Lunar horoscope by date and time of birth. How to find out the lunar zodiac sign: a description of the signs. Your lunar day

Lunar angels Calculate your lunar birthday - find out the patron saint

Every woman is by nature a little witch, - say the magicians, - and therefore, with a minimum of effort, she can make her any desires come true. I wanted to get good work - you are welcome. She wished there was an intelligent, kind, caring man nearby - no problem ... But what needs to be done for this? - you ask. Try to call your lunar guardian angel for help.

Your lunar day

29 guards (according to the average number of days of the lunar month), exposed by the night luminary, each with his own gift, each with his own character, stand to protect all the fair sex. To find out the name of your personal patron, you need to find out what day lunar calendar you were born. To do this, you need to use the table.



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Let's say you were born on April 2, 1963. The new moon in April 1963 (29th lunar day) fell on the 23rd. Subtract your date of birth from it:

Now from 29 (the number of days of the lunar month) we subtract the resulting number (21):

This means that your birth fell on the 8th lunar day.

If you were born, for example, on April 27, 1963, it will be enough to subtract the date of the new moon from this date:

Guardian of happiness

Each guardian angel has its own sign that can be used as a talisman. Let's call it a talisman of happiness, because it really protects the fair sex from troubles and disappointments, being the guardian of their well-being and an assistant in all matters.

The best way to reconnect or keep in touch with your angel is to carry a talisman of happiness, cast from silver or, in extreme cases, cut out of paper.

But in order for the talisman to actively influence your fate, you need to conduct a special ritual. On a full moon night, go outside or onto the balcony (at worst, go to an open window). Holding the sign you made in your hand and looking at the night luminary, say the following words: “The moon over the dark earth, millions of stars in the void of the Universe, through this symbol of light and darkness give me hearing to hear the truth, sight to see through the illusion, voice to define the secret. Give me the key to unlock the gates of eternity and enter the temple of fate. What was begun, then let it end, what was said, let it be done. "

After that, pressing the sign to your chest, say with inspiration: "In sorrow and in joy, night and day be with me, the angel of the sky and the moon, the angel of stars and beauty, the angel of happiness and love."

It is done! Now the talisman of happiness has completely found its earthly embodiment. Carry this magical sign with you at all times, and the forces inherent in you by nature will wake up and work with full dedication.

It remains to find out which guard owns which lunar day, what gives his wards, and what a woman can receive from one or another guardian angel.

29 brothers

1st day moon is under the auspices of AVDALA. He brings good luck in all matters and resists any evil. For women under his auspices, he gives dexterity, dynamism and quick thinking. If you have not noticed these qualities in yourself before, carry the talisman of AVDALA with you - and then you will certainly become impetuous, grasping and perspicacious.

2nd day run by VALSAR - the wisest angel of the lunar sky. He endows his charges not only with a flexible mind, but also the ability to use it correctly.

CARDO owns 3rd day of the moon, and at the same time public opinion... His wards can count on a better place in earthly life. In addition, this angel is responsible for women's health.

4th day owned by FUPRES - the savior of desperate souls. He knows many ways to find and hold love and will willingly open them to you. Women born on the 4th lunar day will never be lonely.

Patron 5th day - RAPE. It gives prosperity, provides and portends good luck. If your affairs are in disarray or require more attention, this lunar guardian will help you do all the rough work and / or find something without which your success would not be complete.

Guardian 6th day - LOVKOR. For those who were born on the 6th lunar day, it is enough to carry his sign with them in order to emerge victorious from everywhere. Moreover, these ladies are capable of great deeds.

With the arrival of FEZHAL on 7th day the best and brightest time is coming. A woman enjoying the protection of this angel of conscience is able to receive all earthly blessings and riches, and in exclusively honest ways.

8th day is ruled by DYTOL - the patron saint of lawyers. The sign of this guardian gives his charges protection and ensures their immunity.

9th day ruled by YUMAS - the genius of childhood dreams and the angel of pure souls. The guardian of all little girls in the world, he monitors the fulfillment of their desires, and also helps to cleanse the souls of adults.

On the 10th day moon YANAS, the genius of the labyrinth, turns its gaze to the earth. By asking him for help, you will be able to find a way out of any confusing situation.

On the 11th daynOROT descends to earth - the angel of love and marriage. He patronizes lawful spouses and mothers.

DOROL is a hero 12th day... If you decide to open your own business or change your occupation, then you will not find a better ally: turn to him for help, and he will open up new spaces and opportunities associated with them.

On the 13th day the ball is ruled by PAGRUS, who is in charge of all earthly unions and associations. The angel generously rewards his wards with sociability and cheerfulness, which makes them the soul of any company.

14th day took under his wing the MUSAF, which is responsible for the fulfillment of pure and innocent desires.

KOVAS - angel 15th day, contributes to the embodiment of chaste thoughts in real life.

ZENOR - master 16th lunar day and the animal kingdom. He protects his charges from the dangers of wildlife. Women born on this day need not be afraid of traveling across the wild savannah, snake bites, and predator attacks.

