School zodiac horoscope for children. What does your zodiac sign say about your grades in school? How do zodiac signs behave in class?

Now you will know exactly your strengths and weaknesses.

This time we decided not to make any ratings among the signs, but to write about all of them at once. And now we will introduce you to the strongest sides of your sign. Therefore, the next time you fail to solve a super-difficult chemistry problem, you will have an excuse: "It's not my fault, the stars decided and lined up that way."


Well, well, what can we say about our Sagittarius? They are very lucky, because they are almost geniuses! Yes, yes, Sagittarians have a fantastic mind, because they are good, both in the humanities and in the exact ones. So, if you are a Sagittarius, then you must be an excellent student, because the stars gave you everything for this: a thirst for knowledge, eloquence, an excellent memory and a colossal mind! Sagittarians love to learn and get great pleasure from it. Yes, by the way, it is often Sagittarius who become great scientists.


Gemini is a walking Wikipedia. Therefore, representatives of this sign very often turn out to be among the favorites of teachers, because they simply grasp all the information on the fly, without the need for cramming. I wonder how they do it? True, there is a flip side to the coin: they are restless, they need movement. But all this is offset by an excellent memory. Gemini just needs to scan the page with their eyes to remember all the information. And the representatives of this sign have a very rich imagination.


a lion

Leos are very intelligent by nature. They always strive to achieve attention and location at school, university and at work: both from classmates, classmates and colleagues, and from teachers and bosses. Lions are ready to learn anything to be noticed and praised, and a good mark would be a nice bonus. They want to look smart in the eyes of society, and therefore strive for new knowledge. And Leos are big fans of dreaming. Representatives of this sign are building Napoleonic plans, which, as a rule, are the same as plans.


Libra is eloquent. Maybe they don’t grasp information on the fly, like the Gemini, but they always know how to deliciously present a dish to the teacher - their knowledge. They will even describe the ordinary process of photosynthesis in such a way that it will sound like a literary work! They want everything to sound and look great. True, Libra can sit at homework for a very long time, and they need a little more time to learn everything.


It's not easy with Cancers. They are by nature very smart, but there is a huge minus: they are insanely restless and contradictory. Today, the representative of this sign answers five plus at the blackboard, and tomorrow he lets the airplanes around the class and thinks how to get out of the lesson as soon as possible. It's simple: if Cancer is not interested in what the teacher says, he will not listen to him. Why waste time on boring stuff when you can do something worthwhile? But if the teacher still manages to captivate Cancer with his subject, then he will not be equal in this discipline.



But Pisces have excellent intuition, which often helps them out. If representatives of this zodiac sign preferred a walk with friends to homework, then during the lesson they will hope for good luck and, you won’t believe it, they will really be lucky! To make diligent students out of Pisces, you need to try very hard. For them, as for Cancers, it is very important to be interested in the subject and receive positive emotions from learning. If the teacher is able to present the topic in an original way, then Pisces will listen to him very carefully.


Lambs can never sit in one place, they need to move all the time. 40 minutes to spend at the desk, not fidgeting and not talking?! It's practically unrealistic! But this behavior does not prevent them from being excellent students. Aries grab everything on the fly. True, there is a small minus, having received the coveted five, they immediately forget everything. Although, it is worth noting that they will definitely remember the necessary, interesting and practical information for a long time.


Probably, the main advantage of Taurus is their perseverance. Representatives of this sign are ready to spend at least all day and all night studying the material and preparing for tests and exams. True, they need a lot of time to master the material. Taurus also needs complete peace and quiet. But they have an incredible talent to apply all their knowledge and skills in life. And yet, unlike Aries, they remember the learned material for a long time!



A distinctive feature of Scorpios is scrupulousness. Representatives of this sign study well, however, only in those subjects that they like. When a subject is interesting to Scorpio, he is ready to learn all the definitions and formulas. If Scorpio believes that this lesson only takes up his personal time, and he definitely does not need the knowledge gained in this subject, he does not teach anything intentionally. The word "must" in the case of Scorpions does not work. Hence the problems with estimates.


