Fortune telling goldfish. You got a symbol: DHI PA - Goldfish

Each person in his life dreams of something and always strive for certain heights. For some, the goal is just a dream, while for others it is a fix idea, and in order to get an answer to whether this or that desire will come true, you can ask questions to the Golden Fish. After all, this is not only a character of a fairy tale - fortune-telling "Goldfish" for 3 wishes will give an answer to whether they will come true or not, and even a beginner can guess.

The goldfish will help answer the question.

And how you can tell fortunes on your own desire - to tell fortunes on the Goldfish alignment. But in order for it to come true, and even more so to give an accurate answer, it is important to first prepare for its implementation. The very answers to the questions posed can be monosyllabic - yes or no, with all this, the Internet itself greatly facilitates the task.

First of all, it is worth writing your own, most secret and secret desires on a piece of paper - this way you will fix your own thoughts, and this will facilitate at times the very process of fortune telling. At the same time, you should form your own questions and requests as concretely and accurately as possible - just a weak and vague thought will weaken the energy of ritual fortune-telling.

When conducting fortune-telling, clarify everything - the dates and dates, the names and circumstances of the case, the month and even the year. When forming a question - do not allow negative particles and indecisive, inaccurate words in the questioning. Your goldfish should see the specifics in your message and also specifically answer the questions posed.

And in order for the fortune-telling ritual to pass as accurately and successfully as possible, buy a live goldfish and an aquarium, three candles, preferably gold, in your house or apartment. Write your desires on a piece of paper - each dream on a separate sheet of paper, but no more than 3 in one treatment session. And in order to get a more accurate answer to the question posed - conduct a fortune-telling ritual on New Year or Christmas.

How to read a goldfish

How to guess 3 wishes for a goldfish

The best time for fortune-telling is midnight, but all the preparatory procedures and paraphernalia should be prepared in the evening the day before. Just put 2 candles on the right and left sides of the aquarium, and the third on the back, then say out loud all your 1, 2 or 3 wishes and feed your oracle.

If, during the ritual feeding, the goldfish turned its head towards you, then everything will work out for you and will come true. If she turned her tail towards you - accordingly, you should not count on the fulfillment of your plans. Here the ritual of questioning the goldfish itself is repeated after a while, for example, after a week, or better a month. After all, the situation can radically change.

If you cannot buy an aquarium and a live goldfish, you can buy a toy one, preferably yellow or orange. Choose a rubber or plastic toy that won't sink in water. Just fill the container with water and throw the toy into it - if it turns its head towards you, then the wish will come true, but if with its tail, then alas, you should not count on its fulfillment.

If you are guessing at a live goldfish, feed it at the very beginning and read your first wish separately and see if the pet turns its head or tail towards you. Then say the remaining two wishes.

When you use a toy goldfish, fill half of the water in the container and light the candles you bought the day before, then pick up a piece of paper and say:

“As a fish sinks into the water, I'll whisper my desire right away. My dear swims - freely whirls, but turns at me and fulfills my desire. "

Then throw the fish into the water and see how it behaves. Here, as before, if the toy turns its head towards you, then the wish will certainly come true, and otherwise, you should not count on its fulfillment.

On a cigarette addressed to

If you smoke, you can do a fortune-telling on a cigarette - when you absorb cigarette smoke, think about the fact that you not only need to quit smoking. Think mentally about important and pressing issues, situations - just focus on the question that interests you and having lit a cigarette, read it.

Take your usual cigarette that you smoke and smoke it to the very filter - while you smoke it, mentally scroll your question in your head. When you reach the filter itself, pinch it in the fingers of your left hand, while rotating your right one as many times as at the time of divination you were full years old. Then look at the filter itself from the side of the tobacco - it may well be that you distinguish one or more letters of the name of the future narrowed.

Try to catch your own goldfish on the net

In your questions, you should not bother the goldfish too often, and the questions themselves should be put clear and simple, not formulating them in long and complex sentences... In the process of fortune telling, think exclusively about your own question, not being distracted by certain sounds, problems, or the words of relatives. And most importantly, believe in the sacrament itself - the results are guaranteed to come true.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

Your goldfish is sure to swim somewhere near you

When choosing such a fortune-telling, remember that the goldfish does not like and will not answer many of your questions - it will start to get angry, lead you by the nose and give inaccurate answers. It is worth making no more than three wishes - otherwise not one will come true.