NEDO - guardian 17th day, a genius of hope and expectation. He patronizes all expectant mothers.

On the 18th day of the moon FEL comes in. He gives his godchildren power over the people around them.

Day 19 protects SOMEN. A spirit of compromise, he reconciles enemies and shields his adorable charges from conflict.

With the onset 20th moon day power passes into the hands of MALAR, the most independent spirit of the lunar legion. This quality is transmitted to those ladies who are lucky to be born on this day.

When the turn comes 21st day the moon, FERSAS, a warlike and ferocious destroyer and conqueror of hearts, becomes its guardian. He helps to defeat enemies and restore justice.

Two deuces in the personal calendar of the Moon is the sign of GIBER. The one who was born on the 22nd lunar daywill never need anything. However, that representative of the fair sex who will carry his talisman with her also has every chance of strengthening her financial position.

23rd day is in the grip of TIBA - the defender of women's whims and changeable mood. Do you want your whims to be fulfilled? Keep his sign with you.

Day 24 passes under the sign of ROSAL. This angel gives his wards all earthly blessings and advantages. His the main task - excite love, bring success and happiness.

On the 25th day Anvar appears on the stage, responsible for female intuition. He gives ladies flexibility of mind and quick thinking. It also makes sense to contact him when you need to crank up a good deal or get a certain amount of money.

26ththe guardian angel is called to heal all women's diseases. At the same time, SADEN eliminates unnecessary worries and troubles, protects against enemies and frees from captivity and imprisonment.

On the 27th day the moon comes MOTHER triumphant. Honor him, do not forget to keep his sign with you, and you will emerge victorious from the most difficult and confusing situation.

On the 28th day the angel of peace VASHET appears in the sky, who is responsible for restoring order and tranquility. He has the power to reunite families and strengthen alliances. Remember this when, God forbid, you quarrel with your family to smithereens.

Finally, 29th by count, but not by value, is VYDASH - the angel of rebirth, the most peaceful and friendly lunar spirit. This kind-hearted man will save you from many troubles and troubles, if you have to ask him about it, and it is he who will protect you from any dark forces.

Lunar birthday

We are all used to the solar horoscope, but sometimes we are not happy that it is not accurate enough. Indeed, it needs to be supplemented.
The lunar horoscope is such.
After all, the Moon is our subconsciousness, instincts, intuition, that is, the whole inner world, then how the soul lives. The programs of behavior, response, our latent capabilities are associated with the Moon.
The lunar birthday is always considered in more detail than, for example, the characteristics of the zodiac sign. The lunar day, on which we were born, gives knowledge about character traits, reveals abilities and opportunities, possible career paths, determines the characteristics of health, activity, luck in personal life.
This day is a talisman for you.
Your attention is offered information about lunar birthdays. Every 19 years of the civil calendar coincides with the day of the lunar calendar, that is, every 19 years the lunar day falls on the same civil day. If 01.01.1960 - 4 ld, the Moon in the sign of Pisces, then 01.01.1979 - 4 ld, the moon in Pisces. You can find out your lunar day from the table, it indicates Moscow time


Born on the 1st lunar day:

On this day, emotional people are born who have great internal energy, and therefore long-livers. The fantasies of these people are able to come true. Creative activities are successful and enjoyable.
Day 1 people should not make hasty decisions, as they can bring unexpected results and cause problems. There can be many unforeseen situations in the life of people of this day, but it is difficult to take them by surprise. They have a developed intellect, it is difficult to deceive them, but in business matters, everything is not so easy. They learn easily, are organized, are well versed in people. In general, life will be long and successful. For good health, you need to give up alcohol and smoking, and you need to be careful when exercising.

Advice: to find an opportunity to work energetically on the 1st lunar day: for such people, the wishes made are especially powerful. These people have a very strong connection with the moon.

Born on the 2nd lunar day:

Advice: physical activity should not be great. Good health requires simple food and no alcohol.

Born on the 3rd lunar day:

The great activity of those born on this day is their trump card, since in many life situations these people are saved by decisiveness, the ability to actively act, the ability to make decisions. Endowed with tremendous willpower, never stop, strive forward, hate passivity. They excel in professions that require full energetic return, they excel in sports. Inactivity is dangerous for these people, as it leads to stagnation of mental energy, anxiety, and depression. Saving energy without giving it a way out is a path to sadness, irritability, strained relationships with other people, and poor health. You need to spend your strength on the right goals.

Tip: it is worth keeping in mind that it is dangerous for people on the 3rd day to be angry, the same as causing their anger. Alcoholic drinks can only be consumed in small quantities. You can't overeat.

Born on the 4th lunar day:

There is some kind of secret in people born on this day, there are many rumors about them, not everyone is given to understand them. The main danger for people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into introspection and sad memories. These people know a lot about the world and are constantly updating their knowledge. By the hour they do not realize how deep their knowledge of the secret is. Often they are drawn to reveal secrets. Having started some business, they can return to the starting point, and this is their main problem. They need to move on.
It is very important not to lose touch with their parents and ancestors. Alcohol is harmful, for which herbal infusions and teas are useful. Rest is important calm, in silence, alone with yourself.

