Which farms buy granulated wheat bran? What are the benefits and harms of wheat bran? Video: "Bran - useful properties and use"

Wheat processing produces a by-product - wheat bran. In the old days, it was considered not particularly useful and was used as an additive in the nutrition of agricultural animals. But since the end of the 20th century, wheat bran has been actively used in healthy nutrition, folk medicine, and cosmetology. Today they can be bought at almost any grocery store or pharmacy, but for the product to be beneficial, not harmful, you need to know about its properties and contraindications.

What is Wheat Bran

Wheat bran is a by-product of production. But to understand what they are, you need to figure out how they are obtained. After the grain gets into production, it is refined for further processing or sale. As a result of cleaning and processing grain, a by-product of production is obtained - bran.

In fact, the bran is simply the hard shell of the grain, to which the dust and husks obtained from grinding wheat are then mixed. They are obtained not only from wheat, but also from barley, oats, rye, buckwheat. But it is wheat bran that is soft, therefore, suitable for food.

Wheat bran is used mainly on animal farms. The product has a lot of nutrients, so it is practically indispensable for agricultural animals. It is useful for both health and development of young animals. In addition, a quality product is useful for people as well, it is sold in stores and pharmacies. It is used for the treatment of ailments, health improvement, and dietary nutrition. It is also a valuable product in cosmetology.

Brans cause dehydration after consumption, so drink plenty of water while taking them!

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To understand all the benefits wheat bran, you need to study their composition. They contain many nutrients.

  • Vitamins A, B, E increase immunity, improve vision, condition of nails, skin, hair.
  • Iron is an active participant in the synthesis of blood cells.
  • Zinc - helps in wound healing, has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails, skin.
  • Copper - essential for normal blood formation, produces collagen and hemoglobin.
  • Selenium - protects the body from radicals.

Also included are:

  • starch, vegetable oil, protein;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese, sodium, magnesium and some other minerals.

According to GOST 7169-66, wheat bran should not contain harmful impurities, radicals, hazardous metals in concentrations exceeding the permissible norm. After receiving the bran, before being sold, they undergo control for color, taste, smell, moisture, the presence of pests, impurities, so that only a high-quality product gets to the market.

Types of Wheat Bran

You can find two types of this product in pharmacies.

  • Ground bran is a natural product that has not been subjected to additional processing. However, during storage, fungus often appears in them.
  • Molded or granulated bran. They are convenient for use on the road, but during production they undergo additional processing and therefore lose some of their useful properties.

If you have health problems, then it is better to use ground bran.

Benefit and harm

Wheat bran has many useful properties, which are important for everyone who uses them or is just planning to know about them.

  • Increase immunity, resistance to viral infections, due to the content of a large amount of nutrients.
  • Wheat bran cleanses the intestines. They literally scrub waste products and toxic substances from the walls of the intestine as they pass through it. So mainly the product helps to normalize stools, get rid of constipation.
  • Normalizes metabolism, intestinal microflora and absorbs carcinogens. In the fight against dysbiosis, it is best remedyif there are no contraindications.
  • Used for weight loss. The product contains useful substances and helps to cleanse the body.
  • Bran prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. They enhance the absorption of nutrients, do not allow food to accumulate and ferment. Scientists are convinced that the systematic intake of the product can protect against intestinal cancer.
  • During pregnancy, if there is no increased uterine tone or other problems, this product can solve the problem with intestinal peristalsis. It is also useful for nursing mothers, but it can be introduced into the diet only after the baby is 3 months old!


Shredded wheat bran is often used in the production of animal feed.

And what harm and contraindications do wheat bran have?

  • It is not recommended to consume bran if you have severe bowel problems. For example, in the acute form of pancreatitis, gastritis or cholecystitis, bran cannot be used.

With a mild form of gastritis, wheat bran can be consumed, but for this they need to be cooked for 15 minutes and only then eat. Duration of treatment 10 days, admission - 2 tbsp. l. per day.

  • It is contraindicated to eat them with enteritis, ulcers, colitis, intestinal bleeding.
  • The product is also dangerous for hepatitis.
  • With individual tolerance, the bran should not be consumed either.
  • In case of allergy, the reception is discontinued.
  • It is not recommended to consume bran while taking medications.

