Sagan herb was given use and contraindications. Sagan Daila (Adams' rhododendron) - medicinal properties. Infusion for external use

Sagan Daylya is a short perennial shrub endowed with healing properties. Where does it grow? In Buryatia, in the Far East, in the Sayan Mountains, Khabarovsk Territory. This is an amazing plant that bears the official name Rhododendron Adams. People also call it "fragrant rosemary", "Tibetan wing". Many legends and legends are associated with the name "sagan daila", and the plant itself has been attributed to mystical properties at all times.

It is said that in ancient times, the girl Diley and the young man Sagan lived. They loved each other. Sagan knew how to turn into a white eagle, it was in this form that he crossed Lake Baikal to meet his beloved. But the wicked witch decided to separate the couple in love. She set up traps, one of which was hit by a white eagle, badly injured, but was able to fly away. Diley, seeing the bloody feathers, threw herself off the cliff. The white eagle caught her and carried her away into the distance. In the place where the feathers of the eagle fell, a herb endowed with healing properties began to grow. Another belief says that the healing herb grew where the knights drove their spears, returning home from distant campaigns, thereby perpetuating their victories.

The herb Sagan Daila gained wide popularity thanks to the records of Johann Gmelin, a traveler and botanist who explored the Urals and Siberia. He wrote that a decoction from the branches of a local bush gave the expedition members a boost of energy. Although in Tibet, India, Japan and China, the rhododendron growing there was used even before our era. Shamans used it in their rituals, aristocrats used it to "prolong life." This can be explained simply: the plant really has beneficial properties due to its rich chemical composition.

Sagan Dail's line-up

Sagan Daila herb is famous for its essential oil, it is contained in the leaves of the plant. The oil contains germacron, farnesene, nerolidol. Also in the composition of fatty acids (oleic, ursolic, linolenic, behenic). The leaves contain four types of flavonoids: myricetin, quercitin, dihydroquerticin, rutin, tannins. The content of vitamins D and C increases at the time of flowering, therefore, medicinal raw materials are harvested at this time.

The shoots of the bush contain ursolic and oleic acids, beta-sitosterol, resinous substances, tannins. All parts of the plant contain ericopin and andromedotoxin, which give strength and energy to the body.

Features of the Sagan Dail preparation

The collection of raw materials is carried out in the summer months, preferably in July-August. Collect tops, flowers and leaves. Flowers are chosen only fresh so that when dried they do not appear bluish. The collection takes place at an altitude of two thousand meters, in an area with untouched ecology, the purest air that fills the plant with healing properties.
The collected raw materials are placed in a well-ventilated area, without access to sunlight. The dried leaves of the plant acquire a barely noticeable white-silver fluff, which makes them look like white wings.

Useful properties of the plant

Mongolian and Buryat shepherds and hunters have long drank sagan tea in order to be hardy and quickly recover energy after long hikes. In Tibet, this herb was recommended as a powerful adaptogen and natural tonic. Currently, rhododendron is widely used in traditional medicine. Its use is mainly based on its tonic properties.

Sagan Daila herb is used as a stimulating, tonic and adaptogenic agent. This is a real natural energetic, because one cup of tea is able to charge with energy, vivacity, give a wonderful mood and well-being. All cells will be filled with energy, fatigue will disappear completely.

Tea can improve performance and endurance. In its energetic power, it surpasses lemongrass and golden root. Adaptogenic properties - ginseng. At the same time, this natural energetic gently stimulates the energy potential, without depleting the energy reserves of the body itself.

In Buddhist mythology, the sagan daila plant was considered one of the seven plants surrounding the god of health and medicine. Tibetan medicine recommends this herb to promote health.
Tea from this medicinal plant is useful to all residents of large cities, as it improves the nutrition of blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. It is very useful for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, dystonia.

It activates the work of the heart, internal organs, normalizes cholesterol in blood vessels, blood pressure. The rutin contained in the leaves of the plant reduces the viscosity of the blood.

