Almaty Seminary. Distance learning at the theological and missionary faculty of the Almaty Theological Seminary. Department of Education of the Kazakh Metropolis

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Rules for admission to the Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary for the 2012/2013 academic year

Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary prepares: clerics of the Russian Orthodox Church, regents, psalm readers for the Orthodox parishes of the Metropolitan District in the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are two departments in the Theological School: pastoral and regency.

The seminary provides a number of educational programs:

1) Orthodox spiritual education: study of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, dogmatic, comparative, moral, basic theology, sectarian studies;

2) classical education: the study of Biblical history, general church history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, catechism, Church Slavonic, the Liturgical Charter, Liturgy;

3) musical education: study of music theory and solfeggio, church singing, choral studies.

Pupils of the Theological Seminary regularly attend services in the seminary church in the name of St. Philaret of Moscow, in the churches of the city of Alma-Ata and the Almaty region, and thereby undergo liturgical practice.

The term of study at the pastoral department is 5 years, at the regency department - 2 years.
The Seminary accepts male and female persons of the Orthodox faith, under the age of 35, with a secondary education, single or in their first marriage. Applicants to the regency department must have an elementary musical education.

Applicants are subject to acceptance tests. They are required to know meaningfully by heart the following prayers:


“Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee...”, “King of Heaven...”, “Holy God...”,

“Holy Trinity...”, “Our Father...”, “Come, let us worship...”;


“Rising from sleep ...”, “God, cleanse me, a sinner ...”, Guardian Angel;


“Eternal God ...”, “Almighty, the Word of the Father ...”, “Good King Good Mother ...”, Guardian Angel;

Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “It is worthy to eat ...”, “To the Chosen Governor ...”, “Mercy doors ...”, “Not imams of other help ...”;


prayers of St. Ephraim the Syrian;

prayers before Holy Communion;

Ten commandments, beatitudes;

troparion of the twelfth feasts, troparion to his saint;

psalms: 50th, 90th.

Applicants must have the skill of reading liturgical books (in Church Slavonic), pass a written exam in Russian (dictation), as well as an exam in church singing - for those entering the regency class.

In the office of the APDS surrender:

1. petition addressed to the Vladyka Rector (similar to the seminary);
2. questionnaire (modeled on the seminary);
3. recommendation of the parish priest, certified by the seal of the parish;
4. photos 6x9 - 2 pcs., 3x4 - 2 pcs.;
5. autobiography;
6. certificate of family composition (copy of the house book)
7. document on education;
8. certificate of baptism;
9. wedding certificate (for married couples);
10. medical certificate F-086;
11. a copy of the appointment certificate (for persons in holy orders);
12. a copy of the decree on appointment to the parish (for persons in holy orders);

The following are presented to the office: identification; for males and persons liable for military service - a military ID (certificate of registration), which must contain a mark on military registration. All students are provided with free meals and hostel.

The address of the Theological Seminary: 050015, Almaty, Dorozhnik microdistrict, 29.

Rules for admission to the Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary.

The Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary is the highest theological educational institution of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, which trains clergymen for the Orthodox parishes of the Metropolitan District in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The seminary has pastoral and regency departments, as well as a correspondence department.

The Almaty Theological Seminary accepts males aged 17 to 35 years old, single, or in their first marriage, with a complete secondary or higher education.

The regency department accepts male and female persons of the Orthodox faith who have a secondary education, with or without a musical education.

The term of study at the pastoral department is 5 years, at the regency department - 2 years.

Education is free. All students are provided with a hostel and meals.

Entrance exams.

Entrance exams involve writing a summary and a comprehensive interview with admission committee on the subject of knowledge of the foundations of the Orthodox faith, Holy Scripture and liturgy. Applicants to the regency class take an exam in church singing.

Also, applicants must have the skill of reading liturgical books in Church Slavonic, they are required to have a meaningful knowledge of the following liturgical texts:

1. initial: “Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee…”, “King of Heaven…”, “Holy God…”, “Holy Trinity…”, “Our Father…”, “Come, let us worship…”;

2. morning: “Rising from sleep ...”, “God, cleanse me, a sinner ...”, Guardian Angel;

3. evening: “Eternal God ...”, “Almighty, the Word of the Father ...”, “Good King Good Mother ...”, Guardian Angel;

4. Mother of God: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “It is worthy to eat ...”, “To the Chosen Governor ...”, “Mercy of the door ...”, “Not imams of other help ...”;

5. Creed. Prayers of St. Ephrem the Syrian. Prayers before Holy Communion: “I believe, Lord…”, “Thy Supper…”. The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes. Troparion of the Twelve Feasts. Troparion to his saint. Psalms 50 and 90.

Training aids

Main literature:

1. Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments.

2. Benjamin (Pushkar), archbishop Holy Bible History.

3. Slobodskoy S., archpriest, Law of God. A guide for families and schools.

4. Filaret (Drozdov), set. Catechism.

Additional literature:

1. Egorov G., priest, Holy Scripture of the Old Testament: in 2 hours.

2. Law of God: in 5 volumes. Paris: Imka-Press, 1956-1987.

3. Lopukhin A.P., Biblical history.

4. Skaballanovich N. A., Explanatory Typicon.

5. Krasovitskaya M.S., Liturgy.

Documents required for admission

Those wishing to enter the seminary must submit the following documents to the office:

1. petition addressed to the Rector;

3. application form (according to the ADS form, filled out when submitting documents at the office of the seminary);

4. photos 6x9 - 2 pcs., 3x4 - 4 pcs.;

5. autobiography (written in free form);

6. document on education (original);

7. certificate of baptism (copy);

8. wedding certificate (for married couples);

9. medical certificate for applicants to educational institutions;

10. a copy of the registration certificate / military ID, with a mark on military registration.

