When and where did striptease appear. A selection of interesting facts. We are heterosexual nympho

[: RU] Men stare at them when they come to have fun in a nightclub. How fascinating it looks - an erotic dance performed by a sexy girl who gradually undresses, giving the audience the opportunity to react violently and fantasize. It is usually believed that empty-headed, depraved girls who do nothing more than show their bodies are engaged in striptease. And how it really is. Let's clear up the myths about strippers.

We make 1000 $ per night and live in luxury

Yes and no. In general, this is not true. It's 2014, and as far as I remember, the world has not yet recovered from the global crisis. Spending money on strippers is a waste of money, and it is not a bill to be paid for. Dancers have been working much longer and going to work more often than a decade ago. Probably, on average, strippers make $ 150-400 a night, but there are no exact statistics. Of course, there are nights when we earn a lot, but this happens very rarely. You also need to take into account those cases when a dancer works out the entire shift, and leaves with 1000 small bills or nothing. We will return to this later. This happens quite often.

We didn’t go to school and we don’t have higher education because the strippers are STUPID

“Do you have a diploma? Where did you study? " - the client smiles smugly. Well, in fact, how can strippers go to school, much less get an advanced degree. If they actually had a diploma, would they do it? Would they consider themselves "too smart" for the job? (I hear this quite often.) Sometimes, just by accidentally uttering a word of scientific jargon, you risk your clients' jaw falling off. Strippers are supposed to be wild, mindless beauties, but in reality, this is far from the case.

We are drug addicts / alcoholics

In the 17 years that I have been in the industry, I have not seen strippers dabble in drugs more often than ordinary people. Of course, there are also strippers on the needle, but they do not stay in the club for a long time, they are either fired, or they disappear somewhere. There are also “home girls” in the club (they work as nurses in the club); as a rule, they leave drunk every night. Strippers are unlikely to allow themselves to drink too much, since they need to control the situation, otherwise they will not earn the money that they planned.

We are heterosexual nympho

Yes of course.

We all suffer from the "Electra complex"

Electra complex- a phenomenon akin to the Oedipus complex. But it manifests itself in girls. The complex consists in the unconscious attraction of girls, like the daughter of Agamemnon Electra (after whom the complex is named), to their own father and rivalry with their mother for his attention.

Why does everyone think so about strippers. Personally, I have a very trusting relationship with my father. He was there when I was growing up. Maybe some dancers really suffer from this, but ...

I want to quote my mother, with whom I am very close. She once said: "Nobody leaves this life unharmed." I don’t believe that girls become strippers because of attraction to their father and rivalry with their mother, just as I don’t believe in widespread alcoholism and drug addiction.

We've all suffered from sexual abuse

Here are a few interesting facts about a woman's life, regardless of profession:

- one in three girls suffers from sexual harassment in Everyday life
- one in four has been sexually assaulted before the age of 18
- one in six was a victim of rape

Thus, many women have been or are being sexually abused, regardless of profession. Does this happen more often to strippers? We do not know, there is no official data on this.

As a rule, we are "unclean"

Do you even know how clean the strippers are? You cannot even imagine how much time we spend on personal care: plucking hairs, waxing, washing, shaving, creams, treating those places on the body that an ordinary girl does not even worry about. We often hear the comparison "as clean as a stripper's vagina". We are very clean. Why? Because we are sellers, and we sell our own bodies. We cannot neglect hygiene. Think with your head, the one on your shoulders.

If a girl decided to become a stripper, she chose the easy path for herself.

Easy way? Is it really easy to go on stage in a room where there are a lot of people, then take off your clothes, while looking confident, sexy and dancing beautifully? Would you do that? And this is just the beginning. How about weird-smelling men who make some nasty jokes every now and then? Sometimes clients can afford to say a lot of offensive things about your body, face, appearance. Easily? No. Especially withstand the condemnation or ridicule of family and friends, sometimes this happens. Yes, very easy.

We hate our jobs and our lives.

Some yes, most no. In my opinion, here we are no different from people of other professions, for example, a person who has worked in a factory all his life.

