Determine the lunar birthday by date. Moon in Gemini. - Lunar day. Frog symbol

People who know astrology understand the importance of a lunar birthday. Knowing this date, anyone can learn a lot about their character, life preferences and fate. It is not too difficult to calculate the lunar day by date of birth - there are special ways to do this.

The moon is responsible for intuition and subconsciousness, allows you to reveal the inner world and bring out hidden instincts and potentialities. Thanks to this, a person is able to discover a new, often unexpected potential in himself, to correctly arrange his life values \u200b\u200band priorities, to build future steps and actions based on the knowledge that has been discovered.

This will help:

  1. In personal life.
  2. In a career.
  3. In communication with the outside world and people.
  4. In knowing yourself.

Each such day has unique energetic influences, which depend on the distance and position between the Moon and the Sun, and it changes daily. Accordingly, for each lunar day, the meaning and influence of the moon will be different. These data provide a more detailed description than the zodiac sign and solar birthday.

If you use the lunar energy correctly, it will help both in restoring health and in building the correct movement of energy flows in your life. Each creature has its own individual rhythm, which occurs on the day of his birth and remains until his death. Only by acting in harmony with him and his own internal energy, a person can achieve the greatest agreement with the world around him.

Finding out where the moon was at the time of birth: calculating this is not as difficult as it might seem.

The calculation of the lunar birthday is done as follows:

  1. On your own.
  2. Or with the help of an astrologer.

There is a lunar calendar, thanks to which it is quite easy to calculate the necessary information. According to it, a person can independently recognize his moon in the horoscope of birth, having calculated this information, and get a definition of his character and capabilities.

In addition, now there are many online forms on sites that allow you to determine your lunar horoscope by date of birth. Calculating this by means of such forms has become quite easy. To do this, you just need to enter your full date of birth, down to hours and minutes.

Many are faced with the fact that don't know their time of birth so accurately... The easiest way to clarify this information is with your parents, who usually know the time to the nearest hour. The more accurate the information, the more correctly the lunar day on which the person was born will be determined. And also to determine the date, you will need the city in which he was born, since the rise of the moon depends on geography.

Do not despair if the exact time is unknown up to minutes. Even approximate data can provide a lot of comprehensive information that will allow you to know yourself much better than before. In the same way, you can determine not only your moon day, but also other people. Knowing this day for your loved ones will help you get to know and understand them better.

The value of the knowledge gained

Many people evaluate themselves and loved ones zodiac sign, as well as the information which planets were in the sign at the time of birth. This gives a deep understanding of a person's character, his inclinations and life goals. Knowing the lunar birthday will help you to understand even deeper the root causes of certain actions of yourself and your loved ones, will help you realize the features that previously seemed vague and incomprehensible and open up new opportunities in yourself and those around you, and learn how to apply them.

This information will help and predict to some extent what obstacles and lessons can be expected in the future, what will have to go through and what to overcome. It will also tell you what needs to be done to avoid the most unpleasant moments or come out of them as a winner. Many people, only having learned the lunar birthday, understood why they made certain mistakes and how they could have been avoided. This knowledge greatly helped them in the future.

Such knowledge perfectly helps to better understand the closest people and relatives, to accept their strengths and weaknesses, to come to terms with certain shortcomings and even learn how to bypass them. ... If both partners in the family know this date for each other, it is easier for them to find harmony and build the right constructive relationships.

There are also antiphase lunar days - they can be calculated using a special table. These days stand opposite each other in it. Such days are negative for a person and it is better for him not to engage in important matters and new beginnings in them. People born on an antiphase lunar day should also be treated with caution. This knowledge will also help you plan your life and relationships in the future.

Attention, only TODAY!

What unusual can you learn from the lunar horoscope? Lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. He explains why we do what we do.

How the moon affects our senses depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have a moon sign that is different from their sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that this is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will be inaccurate. The moon sign describes the qualities of a person much more accurately. If your moon sign is also your sun sign, then you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your character.

