Compatibility Taurus and Taurus. Taurus and Taurus - compatibility in relationships Taurus can

Taurus Planet

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. Taurus love everything beautiful, no matter where they find it: at home, in a museum or on stage.

Taurus Element

Taurus is an earth sign he is firmly on the ground. This element gives Taurus a tendency to conservatism, practicality and thoroughness, as well as reliability and endurance in feelings. It is believed that the simultaneous influence of the planet Venus and the earth element gives Taurus a love for sensual pleasures, in particular for delicious food.

The most characteristic features of Taurus are laconic and unhurried. Taurus is solid and stable, like a rock, and if he does not want, nothing can bring him out of balance. You can stomp your feet and throw your fists, but if Taurus has decided something for himself, he won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Until you get to know each other better, he will give the impression of a silent person. The look is clear, calm, firm. The movements are slow, in women they are gracefully lazy, but hidden strength is felt in them. Usually, Taurus well built, though overweight.

Few things disturb the calmness of Taurus. His decisions are immutable. He does not like disputes, especially in raised tones, and cannot stand disharmony in life. Trusts his perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference.

Do not pressure him, otherwise he will demonstrate stubbornness. And if you go too far, he will become furious. He can show amazing self-control for months and years, ignoring everything that causes a nervous breakdown in other people. And then, all of a sudden, he bursts into rage. In that case, get out of his way as soon as possible. But many Taurus are so well in control of themselves that such attacks of rage happen to them only once or twice in their lives.

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon determines the sensitivity and sentimentality of Taurus. He is very attracted to the opposite sex, but it is not in his nature to aggressively pursue his chosen one. He prefers to attract people to himself.

As a rule, these are people at home. They are very fond of their home, their comfortable chair, familiar surroundings. Changes in the environment make them discouraged. They always dream of their own home. People born under the sign of Taurus love the peace and quiet of their home, preferring them to noisy gatherings. Their home is their castle. If the situation at home is unfavorable for Taurus, he grabs a fishing rod and hurries to go fishing, closer to nature.

These are, as a rule, healthy, strong people, they are said to have a large margin of safety. Taurus can live to old age without any disease. But he does not know where and when to stop, he tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. And if he gets sick, he does not recover for a very long time.

Major Diseases of Taurus Key words: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, cough, brain diseases, overwork, schizophrenia, depression. The most sensitive areas are the throat, neck, legs, and back. Any colds often turn into sore throats. Poor circulation leads to varicose veins, obesity and other chronic diseases.

For the most part, Taurus can boast of good health. But the tendency to devote oneself entirely to work gives rise to the main cause of their illnesses - the lack of fresh air and movement.

At their core, Taurus are stoic and accept things as they are. Taurus is extremely patient. They can carry the physical and emotional burden for years, silently, without complaining or blaming anyone. And the more troubles, the more strength they find in themselves to endure them. Physically, Taurus has great vitality and endurance, but its energy does not arise on its own, as in representatives of the constellations of Fire and Water. It requires stimulus from outside.

Taurus deserve the highest reward for the courage they show under the blows of fate and which would have long ago broken the representatives of other signs, and their loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpasses all understanding.

Their humor is warm, and they are rarely violent or vindictive.

Taurus and money always go together, because Venus is a planet not only of harmony and love, but also of money. Among the unemployed, you will not meet Taurus. They are building their empire slowly but on a grand scale. They always start with a solid foundation, building their business floor by floor. Taurus makes good engineers, designers, doctors, teachers, builders, livestock breeders, gardeners, as well as accountants and financiers. In the financial sector, which can cause confusion and headaches for representatives of other signs, Taurus swim like a fish in water.

It is believed that Venus also helps people of this sign realize their potential in the profession of an architect, designer, singer, artist, cook. But in any work, the element of creativity is not alien to Taurus.

However, no matter where Taurus works and whoever they are, they treat the matter with a heightened sense of responsibility. Having found their place in life, Taurus is not looking for change, especially if the job is promising.

They like to accumulate power just like money, but usually for the pleasure of possessing it. They often allow their subordinates to act. The consciousness that power and money are in their hands fully satisfies all their ambitions.

Let Capricorns and Cancers work, and he will sniff the forget-me-not and look into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Sooner or later money will come to Taurus. When working under a Taurus leader, learn one golden rule - never test his patience. Avoiding this is difficult, as Taurus' patience seems to be inexhaustible. Today he didn't pay attention to the sloppy typed document, he didn't attach any importance to the confusion in the numbers in the annual report, he didn't scold you for the extra half hour taken to the lunch break. Tomorrow you will continue your careless attitude to your duties, you will be late not for half an hour, but for an hour, and there, you see, you will be fired with a bang, it would seem, for no reason at all.

Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs. They are interested in painting and music. They are full of love for luxury, for what they have, but they do not waste money in vain.

The greatest virtues of Taurus are stability, fidelity and a firm sense of purpose. They strive to do a better job and always get their way.

taurus man

The Taurus man is reasonable, calm, practical, "grounded". But if you think that he is devoid of romanticism, then this is not true. It should not be forgotten that Taurus is under the rule of Venus, the goddess of love and peace, the patroness of the arts. They can be very gentle and attentive.

Well, if Taurus decided that you are suitable for him, and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. Taurus knows how to take care of all the rules, inviting a lady to the best theaters and restaurants, never forgetting her birthday or some other important date for her. Taurus' passion is complete: they go to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects he is very practical.

Taurus often make mistakes in choosing a partner. The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about the incompatibility of characters, and the more friends tell him about it, the more he resists. But they are going through a divorce for a long time and hard, and even longer they are looking for a new girlfriend, because Taurus has been looking closely for a very long time.

In marriage, intimacy is very important for Taurus, not only physical, but also spiritual. He really does not like to change, so he is always worried about how others perceive his appearance. Any conflicts expose the inner content of a person. And the opening of this secret for Taurus is similar to death.

As a father, Taurus is perfection itself, with special tenderness he treats his daughters.

Generously, he refers to the whims of his wife. Rarely spares money, but nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow.

As a rule, Taurus people know how to make money. Men whose Sun is in the constellation Taurus can boast of common sense. They are not afraid of hard work, stable and constructive. Obstacles only increase their perseverance. Faced with a problem, they look for a direct solution. Taurus can overcome anything. His great advantage is strength. If he sometimes lacks imagination, then he compensates for this with his ability to go forward.

Taurus works hard, so he needs rest. Being tired, he can be unbearable. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for this. In addition, men of this sign are somewhat slow. But they should not be pushed or rushed. This does not lead to good. Yes, they are stubborn, but perhaps because of this, they are patient.

