to school
Never get tired -
Only "five" exhibit.

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Happy Preschool Worker's Day Wishes

They say that children are the flowers of life. You help these flowers bloom with bright colors, release their potential, educate people with capital letter. So let your kindness and warmth return to you a hundredfold! Happy Preschool Worker Day!

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Poem wishes to teachers from graduates

You gave us without a trace
Your strength of heart and knowledge.
With us you had a hard time,
And today you "Goodbye"
We want to say thank you.
We will never forget you.
And will always be in our memory
Patient, kind people.
Let fate scatter like candy wrappers
Us, but life is a measured time
We will remember like a grammar
This is the most important lesson for us.
Not history, not physics,
And not even literature.
Kindness, love, optimism
This lesson is the most important for you.

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You went to school to study
So with your studies, friend you.
I want to congratulate and be proud
Let all friends envy

After all, for studying in a private school,
They take a hefty fee.
You pay them willingly
The family is a complete nightmare.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Back to school to study
You, daughter, go
We wish you to
You studied well!

Let everything be without excesses,
Listen to teachers!
Also always be a princess
Among all your friends!

Purchased and owned by the site.

The holidays are over
With what we congratulate you,
well rested,
We will accompany you to school.

Look past the school
Don't carry yourself
Go to bed early
And don't sleep in school.

We hope and know
That everything will be fine
And if something is wrong,
Let's check the diary.

Children with studies
Purchased and owned by the site.

Don't oversleep, because tomorrow is early
Go to class again
Listen to dad, listen to mom
Don't go crazy, out of the way!
You have always been good
"Keep it up!" - I'll tell you
Also, be muscular.
Train your strength!
Combine study, rest,
Don't mess with the teachers
After all, they do not like the proud,
Help your friends!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Now I need to congratulate you
Your holidays are over.
Are you happy to go to school again?
Prepare all your books.

I envy that there is aspiration,
Sitting at the desk in the morning.
I just want the mood
And inspiration, sister.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Are you used to going to school?
You have been a student for a long time.
Congratulations - back to school
The cheerful bell rings again.
And you will return more than once
To your favorite friendly class,
With what I want to congratulate! ..
Yes, of course I'm joking)

Purchased and owned by the site.

Studying at school is like a parade
In the world of knowledge, creativity, science.
My daughter is happy to congratulate you
So that at school, you do not know boredom.

Let your dolls rest
Girlfriends in the house do not interfere.
Take your textbooks
And read to the point of exhaustion.

Children with studies
Purchased and owned by the site.

You are my childhood friend
I congratulate you
We go to school again,
But all our friends are there!

We always bastard famously
And do not be lazy to write, read ...
Sitting quietly in class
We answer, so on "5"!

We will be friends forever
Treasure school friendship!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Congratulations on your start!
I wish you, friend, that you teach everything!
And now I shake your hand
As a sign of courage that will give you a lot of strength!

Be patient, friend, the grades are bad and unsuccessful,
And at the board you just hold on!
But to buy a Lanos il Daewoo
Yourself in this life, then study better!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Our time is running fast
The holiday was very beautiful!
We wish the children strength,
To study and learn!

You make us very happy
If you study well
Let everything be in harmony
And not so - who, as he wants ...

You are beautiful kids
So you have to be smart!
And don't you dare whine now
Collect books quickly!

Purchased and owned by the site.

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, friends! Today I have prepared for you a variety of congratulations to students from September 1, which will certainly come in handy at the festive events.

Congratulations to the students on September 1 from all

Not much time remains until the last hot summer days end. Many of you will be accompanied to the solemn school line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge, their sons and daughters, grandchildren, nephews. It's time to slowly start preparing for the holiday. And it's not just about dresses and bouquets. An important place is also given to speeches addressed to schoolchildren, which will be heard that day on the line, in the classroom or at home.

In noble prose

What could be easier than congratulations in your own words? Try to bring back from the depths of memory those enthusiastic feelings that you yourself experienced in your early childhood on the school line and share them with others. Well, if the right words do not want to add up to the appropriate speech, take one of the following examples into service.

