Achievement of the culture of the ancient east presentation. Cultural achievements of the east. Features of ancient Indian culture

Culture of the Ancient East

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The originality of the artistic culture of the Ancient East. East. Mesopotamia. Art culture. The king's hike. Ruler of Gudea. Nature and man. Nature. The great Wall of China. Watchtowers. Human harmony. Autumn in the valley of the Yellow River. Man is subject to nature. Harmony between man and nature. Temple at the top. Religious Representations in Ancient China. Harmony in the world. Scientific and cultural achievements. Ornament. Religious beliefs. Artistic culture of India. Indo-Buddhist philosophy. Excavations. Indians worshiped sacred animals and plants. Figurine in a headdress. - Culture of the Ancient East.pptx

Philosophy of the Ancient East

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Philosophy of the Ancient East. Plan for learning new material. VI century BC - intensive development of philosophy in the East. Vedic period. Cultural origins of ancient Indian philosophy. Veda. Basic concepts of Indian philosophy. Karma is the law of retribution. Ahimsa - harmlessness to the living. The law of samsara. The law of karma. Those whose behavior is righteous, the road will lead to a blessed body. The law of ahimsa. The general concept of all ancient Indian philosophy. Astika. Each school offers its own way of getting rid of suffering. Vedanta. Jainism. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (623-544 BC) - the founder of Buddhism. - Philosophy of the Ancient East.ppt

Middle East architecture

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10 architectural gems of the Middle East. Arvad Island architecture. Petra (Jordan). Omeyad Mosque (Damascus. Syria). The temple complex is more than 4 thousand years old. Center of Ancient Philadelphia. Bridge over the Khabur River in the Iraqi town of Zakho. The oldest arch bridge in the Middle East. Ulu-Jami. Ruins of the Temple of Fortune. Ruins of the Temple of Fortune in the Roman Heliopolis - City of the Sun. Fortress in Aleppo (Syria). Striking and perfectly preserved citadel and fortress in Aleppo (Syria). Erbil city. Seljuk cemetery in Ahlat (Eastern Turkey). What other interesting architectural structures of the East do you know? - Middle East Architecture.ppt

Eastern dance

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The history of the origin of oriental dances. The history of the origin of oriental dance. Arab dances. From the history of Arabian belly dancing. Culture in oriental dance... Alexandrian dance. Halizhi. Asaya. Balady. Nubia. Male dance. - Oriental dances.ppt

Chinese and Japanese art

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Fine arts of the countries of the East. China. PROJECTS: - Chinese painting Chinese calligraphy paper cutting technique painting tableware in the style of Chinese porcelain. Theme1 is Chinese traditional painting. Mountain-water style. Style "flowers-birds". PROJECT "Sketches in the style of Chinese painting". Work of Alexander Golovlev, 2006. Topic 2 Chinese calligraphy. “There is no such thing as a mountain top direct path". PROJECT "Inscription of Chinese hieroglyphs". The work of Nikita Blinkov, 2006. TOPIC 3 The art of paper cutting - "Jianzhi". PROJECT "Paper Cutting Using Traditional Chinese Technique". - Art of China and Japan.ppt

MHC of India

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Artistic culture of INDIA. Architecture. The first monuments of Indian architecture appear presumably in the II millennium BC. Shiva Temple is one of the famous buildings in India. Stupa in Sanchi. - one of the architectural complexes of India. A model of Mount Meru is installed on the top of the dome. Chaitya in Karli. In the 1st century. BC e. In the cult architecture of India, cave temples - chaityas - are widely spread. The central corridor is separated from the side corridors by rows of columns with sculptural capitals. At the far end of the prayer hall a stupa rises -. The exterior facade of Chaitya in Karli. Decorated with sculptural reliefs with male and female figures. - MHC of India.ppt