Taurus prefers large companies of familiar people, he is very hospitable. But the house should be calm, comfortable, quiet. For love and family, you are unlikely to find a better man.

His love is simple and honest. He is attentive and faithful. Take care of him and everything will be fine.

The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, it must be fed hearty, at home. He loves to eat and drink. What-what, but the lack of appetite Taurus does not suffer. A true gourmet, he does not eat simply because he is hungry, and he does not drink because he is only thirsty. He knows what to choose. Taurus loves to indulge in passions in comfort. He surrounds himself with beautiful things, furniture, paintings, he wants to have all the best. This is a real man, standing firmly on the ground. This is partly the result of his conviction of his own sexuality. He does not need to prove anything to himself, as many men do.

But Taurus also has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to polish your own behavior. Not a single Taurus will reconcile with a woman who loves scandals or resembles a man with her manners.

If you have your own opinion, do not try to drum it into Taurus in public. He can be quickly pissed off if you publicly humiliate or make jokes about him. He is extremely patient, but cannot stand humiliation. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than a Taurus when his ego is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing: he won't let her act like a man.

The male Taurus is usually well physically developed, this is part of his charm. This is an earthly, strong, sensitive and sensual nature. However, despite the look of full health, if a Taurus man gets sick, he recovers very slowly and for a long time. On the other hand, he tends to take better care of himself than men of other signs. Instinctively he feels that he must preserve his health.

The Taurus man is the owner. He wants everything he owns to be his only, and he hates to part with anything, unless it has lost its value in his eyes. If your connection is over, he will try to maintain friendly relations.

The Taurus man, born during the last two weeks of the sign, tends to live at random, making false attacks to confuse the enemy. His path is less direct, more zigzag, and does not always lead to the goal.

No one can be kinder, more gentle and more tolerant than Taurus when he feels like a master in the house, and he will not allow his wife to rule there. Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not open to change and innovation.

Taurus Woman

Taurus women have a subtle intuition. They are very neat, elegant, look great. Their ruler is Venus, so they know all the tricks of seduction from birth.

The Taurus woman is a combination of all the wonderful qualities that a man looks for in a woman and so rarely finds.

In many ways, she relies on her emotions. People sometimes make the mistake of underestimating her intelligence, as she is not inclined to show her wit in society. She has a rare form of intelligence - she knows that in order to realize the truth, you need to trust your intuition. And with this, she can infuriate and scare even the strongest man.

The Taurus woman tends to be calm and surprisingly reserved. She is very affectionate, but has innate common sense. Quickly detects deceit, but also instinctively reciprocates the partner's sincerity.

Her honesty is combined with the usual female whims and tears. The Taurus woman has more emotional courage than the man. But at the same time, she feels feminine just as much as a Taurus man feels like a man. If her half is not strong enough, then she can take the reins of power into her own hands. But she wouldn't want that. She needs a real man, because she is a real woman and is proud of it.

Being sensual, she is incomparable in the art of attracting men. But in calling on many, he chooses only a few.

It doesn't take long for you to realize that she's smart enough to resort to flirtatiousness to achieve her goal. It has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. Although she has strong emotional reactions, her self-control is still stronger. She never shows her feelings in public and is able to restrain her desires for as long as common sense requires.

She equally easily feels with different people. If she does not like someone, she, without offending, will simply avoid him. The Taurus woman shows complete indifference to her enemies, but she is always faithful to her friends and expects the same loyalty from them.

She is quite sentimental and directly declares her rights. Love with her will not flow smoothly. She is jealous from birth and is capable of making rowdy scenes. But jealousy flares up in her not immediately. Unlike Lioness and Aries, she will not blush with anger if you dare to admire someone in front of her. In order to arouse her jealousy, you must cross the legal limits of courtship.

She stands firmly on the ground and does not hover in the clouds. She is rarely restless, her head is always in order, her goals remain direct and clear. If she achieves something, then she goes ahead to the goal, even if this requires resorting to tears, threats or breaking dishes. If you're involved with a Taurus woman, be prepared to either give in or quit the game.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. When one way or another you get into bed, the partner will leave you breathless. In the end, on this site, she performs better than anyone.

If she is self-confident and with you it is easy and good for her, she becomes lazy, dresses sloppy, late for dates. Since she, like the male Taurus, is a lover of food and drink, she can get fat. No wonder they say that inside every thin Taurus woman there is a plump woman trying to get out.

She does not like being objected to, especially in front of strangers, but why do this? The Taurus woman likes to do everything slowly, thoroughly, you should not push her.

The Taurus woman may look fragile and helpless, but she is not. She is always stubborn and persistent. In the family, the Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but prefers not to demonstrate this quality. She is a true woman and therefore loves only real men. Among her friends you will never meet someone fake or insincere, and if such a person appears, she will simply bypass him.

Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Confident in this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony. She has a good sense of harmony in everything. She cooks well. Well versed in art. A rare Taurus woman does not like the village, the earth attracts her.

A wonderful mistress, she can become a good wife. This is a devoted and loving nature. She loves to mess around with kids, but as they grow up, she becomes overly strict and demanding. Such a mother will not tolerate laziness, carelessness and disobedience. Her children should get used to keeping their things in order, otherwise the unexpected wrath of the parent may fall on their heads. Nevertheless, she always remains a good mother and over the years becomes a close friend of her sons and daughters.

This woman rarely complains. The husband can be sure that she will always be his moral support in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly storms. She will not whine and complain if there is not enough money in the house, but she will calmly find a job for herself. She is not lazy, although she needs periods of rest. At the same time, he rarely tries to surpass a man in something.

The Taurus woman is very hospitable. She is reliable in everything, this is really a great woman.

Mutual Compatibility


These are two different personalities. Taurus does not like to be rushed, and will cool the enthusiasm of Aries, who are prone to more impulsive actions. In marriage, Taurus must learn sometimes not to notice the infidelity of Aries.


They are not always sexually compatible. The Taurus woman is sentimental in love, the man has a more earthy nature. The Taurus woman cannot stand deceit or inattention to herself. One can only guess about the fate of marriage.


The dual, changeable, multifaceted Gemini is the opposite of the permanent Taurus. Taurus is attracted to Gemini's artistry and imagination. But Gemini is annoyed by the slow reaction of Taurus. Not the best prospects for marriage.


Cancer seems romantic to Taurus. Both have a strong need for an emotional life. If the connection physically satisfies them, then it will be an acceptable union and a successful marriage.


