Prey: Psychometry achievement. Neutral particle beam injector based on negative ions Prey psychoactive particle injector where to find

hashish addiction

The narcotic effect occurs both when taken orally and when smoking cannabis. There are several names for the drug - hashish, marijuana, shash, bang, harass - weed.

When using cannabis, attention disorders, “stupefaction, authenticity of behavior with inadequate, uncontrollable laughter, talkativeness, desire for movement (dancing, jumping) are observed. There is noise and ringing in the ears, appetite increases. There are tendencies to aggressive actions from somatic manifestations noted on the face: marbling, pale nasolabial triangle, injected conjunctiva. There is an increase in heart rate (100 beats / min or more), dry mouth. The pupils are dilated, their reaction to light is weakened.

When using high doses of cocoin preparations, a state of excitation occurs, visual and sometimes auditory hallucinations. This condition may resemble an acute attack of schizophrenia.

Intoxication when smoking marijuana lasts 2-4 hours, while taking hashish inside 5-12 hours. Signs of physical dependence are expressed in the form of irritability and sleep disturbance, sweating and nausea.

Mental dependence on the drug is strong enough.

With chronic use of cannabis preparations, personality depression occurs with a decrease in interest in the environment, initiative and passivity. Intellectual abilities decrease, gross behavioral disorders occur with frequent antisocial acts. High frequency of offenses while intoxicated. Hashish addiction is the "entrance gate" of addiction. Cannabis users quickly switch to other extremely dangerous drugs.


There is also a derivative of cocaine - crack, which is much stronger than cocaine in its action. After special processing of cocaine, plates are obtained that are very similar to flower petals. They are usually crushed and smoked. When smoking, crack penetrates the body very quickly through the system of blood vessels in the lungs. Getting into the circulatory system of the lungs, crack is several times faster than cocaine powder, which is inhaled through the nose, penetrates the human brain. The range of sensations and the complex of intoxication comes even faster than with intravenous administration.

Any use of drugs brings irreparable damage to the human body. They destroy the human nervous system and cause symptoms such as deafness, delirium, and digestive disorders. In addition, drug addicts usually become impotent.


Nasvay (fill, us, nats, nose, ice, natsik) is a type of non-smoking tobacco product traditional for Central Asia.

The main components of nasvay are tobacco and alkali (slaked lime). The composition may also include: slaked lime (instead of lime, chicken droppings or camel dung can be used), components of various plants, oil. Seasonings are sometimes added to improve the taste. Officially, "nasvay" is tobacco dust mixed with glue, lime, water or vegetable oil rolled into balls. In Central Asia, where nasvay is very popular, the recipes for its preparation are different, and often there is no tobacco dust in the mixture at all. It is replaced by more active components.

Nasvay is placed in the mouth, trying to prevent contact with the lips, which in this case become blistered. Swallowed saliva or grains of the potion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which is also very unpleasant. And the resulting pleasure - slight dizziness, tingling in the arms and legs, clouding in the eyes - lasts no more than 5 minutes. The main reason for laying nasvay teenagers is that after it you don’t want to smoke.

Nasvay, impact: slight dizziness, tingling in the arms and legs, blurred vision.

Nasvay, side effects.

Consumption of nasvay can lead to dependence and further physical abnormalities in the functioning of the body and peculiar sensations, such as: vegetative disorders, sweating, orthostatic collapse (a condition in which a person experiences dizziness with a sharp change in body position, darkens in the eyes), fainting, increased risk development of rare oncological diseases, diseases of the teeth, diseases of the oral mucosa, diseases of the esophageal mucosa.

Nasvay, short term impact

Strong local burning of the oral mucosa, heaviness in the head, and later in all parts of the body, apathy, sharp salivation, dizziness, muscle relaxation. Some suggest that the effects of nasvay may be less pronounced in those who have a history of tobacco smoking, but this is not the case. Nasvay will not replace cigarette smoking. Those who use nasvay for a long time stop noticing such manifestations as burning, unpleasant smell and taste of this strange potion. But, probably, that's when the smell becomes obvious to everyone around.

Consumers also warn beginners not to combine nasvay with alcohol due to the unpredictability of the effects. When using nasvay, it is very easy to get a dose from which you can suddenly become uncomfortable, and you can even lose consciousness, since it is very difficult to calculate your dose.

Nasvay long-term effects of consumption

1. According to Uzbek oncologists, 80% of cases of cancer of the tongue, lips and other organs of the oral cavity, as well as the larynx were associated with the fact that people use nasvay. Nasvay is a 100% chance of getting cancer.

3. Gardeners know what will happen to a plant if it is watered with an undiluted solution of chicken manure: it will "burn out". Doctors confirm that the same thing happens in the body of a person who uses nasvay, primarily the oral mucosa and the gastrointestinal tract suffer. Long-term use of nasvay can lead to stomach ulcers.

4. Since the main active ingredient of nasvay is tobacco, the same nicotine addiction develops. This form of tobacco is more harmful than cigarette smoking. a person receives a large dose of nicotine, especially due to the effect of lime on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Nasvay is highly addictive.

5. Narcologists believe that other narcotic substances, in addition to tobacco, may be added to some servings of nasvay. Thus, not only nicotine dependence develops, but also dependence on other chemicals.

6. Nasvay can be attributed to the number psychotropic substances. Its use by teenagers affects their mental development - perception decreases and memory deteriorates, children become unbalanced. Consumers report memory problems, a constant state of confusion. The consequences of the use are a change in the personality of a teenager, a violation of his psyche, as a result, the degradation of the personality.

7. In children, the use of nasvay very quickly becomes a habit, becomes the norm. Soon the teenager wants more intense sensations. And if a teenager buys nasvay for himself with the same ease as chewing gum, then there is a chance that in the near future he will try hard drugs.

8. Consumers report tooth decay.

9. Using nasvay, sperm production stops, reproductive function is disturbed, and there are practically no chances for its restoration - Institute of Medical Problems of the Academy of Sciences. The harm that nasvay causes does not depend on the duration of its use. Nasvay can strike immediately, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.


Spice ("spice", K2, translated from English. "seasoning", "spice") - one of the brands of synthetic smoking mixtures, supplied for sale in the form of grass with a chemical applied. It has a psychoactive effect similar to that of marijuana. Spice mixtures have been sold in European countries since 2006 (according to some reports, since 2004) under the guise of incense, mainly through online stores. In 2008, it was found that the active ingredient in the mixtures are not substances of plant origin, but synthetic analogues of tetrahydrocannabinol

Consequences of spice:

  1. Acute mental disorders- hallucinations, panic attacks, irritation, anger, eternal depression;
  2. Deteriorating condition every day - the main harm spice causes to the brain;
  3. Serious disorders of motor skills and the vestibular apparatus, which are expressed in grimaces on the face, a dancing gait and distortion of speech, as if a person had crumpled cheekbones;
  4. Complete lack of appetite and sleep, the patient dries up before our eyes.

Reading about the consequences that happen to all spice addicts, many patients think that this will not happen to them, or will happen, but not immediately, but sometime in the distant future. This is the most common misconception. All this will not just happen very soon, it is happening right now, from the very first dose and with each new puff, a person turns into a vegetable. Everyone chooses the degree of his rigor for himself.

Spice damage. The fact that spice causes serious damage to the psyche has already been proven not only by narcologists, but also by popular videos of spice addicts circulating in in social networks and blogs of Yekaterinburg. The sight is truly terrible.

Most high percent Suicide rates have been recorded among spice addicts. At the same time, teenagers were clearly not going to say goodbye to life until the moment of smoking. How spice makes a person take this step is unknown. Some patients admit that under spice they feel the ability to control the world and believe in their own immortality.

Narcologists note another destructive feature of new smoking mixtures. Prolonged abstinence from smoking spice, like coding in alcoholism, is fraught with a severe breakdown, in which an overdose is even possible.

Overdose symptoms may appear 10-15 minutes after smoking, more often the malaise is expressed by sudden onset of nausea, pallor of the skin, a person feels an acute lack of oxygen, which can result in fainting. If you do not urgently call an ambulance due to respiratory arrest, even a fatal outcome is possible.

Spice addiction stages:

First dose. First stage on which the acquaintance with the drug takes place. The new drug spice is perceived as an indicator of maturity and toughness. Teenagers still do not even suspect what a dramatic ending awaits them.

Experimental period. Having enjoyed several times what they give, the addict begins to try to mix smoking mixtures, simultaneously increasing the dose.

Spice smoking becomes part of Everyday life. However, at this stage, a person does not yet wonder how to quit smoking spice, while it seems to him that this is normal and even great.

Crucial moment. Soon the day will surely come when there is no way to get smoking mixes. The patient needs to remove the fracture. At this moment, he realizes that from now on he is unable to control his addiction, and he needs drug treatment.

Payback time. The first serious consequences of spice use appear. First of all, smoking spice attacks the brain and nervous system. In a matter of months, it simply dries up the brain, memory disappears, thoughts get confused, the patient experiences constant withdrawal, and even if a doctor is called, he will not be able to completely stop serious condition. Drug addiction treatment at this stage of addiction can only be effective in a rehabilitation center.

As systems, these devices will require the most significant effort of highly qualified specialists for successful implementation in metal. In this post, I will tell you more about what a neutral atom injector is, why it is needed, and I will try to reveal the engineering novelty of this device.

Project image of the ITER neutral beam injector. Two such devices are the size of a railroad locomotive. will be installed at ITER in the 20s.

So, as we know, in a tokamak there are exactly 3 main tasks - to heat the plasma, keep it from scattering and remove heat. After the breakdown of the plasma, and the appearance of a discharge in it, a ring current of enormous power arises in it - the ohmic heating mode begins. However, plasma cannot be heated above a temperature of 2 keV in this mode - its resistance drops, less and less heat is released, and more and more plasma radiates. Further heating can be done by radio frequency methods - at certain frequencies, the plasma actively absorbs radio waves. However, there is also a power limit here - radio frequency heating creates collective movements and waves, which at some point lead to instabilities. Then the third method comes into play - the injection of fast neutral particles. Its analogy is the heating of air by a burner inside solid balloons - at a plasma temperature of 5-15 keV, a beam of fast particles with an energy of 1000 keV crashes into it.

The injector beam shines into the plasma torus, ionizes and slows down there, transferring energy and momentum to its central part.

NBI is located in a vacuum case and consists of several machines, which are described below.