Indian dances

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The art of Indian dance ... A bit of history ... God Shiva is one of the three great gods of Hinduism. Shiva-Nataraja, Lord of the Dance. In the second hand - fire, destroying everything that has become obsolete. The dance of the god is a symbol of cosmic movement and renewal. Dance directions ... Kuchipudi. It was from the 15th century that Kuchipudi began to be performed exclusively by men. According to the ancient tradition, the Kuchipudi style dancer recites and dances at the same time. Bharatanatyam. Kathak. The term "kathak" comes from the word "katha", which means "story", "story". Odissi. One of the more sophisticated classical dance styles is ODISSY. - Indian dances.ppt

Indian dance art

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National dance. The country. Folk dances. Indians. Dance with candles. Indian dance traditions. Dance art. Foot positioning rules. Dance is closely related to the expression of emotions. The four styles of Indian dance are considered classics. Religious dancing. Bharata-Natyam. Kathakali. Manipuri. - Indian Dance Art.pptx

Ancient indian culture

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Culture of Ancient India. Indo-Buddhist philosophy. Religion. Vedism. Hinduism. God is a creator. Buddhism. Buddhism contained the idea of ​​salvation. Philosophy. The atomic doctrine of the Vainishik school. Literature. Epic. Linguistics. Architecture. Sculpture. Several schools of sculpture. Painting. Wall paintings. Mathematics. Mathematics and Astronomy. The medicine. - Ancient Indian Culture.ppt

Music and dance of ancient India

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Music and Dance of Ancient India. Music. The oldest civilization. Music of Ancient India. Religious tasks. The origins of Indian music. Two independent layers of improvisation. Musical instruments Ancient India. Wine and sitar. Flute. Dances of Ancient India. Theatrical performance. A scene from the play. - Music and Dance of Ancient India.ppt

Features of ancient Indian culture

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Culture of Ancient India. Features of Indian culture. Priest bust. Castes. Religions of ancient India. Religion. Buddhism. Jainism. Development of ancient Indian architecture. Ancient Indian art. Sculptures. Relief. - Features of ancient Indian culture.ppt

Buddhist temple

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Sacred buildings: BUDDHIST TEMPLE. The structure of the Buddhist complex. The interior of the temple. Sculpture. Painting, frescoes. Calligraphy. Emakimono are long horizontal scrolls depicting scenes from Buddhist sacred history or related clergy. Nokogiriyama Nihonji Shrine, Kanto, 1783 Tochi Temple, Kyoto, 796 Itsukushima Shrine, Fr. Miyajima, XII century. Kinkakutsi Temple, Kyoto, 1393 Ginkakutsi Temple, Kyoto, 1490 - Buddhist Temple.ppt

Japanese theater

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Traditions and history of Japanese theater. Theater of Japan. The traditions and history of Japanese theater are rooted in the very distant past. The most important attributes of traditional Japanese theater: masks. Theater No. Nowadays, of course, the performance of the Noh theater can be attended by anyone. The archaic language in which the narrative is conducted deepens the "great riddle" of the masks. Kyogen Theater But elegant, poetic, Kyogen is prosaic and common. Kabuki theater. Joruri Theater. Yose Theater. Yose is a traditional chamber comedy theater. The performer, traditionally dressed in a kimono, sits on the stage on a seating cushion. - Japanese Theater.ppt

Japanese engraving

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Japanese engraving. What is engraving. Objective. Engraving. A distinction is made between convex and in-depth engraving. Specific features engravings. Japanese woodcut. The Japanese borrowed the woodcut technique from China. The process of creating an engraving. Japanese engravings take a worthy place. Feature of Japanese engraving. The best answer to a question is silence. In the art of the 17th-19th centuries, a new style, ukiyo-e, was formed. Asai Ryoi, Japanese writer. Founder of ukiyo-e engraving Hisikawa Moronobu (1618-1694). Torii Kiyonobu (1664-1729). Katsukawa Shunsho (1726-1793). Suzuki Harunobu (1725-1770). Katsushika Hokusai. - Japanese engraving.pptx