Taurus will have to put up with Leo's grandeur complex. Leo is cheerful and sympathetic; Taurus is prone to restraint and selfishness. This can complicate communication, in the long run an unimportant combination.


Taurus has a highly developed sensuality, and the puritanical inclinations of the Virgin can irritate him.

Virgo prefers simple ways and avoids excesses whenever possible. A successful marriage is possible, but requires a compromise in the field of sex.


Libra will bring to life a large share of the emotional warmth and understanding necessary to analyze and solve all problems. Taurus can play a leading role. A good, lasting union is possible.


None of them feel the need for extraneous connections. But in irritation, Taurus can be stubborn, and the wrath of Scorpio, if angry, should be feared by all signs of the zodiac. A relationship full of storms is expected, and marriage is possible only with the extraordinary tolerance of both parties.


The danger lies in the fact that Taurus will try to "put on a short leash" freedom-loving Sagittarius. This will not lead to good results. They will be fine together, but a carefree Sagittarius is usually a frivolous spouse.


Taurus will not like Capricorn's innate tendency to hide their expectations. Accordingly, Capricorn will react negatively to the attempts of Taurus to insist on his own. There will be no romance in their relationship, but they are capable of a good, long-term partnership.


Aquarius prefers intellectual communication. Taurus will be presented to Aquarius as too demanding. A casual relationship is possible, but marriage is unpromising.


Pisces has a lively, unpredictable temperament. It can be difficult for a Taurus to deal with it.

Good prospects for an ardent relationship and for a satisfactory marriage.

Those born under the sign of Taurus

Honore de Balzac, Adolf Hitler, Salvador Dali, Catherine II, Elizabeth II, Oliver Cromwell, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Karl Marx, Robespierre, Harry Truman, Vladimir Lenin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

The beginning of autumn will bring many exciting and interesting events. The main thing for earth signs is not to forget about their practicality, and not to succumb to fleeting whims. Hard-working Taurus in September will feel the desire to try something new, and under the influence of Venus you will be able to succeed in many areas of life, especially those Taurus who were born in early May. The desire of Taurus to be the first will have a positive effect on official affairs, and the team will gladly obey you, but it is possible that some colleagues will oppose your career advancement.

Emotional problems will leave sensitive Taurus in September, and you will be able to achieve harmonious relations with your family. In order for the relationship to remain good throughout September, Taurus needs to restrain their emotions and anger, it is necessary to find ways to relieve irritation, naturally we do not mean bad habits. Sports and music to help you! Free Taurus will meet with small and annoying obstacles on the way to happiness, but you should not worry, because September will give you the opportunity to understand your partner and enter a new round of relationships.

The first ten days of September will bring some confusion into the life of Taurus, since your desire to do everything at once during this period will negatively affect the solution of serious problems. Try to decide on the importance of the steps on the path to success, and slowly achieve your goals, without trying to take on several things at the same time. The personal life of Taurus at the beginning of September promises to be calm and measured, and your relationship with your family will not bring much trouble, but try to be less emotional when dealing with domestic issues.

Caution in choosing the environment - that's what should be the main thing for Taurus in mid-September. Some employees will impede the impetuous Taurus on the path to success, so it is advisable for you to play it safe and enlist the support of management, which will gladly accept all the new ideas of Taurus. The honesty of Taurus in the second decade of September will help in communicating with a partner, but sometimes you just need to choose expressions if you don’t want to bring your life partner to thoughts of a break with your truthfulness.

Good news related to money matters await Taurus at the end of September, as Venus, which has strengthened its influence on the signs of the earth during this period, will help you get out of a difficult situation with money. However, if you want to succeed, then Taurus should test themselves in a new one, especially since the third decade of September is good for implementing creative ideas. In order to improve relations with the family, Taurus should put up with the shortcomings of loved ones, and less often interfere in the personal space of the household, without forcing them to completely obey your authoritative person.

Like any Yin people, two Taurus get along well together.

They do not have obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with a similar sexual temperament and have approximately the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life goals. There are not enough passions in a couple, but Taurus value stability and reliability much higher, and they give this to each other in full. Two Taurus - without a doubt, a good couple.

Taurus Compatibility: How to Seduce a Taurus Man?

A Taurus man will like a woman of his sign at first sight. He likes her calmness, poise and good taste. The more time they spend together, the better he gets to know her and finds in her a resemblance to himself. This man is not looking for someone who would be different, who would excite and excite him, who would make life unpredictable and vibrant. On the contrary, he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and will not want to part with her. Be sure to introduce the Taurus man to your views on money. He will fully approve of your way of earning and managing them, and money is an important topic for him. He necessarily evaluates the attitude of his chosen one to finances. It is impossible not to say that, in addition to the similarity of characters, the two Taurus have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man is delighted with the Taurus woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

What does the perfect Taurus couple look like?

From the outside, this couple seems boring: well, how can you live such a measured and orderly life? After all, there are so many interesting things in the world! The Taurus themselves consider their life to be the best: they have a well-established life, there is agreement on financial issues, they are confident in the future and they have excellent sex. What else is needed for happiness? Taurus, living with the “half” of his own sign, is the healthiest (mentally and physically) person. Even before marriage, during romantic meetings, Taurus surprise friends with an extraordinary agreement in a couple. In fact, they, of course, also have disputes, but rarely, but Taurus does not arrange scenes with “beating dishes” at this time, but resolves the issue peacefully. No matter how many Taurus are together, a few days or decades, they converge on most issues and look very harmonious. The two Taurus have a well-established life, an excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Taurus parents devote a lot of time to children, they try to have more than one child (but not more than they can adequately support).

What are the difficulties in the union of two Taurus?

Taurus is a very stubborn and conservative sign. He is peaceful and does not argue over trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes, depending on his upbringing and life experience, so there is nothing strange in the fact that two Taurus may disagree with each other in some way. The conservatism of Taurus prevents him from switching to someone else's point of view, new to him, and stubbornness does not allow him to give in. Therefore, the biggest problem of the Taurus couple is how to behave in a dispute. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last for a long time. Well, if the dispute is over trifles. Here, the Taurus woman will make concessions and sacrifice her interests, or the man will treat the woman's desires as a sweet lady's whim, sacrifice her interests. But what if the dispute arose on important issues: issues of life, health, money or purchases? Everything is possible here, from the fury of an angry Taurus to a long cold war. Disputes bring a lot of damage to the Taurus couple and greatly spoil the relationship.

