Coastal history. The oldest states on the territory of Primorye Ancient cities of Primorye

The history of Primorye from ancient times to the present day is rich in bright pages and memorable events. On the territory of modern Primorye, primitive tribes and peoples lived, replacing each other, and medieval states also arose here. There were centuries when, it seemed, everyone forgot about these wild lands, and only a few groups of hunters and ginseng gatherers roamed the valleys of taiga rivers. But in the middle of the XVII century. Russian pioneers came to distant lands off the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and since then the history of Primorye has become the history of Russian Primorye. The pages of this story were written by researchers O. Stepanov, G.I. Nevelskoy, V.K. Arseniev and others, the first settlers from European Russia, revolutionary sailors and red partisans. This story is being written even today, when Primorye is turning into one of the most promising regions. Man first appeared on the territory of Primorye and continental regions Asia in the Paleolithic era more than 30 thousand years ago. They were gatherers and hunters of mammoths, wild horses, bison, rhinos, bears, elks.
With the beginning of global warming, about 10 - 8 thousand years ago, significant changes took place in the life of the ancient population. On the territory of the region, Neolithic cultures were formed, focused on the use of a wide range of natural resources. Ancient people hunted land and sea animals, were engaged in river and coastal fishing, collecting shellfish and wild plants. They lived in small villages in semi-dugouts with hearths for heating and cooking. At this time, pottery, various tools were invented - arrowheads, adzes and axes made of stone, boats, fish hooks, harpoons, spears.
At the final stage of the Stone Age, the population of the continental part of Primorye mastered primitive agriculture. At the end of the II millennium BC. ancient people begin to use bronze tools and weapons.
At the beginning of the Iron Age - about 2800 years ago - the coastal zone of Primorye was occupied by the population of the Yankovskaya archaeological culture. People lived in large settlements all year round. Millet was grown on the coast, and barley was grown in the continental zone. They were engaged in fishing, collecting mollusks and plants, hunting. Approximately at the same time, 2300 years ago, in the western regions of Primorye, carriers of the Krounov culture (Woju tribes) appeared. Their main occupations are farming, breeding pigs, cows, horses, hunting, and fishing. From the first centuries of our era, the Ilou tribes developed blacksmithing and pottery, the construction of public buildings (roads, water supply systems) was carried out, and contacts with the cultures of neighboring territories became more active. The level of economic development and culture of the tribes of the early Iron Age of Primorye corresponded to the initial stages of the formation of a class society and early states.

In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. Primorye was inhabited by sumo moeh tribes, a state was formed, from the beginning of the 8th century. dubbed Bohai (698 - 926). On the territory of Primorye, the southern part of which became part of Bohai from the middle of the 7th century, there were at least two territorial and administrative units: the Shuaibin region, named after the river (Suifen, Suifun, Razdolnaya), in the valley of which its center was located, and the district Yan (Yanzhou), the remains of its central city is a settlement near the village. Kraskino in the Khasansky district. From here, from Posyet Bay, the sea route from Bohai to Japan began, along which diplomatic, commercial and cultural exchanges between Bohai and the Land of the Rising Sun were carried out. Bohai cities and settlements were located on fertile lands in the valleys of the Razdolnaya, Ilista, Arsenyevka, Shkotovka, and Partizanskaya rivers. Located to the east and northeast of Bohai, the Heishui Mohe tribes experienced a strong cultural and political influence of Bohai. In 926 Bohai was destroyed by the Khitans.
After 926, part of the Heishui Moeh tribes, known from the 10th century, united. under the name Jurcheni. The state they formed Jin (Gold Empire, 1115-1234) crushed the Khitan empire Liao (916-1125) and during the wars with the Chinese empire soong conquered all of northern China. During its heyday, the Jin empire occupied vast territories from the river. Huaihe in the south to the Amur Valley in the north, from the Greater Khingan in the west to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan in the east. On the territory of Primorye was the Jin province of Xuping with its center in the area of ​​the modern city of Ussuriysk. During the wars with the Mongols at the beginning of the 13th century, which ended with the death of the Golden Empire, on the territory of Eastern Manchuria, the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and Primorye, the Jurchen commander Puxian Wannu created an independent state Du Xia. The Jurchens, who came headed by Puxian Wannu from the province of the Eastern Capital of Jin, built fortified cities. Many of them - Shaiginskoye and Yekaterinskoye settlements in the Partizansky district, Krasnoyarskoye near Ussuriysk, Ananyevskoye in the Nadezhdensky district, Lazovskoye and others - have become objects of archaeological research, providing rich material for studying the economy, culture and socio-political structure of the Jurchens.

For the first time, Russian explorers - O. Stepanov's detachment - visited Primorye in the middle of the 17th century. However, active study and foundation of the region began in the middle of the 19th century. The intensive settlement of the region also dates back to this time.
On May 26, 1861, the southern lands of the Russian Far East, including the Primorsky region, were declared open for settlement by peasants and "enterprising people of all classes." Primorye was inhabited by Cossacks and peasants, demobilized ranks of the army and navy, artisans and skilled contract workers, convicts and exiles, foreigners who received Russian citizenship, and otkhodniks temporarily living here.
Only for 1861-1900. 116 thousand people arrived in the Russian Far East, including Primorye, of which almost 82% were peasants and 9% were Cossacks; for 1901-1916 287 thousand people moved here.
In 1959, the first settlements arose in Primorye - Cossack stations on the Ussuri River; in 1861-1866 first peasant villages appeared in the south of the region. In 1860 the city of Vladivostok was founded.

This section is taken from, prepared with the participation of FENU, TIDOiT and the team of authors represented by Bad S.V., Kovalev Z.A.

One of the most historically interesting regions of the Far East is Primorye. It was here, on the territory of the Primorsky Territory, that all the distinctive features of the nature of our Far East, the uniqueness of its cultures and features of historical development were expressed with the greatest force. Paleolithic in Primorye. In the south of the Far East, starting from the Stone Age, the most significant and important historical events took place. According to archeology, the first people on the territory of modern Primorye appeared in the era of the Upper Paleolithic, i.e. approximately 30 thousand years ago.

It should be noted that the number of human sites discovered here is relatively small. The first find of traces of the activity of a jealous person was noted in the continental part of Primorye, in the area of ​​​​the city of Ussuriysk, near the village. Osinovka, in the valley of the river of the same name. Osinovka is considered by its discoverer and researcher A.P. Okladnikov as the earliest Upper Paleolithic complex of Primorye.

Excavations have shown that there was an ancient settlement where stone processing was carried out. Entire tools and their blanks, flakes and plates were located in a kind of nests. Researchers distinguish two types of tools: chopping tools of the almond-shaped chopping type, as well as side-scrapers made from split pebbles with a wide side blade of convex outlines. Others are open in PrimoryeOsino-type monuments: settlements in the valleys of the Razdolnaya and Melgunovka rivers and on the coast of Expedition Bay. Pebble chopping tools - choppers, chopping, flakes, rough blades - were found at these sites. Sites in the valley of the Zerkalnaya River in the Kavalerovsky District near the villages of Ustinovka and Suvorovo belong to a later period. In contrast to the finds near the village of Osinovka, stone tools at these sites have a special appearance.

In their manufacture, the so-called lamellar stone processing technique was used. This allowed scientists to talk about a special Ustinovskaya archaeological culture, i.e. a group of ancient monuments located in a certain area and having undeniable similarities in the archaeological material. Interesting materials to characterize the way of life of Paleolithic man in Primorye are added by a remarkable monument of this time, discovered in the south of Primorye, in the cave of the Geographical Society. This cave is the only one in the Far East of Russia, where the remains of the fauna of that time were found, associated with traces of the vital activity of primitive man. Contemporaries of the ancient man of Primorye were mammoth, horse, bison, roe deer, deer, deer, whose meat was eaten.

In the Paleolithic era, people led a mobile lifestyle. Small groups, several dozen people, moved within their territory. Men were engaged in hunting and fishing, women - gathering and housekeeping.

The Neolithic began in Primorye in the 7th - 6th millennium BC. and is characterized by the appearance of pottery (ceramics), the widespread use of grinding and sawing techniques and, in connection with this, new types of tools.

In Primorye, there are two archaeological cultures of the Neolithic era: Rudninskaya and Zaisanovskaya. Monuments of the Rudninskaya culture were discovered and explored in the northeastern part of Primorye in the Dalnegorsk region, in the Rudnaya and Moryak-Rybolov bays. The connection between the Rudna culture and the Kondon culture of the Lower Amur is clearly manifested. In the southern and southwestern Primorye, monuments of the Zaisanov culture are widespread, among them the settlements of Zaisanovka 1, Siniy Gai, etc. The Devil's Gate Cave (Dalnegorsky District) is the most striking Neolithic monument in Primorye. Traces of a wooden dwelling that burned down in the middle of the 5th millennium BC were found in the cave, in addition, hundreds of stone and bone tools, ceramic vessels, and fragments of five human bones were found here. Findings in the cave of many sinkers, the remains of fishing nets testify to the occupation of the inhabitants of the cave by fishing.

Interesting and unlike other monuments of Primorye is the settlement of Valentine - the isthmus (Lazovsky district). It was a specialized settlement, the population of which was engaged in the extraction of iron ore and the manufacture of mineral paint from it. For the extraction of ore, the ancient inhabitants of this settlement used stone hoes and pestles. Numerous finds of scrapers, scrapers, drills led archaeologists to the conclusion that the population of the village was engaged in domestic crafts: dressing skins, processing horn and bone.

In the Chernihiv region in the settlement of Siniy Gai, archaeologists unearthed the remains of several dozen Neolithic dwellings.

A variety of tools, ornamented utensils, works of applied art were found there. All finds of the Neolithic era testify to a fairly high level of economic development of the tribes of Primorye. The sedentary way of life laid the foundation for strengthening the community organization, with collectivism characteristic of it. During the Neolithic period, fishing was the dominant type of economy on the territory of Primorsky Krai. At the end of the Neolithic, the population of Primorye began to engage in agriculture. Unique in its kind are the monuments of shell mounds, which are scattered along the shores of Peter the Great Bay in the south of Primorsky Krai. They testify to the occupation of the ancient people of the Neolithic by a productive economy, namely, ancient aquaculture. At present, 52 species of bivalves and 34 species of gastropods have been found in shell mounds and on the coast of Peter the Great Bay. Observations of scientists give grounds to assume that "along with agriculture and cattle breeding, aquaculture was also born in the Neolithic." Thus, by the end of the Stone Age, the tribes of Primorye had a high level of development and were engaged in a variety of economic activities, and even such specific ones as aquaculture. The Neolithic cultures of Primorye were the basis on which the cultures of the metal epochs were formed. Bronze Age in Primorye. At the end of the II millennium BC. in Primorye, a new cultural and historical period begins - the Bronze Age. All known monuments of this era are divided into several cultural and chronological groups, among which three cultures are traditionally distinguished.