Islam architecture

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Geometry in architecture. Islam. Science is sacred geometry. Whole spiritual concepts are represented in the amazing geometric patterns of Muslim buildings. Mosques of Central Asia ... Like lamps in the dark. Better: like corals in the desert. - Islam architecture.ppt

Islamic architecture

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Islamic architecture. History of origin. Styles. Mavritinskaya architecture. Ottoman architecture. The main features of the interior decoration of the mosque. Mosques. An adobe wall. The walls were reinforced with rare wooden beams. The walls were flat and boring. Protrusions and niches. Later, they began to decorate the walls with patterns. The corners of large buildings. Clay. A kind of arch. Ivan. Ivan has become an indispensable part of any building. Sometimes the entire facade consisted of iwans. Dome. City buildings. Place of study. Caravanserai. Mosque. Complex. High towers. Minaret form. Floor in the mosque. Frescoes and stained-glass windows. - Islamic architecture.ppt

Culture of the countries of the Caliphate

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Caliphate. Culture. Arabic. Map of the Arab Caliphate. The capital of the Caliphate was originally Mecca, then Damascus in Syria. Features of Arab culture: Arabesque is a kind of ornament in architecture and painting, based on the whimsical interweaving of leaves ... TSB. Art. Arabic writing. Outdoor calligraphy. Scheherazade. Development of science. Physics. The principles of glass magnification have been developed. Alhazen wrote the book "Treasures of Optics". Chemistry. Geography. Masterpieces of Arabic architecture. Kaaba is a shrine of Arab culture. Architecture. Masterpieces of Arabic Architecture. Mosque in Cordoba. Palace in the Alhambra. - Culture of the countries of the Caliphate.ppt

Culture of the Arab Caliphate

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The culture of the countries of the Caliphate. Education. Schools - madrasahs. The science. The Arabs borrowed Indian numbers. Scientist al-Biruni. The medicine. "Thousand and One Nights". Architecture. Alhambra. Mosques. Inside, the mosque was a square room. Minarets. Arabesque. The meaning of Arab culture. - Culture of the Arab Caliphate.ppt

Culture of the countries of the Arab Caliphate

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Culture of the countries of the Caliphate. Koran. Culture. Scientific representations. The originality of the culture of the Caliphate. Development of education. Madrasah. Scientific representations of the Arabs. Map of the Arabian Peninsula. Arabic literature. Features of Arabic art. Islam. The influence of the culture of the Caliphate. -

Shakya Muni Buddha The founder of Buddhism has at least 30 names. At birth he was named Siddhartha, which means "fulfillment of desires." The name of his family is Gautama. Shakya Muni - "the hermit of the Sakya people." Buddha is "enlightened." The path of the Great Ruler or the Great Teacher awaited him. He chose the path of the Great Teacher. TASKS

MYTHICAL DRAGON Its appearance was presented in the form of a combination of elements of different animals, usually the head (or several) and the body of a reptile (snake, lizard, crocodile) and the wings of a bird. Sometimes the composition of such a combined image included body parts of other animals (fish, panther, lion, goat, dog, wolf, etc.).

In the work of the medieval Chinese writer Wei Guang Fu "The New Continuation of Zazuan" says: "You cannot imagine a bride going to the groom's house with tears, flowers in the hair of an old woman ..." CHINA - 10

PAGODA This is a Buddhist memorial and relic repository. The pagodas look like a pavilion or tower (often multi-tiered). They appeared at the beginning of our era in China, and are also known in Korea, Japan, Vietnam. By constructing tall pagodas, the architects strove to express the greatness of Buddhism and its spiritual strength. TASKS

Small feet, shod with tiny shoes, were considered a criterion female beauty Small feet, shod with tiny shoes, were considered the criterion of female beauty. For girls 4-5 years old, they tied their feet with a bandage, twisting their toes. After about a year of such bandaging, the foot was deformed and stopped growing. A 3-inch leg (about 10 cm) was considered ideal.