Tauruses approach everything thoroughly. They also need to approach building relationships and even “on the shore” to distribute areas of responsibility - areas in which the decision of one of the partners will be the main one. There will be few such things, mostly Taurus look at the world the same way. But in matters important to them (especially in everything related to property and money), they definitely need to agree. With a different sign, one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two Gemini are able to come to the option "both yours and ours." But Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion on this issue will be the main one. Most Taurus think of this over time, so the problem of intransigence is most acute in newly formed couples. They can be advised “not to wear masks”, not to give in on fundamental issues in order to please their loved one more, but to immediately discuss controversial topics. Until the moment when the disagreement turned into a conflict, Taurus will easily agree on these issues.

Taurus Compatibility at Work

It's easy for Taurus to work together. Both men and women of this sign are industrious, but do not arrange jobs and races. They can work systematically and calmly for a long time. They lack contact and reactions to external changes a little, so they work best in stable areas.

Compatibility Taurus - colleagues or partners

They will be pleased with each other. They have the same rhythm of work, and both do not like to complicate relations with colleagues. For an independent partnership, the two Taurus lack the adventurism and flexibility necessary in business, but at work for hire they will show their best qualities, and at the same time they will make the situation in the team calmer, because it is difficult to piss off Taurus.

When a woman is a boss and a man is a subordinate

This is a good union. The Taurus woman in the place of the leader is calm, sweet and hardworking. She will highly appreciate the business qualities of the Taurus subordinate. They will have complete understanding.

When a woman is a subordinate and a man is a boss

Taurus men are more likely than women to fall into a rage in a tense business environment. The Taurus woman has the highest self-esteem and only habit (if she has been working in this place for a long time) and a good salary will keep her from being fired.

Compatibility women and men Taurus in friendship

Two Taurus are good friends. They like to communicate in comfort and are not lazy to create a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two "lazy people", two sybarites enjoying good food and pleasant, quiet leisure. They like to talk about work topics, because they rarely find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easier for them to get an assessment of their merits from a Taurus friend. Taurus is a stable sign, so if a woman is wise enough not to bring up topics they don't agree on, their friendship lasts for decades. Can Taurus go from friendship to romance? It is hard to say. If everything is in order with their personal lives, then it is unlikely: both are faithful to their partners. But lonely Taurus can converge, but only if they are not too accustomed to seeing each other as friends (they change their views with difficulty).

A lot of famous and talented people were born under the sign of Taurus. Lenin, Shakespeare, Catherine II, Balzac, Maria Medici, Freud, Cromwell - they all left a bright and significant mark on history. This earthly sign causes admiration and envy of others, because it attracts money to itself like a magnet, it manages to make a profit where others never dreamed of. Slowness, stability, a real view of the world, indecision, greed - these are the features inherent in most Taurus.

General characteristics of the sign Taurus

Most representatives of this sign have a calm, balanced, thoughtful character. They do not tolerate disputes, prefer to resolve any conflicts peacefully, wait until the last. But when patience comes to an end, it is very difficult to hide from their anger. They prefer the role of an outside observer, they act on the principle of "measure seven times - cut one." The sign of Taurus makes a person practical, he does not hover in the clouds, does not invent castles in the air, prefers silent work to empty chatter.

The influence of Venus and the Moon endowed the representatives of this sign with sentimentality and sensuality, so they are distinguished by both simple and refined taste. Such people prefer high-quality and expensive clothes made of wool and silk, gentle, calm perfumes, do not change the chosen style if it really suits them. Nature endowed Taurus with good health, so they can live to old age and practically not get sick. They like to drink, smoke, eat and work a lot, which sometimes leads to overweight, hepatitis, brain disease, schizophrenia, overwork.

Taurus man and Taurus woman have much in common, but at the same time they are different in character. Representatives of the fine state are greedy for expensive and beautiful things: cars, clothes, jewelry. It is very important for them to be admired. If others idolize a woman and almost carry her in their arms, then she becomes indifferent to sex, because she has already satisfied her Venus nature. Men are also not averse to becoming owners of luxurious things, but they will never refuse sex either. In bed, they are often unrestrained, but prefer a passive role, giving the reins to their partner.

Advantages and disadvantages of Taurus

In our time, when everyone is racing to show their ambitions, at any cost to translate desires into reality, Taurus are almost the ideal of virtue. These peace-loving people do not spread themselves over several things, but prefer to concentrate on one thing. Perhaps that is why they manage to get firmly on their feet and make a good fortune in a short period of time. It is the representatives of this sign who most often offer ideas that are insignificant at first glance, which then turn into national values. The compatibility of two Taurus in marriage is almost perfect, because he knows very well how to conduct business, respects his soulmate, and she will always support her husband with wise advice.

However, this zodiac sign also has disadvantages. Taurus man and Taurus woman very often love to indulge their desires and weaknesses. They do not know how to take advantage of the opportunity, so they often fail in business, over-caution and self-doubt only interfere. Spiritual life is not for Taurus, but he must at least pretend for his partner, show some emotions, listen carefully to his soulmate, and not let everything go past his ears. The earth sign very often engages in gluttony, and this threatens with fullness.

Qualities of Taurus men

Many women dream of marrying a prudent, successful, attentive and fair Taurus. Such a man immediately attracts attention with his calmness, prudence, self-confidence, respectful attitude towards his partner. He never suppresses a woman with his strength, prefers equality in closeness, gives the second half the opportunity to open up and show their abilities.

A male Taurus is not inclined to romanticism, and you can’t call him a sophisticated lover, but still he knows how to excite women. Cunning tricks do not work on him, for this he is too smart, does not listen to opinion from the outside, relies only on his experience. The characteristic of a Taurus man shows that he is a serious, honest and devoted person, capable of maintaining a happy marriage for many years.

Qualities of Taurus Women

Refined, sensual, capricious, charming - this is all about the woman of this sign. She likes to surround herself with luxury, favorably treats people who give expensive presents, prefers strong, self-confident, rich men. The Taurus woman is very popular with the opposite sex. Men understand that it will not be easy with such a demanding and impulsive chosen one, but still they seek her favor in order to know refined sensual pleasure.

This epicurean easily changes partners in order to learn something new, previously unknown. Married life can be unstable, or, on the contrary, it can be long and happy. Physical strength, common sense, business acumen gives a person the sign Taurus. A woman loves success and wealth, so she will guide her husband, give him self-confidence, and will not allow him to stumble and be defeated.

character compatibility

Of all the most pragmatic and rational. Even falling in love, he never loses his head and is in no hurry to take the first step. Such a person carefully looks at the chosen one and is indecisive. Only representatives of the same sign will understand each other perfectly and will patiently go through the courtship process together. These are strong, balanced and attentive individuals who prefer not to show their mind. For them, the world is based on true values, so it is always stable and harmonious.