I am glad to welcome you guys on this wonderful autumn day! My congratulations are intended for both kids and high school students. School is the best place where you not only absorb a lot of new, useful and interesting things. Here our teachers will help you to know yourself, to reveal all your talents, to realize your abilities. Studying is sure to come in handy more than once. Never forget this, even when it seems to you that this burden is unbearable and difficult.

I see how worried and worried your parents are. For them, this day is important no less than for each of you. So do not let them down, study diligently so that they can rightly be proud of such educated and worthy people like you. My little friends! May this holiday forever remain in your hearts, and the memories of it warm you in difficult times. May the angel keep you!

I am happy to congratulate you, my young schoolboy, on the main holiday of all students - the first of September! This is the best day, because today they still don’t give grades, don’t set homework, don’t teach lessons. But you can once again rejoice at the meeting with your favorite teachers, meet bosom classmates and gain positive for the year ahead. I want you to learn fast new program and click all the puzzles like nuts! Let your diary shine from brilliant grades, and only praises from teachers in your address.

There is always a place for humor in life. If you like jokes, then you can resort to the help of such an ironic appeal.

My student friend! Although this day is rather sad for you (after all, the holidays are over), I still congratulate you! Early morning rises, homework, rules and paragraphs... But look at it differently. Classes can be skipped, homework written off, over the teacher - to make fun of. I do not advise you to do any of this, but you can dream enough! I hope my words will cheer you up and give you the strength to wait for the next vacation.

In encouraging verses

Wishes expressed in a poetic and literary form are most appropriate for the occasion and sound harmoniously both in a solemn atmosphere in front of the public and in the case of personal congratulations. It is not necessary to read a long ode, it will be enough to recite a few lyrical stanzas.

Gathered here beautiful

Naive and cute.

First grade boys

At our school party.

From the bottom of my heart

I want to congratulate you.

Welcome soon

In a wonderful first class.

We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday, the first of September!

Let everything go well with you and the days do not fly in vain.

Let the fives multiply in everyone's diaries,

And everyone is accompanied by luck and success!”

Today's call is quite unusual,

You have moved to your last class.

May every day be great for you

Please us with your accomplishments.

Let the graduation year be cool and bright,

And the school will be remembered as a father's house.

And let it become a gift

First a certificate, and then a diploma.

The bell rang and you - at the desk,

Mature, rested, mischievous.

We wish you, schoolboy, a cool life,

To enjoy your learning time.

We want you to be the first in school.

Success is waiting for you, so go for it!

Be persistent, obedient and cheerful,

And get only “excellent” marks.

Short and capacious SMS

The format of sms messages is very convenient to quickly and simply congratulate the student on the holiday. A couple of funny lines from a classmate will easily cheer you up, and a quatrain filled with care and warmth from relatives, for example, will support you before the upcoming school days.

More fives, boring lessons,

Classroom teachers, true friends -

I wish you a little of everything

And most importantly - happiness in your studies!

Today is the holiday of bows and books,

Portfolios, the first call, flowers and light!

Gnaw at the granite of science, student!

You are the best, we know that for sure!

We congratulate schoolchildren on the Day of Knowledge,

May any of your dreams come true.

A lot of happiness and victories await in life!

Successfully complete the school give us a vow.

Hello Friend! Wake up and sing!

One more year and graduation!

You, my friend, are a student.

A year will fly by - and a graduate.

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,

Happy school days!

Congratulations from the teacher

For a teacher or class teacher, September 1 is an excellent occasion to greet their wards after a long vacation, and to give parting words to those who cross the school threshold for the first time. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge are impatiently awaited by students of both elementary grades and high school students. So do not miss the opportunity to once again establish invisible contact with the children, heartily congratulating them on the start of the school season.

Hello our beloved students! How long have we not seen each other! Only 3 months of vacation have passed, but it seems like an eternity has passed. Congratulations on the start of the school year! I want to wish our little students to join new school subjects with the same enthusiasm and interest. For children of grade 5 and older, I wish to study only for five and be patient in order to properly master the program. Students in grades 11 and 9, who will soon leave us to enter the university, some professional colleges, I wish to throw all my strength into preparing for exams in order to receive the coveted certificate and continue my studies in my favorite specialty. I want to wish you strength, success in your studies, inspiration and diligence from our teaching staff. Happy Knowledge Day guys!