The medieval Chinese writer Gu Lu reads: “It cannot be that there is no crush at the festive celebrations; that seasonal fish be sold boneless; so that mosquitoes do not bite when you sleep without a canopy in summer; so that the owner of the shop does not lend to anyone. " And without whom there can be no spectacles? CHINA - 25

The oldest treatise on the art of war in China is attributed to the commander Sun Tzu (6th century BC). According to this treatise, in the third place in the rules of waging war, the enemy's army should be defeated, in the second place - to defeat his alliances, and in the first place - to defeat him ... CHINA - 25

IKEBANA There are 3 main components in ikebana: natural material (flowers, tree branches, leaves, etc.), a vase, and a metal headdress ("kenzan"). The main aesthetic principle is refined simplicity, achieved by revealing the natural beauty of the material. TASKS

Since ancient times, the life of this Japanese warrior has been subject to a strict code. Here are excerpts from it: "True courage is to live when it is right to live, and to die when it is right to die." What was the name of this Japanese warrior? JAPAN - 10

It has no mountains, no water, no trees, not a single flower. There is nothing in it that changes, grows, fades, is exposed to time. But everything in him creates an atmosphere of philosophical self-deepening, focuses a person on the main thing - on the experience of space. What is he? JAPAN - 20

List of sources used htm htm

L / O / G / O Culture of the Ancient East Balakireva Tatyana Anatolyevna MOU SOSH 256 G. Fokino Balakireva Tatyana Anatolyevna MOU SOSH 256 G. Fokino “What a country is the East! Imagine: to the right - a mountain, to the left - a mountain, in front - a mountain, and behind, as you yourself can imagine, the rotten West turns blue! ... "- Kozma Prutkov

The most ancient eastern civilizations include the culture of Mesopotamia, India and China. The artistic culture of Eastern civilizations is symbolic.

In the lV-l millennium BC. peoples of high culture lived in Mesopotamia - they laid the foundations of mathematical knowledge; - learned to calculate with great accuracy the motion of the planets, the time of revolution of the moon around the sun; - erected high brick towers; - drained marshland, laid canals and irrigated fields, planted orchards; - invented the wheel and built ships; - knew how to spin and weave, forged weapons and tools from copper and bronze; - have achieved great success in the field of political theory and practice

The art of Mesopotamia is based on a clear understanding of the general picture of the world, a clear idea of ​​the world order. Its main theme is the glorification of the strength and power of man.

Pictographic (drawing) writing was gradually replaced by geometric signs. They wrote on planks on soft clay. Clay envelope The emergence of writing

The visual arts of Mesopotamia Presented by the reliefs that adorned the inner walls of the ceremonial rooms in the palaces of the Assyrian rulers A significant part of the reliefs and mosaics is devoted to the court life of the king and his entourage

Great lion hunt. Fragment of the relief. lX c. BC. British Museum, London C C

Stele of King Naramsin. XXlll c. BC e. Louvre, Paris

Architecture An important part of architectural ensembles are stairs and ramps (inclined planes that replace stairs)

The culture of China Nature and man are the main theme of art In oriental art, man is only a small particle of Nature.

Architecture Architectural structures did not just fit into the natural landscape, but organically merged with it into the ensemble. Chinese architects chose the most picturesque place for their buildings. There are monasteries on the tops of the mountains. In remote places - cave temples and pagodas. There are steles along the edges of the roads. In the center of noisy cities - palaces of emperors

the great Wall of China

The pagoda is a Buddhist memorial and relic repository. The pagoda is a Buddhist memorial and relic repository. Dayanta Pagoda

Painting The artist tried to convey the idea of ​​the boundlessness of the world around. The paintings of Chinese artists are often monochrome (monochrome). They achieved special skill in conveying aerial perspective

Format and composition of paintings The horizontal format of the scroll is for the image of mountains. Vertical - for mountainous areas overgrown with pointed pine trees

Guo Xi () Guo Xi. The beginning of spring in the mountains. Scroll. Mascara. XI century. Early spring

Technology and materials Special paper is used - bamboo, straw or rice or cloth. Paints are made from ground colored stones. These paints will not fade. Mascara used different types- from soot, from pine coal, from varnish ash. Brushes are divided into soft and hard, made from horse hair, from hare hair, from sheep's hair and from rat hair.