Sinegai culture. Monuments of this culture (Kharinskaya, Rubinovaya, Siniy Gay) were found near the lake. Khanka and in South Primorye. Moreover, Rubinovaya is located on a low terrace, while Sini Gai and Kharinskaya are on high, hard-to-reach terraces. The culture as a whole is characterized by polished knives, polished rectangular axes, undecorated vessels, and numerous bone tools. For the first time in Primorye, bronze items - knives and hemispherical plaques - were found at the Sini Gay settlement.

The time of existence of culture within the II millennium BC. The uniqueness of this monument is not only in finding bronze items, but also in a series of things and objects of a cult nature that help to present the worldview of the ancients. Among the most interesting objects near one of the dwellings is the burial of a pig lying on its back.Lead culture. For the first time, monuments of the Lida culture were discovered and identified on a narrow coastal strip of North-Eastern Primorye, between the villages of Terney and Olga, in the valley of the river. Samarga (Lidovka 1, Samarga 1, Blagodatnoe 3, etc.). The culture is characterized by amphora-shaped vessels, polished tools, stone replicas of bronze tools, retouched tools made of flint and chalcedony. Margaret culture. Monuments related to this culture are located south of the Lida culture, in the east of Primorye, in the valleys of the Margaritovka, Avvakumovka and Kievka rivers and are dated by researchers to the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. The culture is characterized by molds, polished tools, and well-shaped vessels. Another group of Bronze Age sites was discovered in Western Primorye (Novo-Georgievka 3, Chernyatino 3), other sites were found in the southern and central (Anuchino 5) regions of the region. Due to poor study, their cultural affiliation has not yet been determined. In general, the Bronze Age in Primorye is the time of the development of the producingeconomy. On the monuments of the Bronze Age in Primorye, as well as in the entire Far East, not bronze items themselves are often found, but their imitations made of stone. During this period, small groups of people are already being replaced by stable communities numbering from several tens to several thousand people. Iron Age in Primorye. At the turn of II and I millennium BC. the population of Primorye enters the Iron Age, the early stage of which is represented by several archaeological cultures and is associated with the appearance of an agricultural population on the territory of the region.

The Early Iron Age in the region is represented by two archaeological cultures - Jankovskaya and Krounovskaya. Yankovskaya culture, named after a well-known businessman and scientist in the region M.I. Yankovsky, is the most studied, more than 70 of its monuments are known, located mainly on the sea coast. Among them, the Sandy Peninsula near Vladivostok, pos. Slavyanka in the Khasansky district, pos. Chapaevo in the Nadezhdinsky district and others. During the excavations of the Yankovskaya culture, direct evidence of the acquaintance of ancient people with iron was found: earth-moving tools, as well as iron axes. In addition, large accumulations of shell valves were found near the settlements of the Yankovskaya culture.

A feature of the Jankovo ​​culture is a combination of contradictory elements. On the one hand, agriculture, cattle breeding, and the manufacture of iron tools were widely developed here. On the other hand, stone tools dominated, appropriating forms of farming became more active. Monuments of the Krounovskaya culture are located from Lake Khanka to the southeastern coast of Primorsky Krai. The most famous of them are: Krounovka 1 near the city of Ussuriysk, Kievka 1 in the Lazovsky district, Semipyatnaya in the Khankaysky district. Krounovskaya culture also has its own image. Among the iron products appeared knives with a dressed handle, adzes with a rounded blade. Only in the Krounov culture were stone shoulder axes found. Pottery, in contrast to the Yankov culture, is rough, thick-walled, and usually unornamented.

More often than others, truncated-conical vessels with massive handles - “stumps” are found. The Krounovites had a heating system in their dwellings - can. Archaeologists believe that all the settlements of this culture died from a fire. The use of metal by ancient man was accompanied by changes in social organization. The early primitive local groups were replaced by stable, sedentary forms of the community.

Within her, the power of the leader increased. Communities on the basis of consanguinity, marriage, economic, cultural ties were united into a supra-communal formation - tribes. During the Iron Age in Primorye, the role of agriculture and cattle breeding significantly increased. This is evidenced by a set of agricultural tools, as well as finds of grains, cereals and bones of domestic animals. At the turn of our era, the period of the developed Iron Age begins in Primorye. At that time, several groups of archaeological sites were distinguished on the territory of the region, among which the monuments of the Olga culture stand out. The area of ​​distribution of this culture is the central, southern and southeastern regions of the region.

More than 20 monuments of this culture are known: Senkina Shapka, Blue Rocks, Malaya Pillow, etc. The culture is characterized by a rich and varied inventory - bronze, iron, clay items. The bearers of the Olga culture were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing and gathering continued to play a significant role. During excavations of monuments of this culture, traces of residential and industrial premises were found.

At the same time, the first roads appeared. Home crafts develop into handicrafts. In the developed Iron Age, agriculture and animal husbandry are increasingly developed, and the population is growing. Numerous finds of weapons indicate the existence of clashes and wars between and within communities. Social inequality is increasing, a stratum of the underprivileged population appears, as well as leaders and priests. There are unions of tribes in which there is a clear hierarchy of power. During this period, real prerequisites were formed for the formation of early statehood among the population of Primorye. It should be noted the high level of spiritual and cultural development of the ancient people of Primorye. The artistic perception of the surrounding world by the ancient man was mainly reflected in small plastic objects (figures of animals, people, masks - masks, etc.).

Various decorations are also the embodiment of aesthetic, religious and social ideas of ancient people. Many ceramic vessels, often with complex patterns and rich ornaments, can also be classified as objects of art. Scientists claim that the ancient population of Primorye professed animism. It was at this time that the origins of shamanism leave.

Primorsky Krai in ancient times

The most ancient settlements in Primorye, dating back to the Paleolithic era, were discovered on the territory of the present Nakhodka region.
Man first appeared on the territory of Primorye and the continental regions of Asia in the Paleolithic era more than 30 thousand years ago. They were gatherers and hunters of mammoths, wild horses, bison, rhinos, bears, elks.
At the final stage of the Stone Age, the population of the continental part of Primorye mastered primitive agriculture. At the end of the II millennium BC. ancient people begin to use bronze tools and weapons.
At the beginning of the Iron Age - about 2800 years ago - the coastal zone of Primorye was occupied by the population of the Yankovskaya archaeological culture. People lived in large settlements all year round. Millet was grown on the coast, and barley was grown in the continental zone. They were engaged in fishing, collecting mollusks and plants, hunting.
Approximately at the same time, 2300 years ago, in the western regions of Primorye, carriers of the Krounov culture (Woju tribes) appeared.
In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. Primorye was inhabited by sumo moeh tribes, a state was formed, from the beginning of the 8th century. called Bohai (698 - 926). On the territory of Primorye, the southern part of which became part of Bohai from the middle of the 7th century, there were at least two territorial and administrative units: the Shuaibin region, named after the river (Suifen, Suifun, Razdolnaya), in the valley of which its center was located, and the district Yan (Yanzhou), the remains of its central city is a settlement near the village. Kraskino in the Khasansky district. In 926 Bohai was destroyed by the Khitans. After 926, part of the Heishui Moeh tribes, known from the 10th century, united. under the name of the Jurchens. The state of Jin (Golden Empire, 1115-1234) formed by them defeated the Khitan empire of Liao (916-1125) and, during the wars with the Chinese Song empire, conquered all of Northern China.
On the territory of Primorye was the Jin province of Xuping with its center in the area of ​​the modern city of Ussuriysk.
The real history of Primorye began with its development by Russian travelers, navigators, and explorers.

Primorsky Krai in the 19th century.

For the first time, Russian explorers - O. Stepanov's detachment - visited Primorye in the middle of the 17th century. However, active study and foundation of the region began in the middle of the 19th century. The intensive settlement of the region also dates back to this time.
On May 26, 1861, the southern lands of the Russian Far East, including the Primorsky region, were declared open for settlement by peasants and "enterprising people of all classes." Primorye was inhabited by Cossacks and peasants, demobilized ranks of the army and navy, artisans and skilled contract workers, convicts and exiles, foreigners who received Russian citizenship, and otkhodniks temporarily living here.
The first settlers were the military and the Cossacks. In the early 50s of the XIX century. on the Lower Amur, military sailors and soldiers organized military posts: Nikolaevsky and Mariinsky; in 1855, the Trans-Baikal Cossacks founded the first Cossack village, Suchi, near the Mariinsky post.
In Primorye, military posts appeared in 1859 - on the shores of Lake Khanka (Turiy Rog) and in the bay of St. Olga. In 1860, the soldiers of the 3rd line battalion formed posts in Novgorodskaya Bay, in the area of ​​​​the modern villages of Razdolnoye, Uglovoe and other places. On June 20, 1860, soldiers of the 4th line battalion, led by ensign Vladimir Komarov, were sent to the Zolotoy Rog Bay on the military transport "Manjur". They founded the military post Vladivostok.
A special place in the settlement of the region belonged to the Cossacks. They were faced with two most important tasks: the economic development of new lands and their defense. The first Cossack settlements in Primorye arose on the Ussuri River in 1859 - Verkhne-Mikhailovsky, Grafsky, Ilyinsky, princely, etc. They were founded by Cossacks enlisted in the Ussuri foot battalion of the Amur Cossack army. By 1862, about 14 thousand horse and foot Cossacks-Transbaikalians settled on the Amur and Ussuri.
29 Cossack villages and settlements were founded on the Ussuri River. In 1879, part of the Cossacks left for Southern Primorye, where 10 new settlements arose in the border zone south of Lake Khanka. This allowed in 1889 to create an independent Ussuri Cossack army.
In 1895, the resettlement to the Far East from the Cossack troops of European Russia began. The reason for this resettlement was the construction of the Ussuri section of the Siberian Railway (Transsib) and the need to protect it. For 5 years, more than 5 thousand people arrived in the Far East, mainly in the Ussuri Cossack army. This migration continued into the early 20th century.
On March 26, 1861, the Amur and Primorsky regions of Eastern Siberia are declared by the government open for settlement by "peasants who do not have land, and enterprising people of all classes who wish to move at their own expense."
In 1861, the first settlement of peasants appeared in Primorye - Fudin (Vetka), in 1863 - the village of Voronezhskaya (now the village of Turii Rog), in 1864 - Vladimiro-Aleksandrovskoye, in 1866 - Astrakhanka, Nikolskoye, Razdolnoye and others
From 1883 to 1901, 56 thousand people moved to the South Ussuri Territory, of which more than 55 thousand by sea and about 900 people by sea. land, 77% of the settlers came from Chernihiv, Poltava, Kiev and other Ukrainian provinces.
At the early stage of the development of Primorye, its industry developed mainly due to the development of the richest natural resources. In 1860 - 1880. the most important industries were: forest (harvesting firewood, timber, as well as tree fungi, ginseng, medicinal herbs and other wild plants, antlers, etc.), marine (extraction of seaweed, trepangs, crabs, etc.), fishing. Vladivostok entrepreneurs developed whaling: in the 1870s-1890s. whale hunting was conducted by O.V. Lindholm, then by the skipper F. Gek, in 1889-1890. - A.G. Dydymov (who died with his crew in 1891).