Wheat bran is good for health, but if used incorrectly, it can be harmful. So how do you take wheat bran?

First, the bran is washed a couple of times, then poured with boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes. After that, they are taken about half an hour before meals in pure form, or they are added to the second courses. Daily rate - up to 30 g. But the intake of this product starts with 1 tsp. per day to check the body's reaction and the rate rises to 30 g gradually, every day.

After regular consumption of bran for 14 days, you need to take a break for 10 days. This is only necessary the first time. Then they are included in the diet again. For the prevention of diseases, the product is consumed up to 3 months for 2 tsp. in a day. For medicinal purposes, they are eaten for up to 1.5 months, and then they take a break for 15-20 days.

It is very important to drink plenty of water when taking wheat bran. If a person consumed up to 2 liters of water per day, then after introducing bran into the daily diet, the water rate is increased by 300-500 ml. If the bran is not steamed, in its pure form, then after them you must definitely drink a glass of water.

The use of wheat bran in cosmetology

In cosmetology, bran is often used. They replenish the function of keratin to stop aging, prevent sagging skin and maintain facial contours. The skin color also improves, wrinkles disappear. You can buy ready-made masks with this component in the composition or make a nutritional mixture yourself.

  • A face mask is very easy to do. 5 g of bran is sieved so that coarse particles do not come across. Add the yolk, a spoonful of water to them and mix everything well. The mask is applied to the face and kept for up to 15 minutes, then washed off with water.
  • The hair mask is made from a decoction. 250 g of bran are poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. Then the fire is reduced, the bran is boiled for 10 minutes. Then they are set aside and insisted for another 1 hour. The finished mask is applied to wet hair. Then you need to put a plastic bag over your head and wrap it with a towel.

How to store the product

Bran sold either in large packaging for animals, or in small, plastic bags - for people. So that the product does not deteriorate at home, it should be stored in dry, dark rooms. If there are few wheat bran, you can put them in glass jar and close the lid tightly.

Today, more and more adherents of a healthy diet decide to include wheat bran in their diet. It is a product obtained from the processing and production of grain crops. For a long time it was considered useless and was used only as animal feed. At the moment, a lot of information is already known about the benefits of wheat bran. Their use is recommended in many diets. With the help of wheat bran, the state of many diseases is normalized. However, in order for the intake of bran to bring only benefits, you need to know some features of the product.

Wheat bran: benefits and harms, how to take

The outer shell of the grain used for the production of bran is a storehouse of biologically valuable substances. At the same time, the product remains low-calorie, therefore it is actively recommended by specialists in healthy eating and nutritionists.

The beneficial qualities of wheat bran are explained by the following chemical composition:

  • vitamin A;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin E;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • b vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • fiber, as well as dietary fiber;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acid.

In stores you can see both granulated and non-granulated wheat bran. There is not much difference in them, if only the product is offered in pure form.

Regular bran is most often produced without any additives. But the granules can often contain sugar, salt or even various fragrances designed to enhance taste qualities... Therefore, if you want the product to bring as much benefit as possible, then you should give preference to the milled bran.

Why are wheat bran useful?

The substances contained in the bran of wheat have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Once in the stomach, they increase in size, which causes a feeling of fullness. This property is especially important for those who want to lose excess weight. It also helps to eliminate all unnecessary from the intestines - toxins, mucus. This minimizes the likelihood of constipation, as well as the development of colon cancer. That is why wheat bran for constipation is recommended by many nutritionists.
  2. Fiber, which is contained in the grain shell in large quantities, allows you to get rid of dysbiosis. B vitamins stimulate the formation of gastric juice.
  3. Bran is known to help with problems of the heart and vascular system. The use of the product helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels. The likelihood of myocardial infarction or heart diseases such as arrhythmia, tachycardia decreases.
  4. Wheat bran, the composition of which is very diverse, is indispensable for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Their use allows you to normalize the digestion process in the shortest possible time.
  5. In the fight against obesity, wheat bran, the calorie content of which is very low, will also help. FROM extra pounds will help to cope with fiber, which contributes to the slow absorption of carbohydrates by the body. A feeling of satiety appears, it is already difficult to eat more than planned. Therefore, wheat bran for weight loss is a simple but effective remedy. At the same time, bran is also recommended for diabetes mellitus, since their use can significantly slow down the process of increasing glucose in the blood.
  6. Bran is equally beneficial for both the female and male body. Healthy fatty acids, namely Omega-3 and Omega-6, keep estrogen levels in a normal state. By adding the product to your diet, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of diseases such as breast cancer. Men, in turn, can normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.