Stimulates the work of the genitourinary sphere, increases male strength, relieves mild inflammation.

It removes toxins and toxins from the body, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria of the intestinal flora, due to its bactericidal and phytocidal properties. Tea drunk in the morning after a feast helps to get rid of the hangover syndrome, improves the condition.

The plant has an amazing ability to prolong life and slow down the aging process.
Correct use is really capable of restoring the body's performance, strengthening health and raising immunity.

Rhododendron infusions are also recommended for external use. Compresses are applied to sore joints; they are also effective for treating rheumatism. Infusion is used to wash non-healing ulcers and wounds, it is used to wash the sinuses, gargle the throat.

Sagandail is used in cosmetology. It is used to prepare a tonic for the face that can restore youth and freshness to the skin.

Application in medicine

Sagan Daila herb is used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases.

  • with intestinal disorders;
  • with colds;
  • in dentistry;
  • with gynecological diseases;
  • with open wounds;
  • with heart disease;
  • with sore throat.

Contraindications for use

With excessive use of a decoction from sagan dail, signs of poisoning are possible: nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders. There are few contraindications, but they are.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergy.
  • Breastfeeding period.

The classic recipe for making infusion. For a container with a volume of about 300 ml, you need to take no more than 5 leaves of a fresh plant. If dried raw materials are used, then no more than 1 teaspoon of the mixture. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for 1.5-2 hours. It turns out a slightly sour drink with a pleasant taste. You need to drink it a glass a day for a month, then a break is required.

Tea with rhododendron. You can brew any tea, preferably green, add 1-2 leaves of a plant to one cup. This tea turns out to be rich and aromatic. It is used as a preventive measure. You can drink this tea only in the morning to be vigorous all day. It is not recommended to get too carried away with such tea, you should listen to your body, he himself will tell you that it is time to drink a cup of a wonderful drink from the Sagan Dail herb in order to restore vital energy.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. I continue to acquaint you with rare, but very useful medicinal plants, and today the next in line is Sagan - Daila. A plant with an unusual name, which is often called incorrectly, misleading the name, for example: Sagan - Dailu, Sagan - Daili, etc. I will tell you about its beneficial properties, contraindications and use in traditional medicine.

In fact, there is a lot of such information on the internet, but I will try to somehow structure it so that I get an article - instructions, with recipes and tips.

I myself really love this plant and often use it when you need to activate vitality. Everyone, probably, it happened so that it seems as if the strength is gone and chronic fatigue is only accumulating every day.

This is not surprising, since we are all forced to work for wear and tear, often even denying ourselves a vacation and good rest.

So it is for these cases that Sagan - Daila exists! In general, I consider it the most powerful natural energetic and stimulant! Experts believe that its effect on the body is even stronger than ginseng, etc. And tens of thousands of people fell in love with its effectiveness and ease of use, who, having tried this herb once, fell in love with it forever.

Useful properties of Sagan - Dayl

The beneficial properties of Sagan - Dayl are not limited to just one stimulating effect on the body. It just so happened that he is considered one of the best plant energy drinks, but besides this wonderful property, Sagan has many more useful properties that have a positive effect on the human body, namely:

  • helps to improve metabolism
  • has a positive effect on the immune system ()
  • fights against foreign microflora in the intestines and in the oral cavity
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body
  • has a positive effect on the activity of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and cardiovascular system (strengthens the walls of blood vessels)
  • activates brain activity
  • has a calming effect, relieves nervousness
  • has a positive effect on potency in men
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, has a rejuvenating effect
  • relieves pain in prostatitis, normalizes urination

Thus, to summarize, it can be argued that the Sagan-Daylya plant has the following medicinal properties:

  1. antiviral
  2. antioxidant
  3. tonic
  4. antibacterial
  5. immunostimulating
  6. diuretic
  7. antiseptic
  8. anti-inflammatory
  9. adaptogenic
  10. antihistamine
  11. pacemaker
  12. detoxification

Such a wide range of useful properties is due to the presence of a large number of various chemical elements and biologically active substances in the Sagan-Dayl composition, namely:

  1. a large amount of essential oils (farnesene, aromadendren, nerolidol, germacron)
  2. tannins
  3. useful resins
  4. various acids (salicylic, protocatechuic, lilac, vanillic, (ferulic, caffeic, sinapic, linolenic, etc.)
  5. large amounts of vitamin C
  6. flavonoids and glycosides

Thus, due to its useful and medicinal properties, Sagan - Daylya can be successfully used in the complex treatment of most diseases, or used for prevention and as a natural energy.

