Marina Anisina: her personal life, the latest news. Personal life of Marina Anisina. Marriage with Dzhigurda

Marina Anisina is a famous figure skater with a unique history of her sporting success. Currently, she has long since retired from sports and devoted herself to her personal life.

Her relationship with Nikita Dzhigurda became public knowledge, as they are constantly shrouded in various scandals. The latest news from the personal life of Marina Anisina can very much surprise the fans, since for last year there were many negative situations.

Video: scandalous divorce Marina Anisina and Dzhigurda

Gossip in the media

The year 2017 was a very difficult stage for Anisina. In her personal life, many problems appeared and constant gossip in the media undermined the morale of the skater, which also affected her health and relationship with her husband.

After the first news of the couple's divorce appeared in the press, Anisina refrained from commenting for a long time. While all the fans of the extravagant couple wanted to know all the ins and outs of their lives and true reasons divorce.

Many wrote that Dzhigurda abused drugs and that with his behavior he even almost drove his eldest son to suicide. Of course, the press wanted to connect Anisina's divorce with Nikita and the fact that he was called a rapist and just a cruel person. But as it turned out, half of such news was simply slander, which envious people and haters tried to spread.

Photo: Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda

Of course, anyone who read the latest news from Marina Anisina's personal life knows about the divorce from Dzhigurda.

Despite their trusting relationship, it is very difficult to endure the character and betrayal of the actor. But according to Anisina and Dzhigurda, all this is the machinations of the yellow press. They are not going to get divorced and an idyll reigns in their life.

At the beginning of 2017, on Channel One, several episodes of the Let Them Talk program were filmed with Nikita's participation. These were scandalous issues dedicated to the inheritance of one of Dzhigurda's lovers. As a result, after several dozen, there was a flurry of indignation from the fans.

All this was reflected in the relationship between Anisina and her husband and their emotional state. Also, Nikita's drug addiction does not always have a positive effect on his emotions. All this may have led to the appearance of rumors about a divorce, which they are trying to carefully hide.

Divorce from Nikita Dzhigurda

The figure skater wrote on her Instagram that the reason for the divorce was the affair between Nikita and his former lover, for whom he had feelings even before meeting Anisina. Marina found it difficult to cope with this state of affairs and betrayal by her husband, with whom they had been together for about ten years, she did not expect at all. Moreover, the woman with whom he cheated on Marina Dzhigurda turned out to be a lady close to their family.

Family photo

The press discussed the future of the stars for a long time and tried to find other reasons for the separation. And while new articles on this topic appeared on the Internet, Marina and Nikita resumed their relationship. It was the scandals and squabbles that brought them closer together, which in 2017, more than ever, surrounded the couple.

Anisina defended her husband and tried to achieve justice with him during Nikita's inheritance proceedings. It was in this case that a lot of "interesting" facts about the singer surfaced, and these facts did not paint the man at all. Nevertheless, Anisina completely took the side of her beloved and was able to prove Dzhigurda's innocence together with him, thus clearing his name.

Anisina's relationship with her husband could be called ideal, but not everything is so simple. According to fans, she simply hides all the flaws of her husband, thereby trying to maintain a family idyll. This cannot last for a long time, since such a relationship can end very badly for her.

Figure skater with her husband in the registry office

But as it turned out, this is not the end of the skater. The latest news from the personal life of Marina Anisina testifies to the loss of a child. A large number of troubles fell on the woman, which caused emotional and psychological distress. Such a tragedy for Anisina was a serious blow. She barely got through 2017 and in the future everything should work out for her.

Loss of a child

The next scandal was not long in coming. As it turned out, Anisina lost her baby in the ninth week of pregnancy. And Dzhigurda connected this with the scandalous proceedings between him and the creators of the project "Let them talk."

The figure skater's husband was very worried about the state of his beloved and therefore more than once turned to his fans, saying that he was determined and serious. He announced that there would be a trial between him and Channel One. And that the creators of the talk show simply unfairly slandered him on air, calling him a fraud, and even accusing him of violence.