Wheat bran: how to use

Like oat or rye bran, wheat bran can be used as an additive in various dishes - salads, cocktails, jelly, minced fish, cereals and much more. However, for maximum benefit, it is worth sticking to a specific dosage of the product. It can be used as an independent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. There are two options for this:

  1. Soak the bran beforehand. Pour boiling water over a certain portion of bran and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then drain the excess liquid, and take the swollen bran as it is. They can also be added to cereals or other suitable meals.
  2. Take dry. Take the ground bran with plenty of water - at least 1 glass.

As with any product unfamiliar to the body, bran should be taken with caution. Increase your dose gradually. Start with 1 tsp. per day, keeping this volume for 2 weeks. Then you can increase the daily dose to 3 tsp. (one spoon three times a day).

Please note that the maximum volume is 4 spoons. This norm should not be violated, as you risk harming your body.

The course of admission should be at least two months. As soon as the benefits of using this product are noticeable, you should immediately begin to reduce the daily requirement.

Wheat bran for weight loss: how to take

Wheat flakes are often recommended as a dietary product that allows you to lose weight in a short time. For this purpose, they should be consumed shortly before a meal, which will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. As mentioned above, bran increases in volume when it enters the stomach, which helps to reduce appetite. There is a feeling of satiety, so nutritionists often urge to use them for dinner.
If you want to get the most out of your flakes, you can add them to low-fat yogurt or kefir. To do this, it is advisable to let them brew in boiling water so that they have time to swell.

Regular consumption of wheat flakes allows you to achieve positive effect... However, it is very important not to exceed the daily dose and the maximum allowable course duration. Together with harmful toxins and slags, with prolonged intake of bran, useful substances will begin to be excreted from the body. This is fraught with many consequences, including calcium imbalances.

Contraindications to use

Despite their beneficial features, bran can be harmful if taken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • problems with the duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • individual protein intolerance;
  • postoperative period;
  • stomach ulcer.

You should not give such cereals to children, since it is difficult for a growing body to cope with the digestion of such rough food. This product is also harmful for women who are carrying a fetus, as it helps to eliminate not only harmful, but also useful substances from the body.

If you do decide to take these bran regularly, it is very important to follow the correct drinking regimen. You should drink at least two liters of water a day (if you use 1 to 3 teaspoons of ground bran). To avoid serious consequences, it is worth consulting with a dietitian, healthcare professional or a healthy nutritionist before taking wheat bran.

The benefits and harms of bran - video

In the process of processing wheat, bran remains to obtain flour. They are considered a by-product that has gained popularity as a diet food. However, before starting to use this product, many people will want to know what are the benefits and harms of wheat, what properties they have, how they affect the body.

How wheat bran is made

The wheat bran production process is divided into several stages:

  1. First of all, the grain is delivered to the elevator. There it is cleaned from various impurities, debris, dirt. After that, it is cleaned and weighed.
  2. When the preparation and cleaning is completed, the finished grain is poured into a large container and poured with hot water. Stirring takes place for 5 minutes. After that, the grain is settled and mixed again. In the course of these actions, the mealy part is separated from the bran themselves, which are the shell.
  3. Further, the main part passes between two millstones, which grind it into small grains.
  4. After that, a white cereal is obtained, which, upon further processing, turns into flour.

Thus, two products are obtained for use. After all production processes, future bran looks like gray husk or dust.

To make it convenient to store and use the resulting product, the husk must be turned into granules. For this, press equipment is used. First of all, the dust is treated with steam, then it is pressed and granulated. The resulting granules are cooled and sieved. If low-quality granules were found during sieving, they are sent for re-processing.

After all processing processes, the finished product is packed in sealed packages and sent to stores. Granules do not generate dust, they are stored much longer than powder.