Sagan - Daylya - where to buy

Regardless of where you live: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk or somewhere else, you can buy Sagan - Dayl via the Internet.

There are a lot of online stores selling this miracle - weed in large volumes and making decent money on it. Of course you decide where to buy. I myself order such things only in Altayvita (). Link to buy.

If you buy somewhere else, don't rush. See what kind of store, look for reviews about it. Nowadays they often sell under the guise of Sagan - Dail, it is not clear what.

Naturally, there is no question of any therapeutic effect in this case. At best, it will be minimal.

Forms of application of Sagan - Dayl for medicinal purposes

Most often, this herb is simply added to tea, but if you plan to use Sagan-Daila to treat some kind of disease, you will have to work hard and prepare:

  1. Alcohol tincture
  2. Decoction
  3. Water infusion

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Below, we will analyze how to cook all this.

Alcohol tincture Sagan - Daila

In what cases to apply

Sagan-Dayl's tincture on alcohol is used mainly for external use, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as for colds, viral and infectious diseases.

It is allowed to use the tincture in the treatment of cervical erosion in women.

How to cook

Preparing the tincture is elementary, like most alcoholic tinctures:

  • The cooking ratio is 1/10. That is, we take 1 part of the Sagan-Daila herb and fill it with 10 parts of vodka or alcohol, with a strength of no more than 70 degrees.
  • We insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
  • After 2 weeks, it can be filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle, in which it can be stored.

How to use

As for external use, these are the usual rubbing 2 - 3 times a day.

For colds and viral diseases, Sagan-Dail's tincture is added to a solution for gargling.

In case of frostbite, the affected area is treated with cotton wool dipped in tincture.

Sagan broth - Dail

In what cases to apply

A decoction of this plant can be used to gargle, for example, for colds or viral diseases. Also, Sagan-Dail broth is used:

  • with toothache
  • for skin diseases
  • for treating wounds, cuts and bruises
  • with joint disease
  • rheumatism
  • gout
  • in cosmetology

How to cook

  • To prepare the Sagan-Dail broth, you need to take 10 grams of raw materials, pour it with 1 glass of water (respectively, 2 glasses for 20 grams, etc.) and boil for 8 - 10 minutes.
  • After that, leave to infuse for 1 hour. After an hour, strain and add the amount that has boiled away with boiled water.

How to use

  • As a tonic and bactericidal agent, the broth is taken in 50 ml. 2 times a day.
  • When gargling, a small amount of the decoction is diluted into the gargle solution.

Water infusion Sagan - Daylya

In what cases to apply

How to prepare the infusion

Important! When preparing the infusion of Sagan - Dail, you need to remember that the grass is not boiled, but simply poured with boiling water

For the best therapeutic effect, an infusion is usually prepared, which is insisted for at least 2 hours. It is called concentrated. It prepares like this:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of Sagan-Daila herb, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours.
  • After two hours, having filtered the infusion, it is completely ready for use

How to use

The concentrated infusion is considered strong enough, it is not a harmless gull, so it is taken with caution. The intake rate per day is no more than 1 glass!

Important! In case of an overdose, an aqueous infusion of Sagana herb can lead to various side effects, for example: sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure, overexcitation of the nervous system, etc.

The course of treatment is a month, after which a break of 2 weeks is required. If necessary, repeat the treatment. The last reception of the infusion - no later than 3 - 4 hours before bedtime, otherwise you just won't fall asleep!