The moon governs the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines, and left eye. As well as glands and body fluids. It serves as a reflection of that part of your self that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves private.

If your sun sign and moon sign are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of hardships and reach your goal. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some degree. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very fluid and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may judge you for this, which may confuse you. A person with the Scorpio moon sign can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. For the latter, however, jealousy can be a big problem. People with Aries Moon are stubborn, aggressive and can be difficult to control. It's great if they can release negative emotions during exercise.

Our moon sign also offers an understanding of how to look inside consciousness, where a child lives in a person.

Free moon horoscope by date of birth

Date and time of birth of the person:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

Finding out what your moon sign is, you can understand yourself much better, and also learn how internal processes take place. Use our free calculation of the moon horoscope by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1 / 4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you do not know at what time you were born, you can set your date of birth first at 12:01 and then at 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are in luck. If they are different, read the definitions for both lunar signs, according to the characteristics you can understand which sign is more consistent with your character. Also, it should be borne in mind that the calculations are carried out according to Moscow time - try to bring your time of birth to Moscow time by adding or subtracting the corresponding time difference.

Moon signs of the zodiac

The moon, being in Aries, gives a person quickness of mind, self-confidence, an adventurous spirit, openness and unwillingness to obey requirements. The confrontation between the active, hot Aries sign and the cold, passive Moon gives rise to nervousness. Therefore, lunar Aries are easily excited, react quickly to changes and never doubt the correctness of their opinion, while ignoring any objections.
Such people are impatient, time is always dear to them, and they do not want to waste it on a careful analysis of trifles. Many of them tend to rush forward without thinking in advance about the consequences.
Being in the sign Aries, the Moon gives its wards charm, liveliness of mind, the ability to achieve from others what they need. These people have enthusiasm and energy, but at the same time they are able to give up their goal if it takes hard and long work to achieve it. Striving for something new, they can quickly change the landmark, abandoning the old project. However, if the lunar Aries is really interested in something and completely captured his soul, he will give it all his strength.

The owners of the Moon in Aries do not tolerate any kind of restrictions. They tend to act according to their desires, rarely listening to the advice and opinions of others. This character trait can sometimes get in the way, but in situations where quick decision-making is required, no one beats the lunar Aries.
Lunar Aries resist other people's power in the sphere of personal relationships - it is they, and not their partner, who should dominate. In need of freedom, they do not always like to provide it to others. These people want to be lovingly loved, to have an exciting relationship, and if life with a partner becomes a routine, they quickly become frustrated and often start looking for new relationships.

A person's abilities, success, health and fate are largely determined by the position of the Moon in one of the zodiacal constellations at the time of his birth. Knowing your lunar Zodiac Sign, you can reveal your hidden talents and understand in what areas of life you are able to achieve the greatest success.

Belonging to one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac is traditionally determined by the location of the sun in the sectors of the zodiac belt. When born, each baby receives his own "sun sign", which can say a lot about his individual characteristics. The position of the Sun at the time a person is born affects his conscious, volitional sphere, determines the most striking character traits and behavioral features.

In addition to the solar sign of the zodiac, a person is endowed with a lunar one, and astrologers consider him the most significant. If the Sun makes its way through all twelve constellations during a year, then the Moon has time to visit each of them in a month. The Moon Sign of the Zodiac is determined by the location of the night star on the celestial chart on the person's birthday. Thus, according to the solar Sign, you can be Scorpio, and according to the lunar calendar, you can be Leo. Therefore, many people, reading the description of the individual characteristics of the solar signs of the Zodiac, often cannot find their characteristic features. As a rule, the characteristics are most consistent with those whose lunar and solar signs coincide.

Zodiac sign by lunar calendar defines the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious in a person: intuition, emotional background, natural inclinations and hobbies, instincts. The moon affects the structure of the body and its vulnerable sides, determines the predisposition to chronic diseases. It should be borne in mind that every year the time of stay of the night star in the constellations changes, so the lunar Sign is calculated individually, taking into account the day, month, year and place of birth.