Chemical composition and caloric content of wheat bran

Granulated wheat bran is considered a dietary product and is used in various weight loss methods. In addition to this, they have many useful properties. The finished product owes these useful properties to its composition:

  1. Minerals - zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium. Thanks to such a number of useful microelements included in the composition, the body receives a powerful nourishment and any diet becomes more balanced.
  2. Vitamins - B1, B5, B6, B2, B3, K, E. This amount of vitamins not only enriches the body, but also strengthens the immune system.

The active use of granules for weight loss and in sports is due to their ratio of BJU. Content per 100 grams of product:

  • Fat - 4.3 grams.
  • Protein - 15.6 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 64.5 grams.

In addition, bran contains a large amount of fiber. She is the main component of this product.

Useful properties of wheat bran

Wheat granules began to be actively used in the production and further sale after scientists discovered many useful properties of this product:

  1. The dry product is rich in fiber. Thanks to this, digestion improves, toxins and toxins are released from the body.
  2. Bones and joints are strengthened.
  3. The work of the cardiovascular system improves.
  4. A small amount of wheat granules is enough to dull the feeling of hunger and saturate the body for a long time.
  5. Eyesight improves.
  6. The immune system is strengthened.
  7. The body is enriched with useful trace elements and vitamins.
  8. Improves liver and kidney function.
  9. The level of glucose and bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  10. The epidermis cells are renewed.
  11. The nail plates are strengthened, the condition of the hair improves.
  12. Metabolic processes are accelerated.

However, even with so many useful properties, this product alone will not be able to provide the body with all the necessary components for normal performance.

Is wheat bran good for pregnancy?

The question of whether there is any benefit from taking wheat bran during pregnancy worries many mothers. During this period of life, the entire body changes, and many foods can harm the general condition. When a woman starts having problems with stool, metabolism is disturbed, uncontrollable gluttony manifests itself, appropriate treatment must be started. If speak about medications, then most of them are prohibited during pregnancy. Because of this, doctors recommend starting treatment with natural remedies. The use of wheat bran helps to restore bowel function, controls appetite, improves metabolic processes, and eliminates constipation.

Bran when breastfeeding

Doctors recommend continuing to consume the dry product during breastfeeding if the woman ate them throughout the entire pregnancy. However, if this is a new product in the diet, you need to start using it with a small amount. New components that enter the body pass through the milk to the baby. Because of this, it is necessary to carefully introduce new foods into the diet and, when negative changes appear, refuse to use them. The first dose should not exceed one teaspoon. Gradually, this amount can be increased to 30 grams.

Is it possible to give wheat bran to children

Wheat bran is allowed for consumption in childhood. Doctors recommend starting their use in preventive measures from 2 years old. At this age, you need to start with half a teaspoon. The first three days cannot be increased. At this time, it is required to carefully observe the reactions of the body. If there are no negative changes to the addition of a new product, you can gradually increase the dosage.

How to eat wheat bran for weight loss

To improve the condition of your figure and lose weight, you need to use the selected product correctly. There is a separate weight loss method based on wheat bran. However, if a person cannot withstand a tough mono-diet, it is necessary to correctly add the product to the daily diet. To do this, you need to eat wheat cuts between main meals no more than 3 times a day. The maximum amount in 24 hours is 30 grams. Due to the fact that this product absorbs a large amount of liquid, after drinking it, you must drink a glass of liquid for 1 tablespoon of bran.

How to consume wheat bran

The duration of the course of using wheat granules should not exceed 60 days. After this time, it is required to take a break for 2 weeks so that the beneficial properties continue to have an effect on the body.

They need to be consumed between main meals. Thus, you can make food fractional, and reduce the portion size.

If the bran is in the form of a loose powder, you need to use half a teaspoon between meals. Gradually, this amount can be increased to 30 grams per day.

Wheat bran for various diseases

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, wheat bran is used to treat various diseases and improve the condition of the body. To understand how to help yourself in a given situation, you need to deal with each problem separately.

For constipation

Bran is famous for its constipation relief. There is no need to take medications if you consume natural products correctly.

In order for the bran to help eliminate constipation, it is necessary to prepare a medicinal drink. To do this, you will need 2 tablespoons of dry bran and 300 ml of kefir. It is enough to mix the ingredients in a large glass and leave the mixture to swell for 12 hours. Drink this drink at dawn. Wheat bran with kefir is not suitable for all people. Fermented milk product can be replaced with clean water.