Mankind can easily and naturally accelerate particles to an energy of 1 MeV. However, there is one problem - we can only accelerate charged particles (for example, positive ions - atoms with detached electrons), and they, in turn, cannot get inside the magnetic confinement for exactly the same reason why plasma cannot escape from there. The solution to this conflict was the idea of ​​accelerating charged particles and then neutralizing them. On all previous generations of tokamaks, this was implemented by accelerating ordinary (positive, with one detached electron) ions, and then neutralizing them by flying through ordinary hydrogen or deuterium - in this case, an exchange of electrons occurs and some of the ions successfully turn into neutral atoms flying further with that the same speed. True, the maximum power of such injectors does not exceed 1 megawatt, with an injected flow energy of 40–100 kEv and a current of 10–25 amperes. And iter needs at least 40 megawatts. An increase in the power of a single injector in the forehead, for example, through an increase in energy from 100 keV to 1000 stubbornness at such a moment that positively charged ions cease to be neutralized by the gas, being accelerated to such energies. And it is impossible to raise the beam current - the ions flying nearby are pushed apart by the Coulomb forces and the beam diverges.

The solution to the problems that arose was the transition from positively charged ions to negatively charged ones. Those. ions with an extra electron attached to them. Just the procedure of “scraping” excess electrons from fast-flying atoms in accelerator technology has been worked out well and does not cause any particular difficulties even for ions accelerated to 1 megaelectronvolt, flying with a current of 40 amperes that is crazy for accelerators. Thus, the NBI concept became clear to the developers, the only thing left was to develop a device that would be capable of producing negative ions.

In the course of the study, it turned out that the best source of atoms with attached “extra” electrons is an inductively coupled plasma of hydrogen or deuterium doped with cesium atoms. In this case, “inductively coupled” means that a coil is wound around the plasma through which a high-frequency current is passed, and the plasma inductively absorbs this energy. Further, the electrostatic potential on a special grid pulls electrons and negative ions forward. The electrons are deflected by special magnets, while the ions fly forward and are accelerated by the electrostatic field to an energy of 1 MeV. In order to accelerate to 1 MeV, it is necessary to create a potential on grids of +1 Megavolt. 1 million volts is a very serious value that complicates life in the development of many elements of this accelerator, and is practically the limit for the current state of technology. At the same time, the planned ion current is 47 amperes, i.e. the power of the “ion searchlight” will be almost 47 megawatts.

The development of a negative ion source based on inductively coupled plasma has gone through several stages.

So, elongated and accelerated on 5 grids with a potential difference of 200 kilovolts to 1 megaelectronvolt, the ions enter the neutralizer - the volume into which gas is pumped at a pressure a hundred times higher than in the ionization region (but still it is a rather deep vacuum). Here H- or D- ions collide with H2 or D2 molecules according to the reaction H- + H2 = H + H*. However, the neutralization efficiency is far from 100% (but rather 50 percent). Now the beam must be cleared of the remaining charged particles, which still cannot penetrate into the plasma. Further on the way is the residual ion quencher - a water-cooled copper target, onto which, again, everything that retains a charge is electrostatically deflected. At the same time, the energy that the absorber is forced to absorb is a little more than 20 megawatts.

The appearance of the neutralizer and its characteristics.

After quenching, another problem arises - “excess” ions, having been neutralized, turn into a gas, quite a lot of gas that must be pumped out of the NBI cavity. It seems that they just pumped it up, but before and after the neutralizer, on the contrary, we need a better vacuum. The intermittent cryopumps located on the sides come into play. In general, cryo-isolated pumps are one of the topics that, as part of the development of TCB, has been greatly moved forward. The fact is that any thermonuclear plasma trap needs to pump out a mixture of helium, deuterium and tritium in large volumes. At the same time, such a mixture cannot be pumped out mechanically (for example, by turbomolecular pumps) because tritium passes through rotating seals. And an alternative technology - cryo-condensation pumps do not work very well due to helium, which remains gaseous at low pressures to the minimum reasonable temperatures to which the condenser of such a pump can be cooled. There was only one technology left - to besiege gas mixture on charcoal cooled to 4.7 K - in this case, gas is sorbed to the surface. Then the surface can be heated, and the desorbed gases can be sent to a separation system, which will send dangerous tritium to storage.

One of the largest pumps of this type in the world is being developed for the ITER NBI and is located on the sides of the ion quenching system. It consists of many petals, which periodically change their configuration, warm up to 80K, and discharge the accumulated gas into the receiver, then cool again and open for further sorption.

Crisorptive converter pumps.

By the way, it should be noted that, operating according to the same periodic principle, they will be installed in the ITER tokamak itself along the lower belt around the divertor. Their periodic burying-opening of giant poppet valves (meter in diameter) for heating, desorption and reverse cooling somehow reminds me of steampunk machines in the spirit of the 19th century :)

One of the cryosorption pom of the main volume of ITER

In the meantime, at NBI, an already practically formed beam of neutral hydrogen or deuterium atoms, with a power of 20-odd megawatts, passes through the last device - a calorimeter / beam cleaner. This device performs the tasks of absorbing neutral atoms that are too deviated from the axis of the tunnel (“beam cleaning”) through which they enter the plasma and accurately measuring the energy of neutral atoms to understand the contribution of NBI to plasma heating. At this point, the NBI task can be considered completed!

However, it would be too easy for ITER to make a machine 20 times more powerful than its counterparts, using technologies that were not available at the time of development. As usual, the tokamak environment imposes its own harsh conditions.

First, this whole system of electrostatic acceleration / deflection / damping is very sensitive to magnetic fields. Those. putting it next to the biggest magnets in the world is a terribly bad idea. To suppress these fields, a combination of active anti-magnetic fields will be used, created by “warm” coils with a power of 400 kilowatts and permalloy screens. Nevertheless, residual perturbations are one of the subjects of close work on projects.

NBI cell in the building of the ITER tokamak. The middle NBI shows the yellow blocks of the magnetic shield and the gray frames of the external field neutralization coils.

The second problem is tritium, which will inevitably fly through the beam feeding tunnel and settle inside the NBI. Which automatically makes it unattended by humans. Therefore, one of the ITER robotic maintenance systems will be located in the NBI chamber and serve 2 energy beam accelerators of 17 megawatts each (yes, when consuming more than 50 megawatts from the outlet, the system delivers only 17 megawatts to the plasma - such a filthy efficiency), and one diagnostic (the interaction of such a beam with plasma provides a lot of information for understanding the situation in it) per 100 kilowatts.

Energy balance of the neutral injector.

The third problem is the 1 megavolt level. The NBI itself receives power lines for plasma sources, various extraction and screening grids, 5 accelerator potentials (each differs from its neighbor by 200 kilovolts, a current of about 45 amperes flows between them), gas and water supply lines. All these systems must be introduced into the device, insulated relative to the ground by 1 megavolt. At the same time, isolation of 1 megavolt in air means breakdown-protective radii of ~1 meter, which is hardly feasible if there are ~20 lines that must be electrically isolated from each other in one bushing. This task was implemented by spreading high-voltage sources over a large area and entering through a tunnel filled with SF6 under pressure. Critical now, however, are air-SF6 / SF6 feedthroughs - vacuum into this tunnel - in short, a lot of tasks for engineers in high-voltage technology with parameters that are not found commercially in this industry.

Building of high-voltage sources NBI. On the right - auxiliary sources, to the left - 2 groups of 5 high-voltage sources of the accelerator, in the building isolated sources 1 MV. On the left is a cell in the tokamak building, where 3 NBI + diagnostic beam are located.

NBI section at ITER. To the left of the NBI is a green quick-acting vacuum lock that cuts off the NBI from the tokamak if necessary. A cylindrical bushing for 1 megavolt and its dimensions are clearly visible.

Space has been left in the NBI chamber for the third energy module, for a possible upgrade of ITER in energy. Now the plasma heating system is planned with a capacity of 74 megawatts - 34 NBI, 20 MW high-frequency radio heating and 20 MW low-frequency, and in the future - up to 120 megawatts, which will extend the plasma burning time to an hour at a power of 750 megawatts.

Bench complex MITICA + SPIDER

Produces energy NBI Europe, contracts have already been distributed. Part of the high-voltage direct current sources will be manufactured by Japan. Since the NBI device in terms of complexity and volume of work can compete with tokamaks of the 80s as a whole, in Europe, in Padua, it is being built, where 1 NBI module and a separate SPIDER negative ion source will be reproduced in full size (before that, its half worked on another stand in 2010 at the German Institute IPP). This complex is now being put into operation, and by the end of next year, the first experiments will already begin on it, and by 2020 they hope to work out all aspects of the NBI system.

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In this article, you will learn where to look for all crew members at the Life Support Bay location, how to open all doors using key cards (passes) and access codes (passwords). Please note that for some combination locks in the game there are no passwords, so you will have to crack them.

On the metal stairs under the electricity on the left, find corpse of Penny Tennyson.

Climb up the stairs to the right. On the right is the medical bay. In it you can find 1 neuromod. Break the plaster blocking the way to the restroom and search corpse of Elton Weber.

Secret. On the corpse of Weber there will be a note about a cache in the hall near the escape pods. When you go down on the gravity lift, then go into the passage behind it, leading to the capsules. There is a turret in this passage. In the corner, find a place where you can go down under the metal floor (the pipe still goes there). After going down, find a niche in the wall with an open cache.

A cache in the hallway in front of the compartment with escape pods.

Here, find a protective hatch, climb inside and find on the left corpse of Tobias Frost With active particle injector (quest item) and transcriptor "Injector of active particles".

Exit to the corridor nearby and find 4 corpses - Ari Ludnart, Augusto Vera, Carol Sykes, Erica Teague with a note ( the code for the safe in the security booth is "5298") and transcriber "Remmer is not himself".

Key card from the security office located nearby. Opposite the door to this office there is a hatch. Climb into it and find the same one in the floor ahead. Jump down and look on the floor key card. After opening the door to the security office, enter the password on the safe and get a few items. Download sector map from the terminal, and also read the last letter "Missing Engineer".

Go through the decontamination room to the air filtration control room. Upstairs, go to the appropriate room and take away from the panel transcriber Jeanne Fauré "There's something here". Outside, look for a terminal opposite the running fans and search corpse of Alan Bianchi.

Transcriptor Jeanne Fauré.

Return to the beginning of the location and take the gravity lift down. There is a storage room on the side. To obtain code from the pantry in life support, you need to get into the Oxygen Flow Control Room. It's nearby. How to get there is described in the passage of the quest "Dal's Ultimatum - Cargo Bay".