Advice: it is important to control every word you say, as it can come true quickly. You can’t wish harm to yourself, because you want to be fulfilled, or to other people, because you will have to pay severely for the pointless expenditure of energy.

Born on the 5th lunar day:

Those born on the 5th lunar day have a pronounced magical power... And even if you do not develop abilities, it is human nature to help people. You need to avoid negative emotions, not provoke others. In the lives of these people, sharp, unexpected changes are possible. Calmness and wisdom will help you cope with unpredictable situations.
People of this day can combine physical strength with moral strength. You need to avoid fuss and haste. Weakness in the body - the digestive organs. Potential power supply problems.

Tip: Watch what you eat and when. Read positive literature, develop your abilities.

Born on the 6th lunar day:

Those born on the 6th lunar day can foresee some events, much of what they say comes true. These people should be listened to. And they themselves cannot throw words around, say out loud something that is better never to come true. All promises must be kept. Creative activities are successful and enjoyable. Professions related to voice and pronunciation are good. These people are contact, diplomatic, ideas are not limited in stereotypes. In relationships, independence is of paramount importance. They do not tolerate pressure, are often dreamers, endowed with creative taste and imagination. There is every chance of living a long and happy life, which will be all the more successful the more seriously they take them.

Tip: be in the fresh air as often as possible, avoid smoky rooms, watch your respiratory system.

Born on the 7th lunar day:

People born on the 7th lunar day have a good memory, good health and a developed sense of humor. Often they do not have their own opinion, are not capable of deep understanding, serious feelings. They have a strong character and will, if desired, they are able to reach any peak. If you were born on this day, avoid conflicts and showdown. A receptive mind will help you learn easily and assimilate information quickly. People of this day have a penchant for analysis and deductive methods. Professions that require an intense thought process are good at doing: a scientist, a writer, an orator, an investigator. Often the talents of people of this day are manifested in trade, consultations.
Advice: believe in yourself and do not listen to the advice of unfamiliar people, avoid empty talk.

Born on the 8th lunar day:

Those born on this day are extremely attractive in their inner qualities. They are smart, quick-witted, decent, hardworking and benevolent. They are distinguished by an extraordinary vision of life, ingenuity. They are interesting in communication, capable of unexpected, extravagant actions, of large gestures, they are not afraid of changes and are always ready for them. Such people have strong character, they are endowed with the ability to survive and recover. People of this day have good intuition and often have the gift of foresight. The main danger is the loss of self-control. This leads to recurring errors. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the course of events, be able to control yourself. Professions are successful - chemists, doctors, healers.

Advice: do self-improvement, and you can achieve a lot in life, bring great benefit to others.

Born on the 9th lunar day:

If you were born on this day, avoid critical situations, the teacher avoids sharp corners. Most situations, one way or another, a person creates himself. Do not provoke conflicts or participate in them. In people on the 9th lunar day, two conflicting qualities coexist: they do not have good health, but at the same time they often become long-livers. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable state of mind, not to overload it, to develop stress resistance. Those born on the 9th lunar day prefer covert actions to open combat. It is very important to have a clear spiritual orientation, not to let the dark side of your soul prevail. People of this day have a strong load on the heart and blood vessels. Alcohol is harmful.

Advice: get rid of negative emotions, try to think positively, spiritual practices are very useful.

Born on the 10th lunar day:

People born on this day are strongly associated with their ancestors and their kind. Endowed with an excess of energy, are energy donors for other people, and this benefits them. These people are charming, have a lot of power over others and know how to benefit from it. At heart, they are romantics, capable of captivating other people with their idea. Large physical activity is contraindicated, since people of this day are more prone to chronic diseases than everyone else. A healthy lifestyle is essential. If you do not develop spiritually, you can become indifferent, calculating.

Advice: use your energy power to help people, this will increase the years of your life.

Born on the 11th lunar day:

These people have excellent mental abilities, extraordinary thinking. They are very strong and almost unpredictable, you can expect bold judgments and unexpected actions from them. People of this day can control their power, but they do not always realize it in themselves or do not know how to deal with this power, they are scattered into trifles. They need a mentor who will guide and teach how to use their energy for good. They maintain good health and a clear mind to a ripe old age. They can become professional athletes. You need to take care of the spine. If you often find yourself in unforeseen situations, this is an indicator that you should change your lifestyle and become more attentive to yourself and your environment.

Advice: Do any business with full dedication. Concentration is the key to success.

Born on the 12th lunar day:

These are good, bright people, called to help with every word and deed, to bring good to the world. They are gullible, modest, merciful, charming. People on the 12th lunar day have well-developed heart and emotional chakras. They are very sincere, they can openly express their feelings. But they often suffer from the fact that others use them, their kindness and gentleness. These people need someone to love - this is the meaning of their life, for the sake of love they are ready for self-sacrifice. To walk confidently through life, realizing your talents, you need to beware of self-deception.