Important! If after drinking the drink in the abdomen there is a feeling of discomfort, you need to abandon this method of treatment and consult your doctor.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of the beneficial properties of wheat bran is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, food debris, salts and toxins. To improve the functioning of the esophagus, you can make a medicinal cocktail. This will require 4 tablespoons of bran, 250 ml pure water and 10 grams of honey. The bran must be diluted with liquid and left to infuse for 6 hours. After that, you need to sift them from the water. Add to the mixture, mix and consume 30 minutes before the main meals.

For colds and bronchitis

To improve your condition during colds and clear mucus and pus from your airways, you can make a bran-based hot drink. To make it, you need 500 grams of granules or dry powder, 2 liters of hot water, 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar. Pour the bran into a pot of hot water and cook for 12 minutes. Turn off the gas and add honey or sugar to the pan. The resulting amount of the drink should be drunk per day. You can also cook wheat bran with milk thistle to improve your health for colds.

With gout

To improve your condition with this disease, you must use properly prepared bran. To do this, pour 200 grams of dry product with hot water and cook for 60 minutes over low heat. The resulting liquid must be filtered twice through cheesecloth. Drink 3 glasses a day after each meal.

With diabetes mellitus

The beneficial properties of granular bran extend to diabetes... This product helps to lower the amount of glucose in the blood. To achieve this effect, you need to consume 2 tablespoons of granulated bran with 2 glasses of clean water.

The use of wheat bran in cosmetology

Using granules for losing weight and restoring the body's work is not the only place where this product can show itself well. Wheat bran is often used in cosmetology. On their basis, masks are prepared for the care of the face skin, hair, and regenerating baths. To find out how you can help the skin problem, you need to understand in more detail each method of using them for cosmetic purposes.

Hair masks

With increased oily hair, you can use waste from the production of flour. The components contained in the bran help restore damaged hair and strengthen it. To prepare a cleansing mask when oily hair you will need 5 tablespoons of dry product and 150 ml of kefir.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix the ingredients and leave to fill with moisture for 4 hours.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and let it absorb for half an hour.
  3. Wash off with water at room temperature.

To improve the condition of the hair, such a mask should be done 2 times a week.

Mask for the face

To improve the condition of the skin and saturate it with useful microelements, you can prepare a nourishing bran-based mask. To make it, you need 2 tablespoons of dry product, 50 ml of milk.

Preparation and application:

  1. Pour dry bran with warm milk and let it swell for 120 minutes.
  2. Apply to the surface of the skin. Make several rotational movements, as if massaging your face.
  3. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with water at room temperature.

You can apply this mask every day until you get the result.

Attention! Do not leave the treatment mask on the skin for more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, you can harm the upper layers of the epidermis.

Wheat bran bath

A relaxing bran-based bath helps not only relieve muscle tension, but also cope with skin rashes, acne, pimples, blackheads. To make such a bath, pour 500 grams of dry product with 3 liters of milk and boil the mixture. After that, pour the broth into the bath. The maximum duration of the cleansing procedure is 20 minutes.

The harm of bran and contraindications to use

Even a large number of beneficial properties and the indisputable help of wheat bran on a diet cannot make this product universal for everyone. It is forbidden to use them in such situations:

  1. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Chronic diseases.
  3. Problems with the work of the pancreas.

If you use this product uncontrollably, stool disturbances, pain in the abdomen, and bloating may begin.

How to choose and store bran

Before buying wheat bran, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. You need to carefully study the composition on the package. It should not contain sugar, various chemical additives, preservatives, flavors.
  2. The packaging must be airtight. It is best to buy the product in transparent packs.
  3. The product must be free of foreign odors.

After purchase, it is advisable to open the pack and pour the bran into a glass container. To prevent dust, debris and various insects from getting into them, close it with a lid. Shelf life is 1 year.

Advice! It is advisable to buy a new pack of dry granules every month in order to protect the body from the ingress of pathogens.


Above was information on the benefits and dangers of wheat bran. After studying the beneficial properties, possible harm and methods of application for various diseases, it is safe to say whether it is necessary to use granules or it is better to refuse this product. When using them, it is important to observe the dosage so as not to face side effects.