Spouses in the theater

Marina became ill against the background of the fact that for several days in a row she heard insults and swear words at her husband, which came from the management of the TV channel. Anisina promised her fans to write about her grief when she comes to her senses. For any woman, this is an incredible blow to the psychological state. But she is still ahead and maybe she will be able to become a happy mother more than once.

The loss of a child for the skater has become a very serious loss, which is very difficult for her to cope with. Of course, support from fans and fans began to pour in. Currently, the life of a married couple is getting better and soon they will be fine. But the character of Dzhigurda, which became the cause of all Anisina's troubles, has a great influence.

Recent events from personal life

All the latest news from the personal life of Marina Anisina that occurred in 2017 cannot but surprise, since it is very rare that so many problems fall on a person. The woman herself is trying with all her might to survive the formed difficulties and hopes for support from Nikita Dzhigurda. Anisina needed a rest that could help her move away from all the experiences and troubles that happened in her life. As a result, she made the right decision.

Anisina and Dzhigurda on vacation with children

After some time, the skater went on vacation to Greece. She and her husband celebrated the tenth anniversary of their meeting there. And fans, watching the photos of the girl on her Instagram, noted that Anisina looks very good, rested and happy. It seems that stress and scandals are in the past, and the couple is trying to mend their relationship and rebuild their family happiness.

No matter how the journalists and envious people tried to provoke Anisina, she is very confident and always responds politely to attacks from the press or negative comments on her Instagram. At the same time, Marina supports her husband, she wants to achieve justice in the case with Channel One and the scandal on the show "Let them talk" and in every possible way justifies him in front of those who consider Nikita's behavior inadequate.

Spouses are fighting for inheritance

Marina Anisina's life became the property of users after she married Nikita Dzhigurda. Many wrote that her relationship would not end well. Despite all the shortcomings of her husband, she continues to support him and help him achieve incredible results in his personal and professional life.

Marina Anisina still cannot recover after a loud divorce from her husband Nikita Dzhigurda. In the media every now and then new details of the personal life of the star couple emerge. The Olympic champion tries not to read what is written on the Internet and is skeptical about the gossip that arises around her previous relationship. Even as a guest on the program with Lera Kudryavtseva, the woman was not afraid to tell how her relationship with her parents developed during her marriage and after her divorce from Nikita Dzhigurda.

It turned out that the athlete's father and mother divorced when she was still little. The head of the family stopped taking part in raising his daughter, he did not follow her success in the sports field. Anisina is sincerely grateful to her parent for the fact that she devoted her whole life to developing the career of an heiress. Soon Marina established communication with dad. When he found out who his daughter was marrying, he sharply criticized the chosen one. The relationship became so tense that the man was never able to see his grandchildren in person.

“I grew up without a dad. If he doesn't want to see his grandchildren, to support his only daughter, I don't want to impose on anyone. It’s not that I’m some kind of cool, no, I’m not just killing myself because of this, but if he wants to invite me to his palace to his dacha, I’ll be happy to come and see what he spends ten years there, ” Anisina honestly admitted on the air of the program.

It should be noted that the skater did not have a relationship with almost all of her relatives. The woman does not contact her father, her brother has never met with her nephews. The only truly close person for Marina is her mother. According to the athlete, it was hard for them to understand each other, and conflicts arose between the women because of Dzhigurda. Anisina's parent did not hide all her joy when she suddenly learned from the media that her daughter was getting divorced. Interestingly, the celebrity did not report this herself. She did not consider it necessary then to talk to a relative.

“My mother was enraged by everything in her marriage to Nikita. She is a very proud person, she will never put up, never make concessions. At some point, we did not communicate with my mother for three years. She did not see the birth of her granddaughter, but met her when Eva was two years old. She learned about the divorce either on the Internet or from the driver. Then she began to give advice, asked to delete all messages, photos. I was a little irritated by this attitude of hers, ”said the sportswoman.