Genres of Chinese painting Animalistic ("Flowers and Birds", "Plants and Insects") Household ("People and Objects") Ceremonial portrait Miniature on fans and other household items Landscape painting ("Mountains and Waters")

Ancient india Ancient india

Of the above-ground structures, the most significant are located in Sanchi. Here, on the top of a large hill, not far from an important political center of the post-laurian era, there was a huge Buddhist monastery. Little has survived from the monastery itself and the hotel for pilgrims. And the main attraction of Sanchi is a large stupa, built in the 2nd - 1st centuries. BC. On four sides of the world, it is surrounded by carved stone gates depicting scenes from Buddhist legends. The largest stupa is comparable in size to the Egyptian pyramids. A stupa is a burial mound for keeping Buddha's relics.

Chaitya is one of the types of Indian Buddhist architecture, which is an oblong hall with two rows of columns and a stupa placed at the rounded end of the hall opposite the entrance (a hemispherical burial, and then a memorial structure). Chaitya in Karli

Taj Mahal This is a monument of Indian architecture, and the great love of Sultan Shah - Jahan and his wife Mumtaz - Mahal. Built about years on the banks of the Jamna River, in the city of Agra. It is a 5-domed structure with a height of 74 meters on a platform, with 4 minarets at the corners. The walls are lined with white marble inlaid with gems. The Taj Mahal is adjoined by a garden with fountains and a swimming pool.

Materials used by G.I. Danilova. World art culture 7-9 grades, M.: Bustard, 2010 N.N. Kutsman. World art culture. Grade 7. Lesson plans according to Danilova's textbook

L / O / G / O Lesson over

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The originality of the artistic culture of the Ancient East

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Educational goals and objectives: To get acquainted with the religious ideas of a person of the East, to determine the directions and features of oriental art, to learn to see the aesthetics of oriental art. Educational questions: 1. Characteristics of the culture of the Ancient East. 2. India - religious views, their cultural reflection. 3. Religious views in ancient China. 4. Scientific and cultural achievements of Ancient China.

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The Ancient East is the era of the first written monuments, the first cities, the first metallurgists, the first money and the first reforms. The Ancient East is the "childhood of mankind". The Ancient East is full of secrets and mysteries, many amazing people with amazing destinies. They look at us through the darkness of centuries and wait. They are waiting for those with whom they could talk.

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On the Indian subcontinent in ancient times people of different races, cultures and religions lived. The Aryans formed a number of states on the territory of India. The language of the Aryans is Sanskrit, ancient legends are written in it. India is the birthplace of world religion: Buddhism. Religion attaches great importance to the animal kingdom. Love for nature is the main theme of Indian art.

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The stupa is a memorial and burial structure. The stupa is monolithic and one-piece, the form of a burial mound is hemispherical. The hemisphere is a symbol of Heaven And infinity. The stupa is a burial place for relics.

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Stupa at Sanchi under Maurya (about 250 BC)

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Mausoleum Taj Mahal in Agra (mid 17th century)

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Frescoes of the caves of Ajanta

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The rock temples of Kailash were carved into the rock by ancient craftsmen for 150 years.

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Religious beliefs in ancient China

Ancient Chinese civilization developed in such an isolated manner, as if it were on another planet. The stability of civilization was given by a homogeneous population, the Han people. The thoughts of people were directed to the past, not to the future. The Han people believed that there was order in the world, and in order not to violate it, one had to adhere to strict rules and live by the laws of nature. According to the teachings of Confucius, everyone should strive to improve their lives and find their own happiness. The spirits of deceased ancestors helped a person in this. The family kept plaques with their names, and displayed refreshments in front of the plaques.