Sagan tea - Daila

In what cases does it apply

Tea is usually drunk to relieve fatigue, overexertion, relieve nervousness, strengthen immunity, or just as an energy drink.

How to cook

  • We take a few leaves of Sagan-Dail, put them in a heated teapot and pour 200 ml. steep boiling water.
  • We insist for 10 minutes.

How to drink

They drink this tea no more than 1 time a day from 9 to 13-14 hours. You can drink before meals, you can - after, it doesn't matter! The course of treatment is a month, then a break also for a month. If desired, you can then repeat it.

Important! When treating with Sagan-Daylya tea, it is imperative to consume at least 3 liters of liquid per day (drinking water is best), since the drink greatly dehydrates the body.

Contraindications to the use of Sagan - Dayl

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy
  • lactation period
  • age up to 12 years

Sagan-daila literally translates as "white wings". Returning from the campaign, the mighty warriors drove spears into the slopes of the Sayan Mountains to transfer strength to the soil. Later, flowering shrubs appeared on these slopes, giving endurance and strength.

Sagan-daila is a medicinal plant, according to the botanical classification, it is called Adams rhododendron, but the most common are sweet rosemary, sagan-dal, "white wings".

As a typical representative of rhododendrons, it stands out for its beautiful flowers and decorative appearance. This is a perennial shrub with evergreen leaves and spreading branches, no more than half a meter high.

The leaves are pointed, to the top of the bush they are bright green, at the bottom, closer to the root, acquire orange, yellow or gray shades. It blooms in the summer, the inflorescences are pale pink, large, up to one and a half centimeters.

It grows mainly on rocky soil in the mountains, at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, but also occurs in the tundra. The habitat of sagan-dayl: Sakhalin Island, Siberia, Yakutia, Lake Baikal, foothills of Tibet, Mongolian mountains, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chita region and Buryatia.

Collection and procurement

Leaves and tops of sagan-daila inflorescences have healing properties. For harvesting, only recently blooming flowers are collected; when dried, they should not change color.

Suitable times for harvest are July and August. During this period, the plant manages to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins. Best dry outdoors in the shade.

Healing properties

In terms of chemical composition, the sagan-daila herb has no natural analogues. When examined in the plant, the following were found:

  1. Terpenic and organic acids. Thanks to ursolic acid, lipid metabolism improves, which contributes to effective weight loss, and oleanolic acid reduces the fragility of the vascular walls and stabilizes the heart rate.
  2. High content of glycosides and tannins (tannins). Tannins restore normal bowel function in case of diarrhea, glycosides are useful for preventing blood clots and for reducing vascular fragility.
  3. The presence of quercetin and myricetin (antioxidants that bind free radicals). They participate in strengthening the immune system, have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and tonic effects.
  4. Resins, essential oils and phytoncides (biologically active components that regulate and suppress the growth of pathogens). Essential oils and resins give the decoctions a delicate aroma of strawberries and have a general therapeutic effect (for colds and acute respiratory viral infections) and a local one when washing ulcers and purulent wounds.

For men

The active substances in the plant have a beneficial effect on the work of the male reproductive system. With the systematic use of a decoction or infusion, positive dynamics is manifested in the fight against inflammation of the prostate gland and related problems - edema, urinary retention, infections and urolithiasis at an early stage. In addition, sagan-daila is a natural aphrodisiac and restores potency.

Indications for use

Sagan-daila has no official registration as a medicinal plant, but its positive effect on the organs and systems of the body cannot be underestimated.