Speaking about the family, Marina could not help but mention the fact that her parent became extremely demanding and selective towards men after her own divorce from the figure skater's father. This behavior, according to Anisina, was reflected in herself. The mother of the champion was always unhappy with her daughter's boyfriends, she imagined some, Marina - completely different. All these disagreements have always led to quarrels. Therefore, the celebrity tries to maintain a position of neutrality, and in stressful situations consults with close friends.

The famous figure skater Marina Anisina is well known not only to domestic amateurs winter species sports. She became the Olympic champion, representing France, therefore, for this European country, Marina's name is perhaps even more significant than for her historical homeland. If you look at the biography of Marina Anisina, it becomes clear that, by and large, she did not have any other path, except for a sports path.

The girl's mother, Irina Chernyaeva, was a representative of the famous figure skating school in the USSR, and her father, Vyacheslav Anisin, is a star of Russian hockey. Brother Mikhail followed in his father's footsteps. But the parents initially wanted to protect Marina from big sports. But since the girl was present at her mother's training at the CSKA ice complex from the age of two, she went to the rink herself quite early. She became the favorite of the team, and her friends convinced Irina Chernyaeva to give her daughter a chance. Soon, the future ice dancing star took advantage of it.

Much later, having already become a famous figure skating star, Anisina realized other talents. The girl starred in films - in the second part of the comedy "What Men Do!", And also published an autobiographical book "Dots above the i", which, according to her, is much more frank than any of her interviews.

Figure skating

The professional sports career of the figure skater began in the days of the Soviet Union. She has danced with and twice won gold medals at the World Junior Championships. But when Ilya composed a duet with, Marina had to look for a new partner. After a short-term collaboration with Sergei Sakhnovsky, who immigrated to Israel, the girl decided to find a highly qualified dancer abroad.

Her choice fell on the French figure skater Gwendal Peyser, although the Canadian Victor Kraatz also claimed a partnership. Thus, at the age of 17, Anisina found herself far from home, in a foreign country, which eventually became her second homeland. Marina adopted French citizenship and represented the country of fashion and culinary at major competitions. The couple Marina Anisina and Gwendal Peizerat had a unique style that set them apart from hundreds of other duos. Their trademark was topsy-turvy support: whereas the standard is that a man holds a partner, here Marina supported Gwendal.

The highest point of Anisina's success was the victory at the Olympic Games in 2002, which, it must be admitted, turned out to be scandalous. Marina was even accused of unsportsmanlike behavior, and she passed as a witness to bribery of judges. Nevertheless, the figure skater retained the title of Olympic champion. After winning the European Championship that same year, Marina Anisina ended her professional career and focused on performing in ice shows. She also took part in the Russian project “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". In 2013, Marina returned to professional sports and reunited with Gwendal Peizerat.

Personal life

When the figure skater came to Moscow in 2007 to take part in the dance show “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season ”on the RTR channel, she was paired with an outrageous actor and musician. A romantic relationship arose between him and the young woman, and the next year, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, they played a bright wedding and the status of Marina Anisina's personal life changed.

It is noteworthy that the athlete's mother was sharply against the candidacy of Marina Anisina's husband, but the girl did not pay attention to the opinion of relatives and friends about her husband, whose behavior was and remains unusual.

Even after the birth of her grandchildren, Anisina's mother did not like her son-in-law. She was strongly against the sale of Marina's house in France. At the same time, she knew that Nikita insisted on this. As a result, the overseas property was still sold, and with the proceeds the family bought an elite apartment in a prestigious residential complex, 10 km from Moscow.

In 2009, the couple had a son, whom the shocking father gave the original name Mik-Angel Crist Anisin-Dzhigurda. A year later, a daughter, Eva-Vlada, was born in the family. But Marina's family life was not even and smooth. Nikita Dzhigurda's wife has repeatedly said that they have "true love" and they are "two halves of one whole", nevertheless, information about scandals between celebrities leaked to the press. When Marina Anisina went to France to resume figure skating performances, conversations began about an affair between Marina and Gwendal Peizerat.