Advice: accumulate peaceful emotions, do not overload the psyche, avoid conflicts.

Born on the 13th lunar day:

On the 13th lunar day, restless, very sensitive people are born. They are easy-going, sociable, receptive to information. They have an excellent memory, so they learn everything "playfully". They can do several things at the same time, they have versatile abilities. But they tend to “walk in circles” throughout their lives, making the same mistakes. Energetically, such people are good at working with time. If you want to program your future, you can do it.
The people of this day clearly see the relationship between cause and effect, between events that happened long ago and what is happening now. The main thing is to draw conclusions.
Those born on the 13th lunar day can easily make a career in any chosen field.
Advice: use your potential abilities, because you have been given a lot.

Born on the 14th lunar day:

People born on the 14th lunar day are considered "the chosen ones." Even in childhood, they are aware of their calling in life, find the only correct path and begin to follow it early. They are characterized by: intuition, insight, providence. They are purposeful and strong-willed natures, internally ready for achievements. It is important for people on the 14th day to listen to advice, to "signs of fate." Prophetic dreams can often be dreamed.
Despite their directness and categoricalness, they are quite flexible people, easily adapting to any situation. Success awaits in medicine, management, pedagogy. The main danger for people on the 14th day is mood swings. You need to control yourself. And laziness is also bad for you.

Tip: be sure to give yourself daily physical activity.

Born on the 15th lunar day:

People of this day are able to achieve success in trading. They are helped by remarkable performance and highly developed intellect. In their studies and work, they highlight the main thing and are only interested in this, not exchanging for trifles. In any situation, those born in the 15th ld feel themselves internally free. They feel their independence, strive for spiritual harmony, cannot stand pressure and coercion. They are great connoisseurs and lovers of the opposite sex. On his life path they meet many temptations and are often unable to resist them. It is useful for such people to restrain their passions, they act destructively, undermining health. The main problem of these people is negative emotions. They must be kept under strict control.

Tip: avoid big physical activity, limit communication with unpleasant people.

Born on the 16th lunar day:

Born in the 16th l.d. are distinguished by a high spiritual level, are endowed with optimism and love of life. These qualities help to find a way out of any difficulties.
These people are peaceful, modest and benevolent, they do not judge anyone, they are not envious and they easily forgive offenses. They make good lawyers, psychologists, doctors, priests. They try to live in harmony with themselves and with the world, they have a well-developed imagination. They can correct the past and correct the future. But, if they do not develop spiritually, they have a feeling of limitation, and their whole life goes on fighting illusions. They have many friends.

Advice: sports and outdoor recreation are good for you. Limit your drinking.

Born on the 17th lunar day:

A person born on the 17th lunar day is endowed with a very emotional nature. Feeling for him is in the first place. She never suffers from confrontations between the mind and heart, since the voice of the heart is much louder. This is the positive side and its danger. Sometimes it is not enough to listen to emotions, they can be deceiving. This must be remembered in order to protect yourself from problems. People of this day are sincere, open, trust people. If you were born on this day, be sure to meet with friends, communicate as much as possible. For such people, love and marriage mean a lot. They strive to find their soul mate, sometimes they see the meaning of life in this. Union with a loved one helps their spiritual development, encourages them to activity, gives willpower and wisdom. They are prone to demonstrative behavior, often shock the audience, make it clear how little someone else's opinion means to them. This behavior is self-defense, a person is simply afraid to expose his sensitive inner world to strangers. They do not like restrictions, they hate to be led by circumstances, they worry when there is no other way. The main danger is to have low self-esteem, depression can develop.

Advice: evaluate yourself realistically and you will be able to find an application for your many abilities and merits, become successful and happy people. Alcohol is very harmful.

Born on the 18th lunar day:

People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goal, often achieve an enviable position in society and material well-being. Able to teach and lead others. You can listen to their advice, they are often shrewd. If these people work on themselves, develop, the ability to objectively see the world opens up to them. They get rid of delusions, realize their own and others' mistakes. If they follow the poor path of development, their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and people is distorted, they get entangled in their illusions, a situation of a crooked mirror arises. The biggest harm comes from selfishness, as soon as they start thinking only of themselves, they fall into a streak of failures. It is important for companions of these people not to infringe on their sense of freedom. They do not tolerate obligations, but if you give freedom, then in this way you can force him to take on those very obligations.

Tip: go to the sea more often, especially if the moon or sun is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).

Born on 19 lunar day:

People born on the 19th (critical) lunar day have 2 radically different paths in front of them. These are the paths of Good and Evil. The odds are equal. Which way to go is the choice of the person himself. But upbringing, society, and events also have an impact. Usually these people are acutely aware of their surroundings and can choose their friends themselves. There are many temptations and problems on the path of life. But the forces given at birth are capable of helping in any business. Initially endowed with a sharp mind. Not evil, not deceitful. They can be the arbiters of destinies. The main danger for people on the 19th lunar day is irritation, apathy, negative emotions.