Granular bran - their benefits and our risks

When people start talking about healthy eating, they think of bran as one of the first foods. A lot has been said about the benefits of bran: and what it is healthy fiber, and that they are necessary for the work of the intestines, and that they remove harmful substances from the body, help fight appetite, in addition, they contain a lot of useful substances, which is why bran is especially indicated for vegetarians and fasting people.

Bran is the shell of the grain; if not separated, the flour from such grain will quickly go rancid *. First of all, because of this "defect" at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, bran almost completely disappeared from the diet of residents of industrialized regions. And only in our time, bran again return to the diet. True, it is still as an additive to a healthy diet, and not as a complete product.

* By the way, please note: the shelf life of whole grain flour cannot be long.

A distinction should be made between simple bran and granular bran.

What you need to know about granulated bran:

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(c) Maria Verchenova

Julia, 05/28/17:

Food for hamsters :))))) Funny :))))))

In this article, I will focus on granular bran separately. In my family they are called "hamster food" - what else can you call crispy brown balls with a faint nutty smell?

Bran and liquid
Bran must be taken with a liquid - milk, yogurt, kefir, juices, broth, etc. Otherwise, they simply will not swell and will not give the desired effect - your body will not receive the very fiber for which it is worth eating bran.

Introduce bran into your diet gradually
Bran should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with two to three tablespoons per day (this is about 15 grams). You can't just bring a pack home and cuddle it while watching a TV series / educational film in English. Otherwise, there is increased gas formation, possibly a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, mild constipation and other unpleasant, but not fatal, symptoms. They pass over time, but it's better and more productive without them.

If within 3 or more weeks there is a break in taking bran, then you need to re-introduce them into your diet, starting with 2-3 spoons. However, if your diet already contains a lot of fiber, i.e. raw vegetables and unprocessed cereals, you can stay on these 2-3 spoons.

Bran and calcium
Bran, or rather fiber, getting into the intestines, begins to "cleanse" our body. This means that there is a binding of various substances that have entered the intestines with food or as waste material prepared for excretion. Calcium ions are the easiest to "bind" and leave the body. Therefore, if you do not add calcium-containing supplements and preparations to your diet along with the bran, then calcium will begin to be excreted, which entered the body with ordinary foods. In other words, calcium deficiency is possible.
It should be noted that a number of manufacturers add calcium directly to the bran. Moreover, the composition is balanced in such a way as to maximally compensate for the "binding" of calcium. Therefore, it is useful to look at the composition indicated on the package. Or read additional materials on the manufacturer's website.

Naturally, bran is contraindicated for people with acute gastrointestinal diseases, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage, as well as in a number of other diseases. Manufacturers usually indicate a list of contraindications on the packaging - check with it every time, even if you have been using this brand for a long time, because the recipe may have changed.

Variety of flavors
Some manufacturers produce bran with different additives and flavors. On the one hand, this is good - you can choose your favorite one, or try a new one every time, enjoying the variety. On the other hand, it is important to check the composition and contraindications for each option. For example, a manufacturer produces bran flavored "Yabloko" and "Cranberry". If only an apple is added to the "Yabloko" bran, then the addition of cranberries and sugar to the "Cranberry" bran is quite possible. And this means that such bran is already contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Bran production
Granular bran is produced by extrusion. This is when a certain mass is heated in several stages to a high temperature, approximately 120-150 degrees, and then, under high pressure, the hot mass is "spit out" from the extruder through the forming head into the low pressure area. From such a drop, a small droplet of dense mass breaks up and becomes large and fluffy, i.e. loose. Then, if necessary, the resulting pads are dried or even fried. Corn sticks are made approximately according to this principle - see the video. Only in the case of bran, of course, they are not doused with oil or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How tasty treats are made by extrusion. Using corn sticks as an example

On the one hand, the extrusion process is good because the minimum amount of oil is used here and only natural ingredients are initially assumed. On the other hand, there is still debate as to how neutral this process is for our food, because Under the influence of temperature and pressure, various changes in the biochemical properties of the initial products occur. For example, protein denaturation (instead of amino acids, we get a set of trace elements) or starch dehydration (change in its structure) definitely take place.