Some remedies mass media wrote about the upcoming divorce between Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda, to which in 2015 the couple responded with a public statement of reconciliation. Moreover, it became known that the athlete was pregnant for the third time. Unfortunately, Marina Anisina suffered a miscarriage. And soon rumors about their separation began again.

In October 2016, Marina filed a divorce suit in court. As the representative of the skater said, she was no longer satisfied with the attitude of her husband to her, but above all to the children. After Nikita Dzhigurda changed his name to Janatan El-Air Bratash Ji Pogorzhelsky von Gan Eden, his wife decided that she no longer wanted to live with such a person.

Nikita more than once made loud statements to his wife's lawyer, and once even tried to start a scuffle. But the lawyer brought the case to its logical conclusion, and at the end of November 2016, the divorce of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda came into force, and their marriage was officially recognized.

In 2017, Marina Anisina came to the "Secret for a Million" program, where she shared with the TV presenter the details of family life with Dzhigurda, as well as the juicy moments of their divorce. Marina was as frank as possible, but she never revealed her secret to the public and burned the envelope, saying that she did not even reveal this secret to her ex-husband.

Of course, such a bright woman had many fans even before Dzhigurda. In an interview with the Caravan of Stories, she said that she once even met with the Prince of Monaco Albert Grimaldi.


Anisina's family life from the very beginning has a scandalous subtext. In 2009, Nikita Dzhigurda filmed the birth of his wife and posted a video on the Web, later it was shown on TV. Of course, few people liked this idea. Despite the fact that the shocking man assured everyone that he captured the birth of a new life and this is a real art, the public did not appreciate such an act, considering it too intimate process for public viewing.

An even greater scandal erupted in 2016, when it became known that Dzhigurda and Anisina became the heirs of the multimillion-dollar inheritance of their lonely friend Lyudmila Bratash. It is noteworthy that the woman left her own sister, and, in theory, it was she who was the legal heir. And the death of Lyudmila caused some doubts. Her sister is sure that a relative died from violent actions, and accused Dzhigurda of involvement in this. Nikita claimed that the driver of the deceased had a hand in leaving for another world.

In the conclusion of the forensic scientist, it is indicated that death was due to traumatic brain injury. It is known that the woman suffered from alcoholism, most likely, she fell and broke her head. The trial continues to this day.

In the summer of 2017, information from the presenter from Channel One appeared, but everyone was silent about the reasons for this decision. At the same time, Marina Anisina said on Instagram that such changes on the channel occurred because of her appeal to the President of Russia and filing lawsuits against employees of the show “Let them talk”. Allegedly, the editors of the program put pressure on her, spread slander and lies about her family. And after the skater's refusal to give them an interview, they began to threaten her and Nikita Dzhigurda at all.

Marina Anisina today

After a loud divorce, which was not discussed only by the lazy one, it became even greater sensation in 2017. Fans and haters of the couple did not expect this and were extremely surprised when photos from their joint vacation appeared on the Web. Marina asked her to understand and not condemn, because Nikita is the father of her children. At the moment, the couple are reconciled, they continue to raise children and shock the public.

In May 2018, the Moscow City Court dismissed the claim of the sister of Lyudmila Bratash, leaving unchanged the decision of the Kuntsevo Court in favor of the showman and Marina Anisina. Thus, they will soon be able to dispose of three apartments of their friend in Moscow and one in Paris.


  • 1998 - bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Nagano
  • 1998 - Chevalier of the National Order of Merit
  • 2002 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
  • 2003 - Knight Commander of the Legion of Honor

Russian and French athlete, who won paired with GwendalPeizera titles of world champion in 2000 and Olympic champion in 2002 in ice dancing. The wife of the shocking actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

Marina Anisina. Biography

Marina Anisina was born into the family of a famous figure skater Irina Chernyaeva and hockey player Vyacheslav Anisin... Anisina began her sports career in tandem with Ilya Averbukh, winning gold medals at the World Figure Skating Championships among juniors in 1990 and 1992. Then Averbukh chose Irina Lobacheva as a new partner, and Anisina worked in tandem with Sergei Sakhnovsky.