Organ systems, for painful conditions of which it is useful to use Adams rhododendron:

  1. The cardiovascular system. The beneficial substances in the herb are able to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.
  2. The urinary system. With edema, nephritis, cystitis, tea and a decoction of sagan-dail has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, and stimulates the excretion of sand from the kidneys and bladder.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It promotes the restoration of microflora in the intestines, protects the liver against inflammation, and the tannins in rhododendron leaves are effective against bacterial diarrhea.
  4. The musculoskeletal system. Relieves pain in rheumatoid joint lesions, all forms of arthritis and radiculitis. Compresses made from sagan-dail infusion relieve swelling and relieve pain from bruises.
  5. Upper respiratory tract infections. Herbal tea will have antipyretic (normalizes temperature), diaphoretic, antiviral and antibacterial effects. It is irreplaceable as a preventive seasonal general tonic for outbreaks of ARVI (acute respiratory diseases).
  6. Nervous system. A decoction based on Adams rhododendron helps to cope with conditions such as apathy, neurosis and lack of energy. In addition to the above, it improves brain function, concentration and memorization (with increased mental stress).
  7. The reproductive system. Helps to stabilize the psycho-emotional state during menopause and improve metabolism. Men are shown as a folk aphrodisiac and a remedy for inflammation of the prostate.
  8. Malignant tumors. A decoction and tea based on sagan-dail restores strength and helps fight infections; it is included in the recovery complex after chemotherapy treatment of cancer.
  9. Intoxication. Promotes the elimination of toxins in various types of poisoning and after excessive alcohol consumption.
  10. Diseases of the mouth, throat, skin rashes - a decoction of the herb is used as a natural antiseptic and anesthetic.

Sagan-dail dosage forms

Sagan-daila can be taken in the form of tea, infusion, decoction, alcohol tincture. It is important not to forget that the herb has an energy-stimulating effect and it is better to use it inside before lunch or in extreme cases until 5 pm.


A decoction of Adams rhododendron. To prepare the broth, you need to take 10 g of chopped herbs for 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and cook over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat and insist for another hour, remove the remnants of the herb and dilute with boiled water to the original volume.

The resulting product can be used internally as a tonic drink for 0.5 cups and as an external medicine. The tannins in the broth cope with diarrhea in case of poisoning and inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

Bath decoction. A pronounced effect is achieved from baths based on sagan-daila according to a Tibetan recipe. To prepare the mixture, the Daurian rhododendron, Adams rhododendron, santol wormwood, cold wormwood, single-seeded ephedra and juniper needles are combined in equal parts. The course of baths is prescribed for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, after injuries of the skeletal system of the musculoskeletal system.


For a water infusion, add a glass of boiling water to half a teaspoon of dried herbs, leave for 2 hours and consume a glass 2 times a day.

The infusion helps with swelling associated with the cardiovascular system, a tendency to bleeding, colds.

As a stimulant, it can be used with high mental stress, nervous strain and problems with potency.

Infusion for external use has a higher concentration - add 100 gr per 1 liter of boiling water. herbs and let it brew for 10-12 hours. The resulting infusion can be used to rinse the mouth and throat.

Infusion for high blood pressure:

  • sagan-daila - 10 gr.
  • motherwort - 10 gr.
  • mint leaves - 15 gr.
  • calendula roots - 15 gr.
  • milk - 200 ml.
  • honey - add to the cooled broth to taste.

Mix all the components and boil, then cool to room temperature and, after straining, consume 15 ml twice a day. The daily therapeutic dose should not exceed two glasses a day, in case of an overdose, tachycardia, nervous excitement appear, and sleep is disturbed.

Outwardly, the broth is also used as a rinse for sore throat, pharyngitis, or for washing trophic ulcers and purulent wounds.

Infusion for the treatment of neurosis. Mix chamomile with sagan-daila in a ratio of 1: 2, pour hot water and leave for 24 hours. Drink 10 ml warm in the morning and evening.


Rhododendron Adams tincture can be prepared with alcohol or vodka. To do this, in a dark glass bowl, mix all the ingredients in the proportion: 1 part of dried grass shoots and 10 parts of alcohol or vodka.

Insist in a cool place for at least a week and use externally as a rubbing for back pain, joints, for resolving bruises, or use as a face tonic.

Pharmacy preparations

The rosemary (or Adams' rhododendron) leaves are used in folk medicine as simple remedies and as a component of homeopathic supplements. For example, sagan daila is a part of the drug for papillomas - "Papilight".