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Harmony in the world of YIN and YANG

The Han people believed that education and upbringing make a person a person, and the forces of YIN and YANG create harmony in the world. YIN - feminine (shadow, dusk, cold, moisture). YAN - masculine principle (light, sun, warmth, dryness). Everything around is a combination of five principles: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Wood gives rise to fire, fire - earth (ash after combustion), earth - metal (extracted from rocks), metal - water (melting, metal becomes liquid), water - wood (watering affects the growth of plants). These principles overwhelm each other: wood conquers the earth (digs up), metal chops wood, fire melts metal, water extinguishes fire, earth conquers (dam stops) water.

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Scientific and Cultural Achievements of Ancient China

Needs Everyday life led to the accumulation of knowledge in mathematics and astronomy, history and geography. The Chinese have reached heights in calligraphy and painting, architecture, theater, literature, park art, Chinese cuisine, medicine, and martial arts. The Chinese invented silk fabrics and varnish, paper and a compass, gunpowder, and a seismograph.

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Cultural achievements of the Ancient East: science, pyramids, temples, sculptures Presentation of student 10 "b" class Vasily Rumyantsev

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The concept of the Ancient East The Ancient East is a combination of a number of countries in South and East Asia, North and North-East Africa during the period of the emergence and existence of slavery (from the middle of the 4th millennium BC - for Sumer, from the end of the 4th th millennium BC - for Egypt, from the 2nd millennium BC for India and China) to the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. The most important of the cultures of the Ancient East developed in the valleys of the rivers Nile, Euphrates, Indus, where the development of agriculture required the creation of a network of irrigation facilities.

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Main characteristics of Egyptian society Egyptian society was a closed society. It was a slave-owning despotism, with its social structure reminiscent of a pyramid: at the bottom - slaves, then peasants, artisans, scribes, priests, officials, nobles and at the top - the pharaoh, whose power was unlimited and absolute. Pharaoh did everything: trade, politics, irrigation, religion. He combined the highest religious and political power. His figure was divine.

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Historical periods of Ancient Egypt The author of the first history of Ancient Egypt, Manetho, proposed a chronological division of the country's history, covering the period of the reign of 30 dynasties. In the modern era, a number of refinements have been made to this chronology. Below is the periodization of ancient Egyptian history, proposed in the collective monograph History of the Ancient East. Part 2. Western Asia and Egypt (M., 1988): Early kingdom (I-II dynasty) - 3000-2778. BC e. Ancient kingdom (dynasty III-VI) - 2778-2263 BC e. The first transitional period (VII-X dynasties) - 2263-2070. BC e. Middle Kingdom (XI and XII dynasties) - 2160-1785 BC e. The second transitional period (XIII-XVII dynasties) - 1785-1580. BC e. New Kingdom (XVIII-XX Dynasties) - 1580-1075 BC e. The third transitional period - (XXI-XXVI dynasties) 1075-656. BC e. Late kingdom (XXVII-XXX dynasties) - 656-332 BC e., before the conquest by Alexander the Great.

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The beginnings of many professions Already in the Ancient Kingdom (not without connection with the practice of mummification), a lot of knowledge in the field of anatomy and medicine was accumulated - enough for the emergence of doctors of various specializations: eye, dental, surgeons, etc. Later, practical guidelines for doctors were attested, in which, however, often science is intertwined with magic. But this does not determine the achievements of Egyptian medicine: ancient healers show that Egyptian doctors knew anatomy perfectly, perhaps they discovered blood circulation, knew something about the role of the brain (paralysis of the legs was associated with damage to the head). There was also a manual for veterinarians. Both mummification and especially recipes show significant knowledge in the field of chemistry.