Capricorns are very diligent and exemplary students. They, one might say, to some extent know absolutely everything. They also have good organizational skills. They are capable of anything. True, they need more time to master the material, and knowledge should be necessary and practical. Representatives of this sign are very aspiring people, they always need to know why they are learning a formula in physics or a rule in the Russian language. If Capricorn is sure that this will be useful to him in later life and help build a career, then he will gnaw at the granite of sciences from morning to night.

Complete horoscope for your child. Astrologer Debbie Frank also describes the qualities of an Aries child to look out for.

Energy, drive and confidence

A child born under the solar sign of Aries radiates energy that must be turned to constructive activity. Once he learns to stand on his own, he will be constantly on the move. He is always in a hurry to explore the world on his own. Aries needs a goal, otherwise he will get lost. The crying of an Aries child who is forced to sit still for at least five minutes means that he is bored.

Independence, will to win

Aries have an innate independence and desire to do everything on their own. This child learns from his mistakes, parents should not explain and show how and what to do. Aries does not like to improve in any skill, as they cannot stand boredom. The constant need to be convinced of one's strengths and to test them is vital for Aries. Parents can encourage the strong-willed qualities of the child so that with age he does not lose the vital energy with which he was born. Attempts to curb the will of Aries often cause an aggressive reaction, his perseverance must be directed in the right direction.

Honesty and directness

This sign hates pretense and falsehood. Your Aries child will handle the truth, even if it is bitter. The best thing about Aries is that he is direct so you don't have to guess, guess or interpret his words or actions. This directness, evident in the character of the Aries child, helps adult Aries overcome obstacles with apparent ease.

A strong sense of "I"

Aries have a healthy selfishness from an early age. The word "selfish" carries a negative connotation, but the ability to value yourself and take care of yourself is vital. How can you take care of others if you can't take care of yourself? The Aries child has a strong sense of his "I": what he wants to do, what he prefers, what he would like to receive - ideally, this quality should be encouraged in childhood, and not suppressed. Then the adult Aries will not show selfishness. Excessive authority, a patronizing attitude and the desire for autocracy in adult Aries are caused by the fact that in childhood their parents prevented the free manifestation of their character.

Aries boys

The expression "the boys must go wild" was coined for this sign. Having escaped from the mother's womb, the Aries boys are in constant motion and manage to involve their parents in this movement. They prefer stormy, active games. Aries boys often do impulsive things without thinking about the consequences, and earn a few extra bumps and bruises. But they quickly forget about the pain - Aries hate to waste time!

Aries boys are always up for a challenge. They like to test their courage, they attach great importance to it. This sign rarely lacks courage, but failures cause him frustration. Aries boys must understand that they are not infallible and that giving up reckless actions does not mean weakness. They need to know when to act and when to abstain.

This sign is a born leader; in childhood, Aries boys are often the ringleaders in games. They are full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to experience life to the fullest. They may seem overly demanding and restless. However, the motivation and energy of Aries are excellent raw materials, which in later life are converted into efficiency and the will to win.

Aries girls

The qualities inherent in Aries are traditionally considered masculine - perseverance, courage, competitive spirit, so the Aries girl is by no means the embodiment of obedience. The strength of her character needs to be manifested and recognized by the world so that she can remain truly herself, otherwise the girl will be forced to constantly wear a mask in order to please and comply with the rules. Recognition begins at home: it is important that parents pay attention to their daughter's liveliness and appreciate her.

The assertiveness of Aries is constantly manifested in girls, along with incredibly powerful vitality, enthusiasm and the desire to prove something all the time. Aries girls simply cannot be quiet obedient creatures, their liveliness always breaks out, they want their parents to enjoy the fullness of life just like they do.

Aries girls can appear older than their years because they are in a hurry to grow up. They move through the infantile dependent stages of childhood as quickly as they can to gain independence. But the desire for independence does not mean maturity. Aries often want to run before they can walk. It should be remembered that Aries girls need the same support as the more timid signs.

Aries at school

Aries have a lively mind: they grasp everything on the fly, but there is also the other side of the coin - they forget everything they learn just as quickly. Aries learn new material in a matter of seconds, and then impatiently stomp their feet, waiting for slower natures to understand it. The challenge is to keep Aries interested in whatever they do. Aries will never want to waste time on objects that have lost their appeal for him.