Follow the corridor behind the elevator, where there is a broken turret. Go to the capsules and kill the phantom, which is Kirk Remmer. Take his beacon bracelet and transcriber "Escape Pod Failure". Here lies corpse of Uma Isak. Repair the remote near the far right escape pod and open it. Inside there will be a mimic and corpse of Angela Diaz.

The corpses of Anon Lao and Hank Majors can be found near the capsules on the left. Inside the middle capsule on the left, find Emily Carter's corpse With transcriptor "Sobering up". This will start the additional quest "Sobering up tank", as a result of which you will find corpse of Price Broadway(read in a separate article on side tasks).

Go to the opposite side of the gravity lift and find the corpse of Raya Leirouat. Turn left into the water treatment plant and upon entering look for corpse of Cynthia Dringas. To the left under the stairs lies corpse of Roger May. Corpse of Kane Rosito located on the right side - pressed by the container. The light on the territory of the water treatment plant is turned on at the terminal at the very beginning of the premises, near the corpse of Raya Leirouat.

Climb up and go through the room with two terminals. Exit through another door and find on the bridge corpse of Pablo Myers.

Inside the room in the far right corner (above), find dead body of johnny branghen. To get there, climb to the very top of the stairs from the previous corpse, jump on the equipment and go down to the blue pipe. Jump from it to the back entrance.

The corpse of Max Weigel-Goetz not easy to find. Go back to the life support hall and stand near the gravity lifts. Jump down over the fence on the left to land on the pipe where the corpse is. Also you will receive air mixture regulator drawing.

The corpse of Max Weigel-Goetz.

It will come in handy for creating an air mixture regulator in side quest"Dal's Ultimatum" when you need to restore the air supply in the cargo hold (but in the event that you cannot repair the broken one).

The owners of the patent RU 2619923:

Technical field

The subject matter described herein generally relates to neutral particle beam injectors, and more particularly to a negative ion neutral particle beam injector.

Prior Art

In fact, until today, neutral particle beams used in fusion research, etching, material processing, sterilization, and other applications are formed from positive ions. The positive ions of the hydrogen isotope are drawn out and accelerated from the gas-discharge plasma by means of electrostatic fields. Immediately after the ground plane of the accelerator, they enter the gas cell, where they undergo both charge exchange reactions in order to obtain reactions based on electron ionization and impact ionization for additional containment. Because the charge exchange cross section drops much more rapidly with increasing energy than the ionization cross section, the fraction of equilibrium neutral particles in a thick gas cell begins to drop rapidly at energies above 60 keV for hydrogen particles. For neutral particle beam applications based on hydrogen isotope ions requiring energies well above this, it is necessary to form and accelerate negative ions and then convert them to neutral particles in a thin gas element, which can lead to a fraction of neutral particles of approximately 60% over a wide range energies up to several MeV. Even higher proportions of neutral particles can be obtained if a plasma or photonic cell is used to convert high energy negative ion beams into neutral particles. In the case of a photonic cell, in which the photon energy exceeds the electron affinity of hydrogen, the fractions of neutral particles can be almost 100%. It should be noted that for the first time the idea of ​​using negative ions in accelerator physics was formulated by Alvarez more than 50 years ago.

Since neutral particle beams for excitation and current heating in large fusion devices of the future, as well as some applications in modern devices, require energies that are significantly higher than the limits available using positive ions, in last years beams of neutral particles based on negative ions are being developed. However, the beam currents achievable so far are much less than the beam currents generated in a quite conventional way by means of positive ion sources. The physical reason for the lower productivity of negative ion sources in relation to the beam current is the low electron affinity of hydrogen, which is only 0.75 eV. Therefore, it is much more difficult to form negative hydrogen ions than their positive equivalents. It is also quite difficult for newborn negative ions to reach the elongation region without collisions with high energy electrons, which, with a very high probability, lead to the loss of an excess weakly bound electron. Pulling H - ions out of the plasma to form a beam is similarly more difficult than for H + ions, since negative ions are accompanied by a much larger electron current unless containment measures are applied. Since the cross section for collisionally stripping an electron from an H- ion to form an atom is much larger than the cross section for H + ions to gain an electron from a hydrogen molecule, the proportion of ions converted to neutral particles during acceleration can be significant if the density of the pipeline in the path of the accelerator is not minimized by operating the ion source at low pressure. Ions prematurely neutralized during acceleration form a low energy remnant and, in general, have more divergence than ions that experience full acceleration potential.

Neutralization of a beam of accelerated negative ions can be performed in a gas target with an efficiency of approximately 60%. The use of plasma and photonic targets provides an opportunity to further increase the efficiency of negative ion neutralization. The overall energy efficiency of the injector can be improved by recovering the energy of the ion species remaining in the beam after passing through the neutralizer.

A schematic diagram of a high power neutral beam injector for the ITER tokamak, which is also typical of other contemplated magnetic confinement systems in the reactor, is shown in FIG. The basic components of the injector are a high-current source of negative ions, an ion accelerator, a neutralizer, a magnetic separator of the charged component of the recharged beam with ion receivers/recuperators.

To maintain the required vacuum conditions in the injector, a high vacuum evacuation system is typically used with large check valves to cut off the beam flow from the plasma device and/or provide access to the main elements of the injector. Beam parameters are measured using retractable calorimetric targets as well as non-destructive optical methods. The formation of powerful beams of neutral particles requires the use of an appropriate power source.

According to the principle of formation, sources of negative ions can be divided into the following groups:

Sources of volumetric formation (plasma), in which ions are formed in the plasma volume;

Surface formation sources, in which ions are formed on the surface of electrodes or special targets;

Surface plasma sources, in which ions are formed on the surfaces of electrodes interacting with plasma particles, which were developed by the Novosibirsk group; and

Charge exchange sources in which negative ions are formed as a result of the charge exchange of beams of accelerated positive ions on various targets.

To form plasma in modern volumetric sources of H - ions, similar to the source of positive ions, arc discharges with thermionic filaments or hollow cathodes are used, as well as radio frequency discharges in hydrogen. To improve the confinement of electrons during discharge and to reduce the density of hydrogen in the gas discharge chamber, which is important for sources of negative ions, discharges in a magnetic field are used. Systems with an external magnetic field (i.e., with the Penning geometry or magnetron geometry of electrodes, with electron oscillations in the longitudinal magnetic field of a "reflective" discharge) and systems with a peripheral magnetic field (multipole) are widely used. A cross-sectional view of a discharge chamber with a peripheral magnetic field designed for a neutral particle beam jet injector is shown in Fig.4. The magnetic field at the periphery of the plasma box is formed by means of permanent magnets mounted on its outer surface. The magnets are placed in rows in which the direction of magnetization is constant or changes in offset order such that the magnetic field lines have a geometry of linear or staggered protrusions near the wall.

The use of systems with a multipole magnetic field at the periphery of plasma chambers, in particular, makes it possible for the systems to maintain dense plasma in the source at a reduced working gas pressure in the chamber up to 1-4 Pa (without cesium) and up to 0.3 Pa in systems with cesium. Such a decrease in the hydrogen density in the discharge chamber, in particular, is of importance for high-current multi-aperture giant ion sources, which are being developed for use in research in the field of thermonuclear fusion.

At present, ion sources based on surface plasma formation are considered the most suitable for the formation of high-current negative ion beams.

In ion sources based on surface plasma formation, ions are formed in the interaction between particles having sufficient energy and a surface with low work function. This effect can be enhanced by alkaline coating of the bombarded surface. Two main processes are envisaged, namely thermodynamically equilibrium surface ionization, in which a slow atom or molecule colliding with a surface is emitted back as a positive or negative ion after an average residence time, and non-equilibrium (kinetic) atomic-surface interaction, in which negative ions are formed by sputtering, impact desorption (as opposed to thermal desorption, which desorbs thermal particles), or reflection in the presence of an alkali metal coating. In the process of thermodynamically equilibrium ionization, adsorbed particles detach from the surface under conditions of thermal equilibrium. The ionization coefficient of particles leaving the surface is determined by means of the Saha formula and is assumed to be very small ~0.02%.

Non-equilibrium kinetic surface ionization processes are supposedly much more efficient on the surface and have a rather low work function, comparable to the electron affinity of a negative ion. During this process, a negative ion is detached from the surface, overcoming the subsurface barrier using the kinetic energy obtained from the primary particle. Near the surface, the energy level of the extra electron is below the upper Fermi level of electrons in the metal, and this level can very easily be occupied by electron tunneling out of the metal. During ionic movement from the surface, it overcomes a potential barrier formed by means of a mirror charge. The field of the charge distribution pattern enhances the energy level of the additional electron relative to the energy levels of the electrons in the metal. Starting from a certain critical distance, the level of the additional electron becomes higher than the upper energy level of electrons in the metal, and resonant tunneling returns the electron from the outgoing ion back to the metal. In case the particle is detached fast enough, the negative ionization coefficient is expected to be quite high for a low work function surface that can be provided by coating with an alkali metal, in particular cesium.

It has been experimentally shown that the degree of negative ionization of hydrogen particles detached from this surface with a reduced work function can reach =0.67. It should be noted that the work function on tungsten surfaces has a minimum value with a Cs coating of 0.6 monolayers (on the surface of a tungsten crystal 110).

For the development of sources of negative hydrogen ions, it is important that the integral yield of negative ions be high enough, K - = 9-25%, for collisions of hydrogen atoms and positive ions with energies of 3-25 eV with surfaces with low work function, such as Mo+Cs , W+Cs . In particular (see Fig.5), when bombarding the cesized molybdenum surface with Franck-Condon atoms with an energy exceeding 2 eV, the integral conversion efficiency into H - ions can reach K - ~8%.

In surface plasma sources (SPS), the formation of negative ions is realized due to kinetic surface ionization, namely, the processes of sputtering, desorption, or reflection on the electrodes in contact with the gas-discharge plasma. Special emitter electrodes with reduced work function are used in SPS to improve the formation of negative ions. As a rule, adding a small amount of cesium to the discharge makes it possible to obtain an increase in brightness and intensity in the beam collector Hˉ. The introduction of cesium atoms into the discharge significantly reduces the accompanying flow of electrons drawn with negative ions.