Primorsky Krai in the XX century.

Early 20th century was marked by a crisis of overproduction that hit the developed countries, including Russia, where the crisis was exacerbated by political events (the Russo-Japanese war, revolution). In Primorye, in particular, in 1906 the number of operating enterprises remained at the level of 1901; and the amount of production decreased by 38%. Only in 1908 did a new economic upswing begin, which was facilitated by the growth of state investments in the construction of railways, military and other facilities, the influx of immigrants, etc.
The revolution that broke out in Russia under the influence of the Russo-Japanese War, which significantly worsened the situation of the masses of the people, quickly spread throughout the country. The inhabitants of Primorye, which was a frontline zone, experienced all the hardships of the war in full measure: the increase in the cost of living, the lack of food and essential goods, and so on. The morale of the population and especially the army was depressed due to the shameful military defeat. Dismissal to the reserve of the lower ranks of the army and navy, whose number during the war years increased several times, their dispatch to their homeland was extremely slow - rail and sea transport could not cope with the flow of passengers and military cargo. Soldiers and sailors ate poorly, lived in overcrowded barracks and even in tents, they were paid pennies for work on fortifications, officers used rough treatment, resorted to assault. Hospitals and hastily built infirmaries were packed with the wounded and sick. All these factors created the ground for the growth of discontent and indignation in almost all sections of the population.
November 15 Vladivostok postal and telegraph employees joined the All-Russian strike; At the end of November, the Ussuri railway workers joined the all-Russian strike. The first trade unions are being created - on the Ussuri railroad. etc., in the port of Vladivostok, etc. Soldiers and sailors at crowded meetings in Vladivostok elected a Committee of lower ranks of 12 people. and developed a list of requirements to be put forward. The activity of the peasants grew. In December 1905, a peasant congress was held in Nikolsk-Ussuriysky, at which the charter of the peasant union of the South Ussuri Territory was adopted. Gatherings and meetings took place in the Cossack villages.
In 1906-1907. active anti-government agitation was carried out in the region by left-wing parties: social democrats, socialist-revolutionaries, anarchists, whose ranks multiplied due to the influx of revolutionaries from other regions of Russia. In the spring of 1907, elections to the State Duma were held in the region for the first time, in which the main rivalry unfolded between the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Social Democrats, the latter even managed to get their candidate from the Primorsky Region through. The revolutionaries directed great efforts at preparing an armed uprising in Vladivostok, planning to seize power and create a Far Eastern Republic. The uprising broke out on October 16-17, it was quickly suppressed, accompanied by great casualties, about 300 participants were arrested and severely punished.
After the suppression of the revolution, the political regime in the region became tougher: censorship was strengthened, some trade unions were dissolved, a number of parties and organizations were banned, etc. However, positive changes were also observed in social and political life: campaigns for elections to the State Duma increased the interest of the population in political problems, during which voters met with candidates for deputies and with deputies, contributing to the civic education of the population.
The First World War, which began in the summer of 1914, demanded enormous sacrifices from Russia and led it to a severe economic and political crisis. But Russian society responded to Germany's declaration of war on Russia with an explosion of patriotism. Manifestations and meetings under loyalist slogans, with portraits of Nicholas II, the Empress and Tsarevich, with the singing of the hymn, took place in Vladivostok, in Nikolsk-Ussuriysky. Prayers were served in churches for the granting of victory to Russian weapons. Mobilization began, volunteers appeared. Donations flowed from the population of the region in favor of the Red Cross.
In 1916, war weariness began to show. Discontent grew in the working environment, among the peasant masses. The strike movement began to intensify in the region: in 1916, more than 1,500 people took part in the strikes. The revolutionary movement revived: underground groups of D. Pozdnyakov and K. Sukhanov appeared. All this testified to the accumulation of "fuel" social material in the region, which immediately flared up as soon as the news of the February Revolution and the overthrow of the autocracy reached Primorye and became public.
In 1918, Primorye was occupied by American, Japanese, and British troops. Branches of foreign banks and industrial enterprises were opened. With the support of the Bolsheviks, the Far Eastern Republic (FER) was created in 1920, which fought the interventionists in the Far East with the help of the People's Revolutionary Army.
In 1922 the Far East was annexed to the RSFSR. In 1922, the region was transformed into Primorsky Governorate, which was part of the Far Eastern Region (FER) formed on the territory of the former Far Eastern Region. In 1926, the Far East was transformed into the Far Eastern Territory (DVK), and the Primorsky Governorate, first into the Vladivostok District, then (since 1932) into the Primorsky and Ussuri Regions.
Primorsky Krai was formed in 1938.

Primorsky Krai during the Great Patriotic War

On the morning of June 22, 1941, in violation of the non-aggression pact, Nazi Germany invaded the USSR. The Great Patriotic War began. It became an integral part of the Second World War and influenced its further course.
Primorye was not an arena of hostilities, but the life of the region was determined by its border position. Japanese troops were located 125 km from Vladivostok and 95 km from Ussuriysk along the Soviet-Chinese border.
Back in April 1941, the Soviet Union concluded a Neutrality Pact with Japan. However, Japan, Germany's ally in the Tripartite Pact, continued to build up its military forces on the continent. From July 1941 to 1942, the Kwantung Army increased to 1 million soldiers and officers, the number of tanks doubled, and the number of aircraft tripled. The danger of a Japanese attack on the USSR remained real all the time.
Primorye fought on all fronts of the Patriotic War. Many of them received their first knowledge of military affairs in civilian units of general education, in military units stationed in Primorye, on ships of the Pacific Fleet. Military registration and enlistment offices, defense societies Osoaviakhim and the Red Cross, and formations of the MPVO participated in the preparation of combat reserves. Weapons and equipment were studied, machine gunners, submachine gunners, snipers, mortarmen were trained. Military affairs were trained by nurses and sanitary troopers.
The Vladivostok and Shkotovsk Infantry Schools graduated commanders for ground units, the Pacific Higher Naval School, established back in 1937, for the navy, and aviators from the Voznesenskaya Military Aviation School for Air Force Pilots.
During the war years, more than 200 thousand people were called up from Primorsky Krai. Thousands of Primorye volunteers went to the front. They were equipped with the crews of the Primorsky Komsomolets tank column built at the expense of the inhabitants of the region, etc.
The Pacific Fleet sent almost a third of its personnel to participate in combat operations on land. Of the 25 naval rifle brigades formed by December 1941, 12 consisted of the Pacific and Amur.
Primorye defended Moscow and Leningrad, fought in Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge, crossed the Dnieper, liberated Ukraine and Belarus, stormed Berlin.
In the autumn and winter of 1941, Pacific soldiers from four naval infantry brigades fought to the death near the walls of Moscow. The 71st Marine Rifle Brigade under the command of Ya. P. Bezverkhov was the first in the Marine Corps to receive the rank of Guards. “There is no land for us beyond the Volga!” - these words of the Primorye sniper Vasily Zaitsev, who defended Stalingrad, were known to the whole country.
Nikolai Sipyagin, a graduate of the Far Eastern Naval Technical School, commanded a division of boats that made a heroic breakthrough into the Novorossiysk Bay on September 10, 1943; for this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 35 Primorye became Heroes for crossing the Dnieper.
Among the first to break into Berlin was a battalion under the command of Ivan Voronin, a native of Vladivostok, and the soldiers of the Pacific Oceanist Konstantin Samsonov hoisted the Banner of Victory at the entrance to the Reichstag. Primorye N. E. Berzarin was appointed the first commandant of Berlin.
The ships and submarines of the Pacific Fleet - the leader "Baku", the destroyers "Reasonable" and "Striking", the boats L-15, S-51, S-54, S-55, S-56 fought in the Northern Fleet. 10 submarines and 6 boats with crews arrived from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea Fleet.
Primorye fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Our countrymen were awarded 230,000 combat awards. 104 residents of Primorye were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 16 people became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.
The defeat of Nazi Germany by the armed forces of the USSR and its allies meant the complete collapse of the plans of the Japanese military in Asia and the Pacific. In April 1945, the Americans landed on the island of Okinawa; by the summer, the Philippines, Indonesia, and part of Indochina were liberated.
Back in April 1945, the Soviet Union denounced the Neutrality Pact with Japan; fulfilling allied obligations and decisions of the Potsdam Conference, on August 8 he declared himself at war with Japan.
On the night of August 9, 1945, hostilities began with the forces of three fronts. On the Trans-Baikal-Manchurian direction, the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front under the command of Marshal R. Ya. Malinovsky advanced, on the Amur - of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, which was commanded by General of the Army M. A. Purkaev; troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front under the command of Marshal K. A. Meretskov advanced in the Primorsky direction. Parts of this front moved directly from the territory of Primorye: from Guberovo and Lesozavodsk, from Lake Khanka, from Razdolnoye and Barabash. The 9th Air Army and the 10th Mechanized Corps were also based on the territory of the region.
The actions of the ground forces were supported by the ships of the Pacific Fleet under the command of Admiral I. S. Yumashev and the Amur River Naval Flotilla under the command of Rear Admiral N. V. Antonov.
Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky carried out the general leadership of military operations in the Far East.
The main strategic task of the ground forces was to dismember and destroy the Kwantung Army, and therefore the offensive was carried out on all three fronts at once.
The defeat of the Kwantung Army and the island groups hastened the surrender of Japan. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese Surrender Act was signed. On behalf of the Soviet Union, it was signed by Lieutenant General K. N. Derevyanko.
Japan's surrender ended World War II. On May 3, 1946, the meetings of the International Tribunal began in Tokyo. After 2.5 years, severe sentences were handed down to Japanese war criminals who unleashed a war in Asia and the Pacific.