We are no longer capable of anything, this is the only thing that we can do

I have no children, but I have a law degree. In fact, in my life there were no terrible life circumstances that would force me to become a stripper. I do this because I like it, like most dancers, I like it because it gives me freedom and money. With this kind of work, I can pay for almost all of my needs, and they, believe me, are more than most of the readers. But in doing so, I am saving money for the future. This is my choice, and I like it. Many girls who have children do this to be able to spend more time during the day with their children, while ensuring that their children have everything they need. I don't see anything wrong with that, but if you think otherwise, I would like to know why.

We cannot have a permanent romantic relationship.

As soon as your soul mate realizes that striptease is only work, everything will fall into place. I know a lot of married strippers.

We all sell something "extra"

Some may sell, but not me. Some are really involved in this, but there are few of them, at least among those whom I know. Although we are actually selling the body, we are selling it in its entirety and not in pieces to satisfy primitive needs. A stripper is not a prostitute, so stop asking stupid questions. No, I will not go to your room.

We can all pole dance, and we earn money on stage

There are "stage" clubs and "dance" clubs. Some don't even have poles. Most of the clubs I have worked for make money from dancing.

Everything we earn is ours alone

This hurts me the most. Did you know strippers get paid to dance? When applying for a job, a stripper signs a contract where she "rents the space of the club." We pay for every night we dance. This came to us from America, there it is a standard scheme. There are other people in these establishments who need to be paid: DJs, managers, assistants. Some even pay taxes. In general, a stripper gets her hands on only 60-70% of all her earnings.

We only make money on rich daddy's sons

No. Every week an ordinary-looking manager comes to our club to watch me dance. We have been communicating with him for a long time as friends, although I am afraid that soon we will cross this line of friendship. He humps all week, makes money, and on weekends he comes to me. And yes, I like him, but I can’t stand my father’s sons.

Being a stripper is humiliation

The last time I felt humiliated was when I was working in retail. There I received a salary that was impossible to live on. Now I can do as much in one night as I previously earned in a month. Humiliation is if the client drank all night, fell asleep at the table, woke up and saw a huge check, which he must report to his wife. This is really humiliating.

Strippers have no moral principles

If you think strippers are devoid of moral principles and the only thing they want is to find a gold mine, something is more wrong with you than with me. I don’t remember signing a contract and selling my soul to the devil. I am an ordinary girl, I love my family and my friends.

First black professional ice hockey player

On January 18, 1958, the National Hockey League's Boston Bruins played a match against rivals from Montreal. An ordinary NHL regular season match went down in history for the first time a black hockey player took to the ice since the league was created.
The 22-year-old Boston striker Willie O'Ree has fulfilled his dream of becoming a professional ice hockey player. A native of the small Canadian town of Fredericton, he first skated at the age of three. The child literally fell in love with this game and was ready to spend all his free time at the rink. But few believed that a black boy could become a real hockey player. In addition, Willie played well in baseball and was predicted to be successful in this particular sport. O'Ree played in youth baseball teams, but the dream of becoming a hockey player never let go. Then, fate prepared another test for him: during a hockey match in the junior league, the puck hit Willie in the face and his right eye practically stopped seeing. But the guy did his best to hide his blindness and continued to play hockey. The efforts of the young athlete were not in vain, he was noticed by the bosses of the hockey club "Boston Bruins" and O'Ri was included in it. True, he played only two matches that season, but these were games in the strongest professional hockey league in the world. After leaving Boston, Willie continued to play in other, less significant hockey leagues. Two years later, Boston remembered him again and O'Ree spent another season in the team, this time more successful: 43 games in which the hockey player scored 4 goals and made 10 assists. He may have had a short career in the NHL, but in total, in different hockey leagues, the athlete spent 21 seasons, playing a total of 1288 matches and scoring 523 goals in them. The sporting successes of the world's first black professional hockey player did not go unnoticed. In 2012, Willie O'Ree's name was inducted into the Boston Bruins Hockey Club Hall of Fame, and an ice rink was named after him in his homeland, Fredericton. It is interesting that the second, after O'Ri, African American appeared in the NHL only in 1974. The Washington Capitals Club has signed a contract with Michael Marson. His career at professional ice lasted 6 years, after which Marson retired from hockey and became a famous karate master.