After Sakhnovsky left for Israel, where he became a partner Galit Hayit, Anisina was forced to train alone for some time, since she did not find a suitable partner in Russia. Then, on the advice of her coach, she began looking for a couple outside the country.

After watching a large number of video materials, her choice settled on two skaters - Victor Kraatze from Canada and Gwendale Peizerat from France. Having written letters to them with a proposal to work together, Anisina received the consent of Gwendal Peizerat and in 1993 went to France, where the first six months she lived with the Gwendal family in Lyon.

Since Peizerat refused to move to Moscow and compete for Russia, Anisina had to stay in France and obtain French citizenship, after which the couple was able to represent France at the Olympic Games.

The Anisina-Peizera pair had a special style that distinguishes it from other couples. Their trademark was the support provided by the partner, not the partner.

After winning the Olympic Games and the European Championship in 2002, the pair of Anisina and Peizerat ended their careers and did not take part in the 2002 World Championship. Since then, the couple has performed in various shows.

In 1998 Marina Anisina became the Knight of the National Order of Merit (French Chevalier de l "Ordre National du mérite). In 2003 - Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor (French Chevalier de la Légion d" Honneur).

Marina Anisina. Personal life

The wedding took place on February 23, 2008 Marina Anisina with a famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda... On January 7, 2009, Marina gave birth to a son, whom she and her husband named Mik-Angel Krist Anisin-Dzhigurda... January 23, 2010 gave birth to a daughter - Evu-Vlad.

In 2015, Anisina filed for divorce, motivating her decision by the fact that her husband is mentally ill. However, the couple's relationship did not end, they went on vacation together and communicated periodically. Dzhigurda tried to return his ex-wife. In May 2017, it became known that Marina was expecting a third child from him. However, she had a miscarriage due to scandals with the press.

Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisina is a figure skater, well known in Russia and France. On her account - victories at the European Championships and the Olympic Games. Her career is full of interesting episodes. It had ups and downs, victories and disappointments. The personal life of the heroine of the biography is also interesting - her marriage with the shocking Nikita Dzhigurda caused a lot of discussions.

Childhood and family

Marina Anisina was born on August 30, 1975 in Moscow. Her parents were famous Soviet athletes. Father, Vyacheslav Anisin, was a famous hockey player. At one time, he was regularly called up under the banner of the national team Soviet Union, later became a coach of HC Krylya Sovetov. Marina's mother, Irina Chernyaeva, was no less bright person. As the first student of Tatiana Tarasova, she managed to achieve many successes in figure skating. She was the champion of the USSR and the triumphant of the Olympic Games.

It can hardly be denied that it was the parents who became the reference point for little Marina. FROM early years she dreamed that one day the ice would also submit to her. Although the older Anisins had slightly different views on the future of their daughter.

Knowing firsthand how dangerous the world of big-time sports can be, for a long time they were categorically opposed to their daughter repeating their fate. And although from the age of three Marina Anisina skated on an open skating rink for fun, professional classes were banned.

His Majesty's chance made a significant contribution to the usual course of things. One winter, Marina's grandmother fell seriously ill. Parents were supposed to go to the training camp together with the USSR national teams. There was no one to look after the little girl, and her mother reluctantly took her with her to training at the CSKA sports center. At first, the girl just sat in the locker room, but later she also began to go out on the ice and from the very first days she became a real favorite of the local team. From that moment, Anisina's long journey to the heights of sports Olympus began.

By the way, Marina has a brother Mikhail (she is 13 years younger). He is a hockey player, started his career in 2005, played for many famous hockey clubs, including CSKA, Krylia Sovetov and Dynamo, and in 2017 he joined the Kazakh hockey club Saryarka.

