What symbolizes health. Feng Shui health zone. Talismans for women

According to the Chinese philosophy of feng shui, the zone of health and longevity is located in the east of the home, so if you want to become a long-liver, be sure to clean up this sector. Remember that the more you place wooden things, as well as green interior items (especially plants) on the east side of your home, the stronger your health will be. You can also use water landscapes, aquariums and fountains, blue and black colors are preferred for decoration.

The health zone is also activated with the help of special symbolic items, such as: bamboo, pine, peaches (odd number), crane, deer. Place, for example, a bonsai tree in the east of your apartment or hang a picture of nature. Well, if you decide to decorate the table with five or nine porcelain peaches (you can also use a simple bowl of fruit), that will be great! The deer figurine will also help you avoid illnesses and diseases.

Eliminate Poison Arrows

Now the eastern part of the house is framed correctly. We move on. The teachings of Feng Shui warn that each of us in our own home can be waiting for the so-called "poison arrows". This sounds intimidating. Yes, indeed, the influence of such arrows can be destructive, but it can always be avoided. We remind you that "poisoned arrows" are protruding corners, shelves and racks, as well as beams hanging over your heads. If an attacking angle is directed at your bed or desktop, try to fence yourself off from it: any plants, crystals and airy Chinese bells will do for this.

The neighborhood of a bedroom with a kitchen or a bathroom can harm your health (especially when the bed is adjacent to the wall on one side and the bath, toilet or stove on the other). You may also have health problems if the previous owners did not get along with each other, did not live well, and if your bed is in the place where someone was previously sick for a long time. In any case, you will have to clean your home: it is worth inviting a priest, as well as performing the appropriate ceremonies.

It is very important to ventilate the house often and wash the house in a proven way: add 5 drops of rose oil to a bucket of water and then wipe all doors, window frames and other protruding surfaces. Update the energy of your home with the help of sounds, literally “ringing” all the corners and the most secret places with air bells. In order to achieve the best results, you will have to get rid of all unnecessary things in the closet, on the mezzanine. Such "ventilation" of the shelves and their contents will certainly help get rid of the negative energy that has accumulated over the years.

Keep in mind that the source of many problems and diseases can be located outside your home. Look out the window: what do you see there? If it's a park or playground, then that's great, in which case you don't have to worry about your health. Your home will always be filled with positive energy. Well, if under your windows there is a surgical building of a hospital or a cemetery, then things are really bad here. It is urgent to take action in the fight against "poisoned arrows". If moving is not in your plans in the near future, then try to weaken the negative impact with the help of checkered curtains and plants located on the windowsill, preferably blooming: violets, azaleas and others.

Definition of your "heavenly healer"

Finally, we want to tell you about the correct use of the direction of health, individual for each person. This is the so-called "heavenly doctor", which helps us to be healthy, and in case of illness - to recover faster.

How to know your own direction of health?

First you need to calculate your personal Gua Number.
To do this, men must add the last 2 digits of their own year of birth, then reduce the sum to one digit and then subtract from 10: thus, a personal Gua Number will be obtained. And for women, 5 should be added to the resulting figure. The resulting number must be added as many times as necessary to obtain one figure.

  • number 1 corresponds to the east
  • numeral 2 - west
  • number 3 - your "heavenly doctor" north
  • number 4 - south
  • number 5 - southwest for women and west for men
  • number 6 - northeast
  • number 7 corresponds to the southwest
  • numeral 8 - northwest
  • if your Gua Number is 9 - the "heavenly doctor" is the southeast

Once you have determined your direction of health, remember that you will always feel great if you choose to sleep with your head in that direction. And in the absence of such an opportunity, try at least during an illness to rearrange your bed in accordance with your personal "heavenly doctor". So you will recover faster and you yourself will be surprised at such a quick healing.
It turns out that feeling good and being in great shape is not so difficult. Just trust Feng Shui and the result will be guaranteed!