Unusual plant eremurus

On the slopes of the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau, gigantic flowers up to two and a half meters in height grow - eremurus (locally - sharysh). For the beauty of the tall arrow with a mass of pinkish, sometimes white flowers, the Eremurus received the popular name "Tsar's crutch" in the old days.
Amazing plant! High-quality glue was once extracted from Eremurus, and fresh leaves were eaten along with cabbage. It has long been known that there are many vitamins in Eremurus. In addition, Soviet scientists discovered in the rhizomes of this plant a hitherto unknown substance called eremuran. This substance is very valuable for the chemical industry. It will find application in pharmacology and confectionery. With the help of eremuran, you can, for example, prepare ice cream that will hardly melt in the sun.

Why do bulls react this way to red?

For several centuries, there has been an opinion that bulls hate red and therefore only at the sight of it fall into a rage. However, it is not. Bulls are color blind, and for them the color scale of the fabric does not matter at all. So why, then, during the bullfight, these animals rush with wild fury on the red cloak that the bullfighter is waving?
It turns out that the bull is irritated by the movement of the cloak, not its color. The bull perceives the matador, teasing him with his bright red cloak, by another bull who is clearly behaving very aggressively. And therefore, trying to defeat the enemy, the bull rushes to his most vulnerable place - the front part, which is the very cloak. Why is the color red chosen for the cloak? Yes, simply because this way the show of bullfighting looks more effective and colorful.

Where and when did striptease and dance pole first appear

The pole dance tradition was pioneered by strippers who began to use vertical bars installed in clubs to diversify their numbers. So very quickly they invented a new dance, graceful. sensual and sexy, but at the same time acrobatically challenging, requiring physical fitness and good dexterity.

Previously, it was possible to learn how to rotate on a pole only by getting a job in a specialized institution, and the art of handling a magic wand was passed from stripper to stripper, and people who had nothing to do with nightlife continued to form stereotypes that a decent girl was not befitting " sit on a perch. "

However, over time, pole dance has moved beyond nightclubs, choosing sports clubs and professional dance schools. The dance has a great variety of all kinds of figures, so most often such schools give only basic rotations - then it all depends on the performer's imagination and his skill. Real pros can do extraordinary things, rotate upside down, keeping only their feet, develop unprecedented speeds. Americans periodically hold contests among professionals and amateurs, in which even men participate! But, nevertheless, only nightclubs and bars can boast of the brightest representatives of striptease, for example, http://rasputinclub.ru/ offers show programs that will not leave any man indifferent.

Today in the United States, as well as Australia, England and France, special schools teaching pole dancing, the first of its kind educational institutions were opened by workers of strip clubs, confident that there are solid advantages in this sport.

Why dollars are as we know them

Why is Benjamin Franklin on the $ 100 bill? Most dollar bills feature American presidents - George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson - but there are two exceptions: Alexander Hamilton (on the $ 10) and Benjamin Franklin (on the $ 100). Franklin is one of the Founding Fathers of America, and his signature is on the Declaration of Independence. Also, with the help of his typographic skills, the first American currency was printed.
Why is there a pyramid on the back of a dollar bill? This pyramid is part of the US official seal: in the foreground there is an eagle, in the back there is a pyramid, it is believed that the pyramid denotes power, and its thirteen steps symbolize the first 13 states, the absence of a top means the need for further work.
Some cities have their own local currency! The first of the cities to create their own currency was Ithaca, New York. Cities such as Madison, Wisconsin, Corvallis, Oregon, and Traverse City, Michigan have their own currencies.
More money is printed to play Monopoly than real banknotes! Although this fact is similar to an Internet myth, it is true, according to the game's makers, Parker Brothers, $ 30 billion worth of banknotes are printed annually for Monopoly. At the same time, last year the Bureau of Engraving and Printing issued real money worth $ 974 million, about 95% of this money is printed to replace old, worn out banknotes.
How many times can a bill be folded before it rips? Each note can be folded up and down 4,000 times, according to the Federal Reserve. average duration the life of a dollar bill is approximately 22 months; $ 5 - two years; ten-dollar - three years; $ 20 - four; and $ 50 and $ 100 live nine years. Coins are more durable and can live for about 30 years.
How is money created and destroyed? The Federal Reserve decides how much money to print each year, while the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is in charge of printing. Receiving cash deposits from banks, the Fed checks all the currency on special equipment, the results of the check usually show that a third of the currency is unsuitable for future circulation, and these banknotes are cut in typewriters and replaced with freshly printed money. "Shredded" bills are either sent to a landfill or packaged as souvenirs sold during excursions to the Federal Reserve Banks.
What do money and the secret service have in common? In fact, this organization was created to combat counterfeiting. Then, in 1865, this craft flourished: according to rough estimates, about a third of the currency in circulation was considered fake at that time. Today the volume of counterfeit banknotes in circulation is about $ 250,000.
Why do some coins have grooves? When coins were minted from precious metals such as silver or gold, some skilled thieves made good money by selling the metal neatly cut off the edge of the coin. Therefore, these grooves appeared on the edges of the coins, according to the US Mint, there are 118 grooves for a dime, 119 for a quarter, and 150 grooves for a half dollar coin. Although coins are no longer made of precious metals, these grooves are preserved on them today, because thanks to them, people with visual impairments distinguish between coins. Interestingly, coins in denominations of one and five cents never had grooves, because they were never made of precious metals.
Is there a $ 10,000 bill? The largest bill at the moment is the one hundred dollar bill, but there used to be banknotes in denominations of $ 500, $ 1000, $ 5000 and $ 10,000, but in 1969 they stopped printing due to lack of need, the last time such banknotes were issued in 1945. Some of these banknotes still exist and are legal tender, most of them are in the hands of collectors.
How much is a two dollar bill worth? Two dollar bills have always looked funny, but they are legal tender, the two dollar bill appeared in 1862 and was discontinued in 1966. Ten years later, they were returned again as part of the celebration of the bicentennial of the United States. Such bills are quite rare - they account for only 1% of all paper currency in circulation, however, contrary to the common misconception, they do not cost more than their face value, that is, two dollars.