Tip: keep your emotions in check. Give up alcohol, thereby you will attract bright people into your life and get rid of the dark spots of your personality.

Born on the 20th lunar day:

People of the 20 lunar day can live with a constant expectation of a miracle and with a feeling of flight in their souls. They are given contact, the ability to stand up for themselves and for those who are dear to them. Creative and active natures. Nothing is given to them just like that. A long search for simple joys can harden, but they know the prices of everything that comes into life and are ready to pay for their happiness. The main danger is to be proud of your knowledge. But, as a rule, the opinion about yourself is quite reasonable.

Tip: do not be arrogant and control the load.

Born on 21 lunar days:

People born on the 21st lunar day are noble natures, thirsty for justice. Given strength, energy, activity, efficiency. They can be outwardly restrained, but inside they are very passionate. It is important to develop spiritually. Arrogance and arrogance must be avoided. Determination and patience will bring good results. Look into your soul more often.

Tip: Remember that the end doesn't always justify the means.

Born on the 22 lunar day:

Many secrets are available to people born on the 22nd lunar day, they are carriers of wisdom. The task of birth is to increase spiritual knowledge to carry it to people, to become a defender of traditions. Long-liver. In old age they have a clear mind. They often become philosophers.

Tip: avoid laziness and passivity.

Born on the 23 lunar day:

People born on the 23rd lunar day have an iron grip, they are guardian angels of the people they love. They see the benefit, they will not miss their own, they are looking for meaning in every act, they cannot stand unjustified actions.

Tip: Give yourself constant physical activity.

Born on the 24 lunar day:

People born on the 24th lunar day are created for work and business, endowed with abilities and energy of character. Most often they are peaceful and kind. Secrecy does not allow being sincere to the end. They listen to advice, but act in their own way. Opinions don't change. If they do not share their energy with people, they can become hardened.

Tip: go in for sports, get active.

Born on the 25th lunar day:

The strength of a person born on the 25th lunar day is to wait in the wings. He shouldn't be in a hurry. While waiting, wisdom and patience will help, as well as knowledge of a simple law: everything always comes in due time. The life of this person is rich and interesting, the events are impressive. They have trouble-free intuition, good logic. They are able to reason sensibly in any situation (and this can be seen already in childhood). So, these are the favorites of fortune, they are usually lucky in life, they have the right idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, they know how to be at the right time in the right place.

Tip: Be careful about your desires and emotions.

Born on the 26 lunar day:

People born on the 26th lunar day are distinguished by their attraction to the material world and a lack of understanding of the laws of life. They live a complex, confusing life. It is difficult for them to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. There is a constant self-assessment. But at the same time, these people quickly get in touch, charming, achieve a good position in society.

Advice: do not fuss or talk too much. In conversations, you waste energy. Keep your promises, be humble, this will work out your karma and make your life easier.

Born on the 27 lunar day:

People born on the 27th lunar day carry secret knowledge, but live in a state of anxiety, doubt and hesitation. In their lives, something is constantly happening. They lack stability, stability, so as not to become weak, suggestible, lethargic. It is very important to develop the spirit.

Advice: practice meditation, master yoga.

Born on the 28 lunar day:

People born on the 28th lunar day initially carry the mystery of being, are distinguished by wisdom, spiritual ideals. How consciously you live depends on how much you work on yourself. You can become an altruist, to whom others will be drawn, or you may not have attachments at all.

Advice: do not lose the ability to distinguish between good and bad, develop "inner light" in yourself, bring it to people, give them your love.

Born on the 29 lunar day:

People born on the 29th lunar day are endowed with complex karma, but at the same time they have a very eventful life. From birth, they carry a dark force within themselves, but at the same time they have the ability to fight it. Therefore, they may behave as if they are fighting with someone. Long-livers. Life is not lived for joy, but for atonement for their sins, often also the sins of the family, clan. Mistakes in life are not uncommon, as are temptations. But the easier it is to relate to the tests, the faster they recede.

Tip: Get rid of negative thoughts. Let the positive into your life!

Born on the 30th lunar day:

People born on the 30th lunar day have the best human qualities, they are given a happy and joyful life. They are beautiful, spiritually developed, kind, bring grace and forgiveness to the world, compassionate. They realize their vocation, the tasks of birth from an early age. The main thing for these people is Love.

Advice: do not break your inner harmony. Don't change anything until you are sure you are assessing the situation correctly.

Moon in Aries

Endows with stubbornness, impulsiveness, courage, haste in actions, sharp reactions, a tendency to extreme manifestations. At the same time, a person whose Moon is in Aries is forgiving and easygoing.

The main negative programs are associated with impatience, irritability, aggressiveness, external, rudeness.

Advice: listen more often to your inner "I", more often analyze your emotions, actions, motives of your actions.

