Dream church to see inside. What is the dream of the church in a dream for a woman. Church according to the Dream Interpretation of Krady Veles

Church in a dream - A white or wedding dress seen in a dream in a church portends sadness, the loss of a loved one, a funeral. An abandoned, empty church in your dream promises unkind changes in life, such as despair, forgetfulness, resentment, hopelessness, grief.
To dream of a church with clogged windows.
See the subtle church - destruction of pre-built plans.
See the castle on the church - beware of breaking up relations with a loved one.
See the church altar - help of friends in your business, business.
See the church from afar - to be disappointed in something.
See the church from afar - perhaps your hopes are not destined to come true, disappointment in something very long-awaited. Pay attention to the color of the clothes you wear while in church.
Seeing the church outside: for a man - good luck in business, for a woman - a marriage proposal.
Entering a church that is immersed in darkness or haze - your future is ambiguous, foggy, unpredictable. At the moment in your life, your fate depends on the correctness of the decision made in reality.
Entering a good, beautiful church means your charity and honest conduct.
Enter church - to remorse, to suffer from remorse.
Burning church - to enmity between generations.
If in real life lovers come in for a wedding, then a dream in which you are together in church portends a long, painful separation.
If you dreamed of a church in a dream, then this portends you disappointment in the events you expect.
If you dreamed that you entered a church that is immersed in darkness, then this is a rather bad sign, and it may mean that you will take part in the funeral. it can mean bad prospects and that better times will have to wait for a long time.
If in a dream you enter a church - it means that your life's actions are dictated to you only by your egoism. You absolutely do not want to reckon with the people around you.
If in a dream you go to God's temple, it means that you are very repentant of something.
If in a dream you attended a divine service in a church, respect and love await you.
If in a dream you were talking in church, then in real life this may mean that you can commit some kind of crime, for which you will be adequately punished as a result. Therefore, carefully monitor your actions.
If in a dream you witness a divine service in a church, then in reality you can count on the support and respect of the people around you.
If in a dream you stand in a beautifully lit and elegant church - to prosperity and honors, and in an empty and poorly lit church - to the funeral.
If in a dream you saw a beautiful white church with golden domes, then in the near future your moral qualities will be appreciated by those around you. Often a person sees himself in a dream near a church or inside in those situations when his moral state requires unloading.
If you heard church singing in the building - to the fulfillment of all desires.
If you enter an unlit church - take part in the wedding ceremony soon. Also, this dream can mean very unclear prospects in business and a long wait for an improvement in financial well-being.
If you are building a church in a dream, this portends that soon great trials will fall on your shoulders, which you will have to endure.
If you are dressed in a mourning outfit, in real life a joyful event, marriage, celebration awaits you.
Go to church in a dream - obstacles in business, standing in front of the entrance and not entering - to an unexpected trip.
The bell siren heard during sleep calls you for help that you cannot help but give.
Praying to God means that great joy and comfort awaits you.
To be in the middle of the church - to receive great consolation in your great grief.
Be in a church service - to remorse.
Bypass the church building - the decision you made is currently unsuccessful.
Sleeping in the church is also a very bad prediction. Such a dream threatens with sudden death for a sick person and a serious illness for a healthy person.
Church in darkness - disturbing events, possibly a funeral. Your prospects are not the best.
Take part in the construction of the church in a dream - good undertakings and deeds will bring you peace of mind, balance, purification of thoughts, respect of others. Praying in church - such a dream promises the implementation of plans, success, happiness in the house, peace and quiet in family relationships, care and support of loved ones.
Restore the church in a dream - all your bad deeds will be forgotten and you are expected to restore your old relationships with loved ones.
An empty or allowed church that you saw in a dream often becomes a harbinger of your participation in the funeral ceremony.
Empty - to despair and longing. Abrupt changes for the worse are possible.
Ruined church - to the disease.
It is not worth looking at the church from afar in a dream, as this is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will yearn, go to the temple with your loved one, and also has a cardinal difference from a real visit.
A dream about the church warns you that it is time to think about the perfect deeds, to clear your thoughts and direct your life in the right direction.
Old grudges are easily forgotten.
Standing inside a collapsed church and trying to install a candle in a candlestick - in reality you can be spiritually reborn, renew your spirituality.
To stand by the church, which is destroyed, and at the same time to try to light a candle - the desire for renewal and spiritual revival.
It is believed that the church dreams of great happiness.
We saw a church in a dream - wait for changes in spiritual life.
To see an empty church with a boarded-up door may mean that not the best times will come in your life, there will be longing and many hopeless situations.
Moving away from the church or seeing it in the distance means that very soon you will be disappointed in a loved one or the outcome of any planned event will upset you.
Participate in the restoration of an old church - to restore lost relationships with a loved one, success in business.
The church in a dream symbolizes despair, the desire for purification and repentance.
The church, both in reality and in a dream, is a symbol of support and help in a difficult situation or great trouble.
A person needs to get rid of his sins, repent or tell someone close to what happened. Your presence in the temple during the service is a sure sign that the love and respect of those around you is sincere.
Read a prayer in church - to happiness and good luck in all undertakings, to believers - to God's blessing.
The appearance of the church in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Let's list the most common dream situations in which the church is.