In addition, Aries may have problems with discipline at school, with its order and routine. Aries are independent creatures, they have not the slightest desire to follow the herd. They strive to always be ahead. It is not easy to explain to Aries what exactly should be done and how: it all depends on the sauce under which the explanation is presented. Therefore, Aries may have friction with teachers who expect students to automatically bow to the elder, invested with power. But for the sake of a teacher who inspires, Aries is ready for anything.

Thanks to the competitive spirit, Aries. I like to prove my abilities. But Aries sometimes rush to conclusions, and therefore, adding 2 and 2, they get 5. They answer before they have time to think or understand the question. Aries need to slow down, but most of all, they need to be able to focus in order to reinforce their quick wits with firmly acquired knowledge.

Aries at play

Aries are cheerful, playful children. This sign needs to blow off steam, act and show its seemingly inexhaustible energy. The more hectic the game is, the better. It is difficult for Aries to concentrate on a game of "monopoly" for a long time (except when Aries wins). Aries are annoyed by the slowness of their playmates. Aries are born ringleaders, but they have a trail of unfinished business behind them.

Aries prefer outdoor games where there is an opportunity to compete. They like to be leaders of other children. Even at the age of eight, they firmly believe that their ideas are perfect and that others should be happy as followers. Aries approach playmates with similar qualities, and bully quieter and more emotional natures, considering them boring. Aries need to learn to appreciate other people's sensitivity and spend time in more peaceful pursuits.

Debbie Frank

If the sign of the Zodiac affects our character, then why shouldn't it affect other aspects of life? For example, it is no accident that someone becomes an excellent student at school, and someone becomes a loser, someone studies diligently, and someone is lazy ... Perhaps, knowing the astrological characteristics of your children, you can help them succeed in the educational process .

Let's make a reservation right away: there is no such sign of the Zodiac under which solid geniuses or, on the contrary, fools would be born. Everyone has the ability to assimilate various sciences, but not everyone develops them. In addition, some are inclined towards the exact sciences, others towards the humanities. Some learn on their own, while others need to be constantly prodded. But everything is in your hands!

Those born under the sign Aries, can study both excellently and poorly. It is easier for them to succeed if they have some specific task in front of them: such children have a hard time with abstract thinking. If you want your Aries child to become the first in the class, then you need to praise him more often.

Taurus like to do everything according to plan. An unexpected test can throw them off track. Therefore, it is better to draw up an action plan with them for the day, for the week, and so on, in consultation with the teacher. In order for the Taurus child to study well, it is also necessary to encourage him regularly - for example, for good academic performance, promise to buy a new computer or bicycle.

Gemini Knowledge comes easily because they have a good memory. They do best in mathematics and foreign languages. However, children born under this sign are restless, and therefore their knowledge is often superficial. They need constant supervision.

crayfish, as a rule, choose for themselves one favorite subject, which they study thoroughly. The rest teach under the mood or under duress. They have a hard time remembering different rules. It is easier for them to memorize the material with the help of figurative thinking.

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lion in order for him to make progress in his studies, you must first be interested in the subject being studied. In addition, this "king of beasts" loves praise in his address. It’s worth scolding him once - the obstinate Leo can completely stop doing this subject. So refrain from swearing as much as possible.

Among Dev most often come across the so-called "walking encyclopedias". They always write off their homework, and if they seriously undertake to study something, they will certainly achieve great success in this. The main thing is not to impose your own opinion on the issues under study. Virgos love to learn and sometimes learn all their lives.

At Libra, as a rule, there are no serious problems with study. But sometimes some little thing is enough to discourage them from learning. Let's say if they don't like how the teacher or the cover of the textbook looks like, then they can "score" on this subject.

scorpions do not know the "golden mean". Either they don't study at all, or they study excellently. To avoid problems with learning, such a child needs to be constantly pulled, checked his lessons, called to the board, and so on. And then he will amaze you and teachers with his knowledge. But if you let everything take its course, then he can earn the glory of a loafer and a truant.

archers too lazy, although they have good abilities. They tend not to learn subjects, but in lessons and exams they most often get exactly those questions to which they know the answers. Truly, such a child will learn only "under duress."

main feature Capricorn- self-love. They are prone to cramming, because they can not stand if they are behind others. Most likely, Capricorn will be an excellent student at school, and adults do not need to make special efforts to force him to study - he himself will begin to lean on his studies without anyone's reminders.