If the question is posed incorrectly, the fish may misinterpret it and accordingly give you the wrong answer. Plus, you shouldn't turn to her for your own amusement - she can amuse you in revenge by giving the wrong answer.

And plus everything else, even if you received an incorrect or negative answer, you should not be upset, but thank your oracle and leave him alone for a while. If the answer is yes, then you should not sit on a chair and wait for manna from heaven - you yourself should exert strength to achieve your goal, and not wait for manna from heaven.

Video: Divination by the Goldfish

Undoubtedly, you are a fortunate person, because you were lucky enough to throw away one of the most wonderful signs of Tibetan fortune telling, MO, during divination. The symbol "DHI PA - Goldfish" indicates that fate often extends a helping hand to you than puts trials and obstacles in your path.

Always and at all times it has remained a mystery why some people are lucky, while others ... Others can only envy these lucky ones. Usually our life is woven of successes and failures - and those, and those are approximately equal. But even when we lose, we all lose in different ways.

There are people (which include you) who find positive moments for themselves in failures. It is difficult to say what it is: the benevolence of fate or just a character trait that is very rare and valuable. Be that as it may, mentally thank the Creator for such a useful gift that makes your life a little more sunny than the life of other people.

Beware, however, to exaggerate your luck: fate likes to test those it patronizes from time to time.

Getting used to victories and successes, do not forget that at one point they can be replaced by a streak of failures. Will you be able to meet this test as it should be, or will you give up before the first difficulties?

When thinking about your goals and drawing up a plan of action for the future, mainly pay attention to those that promise long-term prospects. Do not be afraid to raise the bar as high as possible: you know yourself and your strength too badly if you are afraid of "overload".

You do not need to pay too much attention to everyday problems, believe me - they will be easily resolved by themselves, and only minimal participation is required from you. Dedicate yourself to planning and implementing ideas, the full implementation of which will have to wait, but which in the end can radically change your destiny in the right direction.

Be able to see not immediate but long-term benefits.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

As you go about your family's affairs, do not assume that you are thus making an incredible sacrifice on the altar of your loved ones. The more you try only out of a sense of duty, the more difficult it will become over time.

Remind yourself often that your closest people are next to you and you just like to do something nice for them. And don't just think - tell them about it every day, every time you get in the mood. Perhaps you have not practiced such "family gallantry" for a long time, and at first it will be difficult for you. But when you see how much you can achieve by such a simple act, you no longer need to force yourself with an effort of will!

Your business practice, including those related to property, promises to be successful. Allow yourself to relax a little and stray from your usual paths. Try to look at your affairs with a fresh, non-trivial look - it is from this side that the greatest success awaits you.

And be persistent: remember how often, having overcome the very first difficulties, you achieved much more significant results than those you were striving for at first. Treat obstacles as a springboard from which you can achieve great results!

In that sphere of relations, which is usually called personal life, try to avoid any "sudden movements". Such a precaution will not be superfluous, since no changes are recommended here, neither now nor in the near future.

Even if everything is going neither shaky nor shaky, and you, under the influence of success in other areas of life, oh, how you want to "rebuild" and "move" something, restrain your impulses. Remember: one careless movement - and you will lose even what you have now.

And you can safely direct your surplus energy to a different, safer area (for example, set yourself a new, very interesting business task and take it up with enthusiasm).

In the near future, expect an increase in the number of your friends and acquaintances. If one of these new people eventually becomes your friend, well, that can only be gladdened. However, try not to plan anything in advance. Everything should happen by itself, without your active intervention. Otherwise, you run the risk of achieving results that are exactly the opposite of what you expect.

Rely on fate for everything: she is your best friend and advisor. And if you see that not everything you have planned is being fulfilled, do not be upset. So, it’s better for you.

All ill-wishers (both those you know and those you can only guess about) in the near future will not be able to do you any serious harm. We hope you have not forgotten that the Goldfish sign that fell to you during fortune-telling indicates that at present you are the favorite of fate. And who, if not fate, is best able to take care of his pet? All that is required of you personally is not to behave defiantly with those who are not too friendly towards you. Do not hesitate: no one on their own initiative will drag you into a conflict.