The moon gave Scorpions sharpened intuitive flair and endowed with good imagination. Representatives of the Scorpio sign feel other people well, they are able to calculate the situation several steps ahead and. For self-realization, they often choose the sphere of creative activity.

Sagittarius active and unpredictable. They have good analytical skills. They tend to outrageous behavior, strive to gain recognition in the eyes of others. In stressful situations, they can succumb to an impulse and commit a rash act. They successfully realize themselves in public professions.

Representatives of the Sign Capricorn purposeful and focused. They know how to plan time and foresee the results of their actions, therefore they easily achieve their goals. Obsessed with pragmatism, rarely show vivid emotions. They do not pay attention to what does not concern them. In relationships, they tend to limit the initiative of other people.

Aquarians pay great attention to the world around them. They feel a desire to learn the mysteries of nature and human nature, therefore they carefully analyze the personality of each person with whom they enter into a relationship. Sometimes they can tell more about people than they know about themselves. Aquarians are born psychologists.

People born at the time of the Moon's stay in Pisces, are distinguished by a high level of empathy and love for everything around them. We are always ready to provide others with material and moral assistance. They often suffer because people use their kindness for their own purposes. They need a "guiding hand" and protection.

The signs of the zodiac according to the lunar calendar will indicate which area of \u200b\u200blife should be given special attention, help to reveal hidden qualities and benefit from them. We wish you well and do not forget to press the buttons and

Everyone knows astrological is of two types: solar and lunar. Each of them represents 12 signs of the zodiac, the difference is only the period of their influence.

In the solar horoscope, each sign rules for 30 calendar days, while the Moon travels from one sign to another every 3 days. Only once a month does the moon stay in the same sign with the sun, this is the time of the new moon and two days before it.

What does the moon sign say?

in the astrological horoscope reflects the spiritual world and life values \u200b\u200bof a person... It shows exactly how each sign will react in a particular situation. Someone is quick-tempered, someone is silent, one will climb on a rampage, and the second will be held captive by his own thoughts throughout his life. The lunar horoscope shows how sociable a person is, educated, talented and open to everything new.

The moon represents the feminine principle in a person - this is a concern and a desire to support a neighbor. She is responsible for such qualities as incontinence, impressionability and the ability to empathize with people. Belonging to one or another lunar zodiac will tell you how others will relate to a person. The lunar horoscope indicates what you should devote your life to, in what area success awaits, and what you should not mess with at all.

The influence of the Moon is most pronounced in the signs of Cancer and Pisces, and weaker - in Virgo and Capricorn.... Everyone else got the golden mean. The unfavorable position of the planet may indicate a gentle character, a lack of personal opinion and goals in a person. Such people throughout their lives need absolute care and if they cannot find a worthy companion, they wither and withdraw into themselves.

How to define it?

In order to determine your zodiac sign in the lunar horoscope, you need to know not only the full date of your birth, but also the time and place. The time must be accurate, because otherwise the calculations may be in error. Location is just as important as the position of the satellite in the zodiac signs will largely depend on latitude and longitude.

To calculate your moon sign you can use:

  • Table calculation of lunar days.
  • Lunar calendar for the year of interest, the cycle repeats every 19 years, so if the desired one was not found, then add 19 to the year of interest and refer to this calendar.
  • Cosmogram calculation of stellar latitudes according to Ephemeris.


    Lunar Aries.

    A person born in this sign is very impulsive and emotional... It often seems to others that he is not at all familiar with such terms as restraint and rational approach. He makes almost all his decisions based on his instincts and intuition. They easily give in to new ideas, they can take on several things at once, but they do not give up what they started. They will try to the last, no matter how hard, until they achieve the desired result.