The reason for such a low popularity of this medicinal plant is the poor knowledge of the alkaloids contained in the leaves and shoots of the plant. But at the same time, water extract and extracts from sagan-dail are in demand in cosmetology - as ingredients for creams, lotions, tonics.

Toning tea

To prepare tonic tea, you need a pinch of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water. It is enough to brew for 10 minutes, then filter and drink.

Sagan Dail tea helps to improve metabolism and eliminate toxins, has an immunomodulatory effect (increases the body's natural defenses), and normalizes digestive function. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and excretory system, tones up with fatigue, overwork and improves potency.

Sagan Daila can be taken neat or added to regular tea leaves. To prepare herbal tea, a third of a teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for 10-15 minutes. Take in the morning. An interesting combination is obtained when mixed with green tea, pu-erh.

Contraindications to use

The main contraindications to the use of Adams rhododendron are associated with:

  • individual intolerance.
  • a tendency to allergies.
  • pregnancy.
  • period of breastfeeding.

In addition to essential oil, sagan-daili leaves contain a high percentage of little-studied alkaloids that cause nausea, diarrhea and skin allergies. With uncontrolled use or overdose of decoctions and infusions, hallucinations may appear, accompanied by a change in color perception.

Especially dangerous is an overdose of drugs based on Adams rhododendron in severe damage to the kidneys, heart and liver.

Rhododendron Adams is not in vain called "life-prolonging" - it is a natural energetic, many times superior in quality and beneficial effect of ginseng, lemongrass and eleutherococcus.

But despite the abundance of positive reviews and categorical prohibitions on the part of official medicine, sagan-daili is not a registered medicinal plant. Ingestion of decoctions, infusions and tinctures based on it is best first agreed with the attending physician.

In contact with

Sagan daila or scientifically Rhododendron Adams is a medicinal plant known since ancient times, belonging to the genus Rhododendron of the Heather family. For the first time, its healing properties were discovered by Tibetan monks. Written references to it are found in the 18th century Tibetan medical treatise "Dzeitskhar Migzhan", where sagan daila is considered as a means that gives a person strength, increases efficiency and cures chronic ailments that cause fatigue.

In nature, the plant is found in the Far East, Siberia, Mongolia, the foothills of Tibet, China, Japan, India. In translation, sagan daila means a herb that prolongs life. Previously, it was often used for healing by emperors, as well as by warriors to restore and increase strength. In folk medicine, Adams' rhododendron is sometimes found under the names Belogorsk or Buryat tea, fragrant wild rosemary, white wing.

Botanical description

Sagan Daila is a perennial evergreen shrub that grows in moderately humid and cold areas, at the upper borders of mountain forests, on rocks near the sea, on rocky slopes in the highlands, at an altitude of 1300 to 2500 m above sea level. Reproduction in nature is carried out by seeds, which are carried by the wind.
The branches are spread out, can reach 35 - 55 cm in height. In young plants, they are covered with brown bark on top, which, after several years, gradually becomes dark ash, and after a while it grows old, peels off and reveals a new layer of dark green color.

Leaves are evergreen, dense with edges bent downwards, arranged alternately on short petioles. The leaf blade is oblong-elliptical with a sharp end. Its length is 1 - 2 cm, and its width is 0.5 - 1 cm. From the upper side, the leaves are bare, dull green, and from the lower side they are densely covered with reddish scales.

Interesting: Young leaves of the plant have a pleasant smell, which differs in intensity and aroma depending on the place where the sagan daila grows.

Rhododendron Adams bloom lasts from June to August. The flowers are small (1.5 cm in diameter) pink or pale pink in color, collected in inflorescences of semi-umbrellas or shields. Each inflorescence can contain from 7 to 15 flowers.

The fruits ripen by mid-autumn. They are five-leafed round-shaped capsules 3 - 6 mm long, inside which many seeds are formed. Seeds are small, 1 mm long and 0.3 - 0.4 mm wide.