But not just from afar, but as if to visit it in a dream? This is clearly not a typical dream, but, as practice shows, it can have several meanings.

And not all of them are good, not all predict good luck. We will tell you what such a dream can mean, and what to expect in the near future.

You will be able to see, touch something that in the future will have a major impact on your life... Young people have such a dream before they decide on their vocation, profession. Also, this dream is a dream if a person feels empty and tired of life. In this case, such a dream supports and does not allow stumbling. Even if a strange, dreary feeling remains after him, this will induce a person to change something in his life, and these changes will only be for the better.

Church and candles in it

Something bothers you, now it will be difficult for you to make decisions and help someone. At the moment, you yourself are in dire need of help, you are restless, and you need to find harmony... Yes, it will be difficult, but you must break all ties with the past if you want to find your peace of mind and, possibly, a new place in life. Do not be surprised if in the near future you want to cry, or even for a while: it is your soul crying, which needs peace and help.

Temple and Father

Awaits you disappointment and severe mental trauma... Find the strength to accept any situation with dignity. Remember that after an eclipse, the sun always appears, and in the same way, after an unpleasant, black stripe, a white one appears. Also, the dream book does not recommend spending large amounts of money during this period.

Church inside with icons and without

If there were no icons in the church, then you have to look for the truth for a very long time, they are deceiving you, very hypocritical people have appeared near you who want to deceive you. They have nothing sacred, they can take the most precious thing from you.

If a dreamed of a church with, then, most likely, you are to blame in front of someone who, perhaps, does not know about it. Silence is not the best way out, so take the time and desire to tell everything and repent. Make amends now, before it ends very badly.

Church with icons and pray in front of them

You need support of loved ones: even if you are guilty before them, apologize and ask for help. It will not be superfluous for you. Perhaps bereavement awaits you soon, maybe. After this death, trouble will literally fall on you, as if after someone's curse. If everything goes well, then this dream simply warned you about the possible outcome of events, but you managed to change everything for the better, perhaps even by accident.

Also, this dream can predict major changes in the life of one of your loved ones.

You need help, but if you can help dear people, believe me, the situation will improve.

The priest in the temple says something to you

Hear a voice - direct warning to you: soon you will have to make a very serious choice. Perhaps you will do something for which your conscience will torment you for the rest of your life. Perhaps now your desires, ambitions need to be curbed a little, and then everything will end well. Look for calmness and correct advice, because your warnings are far from the ultimate truth.

You should try to find the strength in yourself. forget about selfishness and do some charitable cause or help your dear people at least in something.

This dream can also warn about, most likely, your partner simply does not have enough attention and care. Make up for this deficiency and everything will be fine.

Many people in the temple

You will become a participant in events that will change not only your life. Perhaps it will have something to do with politics and religion.

Also, this dream warns of trouble and punishment for previously committed misconduct.

Remember everything that you did wrong, and then you will understand and can assess the scale of future problems. By the way, it would be nice to try to fix what you have done, or at least somehow make amends for your guilt.