In the SPS, the gas-discharge plasma performs several functions, namely, it forms intense flows of particles bombarding the electrodes; the plasma shell adjacent to the electrode generates ion acceleration, thereby increasing the energy of the bombarding particles; negative ions, which are formed in electrodes with a negative potential, are accelerated by means of the potential of the plasma shell and penetrate through the plasma layer into the region of elongation without significant destruction. Intensive formation of negative ions with rather high efficiency of power and gas utilization was obtained in various SPS modifications under the conditions of a "dirty" gas discharge and intense bombardment of electrodes.

Several SPS sources have been developed for large fusion devices such as the LHD, JT-60U, and the International (ITER) tokamak.

The typical features of these sources can be understood by considering the LHD stellarator injector shown in FIG. 6 . The arc-discharge plasma is formed in a large magnetic multi-pole vane enclosing chamber with a volume of ~100 liters. Twenty-four tungsten filaments maintain an arc of 3 kA, ~80 V at a hydrogen pressure of approximately 0.3-0.4 Pa. An external magnetic filter with a maximum field at the center of ~50 gauss provides the electron density and temperature reduction in the extraction region near the plasma electrode. Positive bias of the plasma electrode (~10 V) reduces the accompanying electron flow. Negative ions are formed on a plasma electrode coated with an optimal cesium layer. External cesium furnaces (three for one source) equipped with pneumatic valves feed the distributed introduction of cesium atoms. The formation of negative ions reaches its maximum at the optimum temperature of the plasma electrode 200-250 o C. The plasma electrode is thermally insulated and its temperature is determined by plasma discharge power loads.

The four-electrode multi-aperture ion-optical system that is used in the LHD ion source is shown in FIG. 7 . Negative ions are drawn out through 770 radiation apertures with a diameter of 1.4 cm. The apertures occupy an area of ​​25×125 cm 2 on the plasma electrode. Small permanent magnets are embedded in the extraction grid between the apertures to deflect the co-extracted electrons from the beam onto the wall of the extraction electrode. An additional electronic delay grid installed behind the extraction grid traps secondary electrons backscattered or emitted from the walls of the extraction electrodes. A multi-slot ground grid with high transparency is used in the ion source. This reduces the cross section of the beams, thereby increasing the voltage holding capacity and lowering the gas pressure in the gaps by a factor of 2.5, with a corresponding reduction in beam stripping losses. Both the pulling electrode and the ground electrode are water-cooled.

The introduction of cesium atoms into a multipoint source provides a 5-fold increase in the current of drawn negative ions and a linear increase in the yield of H - ions in a wide range of discharge powers and pressures when filled with hydrogen. Other important advantages of introducing cesium atoms are a ~10-fold decrease in the jointly drawn electron current and a significant decrease in the hydrogen pressure during discharge to 0.3 Pa.

Multitip sources in an LHD typically provide an ion current of approximately 30 A with a current density of 30 mA/cm 2 in 2 second pulses. The main problems for LHD ion sources are blocking the cesium that is introduced into the arc chamber by the tungsten sputtered from the filaments and reducing the holding capacity high voltage when operating in the mode of long pulses with a high power level.

The LHD negative ion neutral beam injector has two ion sources interacting with hydrogen at a nominal beam energy of 180 keV. Each injector achieves a nominal injection power of 5 MW during a pulse of 128 seconds, so that each ion source provides a neutral particle beam of 2.5 MW. 8A and B show an LHD neutral particle beam injector. The focal length of the ion source is 13 m, and the turning point of the two sources is 15.4 m lower. The injection port is approximately 3 m long, with the narrowest part having a diameter of 52 cm and a length of 68 cm.

Ion sources with RF plasma formers and the formation of negative ions on a cesium-coated plasma electrode are developed at IPP Garching. RF formers form a purer plasma, so there is no blocking of cesium by tungsten in these sources. Steady-state pulling of a negative ion beam pulse with a beam current of 1 A, an energy of ~20 kV, and a duration of 3600 seconds was demonstrated by IPP in 2011.

At present, high energy neutral beam injectors being developed for next-generation fusion devices such as the ITER tokamak, for example, do not exhibit stable operation at the required energy of 1 MeV and operation in steady state or continuous wave (CW) mode. ) at a sufficiently high current. Therefore, there is a need to develop practicable solutions if it is possible to solve problems that hinder the achievement of target beam parameters, such as, for example, beam energy in the range of 500-1000 keV, effective current density in neutral particles of the main tank port of 100-200 A/m 3, the power per neutral particle injector is approximately 5-20 MW, the pulse duration is 1000 seconds, and the gas loads introduced by the beam injector are less than 1-2% of the beam current. It should be noted that achieving this goal becomes much less costly if the negative ion current in the injector module is reduced to an ion extraction current of up to 8-10 A compared to an ion extraction current of 40 A for the ITER beam. The stepwise reduction of the extracted current and beam power should lead to strong changes in the design of the key elements of the ion source in the form of an injector and a high energy accelerator, so that much more carefully developed technologies and approaches become applicable, which increases the reliability of the injector. Therefore, in the current situation, a drawable current of 8-10 A per module is suggested, assuming that the required output injection power can be obtained by using several injector modules forming low-divergence, high-current-density beams.

The performance of surface plasma sources is fairly well documented, and several ion sources operating to date produce continuous scalable ion beams in excess of 1 A or higher. Until now, the main parameters of neutral particle beam injectors, such as beam power and pulse duration, are rather far from those required for the considered injector. The current state of development of these injectors can be understood from Table 1.

Table 1
Current density (A / m 2) 200D-
100D- 350H- 230D-
Beam energy (keV) 1000H- 1000D-
365 186 9 25
Pulse duration (sec) ≥1000 3600D-
19 10 <6 5
The ratio of the number of electrons to the number of ions 1 ~0,25 <1 <1 <1
Pressure (pa) 0,3 0,3 0,26 0,3 0,3 0,35
Comments Combined numbers not yet reached, full scale experiments in progress at IPP Garching - sustained pulse source (MANITU) currently delivers 1 A/20 kV for 3600 sec at D - Filament source Filament source RF source, partial draw, test bench known as BATMAN, operated at 2 A/20 kV for ~6 sec
Source KamabokoIII (JAERI) on MANTIS (CEA)

Therefore, it is desirable to provide an improved neutral particle beam injector.

Brief summary of the invention

The embodiments provided herein are directed to systems and methods for a negative ion neutral particle beam injector. The negative ion neutral particle beam injector comprises an ion source, an accelerator, and a neutralizer to generate a neutral particle beam of approximately 5 MW with an energy of approximately 0.50-1.0 MeV. The ion source is located in a vacuum tank and generates a 9 A negative ion beam. The ions generated by the ion source are pre-accelerated to 120 kV before being injected into the high energy accelerator by an electrostatic pre-accelerator based on a multi-aperture grid in the ion source, which is used to pull ion beams out of the plasma and accelerate to a certain fraction of the required beam energy. The 120 keV beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets that allow the beam to axially shift before entering the high energy accelerator. After accelerating to full energy, the beam enters the neutralizer, where it is partially converted into a beam of neutral particles. The remaining types of ions are separated by means of a magnet and sent to electrostatic energy converters. The beam of neutral particles passes through the shut-off valve and enters the plasma chamber.

The elevated temperature of the plasma formers and the inner walls of the ion source plasma box (150-200°C) is maintained to prevent the accumulation of cesium on their surfaces. A distribution manifold is provided in order to supply cesium directly to the surface of the plasma arrays, rather than into the plasma. This is in contrast to existing ion sources that feed cesium directly into the plasma discharge chamber.

The magnetic field used to deflect the co-ejected electrons in the regions of ion ejection and pre-acceleration is generated by external magnets, and not by magnets built into the grid body, as is done in prior designs. The absence of built-in "low-temperature" magnets in the grids makes it possible to heat them up to elevated temperatures. Previous designs often use magnets built into the mesh body, which often leads to a significant reduction in the current of the extracted beam and prevents operation at high temperatures, as well as proper heating/cooling performance.

The high voltage accelerator is not connected directly to the ion source, but is separated from the ion source by a transition zone (Low Energy Beam Transport Line - LEBT) with deflection magnets, vacuum pumps and cesium traps. The transition zone intercepts and removes most of the co-flowing particles, including electrons, photons and neutral particles from the beam, pumps out the gas released from the ion source and prevents it from reaching the high voltage accelerator, prevents cesium from escaping from the ion source and penetrating into the high voltage accelerator , prevents electrons and neutral particles produced by stripping negative ions from entering the high voltage accelerator. In prior designs, the ion source is directly connected to the high voltage accelerator, which often results in the high voltage accelerator being susceptible to gas, charged particles, and cesium flowing out of and into the ion source.

Deflecting magnets in the LEBT deflect and focus the beam along the axis of the accelerator and thereby compensate for any shifts and deflections of the beam during transport through the magnetic field of the ion source. The offset between the axes of the preaccelerator and the high voltage accelerator reduces the flow of co-flowing particles into the high voltage accelerator and prevents the reverse flow of highly accelerated particles (positive ions and neutral particles) into the preaccelerator and ion source. Beam focusing also contributes to the homogeneity of the beam entering the accelerator compared to systems based on a multi-aperture grid.

The neutralizer includes a plasma neutralizer and a photoneutralizer. The plasma neutralizer is based on a multipoint plasma confinement system with permanent magnets of strong magnetic fields on the walls. The photonic neutralizer is a photonic trap based on a cylindrical resonator with highly reflective walls and pumping by high efficiency lasers. These neutralizer technologies have never been considered for use in commercial neutral beam injectors.

Other systems, methods, features, and advantages of the exemplary embodiments will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the accompanying drawings and detailed description.

Brief description of the drawings

Details of exemplary embodiments, including structure and mode of operation, can be revealed in part by examining the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numerals refer to like parts. The components in the drawings are not necessarily drawn to scale, but instead emphasis is placed on illustrating the principles of the invention. Moreover, all illustrations are intended to convey general ideas, and relative sizes, shapes, and other detailed attributes may be illustrated schematically rather than literally or accurately.

1 is a plan view of a negative ion neutral particle beam injector circuit.

FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional isometric view of the negative ion neutral particle beam injector shown in FIG.

3 is a plan view of a high neutral particle power injector for an ITER tokamak.

4 is a cross-sectional isometric view of a discharge chamber with a peripheral multi-pole magnetic field for a jet neutral particle beam injector.