Our dear students! Once again, our large school family was brought together by the Day of Knowledge. Today we are celebrating, but starting tomorrow, you all will have to get up early again, do homework, read books and study by heart. It is not an easy job to learn for yourself and to teach others. But we, teachers, try to put our soul into our favorite work. I am sure that thanks to the skills that you will acquire within the walls of the school, all roads will be wide open before you in the near future. Please accept our congratulations on the holiday of September 1, and may the melody of the first school bell always sound for you like a hymn to education!

From loving parents

It is extremely important for all children to feel not only parental love, but also that pride in their descendants that overwhelms all mothers and fathers on this day. A heartfelt congratulation from relatives will help to convey the whole gamut of feelings that overwhelm paternal and maternal hearts.

Dear son! We, adults, remember with pleasure the school time, when the most difficult task was the control, and the biggest punishment was a call to the headmaster. On Knowledge Day, we wish you to rush to school faster than the wind in order to start learning new subjects as soon as possible; love science and not forget, then one day you will grow up and all this experience will help you realize your dreams!

On this day, schools, colleges and lyceums open their hospitable doors, and teachers are looking forward to passing on the baggage of new knowledge to their students. Let me hug you tightly, my beloved little schoolboy, and congratulate you on the holiday - the first of September. Learn only excellently and luck will surely smile at you every day!

Dear students! I want to congratulate you on the holiday - both the students of the 1st grade, and their older peers, and future graduates. It's September 1st again. I hope you have gained strength before your studies and it will be your joy for the whole coming school year. Do not give up in front of difficult tasks, respect your teachers and do not forget that we, your parents, are always ready to lend a hand in difficult times. Let the days filled with lessons and homework fly by quickly, like birds! We wish you to grow up and grow wiser, and to please us, your family and friends.

The school year begins with a bright celebration - the Day of Knowledge, filled with the beauty of the first autumn days of the golden age. We wish you, dear guys, that your mood is just as bright and joyful! We, your parents, envy you a little, because in our hearts each of us would like to sit down at the desk again, listen to the words of the teacher, play pranks at breaks with classmates. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to spend this time interestingly and profitably! We congratulate you and wish you a smooth road on your way to the country of discoveries and accomplishments. Happy holiday!

I hope I made it a little easier for you difficult task by choosing congratulatory words for the children on the Day of Knowledge and with their help, you will definitely charge each student with a positive attitude and inspire them to further study throughout the year.

And now I say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, because you will find a lot of interesting things! Share posts with friends and social networks. Good luck everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

School wishes

We wish the school good students. Renovation of school equipment and sports equipment. Lots of interesting events. Victories in city, regional, Russian competitions. Longevity and prosperity to the school!

Ananiev A., Kuchkov A., 9A class.

Dear school, we would like to wish you great prosperity and well-being. So that there is always a friendly atmosphere, and classes are like big families helping each other, acting together and accurately. So that as many successful and creative people as possible graduate from our school with medals and distinctions. To educate and prepare new people for life. We also wanted to wish you well-being and long years, victories won by our students in sports, intellectual and creative competitions.
We wish you great luck and prosperity every year!

Leontieva A., Shibanova E., 9A class.

We wish our beloved school success. Teachers should remain the same kind, caring, rejoice for successes and achievements. Graduates to finish school with good certificates. Parents are proud that their children go to this school.

We wish that art and sports develop more in the school.

Radchenko N., Nikitina A., 9A class

We wish our dearest and most beloved school No. 22 prosperity, even more sports success, responsible and diligent students, to reach the highest rating bar among schools, to be the most best school in the city of Berezniki!

Murdugalimova E., Safonova O., 9A class

Don't stop there!
Develop on all fronts and keep the same talented team of teachers.
All teachers good health and patience.
Help students succeed.
May the school forever remain a home for students.
Congratulations to the school on its 20th anniversary!

Fedosov D., Shamsvaliev M., 9A class

May the school always remain young and beautiful!
Prosperity, new victories and successes, good students!
Be the best school in town!
Let everyone reveal their talent and show their abilities within the walls!
May teachers be respected and successful in their work!
School, Happy Anniversary!!!