Moon Taurus

Endows with practicality, solidity, calmness. Stability and reliability in everything is the main thread of life. People with the Moon in Taurus are adequate, have good intuition, a healthy reaction to external stimuli.

The main negative programs are associated with passivity, inertia, inflexibility, inability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Advice: trust your intuition, you should not rely only on common sense, logic.

Moon in Gemini

Provides sensitivity, inconstancy, curiosity, sociability.

A person with the Moon in Gemini has a good memory and is receptive.

The main problem is rejection of one's own instability, trying to tackle a lot of things at the same time.

Advice: calm down your inner rushes, acquire external warmth, softness, spontaneity.

Moon in Cancer

Gives sentimentality, vulnerability, sensitivity, affection.

People who have the Moon in Cancer respect their parents, love their family. But they are often suspicious, jealous, touchy, and irritable.

The main problem is over-exposure to emotions and isolation, which is a consequence of strong sensitivity.

Advice - remember that you are made to understand and help others. So help yourself for this: calm your emotions, listen to your intuition.

Moon in Leo

It endows with charm, passion, desire to play, shine, be in the center of events. People with the Moon in Leo are egocentric, vain, power-hungry, able to present themselves beautifully, love to be in the spotlight. Touchiness is often caused by high self-esteem, claims to the environment. Negative programs are associated with excessive pride and an inability to be alone.

Advice: learn to be aware of the intrinsic value of your inner world, regardless of what they think of you. Find ways to restore your inner harmony.

Moon in Virgo

It endows a person with unconscious attention to detail, accuracy, scrupulousness. It is difficult for these people to "open up", to become direct, liberated, to free themselves from inner coldness, suspiciousness, psychological clamps. The strong point is the ability to express your thoughts clearly and clearly.

A negative program is a denial of your true feelings. Hence the denial of one's own personality, the inability to accept and love oneself.

Advice - you should not strive for security and stability at any cost. This leads to increased internal anxiety, even with external well-being. And the appearance of prosperity will never bring true happiness.

Moon in Libra

Gives emotional and psychological flexibility, the ability to get along with people. However, it gives dependence on someone else's opinion, sensitivity to the words and reactions of others.

A man with the Moon in Libra craves public recognition and love. The state of mind depends on relationships with others, a friendly atmosphere. The main negative program is associated with indecision, susceptibility, hesitation.

Advice: learn to trust yourself, your intuition.

Moon in Scorpio

Endows with irascibility, harshness, secrecy, impatience for other people's opinions. Often a person with the Moon in Scorpio tries to "suppress", subjugate a partner. Inwardly lonely, vulnerable, unhappy, unconsciously tuned in to risky, extreme situations.

The main problems: the habit of investing in everything that makes strength and passion. Sensitivity.

Tip: learn to relate to life easier, identify significant areas of your life. Intuition will tell you how you can use your energy in the most constructive way.

Moon in Sagittarius

Endows with ambition, vanity, great intuition, optimism, openness, generosity. A man with the Moon in Sagittarius loves to be admired, to turn to him for help and advice, loves to help with deeds and advice. Feelings in itself does not hold. He strives to live on a grand scale. Often his life does not fit into generally accepted standards. The main problem is carelessness.

Tip: Plan your actions more often for a specific period. Listen to your intuition. Remember that you have an amazing gift: finding happiness in yourself. You are completely self-sufficient. Also, don't remake people. Learn to accept them for what they are.

Moon in Capricorn

Endows with restraint, caution, the ability to wait and calculate future actions. A man with the Moon in Capricorn gives the impression of a strong personality. The nature is emotionally mature, but almost always "with longing in my soul." Unconsciously tuned in to self-affirmation, upholding their principles, achieving ambitious goals. Often he is shy, timid, fears his own feelings, fears misunderstanding. Can be tough, vindictive, and manipulative. The main problem is unmotivated fear and depression of emotions.

Tip: Try changing your perception of the world. Open up your intuition and learn to trust it. Don't be afraid to be open about your feelings. Love yourself, feel your own worth, and show love for other people more often.

Moon in Aquarius

A man with the Moon in Aquarius is distinguished by extraordinary thinking, a tendency to unusual actions. He values \u200b\u200bindependence, fears deep affections, but values \u200b\u200bfriendship, like-minded people. Rarely is it really revealed. Sometimes he himself may not know what he really wants. There is a craving for innovations, changes, contacts.

The main problem of Lunar Aquarius is his rejection of real life due to inconsistency with invented ideals.

Advice: learn to accept yourself for who you are, lower the bar of your ideals. There are no ideal people! But being with a person who compares you to a standard is quite difficult. Life is not perfect, but it's pretty good. Don't ask too much of her.

Moon in Pisces

Endows with increased emotionality, sentimentality, sensuality. The human psyche with the Moon in Pisces is plastic.

For other people, Moonfish is often a mystery, however, for himself too.

Non-standard perception of the world, a penchant for everything unknown - these are the distinctive features.

The main karmic problems are emotional instability, instability.