Fig. 5 is a graph showing the integral yield of negative ions generated by bombarding a Mo+Cs surface with neutral H atoms and positive molecular H as a function of the energy of the incident flux. Yield is improved by using DC cesium compared to pre-surface cesation alone.

6 is a top view of a negative ion source for LHD.

7 is a schematic view of a multi-aperture ion optical system for an LHD source.

8A and B are top and side views of an LHD neutral beam injector.

Fig. 9 is a sectional view of the ion source.

10 is a cross-sectional view of a source of low energy hydrogen atoms.

11 is a graph showing the trajectories of H - ions in the low energy path.

12 is an isometric view of the accelerator.

Fig. 13 is a diagram showing ion trajectories in the accelerating tube.

Fig. 14 is an isometric view of a triplet of quadrupole lenses.

15 is a diagram showing a top view (a) and a side view (b) of ion trajectories in a high energy beam transport line accelerator.

16 is an isometric view of the layout of the plasma targets.

Fig. 17 is a diagram showing the results of two-dimensional calculations of ion beam deceleration in a recuperator.

It should be noted that elements of similar structures or functions are generally represented by like reference numerals for purposes of illustration throughout the drawings. It should also be noted that the drawings are only intended to simplify the description of the preferred embodiments.

Description of preferred embodiments of the invention

Each of the additional features and ideas disclosed below may be used alone or in combination with other features and ideas to provide a new negative ion neutral particle beam injector. The following describes in more detail specific examples of the embodiments described herein, these examples using many of these additional features and ideas, either alone or in combination, with reference to the accompanying drawings. This detailed description is only intended to teach those skilled in the art additional details for practicing the preferred aspects of the teachings of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. Therefore, the combinations of features and steps disclosed in the following detailed description may not be necessary in order to practice the invention in the broadest sense, but are instead studied simply to specifically describe exemplary examples of the present teachings.

Moreover, various features of exemplary examples and dependent claims may be combined in ways that are not specifically and explicitly listed to provide additional useful embodiments of the present teachings. In addition, it should be expressly noted that all features disclosed in the description and/or claims are intended to be disclosed separately and independently of each other for the purposes of the original disclosure of the essence, as well as for the purposes of limiting the claimed subject matter, regardless of the arrangements of the features in the options. implementation and/or in the claims. It should also be noted that all value ranges or object group designators disclose each possible intermediate value or intermediate object for the purposes of the original disclosure of the entity, as well as for the purposes of limiting the claimed subject matter.

The embodiments provided herein are directed to a new neutral particle beam injector based on negative ions with an energy of preferably about 500-1000 keV and high overall energy efficiency. A preferred arrangement of an embodiment of a negative ion neutral particle beam injector 100 is illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2. As illustrated, injector 100 includes an ion source 110, check valve 120, low energy beam line deflection magnets 130, support insulator 140 , high energy accelerator 150, check valve 160, neutralizer tube (shown schematically) 170, separation magnet (shown schematically) 180, check valve 190, pumping panels 200 and 202, vacuum tank 210 (which is part of the vacuum tank 250, explained below), cryosorption pumps 220, and a quadrupole lens triplet 230. The injector 100, as noted above, contains an ion source 110, an accelerator 150, and a neutralizer 170 in order to form a neutral particle beam of approximately 5 MW with an energy of approximately 0.50-1 .0 MeV. The ion source 110 is located in the vacuum tank 210 and generates a 9 A negative ion beam. relative to the ground, and mounted on insulating supports 140 inside a larger diameter tank 240 filled with SF 6 gas. The ions generated by the ion source are pre-accelerated to 120 kV before being injected into the high energy accelerator 150 by the multi-aperture grid electrostatic pre-accelerator 111 (see FIG. 9) in the ion source 110 which is used to draw ion beams from the plasma and accelerate to a certain fraction of the required beam energy. The 120 keV beam from the ion source 110 passes through a pair of deflecting magnets 130 which allow the beam to move off axis before entering the high energy accelerator 150. The evacuation panels 202 shown between the deflecting magnets 130 include a baffle and a cesium trap.

The gas utilization efficiency of the ion source 110 is assumed to be approximately 30%. The planned negative ion beam current of 9-10 A corresponds to a gas inlet of 6-7 l⋅Torr/s in the 110 ion source. The neutral gas flowing out of the ion source 110 raises its average pressure in the pre-accelerator 111 to approximately 2x10 -4 Torr. At this pressure, the neutral gas results in ~10% ion beam stripping loss in preaccelerator 111. Vents (not shown) for neutral particles are provided between the deflection magnets 130, which are a consequence of the primary negative ion beam. Vents (not shown) are also provided for positive ions flowing back from the high energy accelerator 150. The differential pump low energy beam transport line region 205 of the pump panels 200 is used immediately after pre-acceleration to depressurize the gas to ~10 −6 Torr before it reaches the high energy accelerator 150. This introduces an additional ~5% beam loss, but since it occurs at low pre-acceleration energy, the power loss is relatively small. The recharging loss in the high energy accelerator 150 is below 1% at a background pressure of 10 −6 Torr.

After accelerating to a total energy of 1 MeV, the beam enters neutralizer 170, where it is partially converted into a beam of neutral particles. The remaining ion species are separated by magnet 180 and sent to electrostatic energy converters (not shown). The neutral particle beam passes through the check valve 190 and enters the plasma chamber 270.

The vacuum tank 250 is divided into two sections. One section contains the pre-accelerator 111 and the low energy beam line 205 in the first vacuum tank 210. The other section houses the high energy beam line 265, the neutralizer 170 and the charged particle energy converters/recuperators in the second vacuum tank 255. The sections of the vacuum tank 250 are connected through the chamber 260 with tube accelerator 150 high energy inside.

The first vacuum tank 210 is the vacuum boundary between the preaccelerator 111 and the low energy beam line 205, and the larger diameter tank or outer tank 240 is pressurized with SF 6 to isolate the high voltage. Vacuum tanks 210 and 255 act as a support structure for internal equipment such as magnets 130, cryosorption pumps 220, etc. The removal of heat from the internal heat transfer components must be carried out using cooling tubes, which must have insulation breaks in the case of the first vacuum tank 210, which is displaced to -880 kV.

Ion source

A schematic diagram of the ion source 110 is shown in Fig.9. The ion source includes: electrostatic multi-aperture pre-accelerating grids 111, ceramic insulators 112, radio frequency plasma formers 113, permanent magnets 114, plasma box 115, channels and collectors 116 for cooling water and gas valves 117. The pre-accelerating grids 111 are used to convert the positive ions and neutral atoms produced by the plasma formers 113 into negative ions in the plasma expansion volume (the volume between the formers 113 and the grids 111, indicated by the parenthesis labeled "PE" in FIG. 9 ) held in the form of a magnetic multi-pole blade, as provided by the permanent magnets 114.

A positive bias voltage for receiving electrons in the plasma pre-accelerating grids 111 is applied to optimized conditions for the formation of negative ions. The geometry of the apertures 111B in the plasma pre-accelerating grids 111 is used to focus the H - ions into the extraction grid apertures 111B. A small transverse magnetic filter formed by external permanent magnets 114 is used to reduce the temperature of electrons scattered from the shaper region or the plasma emitter region PE of the plasma box 115 to the draw region ER of the plasma box 115. Electrons in the plasma are reflected from the draw region ER by the fields of a small transverse magnetic filter formed by external permanent magnets 114. The ions are accelerated to 120 kV before being injected into the high energy accelerator 150 by the electrostatic multi-aperture pre-accelerator plasma grids 111 in the ion source 110. Before being accelerated to high energy, the ion beam has a diameter of approximately 35 cm. The ion source 110 should therefore generate 26 mA/cm 2 at the apertures 111B, assuming 33% transparency in the preaccelerator plasma grids 111. Compared to previously obtained values, this is a reasonably reasonable projection for the ion source 110 .

The plasma that enters the plasma box 115 is formed by an array of plasma generators 113 mounted on the rear flange 115A of the plasma box, which is preferably a cylindrical water-cooled copper chamber (700 mm in diameter by 170 mm in length). The open end of the plasma box 115 is limited by the plasma grids 111 of the pre-accelerator of the acceleration and stretching system.

It is assumed that negative ions should be formed on the surface of 111 plasma grids, which are covered with a thin layer of cesium. Cesium is introduced into the plasma box 115 by using a cesium supply system (not shown in FIG. 9).

The ion source 110 is surrounded by permanent magnets 114 so that it forms a configuration with linear spikes to contain the plasma and primary electrons. Columns 114A of magnets on the cylindrical wall of the plasma box 115 are connected at the rear flange 115A by rows of magnets 114B, which also have a linear-tapered configuration. A magnetic filter near the plane of the plasma grids 111 separates the plasma box 115 into a plasma emitter PE and an elongation region ER. The magnets 114C in the filter are mounted in the flange 111A adjacent to the plasma grids 111, provide a transverse magnetic field (B=107 gauss at the center) which serves to prevent the high energy primary electrons coming from the ion formers 113 from reaching the extraction region ER. However, positive ions and low energy electrons can be dissipated through the filter in the pull region ER.

The electrode-based pulling and pre-acceleration system 111 comprises five electrodes 111C, 111D, 111E, 111F, and 111G, each having 142 holes or apertures 111B formed orthogonally therein and used to provide a negative ion beam. Extraction apertures 111B have a diameter of 18 mm, so that the total ion extraction area of ​​these 142 extraction apertures is approximately 361 cm 2 . The negative ion current density is 25 mA/cm 2 and it is required to form a 9 A ion beam. The magnetic field of the magnets 114C in the filter enters the gaps between the electrostatic extraction and pre-acceleration grids 111 to deflect the co-extracted electrons into special slots in the inner surface of the apertures 111B in the drawing electrodes 111C, 111D and 111E. The magnetic field of the magnets in magnetic filter 114C, together with the magnetic field of additional magnets 114D, provides deflection and trapping of electrons co-extracted with negative ions. The additional magnets 114D include an array of magnets installed between the electrode holders 111F and 111G of the acceleration grid accelerator located downstream of the drawing grid containing the drawing electrodes 111C, 111D and 111E. The third grid electrode 111E, which accelerates the negative ions to 120 keV, is positively biased away from the grounded grid electrode 111D to reflect backflowing positive ions entering the preaccelerating grid.