Mr. Miller interpreted this dream as the dreamer's fatigue from current problems, the desire to join something interesting, but the inability to escape from the permanent habitat. Probably, such a dream can be dreamed of by people who feel guilty towards someone, this feeling of constant “guilt” puts pressure on self-esteem and does not allow the personality to develop normally. therefore miller's dream book recommends try to somehow improve this situation for the better. Otherwise, you will not be able to feel at ease all your life.

See the church in a dream often dreams of people who lied before being exposed and punished. This dream is like the last warning that it is time to repent before you are punished. So you will somehow soften the situation and clear your conscience.

This is how they interpret the dream in which you happened see the church inside... We hope we helped you figure out and understand what your dream means. Happy dreams!

When a church dreams, a person should pay attention to this sign. Dreams speak of the need to fill the gaps in the spiritual life of the sleeping person. For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important to attach importance to all the details of the picture seen, the image can signify both serious changes and the end of a life stage that had special meaning for a person.

Dreams about visiting the temple soothe the sleeping person and bring him a sense of peace, tranquility and harmony, if there are many images, gilded decor and other beautiful paraphernalia inside the structure. The dream book prescribes a calm life and excellent relationships with others. However, if it is dark and anxious inside the church, in reality the sleeper will lose his balance and will not be able to make dreams come true.

If in a dream a wooden church from the inside dreamed, changes are coming in the form of new acquaintances, travels or moving. The unkempt old building, planked inside, symbolizes a great challenge. To pass it with honor, the dreamer needs to make every effort.

If in a dream the sleeping person is a participant in the baptismal ceremony, a joyful event will soon come, which will increase the person's self-esteem. If you saw the christening of your own child, the child will soon get sick. A childless woman who dreams about the interior of a temple or church will be able to conceive a baby in the coming months.

To participate in the funeral service in the temple is a sign that any undertakings in the foreseeable future are being undertaken in vain. Therefore, it is better to set new goals. If a prayer for peace is read to a person familiar to the dreamer, parting with him is expected. A quarrel inside the temple promises strife and conflict.

It happens that the church is dreaming, but the sleeping person cannot remember with which icons. For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to understand how the faces of the saints looked at you. If there was an air of calm and goodness from them, troubles will bypass the dreamer. If they looked menacing, you should be patient and humble, and then life will go on a favorable track. The cracked icon warns the sleeper against unintentional grievances, due to which relationships with loved ones will suffer.

In a dream, praying in the temple in front of the icons means receiving all-round support from others. Removing images from the walls means making the wrong choice in life, leading you astray.

What if the church and the priest are dreaming

A priest usually appears in dreams to unbelievers. The purpose of such a visit is to increase the spirituality of the sleeping people, direct them to the path of truth and warn about the inadmissibility of committing rash acts.

In different dream books, a priest, priest or priest is interpreted as the need to analyze the dreamer's own actions and the importance of recognizing his own shortcomings. Also, the priest may hint that the time has come to repent of sinful deeds.

A divine service conducted by a priest, where a person has to stand in a crowd and be baptized, dreams of a possible serious illness. But if the dreamer himself is the father, he should work on himself and get rid of doubts and indecision. Basically, priests appear in night dreams as harbingers of disease.

What is the dream of the temple outside

When dreaming of a destroyed church, one should be afraid of a leak of vital energy and failure to fulfill plans, the insolubility of the tasks set. The dreamer needs, first of all, to strengthen faith and understand desires, since weak spirituality breaks a person from the inside.

If the temple is collapsing in a dream before our eyes, most likely, the sleeper is facing new beginnings, opening the next era in his life. But this prospect is vague and uncertain, and it is unwise to place great hopes on it. It is recommended to re-plan the future, otherwise positive changes will pass by.

If the dome of the church is dreaming - beautiful and gilded, the sleeping person will soon complete important matters. The result of efforts will serve as a solid income and moral satisfaction from what you have done. The larger the dome is, the greater the material reward will be.

Shooting in a dream at the top of the church, knocking down the domes, portends severe trials. The dreamer will have to go through a difficult path in the struggle with inner doubts and experiences.

What if dreamed of a burning church

A burning church promises the sleeping person disappointment and the impossibility of fulfilling long-term plans. All things that are important for a person at the moment are at the stage of collapse. Unfaithful wives and husbands dream of the often burning church as a sign of the loss of family values \u200b\u200bdue to indulgence of sexual whims.