Taurus get along well with each other, because they know how to perceive people as they are, without embellishment. They bypass highly intellectual and spiritual circles, because they believe that there are insincere and hypocritical people gathering there. It is most comfortable for Taurus to be together, because they are practical, and only interesting and beneficial people are allowed into the circle of friends and acquaintances.

in love

It is difficult to find a more harmonious couple than they have an ideal marriage, almost 100% hit. The representatives of the earth element will feel good together, because they know how to create warmth and comfort in the house. Peace-loving character, calm disposition contributes to the rapid resolution of conflicts, so they are quiet at home, it does not come to high-profile scandals. Taurus can choose his soul mate for a long time, look at her, weigh all the pros and cons, but then for the sake of a loved one he will make any sacrifices. It is difficult to find a more devoted, responsible and formidable protector of the family.

The similarity of characters and worldviews helps the couple create a happy union and enjoy spending time together. Together they can contemplate nature, art objects, arrange their home with taste, because no one appreciates beauty as much as Taurus. In love, compatibility is great, because both a man and a woman show firmness. And it is combined with an understanding of the feelings and desires of a partner, with tenderness for the other half, care and optimism.

Taurus and Taurus: Marriage Compatibility

The most successful union between representatives of the same sign is observed in Taurus. It is difficult for such people to find their ideal partner, because they lack imagination, they really look at the world, they are prone to hoarding, they bypass the spiritual and highly intellectual world. They understand each other perfectly, therefore, being in the same team, they go together towards a specific goal, showing double perseverance. Taurus and Taurus - marriage compatibility is ideal, because they will never get tired of each other's company, such a couple can spend hours discussing plans for the future, solving problems that have arisen. Together they can achieve a lot, they are excellent partners who are comfortable and happy to be under the same roof.

The Taurus woman can cheer up her husband at the right time, give him good advice, refrain from reproaches and claims. She has a unique ability to create coziness, harmony in the house, and the ability to spend money wisely gives luxury to the interior. Men choose a soul mate for a long time, but when they choose a specific person, they will not notice anyone around. Taurus in love is ready to give his beloved expensive presents at least every day, and a woman born under this sign will appreciate them. These two are set up only for a serious relationship. Taurus and Taurus - 100% marriage compatibility, they will be faithful to each other and devoted to the family until the end.

Friendships of Taurus

Basically, Taurus chooses interesting, reliable, wealthy, well-connected people as friends. They prefer to communicate with comrades who know how to appreciate beauty, enjoy a quiet conversation over a cup of tea, attend theaters and concerts. People reach out to Taurus for support, wise advice, financial help, and they really do not refuse, because, despite their natural greed, they are also generous. However, earth signs do not like manifestations of physical weakness, whining, they are unlikely to get along with people who wear inexpensive clothes, use cheap perfume.

Taurus bosses

Taurus in a leadership position feels confident, he chooses trusted, well-established people as subordinates, he knows the price for everyone. For such a boss, only the end result is important. The important thing is to get the job done. Taurus does not like change, therefore, he is wary of new products, you should not expect an instant reaction to his proposals from him, because he needs to think everything over carefully.

Taurus subordinates

This is an excellent employee - without unnecessary ambitions, executive, hardworking. It should be understood that representatives of this sign are often clumsy, so it is better not to give them urgent work. Taurus must see the fruits of their labor, otherwise they will lose inspiration. These are excellent business executives who will instantly put things in order in the office: they will pick up good-quality furniture, plant flowers, hang pictures. They work honestly, but for a decent pay.

The main hobbies of Taurus

Representatives of the elements Earth love to needlework. Everything that can be done by hand, they turn out excellently. These people cook deliciously, both women and men, they weave, they like to tinker in the ground, so they often do gardening. As true connoisseurs of art, they can listen to music all day long, like to go to concerts and exhibitions. With pleasure they will be engaged in drawing, calm sports games. Taurus loves nature, so he prefers to spend all his free time outdoors: fishing, hiking, in the country. Read out biographies of great generals.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus is a strong zodiac sign or not - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus is the most passionate nature of all women on the planet. At the same time, she never makes an effort to conquer men - they themselves fall and stack in piles near her feet. Boundless femininity and stunning sexuality are guessed in this lady, regardless of whether she is adorned with an evening dress or cotton homemade pajamas. Her appearance can be expressed in just one word - "erotic". In a word, if there is sexuality in the flesh, then this is a Taurus woman. The characterization also attributes to her a great love of coquetry.

Taurus are incorrigible owners. After going on several dates with a man, they begin to track the list of his friends on the social network and messages on the wall there. This girl can easily make a scandal about a single visit by her man to a nightclub or corporate party. If the partner agreed, she would be happy to see a tattoo with her name on his body. So Taurus confirms his rights to a man who is next to her. She generally likes to "mark" her lover - leaving scratches on his back, traces of lipstick on his shirt, and the smell of women's perfume on his hair.

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How faithful is a Taurus woman?

This zodiac sign is not a player by nature, and will not risk his relationship. The Taurus woman badly needs an honest and reliable partner, and she is ready to become one herself. Basically, this is a fairly faithful sign of the zodiac. They will cheat if they really fall in love or in order to prove their sexual attractiveness. If they suspect that the husband is unfaithful, they will try to figure it out and, if possible, fix it.

Why does a Taurus woman cheat?

Faithful by nature, the Taurus woman needs warmth and understanding, tenderness and affection, attention and care. She wants to feel unique and unique next to her beloved. She needs to hear compliments from her chosen one, declarations of love ... If this is not the case, the Taurus woman simply fades away next to him, and only the attention of another man can give her the joy of being again. A new love or fleeting love inspires a woman born under the sign of Taurus, she flutters like a butterfly through life - easily, naturally, her eyes glow with happiness, and it is simply impossible not to notice this.

In addition, the Taurus woman also changes her attitude towards her life partner. She becomes either indifferent and cold to him, ceases to be interested in his affairs, she no longer cares about the lack of his signs of attention to her, but because her reproaches against him about this seem to dissolve in the air. Or, on the contrary, she becomes overly attentive and caring towards her partner, as she feels guilty for what she has done and feels remorse, despite the newfound happiness in the arms of another man.