The plasma generators 113 include two alternatives, namely an RF plasma generator and an atomic arc generator. The plasma-arc generator developed by BINP based on an arc discharge is used in an atomic shaper. A special feature of a plasma generator based on an arc discharge is the formation of a directed plasma jet. The ions in the expanding jet move without collisions and, due to acceleration due to the fall of the ambipolar plasma potential, receive an energy of ~5-20 eV. The plasma jet can be directed to an inclined molybdenum or tantalum surface of the transducer (see 320 in Fig. 10), on which a stream of hydrogen atoms is formed as a result of the neutralization and reflection of the jet. The energy of hydrogen atoms can be increased beyond the initial 5-20 eV by negatively biasing the transducer relative to the plasma box 115. Experiments to obtain intense atomic fluxes with such a transducer were carried out at the Budker Institute in 1982-1984.

In FIG. 10, the designed low energy atom source 300 arrangement is shown as including gas valve 310, cathode insert 312, electrical outlet to heater 314, cooling water manifolds 316, LaB6 electron emitter 318, and ion-to-atom converter 320. In experiments, a stream of hydrogen atoms with an equivalent current of 20-25 A and an energy varying in the range from 20 eV to 80 eV is formed, with an efficiency of more than 50%.

Such a source can be used in a negative ion source to supply atoms with energy optimized for the efficient formation of negative ions on the cesized surface of 111 plasma grids.

Low Energy Beam Transport Line

Ions H - , formed and pre-accelerated to an energy of 120 keV by means of an ion source 110, when passing along the low-energy beam transport line 205, are displaced perpendicular to their direction of motion by 440 mm with a deflection by means of the peripheral magnetic field of the ion source 110 and by means of the magnetic field of two special wedge-shaped deflecting magnets 130. This bias of the negative ion beam in the low energy beam transport line 205 (as illustrated in FIG. 11) is provided so as to separate the regions of the ion source 110 and the high energy accelerator 150. This shift is used to prevent the penetration of fast atoms resulting from the stripping of the H - beam on the residual hydrogen in the accelerating tube 150, to reduce the flows of cesium and hydrogen from the ion source 110 to the accelerating tube 150, and also to delay the flow of secondary ions from the accelerating tube 150 to the ion source 110. Figure 11 shows the calculated trajectories of H - ions in the low energy beam transport line.

High Energy Beam Path

The low energy beam emanating from the low energy beam line enters a conventional electrostatic multi-aperture accelerator 150 shown in FIG.

The results of calculating the acceleration of the negative ion beam by 9 A, taking into account the fraction of the space charge, are shown in Fig.13. The ions are accelerated from 120 keV to 1 MeV. The accelerating potential on tube 150 is 880 kV and the potential step between the electrodes is 110 kV.

Calculations show that the field strength does not exceed 50 kV/cm in the optimized accelerating tube 150 on the electrodes in the zones of possible electron discharge.

After acceleration, the beam passes through a triplet 230 of industrial conventional quadrupole lenses 231, 232, and 233 (FIG. 14), which are used to compensate for slight beam defocus at the exit of accelerating tube 150 and form a beam of preferred size at the exit port. The triplet 230 is installed in the vacuum tank 255 of the high energy beam transport line 265. Each of the quadrupole lenses 231, 232, and 233 includes a traditional array of quadrupole electromagnets that form the conventional magnetic focusing fields provided in all current conventional particle accelerators.

The calculated paths of a 9 A negative ion beam with a transverse temperature of 12 eV in the accelerating tube 150, quadrupole lenses 230 and high energy beam transport line 265 are shown in FIG. The calculation corresponds to a beam outside of its focusing point.

The calculated diameter of a beam of neutral particles with an equivalent current of 6 A after the neutralizer at a distance of 12.5 m at half height of the radial profile is 140 mm, and 95% of the beam current is in a circle with a diameter of 180 mm.


The photodetachment neutralizer 170 selected for the beam system achieves greater than 95% ion beam stripping. The neutralizer 170 comprises a xenon lamp array and a highly reflective cylindrical light trap to provide the desired photon density. Cooled mirrors with a reflectance greater than 0.99 are used to provide a wall power flux of approximately 70 kW/cm 2 . Alternatively, a plasma neutralizer can be used instead, using conventional technology, but at the cost of a slight reduction in efficiency. However, the neutralization efficiency of ~85% of the plasma element is quite sufficient if the energy recovery system has an efficiency of >95%, as predicted.

The plasma in the plasma neutralizer is contained in a cylindrical chamber 175 with a multi-pole magnetic field on the walls, which is formed by a permanent magnet array 172. A general view of the holding device is shown in Fig.16. The converter 170 includes cooling water collectors 171, permanent magnets 172, cathode assemblies 173, and LaB6 cathodes 174.

Cylindrical chamber 175 has a length of 1.5-2 m and has holes at the ends for the passage of the beam. The plasma is formed by using several cathode assemblies 173 installed in the center of the containment chamber 175. The working gas is supplied near the center of the device 170. In experiments with a prototype of such a plasma neutralizer 170, it should be noted that the confinement of electrons by multi-pole magnetic fields 172 on the walls is quite good and significantly better plasma ion retention. In order to equalize the loss of ions and electrons, a significant negative potential develops in the plasma, so that the ions are effectively contained by the electric field.

Sufficiently long plasma retention results in a relatively low level of discharge power required to maintain a plasma density of approximately 10 13 cm -3 in neutralizer 170.

Energy recovery

There are objective reasons for achieving high efficiency of power use in our conditions. First of all, these are the following: relatively small ion beam current and scattering at low energy. In the scheme under consideration, when using plasma or vaporous metal targets, it can be expected that the residual ion current should be ~3 A after the neutralizer. These streams of diverted positive or negative ions must be diverted through the deflecting magnet 180 to two energy recuperators, one each for the positive and negative ions, respectively. Numerical simulations of the deceleration of these residual beams of diverted ions typically with energies of 1 MeV and 3 A in direct converters in recuperators without space charge compensation have been carried out. The direct converter converts a significant portion of the energy contained in the residual extracted ion beam directly into electricity and supplies the remainder of the energy as high quality heat for inclusion in the thermal cycle. Direct transducers correspond to the design of an electrostatic multi-aperture moderator, as a result of which successive sections of charged electrodes form longitudinal breakdown fields and absorb the ion kinetic energy.

Fig. 17 shows the results of 2D ion beam deceleration calculations in the transducer. It follows from the presented calculations that slowing down a beam of ions with an energy of 1 MeV to an energy of 30 keV is quite feasible, so that a recovery factor of 96-97% can be obtained.

Previous attempts to develop high power neutral particle beam injectors based on negative ions have been analyzed to uncover the critical issues still hindering the achievement of injectors with steady state operation of ~1 MeV and a power of several MW. Among the most important, we highlight the following:

Management of the cesium layer and loss and redeposition (temperature management, etc.)

Optimizing the Surface Formation of Negative Ions for Pulling

Separation of co-flowing electrons

Inhomogeneity of the ion current profile in the plasma grid due to internal magnetic fields

Low ion current density

Accelerators are getting more complex and a lot of new technologies are still being developed (low voltage holding capacity, large insulators, etc.)

Reverse flow of positive ions

Advanced neutralizer technologies (plasma, photons) not demonstrated under relevant conditions

Energy conversion not well developed

Beam blocking in the path

The innovative solutions to the problems provided herein can be grouped according to the system to which they are connected, namely negative ion source, pull/acceleration, neutralizer, energy converters, etc.

1.0 110 negative ion source:

1.1. An elevated temperature of the inner walls of the plasma box 115 and plasma formers 113 (150-200°C) is maintained to prevent the accumulation of cesium on their surfaces.

Elevated temperature:

Prevents uncontrolled release of cesium due to desorption/sputtering and reduces its penetration into the ion optical system (111 meshes),

Reduces the absorption and recombination of hydrogen atoms in the cesium layer on the walls,

Reduces consumption and poisoning of cesium.

To achieve this, high temperature fluid is circulated through all components. Surface temperatures are additionally stabilized through active feedback control, i.e.: heat is removed or added during CW and transient operation. In contrast to this approach, all other existing and planned beam injectors use passive water-cooled systems with thermal breaks between the cooling tubes and hot electrode housings.

1.2. Cesium is fed through a distribution manifold directly onto the surface of the plasma grids 111, and not into the plasma. Cesium supply through the distribution manifold:

Provides a controlled and distributed supply of cesium during the entire time of beam activation,

Prevents cesium deficiency typically due to blocking via plasma,

Reduces the release of cesium from plasma after its accumulation and release during long pulses.

In contrast, existing ion sources feed cesium directly into the discharge chamber.

2.0 Pre-accelerator 111 (100 keV):

2.1. The magnetic field used to deflect the co-extracted electrons in the regions of ion extraction and pre-acceleration is generated by external magnets, and not by magnets built into the grid body, as is done in previous designs:

The magnetic field lines in the high voltage gaps between the grids are completely concave in the direction of the negatively biased grids, i.e. in the direction of the plasma grid in the extraction gap and in the direction of the extraction grid in the pre-accelerating gap. The concavity of the magnetic field lines in the direction of the negatively biased grids prevents the occurrence of local Penning traps in high voltage gaps and the trapping/multiplication of co-extracted electrons, which can occur in embedded magnet configurations.

Ion Optical System (IOS) electrodes (111 grids) without built-in "low temperature" NIB magnets can be heated to elevated temperatures (150-200°C) and allow heat to be removed during long pulses by using a hot (100-150°C) ) liquids.

The absence of built-in magnets leaves free space between the radiation apertures of the grids and allows the introduction of channels for more efficient heating/cooling of the electrodes.

In contrast, prior designs use magnets embedded in the mesh body. This results in the creation of static magnetoelectric traps in high voltage gaps that trap and magnify the co-extracted electrons. This can lead to a significant decrease in the current of the extracted beam. It also prevents hot mode operation as well as proper heating/cooling performance which is critical for long pulse operation.

2.2. An elevated temperature of all electrodes of the ion optical system (grid 111) (150-200°C) is always maintained to prevent the accumulation of cesium on their surfaces and to increase the intensity of the high voltage of the extraction and pre-acceleration gaps. In contrast, in traditional designs, the electrodes are cooled by water. The electrodes have elevated temperatures because there are thermal breakdowns between the cooling tubes and the electrode bodies and there is no active feedback.

2.3. The initial heating of the grids 111 at start-up and heat removal during the beam activation phase is performed by passing a hot liquid at a controlled temperature through the internal channels in the grids 111.