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The development of medicine in Ancient egypt in 3000 BC e. Egyptian doctors were able not only to open the skull to remove the tumor, but also to perform other surgical operations: cutting out the appendix, amputating the arm and replacing it with a prosthesis. Traces of such a surgical intervention have been preserved on many mummies. Perhaps such operations were done even earlier, but medicine in Ancient Egypt began to develop actively with the help of the high priest of the god Ra - Imhotep. In 2630 BC. BC, taking the chair of the chief minister, Imhotep said that "the gods revealed to him the art of healing people," and founded a school of doctors - both men and women were accepted there. The priest performed the first operations to open the skull personally - as anesthesia, the cunning Imhotep introduced patients into a trance by reading prayers, after which he gave them a drink made from the strongest narcotic herbs, as a result of which they lost all sensitivity. Gold was used to prevent blood poisoning: this metal has antiseptic properties, and therefore the plates in the skull of mummies are gold. In the photo - a statue of Imhotep - the god of wisdom and medicine in Ancient Egypt

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The Ancient Egyptians' Contribution to Astronomy The ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to astronomy, creating a solar calendar so perfect that we still use it with some modifications. The year was divided into three seasons of four months. The thirty-day month was divided into decades. There were 36 decades in the year dedicated to special deities - constellations. At the end of the year, five days were added. Such a calendar arose from agricultural needs, led to it by the need to calculate the periods of the Nile flood. Another great contribution to astronomy is the division of the day into 24 hours. Already during the New Kingdom, water and sundials were known. grouping stars into constellations. Egyptians learned well starry sky created maps of the sky. The stars were combined by them into constellations, which received names denoting the names of animals, for example - the constellations Leo, Crocodile, Hippopotamus. The planets were also observed.

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The Development of Mathematics in Ancient Egypt Egyptian mathematics arose from the needs of office work and economic life. The Egyptians had a decimal system of counting. The Egyptians developed special signs-numbers for "1" (dash), "10" (horseshoe), "100" (sign of a twisted rope), "1000" (image of a lotus stem), "10,000" (raised human finger), " 100,000 "(the image of a tadpole)," 1,000,000 "(a figure of a squatting deity with raised arms). To write, for example, “9,000,” it took nine times in a row to draw the stem of a lotus. The Egyptians knew how to do addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, they had an idea of ​​fractions, in the numerator of which there was always one. For calculations related to fractions, special tables were used. The Egyptians also knew the arithmetic progression. Especially great were the achievements of the Egyptians in the field of geometry. They knew how to calculate the area of ​​a circle, the surface of the hemisphere, the volume of a truncated pyramid. All of this was of practical importance. The future official should have been able to accurately determine the area of ​​any field, the volume of the basket, and divide the property between the heirs.

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The development of historical science and philology Of the social sciences, the most important were the achievements in the field of historical knowledge: the records of the sequence of reigns and the most important events have been preserved. There were special vocabularies, as well as textbooks by which the Egyptian scribes learned the Akkadian language.

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The use of cosmetics in ancient Egypt Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra put tons of all kinds of cosmetics on their faces, and everything in order to look beautiful and charming. Everyone knows in our time milk baths, which Cleopatra took to maintain the youthfulness of the skin of the body and maintain vitality. For early graying of hair, an ointment was used, which was prepared from chopped horns of a black gazelle and a portion of oil. The resulting gruel was applied to the entire length of the hair and more

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Pyramids of Ancient Egypt as Royal Tombs The Egyptians were the first in the world to create monumental structures of stone - pyramids and temples. The pyramids were built in honor of the Egyptian king and were built as grandiose royal tombs. After death, the body of the pharaoh was embalmed, brought inside the pyramid and placed in a large stone coffin, decorated with drawings and bas-reliefs - a sarcophagus. Then the entrance to the pyramid was walled up, because it was believed that the king should always be in his "house of eternity".