But one way or another, the behavior of the Taurus woman in the event of her betrayal, no matter how much she wants to hide it, if she does not give out an unfaithful woman with her head, then it certainly arouses suspicion in connection on the side. Well, in the end, the departure of the Taurus woman to a new chosen one helps to dispel these doubts - this is exactly the outcome of most of the novels of the representatives of this zodiac sign on the side.

Taurus Woman with other Zodiac Signs

10 Unusual Facts About the Zodiac Sign Taurus

All Signs of the Zodiac have their own mysteries and secrets. Each of the 12 constellations has its own energy and character, which is inherent in people born under these stars. Taurus is no exception.

Those born under the sign of Aries can read the article about 10 unusual facts about the Zodiac Sign of Aries. We continue to consider the most secret corners of consciousness and other Signs. The Earth Sign of Taurus is very strong, although it does not show it. He has his weaknesses, his shortcomings that prevent him from living, but who does not have them?

Character of Taurus

Who are these people, if not bright good-natured people. They will always help friends, relatives, while not distorting their faces. They will find time for you, but this will not always be the case. Until Taurus finds a soul mate, they will help you, be friends with you. Everything will be great. But after they meet their love, friends fade into the background. Get ready for this, because Taurus people change their priorities very easily.

These people love everything beautiful. They are true aesthetes. They are attracted by practical beauty - in the house, in the car, in clothes. These are the mods. Beautiful people are the main magnet for Taurus. If you want to see a Taurus rally, then come to a fashion show, a car show or a beauty pageant. There will be a lot of representatives of this Zodiac Sign.

The land has a very strong influence on these people, so they are economical and will never squander the money earned by honest work. well, maybe they will buy a more expensive car or a cooler suit.

10 Unusual Taurus Facts

Get ready to learn something about these people that you may not have known.

Fact one: Taurus just can't stand anything temporary. If they are looking for a friend, then for life. The same goes for the person you love. They also buy a phone or a car once every few years, but they are ready to pay a lot of money for it. Temporary relationships for them may be acceptable if they already have a loved one. Taurus cheat, but you will never know about it.

Fact two: The philosophy of these people is as simple as a blow to the head with a frying pan. The main thing is the house. Taurus love their haven, although they may not spend much time in it. Coming home, they need comfort. They don't care about the view from the window - it's better to let the bathroom be bigger and more pleasant. They are easily seduced by amenities and high technology.

Fact three: Do you know who Mr. Bean is? It's that weird English comedian who has the funniest lively eyebrows and incredibly funny facial expressions. So, Taurus is capable of the same show. Not everyone knows this about themselves, but almost everyone can be just as artistic and funny. Just watch them tell funny stories - their faces sometimes look much more ridiculous than those of the greatest comedians. Taurus can help cheer up anyone, anywhere.

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Fact four: Patience is a strong trait of Taurus that even some Taurus do not know about. They are able to wait indefinitely until the opportunity comes for something. That is why they are good at gambling card games, successful in love and always achieve what they want. Only the laziest of the representatives of this Sign can afford to do nothing, but most hide the ability to wait, disguising it as laziness.

Fact five: Taurus deserve to be trusted. Just like that, they will not "throw" anyone - they do not need it. They are creators, therefore they do not destroy everything around them, but create. An interesting fact is that Taurus can always be trusted. They do not like to lie, although they know how to do it. These people don't know it themselves, but it's true.

Fact six: Taurus is very jealous, but not for money. These people can become greedy only in the most unusual and difficult situation, but they are jealous of their loved ones even for things. Sometimes one gets the feeling that Taurus wants to know even the thoughts of a loved one, controlling him completely. They love to be obeyed, but they do not have a God complex, so do not be afraid to listen to their advice and instructions.

Fact seven: Taurus at first glance seem so bold that you begin to believe in their courage, but in fact they are afraid. Their greatest talent lies in the fact that they not only mask their fears, but also turn them into courage in some unthinkable way. How they do it, only they know. It remains only to observe this phenomenon.

Fact eight: if you did something good to this person, he will never forget it. He or she may forget when mom's birthday is, but they can't forget your kindness, so being nice to them can be helpful. Respond to their pleas for help, because this goodness will return to you in double. No, triple.

Fact nine: Taurus rampage is unstoppable. Never bring these people to a nervous breakdown. Otherwise, a real apocalypse may come. Your life will turn into hell if you do something bad to him. The vindictive Taurus will take revenge on you when the opportunity comes. They know how to wait, we told you.

Fact ten: negative interesting fact is only one. Many Taurus, almost 90%, will not communicate with you and build relationships if you are not dressed stylishly, not fashionably, cheaply or without taste, if you do not have the same sexual views, if you smell bad. They notice any little things that can interfere with your friendship. However, if you are already friends, then Taurus will gently and kindly point out to you what is wrong with you.

We are sure that you did not know much of this. Now your friendships, love or partnerships with this Zodiac Sign will be more effective. We also recommend reading an article about the vices and weaknesses of each Zodiac Sign in order to know what you should not talk about with people. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Taurus. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

Zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus Planet

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. Taurus love everything beautiful, no matter where they find it: at home, in a museum or on stage.

Taurus Element

Taurus is an earth sign he is firmly on the ground. This element gives Taurus a tendency to conservatism, practicality and thoroughness, as well as reliability and endurance in feelings. It is believed that the simultaneous influence of the planet Venus and the earth element gives Taurus a love for sensual pleasures, in particular for delicious food.

The most characteristic features of Taurus are laconic and unhurried. Taurus is solid and stable, like a rock, and if he does not want, nothing can bring him out of balance. You can stomp your feet and throw your fists, but if Taurus has decided something for himself, he won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Until you get to know each other better, he will give the impression of a silent person. The look is clear, calm, firm. The movements are slow, in women they are gracefully lazy, but hidden strength is felt in them. Usually, Taurus well built, though overweight.

Few things disturb the calmness of Taurus. His decisions are immutable. He does not like disputes, especially in raised tones, and cannot stand disharmony in life. Trusts his perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference.

Do not pressure him, otherwise he will demonstrate stubbornness. And if you go too far, he will become furious. He can show amazing self-control for months and years, ignoring everything that causes a nervous breakdown in other people. And then, all of a sudden, he bursts into rage. In that case, get out of his way as soon as possible. But many Taurus are so well in control of themselves that such attacks of rage happen to them only once or twice in their lives.

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon determines the sensitivity and sentimentality of Taurus. He is very attracted to the opposite sex, but it is not in his nature to aggressively pursue his chosen one. He prefers to attract people to himself.