The Eastern Feng Shui tradition to attract health advises to pay more attention to achieving harmony with the environment, and you should start from your own home. How to create a Feng Shui health zone at home, what symbol and color corresponds to it, we will now figure it out.

feng shui health zone

According to Eastern philosophy, it predetermines the possibility of achieving harmonious relationships with the outside world. One has only to feel unwell, as a discord is immediately outlined in relations with relatives, and at work everything is not so smooth, and creative abilities decline. But this connection has a two-way character, that is, by establishing relationships in one of the areas of life, you can ensure your well-being. The home environment has the greatest influence on a person, and therefore, first of all, you need to put things in order in your home.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the health sector is located in the eastern part of the house and passes through its center. It is this part of the home that needs to be maintained in order, here you need to periodically update the situation, getting rid of old things. Also, the correct energy flow is negatively affected by corners, overhanging beams and shelves. To remove their negative influence, it is necessary to use draperies, bells or climbing plants. According to Feng Shui, the predominant color in the health zone should be green, blue and black colors can also be used.

feng shui talismans for health

In order to strengthen the health zone, Feng Shui suggests using special talismans that carry the positive energy of longevity. Traditionally, a peach is considered a sign of health in Feng Shui. Also a good talisman is bamboo, lotus, pine, the image of a crane or a deer.

A large square or oval table, covered with a red tablecloth, will be placed in the center of the apartment to promote the health of all residents. Another common symbol of health is the Shou-sin figurine of the star elder. And in order to create harmony in all spheres of life, it is advised to place all three star elders in the center of the house. You can also put it in the northwestern sector or in a room used for family gatherings. At the same time, Fu-xing, who is higher than the rest of the elders, should stand in the center.

Another symbol of health is the peach, preferably made of porcelain or stone. As a talisman, a lotus made of crystal is quite often used, which can attract health, happiness, beauty and wealth to the house. It is believed that the lotus attracts positive energy, and crystal cleanses the house of negativity, protects against infertility, improves attention and memory.

Cranes are also a well-known symbol of health, most often they are depicted against the backdrop of pine trees, being symbols of well-being. Bamboo is a symbol of long life. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can be grown at home. You can also put a bamboo mat or use this material in other ways for decorating rooms.

In general, in the Feng Shui health zone, it is prescribed to place more green plants, a bonsai, a miniature tree, would be an excellent choice. It is best to choose pine, as it is also a symbol of longevity.

To improve well-being, you can hang a sign with the hieroglyph "health" by placing it in accordance with the Feng Shui tradition in the eastern sector of the house.

Particular attention should be paid to the children's room, Feng Shui for the health of children does not recommend overloading it with various symbols. It will be enough to slightly strengthen some sides with a bell, wind music with 8 pendants or an elephant figurine.

Health is a state of mind

The feng shui health zone is not in vain located in the very center of the home. Health, as you know, is a guarantee and a strong foundation for any of our undertakings, success and achievement in work or family life. Unfavorable factors in this part of our home can significantly impair health or slow down recovery. Therefore, in order to improve the health zone, we need to take a fresh look not only at this sector of our home, but at the entire dwelling as a whole. And even better if we can create a harmonious environment outside the home. For example, trees should not grow near the front door, they will impede the proper circulation of energy. It is very bad if there is an old, diseased tree here - you need to get rid of it.

Choosing a Feng Shui Home

Choice of home location

If you are just going to buy a home and want to do it according to all the canons of Feng Shui, then do not buy a house that stands next to a busy highway. The busier the road, the faster cars pass on it, the worse it is for the house. The fact is that all the beneficial energy rushes along this road at breakneck speed, but bypasses you. This is a very unfavorable factor for people with poor health, because it is this that creates an acute shortage of life-giving energy. The house at the head of the street is also very bad, another extreme. Energy flows will rush into the house with great force, bringing with them catastrophic destruction, ranging from natural disasters to scandals within the family. The most optimal choice of housing is a house in a small lane with a beautiful fence and dense greenery in the yard.

It is very bad for your health if the house is built next to a hospital, a cemetery, a meat packing plant, etc. When choosing a new home, look out the windows: a good view from the windows is one of the most important factors that favorably affect your health. The neighboring house, with its angle directed at your windows, creates a very bad energy. You can get rid of such a negative influence by placing an ordinary mirror on the window so that it reflects an unfavorable object. A turtle figurine looking out of your window in the direction of negative energy will be very appropriate.