Primorsky Krai in the postwar years

In the postwar years, Primorye belonged to the most industrialized regions of the Far East, in the industry of the region the leading place was occupied by industries that were given national importance: fish, timber, non-ferrous metallurgy, mining and chemical and mechanical engineering. Industries that served the local industry and the population of the region also developed: the electric power industry, the industry of building materials, fuel, light, food, etc.
Since the beginning of the 1960s, new industries began to be created for the region: chemical, electrical, instrumental, and instrument making. Enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry were built: the production association "Bor", the Yaroslavl mining and processing plant, the Primorsky mining and chemical plant, the Rettikhov coal mine, as well as the Vladivostok tool plant, the Artemovsky porcelain factory, etc. - in total more than 230 production facilities. Reconstruction took place at the Far Eastern Mining and Metallurgical Lenin and Khrustalnensky mining and processing plants. The technical re-equipment of the timber industry was carried out. The growth of gross industrial output in Primorye in 1960-1965. amounted to 170%.
Transformations in industries occurred unevenly. Artemovskaya and Partizanskaya GRES, as well as low-capacity thermal power plants, only partially met the needs of industry for electricity. The mines, due to low mechanization, did not provide the region with coal, and it had to be imported.
With the growth of fishing, transport and refrigerator fleets, the scale of fishing expanded, and expeditionary fishing in the ocean was begun. From 1955 to 1965, fish and seafood production increased 5 times. At the same time, ship repair and coastal fish receiving bases have not received adequate development, which hampered the work of the fishing industry.
The second half of the 1960s was marked by a struggle to improve planning, increase the independence of enterprises and the material interest of the working people in the results of their work. The government decree "On measures for the further development of the productive forces of the Far Eastern economic region and the Chita region" (1967) provided for the accelerated development of non-ferrous metallurgy, the fishing, timber, pulp and paper industries, and the strengthening of the energy base. In Primorye, as well as throughout the country, enterprises began to introduce cost accounting.
From the mid-60s to the end of the 70s, extensive industrial construction was carried out in the region. More than 300 enterprises were built - Primorskaya State District Power Plant, Novospassky Cement Plant, Primorsky Mining and Processing Plant, Dalpribor, Dalkhimprom plants, coal mines Pavlovsky and Luchegorsky, etc. were put into operation. New types of mechanization, advanced machinery and equipment were introduced.
In the 70s, the products of the Far Eastern enterprises were supplied to more than 50 countries of the world: Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, France, the USA, Germany, North Korea, China, Poland, etc. The share of Primorye in the export deliveries of the Far East region was 50%. The structure of exports was dominated by timber (about 54%) and fish; machinery and equipment accounted for 2-3%. Among the seaports of the Far East in the processing of export-import goods, the port of Nakhodka accounted for 44%, Vladivostok - 21%.
However, labor productivity grew slowly. The share of manual labor in industry was still extremely high: in mechanical engineering and metalworking - 63%, energy - 55%, food industry - 72%, in construction - 59%. The volume of construction in progress increased.

The history of Primorye from ancient times to the present day is rich in bright pages and memorable events. On the territory of modern Primorye, primitive tribes and peoples lived, replacing each other, medieval states arose and perished here. There were centuries when, it seemed, everyone forgot about these wild lands, and only a few groups of hunters and ginseng gatherers roamed the valleys of taiga rivers. But in the middle of the 17th century, Russian pioneers came to distant lands off the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and since then the history of Primorye has become the history of Russian Primorye. The pages of this history were written by researchers O. Stepanov, G. I. Nevelskoy, V. K. Arseniev and others, the first settlers from European Russia, revolutionary sailors and red partisans. This story is being written even today, when Primorye is turning into one of the most promising regions of Russia.

Man first appeared on the territory of Primorye and the continental regions of Asia in the Paleolithic era more than 30 thousand years ago. They were gatherers and hunters of mammoths, wild horses, bison, rhinos, bears, elks. At the final stage of the Stone Age, the population of the continental part of Primorye mastered primitive agriculture. At the end of the II millennium BC. ancient people begin to use bronze tools and weapons.

At the beginning of the Iron Age - about 2800 years ago - the coastal zone of Primorye was occupied by the population of the Yankovskaya archaeological culture. People lived in large settlements all year round. Millet was grown on the coast, and barley was grown in the continental zone. They were engaged in fishing, collecting mollusks and plants, hunting. Approximately at the same time, 2300 years ago, in the western regions of Primorye, carriers of the Krounov culture (Woju tribes) appeared.

In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. Primorye was inhabited by sumo, moeh tribes, a state was formed, from the beginning of the 8th century. called Bohai (). On the territory of Primorye, the southern part of which became part of Bohai from the middle of the 7th century, there were at least two territorial and administrative units: the Shuaibin region, named after the river (Suifen, Suifun, Razdolnaya), in the valley of which its center was located, and the district Yan (Yanzhou), the remains of its central city is a settlement near the village. Kraskino in the Khasansky district. In 926 Bohai was destroyed by the Khitans.

After 926, part of the Heishui Moeh tribes, known from the 10th century, united. under the name of Jurcheni. The state of Jin (Golden Empire), formed by them, defeated the Khitan empire of Liao () and, during the wars with the Chinese Song empire, conquered all of Northern China.

8. Everything from the beginning ...

“For what you give to people, you are fully responsible
responsibility to them and to your own conscience!”

Let's start our story with the results of the activities of an amateur archaeologist and professional architect Mikhail Vasilyevich Efimenko which he described in the book "Our Babylon". In it, he cited some results of the archaeological expedition of the Khabarovsk State Museum of the Far East, which went in October 2004 to the village of Sheremetyevo, Vyazemsky district, where they were found unique stone finds, and their research and findings. One of these unique finds was the powerful ancient walls of an unknown structure, built of megalithic blocks on Mount Shaman near the village. Nizhnetambovskoye.

These and other finds allowed the author to draw stunning conclusions: the territory of Siberia and the Far East was the cradle of all known civilizations- Babylonian, Egyptian, Hellenic and Indian. However, it itself was desolated and abandoned due to climate change and cooling that occurred in the distant past, as a result of which the peoples from the northeast of Asia moved to the south and west of the continent, creating new centers of civilizations.

Mikhail Vasilyevich found toponyms and hydronyms in Primorye Ancient Greece(Bay Patrokl, Ulysses and Tavrichanka), samples of stone processing with framing with a dashed frame, which was used in Greece during the construction of temples, and showed samples of sherds from dishes with a Vedic (swastika) meander, which were found by Khabarovsk archaeologists during excavations in the vicinity of the village of Kondon in the valley Devyatka River, which dated them 3.5-4 thousand years BC. - the time when Greek civilization did not yet exist.

He also found in Primorye Indian toponyms and hydronyms(Budur channel, Arka village, Sindu camp and Moria mountain, Sind lakes). On Ptolemy's maps, published by Sebastian Münster around 1540, he found three whole Indies, two of which "India Superior" And "India extra" located in the northeast of our continent, along the modern Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Incidentally, Supreme India bordered on a country called katai- the province of Great Tartary, as noted, for example, in the 1653 atlas of Nicholas Sanson.

Mikhail Efimenko claims that on the territory of the modern Far Eastern capital there was an ancient developed civilization, age at least 10 thousand years. This civilization had a well-developed metallurgical industry, which in those parts, in accordance with the history taught to us, does not exist and could not exist. The author argues that the predecessor of the Mesopotamian Babylon, which is known to all, was Northern Babylon, located on the territory of Russia. He calls this civilization higher civilization or Aries civilization.

He discovered traces of the technology of cutting huge stones from rock masses, similar to those used in Egypt in the Aswan region, where huge blocks were mined in granite quarries for the construction of obelisks. There still lies an unfinished obelisk 42 meters long and weighing about 1150 tons. It is believed that the time of its manufacture refers to 1500-1400 BC.

M. Efimenko discovered traces of basalt smelting technology unknown to us(very strong rock) to a soft plastic state, and sometimes changes in the structure and chemical composition of the stone, and burning through holes in the stones. He showed roads made of natural stone leading to no one knows where, and also spoke about an ancient road in the taiga of the Amur region, built of huge tree trunks, preserved only because of the permafrost. The thing is that such trees in diameter in that area did not meet at all and were from the warm climate.

Here are some excerpts from the book of Mikhail Vasilyevich Efimenko "Our Babylon". Chapter 6 "Babylon of the Greats":

“If this title causes bewilderment, it is only due to the prevailing habit to consider any other regions of the planet as the birthplace of civilization, but here is a recent example: in 2001, the International Slavic Academy organizes an expedition to Primorye to search for traces of the “Ussuri proto-civilization”. This means that the question is not new, and secondly, it was known from some sources or according to signs. If this is already known in distant St. Petersburg, then everything is more visible and understandable to us on the spot. Of all the findings of that expedition, I would like to mention something that cannot be refuted - about the technical signs of the existence of another, earlier civilization and which, in terms of the level of development compared to us, should be considered the Highest.

There, in the 80s, the remains of unknown structures were found, and the expedition gave them to the laboratory of building materials, the answer from which was rather unexpected: the sample consisted of large fragments moissanite- silicon carbide mineral, and its content in the sample was at least 70% of the mass of the sample. It must be added that artificial silicon carbide It is used as an abrasive, as it is second only to diamond in hardness, but in nature, moissanite is less common than diamonds.

Primorye turned out to be not the only area where such finds can be seen - in the Khabarovsk Territory in the village of Tyr there was a wall, the remains of which can still be found for sure. So this wall was built of blue bricks - moissanite colors, i.e. silicon carbide. According to the stories of the inhabitants of the village, the bricks were strong as iron, and they went to the construction of the furnaces of the inhabitants. So: from the strongest and rarest mineral, we created foundations and a huge wall of incomprehensible purpose, and this is only what came across and became famous.

What a huge level of technical development you need to have in order to make ordinary building material out of such a mineral and artificial stone. For me, as a builder and architect, such a fact is a phenomenon of exceptional importance, but try to find in our society of selfish indifference more construction or design specialists who are puzzled by this, and why these findings did not interest anyone living here is a mystery to me. less than the result of laboratory tests. I tried to find out about the presence of the components of this mineral in us, and it turned out that there were no problems with carbon: we have enough deposits of coal and graphite, silicon in its pure form is available on Sakhalin in the form of a sedimentary rock called diatomite.

It didn’t work out otherwise - the technology for making concrete from moissanite is unknown to us, and referring to the alleged loss of the secret of technology, as is sometimes accepted as an excuse, is stupid, because such things were not carried out by our civilization never. The second reason for the justification of rejecting the idea of ​​belonging to this production of our civilization is the transport problem, since there was nothing to carry diatomite from Sakhalin to Primorye and the Amur region, and there was no one, except higher civilizations.

Unusual building materials are found in our country quite often and even in huge volumes. For example, we can name the powerful walls of unknown structures on Mount Shaman opposite the village. Nizhnetambovskoye on the Amur, built as monolithic concrete made of material that resembles fake diamond. These walls could be made using the layer-by-layer pouring method, in the same way that we pour concrete formwork. Only, apparently, the solidification of this building material occurred very quickly, and therefore the formwork might not be needed, or its traces were erased, and could crumble. Examples of rapid hardening of building materials will be shown, and the walls look too even to say positively about their natural origin.

Presence in the distant past artificial building materials is confirmed by the finds of completely unusual items that have a difference in materials and purpose, depending on the places of the find. The first group of samples was found in the Kamchatka region on the Penzha River, the second group - in the north of the Khabarovsk Territory. All of them were brought from geological expeditions back in the last century and are accidental, not related to the purpose of the expeditions, and thanks to the curious geologists for the opportunity to touch the great past of our region and the entire Far East, and I would like to convey this interest to other curious people.

A group of two stones brought from the Kamchatka region is part of a large collection kept in the city of Magadan. I will start the description with them. The stones have a light gray color, a dense structure and very small fractions of the components of the samples. It is immediately clear that the product is most likely made on a device such as a potter's wheel: even the bottom is flat, typical for elements formed by rotation. This is also reminiscent of such a detail as a circular belt. The appearance of the object is slightly spoiled by dousing it with a solution to which crumbs or sprinkles have stuck.