Chemical composition

The leaves and flowers of the plant contain various biologically active substances, which ensures that the sagan dail has beneficial properties. Among them:

  • essential oils (farnesen, aromadendren, nerolidol, germacron);
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • terpenoids;
  • phenolic compounds (salicylic, protocatechuic, lilac, vanillic acids);
  • glycosides (rutin, cardenolides);
  • vitamin C;
  • hydroxycinnamic (ferulic, caffeic, sinapic) and fatty (linolenic) acids;
  • flavonoids.

Healing properties

Rhododendron Adams exhibits a wide range of biological activities. For a long time, the herb Sagan Daila has found application in folk and traditional medicine of peoples living in the Far East. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, improve the quality of sleep, remove kidney stones, and is used for headaches, sluggish diseases, accompanied by general malaise and loss of strength. Due to the content of rutin and cardiac glycosides in the plant, it has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system:

  • strengthens the walls of the capillaries, increases their elasticity;
  • improves the processes of blood microcirculation;
  • slow down the heart rate;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • has a diuretic effect on edema caused by a violation of the heart;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • improve the contraction of the heart muscle.

Means from sagan dail strengthen the immune system, increase the adaptive abilities of the body and its resistance to infections, activate the brain, improve memory and concentration. They have antiallergic, detoxifying, antioxidant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Funds from sagan dail can be used for colds, for relieving withdrawal symptoms and increased nervousness, fighting neuroses, treating and preventing cancer.

Tea made only from Rhododendron Adams leaves or with their addition has a specific pleasant aroma. It has a tonic effect, relieves fatigue, improves mood and physical strength, enhances potency, relieves hangover syndrome.

Rhododendron Adams helps with diseases of the digestive tract, dysentery, diarrhea, liver and kidney diseases.

When applied externally, infusions and decoctions of Sagan Daila herb accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin, relieve inflammation in the mouth and throat, and reduce pain in rheumatism, radiculitis and joint diseases. Sometimes they are used for cosmetic purposes to get rid of bags under the eyes and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

Interesting: Drinks from sagan dail are used not only for medicinal purposes. It is believed that the plant is able to clarify consciousness, help free the mind to enter a state of trance and meditation, therefore it is actively used by shamans and esotericists.

The essential oil released from the leaves and tops of sagan-dail by steam distillation rejuvenates and tones the skin, protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation, moisturizes, and removes edema. It is used for aromatherapy, soap making, as well as for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Procurement of raw materials

Sagan Daila's medicinal raw materials are flowers, leaves and leafy tops of the shrub. They are collected during the flowering period of the plant and before the fruit ripens. For medicinal purposes, fresh, white or white-pink, not darkened flowers, when dried, do not appear bluish, are suitable. Leaves can be harvested during the entire flowering period, but they become more valuable in July and August, when they accumulate a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

Dried Raw Rhododendron Adams

The collected raw materials are dried in the shade by spreading them in a thin layer on paper or cotton cloth. There must be good air circulation in the drying area. After drying the raw materials, it continues to retain a pleasant aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of strawberries.

Important: Rhododendron Adams is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia.

Application methods

On the basis of Adams' rhododendron in folk medicine, decoctions, water infusions, alcoholic tinctures for external and internal use are prepared for medicinal purposes. Considering that sagan daila is a powerful energy stimulant, it is not recommended to take the funds from it by mouth later than 6 pm, as it can cause problems with night sleep.

Sagan Dail tea drink

Sagan Dail tea recipe

The branches of the plant are chopped, cut with a knife or scissors. Take a pinch of the resulting mass and pour 200 ml of boiling water, incubate for 10 minutes and filter. Drink the entire volume in the morning, you can drink no more than one glass per day. You can add the same amount of sagan daila herb before brewing regular herbal tea, black tea, or green tea for its medicinal properties.

Water infusion

Grind the herb of the plant, take ½ tsp. and pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, and then filter. Take 200 ml 2 times a day. This remedy from sagan dail is taken for colds, heart failure, edema, nervous disorders, to relieve fatigue and increase potency.