Lobanova S., Lapina S., 9B class

We wish prosperity to the school
And always joyful teachers!
To the collective good effort
We could be the pride of our favorite school!

Shvedova N., Shadrina A., 9B class

We wish our school the best students! To keep moving forward and forward! Developed my sections and over the years only got better! What would bring up worthy personalities and achieved great success in various competitions, taking only first places among other schools in our city and not only!
Happy Anniversary Dear School!

Saveliev L., Borisenko E., 9B class

My favorite school, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best. May the teachers remain as loving and demanding as they are. I hope that we will occasionally meet with classmates and visit the school when we finish 11 classes.

Bezgodova P., 10 class

Today you are already 20 years old, and you prosper more and more over the years. The number of good students is increasing, and even more smart kids are coming to replace them. Teachers develop children's abilities, give good knowledge. May every year that you, the school, flourish! May it always be warm and cozy here, may new stars light up, may teachers' smiles shine in every class, may well-being, bright knowledge, cheerful laughter, kindness, and most importantly, teachers' love for students reign here! Also, thank you for the knowledge that we get here, for the warmth that your teachers give, for the wonderful moments of school life. Yes, it happens that we behave badly, yes, we disrupt lessons at school, but it is the school that gives us the best memories of childhood, it is the school that saw how we grew up, how we committed some deeds and misconduct. It was at school that we received some first norms of morality and morality, it was at school that we made friends, it was here that we felt betrayal, injustice, received the first life lessons, it was here that we learned from mistakes. I just want to say, Thank you, School! I wish you great achievements in the life of the school, great success, the best teachers and students, reach high peaks! Happy Anniversary, Native School!

Private A., 10 class

School in 10 years

We imagine the school in 10 years in this way:
- students all go to school in the same uniform
- new technologies in the classrooms
- a WORKING pool will appear in the school
- there will be ramps so that absolutely ALL children can attend school, even with 47 chromosomes

Baer D., Khavkunov S., 9A class

We imagine a school with excellent equipment, desks, chairs. There will be plenty of food in the canteen, where students can choose what they want more. There will be one break every 40 minutes, so that both teachers and students can relax, breathe fresh air, and eat.
A living corner will be created where various rare plants and some animals will be placed.
No matter how it changes outwardly, it will remain the same friendly, bright and beloved by our school.

Leontyeva A., Shibanova E., 9A class

We assume that the school will be more developed. Each classroom will have a multimedia projector, an electronic board, and air conditioners. The gym had more machines for general development. New chairs and desks. Everyone will have separate lockers with a key so that no one can take things.

Radchenko N., 9A class

Where do I see school in 10 years? What will change in it? Or will she stay like that? Of course, the school will change: the teaching staff will change, the interior will change, the mood will change.
Quite often graduates of 2007-2010 come to us and they say that the school has changed. They no longer recognize the classes in which they once studied, they do not see some teachers. In a year and a half, I will graduate, and I will remember the school as it is now.

Zavyalova Ya., 11 class

2028 year. It's been 10 years since I graduated from high school. When I return home, it will be one of the first places I will definitely go to. The classrooms will be very bright and spacious, in the corridors Olga Anatolyevna and the children will decorate all the walls, and the children will not spoil them, because they themselves created this beauty. Everyone will finally start walking in one form established by the charter. Lockers for personal belongings will appear on the ground floor, now children will not forget to change shoes or clothes for physical education, as everything is in the locker. New sport sections and mugs. In the classrooms, the old blackboards will be replaced with newer ones, on which they will write with markers.

Sivkov K., 11 class

I think that in 10 years our school will not change much. The existence of robots that keep order on the floors, as well as electronic distribution in the dining room, will most likely remain in our dreams, but something may change. Perhaps there will be a change in the composition of teachers and equipment in the classroom, perhaps there will be lockers that almost every student dreams of, and there will also be a long break during which students can go home to eat and teachers can take a break from classes. By that time, about 10 new issues will pass through the hands of the school. I am sure that by the thirtieth anniversary our school will have a huge history associated with the activities and successes of its students. But, despite this, our native school will exist for many more decades.

Ushakova A., 11 class