Why mice are useful

The word "mouse" comes from the ancient Indo-European language, Sanskrit, and means "thief". Mice are one of the members of the rodent family, which also includes rats, gerbils, lemmings, and others.
Cats, wild dogs, foxes, birds of prey, snakes and even certain types arthropods have been known to prey heavily on mice. However, because of its remarkable adaptability to almost any environment, the mouse is one of the most successful genera of mammals living on Earth today. Mice are common experimental animals in biology and psychology primarily because they are mammals and also because they have a high degree of correspondence with humans. Humans have eaten mice since prehistoric times and still eat them as a delicacy throughout eastern Zambia and northern Malawia, although they are usually no longer consumed by humans elsewhere. True to their name, these small rodents steal their food from humans by eating grains, vegetables and meat, or even skin, glue and soap.

Yesterday's selection of Interesting Facts is

Sometimes they go beyond offices. Today is such a day. We decided to tell our readers about a profession that always attracts attention, but still remains a mystery. A stripper from one of the Moscow clubs shared with us all the secrets of her work: from clients to earnings.

What is the difference between an office and a club?

I want to note right away, yes, I am a stripper, but please do not confuse me with representatives of another, more ancient, profession. I know how people usually react to me when they find out what I do. And still I think that there is nothing wrong with my occupation.

What's more, I find it more fun and lucrative than cute, cozy office jobs. What is the joy of an office worker? She gets up every day early in the morning. Not having enough sleep, he runs to work on a sweaty subway or strong traffic jams. Sits all day at the monitor, spoiling his eyesight and not only eyesight. And he gets his 40-80 thousand rubles. Best case scenario. Everything is different for me.

Even in my youth, I learned what very easy and affordable money is, and got used to it. I didn’t get this habit from my family. My mother works at the post office, my father is a driver. I knew how hard it was for them to get their livelihood, and, at the same time, I myself had the opportunity to receive many times more, but without making so much effort. Time passed, and those easy money ceased to be so easy ... My friend went to college, and I - to learn to dance striptease. And now I am here, in a club in the center of Moscow.

By the way, I have a daughter, she is almost a year old, and a boyfriend. He knows about my work and is not at all embarrassed, he loves me, is satisfied with my salary, how I look and what I can do.

Like a taxi driver

My working day, or rather night, starts at 9 pm and lasts until 6 am.

I come to the club, change clothes, put on makeup, do my hair. When the show starts, we take turns going on stage and dancing. Each stripper comes up with a performance for herself. It lasts from 7 to 15 minutes.