Tip: foster an inner culture of self-reliance. Remember that you are a special, hypersensitive person. But don't get away from reality. Trust your intuition. Keep your senses in check, control them.

The moon, being in Aries, gives a person quickness of mind, self-confidence, an adventurous spirit, openness and unwillingness to obey requirements. The confrontation between the active, hot Aries sign and the cold, passive Moon gives rise to nervousness. Therefore, lunar Aries are easily excited, react quickly to changes and never doubt the correctness of their opinion, while ignoring any objections.
Such people are impatient, time is always dear to them, and they do not want to waste it on a careful analysis of trifles. Many of them tend to rush forward without thinking in advance about the consequences.
Being in the sign Aries, the Moon gives its wards charm, liveliness of mind, the ability to achieve from others what they need. These people have enthusiasm and energy, but at the same time they are able to give up their goal if it takes hard and long work to achieve it. Striving for something new, they can quickly change the landmark, abandoning the old project. However, if the lunar Aries is really interested in something and completely captured his soul, he will give it all his strength.

Moon owners in Aries do not tolerate any kind of restrictions. They tend to act according to their desires, rarely listening to the advice and opinions of others. Such a character trait can sometimes get in the way, but in situations where quick decision-making is required, no one beats the lunar Aries.
Lunar Aries resist other people's power in the sphere of personal relationships - it is they, and not their partner, who should dominate. In need of freedom, they do not always like to provide it to others. These people want to be lovingly loved, to have an exciting relationship, and if life with a partner becomes a routine, they quickly become frustrated and often start looking for new relationships.

In Vedic astrology, the zodiac sign is determined by the position of the moon, not the sun (as in western astrology). Therefore, if according to the Sun you are Gemini, it may turn out that according to the Moon you are Leo. How to find out the lunar zodiac sign? To do this, you need to know not only your date of birth, but also the time and place. You can calculate your sign by the Moon

After you have found out your lunar zodiac sign, you can read the description of the lunar signs according to jyotish - the characteristics of all signs, and recommendations - the lucky color and stone for each zodiac sign, in this article.

How to find out the lunar zodiac sign: a description of the signs

Lunar Aries

Aries is ruled by Mars, symbolizing vitality, courage and strong will. Mars is a masculine planet, it gives Aries energy, a competitive spirit. This is a fire sign that carries a craving for adventurism. Aries are strong and passionate, can be good speakers and have high self-esteem. Lunar Aries are generally demanding, selfish, impulsive, impatient and prone to being aggressive.

The colors of luck: all shades of red, especially scarlet.

Stones: red coral and amethyst.

Moon Taurus

This earth sign is ruled by Venus. Lunar Taurus is conservative, stable, and practical. Taurus is especially attracted by nature, beautiful things. People with this zodiac sign are incredibly purposeful, they have no equal in achieving their goals and desires. They are good friends, but they have a hard time controlling their anger. They can be lazy and overly stubborn.

The colors of luck:white and green.

Stones: diamond, coral, emerald.

Lunar zodiac sign: Gemini

Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury. Multitasking is their element. The Moon Gemini can be a good thinker, explorer, poet, or writer. They are diverse in their hobbies, while they can be insensitive, demanding. People with this sign are successful in the area of \u200b\u200bfunds mass media and communication, possess a keen intellect and the ability to easily understand the thoughts and motives of others. Gemini is responsible, but tends to be harsh and hasty in judgment.

The colors of luck: green, yellow and orange.

Stones: aquamarine and agate.

Lunar Cancer

Cancer's ruler is the Moon. People with this zodiac sign are sensitive, discerning, and vulnerable. Lunar Cancer is considered a brahminical sign, and therefore, representatives of this sign have a pronounced ability to understand philosophical concepts, and also have good skills in meditation and concentration. Cancers are gentle by nature, gentle and caring. Because the Moon rules this zodiac sign, Cancers inherit good qualities from their mothers and maintain an excellent relationship with them. Since Cancer is a water sign, they have a desire to travel on water and actively participate in public life.

The colors of luck:blue and silver.

A rock: blue sapphire.

Moon Lion

Leo is a fire sign, the ruler is the Sun. These people are determined and courageous. They are good leaders, they know how to work in a team. Moon Leos have an independent, open nature, restless mind. They tend to be quick-tempered, but at the same time easy-going. Leos are generous and have a high opinion of themselves. They have excellent perception and observation skills.

The colors of luck: gold, red, orange, cream and yellow.

Stones: ruby and amber.

Moon Virgo

The ruler of this earth sign is Mercury. Moon Virgins have a practical mind, a talent to inspire others. They love nature. People with this sign have the inherent skill of running a successful business, they make good money. As a rule, representatives of the Virgo sign are critical, perceptive and at the same time attractive to others.

The colors of luck: green, white, gray, yellow and orange.

A rock: yellow sapphire.