Health and plants

If possible, plant a tree in front of the window, it is best if it is spruce or pine. The tree will become your guardian, create coziness in the yard and take on all the negative energy emanating from the neighboring house. You can create a healthy atmosphere inside the house with the help of light, cleanliness and fresh air. Dusty carpets, faulty electrical appliances, a bunch of unnecessary things - all this is extremely unfavorable for the health of any person. Quality lighting, both natural and artificial light, brings mental and physical well-being to our home. At the same time, it is important that the chandeliers are transparent, made of glass or crystal, with rainbow sparks flying from them. Large, clean windows will easily let vital energy into your home.

Flowers are very good for your health. Plants hanging on the walls carry positive energy and are very good for neutralizing the negative. They can also cover the sharp corners of pieces of furniture that are directed at you. Flowers, actively growing upwards, carry life-giving energy and improve the atmosphere in the window, if there is not a very beautiful landscape behind it. It is useful to put a tall green flower in an empty corner, from which negative energy bubbles up. Flowers in vases incredibly enliven the house, bringing with them comfort and excellent energy. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the flowers in the vases are always fresh, and remove dried ones in time.

Health Zone Activation

painting with cranes

Since the health sector is located in the very center of the house, its element is the Earth, which is why objects and decorations made of ceramics, clay, glass or crystal, as well as the colors inherent in the Earth: yellow, brown, terracotta, will be appropriate here. That is why it is worth hanging a luxurious crystal chandelier in the central room of your house, from which rainbow rays will scatter in all directions. Such a chandelier is not just a decoration or a symbol of well-being, it is an excellent activator of the Health zone.

How to activate the health zone and arrange it correctly? First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine where the talismans should be placed. The center of the house is not always the most suitable place to place various figurines, vases or paintings. What is located directly in the center of your house, if its layout is conditionally taken, for example, as a square or rectangle? Is it a room, or maybe a wall or even a bathroom? Do not take the concept of the center of the house literally. If it is here, for some reason, that it is impossible to arrange a feng shui corner, then you can move it a little to the side or turn the center of the room most visited by the whole family into a health zone, for example, a hall.

The wall, if it is located in the center, must be properly illuminated. It must be decorated with paintings or photographs with beautiful scenes. For example, a very common plot in the East with cranes and pine trees. Birds, like a tree, are important, longevity and carry beneficial life energy. Still lifes with peaches or oranges can be an excellent plot for placement on the wall. They symbolize not only longevity, but also, according to some interpretations, immortality.

If you have the opportunity to arrange figurines in this area, then porcelain peaches or jade pictures and crafts will be very appropriate here. It will be very useful to put here a dish with real fruits. Let there be five or nine of them on a tray, this is very important. But the turtle will be the most faithful protector from all diseases. If you make it, for example, from clay, on your own, this will greatly enhance its wonderful abilities.

Plants can also make good mascots for the Health Zone. If the room has a small free area, you can put potted bamboo there.

The Health Zone is perfectly activated by a vase with live sunflowers or a picture with their image. These sunny flowers are a real symbol of health, powerful vitality, solar heat and light.

Remember: do not rush to extremes and start significant changes right away. First, decide what is important to you right now. Give things time to take root in a new place and only then add something new. Pay close attention to harmony, because abrupt changes are not always good and you may not be ready for them yet. Therefore, change the situation gradually, in concert. There is no need to rush things, because change never comes quickly.

Good health cannot be bought. Even if everything is fine with financial affairs, if you have or close illnesses, money will not bring joy. The same can be said about other areas, because it is possible to achieve success and feel the joy of life only with good health.

Many do not think about health until problems begin to arise with it. But it is easier to prevent a problem than to try to solve it later. To maintain health, you need to eat right and not neglect physical activity. Ancient philosophy will help drive diseases away from your home and improve well-being.

In Feng Shui, the health of the body and spirit is of great importance. They determine the harmonious balance in the relationship of man with the environment. Therefore, the health sector is closely related to other areas of the house, and well-being will depend on the arrangement of the home. It must be kept clean and ventilated, because breathing fresh clean air, according to Feng Shui, is the basis of health. The house should not contain stale trash and unnecessary things or furniture that clutter up the space. All rooms should receive more sunlight or daylight.