The already burnt temple in a dream testifies to the groundlessness and groundlessness of fears. If the dreamer does not control himself, he will succumb to internal panic. This will prevent him from realizing his ideas.

A burnt-out chapel can also warn of a long journey. It is possible that in foreign lands the dreamer will meet such a person whom he lacked throughout his life.

See the church and candles in a dream

In night dreams, a church candle dreams of an unexpected meeting with an old friend. If the light flashes with trepidation, the meeting will be pleasant. An extinct cinder predicts disappointment in something.

To put candles in a temple in a dream is to have hope for a better future. However, in order for everything to be fulfilled, the sleeper in life will have to work hard and waste physical and moral strength.

A candle suddenly extinguished in a temple can also dream of an impending disaster. The sleeper will try to ask friends for help, but to no avail. In order not to refuse, others will simply turn away.

Buying candles in a church shop in a dream portends the disclosure of your innermost secret. You have kept it for a long time over the years. But having blabbed to an unreliable comrade, you inadvertently revealed it to your surroundings.

Why does a woman dream of a church

If the temple has dreamed and there is a need to enter it, for a woman, a dream means a complex and fixated on her problems. The recommendation is to trust people and change self-esteem.

The candles burning in the temple are dreamed of by the ladies for spiritual cleansing and renewal. The accumulation of divine structures in one small territory speaks in dreams that in reality you are suffering from mental wounds.

If you see bells ringing, expect bad news. If they do not call, a favorable streak in life comes. The rainbow that manifests itself above the chapel portends the dreamer happiness and well-being.

A large dome in dreams signifies protection for women by higher powers. A dirty, unkempt dome without a cross warns against property loss. Church service for young girls promises the respect of others.

A wedding in a dream brings happy changes to adult women. Perhaps, in the foreseeable future, there will be a meeting with a man who is in the mood for a serious relationship. The wedding of familiar people portends career advancement. But if you stand in the church at the wedding of an unfamiliar couple, loneliness is planned in life.

The sacrament rite in a dream is interpreted as spiritual conversations and good deeds. Perhaps the dreamer wants to make a donation for the development of the temple. The baptism of young children or adults dreams of improving family relations and reminds of the presence of a guardian angel who protects the dreamer from all troubles.

A woman sees crying in church because she has a fine, kind soul. Thanks to the lordship of her nature, she will soon find happiness. But if the sleeping woman stands in the temple in light clothing, an event will occur that will require mourning.

Confessing in a dream is a sign of committing a bad deed. The dreamer is disturbed by the thought of what she has done, and she wants to repent. Listening to divine services and at the same time being baptized after the priest - in life there is not enough love and recognition. To rebuild the destroyed chapel - reconciliation with a loved one is expected.

Pregnant women dream of the temple as a need for spiritual growth and support. But basically, a dream prophesies an easy birth, happy motherhood and raising a healthy child.

According to Miller, the interpreter of dreams, the church always prophesies inevitable changes. Its appearance and the events taking place inside will tell a person what to expect - good or bad. If the temple stands distant in a dream, in life the dreamers will encounter people or events that are alien to their inner world.

If a dreamer prayed in a church in a dream and saw the Mother of God nearby, surprises will arise. If the Virgin Mary also read a prayer, that's good. If you smiled and asked to pray together, there will be a surprise. The cry of the Virgin predicts trouble. If she appeared in a dream in a stone temple with a little Jesus in her arms, the dreamer may not care about the implementation of his ideas. All plans will come true unexpectedly and bring spiritual joy.

The temple is a symbol of cleansing from sins, the hope of salvation. Such dreams always leave some trembling in the soul even of an unbeliever. Why is the church dreaming? Dreams may be interpreted differently, but most often they portend major changes in life.

The temple is a symbol of cleansing from sins, the hope of salvation

To see the church in a dream means a person's desire to deal with the spiritual aspects of his life, to cleanse himself of the old, to start a new stage. Often, such night visions portend drastic changes. To interpret the dream correctly, you should remember the decoration of the room, the state of the temple, the actions that took place in the dream.