Infusion for external use

Dried leaves of a plant in the amount of 100 g are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. After a time, filter and use warm for rinsing the throat and mouth in case of inflammation. Store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator.

A remedy for high blood pressure t headache

Prepare a dry mixture of 10 g of sagan dayl and motherwort leaves, 15 g of peppermint leaves and calendula roots, add 200 ml of milk to it and bring to a boil. After cooling, filter and drink 15 ml twice a day. To improve the taste of the product, you can add a little honey to it.

Infusion for neuroses

A mixture of 10 g of chamomile flowers and 20 g of sagan daila herb is poured with warm water, infused for 24 hours, covered with a lid. Then it is filtered and consumed in a heated form, 10 ml each before meals in the morning and evening.


A glass of water is added to the crushed shoots (10 g) and boiled for 7 - 8 minutes, then they leave us for 1 hour, filter and bring the volume to the original with boiled water. Take 50-60 ml as a tonic and bactericidal agent.

Vodka tincture

One part of Adams rhododendron herb is poured with 10 parts of vodka. This sagan daila tincture on vodka is effective for external use, rubbing with it is performed with rheumatism and pain in the joints.


The widespread use of Adams' rhododendron is due not only to the valuable beneficial properties of sagan dail, but also to contraindications, the list of which is limited. It should not be taken if an individual intolerance or allergic reaction to this plant is detected, as well as to children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With hypertension and increased nervous excitability, the treatment process should be monitored by a doctor.

An overdose of Sagan Dail remedies can cause hallucinations, impaired color perception, urinary retention and nervous overexcitation. Multiple excess doses can cause renal dysfunction.

Sagan Daila is a plant known as Adams' rhododendron. The herb grows all over the world, but depending on the place of growth it has different names: fragrant wild rosemary, white wing, saagan dali ...

Its official name is Rhododendron adamsii. The herb has long been used in folk medicine, however, along with medicinal properties, it has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when using. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you risk causing harm to health!

Growth, collection

There are many places in Russia where a medicinal plant grows. It is most concentrated in Altai (Altai grass), in the mountains of Crimea, the Far Eastern regions, Yakutia, Siberia. The Baikal variety is also known.
The plant is included in the Red Book!

Flowers and greens of sagan dail have healing properties. The collection is carried out during the flowering period - from mid-June to the end of August. However, this period depends on the place of growth. For example, in the Crimean mountains it starts earlier and ends later.

Procurement of raw materials (drying) is carried out outdoors (but without direct sunlight) or in artificial dryers at temperatures up to 40 ° C. For storage, the grass is folded into glass jars, paper, fabric bags, stored without moisture and sun. Dry herb is used to make tea, decoction, infusion, tincture.

Today, not every person understands the benefits and harms of the gifts of nature, therefore, if you are not sure of your knowledge, it is better to buy ready-made raw materials at the pharmacy, carefully read the instructions before using!

Important! Many people are interested in the question: are sagan daila and wild rosemary the same plant? Not. Both herbs belong to the same genus (Rhododendron), but to different species: rosemary is Rhododendron dauricum, and sagan daila is Rhododendron adamsii.

History and modernity

The origin of the plant is shrouded in many legends. One of them tells about the soldiers who returned home to the Sayan Mountains. They glorified victory, shared their joy with the land, keeping their spears on the stone slopes.

After a while, a herb with amazing medicinal qualities grew in these places. For these properties, she received the name "life extension". This is how "sagan daila" is translated from the Buryat-Mongolian language.

Indeed, the evergreen little shrub with pink flowers actually prevents the aging process.

However, this is just one of many valuable qualities. Fragrant rosemary has a beneficial effect on the heart, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, and relieves headaches.

The herb relieves weakness and fatigue, activates brain activity, and eases the manifestations of depression. Makes sleep better. A person immediately falls asleep, and his body regenerates faster than usual.
Sagan Dail's actions:

  1. Antipyretic.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Antiseptic.