The most interesting of this group is a second object of the same material, but made in a different way. A stone in appearance made of a material similar to artificial, like our cement mortar. The method of execution, judging by the different types of surface, was similar to our application of cream on a cake. The conditional “cream” from the “cement” mortar was squeezed out of a certain technical apparatus with a nozzle, and at the same time, the mass solidified rather quickly, and it did not have time to spread out in shape. And the fact that the mass was poured into the mold is very clearly visible in the photo on the side, where there was a trace of this mold.

Both of these products have no practical value. We would call them examples of small decorative plastics, but what is certain is that the author was a person with good artistic taste, and I do not exclude that he was a sculptor, moreover, close to us in the way of expressing an artistic sense of form.

Since the products were found in very remote and completely wild places, then they have nothing to do with our civilization, causing only surprise with their origin and purpose. But they have to do with the complete barrenness of ideas in determining their meaning as facts of the existence of another life in our places and the lack of even a desire to comprehend such a thing. For several decades that have passed since their discovery, there was not even an analysis of their composition of the material of manufacture.

Second item collection, found in the north of the Khabarovsk Territory, was also brought from a geological expedition, but this is a completely different find both in terms of its materials and easily recognizable images, but their main quality and property is not so easy to detect, and there is no doubt that it should be no, as in their artificial origin. They explained to me that in the geological laboratory one of the similar samples was sawn and the material of manufacture was determined as artificial ceramics and only one sample from the collection is made of natural stone, but its shape is completely sculptural in its image and method of careful execution.

Despite the difference in shapes and materials, these products have something in common, and it is this that arouses the greatest interest. I do not deny that even in itself their discovery in the wildest places of our region and supposedly never inhabited areas refutes all conjectures that another civilization did not live here ... "

Megaliths of Mount Pidan, Primorye

There is another place in the Primorsky Territory that keeps indisputable evidence of the presence of an ancient civilization with a rich culture there. This is a mountain Pidan(now Livadia), which is located in the south of the region, in the Shkotovsky district and is one of the dominant heights of the Livadia Range. There are several versions about the name of the mountain. The most advertised, of course, is the one that is translated from other languages. So, it is assumed that the word Pidan, translated from the language of the Jurchens, the Tungus tribes, who allegedly lived on the territory of Primorye in the 11-13 centuries. means "Stones poured by God", which is not confirmed by any documents. Moreover, there is no evidence that the Jurchens built anything at such a height (1100 meters), used a similar masonry technique, or had the appropriate technology for this. The same applies to the state of the Tungus tribes Bohai, which supposedly existed in Primorye in the 7th-10th centuries. It is only known that the latter simply used what had already been built for their own purposes. Although, indeed, the whole mountain is literally strewn with scatterings of stones from the foot to the very top of the mountain, and not just stones, but megalithic stones. And not just megalithic stones, but processed megalithic stones, the origin of which the official Russian science does not explain in any way.

According to another version, the name Pidan is Slavic and comes from the surname Pidan, common in Ukraine. There is also an assumption that the mountain used to bear the old Russian name Horchur (from the words Khor and Chur), which means "boundary mountain", which was given to it by the first settlers-Old Believers. Unfortunately, no one knows yet what the ancient builders themselves called this mountain.

However, this mountain is remarkable not only for scattered megalithic blocks. At its top are also dolmens and impressive cyclopean block wall 400-500 meters long. We can say that this is another Great Amur wall, similar to the one found on Mount Shaman in the village. Nizhnetambovskoye. Moreover, the stones used for laying the wall were mined here.

A possible nearest place for the extraction of these stones may be the modern bed of a river flowing out from under the mountain. There you can clearly see how they cut off from solid rock formations huge megaliths, from which a wall was later erected. Along the river there are many rectangular cutouts, which cannot be the result of natural causes, such as the "work" of the river. They are too even for this, and the corners of these cutouts are also not smooth, but as if chopped off.

Near the beginning of the wall, there is one of the main attractions of Mount Pidan - dolmen 2.2-2.5 meters high. It consists of a huge stone block, on the edges of which there are 4 small stones of the same shape, and on them is a huge stone block identical to the first one. Those who have visited this mountain say that anyone can crawl between two stone blocks into the dolmen. It is not known who built the dolmen and why. As it is unknown what it is unusual patterns on some stones scattered on the path leading to the top of the mountain, as well as why and how notches and cuts were made on others.

There is a version that these lines, not drawn, but as if engraved on the surface, is a way to mark stones. They can be straight, parallel, or angled. On some stones, such lines smoothly turn into part of an angular cut or stone chip, which allows us to conclude that there is some kind of connection between the marks and cuts on the stones. So far, no one knows what kind of strange stone structures they are, similar to defensive forts or watchtowers and stone passages.

Also, numerous tourists, travelers and people eager for esoteric experiences have found runic stones on them. Whether this is a remake or really ancient texts is unknown. As a last resort, we were unable to find any information on this subject.

Unfortunately, official science turned a deaf ear to Pidan, and, apart from legends, both folklore and told by the travelers themselves, nothing is known about Pidan. So, stories are told about a flying man with bat wings that roars piercingly at night, about mysterious labyrinths inside the mountain where the body of God rests, and about a huge underground lake, from which a mountain river constantly flows with living water and constant temperature. There are also legends about the Maori - the mysterious guardians of Pidan, carved from stone human heads. One of them has come down to our times. They call it "Damn Finger". They say that it is here that the Spirit of the Priest of the ancient Bohai kingdom lives, along with the spirit of his wife, the White Woman, and also the spirits of the elements, for which the ancient magi performed rituals in ancient times...

Megaliths of the Dragon Park, Primorye

IN South Primorye there is another amazing place that testifies to a very ancient civilization that used incomprehensible and technologies incomprehensible to us. Unfortunately, we can only judge its existence, discovered quite recently - in 2006, by megalithic stone monuments, which are scattered over an area of ​​​​more than 35 square meters. km. It is located 400 km from Vladivostok, in the Lazovsky district, the village clear water. There you can see giant stone sculptures of outlandish animals - dragons, turtles, crocodiles, people of different races and species. According to the official version, all these creations were created by the wind. However, few people ask the following question: the wind blows everywhere, why did this kind of masterpieces “blew” only here?

Let us cite the article "Civilization that came from ..." by the writer and local historian from the city of Nakhodka S.V. Kabelev, the discoverer of this place, which he called "City of Dragons", published in N 3 for 2007 of the St. Petersburg newspaper "Secret".

Civilization that came from...

Stanislav Kabelev, writer, local historian, member of the Second Amur Expedition.

For the last four months I have been completely absorbed in my discovery - the interest is huge, although the territory of the "city" has been little explored. The sculptures in it are stunning. There are a lot of images of people on the stone, with a bright Slavic appearance. There is no need to think of anything, to speculate - everything is so clear and pronounced that arguing who is depicted is simply incorrect: the ancient "photo images" speak for themselves...

Where did it all start? On August 11-21, 2006, we conducted the next, sixth in a row, expedition “Along the paths of V.K. Arsenyev" of the literary club of the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai in the basin of the Kievka River. I, Stanislav Vladimirovich Kabelev, have always been the leader of the expeditions. The purpose of the 2006 season is to test the version of the artificial origin (considered "the play of nature") of the sculptural structures of Zasuchanya. The southern part of the Primorsky Territory was called Zasuchanie during the travels of the explorer of this region V.K. Arseniev (Without a doubt, the toponym "Suchan" of Russian origin was unreasonably renamed "Partizansk" in 1970 - Ed.).

There are many unsolved mysteries and mysteries in this area. What, for example, are two pyramidal hills Brother And Sister 300 m high on the shore of the sea bay Nakhodka? In ancient legends and myths, they are the “First Step to Heaven” and “Second Step to Heaven”, and in Japan and China they are called the “Golden Gate”. Petrov Island with its unique yew grove has not been explored. Here we will talk about sculpture of a dragon near the village of Chistovodnoe. This "reptile" head rests on a vertical neck; it has distinctive tail and paws. Our first meeting with the "dragon" took place in 1966. At that time, Vladimir Khorev and Rostislav Zavyalov were part of our literary expedition.

The purpose of our last expedition was: to examine and study this "dragon" more closely. On August 14, 2006, something prompted me to consider this sculptural image from a different angle and in combination with the huge granite rocks surrounding it. "Dragon" by hundreds of people who have been at its foot over the past tens and hundreds of years, was perceived as a "joke of nature", nothing more. No one thought about the origins of such amazing sculptures. Everyone considered them the result of the weathering of ancient rocks. Well, maybe a person in the twentieth century had a little bit of a hand in something ... This is how I perceived the “dragon” as well.

Both me and the members of the expedition were always surprised by the unusual and shaped rocks in the Krivaya river basin. (R. Vanga until 1970; this Russian name was incorrectly distorted into the Chinese manner by V.K. Arsenyev as "Vangou". - Ed.). Unusual rock structures were everywhere on a vast territory, on the tops of hills, on the crests of ridges, in the valleys of numerous rivers and springs. In this area in 2003 traveled: R. Zavyalov, V. Khoreev, Larisa Rakul. Then they brought many photographs with images of strange rocks, to the riddle of which they did not find an answer.

In 2004, the famous photographer and traveler Vladimir Maratkanov also took pictures of amazing rocks. He published his photographs in No. 5, 2006 of the magazine "Native Amur Region".

On August 14, 2006, I felt that I was on the verge of a grand opening. On this day, members of the expedition climbed the rocks, photographed amazing figures. Being in a huge "cauldron" in front of the mouths of three monsters, I realized: everything that surrounds us, including seemingly shapeless huge rocks, various niches with three-dimensional drawings on them, bizarre cuts in the rocks, flat images of people made using incomprehensible technologies , - this traces of a powerful intelligent civilization that once existed here.

The expedition members, and there were more than thirty of them, did not believe in the discovery, considering what they saw was the fruit of the writer's imagination. They looked but did not see.

After returning from the expedition, I looked through hundreds of photographs through the computer. The photographic images I analyzed confirmed my guess: most of the various sculptures on the plateau and a huge dragon, located on the crest of the hill, are all the work of a person - a representative very high civilization. Realizing this, three days later I hurried to the dragons again. He invited Tatyana Dolgova, a professional photographer, and other members of the expedition with him, and decided to double-check what he had seen earlier, to examine the structures again from a variety of points and angles. The route was built a little differently. Fortunately, everything happened again. We discovered more and more traces, remarkable facts of past human activity. There were a lot of them, and they seemed to be shouting: finally pay attention to us!

It seemed to argue that the huge rock structures near the "dragon" are the products of human hands, it was bold even for a science fiction writer. But the facts are a stubborn thing: a huge dragon about 1000 m long, and its tail with spikes, and its monstrous head (more than 10 m high), and dorsal humps with wings, and a royal crown on the head of a sculptural image of another dragon - all this is the result of inspired creativity of ancient man! Yes! A huge sculptural structure over a kilometer long and over 30 m high, spread out on the crest of a hill, was created by man!