Lunar Libra

Representatives of this air sign are smart and fair, good thinkers. Since the sign is ruled by Venus, they are very sociable and easily find a common language with others. It is believed that the lunar Libra is prone to procrastinating, being lazy and being too talkative. Libra is fickle, extravagant, honest. With external openness, they can be very secretive.

The colors of luck: blue and jade green.

Stones: sapphire, diamond, emerald and turquoise.

Moon Scorpio

Scorpio is ruled by Mars, therefore, this sign is characterized by determination, valor and perseverance. Scorpio is also a brahminical sign, which indicates that esoteric and philosophical concepts are intuitively understood by the people of this sign. Due to the weak position of the Moon, Scorpios sometimes lack self-confidence. Moon Scorpio gives the impression of a secretive, mysterious person. However, they are smart, resourceful, and sensitive people.

The colors of luck: red and purple.

Stones: red coral, heliotrope and yellow sapphire.

Moon Sagittarius

Fire sign ruled by Jupiter. People with this zodiac sign tend to have great enthusiasm, pure intentions. They are ambitious in achieving big goals. They are usually straightforward and straightforward in nature. They are gifted with a talent for writing, speaking and designing. Lunar Sagittarius love to argue and can be short-tempered, but otherwise generous, loyal, and artistic.

The colors of luck: blue, white, cream and orange

Stones: yellow sapphire and turquoise.

Lunar Capricorn

An earth sign ruled by the slowly moving but powerful planet Saturn. Like the ruling planet, a person with the Moon in this sign thinks rather slowly and patiently waits for the right moment to act. Moon Capricorns are generally calm and love to meditate. People with this sign are confident, calculating, successful in business, creative people, and good writers.

The colors of luck: black and indigo.

Stones:black onyx and emerald.

Lunar zodiac sign: Aquarius

This air sign is ruled by Saturn. Lunar Aquarius, as a rule, are submissive, they are realized in charity. At times they can be skeptical, negative and overly critical. Aquarians are very discerning, have a penchant for religiosity, philanthropy, are interested in scientific concepts, love to meditate. They are energetic and emotional, have a good artistic taste.

The colors of luck:blue, gray and ultramarine.

Stones: black pearls, opal and sapphire.

Moon Fish

This lunar sign is ruled by Jupiter. Pisces people are sensitive and emotional, they have well-developed sensitivity and observation. Moonfish are often religious and love to meditate and reflect. As a rule, such people are romantic and dreamy. They find it difficult to make choices, they are often influenced by others. Pisces need to learn to say “No” in some situations. They are kind, benevolent, generous and reliable people.

The colors of luck: sea \u200b\u200bgreen and blue.

Stones:yellow sapphire and red coral.

Well, did you recognize yourself by the description? Remember that this is a very superficial description, since in Vedic astrology much attention is paid to an individual natal chart, where the location of the planets and signs at the time of your birth can say much more and much more accurately about you. Want to know more about yourself? Then join the free webinar where you can create your own natal chart and understand how to read it.

Also, since you now know your lunar sign, you can subscribe to our free online astrology magazine, in each issue of which you will find predictions for lunar signs for the month!

Born with the Moon in Aries

Mars is the ruler of Aries. Since this sign is a fiery element, a person who was born with the Moon in Aries will be at an unconscious level constantly tuned in to a constant struggle, will be very sensitive to everything sharp and sharp, and will constantly be in a state of extreme tension. In ordinary life, you can easily notice that such a person will very often find himself under the influence of extreme and critical situations, which he does not look for at all, but constantly finds himself in trouble.

This is due to the fact that the Moon is in Aries, and a person, on a subconscious level, will constantly look for such situations and is in constant emotional stress. Any situation will set him up for struggle, overcoming difficulties, active struggle and a desire to achieve the desired goal with just one jerk.

Consequently, Mars will have a direct impact on the formation of human character. Such people will perceive any situation rather harshly, they will be very impulsive, quick-tempered, in some situations even very rude, but this rudeness will most likely remind of disinhibition and immediacy of manifestations. Since the moon affects the perception of a person, in addition, the external environment is influenced, a person is very addictive, and since Mars also has an influence, a person can even idealize.

Whatever planet falls into Aries, a certain color will always be observed, so a person will constantly give extreme assessments, because he cannot perceive halftones, or black or white, there is no third. People will be very self-confident and show their constant readiness for extreme situations.

Lunar birthday general information:

Many people in Western culture are already accustomed to the fact that they celebrate their birthday according to the solar calendar, while they know their zodiac sign and take into account their character traits, but at the same time, ancient astrology considers the lunar birthday to be very important. Since it can also determine the characteristic features for a particular person, the purpose of the person, the qualities that he possesses and those that he should learn. For example, in Vedic astrology, they first look at exactly what sign the moon is in.

In the same India, first of all, you will be asked for your sign on the Moon, this will be your lunar birthday. If at the moment you already know on which lunar day your birthday passed, then you should tell you what specific features the Moon has endowed you or your loved ones with, and what it would not hurt to pay attention to, what should be developed, what to fear and what to refuse.