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The first pyramid and the pyramid of Cheops The first pyramid, called by scientists a step pyramid, which had a 60-meter height, was built for Pharaoh Djoser. It consists of six huge steps, lined with polished slabs on the sides. Scientists have nicknamed her "the mother of the pyramids". The largest of all the Egyptian pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, this pyramid was built by 100 thousand people for 20 years. The pyramid is composed of more than 2.3 million boulders, each weighing more than 2 tons. The height of the pyramid is 147 meters! Each block of stone was so polished, and all the blocks were so precisely fitted that it was impossible to insert a knife blade between them. The entrance to the pyramid was at a height of 14 meters. None of the pyramids of other kings who ruled after Cheops could surpass his tomb in size and splendor. The second largest pyramid after the tomb of Cheops is the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafra. In the second photo - the pyramids from left to right of Cheops, Khifren and Mikerin, only the pyramid of Chiops - one of the 7 wonders of the World - the very first in its ancient origin.

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Code of Laws of Hammurabi The Code of Laws of Hammurabi is one of the oldest pieces of legislation created at the end of the reign of Hammurabi (approximately 1750s BC). Preserved in the form of a cuneiform inscription on a black diorite stele found by the French archaeological expedition of Jacques de Morgan during excavations in 1901-1902 in Suzi (the territory of ancient Mesopotamia), the territory of the modern province of Khuzestan in Iran. Modern publishers divide the collection into 282 articles (37 articles, as many believe, were erased in antiquity, but partially restored from clay tablets found in various places, in particular in the Ashurbanipal library).

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Tower of Babel in ancient city Mesopotamia Babylon In ancient Mesopotamia, the tradition of building high towers-temples, called ziggurats, was formed. The tops of the towers were used for worship and astronomical observations. The highest ziggurat (91 m high, one rectangular step and seven spiral steps - 8 in total) was in Babylon. It was called Etemenanki, which means "the house where heaven meets earth." It is not known exactly when the original construction of this tower was carried out, but it already existed during the reign of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). Worldwide study has now the legend of the Tower of Babel associated with biblical stories. Sculptures of religious themes in the Ancient East, Buddhists - images of Buddha The art of the Ancient East developed under the influence of religions - in Ancient Egypt - paganism, in India, China and Japan - Buddhism. The founder of this religion is Siddhartha Gautama (VI-V centuries BC). He found a way to save a person from suffering, for which he was called Buddha - the enlightened one. In his teaching, a person is born again after death, repeatedly experiencing suffering from life. Liberation from suffering is nirvana - a state of blissful peace. A significant place in the art of India, China, Japan is occupied by the image of the Buddha and his closest assistants. The sculptures depicted the Buddha, his assistants, scenes from the life of people. When depicting the Buddha, the masters adhered to strict rules. Every detail has a specific meaning. All Buddha sculptures have characteristic half-closed eyes, wavy hair, elongated earlobes, a birthmark on the forehead, symbolizing the Buddha's perfection. Buddha usually sits in a state of deep concentration. Around the head of the Buddha is a halo, symbolizing divine power. Sculptures of the Ancient East are in Buddhist temples in India and China. Each temple is adorned with numerous statues of Buddha, Buddhist deities, as well as more ancient gods. Sculptural art forms in China, Japan and India are characterized by curvaceous and rounded shapes. One of the most significant temples in China is located in Henan province. A huge sculpture of a seated Buddha (117m) was cut high in the mountains. In the form, the real and the ideal, the earthly and the heavenly, were united. In other provinces, there are sculptures of the Buddha and his assistants with gentle, meek faces, depicted in plastic poses. In Japan, in the wooden temple of the Big Buddha, there is the main shrine of the monastery - a 16-meter sculpture of Buddha. It took about 10 years to create it. Repeatedly it was destroyed and recreated again. The huge seated sculpture is striking in its grandeur. Ancient Indian craftsmen carved Buddha sculptures right in the rocks. Later, when Hinduism became the dominant religion of India, sculptures began to depict Vishnu - the guardian of the world and Shiva - the personification of the movement of life in nature.