Having taken pictures and returned to Nakhodka again, I began to double-check the rich photographic material. And what I saw plunged me into amazement: there were just a huge number of various sculptures, flat and three-dimensional images; I finally dispelled all doubts about the discovery of a civilization completely unknown to science. From the understanding of the importance of the discovery made, operators and directors of television (NTV) were invited. I also introduced the director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.L. Larina.

I was aware of what I needed to pay close attention to, what to double-check, to try to capture in detail as many artifacts as possible on film. Photographs by R. Zavyalov, V. Khorev, V. Maratkanov strengthened my assumptions and conclusions. Together we have collected the richest material. A careful analysis revealed the following.

All sculptural structures are made of coarse-grained granite and rise on foundations made of sedimentary rocks. They do not have layering and other inclusions. The entire homogeneous mass of sculptures is as if molded from coarse-grained granules. Many sculptures are dilapidated by time. The shape of the sculptures was chosen by the ancient masters in such a way as to protect them as much as possible from precipitation, wind erosion, and climate fluctuations. I'll try to list what I found in order.

1. Sculpture of a reptile, possibly a dinosaur. He stands straight (vertically), his tail, fore and hind limbs are well “drawn”. Height 8 m. It stands separately on a pedestal in front of a huge head of another reptile. The structure is subject to the destructive influence of time. The surface of the "dragon" is covered with brittle exfoliation of granular granite.

2. Sculpture of another reptile with a huge head, humps, with numerous spikes on the tail. The dimensions of the sculpture are more than 1000 (thousands!) meters from the head to the tip of the tail. The height of the humps is 15-25 m. The dimensions of the head are up to 10 m. Cuts are made on the skull, as if to demonstrate the internal structure of the head, neck, eyes, and mouth. There are two small (relatively, of course) protective spikes on the head. The right side of the huge skull is freed from the skin: also, as it were, for studying its insides and fixing the eyes. On the back of the neck, protective cartilaginous shields are cut off - their internal structure is shown.

3. At the base of the second huge hump there is a sculptural image of three heads of huge snakes that are trying to fight off three crocodiles. Their height is more than 8 m. The sizes of snake heads are up to 1.5 m in diameter. The heads of snakes are covered with a shell in the form of identical rhombic notches; the dimensions of the rhombuses are 3x3 cm, the rhombuses are separated from each other by even V-shaped grooves. The shell coating is made of fine-grained sintered material of unknown origin, the layer thickness is 15-18 mm. The skin-shell covers the head, as well as part of a huge sacrificial cauldron. Boiler dimensions: diameter 1000 mm, depth 500 mm. One edge is bevelled. The snakes' mouths were previously covered in red paint. It is assumed that something was burned in the cauldron or someone was sacrificed. There is another boiler located 15 m lower from the other boilers.

4. Volumetric sculptural image of several reptiles. Located at the tail of a large "dragon".

5. In the tail of the "dragon", above, two particularly conspicuous spikes; on one spike there is an image of a man, and on the other - a woman with long hair. There are sacrificial cauldrons and steps on other spikes of the tail. The steps are made in the same style. Their size is 200x200x200 mm, the platform for the foot is flat. Such steps are everywhere where there are sacrificial cauldrons. The steps are hollowed out so that it is convenient for a person 170-180 cm tall to climb to the boilers.

6. On the first crest of a large reptile there is a stone measuring 2x2x3 m. There is a crown on the head of a small dragon with closed eyes. Its dimensions are up to 15 m. The crown-stone rests on a rocky ridge. Three-quarters of the mass of the crown hangs above the void. According to all the laws of physics, a crown-stone cannot stand without a special pin-mount. At the bottom of the crown are signs made with cuts in stone. On the forehead of the dragon, an image of a man is visible.

7. On the plane of the first huge hump - the image of a man modern type with a high forehead, deep-set intelligent eyes; he has a wrinkle-fold across his forehead, a straight Slavic nose, beautiful lips. The dimensions of the face are up to 20 m in height. The image is affected by precipitation and wind.

8. Turtle with a shell, with a head(turtle size 10 m). Clear pattern head. There are two sacrificial cauldrons on the shell. Closer to the tail is an image of a Stone Age man, next to which are carved steps to climb to the cauldron. The bottom of the turtle, as it were, is buried in the waves: to show that it is a creature of the water element. Next to the turtle is a huge structure that looks like a heart with arteries that bring blood to the heart. A skin section was made to show the structure of the walls of the heart.

9. Shamrock sign. According to our version - the place of landing and launch of the spacecraft.

10. A huge sculptural image of the human embryo. It has more than a dozen images of people's faces. They are of Slavic appearance.

11. "Crown" on top of a rock 5 m high. At the base there are stone squares with a side size of more than 4 m.

12. Various images of people of the Stone Age with a low-set forehead, an elongated skull (like a gorilla), elongated ears of a person of an early stage of development.

13. Numerous sacrificial cauldrons in front of pictures of animals. The boilers are made in the same style. There are always 2-3 steps leading to the boilers.

14. Image of two stars as if above the horizon in a special sacrificial niche.

15. Image of a man of the Stone Age on the tail of a large dragon. Image height over 10 m.

16. Image of a person's face with the features of "Leonardo da Vinci". Nearby are several more sculptural images more than 10 m high.

17. Flat image of a person on a drop-shaped stele.

18. On the outer end of the second hump a large dragon on a platform measuring 7x10 m - an image of a man standing behind a woman with a child. The man is forty years old, the woman is thirty years old, the child is seven or eight years old. A woman with long dark hair and a thin smile. All three look into the eyes of the person watching them. The image is made on stone in a way unknown at present. It is like a giant photograph. All three people are with features of the modern Slavic type.

And there are many images of various animals, in particular, a buffalo, an elephant, a dog, a bear, etc.

My conclusions

Over 40 sq. km, a large amount of evidence of the existence of a developed Slavic civilization in the Primorsky Territory was found, possibly coming to the planet from outside during the early Stone Age. Its primacy in relation to other ancient and most ancient civilizations on planet Earth is quite likely. The age of the structures is approximately 1-1.5 million years. The founders of civilization left a huge park of sculptures, as well as various underground and ground structures. Everything has unconditional scientific value. At present, a complex expedition is being prepared to reconnoitre the area and plot objects on the map. Another expedition will include specialists in various fields of science.

Pyramids of Nakhodka, Primorye

Three more interesting megalithic objects are located in Primorye. Not far from the city of Nakhodka, the southernmost city in the Asian part of Russia, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan, there are two mountains. They are called Brother(242 m) and Sister(318 m), and they are the hallmark of the city. A mountain rises between brother and sister Nephew 144 m high. However, Sister and Brother turned out to be not just hills, but man-made pyramids.

The general public learned about this quite recently - in 2000, when Valery Yurkovets, mining geophysicist, together with Oleg Gusev, the author of the book "The White Horse of the Apocalypse", went to Nakhodka and described the results of the trip in the article "Reconnaissance trip to the pyramids of Primorye". In it, he proved the artificial origin of Mount Brat, which in Soviet times was "shortened" by 79 meters, allegedly for the extraction of limestone for the construction of the port. However, this prey was full of oddities from the very beginning. First, limestone began to be mined from the top. Secondly, they went for building materials across the river - they took them by ferry. And, thirdly, the lime quarry had already been developed at that time near the port, there was no need to swim anywhere and climb the mountain. The destroyers did not need limestone at all. Not at all. We judge by the results.

First. Old-timers claim that after the destruction of the pyramid, the climate in Nakhodka changed dramatically - a strong wind blew and it rained for days on end. Second. At the top of the pyramid were internal structures built using the highest quality concrete. The premises were plastered, even frescoes made with whitewash, ocher of several shades and minium have survived. However, there is no evidence of this in the public domain - everything is securely hidden, if not destroyed. How the explosions destroyed the underground entrance to the pyramid, decorated with concrete columns, discovered by the Second Amur Expedition in the summer of 2001 under the leadership of O. Gusev.

Another entrance was blown up in an underground cave - northeast. The expedition members note: “... To destroy the entrance, they did not spare explosives - multi-ton blocks were thrown from the formed huge (up to 20 m in diameter) funnel by tens of meters. Based on these fragments, it was established that they blew up the entrance to the karst formation, i.e. cave, - some surfaces of the debris have traces of limestone leaching by groundwater. Since the rock raised by the explosion remained in place, it seems that the purpose of the drilling and blasting work here was not the extraction of limestone, but something else. What? Obviously, the same as in the upper third of the pyramid Brother - destruction of traces of ancient civilization, perhaps, pre-Jurchen and Dobohai, and, of course, Aryan, about which, in addition to the mass of indirect data, direct evidence has also been preserved.

The articles below report some interesting facts about these seaside pyramids.

Amazing nearby. The Far Eastern region is rich not only in unique animals, plants and marine life, in the expanses of our reserved region you can find traces of the power of ancient civilizations, places still shrouded in secrets and legends. One of these places is the visiting card of the city of Nakhodka, the hills Brother, Sister and Nephew, very reminiscent of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. This is especially clearly seen in the photographs taken from the aircraft in the 30s.

During the time of the power of the Jurchens, at the mouth of the then full-flowing river Suchan, there was one of the five capitals of this state, as now, it was a port city. One of the main attractions of the capital was the temple of the Golden Goddess, which the Jurchens inherited from the Bohai people who lived in these lands before them. Then there was a legend that the hills Brother, Sister and Nephew are not just reefs, but pyramids, poured by the titans of the fifth cycle a million years ago, and this whole complex is Golden Sacred Gates of the East and one day the Prince of Light will come from behind the Eastern Mountains, the Great Spirit will enter precisely through this Gate.

Perhaps this is not just a fairy tale, the structure of the geological rocks of the complex is strikingly different from the rocks of the surrounding hills, they consist of marbled limestone, and homogeneous, which is rarely found in the natural environment. Another interesting feature is that the hills have even edges and two edges were strictly oriented along the magnetic south and north poles during the last glaciation of the Earth, and the other two along the magnetic equator of the Earth, which is a broken line, and on the same line is the Japanese city of stepped pyramids , found underwater off the island of Yonaguni.

A strange coincidence for natural formations.

Today Brother partially destroyed, in the middle of the 20th century limestone was taken there for the construction of the city, this not only led to the loss of monuments of the past, but also changed the climate in the city itself and in the Golden Valley, which Brat stood to protect. Back in 1956, when particularly intensive work was being carried out, on the top of Brat stood stone turtle, it was given to the Japanese, they were allowed to open burial of a warrior in expensive armor and also gave, and more alabaster horse, and many other valuable things found during excavations. But the most important shrine - a statue Golden Goddess they were never found, although there are versions that the development of Brat was conceived for this reason, building material for the city could have been taken elsewhere, closer and cheaper.

The world marvels at the beauty of the pyramids and megalithic structures, blaming everything on the tireless aliens who built them all over the Earth for their own needs. To date over 50,000 known dolmens and stonehenges scattered all over the planet. Meanwhile, scraps of knowledge that have survived to this day speak of the existence on Earth in the distant past highly developed civilization perhaps more advanced than we can imagine. And, apparently, all these pyramids, stonehenges, dolmens, are traces of the former greatness of this civilization.