2.4. Gas is additionally pumped from the pre-accelerating gap through the space on the side and large holes in the grid holders to reduce gas pressure along the beam line and delay the stripping of negative ions and the formation/multiplication of secondary particles in the gaps.

2.5. The inclusion of positively biased grids 111 is used to repel positive ions flowing back.

3.0 Accelerator 150 high voltage (1 MeV):

3.1. The high voltage accelerator 150 is not connected directly to the ion source, but is separated from the ion source by a transition zone (low energy beam transport line - LEBT 205) with deflection magnets 130, vacuum pumps and cesium traps. Transition zone:

Intercepts and removes most of the co-flowing particles, including electrons, photons and neutral particles from the beam,

Pumps out the gas escaping from the ion source 110 and prevents it from reaching the high voltage accelerator 150,

Prevents cesium from leaking out of the ion source 110 and entering the high voltage accelerator 150,

Prevents electrons and neutral particles generated by stripping negative ions from entering the high voltage accelerator 150 .

In previous designs, the ion source is directly connected to the high voltage accelerator. This results in the high voltage accelerator being susceptible to gas, charged particles and cesium flowing out of and into the ion source. This strong interference reduces the voltage holding capacity of the high voltage accelerator.

3.2. Deflecting magnets 130 in LEBT 205 deflect and focus the beam along the axis of the accelerator. Deflecting magnets 130:

Compensate for all displacements and deflections of the beam during transportation through the magnetic field of the ion source 110,

The offset between the axes of the preaccelerator and high voltage accelerator 111 and 150 reduces the flow of co-flowing particles into the high voltage accelerator 150 and prevents highly accelerated particles (positive ions and neutral particles) from flowing back into the preaccelerator 111 and ion source 110.

In contrast, prior systems do not have physical separation between the acceleration stages and, as a result, do not allow for axial displacements as shown herein.

3.3. The low energy beam line magnets 205 focus the beam at the input of the single aperture accelerator 150:

Beam focusing contributes to the homogeneity of the beam entering the accelerator 150 compared to systems based on a multi-aperture grid.

3.4. Application of single-aperture accelerator:

Simplifies system alignment and beam focusing

Facilitates evacuation of gas and removal of secondary particles from the 150 high energy accelerator

Reduces beam loss at the electrodes of the high energy accelerator 150.

3.5. Magnetic lenses 230 are used after acceleration to compensate for refocusing in accelerator 150 and form a quasi-parallel beam.

In traditional designs, there is no means for beam focusing and deflection, except for the accelerator itself.

4.0. Converter 170:

4.1. Plasma neutralizer based on a multipoint plasma confinement system with strong permanent magnets on the walls;

Increases the effectiveness of neutralization,

Minimizes overall neutral beam injector losses.

4.2. Photon neutralizer - a photon trap based on a cylindrical resonator with walls with a high degree of reflection and pumping with high efficiency lasers:

Additionally, it improves the efficiency of neutralization,

Additionally minimizes the total losses of the neutral beam injector.

These technologies have never been considered for use in commercial neutral beam injectors.

5.0. Recuperators:

5.1. Applications of the Residual Ion Energy Recuperator(s):

Increases the overall efficiency of the injector.

In contrast, recovery is generally not foreseen in conventional designs.

Bibliographic list

L. W. Alvarez, Rev. sci. Instrum. 22, 705 (1951).

R. Hemsworth et al., Rev. Sc. Instrum., vol. 67, p. 1120 (1996).

Capitelli M. and Gorse C., IEEE Trans on Plasma Sci, 33, number 6, pp. 1832-1844 (2005).

Hemsworth R. S., Inoue T., IEEE Trans on Plasma Sci, 33, number 6, pp. 1799-1813 (2005).

B. Rasser, J. van Wunnik and J. Los, Surf. sci. 118 (1982), p. 697 (1982).

Y. Okumura, H. Hanada, T. Inoue et al. AIP Conf. Proceedings # 210, New York, pp. 169-183 (1990).

O. Kaneko, Y. Takeiri, K. Tsumori, Y. Oka, and M. Osakabe et al., "Engineering prospects of negative-ion-based neutral beam injection system from high power operation for the large helical device", Nucl. Fus., vol. 43, pp. 692-699, 2003.

While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific examples are shown in the drawings and are described in detail herein. All references are expressly contained in this document in their entirety. However, it should be understood that the invention is not limited to the specific forms or methods disclosed, but rather, the invention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

1. Neutral particle beam injector based on negative ions, containing:

an accelerator including a pre-accelerator and a high energy accelerator, wherein the pre-accelerator is an electrostatic pre-accelerator based on a multi-aperture grid in the ion source, and the high energy accelerator is spatially separated from the ion source, and

the neutralizer, wherein the ion source, the accelerator and the neutralizer are configured to form a beam of neutral particles with a power of 5 MW.

2. The injector according to claim 1, in which the ion source, accelerator and neutralizer are configured to form a beam of neutral particles with an energy in the range of 0.50-1.0 MeV.

3. The injector according to claim 1, in which the ion source is configured to form a beam of negative particles at 9 A.

4. The injector of claim 1, wherein the ions from the ion source are pre-accelerated by the pre-accelerator to 120 kV before being injected into the high energy accelerator.

5. The injector of claim 1, further comprising a pair of deflecting magnets positioned between the pre-booster and the high energy accelerator, wherein the pair of deflecting magnets allows the beam from the pre-booster to be off-axis before entering the high energy accelerator.

6. The injector according to claim 5, in which the ion source includes a plasma box and plasma formers.

7. The injector according to claim 6, in which the inner walls of the plasma box and plasma formers are maintained at an elevated temperature of 150-200°C to prevent the accumulation of cesium on their surfaces.

8. The injector of claim 7, wherein the plasma box and drivers include manifolds and fluid passages for circulating high temperature fluid.

9. The injector according to claim 1, additionally containing a distribution manifold for direct supply of cesium to the plasma grids of the accelerator.

10. The injector of claim 1, wherein the pre-accelerator includes external magnets to deflect co-extracted electrons in the regions of ion extraction and pre-acceleration.

11. An injector according to claim. 1, further comprising a pumping system to pump gas from the pre-acceleration gap.

12. The injector of claim 9 wherein the plasma grids are positively biased to repel backflowing positive ions.

13. The injector of claim 1, wherein the high energy accelerator is spatially separated from the ion source by a transition zone containing a low energy beam transport line.

14. The injector of claim 13, wherein the transition zone includes deflection magnets, vacuum pumps, and cesium traps.

15. The injector of claim 14, wherein the deflection magnets deflect and focus the beam along the axis of the high energy accelerator.

16. The injector according to claim 1, additionally containing magnetic lenses after the accelerator to compensate for refocusing in the accelerator and form a parallel beam.

17. The injector according to claim 1, in which the neutralizer includes a plasma neutralizer based on a multi-rib plasma confinement system with strong permanent magnets on the walls.

18. The injector of claim. 4, wherein the neutralizer includes a photonic neutralizer based on a cylindrical resonator with highly reflective walls and pumping with high efficiency lasers.

19. The injector of claim. 1, wherein the neutralizer includes a photonic neutralizer based on a cylindrical resonator with highly reflective walls and pumping with high efficiency lasers.

20. The injector according to claim. 1, additionally containing the recuperator of the residual energy of the ions.

21. The injector according to claim. 4, additionally containing the recuperator of the residual energy of the ions.

22. Neutral particle beam injector based on negative ions, comprising:

an ion source configured to generate a negative ion beam,

an accelerator including a pre-accelerator and a high energy accelerator, wherein the pre-accelerator is located in the energy source and the high energy accelerator is spatially separated from the ion source, and

neutralizer associated with the ion source.

23. Neutral particle beam injector based on negative ions, containing:

an ion source configured to form a beam of negative ions and containing a plasma box and plasma formers, while the inner walls of the plasma box and plasma formers are maintained at an elevated temperature of 150-200°C to prevent the accumulation of cesium on their surfaces,

an accelerator operatively coupled to the ion source, and

a neutralizer operatively connected to the ion source.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of quantum electronics and can be used in atomic beam frequency standards based on beams of rubidium or cesium atoms. The Zeeman atomic beam moderator contains an atomic beam source, a solenoid designed to form an inhomogeneous magnetic field that acts on an atomic beam passing through it, as well as an optically coupled source of counter optical radiation and an acousto-optic modulator designed to form direct and shifted beams that act on the atomic beam passing through it. solenoid atomic beam. // 2515523

The invention relates to nuclear technologies, in particular to the production of low-energy monoenergetic neutrons. The claimed method includes irradiating a neutron-generating target with a proton beam with an energy exceeding 1.920 MeV, while the beam of monoenergetic neutrons is formed from neutrons propagating in the direction opposite to the direction of the proton beam propagation.

The invention relates to means for dispensing bulk material in the form of solid balls, in particular balls from frozen aromatic hydrocarbons, and is intended for supplying the working substance (balls) to a pneumatic path with cold helium gas for their subsequent delivery to the cold moderator chamber of fast neutrons of an intense source (nuclear reactor or neutron-producing target of the accelerator).

SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medical equipment, namely to means of X-ray phase contrast imaging. The system contains an X-ray source, a detection circuit and a grating circuit. The detection circuit contains at least eight linear-parallel blocks located in the first direction, continuing linearly in the perpendicular direction. The X-ray source, the detection circuit and the grating circuit are made with the possibility of moving in relation to the object in the scanning direction, while the scanning direction is parallel to the first direction. The grating scheme includes a phase grating structure installed between the source and the detector, and an analyzer grating structure installed between the phase grating structure and the detection circuit. The phase grating and analyzer grating designs have many corresponding linear gratings. The first parts of the phase gratings and analyzer gratings have slots in the first direction, the second parts of the phase gratings and analyzer gratings have slots in the second direction, different from the first. In this case, at least four adjacent lines of linear detector units are connected to the first phase gratings and analyzer gratings, and at least four adjacent lines of linear detector units are connected to the second phase gratings and analyzer gratings, and to move the gratings remain fixed relative to each other and relative to detection schemes. The method is carried out by the system. The computer-readable medium stores instructions for controlling the system by the method. The use of the inventions makes it possible to expand the arsenal of technical means for X-ray phase-contrast visualization of an object. 3 n. and 9 z.p. f-ly, 13 ill.