As a rule, these are people at home. They are very fond of their home, their comfortable chair, familiar surroundings. Changes in the environment make them discouraged. They always dream of their own home. People born under the sign of Taurus love the peace and quiet of their home, preferring them to noisy gatherings. Their home is their castle. If the situation at home is unfavorable for Taurus, he grabs a fishing rod and hurries to go fishing, closer to nature.

These are, as a rule, healthy, strong people, they are said to have a large margin of safety. Taurus can live to old age without any disease. But he does not know where and when to stop, he tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. And if he gets sick, he does not recover for a very long time.

Major Diseases of Taurus Key words: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, cough, brain diseases, overwork, schizophrenia, depression. The most sensitive areas are throat, neck, legs, back. Any colds often turn into sore throats. Poor circulation leads to varicose veins, obesity and other chronic diseases.

For the most part, Taurus can boast of good health. But the tendency to devote oneself entirely to work gives rise to the main cause of their illnesses - the lack of fresh air and movement.

At their core, Taurus are stoic and accept things as they are. Taurus is extremely patient. They can carry the physical and emotional burden for years, silently, without complaining or blaming anyone. And the more troubles, the more strength they find in themselves to endure them. Physically, Taurus has great vitality and endurance, but its energy does not arise on its own, as in representatives of the constellations of Fire and Water. It requires stimulus from outside.

Taurus deserve the highest award for the courage they show under the blows of fate and which would have broken the representatives of other signs long ago, and their loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpasses all understanding.

Their humor is warm, and they are rarely violent or vindictive.

Taurus and money always go together, because Venus is a planet not only of harmony and love, but also of money. Among the unemployed, you will not meet Taurus. They are building their empire slowly but on a grand scale. They always start with a solid foundation, building their business floor by floor. Taurus makes good engineers, designers, doctors, teachers, builders, livestock breeders, gardeners, as well as accountants and financiers. In the financial sector, which can cause confusion and headaches for representatives of other signs, Taurus swim like a fish in water.

It is believed that Venus also helps people of this sign realize their potential in the profession of an architect, designer, singer, artist, cook. But in any work, the element of creativity is not alien to Taurus.

However, no matter where Taurus works and whoever they are, they treat the matter with a heightened sense of responsibility. Having found their place in life, Taurus is not looking for change, especially if the job is promising.

They like to accumulate power just like money, but usually for the pleasure of possessing it. They often allow their subordinates to act. The consciousness that power and money are in their hands fully satisfies all their ambitions.

Let Capricorns and Cancers work, and he will sniff the forget-me-not and look into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Sooner or later money will come to Taurus. When working under a Taurus leader, learn one golden rule - never test his patience. Avoiding this is difficult, as Taurus' patience seems to be inexhaustible. Today he didn't pay attention to the sloppy typed document, he didn't attach any importance to the confusion in the numbers in the annual report, he didn't scold you for the extra half hour taken to the lunch break. Tomorrow you will continue your careless attitude to your duties, you will be late not for half an hour, but for an hour, and there, you see, you will be fired with a bang, it would seem, for no reason at all.

Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs. They are interested in painting and music. They are full of love for luxury, for what they have, but they do not waste money in vain.

The greatest virtues of Taurus are stability, fidelity and a firm sense of purpose. They strive to do a better job and always get their way.

taurus man

The Taurus man is reasonable, calm, practical, "grounded". But if you think that he is devoid of romanticism, then this is not true. It should not be forgotten that Taurus is under the rule of Venus, the goddess of love and peace, the patroness of the arts. They can be very gentle and attentive.

Well, if Taurus decided that you are suitable for him, and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. Taurus knows how to take care of all the rules, inviting a lady to the best theaters and restaurants, never forgetting her birthday or some other important date for her. Taurus' passion is complete: they go to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects he is very practical.

Taurus often make mistakes in choosing a partner. The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about the incompatibility of characters, and the more friends tell him about it, the more he resists. But they are going through a divorce for a long time and hard, and even longer they are looking for a new girlfriend, because Taurus has been looking closely for a very long time.

In marriage, intimacy is very important for Taurus, not only physical, but also spiritual. He really does not like to change, so he is always worried about how others perceive his appearance. Any conflicts expose the inner content of a person. And the opening of this secret for Taurus is similar to death.

As a father, Taurus is perfection itself, with special tenderness he treats his daughters.

Generously, he refers to the whims of his wife. Rarely spares money, but nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow.

As a rule, Taurus people know how to make money. Men whose Sun is in the constellation Taurus can boast of common sense. They are not afraid of hard work, stable and constructive. Obstacles only increase their perseverance. Faced with a problem, they look for a direct solution. Taurus can overcome anything. His great advantage is strength. If he sometimes lacks imagination, then he compensates for this with his ability to go forward.

Taurus works hard, so he needs rest. Being tired, he can be unbearable. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for this. In addition, men of this sign are somewhat slow. But they should not be pushed or rushed. This does not lead to good. Yes, they are stubborn, but perhaps because of this, they are patient.

Taurus prefers large companies of familiar people, he is very hospitable. But the house should be calm, comfortable, quiet. For love and family, you are unlikely to find a better man.

His love is simple and honest. He is attentive and faithful. Take care of him and everything will be fine.

The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, it must be fed hearty, at home. He loves to eat and drink. What-what, but the lack of appetite Taurus does not suffer. A true gourmet, he does not eat simply because he is hungry, and he does not drink because he is only thirsty. He knows what to choose. Taurus loves to indulge in passions in comfort. He surrounds himself with beautiful things, furniture, paintings, he wants to have all the best. This is a real man, standing firmly on the ground. This is partly the result of his conviction of his own sexuality. He does not need to prove anything to himself, as many men do.

But Taurus also has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to polish your own behavior. Not a single Taurus will reconcile with a woman who loves scandals or resembles a man with her manners.

If you have your own opinion, do not try to drum it into Taurus in public. He can be quickly pissed off if you publicly humiliate or make jokes about him. He is extremely patient, but cannot stand humiliation. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than a Taurus when his ego is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing: he won't let her act like a man.

The male Taurus is usually well physically developed, this is part of his charm. This is an earthly, strong, sensitive and sensual nature. However, despite the look of full health, if a Taurus man gets sick, he recovers very slowly and for a long time. On the other hand, he tends to take better care of himself than men of other signs. Instinctively he feels that he must preserve his health.

The Taurus man is the owner. He wants everything he owns to be his only, and he hates to part with anything, unless it has lost its value in his eyes. If your connection is over, he will try to maintain friendly relations.

The Taurus man, born during the last two weeks of the sign, tends to live at random, making false attacks to confuse the enemy. His path is less direct, more zigzag, and does not always lead to the goal.