But why were such massive structures created, what is their functional purpose?

The conclusions of the second Amur expedition to the pyramids Brother and Sister in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai, look most plausible. The history of our Earth testifies to lithospheric catastrophes that occur periodically on the planet, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles has already occurred during the existence of the planet. more than 200 times, according to paleomagnetic studies, and the Sun changed its position in the sky several times.

The peoples of antiquity, knowing the laws of the processes taking place on Earth, tried to find a way to protect their civilization or mitigate their consequences. To track the dynamics of ongoing processes, a network of pyramid complexes and megalithic structures was built all over the Earth, which carried a multifunctional load. In addition to the fact that they were mostly observatories that collect information about what is happening in the bowels of the Earth and in space, the structures themselves were stabilizers of these processes.

The pyramids were placed at the intersection of the main tectonic faults of the plates, so they had to be large in order to effectively dampen the destructive waves. Dolmens, columns, stonehenges and other mega structures acted as screens on a specific area and were part of the global gravity grid, which served as a giant protective screen for the entire Earth.

The pyramids were also religious centers, and had amazing healing properties, people were treated in them, the seeds that were in the pyramids gave amazing shoots, and the properties of metals changed, apparently, the pyramid builders knew something about the laws of torsion fields and knew how to use them.

The type and size of the pyramid under construction depended on the intensity of the geophysical fields of a particular place, and was also determined by its place in the global chain, in some places pyramids were built using natural rock formations as a foundation, such pyramids are the pyramid of Cheops, the pyramid in Tibet on Mount Kailash, and also Pyramids Brother and Sister in Primorye.

According to the second Amur expedition, Brother and Sister were built, according to the most conservative estimates, more than 40 thousand years ago, although this is a very conservative estimate, it may be hundreds of thousands of years old. They are located at the intersection of three tectonic faults. It is likely that age, tectonics and nature caused the pyramids to lose some symmetry; close up they look like natural formations. On the remains of Brat, a blown-up entrance to an ancient observatory was found, it was located in the upper part of the pyramid on the western side, as well as blown-up entrances to underground tunnels, and themselves the walls are made of ancient concrete on which traces of painting are visible.

Another amazing find was made by this expedition - the remains of an ancient muffle furnace, in which high-quality metal could be smelted, such as the iron stele found in India, from chemically completely pure iron. The oven itself is also made from a material that is 70% moissanite - industrial diamond, which has only recently been learned to make, a high-temperature conductor that is fireproof and anti-corrosion.

Based on this theory, I would very much like to look at the data of recorded earthquakes in this area, before the destruction of Brat and after. Unfortunately, I couldn't find them, maybe I didn't search well...

Other antiquities of Primorye

In Primorye, there are many more amazing places that are associated with the ancient culture of our ancestors. However, precisely because of this, they are mostly not popular with orthodox historians. If something is found by chance, then they immediately try to attribute the find to Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other culture, but not to Russian that was here long before these nations came to this land. Basically, all the discoveries and evidence that the Russians lived in Primorye a long time ago were made lone enthusiasts.

For example, there is such an interesting place - petrov island. The island is small - 1 km long and 40 hectares in area. It is interesting because there are about 400 species of plants on it, while on neighboring ones there are no more than 100, including wild grapes and orchids. In addition, this island is a kind of anomalous zone in which camera batteries run out quickly, mechanical cameras go awry, photographers get blown out shots, and television crews fail their cameras.

Another mystery of the island is freshwater spring(do not forget that the island is located in the middle of the salty sea), which is credited with magical properties - it is believed that this water heals, relieves nicotine and alcohol addiction and fulfills desires. But most of all, the island is known for its yew grove. Yew is a long-lived tree that can live for 3 millennia. In the yew grove on Petrov Island, the crown is so dense that the sun never penetrates through it to the ground. The yews are believed to have been planted by unknown ancient gardeners. 1200 years ago. This theory is supported by the fact that in any place in the grove, wherever a person turns, the picture is the same: three yews line up in one line. In addition, if you look at the grove from a bird's eye view, then the trees form several hieroglyphs that cannot be read, respectively, and no one is able to read the message of the ancients. They say that only the first hieroglyph is read and it supposedly means “tree”.

If the "yew" hieroglyphs really exist, and we can neither refute nor confirm this, since we did not find a single photograph, then this situation is very similar to the situation with the Chandar plate, found in 1999 by Professor Chuvyrov. It was marked with a relief map of the West Siberian region, made using technologies that are unknown to modern science. In addition to the map, there were hieroglyphic inscriptions on the slab, which were immediately attributed to the ancient Chinese language, which was not confirmed during further study. Yes, and it could not be confirmed, since the inscriptions were made by the ancients Slavic-Aryan runes.

According to archaeologists, the first settlements on the island appeared more than 5 thousand years ago, but they are all attributed to representatives of the Mongoloid race - the Chinese, Koreans or Japanese. Another mystery of the island - 5 large stones, whose shape resembles boats, and they are exactly 80 meters apart from each other. Professional historians do not explain this in any way, but there is a non-professional hypothesis. They believe that the Primorye people came from Altai, which means that it is there that one must look for the origins of this distance. The measure of length in Arkaim was 80 cm. That is, the distance between the stones is 100 Arkaim measures. But so far no one understands the meaning and purpose of these stones, as well as the inscriptions on them, which are also "unreadable".

Another interesting place is Russian island, which became widely known for the grandiose construction of facilities for the APEC 2012 summit. In the area of ​​the construction of the bridge to Russky Island, an archaeological expedition of employees of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, the Department of Archaeological Expertise of the UNM FEFU in 2012 found 16 previously unknown archaeological objects (out of 40 thousand found since 2007, both on the island and in the continental part of Vladivostok ). The age of the most ancient of them over 7 thousand years.

However, on Russky Island there is also a certain structure made of huge boulders, network of ancient artificial reservoirs and a park of stones, which are made in the form of turtles, frogs, muzzles of dragons, dogs, bears and other animals, as well as human heads and faces. This park was opened by candidate of historical sciences Gennady Silantyev from Vladivostok. However, there is no information about this find. The only thing that slipped on the Internet about this was an article by Lyudmila Rumyantseva called “Stones speak”, with interesting subtitles: “The Temple of Oblivion of the Russian Island” and “The Park of Stones on Cape Peschany”, with several photographs that we cannot find in high resolution succeeded. In the same place, Gennady Silantiev noted that "Russian Island is called the altar of Russia", but there is no information about this either. We hope that researchers will be interested in these structures.

It also turned out that there is no information on the Web about the so-called "Golden Babach of the Jurchens". It was only possible to find a very eloquent mention of them in the article "Where to look for treasures in the territory of Primorye":

“The Golden Baba is the god of the Jurchens who inhabited Primorye 900 years ago. Apparently there were several. In any case, there is information that two have already been found and secretly taken to China in the 90s. True, these finds were not gold. The first is a marble, antique statue, which somehow mysteriously came to the Primorsky Territory from Greece. The second is bronze, a little over half a meter high, outwardly very reminiscent of a sculpture by Marc Chagall. It is noteworthy that both women have European features.

There were numerous gold ornaments on them. On the marble sculpture, our sources say, there were more than 8 kilograms of gold and 31 precious stones. On the second - an ornament from the coins of Mesopotamia, Greece, Middle Asia, Europe. Possible places where Baba can be found are wells or karst caves in the south of Primorye. Perhaps the peninsulas of Basargin and Sandy, Cape Gamow ... "

But it is not all that bad. One of the most interesting finds could not be silenced - these are the famous petroglyphs, which are located 70 km from Khabarovsk. Made on basalt boulders and on a rocky ledge of the coastal terrace, they are scattered between the villages of Sikachi-Alyan and Malyshevo. Total Found about 300 drawings, the most ancient date 12 thousand years BC. We will try to talk about them next time.

In the Far Eastern Territory, 70 km from Khabarovsk, on the coastline, 6 km long between the Nanai villages of Sikachi-Alyan and Malyshevo, there are many monuments of ancient rock art. It's famous petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan. The word petroglyph is of Greek origin (petros - stone and glyph - carving) and means carved images on stone. Stone images are carved on the ledge of the coastal terrace and huge basalt boulders scattered on the right bank of the river. Ussuri at the confluence with the river. Amur. They are equated with the recognized world treasures of antiquity - Stonehenge in England or the giant stone statues of Easter Island.

They depict anthropomorphic images - "masks", boats with people sitting in them, animals (including those in the "X-ray" style) - elk, deer, tigers, wild boars, horses, birds, snakes and concentric circles. In total, about 300 images were found that date within 12 thousand BC- the first half of the 1st millennium AD According to archaeologists, horses were found on the Amur only during the Ice Age.

The first scientific descriptions and studies of the petroglyphs of the Lower Amur belong to the Russian naturalist, researcher of Siberia and the Far East R.K. Maku in 1859 while traveling along the river. Ussuri, and Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff N. Alftan in 1894. In the 50s of the 20th century, Soviet science began to study the petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan. The result of this research work is the monograph of Academician A.P. Okladnikov "Petroglyphs of the Lower Amur", published in 1971. However, Not all"exhibits" from this unique stone "art gallery" have been described. These unique petroglyphs are scattered along the banks of the Amur River several thousand. And to this day Not all petroglyphs are known and described.

Nature has done its part too. Some petroglyphs rest on the bottom of the Amur, carried away by flood waters. The pressure of the ice floes during the ice drift overturned others. Sharp temperature changes and flooding, moss and algae have destroyed many of the images. Entire layers with stone painting are crumbling. Researchers have calculated that over the past 30-40 years, not only individual petroglyphs have been lost, but also entire groups of rock paintings. People do not lag behind in the destruction of unique monuments. Many signs were destroyed by vandals or taken out without permission. After all, the stones “just” lie near the shore. Nobody is protecting them.

In addition to the fact that in the studies of Academician Okladnikov, far Not all petroglyphs, not all investigated was given an adequate interpretation. Academician Okladnikov and his followers believe that the “stone gallery” of Sikachi-Alyan belongs to the Nanai culture. However, in accordance with the accepted version of history, the Tungus-Manchurian tribes - the ancestors of the Nanais - moved to the Amur region from the Baikal region at the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, while some petroglyphs date back to 12-10 thousand years BC Nevertheless, the Amur Nanais do not refuse such a chic gift of an orthodox story about “their” great past, however, just as the Mongols did not refuse the fact that orthodox science attributed to them the creation of the Golden Horde.