At Aquarius problems with learning arise only because they are trying to drive them into the usual framework. The Aquarius child must be allowed to show freedom of thought and creativity, and then he

Aries at school age are distinguished by activity, stubbornness and perseverance in achieving their goals. Aries are proactive and responsible. If someone needs their help, they will definitely share their acquired knowledge.

Astrologer's advice: For most individuals, manifestations of properties that are not inherent in it are likely. This is due to the fact that most of them have a dependence on celestial phenomena, here are some of them - the retrograde of the planets, the parade of planets, etc.

For Aries study and education not a problem. Here he is at his best. This is just the case when in all subjects it is excellent, but in behavior it is unsuccessful. The problem is the lack of perseverance. He can not sit still, what are the rules of conduct here. At the same time, each remark made to him is perceived as a call to action. For him, silence is perceived as the calm before the storm.

Astrologer's advice: Often, a good chance for a global change in personal life for the better appears only once in a lifetime. Don't miss it - sign up for it and find out how soon to expect it!

Aries have a lively mind: they literally immediately grasp everything on the fly, but just as quickly forget everything. This is their main attribute as disciples.

Aries is independent. His place is always ahead. They will never follow the herd. Often teachers can understand them. Aries will not bow down just because the teacher is older and more powerful. But the teacher who inspires and encourages will turn into his idol.

Aries loves to prove his abilities, but at the same time he is very impatient, quickly rushing to a conclusion, so sometimes he looks funny. He needs to restrain himself and only thinking, give out the result.

Aries need a quality education, as they are unsuitable for low-skilled work. To interest him, you need to arrange a competition. Here Aries will not be equal in study and education. He will come out of his skin to be the first. You need to give him the opportunity to shine, to stick out. It’s just that he’s not interested in working for grades.

Astrologer's advice: In order to understand and understand well the nature and features of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from different angles and the heading will help you with this.

Aries needs a goal, for the sake of achieving it, he is ready for anything. He will sit and tirelessly delve into, understand, even open books, outside the school curriculum - he needs this. Otherwise, this is superficial knowledge and nothing more. It is difficult to force him to study, but he is one of those who will not sleep the night before the exam, and in the morning will pass ahead of everyone else. He will not worry at all, because he owes a bonus for courage.

Aries is a leader in life and if he rules in the classroom, he will run to school ahead of the rest. Otherwise, he is disappointed, begins to be lazy and capricious. This condition can be overcome only with the help of parents and teaching staff. After all, the ability to adapt to others is so lacking for Aries in the future.

Having matured, Aries do not change. They are so full of energy that there is only one Aries in the lecture hall, this is already too much. Their behavior is as positive as it borders on extremism.

Astrologer's advice: Good quality and useful. Go to the category of horoscopes. We suggest you read for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issues.

Aries can stir up a crowd in just a couple of minutes. If a student is present in the classroom - Aries, the teacher needs to have one more pair of eyes. Moreover, it is better if they are behind.

From time to time I would like to offer the student - Aries to run around to relieve stress and calm down. The teacher needs to remember that these are the children of Aries who always had five in school in subjects, and two in behavior. Remove always need to be in full readiness.

The given data about Aries and his manner study and education will allow parents and teachers to determine their line of conduct with students and achieve a good assimilation of knowledge from Aries.

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Best subject in school: math

The patron planet Mars and belonging to the fire element are signs of active, motivated, prepared, but a little restless, sloppy and impulsive schoolchildren. They show themselves brilliantly at the beginning of the year - for Aries this is a new start, an opportunity to prove themselves. A particular subject is interesting to them only until a more intellectual and exciting activity appears on the horizon, to which they give themselves up with all their passion. But Aries should show a little patience, and impressive results will not keep you waiting.


Best subject in school: fine arts / drawing

Wards of Venus and representatives of the earth element - in their studies, at least, one can expect perseverance and diligence. The Taurus plan is this: set a goal (a certain score in a quarter) and achieve it by any means. The only thing that can interfere with the "bull" in his studies is natural laziness. You can't push such a schoolboy in the morning. Teamwork, the whole class - for Taurus is a real salvation. They can become both great musicians and artists, and outstanding engineers.