11. copy of the identity card (copy).

12. For applicants to the regency department, a document on musical education.

Note: acceptance of documents for admission to the seminary in the absence of a complete secondary education and recommendation-characteristics is not possible.

Reception of documents is carried out in the office of the seminary or in scanned form by e-mail, address Email [email protected]

Seminary address:

Department of Education of the Kazakh Metropolis

The Department distance education Theological and Missionary Faculty is an educational institution of the Russian Orthodox Church for the laity, built on the principles of DISTANCE LEARNING, which is designed to provide students with full knowledge in the scope of the course of theological seminaries.

The goal of Distance Learning of the Theological and Missionary Faculty is:

The acquisition by parishioners and employees of churches of the Russian Orthodox Church of systematic knowledge about the Orthodox faith.

Providing teachers with secular - higher and secondary - educational institutions a powerful tool for educating young people and reliable knowledge about Orthodox culture.

Assistance to rectors of Orthodox churches in educating their own staff, Orthodox missionaries and teachers of church disciplines for Sunday schools in parishes.

Help for students correspondence departments Orthodox theological seminaries to organize their education in a qualitative manner and obtain deep, full-fledged knowledge.

Training period:

Two years - for those wishing to acquire basic knowledge of Orthodoxy (with a certificate).

Four years - for people who have graduated basic course and aimed at obtaining in-depth knowledge with their subsequent application in missionary activities (with a diploma).

Persons of the Orthodox faith aged 18 to 60 who have passed an interview can be students of the Distance Learning Department of the Theological and Missionary Faculty.

Those who successfully graduate from the Department of Distance Learning of the Theological and Missionary Faculty will be able to become catechizers, missionaries, teachers of the Law of God, Church Slavonic, dogmatic theology, church history disciplines in Sunday schools and theological courses at Orthodox parishes.

Since the main task of the Theological and Missionary Faculty is the churching of students, the distance learning system implies the active participation of our students in the parish life of those churches near which they live.

Distance learning principles:

Education is conducted remotely via the Internet, without going to an educational institution.

At the end of the initial and full course, an exit examination session is provided.

Distance courses provide a full-fledged study of materials in the scope of the course of theological seminaries.

The term of study is two + four years. The academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which is divided into seven three-week sections-lessons. Between semesters there are winter and summer holidays.

During the training, subjects such as the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Catechism, the Liturgy, the Liturgical Rule, the History of the Russian Orthodox Church, General history Churches, Church Slavonic, Dogmatic Theology, Sect Studies, Comparative Theology, etc.

The learning process is: studying lesson materials prepared by our teachers, using a library with specially selected literature, control works, which are evaluated by teachers, participation in the joint work of the group (the answer of the whole group to a given topic), participation in colloquia (a conversation-survey by the teacher of the whole group on the air), passing exams at the end of each semester.

There is an opportunity to ask questions to the priest.


Students who successfully complete their studies and pass the exams receive a DIPLOMA from the Theological and Missionary Faculty.


The decision to choose a profession is an important step for young people after leaving school. In fact, to become a competent expert of a certain profile, it is not necessary to study at a university. A fairly convenient way to nurture yourself in the intended specialty and gain professional skills is to enter a school. Trained specialists come out of the walls of the school who understand the value of the chosen direction of activity.

In the civilized world, a skilled specialist is recognized in every organization. Therefore, it is very important to choose a place where you can get a profession. The Almaty Theological Seminary is waiting for everyone who wants to get a higher education. The Academy has a wide base of teaching materials and modern equipment. The teaching staff of the educational institution, along with the classical ones, uses the latest teaching methods, which allows students to master the subject with high quality.

The educational structure in the theological educational institution is aimed not only at the study of sciences, but also at a worthy upbringing. In addition to the main sections of education based on the basic curriculum, the teaching staff pays attention to the individual development of the student. Studying at the Almaty Theological Seminary is not limited only to classes within the walls of the building - students take part in various extracurricular activities. Wise mentors, a unique classroom environment, friendly relations create a fertile environment for the all-round development of a person.

Almaty Theological Seminary invites everyone who wants spiritual development and research of religious culture. Lessons at the school are conducted in an accessible and understandable form, making learning disciplines simple and fun. Sunday school helps to improve spiritually, and a benevolent atmosphere in the classroom and the common interests of the participants help to find new friends.

The educational center provides wide range services to residents of Almaty. Specialists of the Almaty Theological Seminary will help you choose a teacher and share the secret of how to successfully pass all the exams. The professionalism of the staff, focus on results, interesting and easy-to-understand classes make it possible to understand the subject being studied and reach new heights. Here they solve the most difficult tasks, they know how to pass an excellent essay, and they are ready to share this knowledge.

Education is an integral part of the life path. To be educated is the ability to understand the world around you, to have a certain worldview, to acquire unique experience. For each person, the meaning of this concept is individual. Almaty Theological Seminary provides an educational platform where you can show your potential and gain new knowledge.

The Almaty Theological Seminary is an academy, a student assistance center, a theological educational institution, a Sunday school and a college where you can show your potential and acquire new knowledge.

The organization is located at Dorozhnik microdistrict, 29.

Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 17:00.

Additional information can be obtained by phone 77272989604 or found on the website.