After I leave, I go down to the hall and, while the other girls are dancing, I work with the tables, performing personal dances. You can, of course, not do this, you can go back behind the stage and smoke there while waiting for your turn. But they won't give money for this!

When the last girl finishes dancing, I go on stage again. As a taxi driver - took the client and again stood at the end of the line.

In the team, only I am a Muscovite. The rest of the girls are newcomers. The most interesting thing is that mostly from Ivanovo. Of course, we have tough competition. For example, new girls (and the turnover is constant) are allowed to go on stage only as the last ones, when the “old-timers” have already made out the main “contingent” for themselves.

"Contingent" against "candy wrappers"

The fact is that we divide guests into two categories: "candy wrappers" and "contingent".

"Fantiki" are young people, students or novice office plankton who this evening decided to exchange their traditional beer with shrimp for naked women. Each one has a thousand rubles in his pocket and with all your efforts they will not give you more than this amount.

The "contingent" - on the contrary, solid adult men, polished, in expensive suits, a tidbit for us. There are many foreigners among them. On the "contingent" in one evening you can earn from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. The main thing is to find an approach and correctly "dilute" the client.

And those and others, in general, can be seen immediately, even if only by what is on their tables. Even during your dance, you plan for yourself clients in the hall: who is looking at you, who can be better divorced. True, sometimes you can make a mistake, you look - like his tie is expensive, and the drinks are not cheap on the table, you think - "contingent!" You come up, dance in front of him, and he is a "candy wrapper". Just cleverly pretending.

Psychology is generally a very important point in my profession. You need to try to create a comfortable environment for the client and make sure that he gives his money calmly and with pleasure.

You can get money for expensive food too

I don't have a salary as such. They don’t transfer money to my card twice a month. I am on a two-in-two schedule. And night for night in terms of earnings is not necessary. Sometimes it is possible to earn 1-1.5 thousand rubles, and sometimes - 10,000-15,000 rubles. It all depends on the day of the week, holidays and so on. Well, and the desire to earn. If you go on stage, take off all your clothes and go back to the dressing room, you won't get much. A twinkle in the eyes and arrogance are important. In our world, only these qualities pay off. The competition is wild.

By the way, in addition to the divorce of rich uncles for money for striptease, there is another, completely legal, way to make money. True, also with the help of the same "contingent". It happens, and quite often, one of them asks you to sit at his table, offers to order something ... The main thing here is not to be shy and order drinks and food from a special (expensive) menu. Then you will receive a percentage of the order amount. I get about 25% of the order amount. The money is given by the administrator at the end of the shift.

Professional risks

Of course, in my work, there are unpleasant situations when clients go beyond, stop controlling themselves and dissolve those same hands. But this happens quite rarely. Depends on the general atmosphere. Sometimes she gets very hot and on some evenings the security literally does not have time to drag the over-excited clients away from the girls. And it so happens that everything goes quietly, peacefully and decorously.

While I am in the club, I am not afraid of clients. There are guards everywhere, who, if something happens, will always come up and explain to the client how to behave with the girl. In addition, you can negotiate with a girl - the club has a separate room in which strippers perform private dances for a separately agreed amount. There are no fixed prices for private dances - it all depends on how you will communicate with the client.

Conditions of employment

I have no work record book and no contract with the club. I can stop going to work at one point and that's it. Nobody will ask me to leave me.

But I always look good: manicure, pedicure, hairdresser and solarium at my service. Here's a social package. True, I buy my stage costume myself, for my own money. Although the suit is a loud saying. Panties, bra, skirt, blouse - you can buy both in a regular store and in a specialized one. You don't need to invent anything extraordinary, the main thing is to look sexy.

And everything would be fine, but only I get very tired and drink a lot of alcohol (if the client treats it, you can't refuse). I can’t even imagine what I’ll do after 30.

The sequel to the film about strippers, starring the inimitable Channing Tatum. 3 years have passed since the events of the first film. This time Super Mike and his crew travel to Myrtle Beach for a stripper convention. On the way to Myrtle Beach, the heroes will find funny adventures, new acquaintances and understanding of their dancing life.

In general, in the second part of "Super Mike" there will also be something to see and at whom. True, in the sequel we will not see Alex Pettyfer and Matthew McConaughey, but that's okay, because the film will already have a crowd of talented actors - Joe Manganiello, Mat Bomer and Adam Rodriguez. In connection with the premiere, we decided to please you with other striptease films.