    In love, representatives of this zodiac very quickly begin to get tired of a partner. They constantly need new emotions and sensations., and not one normal person is simply unable to endure such a rhythm of life. Therefore, they quite often change companions until they find someone who will unquestioningly tolerate all their antics.

    Lunar Taurus.

    People of this sign very calm and balanced... It is difficult to embarrass or unsettle them, even in the most unusual situations. Lunar throughout life will strive to feel in absolute security... He is very stubborn, does not know how to admit his own mistakes, which is why it is quite difficult for him to make friends.

    The life of Lunar Taurus is stable and regular. They take any risk negatively., even justified, but it only benefits them.

    In personal life, this the sign is romantic and sentimental... Having met his soul mate, he will be infinitely devoted to her, which is why he often suffers himself. Few are able to appreciate the love and loyalty of the Moon Taurus, since he is not used to sharing his thoughts and feelings with someone. This is a man of action. He will find a thousand ways to prove his love to you, but he is unlikely to tell you about it personally.

    Lunar Gemini.

    The most sociable and cheerful zodiac in the lunar horoscope... He will radiate optimism and inexhaustible energy 24 hours a day. Often he does not complete what he has begun, because he is unable to fully concentrate on one lesson. He is naturally curious, with close people he can show irritation and whims.

    Moon Gemini often are restless, which is why they have problems with the nervous system... They are sometimes cruel to others. Without hesitation, they break off relations with people if something does not suit them.

    In relationships with the opposite sex, they often choose a partner who strongly attracts them sexually. They may not pay attention to appearance, intellect, character, trust their first impression. They do not like to be bound by obligations, they are reluctant to marry... They will trust their loved one unconditionally, but they will be fickle in their love.

    Lunar Cancer.

    Lunar Cancer is an egoist... He is so immersed in his own thoughts and experiences that he may not reckon with the feelings of other people. The representative of this moon sign always knows what he wants from life, is confident and purposeful.

    He cannot always achieve his goal, but not from a lack of zeal, but only because he raises the bar too high. Lunar Cancer is the soul of any company when it is in a good mood. He has an excellent sense of humor, hospitable, does not like global changes.

    In dealing with his soul mate, he often resorts to manipulation. Before tying himself into a serious relationship, he tries to thoroughly study the partner in order to protect himself and his life from any surprises. Lonely Lunar Cancer completely trusts friends and relatives with the arrangement of his personal life. Rarely shares personal experiences with anyone, be it even a loved one.

    Lunar Lion.

    Lunar Leo simply cannot live without the attention of others. In a large company he feels like a fish in water, easily makes new connections and uses them without a twinge of conscience. This zodiac is a born leader and this can be traced in all areas of his life.

    For Moon Leo the material aspect is very important... To provide himself with full income, he can work for days, forgetting about family and personal life. The representatives of this sign are very proud and independent people... It is difficult to drive them into any framework, they will always try by any means to adjust the rules for themselves.

    Lunar love is not easy. They practically do not accept compromises, often do not reckon with other people's opinions, try to control their partner in everything.

    They will never open feelings if they are not sure of their reciprocity. They behave with restraint and sarcasticity with a loved one, sometimes their jokes are inappropriate, but you shouldn't even try to explain it to them. But in any difficult situation, this sign will become your soulmate support and support.

    Moon Virgo.

    In the lunar horoscope of Virgo very down-to-earth nature, have an analytical mindset, neat and attentive... Before taking on any business, they can weigh the pros and cons for weeks, compare desires with opportunities and assess risks. Lunar Virgo seeks simplicity and harmony in her life.

    She often seems indifferent and insensitive to others, but this is only due to her tremendous self-control.

    In a relationship with a loved one, this zodiac has a very difficult time. They don't tend to trust anyone but themselves., therefore, the partner has to put up with their jealousy and frequent discontent. But if the Moon Virgo truly falls in love, she will become a devoted, gentle and caring life partner.

    Lunar Libra.