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

If you cope with business earlier than planned and you have a surplus of free time, spend it in the company of friends: you will still have time to be alone. In other words, let your vacation this time be remembered by you as an evening full of fun and noisy chatter.

You in recent times spent too many hours and days in seclusion, meeting only with colleagues at work. Agree: a friendly party is something fundamentally different. You can invite your friends to your place, but it would be best to leave your "hole" for a while and go to visit yourself.

If recently you have been pestered by health problems, try not to get upset: unpleasant emotions do little to improve your well-being. Rely on good conditioning of your body and your own sanity - for sure you are sick not for the first time in your life, and therefore you must have a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow to be treated.

And since fortune-telling predicts a successful period for you in everything, there is no doubt that any ailment will be healed as soon as possible, especially if you get down to business with diligence.

Don't you think that the last streak of success spoiled you a little and you are a little lazy? Let this time the goal of your self-improvement be the education of such a quality as diligence. Remember the tasks that you worked on in the recent past, as well as those that are facing you now.

Try to honestly answer to yourself: do you often give in to difficulties? How many obstacles should there be for you to turn aside? Do you then try to finish the interrupted work, or do you just throw it out of your head?

We hope the task is clear to you. Can you perform it with diligence?

Such development in yourself of the best qualities of character will be very useful to you when carrying out a specific task. The Goldfish sign, which defines your life at the moment, says that you will have to wait for the final results, despite the fact that your wish will certainly come true.

This is where the diligence and patience you train will come in handy: they will help to cope with the grief and irritation that are inevitable when any important business is delayed.

Keep yourself in control and do not let emotions overwhelm you - this is the main condition for the successful completion of the enterprise!

A fabulous epic about the lady of the seas, a goldfish fulfilling three cherished desires, is known to every child. In ancient mythology, a magic fish with a bright golden color of scales symbolizes happiness and success, reward for hard work and obedience to fate.

Beliefs about fish endowed magical power, arose even among the ancient Udmurts and Ugriches who inhabited the territories of Russia and neighboring countries. These peoples believed that fish can protect people from misfortunes and heal from serious illnesses. If children in the tribe began to die, the elders, in order to stop mortality, called the newborns with fish names: Yushket ("perch belly"), Chipey ("pike").

Ancient Indian beliefs refer to the belly of the fish as the location of the god Vishnu.

And the Christian canons of the ancient Jews call fish - pure creatures. Separate African and Caucasian traditions revere fish as the reincarnation of the souls of those who have gone into the world dead people, according to the same beliefs, the fish, if desired, can speak humanly.

Art critics who studied Pushkin's fairy tale came to a stunning conclusion: the goldfish is the image of the ancient Slavic goddess Anakhita (among the Aryans) or Argimpasa (among the Scythians). This goddess was the keeper of the divine source of the world's waters that flowed from the top of the mountains in the kingdom of Light. This is where the magical, divine power of the fabulous fish comes from.

How goldfish helps

Moments come, and a person thinks about what kind of help he would ask the golden fish sorceress if he could. There are infinitely many desires, and it is sometimes difficult to choose the most important ones. Online fortune-telling goldfish is designed to help cope with difficult life choices and correctly prioritize.

The main principles of free fortune telling are simplicity and clarity of the answers received. This online fortune-telling is so simple that you can guess almost every minute.

Having received the desired answer, you should not relax and get ready to rest on your laurels, because for the earliest fulfillment of your desire you need to work in this direction. At a minimum, create a thought-form, ponder it, direct actions to translate your plans into reality.

Fortune-telling options goldfish

The most popular in the ranking of online fortune-telling is the "Goldfish" fortune-telling according to the "yes - no" principle. The fortuneteller mentally thinks about his dream, the fulfillment of which he doubts, and asks the fish three times. For example: "Will I get rich in the next year?" or "Can I get the position I want?"

When asking a question online, you must click on the picture of the Goldfish. The fish gives three answers "yes" ("no"). Three times "yes" means that the desire will certainly come true. If three times “no”, the plan will not come true.

If a positive result is issued twice, then the possibility of fulfilling the conceived desire is very high, if once, then it is negligible - you will need to work hard to realize your dream.