No one can be kinder, more gentle and more tolerant than Taurus when he feels like a master in the house, and he will not allow his wife to rule there. Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not open to change and innovation.

Taurus Woman

Taurus women have a subtle intuition. They are very neat, elegant, look great. Their ruler is Venus, so they know all the tricks of seduction from birth.

The Taurus woman is a combination of all the wonderful qualities that a man looks for in a woman and so rarely finds.

In many ways, she relies on her emotions. People sometimes make the mistake of underestimating her intelligence, as she is not inclined to show her wit in society. She has a rare form of intelligence - she knows that in order to realize the truth, you need to trust your intuition. And with this, she can infuriate and scare even the strongest man.

The Taurus woman tends to be calm and surprisingly reserved. She is very affectionate, but has innate common sense. Quickly detects deceit, but also instinctively reciprocates the partner's sincerity.

Her honesty is combined with the usual female whims and tears. The Taurus woman has more emotional courage than the man. But at the same time, she feels feminine just as much as a Taurus man feels like a man. If her half is not strong enough, then she can take the reins of power into her own hands. But she wouldn't want that. She needs a real man, because she is a real woman and is proud of it.

Being sensual, she is incomparable in the art of attracting men. But in calling on many, he chooses only a few.

It doesn't take long for you to realize that she's smart enough to resort to flirtatiousness to achieve her goal. It has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. Although she has strong emotional reactions, her self-control is still stronger. She never shows her feelings in public and is able to restrain her desires for as long as common sense requires.

She equally easily feels with different people. If she does not like someone, she, without offending, will simply avoid him. The Taurus woman shows complete indifference to her enemies, but she is always faithful to her friends and expects the same loyalty from them.

She is quite sentimental and directly declares her rights. Love with her will not flow smoothly. She is jealous from birth and is capable of making rowdy scenes. But jealousy flares up in her not immediately. Unlike Lioness and Aries, she will not blush with anger if you dare to admire someone in front of her. In order to arouse her jealousy, you must cross the legal limits of courtship.

She stands firmly on the ground and does not hover in the clouds. She is rarely restless, her head is always in order, her goals remain direct and clear. If she achieves something, then she goes ahead to the goal, even if this requires resorting to tears, threats or breaking dishes. If you're involved with a Taurus woman, be prepared to either give in or quit the game.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. When one way or another you get into bed, the partner will leave you breathless. In the end, on this site, she performs better than anyone.

If she is self-confident and with you it is easy and good for her, she becomes lazy, dresses sloppy, late for dates. Since she, like the male Taurus, is a lover of food and drink, she can get fat. No wonder they say that inside every thin Taurus woman there is a plump woman trying to get out.

She does not like being objected to, especially in front of strangers, but why do this? The Taurus woman likes to do everything slowly, thoroughly, you should not push her.

The Taurus woman may look fragile and helpless, but she is not. She is always stubborn and persistent. In the family, the Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but prefers not to demonstrate this quality. She is a true woman and therefore loves only real men. Among her friends you will never meet someone fake or insincere, and if such a person appears, she will simply bypass him.

Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Having made sure of this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony. She has a good sense of harmony in everything. She cooks well. Well versed in art. A rare Taurus woman does not like the village, the earth attracts her.

A wonderful mistress, she can become a good wife. This is a devoted and loving nature. She loves to mess around with kids, but as they grow up, she becomes overly strict and demanding. Such a mother will not tolerate laziness, carelessness and disobedience. Her children should get used to keeping their belongings in order, otherwise the unexpected wrath of the parent may fall on their heads. Nevertheless, she always remains a good mother and over the years becomes a close friend of her sons and daughters.

This woman rarely complains. The husband can be sure that she will always be his moral support in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly storms. She will not whine and complain if there is not enough money in the house, but she will calmly find a job for herself. She is not lazy, although she needs periods of rest. At the same time, he rarely tries to surpass a man in something.

The Taurus woman is very hospitable. She is reliable in everything, this is really a great woman.

Mutual Compatibility

These are two different personalities. Taurus does not like to be rushed, and will cool the enthusiasm of Aries, who are prone to more impulsive actions. In marriage, Taurus must learn sometimes not to notice the infidelity of Aries.

They are not always sexually compatible. The Taurus woman is sentimental in love, the man has a more earthy nature. The Taurus woman cannot stand deceit or inattention to herself. One can only guess about the fate of marriage.

The dual, changeable, multifaceted Gemini is the opposite of the permanent Taurus. Taurus is attracted to Gemini's artistry and imagination. But Gemini is annoyed by the slow reaction of Taurus. Not the best prospects for marriage.

Cancer seems romantic to Taurus. Both have a strong need for an emotional life. If the connection physically satisfies them, then it will be an acceptable union and a successful marriage.

Taurus will have to put up with Leo's grandeur complex. Leo is cheerful and sympathetic; Taurus is prone to restraint and selfishness. This can complicate communication, in the long run an unimportant combination.

Taurus has a highly developed sensuality, and the puritanical inclinations of the Virgin can irritate him.

Virgo prefers simple ways and avoids excesses whenever possible. A successful marriage is possible, but it requires a compromise in the field of sex.

Libra will bring to life a large share of the emotional warmth and understanding necessary to analyze and solve all problems. Taurus can play a leading role. A good, lasting union is possible.

None of them feel the need for extraneous connections. But in irritation, Taurus can be stubborn, and the wrath of Scorpio, if angry, should be feared by all signs of the zodiac. A relationship full of storms is expected, and marriage is possible only with the extraordinary tolerance of both parties.

The danger lies in the fact that Taurus will try to "put on a short leash" freedom-loving Sagittarius. This will not lead to good results. They will be fine together, but the carefree Sagittarius is usually a frivolous spouse.

Taurus will not like Capricorn's innate tendency to hide their expectations. Accordingly, Capricorn will react negatively to the attempts of Taurus to insist on his own. There will be no romance in their relationship, but they are capable of a good, long-term partnership.

Aquarius prefers intellectual communication. Taurus will be presented to Aquarius as too demanding. A casual relationship is possible, but marriage is unpromising.

Pisces has a lively, unpredictable temperament. It can be difficult for a Taurus to deal with it.

Good prospects for an ardent relationship and for a satisfactory marriage.

Those born under the sign of Taurus

Honore de Balzac, Adolf Hitler, Salvador Dali, Catherine II, Elizabeth II, Oliver Cromwell, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Karl Marx, Robespierre, Harry Truman, Vladimir Lenin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

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