Attribution of petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan to Vedic culture the ancient Empire of the Slavic-Russians is passionately defended by Popov Vadim Vladimirovich, local historian, member of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO). He notes that academic science "for some reason" does not want to notice that the religion of the Nanais is shamanism, which depicts only the lower spirits and idols, while the petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan depict the higher gods, whom she revered White race. In addition, their symbolism is the symbolism of the Neolithic religion of the Middle East, Western Asia, South and Eastern Europe (Trypillia), the Caucasus (spirals, concentric circles, dots inside circles, figures in the form of curls, etc.). So in the village of Kondon, Solnechny district, Khabarovsk Territory, ceramics with the above symbols were found, which date back to 3000 BC; on the Amur is stored statue of Perun, on the reverse side of which the rune "Pe" is inscribed - the sign "X" with broken ends

In addition, the researchers of the Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs ignored the traces of unique methods of stone processing, which is possible only with a high development of civilization, which the Nanais could not have had. It seems that the processing of some stones is similar to working with plasticine. It is noteworthy that the Nanais have the following legend. At the beginning of time, they shone in the sky at once three suns. People and animals died from the unbearable heat, even the stones became soft, like melted wax. And only the gods did not lose heart: they drew outlandish patterns on hot stones. A brave hunter saved the world from death. With his well-aimed arrows, he extinguished two extra luminaries. The stones cooled down and forever retained the imprints of divine fingers. According to L.Ya. Sternberg (1861-1927), a Russian ethnographer who studied the Paleo-Asiatic peoples, the Nanais claimed that the drawings on the stones were made not their ancestors, but by some ancient vanished people whom they called " Ha».

So who were these people-gods? Who were these "Ha" people? The answer suggests itself. These were our ancestors, representatives of the white race, who went from their Siberian ancestral home to the peoples of the world with a civilizing mission and brought them their Vedic worldview. They created images of their gods - highly evolved people and spread them not only in the Far East, but throughout the world, bringing it their high culture. Below is an image of one such "god", published in the monograph of Academician Okladnikov.

That is why the images on the Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs are so similar to various ancient monuments scattered all over the world. Thus, the spiral drawings of the Amur stones, in particular, the images of “masks”, echo the spirals of Newgrange, a megalithic religious building in Ireland dating back to 4,000 BC. Sikachi-Alyan boats, transporting human souls to the realm of the dead, are similar to similar petroglyphs in Scandinavia, and the images of animals are similar to how the Scythians depicted animals. In addition, the researchers note that some images of "masks" are similar to images carved on the rocks. australia and the Polynesian island of Nuku-hiva, the patterns on a Neolithic figurine found in Japan, and posthumous tattoos of the natives of New Guinea and the Indians of the northeastern outskirts of America. As you can see, a few thousand years ago, unknown, or rather hushed up, the great people, which the Nanais called "Kha", extended its influence throughout the world. And it was the people of the White race, people of the Slavic-Aryans our people...

Ancient state in the Far East

In the 50s of the 20th century, Academician A.P. Okladnikov and his students discovered the existence in the Far East Golden Jurchen Empire that existed there in the Middle Ages. It occupied the territory of the modern Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the Amur Region, the eastern regions of Mongolia, the northern regions of Korea and the entire northern part of China. The capital of this vast empire for a long time was Yanqing(now Beijing). The empire included 72 tribes, the population was, according to various estimates, from 36 to 50 million people. The empire had 1200 cities.

The Jurchen Empire rested on the basis of ancient civilizations that existed long before the "Great China" and possessed the highest technologies for those times: they knew how to produce porcelain, paper, bronze mirrors and gunpowder, and also possessed mysterious occult knowledge. Bronze mirrors, which were made in the Jurchen Empire, are found by archaeologists in the territory from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea. In other words, the Jurchens used these achievements much earlier than the Chinese "discovered" them. In addition, the inhabitants of the empire used runic writing which orthodox science is unable to decipher.

However, the empire received all these technological achievements from previous states located on its territory much earlier. The most mysterious of them is the state Shubi, which is believed to have existed in the I-II millennium BC. They possessed truly unique knowledge, had underground communication in the form of tunnels with many parts of their empire and neighboring states.

It is possible that these underground passages still exist today. Moreover, most likely, there are underground tunnels leading to the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. For example, it is known that the idea to connect Sakhalin to the mainland through a tunnel was developed at the end of the 19th century, but was not implemented. Stalin revived this idea in 1950. On May 5, 1950, the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a secret decree on the construction of a tunnel and a reserve sea ferry. It is possible that the secrecy was also due to the fact that it was planned not to build a tunnel, but only restore what was built in antiquity. The tunnel was never built. Immediately after the death of Stalin, construction was curtailed.

But back to Shubi. It was they who invented gunpowder, paper, china and everything else, the invention of which is attributed to the Chinese. In addition, they created an amazing system for the distribution of rare plants on the territory of their state. In other words, plants in Primorye did not just grow "as God puts on the soul", but they specially selected, grown and planted. An eloquent witness to this selection is the yew grove on Petrov Island, and at the foot of Mount Pidan, several old yew trees have been preserved, which are nowhere else in the region. This feature was noted by Academician V.L. Komarov, Russian botanist and geographer, and military topographer and ethnographer V. K. Arseniev, who explored Primorye in 1902-1907 and 1908-1910, found that the boundaries of the Tibeto-Manchu flora coincided with the boundaries of a bygone civilization Shubi.

In addition, V.K. Arseniev found and unearthed numerous cities of the correct form and stone roads in the taiga on the Dadianshan Plateau. All this eloquently testifies to the scale of the bygone civilization. The remains of stone roads are still preserved in the coastal taiga. In addition to these fragments of material culture, very, very little information about the Shubi civilization has come down to us, they are mostly of a legendary nature. Bohai legends also called the state of Shubi Land of Magic Mirrors And Land of the Flying People.

Legends also claim that they all went to an underground city, the entrance to which is located on the top of a large mountain (most likely Mount Pidan), that they made magic mirrors that could show the future from some kind of not quite ordinary gold. From this gold a two-meter statue of the so-called Golden Baba, which, like an ancient idol, was worshiped by both the Bohai and the Jurchens. Legends say that this gold was not mined on the territory of Primorye, but it was brought through underground passages from the depths of volcanoes. When the cities of the Shubi country were empty, and the Bohai and Jurchens went underground to the kingdom of the Shubi birds, they took with them “forty wagons loaded to the top with gold,” and this gold also disappeared.

Interesting information about mysterious mirrors is given by a modern writer, traveler and researcher Vsevolod Karinberg in his essay "The Secret of "Magic" Mirrors or the Matrix":

“In Chinese paintings depicting celestials traveling through the clouds and the peaks of mythical mountains, you often see their “magic” mirrors in their hands. "Magic mirrors" already existed in the 5th century, but the book "The History of Ancient Mirrors", which described how they were made, was lost in the 8th century. The convex reflective side is cast in light bronze, polished to a luster and covered with mercury amalgam. Under different lighting, if you hold a mirror in your hand, it is no different from the usual one. However, under bright sunlight through its reflective surface, you can "look through" and see patterns and hieroglyphs on the reverse side. In some mysterious way, massive bronze becomes transparent. Shen Gua in his book "Reflections on the Lake of Dreams" in 1086 wrote: "There are "mirrors that transmit light", on the back of which there are about twenty ancient hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, they" show through "on the front side and are reflected on the wall of the house , where they can be clearly seen. They are all similar to each other, all very ancient, and all transmit light ... "

So what are these ancient hieroglyphs that could not be deciphered by a Chinese scientist already in the 11th century? Chinese sources speak of a letter from the Bohai ruler, written in characters incomprehensible to the Chinese, resembling the paw prints of animals and birds. Moreover, this letter is not readable in any of the languages ​​of the Tungus-Manchurian group, which includes the Bohai and Jurchens. Therefore, this language hastened to be called unreadable and dead.

Moreover, we were able to find images of Jurchen emperors. Or rather, not images, but busts that are exhibited today in the Chinese city of Harbin, in a museum called the Museum of the First Capital of Jin.

The photographs show the busts of the first Jurchen emperor Taizu, Wanyan Aguda (1115-1123), the second Jurchen emperor Taizong, Wanyan Wuqimai (1123-1135), the younger brother of the previous emperor; the third Jurchen emperor Xizong, Wanyan Hela (1135-1149) and the fourth Jurchen emperor Hai Ling Wang, Wanyan Liang (1149-1161).

pay attention to racial traits of emperors. This white race people. In addition, the last picture shows an exhibit from the excavations of the Shaiginsky settlement, which is 70 km away. north of the city of Nakhodka, a unique cultural monument of the Jurchens on the territory of Primorsky Krai. This mirror was discovered in 1891, and in 1963 excavations of this monument began, which continued until 1992. As we can see, it depicts a solar symbol Slavic-Aryans.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, there was something known about the Jurchen civilization, magic mirrors showing the future, and other artifacts of this empire. And this is not surprising, because the territory of Primorye was part of - vast empire of the White Race, which at one time occupied the territory of the whole of Eurasia. Europeans knew about its existence back in the 17th century, despite the fact that Europe had already been completely torn away from it and started writing its “nezalezhnaya” history.

“Professor Yershov at the Institute of Programming and Informatics conducted research on the problem of Chinese mirrors in Novosibirsk Academgorodok. And, it seems, something cleared up with them, if all the conclusions were suddenly classified. Research was also carried out in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) at the Electromechanical Institute under the direction of Zhores Alferov. They showed that the bronze alloy that makes up the mirror contains, in addition to copper, tin, zinc, rare earth elements of groups 6 and 7: rhenium, iridium. The alloy contains nickel, gold, mercury, silver, platinum, palladium, as well as radioactive elements - impurities of thorium, actinium, uranium.

And the special light bronze of the front surface of the mirror contains phosphorus in large quantities for something. It is assumed that when sunlight hits the mirror, the alloy is excited and its radioactive radiation causes the front mirror surface to glow in certain places. There is another trick in these mirrors - a spiral winding of multilayer metal tapes on the handle. There is a hypothesis that through this handle the human bioenergy is transmitted to the mirror. And that is why someone is able to simply activate the mirror, and someone - see pictures of the future.

The symbols on the back surface of the mirror act on the human psyche, and it is they that allow you to tune in to the pictures of the subtle world. The combination of rare elements in the alloy, inherent in Chinese mirrors, is only found at one mine. In 1985 on about. Kunashir in the former closed zone of the Japanese Imperial Reserve on the Zolotaya River, next to the Tyatya volcano, adits were discovered where the Japanese mined gold throughout the war, moreover, ore, chemically bound, and not loose, which is why no one knew about it.

And here we come again to the mystery of Bohai gold. According to legend, when the Bohai people went underground, they took with them “forty wagons loaded to the brim with gold.” The largest gold bar was the Golden Woman - a sculpture about two meters high. Both Shubi gold and Bohai gold were not mined in the territory of modern Primorye. Gold was brought through underground passages from the underground country of Shubi, from the depths of volcanoes. When the cities of the Shubi country were empty, the gold disappeared.

The gold of Shubi, or, if you like, the gold of Bohai, reveals one secret, because of which, perhaps, the researchers of the secrets of magic mirrors, the pioneers in Primorye, perished. No one imagined what would happen volcano gold, especially ore. The melt squeezes through basalt rocks, in some "pockets" up to 1200 grams per cubic meter of soil. Inside volcanoes - silver, platinum and rare earth elements, and very rare in nature.