Marina Anisina's sports career

Ludmila Pakhomova became the first coach of Marina Anisina. It is with her valuable advice that the early successes of the young athlete are connected.

At the beginning of her journey, the girl performed in tandem with Ilya Averbukh, whose name is probably well known to all our readers. Together with him, the young athlete achieved her first victories, putting in her piggy bank the gold medals of the 1990 and 1992 junior world championships. For a long time, the relationship in a couple was perfect, but at some point Ilya suddenly decided to leave his former partner in order to train with Irina Lobacheva.

Marina Anisina and Ilya Averbukh, 1992

After a professional separation from Ilya Averbukh, Marina Anisina began to work with Sergei Sakhnovsky. But the cooperation was short-lived. Soon after the start of joint training, the athlete moved to Israel for permanent residence, where he subsequently performed in tandem with the Israeli figure skater Galit Hait. Having no other choice, Marina trained alone for a long time, because there were simply no partners suitable for her level in Russia. Her coach came to the rescue, advising the skater to look for a partner outside the country.

After watching many cassettes with performances of various Western athletes, the skater opted for Victor Kraatz (Canada) and Gwendala Peizerat (France). Having written a personal letter to each of them, Marina began to wait for an answer. Both expressed a desire to work with her. Ultimately, Anisina chose a French athlete and moved to Lyon with him.

In 1993, their joint performances began. From the very first training sessions, the athletes showed the highest level of interaction. Marina Anisina adopted French citizenship and began to represent her new homeland in international competitions. From that moment on, a fundamentally new stage began in her career.

In 1994, the Anisina-Peizera pair won their first gold medals at the Grand Prix of Figure Skating (Ondrej Nepela Memorial, Trophée Lalique). After that there were victories at the NHK Trophy and first place at the French Championship. It is worth noting that later Anisina became the best figure skater of the Fifth Republic six times in a row.

In 1998, the figure skaters made their debut at the Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. The couple received a bronze medal.

Marina Anisina at the Nagano Olympics

In addition, in the 1999/2000 season, Anisina and Peizera won the European Championship for the first time, and two years later they became victors of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. After that, Marina Anisina ended her career and since then does not participate in official competitions, only occasionally appearing on various thematic shows like "Dancing on Ice".

Personal life of Marina Anisina. Marriage with Dzhigurda

It was "Dancing on Ice" that became the starting point for the most controversial event in the life of Marina Anisina - marriage with Nikita Dzhigurda.

In 2007, at the invitation of the RTR channel, the figure skater performed on the project together with Dzhigurda. They won, and the joint work marked the beginning of a whirlwind romance.

In February 2008, Anisina and Dzhigurda got married. A year later, their joint son Mik-Angel Christ was born. In 2010, the former figure skater also gave birth to a daughter, Eva-Vlada. The spouse posted the childbirth process on the Web for everyone to see.

Dzhigurda and Anisina - Childbirth of a daughter Eva

Dzhigurda more than once published their candid photo sessions, and was generally not shy about expressing emotions when it came to his beloved woman. Many fans even accused the skater that she "caved in" to the scandalous artist and herself began to behave not too adequately. Marina Anisina now After the divorce, Marina Anisina became a welcome guest on Russian television. The programs vied with each other beckoning her to the studio to interview about the details of life with such a difficult person as Dzhigurda.

"Secret for a Million": Marina Anisina about Dzhigurda

So, in the show "Secret in a Million" she talked about the transformation of the fairy tale of their relationship into a living hell. According to the skater, Dzhigurda could raise his hand to her and used children in strange rituals.

Apparently, the whole epic with the divorce set one goal - the PR of celebrities. Or maybe Nikita was persistent in trying to get his wife back. One way or another, in May 2017, Anisina confirmed that ... she was expecting a third child from Dzhigurda. On joint photography, which Dzhigurda shared on Instagram, the couple literally glowed with happiness.