Best subject in school: physics

One of the smartest kids in the class. Brilliant results in a quarter are the merit of the natural curiosity of Mercury's wards, they are simply damn interested in learning. They grasp and assimilate all the necessary information on the first try. They like research activities - hence the increased interest in the natural sciences. They say about such schoolchildren that they are just a “walking encyclopedia”. Over time, there is a reassessment of values, Gemini can devote themselves to music, cinema or any other art form.


Best subject in school: Biology

As you know, the wards of the Moon are very emotional and sensitive persons. They will never leave a classmate in trouble - usually it is from Cancers that a good half of the class unanimously writes off, because of which their personal performance can suffer greatly. Such schoolchildren should definitely start a hobby from the field of art (playing musical instruments, dancing ...), thanks to this, Cancers will learn to better express their feelings and be able to get out of the emotional "shell". Favorite outlet in the best way will affect their studies and relationships in the team.

a lion

Best subject in school: programming

Solar sign of the leader. Lions are school pets: they are adored by both teachers and classmates. Usually, representatives of this sign are the most popular in the team; all girls from parallel classes “dry” for such boys. As for specific subjects, Lions are rather inclined towards the exact sciences, which are easy for them: such children are very fond of analyzing everything and building cause-and-effect relationships.


Best subject in school: Russian

These cheerful and direct schoolchildren at first glance may seem too careless and frivolous. But this is a deceptive impression - Virgos study just fine! Wards of Mercury are able to perfectly concentrate on the subject and focus on the tasks at hand. They want to give the right answer by all means and will work meticulously on the most difficult task until they solve it themselves. In addition, they are very neat - teachers are always impressed.


Best subject in school: Chemistry

Like other representatives of the air element, Libra schoolchildren naturally have a very high IQ. Usually study is given to them quite easily, while Libra is not always ready to make the necessary efforts for the sake of a higher grade. The average result in school is quite satisfactory for them, although they are capable of more. If representatives of this sign manage to overcome the inconstancy of their interests (today they like one thing, tomorrow they give it up and are fond of something completely different) - they will become number one in the class.


Best subject in school: foreign language

In this sign, two planets are combined at once - Mars and Pluto. Advice to parents: do not even try to "bribe" such a student. He will not study well for the sake of promotion or reward. By nature, these are one of the most passionate signs, so only sincere interest in the subject can captivate a child. (In the future, this is how they choose work.) In life, Scorpios are very impulsive, but it is in childhood that they know how to brilliantly concentrate on the task at hand and do even more than they are asked of them. Of great importance is the psychological comfort in the team, Scorpions can sting painfully if someone decides to offend them.


Best subject in school: geography

This sign is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of all adventurers. In childhood and adolescence, they do not pay much attention to books and study, rather they seek to find something to their liking outside the classroom. They skip a lot, it will not be easy for parents and teachers to seat them at a desk. At the same time, Sagittarius get quite high marks - at school they are amazingly lucky. Their cheerful disposition makes them the soul of any company; they have many friends in the class.


Best subject in school: Literature

The patron planet Saturn in combination with the earth makes Capricorn the most stubborn and picky sign of the zodiac. These students seem to have wisdom that goes far beyond their age. These children are extremely demanding and do not allow themselves to fail. And Capricorns are also very kind, and this quality becomes their main sweetness - more cunning classmates use them in their own interests. In no case should such children be pressured or criticized at school - this knocks the ground out from under Capricorn's feet.


Best subject in school: astronomy

It can be difficult for adults to cope with the rebellious moods of Aquarius schoolchildren. These are the main troublemakers and ringleaders: classmates look at them with undisguised admiration, but problems may arise with teachers. Parents of Aquarius are most often called to the director. However, these little revolutionaries should be given their due, very often they fight for justice. Character can spoil the picture of academic performance for them, because by their nature they are very smart and (especially with regard to tests) quickly solve the tasks.


Best subject in school: history

The attitude of representatives of this sign to learning can be described in two ways: they either, like sponges, absorb all the necessary information; or feel at your favorite lesson like a fish in water. Often such children use their intuition, which rarely fails them. Therefore, if the task requires a sensitive decision, they will cope with it brilliantly. Despite the silent symbolism of the sign, Pisces needs constant communication in life, including in the classroom. Teachers give them constant reprimands for talking.