Health Zone

According to Feng Shui, the health zone is located in the eastern sector of the dwelling and, in contact with the rest, passes through the center. She needs attention. It is favorable to place wood elements in it, which can be any plants, and water elements, for example, an aquarium. Floating fish are a symbol of life, and water will be the ideal nourishment for the tree. It is not always possible to place water or plants in the required space - they will help to add energy. Green is ideal for decorating the health zone, but brown shades symbolizing wood, as well as black or blue tones of water, will do. You can enhance energy with the help of paintings depicting thickets of greenery or ponds. Appropriate in the central part of the house will be ceramics, clay, crystal and glass. A crystal chandelier with many pendants will be a good activator of the health zone.

If the place in which the health sector should be located is not possible to arrange properly, it is allowed to move it to the side or turn the entire favorite and visited room into it.

Pine and bamboo are considered one of the strongest health talismans. It is good if you decorate the area with live plants, but if this is not possible, you can replace them with decorative elements, such as a bamboo mat or a picture of pine trees.

Fresh sunflowers or their image will help to activate the desired sector. They will bring a supply of vital energy, light, warmth, good luck and well-being.

A crystal lotus will help in attracting health. It is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, beauty and health. Lotus will attract positive energy into the house and protect it from negative. The flower will help improve memory and attention, well-being and longevity.

In this article you will learn:

Use principles feng shui for health worth it for those who want to maintain harmony in life. After all, all other aspects largely depend on well-being. Well-being comes to those who are less sick and have more time in work and relationships with others.

Feng Shui Health Symbols

Exist health zone talismans designed to enhance this area of ​​life. But there is no need to place all these symbols in the eastern sector of your home. You can choose the ones that resonate with your heart. They will bring longevity to all family members.

Bright feng shui health symbol- sunflower. A fresh flower or a flower depicted in the picture helps to replenish the supply of vital energy, bring light and warmth into the home. Relatives will have excellent health, in business in this case, luck always accompanies.

A symbol of excellent well-being, beauty and well-being is a lotus made of crystal. It attracts positive energy into the living space and serves as an obstacle to negative. Helps to improve attention, memory for many years.


The Chinese believe that the crane is a mystical bird with valuable properties. For example, there is a property to bestow longevity. It is worth having a figurine or image of a crane in the eastern sector for healthy energy. You need to use every opportunity to improve it: get in touch with the talisman more so that luck and health reign in the house.

deer and hare

Important feng shui symbols of health and longevity- hare and deer. Any figurines, images of these animals on fabrics, embroidery will do.


Peach is traditionally considered a symbol of longevity. The fruit is brought to the sick so that they recover faster. It doesn't have to be limited to a product image. In the health sector, you can also put fresh peaches or items made of porcelain or glass. It is worth choosing the right quantity: 5-9 products. It is worth putting a vase of peaches on the table in this sector, for example.

We have selected for you interesting articles:

Bamboo symbolizes longevity. The tree is slender, flexible, beautiful and at the same time unpretentious. It is good to have such an image in the house or pieces of furniture and interior made of this wood - it contributes health promotion.

People hang or lay a bamboo mat on the floor in the eastern sector. It helps not only for health and long life, but also for protection from evil spirits.


Pine is a powerful amulet. For example, you can put a bonsai with a pine tree, a symbol of health and longevity. According to Eastern tradition, if a person gives someone an image of a pine tree, he wishes him good health.

Characteristics of the elements in feng shui

Emotions have a powerful effect on health. Their quality can improve the movement of Qi energy in the human body or worsen, which will cause diseases and complications. The body can be viewed from the point of view of the 5 elements that affect well-being.

Those who have recently moved to a new home and are constantly sick should understand the elements that affect the energy at home. Because there is a risk that the negative from the previous owners of the apartment remained.

Health and longevity in this case, water, light, sound will be provided. Try to use candles more often, turn on blissful music. To restore positive energy, use singing bowls, crystals, a fountain.