What do different dream books say about the church:

  1. Miller's dream book... The church is a sign of great changes, but if the dreamer passed by, or saw a temple in the distance, dreams will not come true.
  2. Dream interpretation of Wangi... The appearance of a temple in a dream is a symbol of hidden fears, fear of the future, despair. If the dreamer went inside, then it’s time to repent, to reduce his selfishness and greedy impulses.
  3. Loff's dream book... The church often appears in dreams in moments of complete despair, when there is only one hope for God.
  4. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov... Entering a temple in a dream means a desire to get rid of mental anguish, to ask forgiveness from an offended person in vain. To see the church in the distance - soon you will meet influential people. Donating a large amount to the needs of the church - you should expect a promotion.
  5. Dream interpretation Hosse... Dreams with the church portend a calm, joyful life, the guardian angel will always protect the dreamer.

Freud associates the church with the image of a woman. If a man went inside in a dream, it means that he is loyal to his chosen one, trusts her. If he passed by, he constantly rushes between several women, cannot make a choice, which causes him mental suffering. For a girl, such dreams indicate that she does not have any feelings for her current partner.

Church in a dream book (video)

Seeing a church in a dream inside or outside: is there a difference?

The internal and external state of the church in dreams is of great importance for the correct interpretation. An empty and gloomy room portends the death of a familiar, but distant person.

The interior decoration of the temple means the state of mind of the dreamer, how satisfied he is with his own life, calm and peaceful. If the church is clean and tidy, there are a lot of candles in gilded candelabra, bright icons - a calm life awaits a person, he does everything right, there are no bad thoughts and intentions in his head.

The church, which looks gloomy from the outside in a dream, means that the dreamer should reconsider his priorities. A person should pay more attention to his spiritual development in order to avoid complete degradation.

The internal and external state of the church in dreams is of great importance for the correct interpretation

Gilded church domes should be interpreted as a successful completion of an important business that will bring profit and moral satisfaction. The larger the dome, the more significant the reward will be. The Catholic Church foreshadows serious trials, mental suffering, betrayal of loved ones.

If a person shoots domes in a dream, this means that he made a serious mistake, which can lead to the collapse of the relationship or bankruptcy.

Why dream of a temple with icons or candles - cleansing, good news, joy and tranquility

Praying in a dream in front of icons - one should expect good news, joyful events, life will become calm. The faces of the saints are of great importance if they are pacified, calm - this means that the next year will not be darkened by sad news, all troubles will be bypassed. If the icon is cracked, then the dreamer will suffer greatly from his egoism, unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others, to delve into other people's problems.

Church candles in dreams portend great luck, a quick recovery of mental and physical strength. All planned plans can be safely implemented, no obstacles will arise. If the candle smokes heavily, in life someone exerts constant moral pressure on the dreamer, perhaps he was jinxed.

Why dream of a destroyed or burning church - devastation and disappointment

A ruined temple is a symbol of spiritual, emotional or physical dissatisfaction. The ruins of the church testify to the complete mental degradation of the dreamer, the absence of moral principles. Such dreams often portend a worsening financial situation.

A fire in a church means a person's inner confusion, loss of faith, strong disappointment

To see a burnt church in a dream - what is it for:

  • a fire in a church means a person's inner confusion, loss of faith, severe disappointment;
  • burning temple - disappointment, devastation, loss of a family due to one's own infidelity;
  • completely burnt down church - the dreamer's fears are groundless, there is no reason for panic.

A burning temple is almost always a symbol of a catastrophe that can affect the whole country, or just the dreamer.

Seeing a church service in a dream: what does it mean?

Service in a dream gives a feeling of calmness and purification. Such dreams mean that a person is surrounded by loving people who will always come to the rescue.

The meaning of church service in dreams:

  1. Listening to the singers - soon the cherished desire will come true. But if a person has often and strongly sinned lately, he should expect punishment for his actions.
  2. Singing in the choir during the service - a person is tormented by remorse.
  3. If a person prays furiously, then one should expect favorable changes in life, an improvement in financial situation.
  4. During the service, I wanted to leave the church - you need to prepare for difficulties, gather all your strength, carefully calculate each step.

Service in a dream gives a sense of calm and purification

Dreamed of a church in a dream, but after awakening there was fear, unpleasant sensations? The dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings - someone is trying to lead him astray, share false information.

Why is the old church dreaming?