Another free version of fortune telling, no less common on online resources, helps to choose which of the three wishes at the current moment of fate is most likely to be fulfilled. For this purpose, a person formulates three questions-desires and introduces the formulations into special forms-windows. Then, by clicking, he confirms his participation in fortune-telling, and the goldfish makes a choice of desire for free, which will come true with a greater degree of probability.

Getting started online fortune telling, it is important to very accurately and clearly compose the text of desires.

Of course, many skeptics will say that this is a false fortune-telling, that this is an attempt to get a finger into the boundless sky. But the likelihood of the fulfillment of what was conceived largely directly depends on the fortuneteller's belief in a miracle, on the inner mood to make dreams come true. And from actions aimed at achieving our plans.

On the Internet there are many proposals for fortune telling "goldfish".

The online version of fortune-telling is surprisingly simple: an online fortune-teller is invited to make three wishes for free. The program "random number generator" in the "heads-tails" mode gives a verdict for every wish - whether it will come true or not. Primitive, of course, but people are attracted.

Fortune telling - if you remember, this is one of the favorite activities for children. It does not lose popularity among adults either.

However, if you want to make a wish for a "real" goldfish, it will be more interesting than the online version of fortune telling, given out for free.

Of course, hopes for a goldfish to fulfill your request have appeared since Alexander Sergeevich shared the story "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish". As we know, in any, even fabulous, story there is a "truth" hidden behind extraordinary images.

It is one thing to make a guess “will it be fulfilled or not?”, It is quite another to make a guess, wishing it will be fulfilled. The participant turns from a passive observer ... Well, almost into a wizard.

How to make wishes

  • State the request for the fish on paper. Through this simple manipulation, you get what you want - in this case, not just a "floating idea", but a clear thought, recorded information.
  • Be specific about your request. Common phrases dissipate the energy of thought. Specify numbers, shapes, smells, colors, any other details.
  • It is necessary to set a deadline for the implementation of the plan. Not just in the abstract future, but at least “in a month” or “after six months”.
  • We omit the particles "not", "without" "no", we also omit the words of indecision: "just, try, approximately, I hope." This choice of words is associated with the peculiarities of the subconscious. The subconscious mind perceives indecision as a fear, that is, a protective action is a rejection of the desire that you fear.
  • And the subconscious mind does not seem to notice the particles of negation at all, therefore the denial in the code of the unconscious sounds like a statement.

Desires for a goldfish

1. First, if a goldfish does not yet live in your home, you need to buy it. The fish is an unpretentious, quiet creature, does not take up much space. In addition, feng shui recommends the goldfish for increasing wealth.

2. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for making wishes: carry out a "general" cleaning in the apartment, purchase the best live food for the fish.

3. Third, the last preparation. Write each of your requests on a separate piece of paper as a short essay. The longer and more detailed the request, the better. Try to "convince" the fish why it is so necessary for you to fulfill this particular desire.

Making a guess!

When the evening declares itself, and the sun's disk is already hidden behind the horizon, light three candles. Place two candles on the left and right sides of the aquarium, and the third behind the aquarium.

Take the sheet with the first wish. Give your pet some live food. Then read your request out loud to the fish. If during your reading the fish turned to you, then your wish is "taken to discretion." And if it hasn't turned, then the fish is not yet ready to fulfill your request. The same procedure should be followed with the second and third requests.

It so happens that the goldfish does not want to turn around at all. Then the requests will have to wait another week. And after a week, repeat everything, it is possible that your desires will change dramatically during this time.

If the goldfish nevertheless turned to you for one, two or even three wishes, then the fortune-telling is not over yet. From that day on, as soon as you start feeding the golden pet, talk about your requests, which are "taken into account."

You can explain this divination as you like: reading affirmations, self-hypnosis, sending thoughts to the Higher Reason, materializing thoughts. It doesn't matter what you call it, right? The main thing is that our most cherished dreams, sooner or later, come true.

The more you develop confidence in your own actions, the more chances you have for achieving what you want. Faith at the level of knowledge “it will be exactly as intended” is the secret of many victories. Perhaps it is she who changes our stereotypes of behavior and thinking, and this leads to the fulfillment of our plans.

If desires start to come true, what then? Then we must remember the wonderful human qualities - this is moderation and modesty. Often it is not worth making wishes for a goldfish.