The wind helps free space from stagnant energy. Therefore, the living room should be properly ventilated as often as possible.


Water is the element that is responsible for the functioning of the urinary system, the kidneys. If there are health problems, it is worth reconsidering the attitude to how a person overcomes difficulties. You can't swim against the current. More recommendations: more often come into contact with water, sit on the shore and look at the sea, river or lake. If there are no such opportunities, then you can sign up for the pool.

The element of Water nourishes the Tree. Therefore, in the eastern sector, it is necessary to use the image of water, you can install an aquarium. Fish are a symbol of life.

Water helps if you notice that loved ones often get sick. You need to go through all the rooms, especially in the eastern sector, use health zone elements. An important element is water. It is necessary to spray it in all corners of the room.

Constant washing of the house helps to improve its energy. Pour water into a bucket, add 5 drops of rose oil. The resulting liquid wipe all the protruding corners in the room.


Over the course qi energy in the body Another element, Fire, also answers. The heart muscle, circulatory system, nerve cells function under the influence of the fire element. If there are problems in this part, you need to establish a sleep, rest and work regimen and find an occupation that will pacify the fiery nature.

A burning candle also helps to cope with frequent illnesses in the family. It is worth going around with fire all the rooms and especially carefully - in the east wing.


IN Chinese medicine the element of the Earth is responsible for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the endocrine system and immunity. If there are problems in this part, then it is highly likely that this is due to excessive worries for loved ones, and for all those around them.


The Eastern sector is subject to the influence of the Wood element. It is worth placing as many green plants as possible here. Any details of a natural shade will be appropriate. It is good to use wickerwork, decor items and furniture.

The woody element is responsible for the state of the liver, provides flexibility to the joints. It is believed that if a person cracks his joints, he is not able to be flexible and adapt to new life circumstances.

If possible, then in the northwest of the entrance to the house it is worth planting a tree, preferably a pine tree. It is designed to protect and purify energy.


For problems associated with the respiratory system, skin, allergies, the element of Metal is responsible. All troubles come from the fact that a person does not breathe deeply and does not enjoy the moments of life.

Those who have noticed that family members are often sick should walk around the house with metal bells.

Finding a Health Sector in a Home

You can find out where the health zone is in the apartment using the Lo-Shu square and a compass. The health sector is eastern. There are also personal sectors that are calculated based on the year of birth and gender. But common for the whole family - in this direction.

The eastern sector should be kept open. You can not put furniture there or pile up any other items, especially unnecessary trash.

What is important in feng shui for health- keep track of where the windows of the living space go. If in an open area or a green space, a park, then this is good. If the windows look out onto buildings, especially those facing the windows on the east side, since health sector is located in the east, that's bad. In this case, you need to hang curtains made of thick fabric, blinds.

If a cemetery or a hospital is visible from any windows in the house, this is a life-threatening sign. Yin energy flow predominates in the house. And health is Yang. How to avoid problems in this case: paint the doors red, close the windows tightly. It is worth fixing the bagua mirror above the front door. It will help to reflect all the negative energy that is trying to enter the house.

Hieroglyph of health

To strengthen all amulets, it is worth using figurines with the image of the hieroglyph of health. The sign is applied to postcards, embroidery, figurines, sculptures, flower pots, medallions, cabinets, walls or ceilings.

The hieroglyph has 2 parts. The first is responsible for vigor, endurance, health. The literal translation of the second part is strength, abundance.

It is important to be careful when choosing the color scheme of a living space. In the decoration of the area responsible for health, it is worth giving preference to black, green or blue colors.

Each color of health corresponds to the side of the world:

  1. North - white, black, blue.
  2. South - green, red.
  3. Northeast, southwest - yellow, brown, red, orange.
  4. Northwest, West - gold, silver, white, yellow, brown.
  5. East, southeast - blue, black, green.

Competent arrangement of the health sector in the apartment does not mean that everyone will be cured on the same day. But it will help keep you positive. For good health, it is important to keep the room clean, have fun, smile. It is necessary to fill the house with clean, light music, let in only bright thoughts. All this will be an excellent reinforcement for a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your own body.