A musical melodrama by Adrian Lyne that everyone can achieve their dreams if they make every effort. The main character of the film is a young girl Alex (Jennifer Beals), who wants to become a famous ballerina.

During the day, the girl works as a welder at a factory, and in the evening she dances a striptease in a bar. Afraid of failures, Alex flees views, but one day her life changes abruptly.

A rich man, Nick Harley (Michael Nuri), pays attention to her. A spark immediately flashed between Nick and Alex, and dreams of a ballet school became a reality.

But can a girl turn from an ordinary welder into a ballerina, making her childhood dream come true and not letting her mentor down? Despite the negative reviews from critics, the film was a huge success with the audience, won an Oscar and hit the box office 100 million.

A daring striptease film directed by Paul Verhoeven, who initially won 7 Golden Raspberry Figurines. Over time, critics began to extol the artistic merit of the painting, making it a cult hit in America. The plot of the film revolves around the sexy and charming dancer Nomi (Elizabeth Berkeley), who decided to conquer Las Vegas.

At first, only setbacks awaited the girl - she was robbed by the driver, and she almost died under the wheels of a car.

The fateful meeting with the black woman Molly (Gina Ravera) solved almost all of Nomi's problems - she got a job as a stripper in a nightclub, where she meets the queen of the stage - Crystal (Gina Gershon).

Under the influence of Crystal, Nomi quickly reaches the top luxurious life, but does she really need it?

Only the lazy has not heard about this grand drama by Andrew Bergmanom starring Demi Moore. For the role in the film, Demi even had to be instructed in real strip clubs.

The film tells the story of Erin Grant, who was abandoned by her husband and fired from her job. After the divorce, the court ruled to leave the daughter with her criminal father. To get her daughter back, Erin will have to find a good lawyer, and to earn money for him - work as a stripper.

This picture also did not receive positive reviews from critics, but the audience simply fell in love with Demi Moore's striptease.

In addition, the film grossed an impressive $ 113 million. Interestingly, Erin's daughter was played by Rumer Willis - the real daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis.

British comedy by Peter Cattaneo, which has won 34 different awards, including an Oscar. In the center of the plot - six dismissed steelworkers from the small English town of Sheffield, who have to survive every day.

One day Gas accidentally finds out how much strippers earn and invites his colleagues to organize their own striptease show.

Since the former steelworkers are not beautiful, have perfect bodies, and cannot dance, they have to spice up the show in order to attract women.

As a result, the friends decide to completely undress during the striptease ... Interestingly, the actors had to perform the striptease on their own in the presence of 400 people. The main roles of steelworkers-strippers went to Robert Carlisle, Mark Eddie, Steve Hewison, Tom Wilkinson, Paul Barber and Hugo Speer.

Abel Ferrar's late drama is about Ray Ruby, a strip bar owner with the beautiful name Paradise, who is on the brink of despair.

Financial problems between him, the landlord, the accountant, the dancers are destroying the club before our eyes.

To get out of debt and save himself from ruin, Ray uses his last money to buy a lottery ticket, which should be either salvation or his personal destruction.

Despite the amazing cast (Willem Dafoe, Bob Hoskins, Matthew Modine, Asia Argento and Riccardo Scamarchio), the film was not a huge success.

The real drama unfolded in the film by Darren Grant. Here we are talking about Loreen, who, after the death of her parents, had to do her best to help her brother with the family business. In her free time from work, she dreams of becoming a dancer.

Throwing everything away, Lauryn decided to try her luck in Chicago, where she decided to go to a dance school. The girl had never expected to fail. Unable to return home, Lauryn takes a job at a local burlesque club.

Taking advantage of the delay of one of the dancers, the girl decides to show herself in all her glory. She was noticed, and now she is one of those divas who beckon the audience with her candid dances on stage.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, philosopher by basic education, and lawyer by second. From the age of 15 he has been writing for Kleo.ru, Wmj.ru, Cosmo.ru, MarieClaire.ru about psychology, celebrities and beauty .. She values ​​honesty in people, her favorite pastime is watching a good movie, and her personal recipe for a good mood is a beach vacation. ...