Every time a new desire is overwhelmed, take the tale of the fish and look at the ending: what happened to the tight-fisted old woman there? Author: Igor Vaskin

The belief in the magic power of the goldfish dates back to ancient times. In old myths, its golden color symbolized success and happiness, which were a reward for hard work and submission to the will of evil fate. When there is a desire to know the future, you can resort to fortune-telling Goldfish and get an answer to any question. You just need to ask about what is of particular concern at the moment.

How to know the future

An easy way to find out the answer to any question is fortune telling goldfish... The prediction can be obtained via the Internet online. You can check whether your wishes will come true even every day, but you should not ask the same question twice, even if the answer you received does not suit you. The most accurate prediction is what came out the first time. The question must be formulated in such a way that the answer is unambiguous - only "yes" or "no".

You need to choose those desires that are most important to you right now. It is undesirable to guess several times in a row, you can only once a day. After receiving a positive answer, do not wait for luck to turn to you. Vigorous efforts are required to make the thought really come true.

Online fortune telling

The easiest way to find out if your plan will come true is ask the goldfish (fortune telling online is very simple). It is enough to perform just three steps to find out the result:

  • you need to mentally conceive a desire that excites you;
  • ask a question three times by clicking on the image with a fish;
  • see the answers.

There can be only two of them - yes and no. If the result was always positive, the plan will definitely come true. A double “yes” means minor difficulties, but the likelihood of a wish being fulfilled is high. If “yes” came up only once, the chances are slim. We'll have to try hard to make the dream come true. Sometimes the answer received is three times negative. This means that what was conceived is unlikely to ever come true.

Will the plan come true

There is another way - fortune telling goldfish 3 wishes... And again, only the most important ones need to be made for today. This will allow you to find out the fate of three desires at the same time. They must be clearly formulated and written in a special form on the site. After that, click to confirm participation in the fortune-telling. The goldfish will show which one will come true.

Fortune telling on a real fish

You can find out about the future through fortune telling. Not everyone decides on lengthy rituals using special cards. there is easy way look ahead - tell fortunes on a real goldfish. Making a wish, you are not trying to interfere with the future, but simply find out the answer to the question that is of concern today. There are two rules that must be followed:

  1. the desire should be short;
  2. it is better to ask a few simple questions than one difficult one.

Only if they are implemented will you be able to correctly understand the result. There are skeptics who do not believe in the veracity of predictions. But the likelihood of their fulfillment largely depends on a person's faith in a miracle and an inner readiness to accept the result. If you are determined to carry out your plans, sparing no effort to go to the goal, then the likelihood of achieving it is much higher.

Correct wording of the request

The ritual should not be resorted to without prior attitude and preparation.... This requires:

You should not use vague expressions and negative particles... No "I hope, if only, without, no, no"... Your subconscious mind perceives this indecision as a carefully hidden fear. A defensive reaction to such behavior is an unconscious refusal to realize the dream. Subconsciously negative intonations are perceived as an affirmative action.

If you don't have a real goldfish yet, you need to get one. She is undemanding in content, her appearance attracts cash flows into the house. Buy live food for the new pet, which will also be needed for the ritual.

How to perform the ritual

Describe your wishes on three separate pieces of paper, try to mentally talk to the fish and convince her to help fulfill cherished dream... Wait until evening and place three lighted candles around the aquarium: left, back and right. Take a leaf with one of the desires in your hands and pour some food into the aquarium. Read the request aloud, paying attention to the pet's behavior. If he turned in your direction while reading, then the wish will come true. The same steps must be repeated with the other two leaves.

Sometimes it happens that during a fortune-telling ritual, the magic fish does not pay attention to you, then the fortune-telling needs to be repeated.This can be done in a week, probably this time luck will be favorable to you. If this happens, it is necessary to continue the fortune telling. This process can be called in different ways: self-hypnosis, auto-training, materialization of desires. And the essence of such fortune telling is to see an affirmative answer of the fish, thereby bringing the desire to real fulfillment thanks to your faith in it and the help of the universe.

The chances of fulfilling the plan directly depend on the person's faith, his willingness to make efforts to achieve the cherished goal. When desires begin to come true, do not forget about moderation and restraint. Otherwise, you can scare off luck, and all good things can quickly end. The final will be like in a famous fairy tale. This simple but truthful ritual allows both adults and children to tell fortunes.

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