The invention relates to a beam shaper with a polarizer option for a small-angle neutron beam scattering setup. In the claimed installation, a compact design of the polarizer is provided due to the fact that the plates of a weakly absorbing neutron material are made in the form of broken asymmetric channels forming a stack of "N" channels. EFFECT: ensuring the compactness of the setup, simplifying its operation both for studying non-magnetic and magnetic samples, with high beam polarization and high neutron transmittance of the main spin component, covers the wavelength range λ=4.5÷20 Å. 15 ill.

The invention relates to the field of formation of a beam of neutral particles used in research in the field of thermonuclear fusion, material processing. A negative ion neutral particle beam injector comprising an ion source, an accelerator, and a neutralizer to generate a neutral particle beam of approximately 5 MW with an energy of approximately 0.50-1.0 MeV. The ions generated by the ion source are pre-accelerated prior to injection into the high energy accelerator by a multi-aperture grid electrostatic pre-accelerator which is used to draw the ion beams out of the plasma and accelerate to a fraction of the required beam energy. The beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets, which allow the beam to be axially displaced before entering the high energy accelerator. After accelerating to full energy, the beam enters the neutralizer, where it is partially converted into a beam of neutral particles. The remaining types of ions are separated by means of a magnet and sent to electrostatic energy converters. The beam of neutral particles passes through the shut-off valve and enters the plasma chamber. The technical result is an increase in the productivity of the formation of a beam of neutral particles. 3 n. and 20 z.p. f-ly, 18 ill., 1 tab.


Where to get it: The quest is taken in the fitness center. Approach the marked window in the pool hall and knock through it to speak with Danielle Shaw. She will ask you to kill the cook-pretender.

Meeting with Danielle Shaw at the fitness center of the residential section.

The next time you will receive a message from her, when you are in the data warehouse and download the blueprint for Morgan's activator key from the computer.

To complete the quest, go to your office in the Talos-1 lobby and check your email. There should be a letter "Morgan, read!".

Important letter.

From it you will learn that Will Mitchell is an impostor - one of the volunteers. Follow the department of neuromods and go upstairs. Go to the volunteer quarters where there was no light before. Use the terminal directly in front of the door, behind the counter, and select a volunteer with the desired tracking number. The number is visible in the description of the Danielle Shaw quest if you read the letter.

Only after you activate the beacon, follow the Talos-1 Bridge location, go down the gravity lift and go into the capsule on the left. There are two options - either you defuse the grenade and the fake Will Mitchell dies of natural causes, or you let him explode.

Caught red-handed!


Where to get it: When you need to get into the cargo hold through the Talos 1 skin, Dr. Igwe will contact you.

Dayo Igwe contacts you near the entrance to the cargo hold.

Fly to the container located near the entrance to the cargo hold and look at its number - 2312. Fly to the door of the cargo hold to be contacted by Sarah Elazar. The cargo container control panel will become available. Fly up to it and drive in the number 2312, then select the docking of the container. Then open it. Once you're inside, just talk to Igwe to complete the quest and get 2 Neuromods.


Where to get it: at the bottom of the cargo hold, where the survivor camp is located, talk to Kevin Hag.

He will ask you to find his wife Nicole. Head to the living section and use the terminal to track Nicole's location. She'll be in the guest room in the directors' quarters. Kill the phantom and search to find the wedding ring.

Search of the corpse of Nicole Hague in the lobby of Talos-1.

Since I did this in advance, I immediately gave the ring to Kevin and completed the quest.


Location: Automatically upon meeting Sarah Elazar in the cargo hold.

You will have the option not to complete this quest if you decide to simply hack the door leading to cargo bay B. Otherwise, turn on the power at the indicated marker, find the blueprint outside of Talos 1 and place a total of 3 working turrets in front of the door to the next part of the cargo hold. Kevin Hague and Darcy Maddox are constantly at the right door.

The first turret is already here - just repair it. Nearby, find the terminal - the access code on the corpse of Magill, which was written about in the article on the study of the cargo hold. Use the terminal to open the cages and find the second turret in one of them. The third turret is located behind the main gate of this part. Drag and fix. Another one, by the way, can be found in one of the containers near the cargo bay locks (through one such lock you got here). Once all three turrets are in the blue zone, the quest will end and you will receive an access code.


Where to get: Listen to the Tobias Frost Transcript, which you will find in the ventilation, behind the restroom in the life support bay.

The corpse of Tobias Frost.

Follow the marker to the water treatment plant and immediately turn on the electricity on the right. Climb up the stairs on the left and go through the room with two terminals. Follow the stairs even higher, jump on the equipment under the ceiling and climb the blue pipe on the other side closer to the back door. Jump over to the broken platform and enter the right room.

Platform to jump on.

Load the capsule into the device. Mission completed. Why was all this? Try to drink water from any fountain!


Where to get: after reading one of the letters on the terminal in the security office in the life support bay.

Wait until you reach the power plant. Go to the room with the reactor. Here, according to the plot, you need to go down to the very bottom. But you, as soon as you find yourself in a hefty room, then go along the balcony to the right. Rest against the grate, behind which you can see a hole in the wall. Go down a little lower using the propulsion system, where there will be a blue door that can be opened.

Now you need to go up this elevator shaft. Ideally, you can use the skills of typhons, but if they are not, then use the gypsum gun to create a path to the top. By the way, in the security terminal, you can enable tracking Jeanne Foret.

The corpse of Jeanne Fauré.

When you go upstairs and go into the ventilation, kill the phantom and mimic, and then search the corpse of Jeanne Foret. You will find the key card for the air filtration control room.

Go back to the life support bay and go to the right room. Open it with the key to complete the quest and collect the reward.


Where to get it: The quest is taken after listening to Emily Carter's transcription in the room with escape pods in the life support bay.

Go to the water treatment plant (you can optionally activate Price Broadway tracking) and turn on the electricity on the remote right outside the front door, near the corpse of Raya Leirouat. Climb the stairs on the left and enter the room on the upper left. There are two terminals here. The password for the first one is in a note hidden in a container right next to it, on the left. Enter the terminal (you can hack - "Hack-I") and activate the only function available here. This is very important to do!

After that, go down to the waste workshop on the gravity lift and activate the "Eel Collection". Eels and the corpse of Price Broadway will fall out of the device.

The corpse of Price Broadway.

Quest completed.


Where to get it: Automatically, provided you saved Dr. Igwe.

After Dr. Igwe (if you saved him) gets to Morgan's office, then go to the residential section. When you are there, Igwe will automatically contact you and ask for a favor. This is how the quest will begin.

Just go to Igwe's cabin and approach the pianist's painting. Through the inventory (Data - audio diaries), turn on Leitner's music. At the end of the game, the safe will open. Get Gustav Leitner out of it and take it to Igva, who will be in your office in the Talos-1 lobby. Quest completed.

Need a picture on the wall.


Where to get: provided that they saved Ekaterina Ilyishina (brought medicine). Talk to her once she gets to Morgan Yu's office.

If you helped Ekaterina and saved her life by getting the medicine, then soon she will tell you that she got to the office. Visit her in your office in the Talos 1 lobby and talk a few times. As a result, she will tell you about her father and ask for help. This is how the task will begin.

Follow the data warehouse through the arboretum (elevator) and go to the second tier. Enter the room with the terminal and enter the password. Listen to the recording. You will have two options:

– Delete entry. Catherine will think you haven't found anything.

– Move file. The file will move to the terminal in Morgan's office.

Required terminal.

In the second case, go back to your office in the Talos-1 lobby. Talk to Ekaterina a few times until she says something like "I can't believe you managed to find...". Only after that, the second entry will appear on the terminal in the utilities. Turn it on and listen together. Catherine, of course, will not be delighted. Quest completed.


Where to get: automatically when Dahl appears (after 1-2 minutes).

When, according to the plot, you try to download the data after exploring the Coral nodes into Alex's computer, Dal will appear on Talos-1. To prevent him from tracking you, go to the data vault and go up to the terminal upstairs in Daniella Shaw's office. In the left terminal, enter the number of your bracelet - 0913. Confirm that you want to deactivate it. Quest completed.


Where to get: automatically after the appearance of Dahl, when it will be necessary to destroy the Technique.

At the same time, Luther Glass will also contact you, who will ask for help - he is locked in the emergency room, he was surrounded by aliens. Go there and kill all combat robots. If you didn’t understand, then Luther Glass had been dead for a long time, and one of the robots imitated his voice. It was a trap. Therefore, you can completely ignore the quest.


Where to get it: Automatically a few minutes after Dahl spawns (Igwe will contact you).

When this task appears, when Dal appears, after a while, Dr. Igwe will contact you and say that he needs to be neutralized. Go to the Talos 1 lobby and go up to Morgan's office. Talk to Igwe. Now complete the quest below, and do not kill, but neutralize Dahl (the method is described in the Dahl's Ultimatum quest).

When you do this, Dr. Igwe will contact you after a while. Go to the neuromod department and follow the marker to the laboratory. Confirm the removal of Neuromods by performing a number of other necessary operations.

This option opens the way for you to a different ending of the game.

SIDE QUEST "Dal's Ultimatum - Cargo Bay"

Where to get: Automatically after the quest associated with killing Tech Dahl is activated.

When you get out after searching Dahl's shuttle, the villain will contact you and issue an ultimatum. Soon the people in the cargo hold will run out of air. You need to return it. Follow the gateway of the power plant and from there move to the life support bay. To neutralize Dahl, you can proceed as follows:

– When you get to the large hall with air filtration rooms and huge fans, go around it so that you are on the opposite wall from the front door. Here lies the corpse of a woman and there is a terminal. Turn off the fans using the terminal. Go down to them and pull out the pipe from one of the fans. Return upstairs.

- Now go not to the room where the distance is, but to the room opposite. There is a terminal at the window through which Dahl is perfectly visible. The terminal has a decontamination function. Activate it. For a while, oxygen will disappear and Dahl will lose consciousness. Mission accomplished without killing Dahl!

We neutralize Dahl.

Run to the room where Dal is located and return the part to the dashboard. Either repair this one, or create a new one on the fabricator - you could find a blueprint on the corpse of Max Weigel-Goetz in this location. Quest completed.

To get into the room with Dalem, you can act in several ways. The first is to pick the lock (Hack-IV), the most difficult. The second way is to go around the room and at the bottom, where the broken bridge is located, find a protective hatch on the wall. But to get to the hatch, you have to drag two large loads and put them on top of each other - "Rise-II".

A protective hatch leading to the room with Dahl.

The third option is to break the window around the corner from the door. But the gap is too small, so you cannot do without the skills of typhons to get inside through the window.