If you don't have to worry too much about proteins (we are talking about bran, and there are, in principle, few proteins), then starch dehydration can play a cruel joke. For example, this increases the glycemic index of our bran, and here you need to keep your ears open. In addition, the processes occurring in the initial products during extrusion are not yet fully understood. It is unlikely that something super-harmful can be expected there, but until we know all the risks, we should not get carried away with "hamster food".

Thus, it turned out that even such a product as bran obeys the golden rule: everything is good, but in moderation. In this regard, for myself, I defined granulated bran as a delicacy - i.e. sometimes a little, and not every day in packages :))))

How can granulated bran be used:
  1. Croutons in a salad (for an example of a recipe, see the end of the article)
  2. Low-calorie cookie alternative
  3. Ready breakfast with the obligatory addition of milk or juice
  4. Snack on the go. The bran is especially good here because do not require special storage conditions. And this means that on the road they will not deteriorate, they will not turn black, they will not spill. At the same time, a packet with a snack will be quite light, and the feeling of fullness is quite comfortable. And besides, it is convenient to eat on the go (does not get your hands dirty) and even in the car (does not crumble).
  5. Partial or complete replacement of bread
  6. Croutons for puree soups and broths

By the way, bran is good because it is unpretentious in terms of storage and transportation. Therefore, it is not necessary to go shopping in search of the "right" bran, you can order delivery. Especially for such cases, I have prepared a selection of decent bran in the well-known Ozon.ru online store.

Our company YUSIKO offers you to buy wheat bran at the best prices in Moscow (Zelenograd). Round-the-clock wholesale supplies of products manufactured in accordance with GOSTs.

What are they?

In essence, bran is a by-product of grain processing (into cereals or flour). Depending on the type of flour or cereal that needs to be obtained, 20-28% of the grain mass may remain in the bran. In addition to wheat, bran can also be oat, rye, barley, soy, buckwheat, rice, etc.

Bran is conventionally divided according to the degree of grinding into:

  • large (rough);
  • small (thin).

And in terms of production for:

  • granular;
  • loose.


The composition is based on:

  • worn shells of grains;
  • unsorted residues of flour substances;
  • unsorted remnants of flour germs.

The chemical composition of different bran may differ and depends on the type of grain, in the processing of which they are obtained. From chem. composition depends on the nutritional value and energy value... Common to all species without exception are high content

  • proteins;
  • fat;
  • fiber.

Wheat bran contains in varying amounts:

  • ash;
  • amino acids;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen-free extractives;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B, E.

In appearance, high-quality and fresh raw materials are grayish or light yellow in color and have a pronounced smell of wheat seeds. The taste should not be bitter and sour. Water content exceeding 15% and foreign objects and impurities is unacceptable.

Application area

Wheat bran can be divided into several categories according to the area of \u200b\u200bapplication:

  • Fodder. It is widely used as a food additive for animals and birds. IN agriculture valued for its high nutritional mass and fruitful effect on the animal organism. They can be used both in pure form and as the main ingredient for the production of feed compound feed. Wheat bran is indispensable on dairy farms. Perfectly used for feeding horses and goats. Brans are less effective in feeding pigs and chickens.
  • Used in the human diet. They can be used both in pure (raw) form, and as one of the ingredients for various dishes. The most frequent use is noted in baking flour products, in particular bread. Wheat bran is a dietary product and significantly improves intestinal peristalsis. Recommended for children and adults of all ages. In its pure form, it can be used both in bulk and in the form of useful dry bread.

Wheat bran, depending on the purpose, can have a different dosage of packaging. As a rule, for human consumption in bulk, they are packed in paper or polypropylene bags. In bulk, bran can be bought in bags or in bulk as animal feed.

Benefits of buying from us

Each wholesale purchase from us is associated with a number of undeniable advantages. Among them are the following:

  • only affordable prices with the ability to fix the cost of a batch of goods for six months and installments (for regular customers);
  • we cooperate directly with leading manufacturers selling goods made according to GOST;
  • we deliver orders around the clock and seven days a week (in Moscow and the region for free);
  • we carry out promotions and offer special conditions of purchase;
  • various payment methods;
  • we carry out groupage deliveries;
  • the best service and an individual approach to each client;
  • the possibility of replacing a batch of goods if it turns out to be technologically incompatible with your production.