    In communication with others, representatives of this sign like to argue... Any little thing can become the subject of discussion, the process itself is important for them, during which they will defend their point of view, foaming at the mouth, as the only correct one.

    They often feel self-doubt, which is why they suffer from sudden mood swings... They do not know how to control their emotions, everything is immediately reflected on their face. Lunar Libra is a born family man. Only next to a partner do they feel at ease.

    They will provide their companion with all possible support and care, as long as they see that their efforts are not in vain. Aggression and any pressure in a relationship is not acceptable... They never go to open conflicts, they instantly close in themselves, and if you manage to offend them, they will act on the sly.

    Lunar Scorpio.

    Scorpios in the lunar horoscope are emotional and liberated people. They perfectly feel the mood of others, which is why they are prone to manipulation and intrigue. They are very active in life, like to take initiative and are maximalists. Half-measures are categorically not accepted, they often feel envy, which is why they have rather difficult relationships with loved ones.

    In personal life, Moon Scorpios are jealous, but soft-bodied. Having fallen in love with a person, they will seek his attention in every possible way. Conquer their soul mate with unprecedented zeal and physical attractiveness. This zodiac has an almost mystical sexuality, which is often used in relationships with a loved one. A storm of emotions constantly rages inside him, every minute he will analyze and calculate his behavior next to his partner.

    Lunar Sagittarius.

    A very cheerful zodiac sign. Such a person loves to improvise, so he never plans anything. Not an idealist and not a romantic. In communication with loved ones, he is rude and impatient, but with unfamiliar people he tries to be as sociable as possible.

    Often they like to boast of their own merits to others. Can become double-faced and secretiveif personal benefit requires it. In a relationship with a loved one, Lunar Sagittarius rarely takes a leading position.

    He loves calmness and simplicity, will rely on his soul mate in everything until he gets a kick from her in the appropriate place. Then he begins to act and fuss, but having settled the next situation, he again plunges into a kind of hibernation, allowing everything to develop in its own way.

    Lunar Capricorn.

    Lunar Capricorn is man of moods... Within one day he may become depressed, and after a couple of hours he will laugh and joke. Throughout their lives, they strive for the approval of others, they always try to look respectable.

    They prefer an organized approach in their work, show pedantry in financial matters. Negativity from the outside is categorically rejected and even afraid, therefore by any means they avoid conflicts and disputes.

    In personal life, Moon Capricorns are very patient. They treat a loved one with anxiety, show care and attention to his interests and goals... They never forget about their own needs, however, if they go against their joint plans, they can easily sacrifice them. They seek trust and devotion from their companion, and often become participants in love triangles.

    Lunar Aquarius.

    Lunar Aquarius is not remarkable at first glance, but this is a mistaken impression. It is created from the fact that representatives of this sign are excellent pretenders... They, like an ocean before a storm, can remain calm and indifferent for hours, and then explode with a storm of emotions at one moment.

    It is difficult for others to understand Aquarius, so they have a rather limited social circle, which makes them very upset. Always have an urgent need to be independent, both from others and from the circumstances. But if in the first case they do it easily, then in the second they have to strain pretty hard.

    They are proud of their loved ones. Lunar Aquarius has few of them, so they deeply value everyone. In love, this sign will always protect your personal space.... He rarely discusses personal topics with his soul mate, pays more attention to everyday problems.

    Moon Pisces.

    Moon Fish can easily predict other people's actions and decisions... They have an almost extrasensory intuition, which is why those around them are suspicious and distrustful of them. They easily get carried away with new ideas, but quickly lose interest in them. Lunar people are dreamers by nature. They tend to idealize loved ones, and from this they are often disappointed.

    In love, people born under this sign by all possible ways trying to avoid the routine. They will constantly pamper and surprise their partner, their imagination may seem inexhaustible. But, without receiving reciprocal attention, they quickly fall into a depressive state and withdraw into themselves.