Abandoned and old temples are often dreamed of by passive people who do not know how to plan their lives, do not have clear goals. Such night visions call for action, otherwise the whole life will pass by and in vain.

Seeing an old church in a dream - what is it for:

  1. If there is a lock on the temple, the windows are boarded up - the dreamer may suffer because of his spiritual closeness. You need to learn to trust people more, share your experiences with loved ones, destroy negative emotions.
  2. The church is abandoned, overgrown with cobwebs - such dreams mean that the dreamer's moral and spiritual foundations are on the verge of collapse. If you do nothing, then this can negatively affect family relationships, health.
  3. An old church in good condition means uncertainty. A person should understand his vocation, reconsider his plans for life.
  4. The old restored temple in a dream is a symbol of strict observance and respect for family traditions and foundations.

Abandoned and old temples are often dreamed of by passive people who do not know how to plan their lives

If in a dream it happened to build a new temple - this is a good sign, the dreamer will be able to forgive himself, he will begin to look at life and past events in a new way. Such dreams can mean that a person will be generously rewarded for their good deeds.

If you dream of a white or a different color church: what to prepare for?

A temple in a dream can be light, clean and white. Such a dream means the emergence of new perspectives, useful acquaintances, the dreamer will have a bright streak in his life. To see a white church in a dream means that the dreamer is distinguished by high morality, loyalty and honesty. The Golden Temple is a harbinger of changes that will help the dreamer to better understand himself.

A dream in which a dark brown church is present means a change of job or place of residence. A gloomy and black temple in a dream foreshadows misfortune caused by strangers. A dark church may indicate the imminent funeral of a loved one, which can shake the dreamer's peace of mind.

If a pregnant woman saw the church in a dream, this means that the baby must be given the name of the saint. Then the child's life will be long, easy and happy.

Why is the church dreaming (video)

Experts give different interpretations of dreams in which the image of the church is present. But most often these are signals from the subconscious that one should visit the temple in reality, honor the memory of the departed, help people in need, devote more time to spiritual development.

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Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Church and what does it mean:

Seeing a church in a dream - to awaken conscience, avoid danger and patience. A very beautifully decorated church dreams of fun and safety, a tall one - for a respectful attitude, burning - for hard times, abandoned - means a rejection of great truths. Entering church in a dream is a sign that you have developed successful prerequisites for the implementation of your plans. Seeing yourself in a dream in a cathedral and being present at divine services is a sign of success in your good endeavor.

If a person dreams of a church in places of imprisonment, it means that he will soon be released.

Seeing the abbot of a monastery in a dream is a sign that the atmosphere around you is thickening, the situation may shake.

For a young woman to see the abbess of a monastery in a dream means a cruel test, she must gather all the strength to withstand; if the abbess of the monastery smiles affably, this is a symbol of the reliability of your friends.

Miller's dream book

Why does the Church dream in a dream?

Church - Seeing the church in the distance means disappointment in the events so long awaited.

Entering a church plunged into darkness means that you will have to take part in a funeral. It also portends dim prospects and a long wait for better times.

Seeing a destroyed church portends that your hopes and plans are not destined to materialize.

If the priest does not allow you to enter the temple, you will avoid frustrating your plans thanks to enemies who will mistake your difficulties for successes.

Entry into the temple predicts a terrible illness for a young woman. If in a dream she talks with the rector of the temple, in life, reckless actions will bring on her the condemnation of close friends.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridiana

Why did you dream of visiting church

  • Entering a dark church means that the plans are not destined to come true.
  • Dreaming of burning candles in a church in a dream, portends great luck, dreams can be turned into reality.
  • A fire in a church is dreaming - a fall in moral values, disappointment in God.
  • I dreamed of a church with gilded domes - a reward for the work done.
  • The church under construction symbolizes a new stage in the dreamer's life, a change for the better.

Psychological interpreter of Furtsev

According to the dream book of the Church

Dreaming about the church? Most likely, the image is a reflection of the dreamer's inner state, his spiritual development.

  • Beautiful decoration of the church, gilded candelabra, neat icons indicate harmony in the soul, orderliness of thoughts.
  • An abandoned, empty church and mother are dreaming - the dream eloquently hints at internal disharmony, disbelief in one's own capabilities.
  • Dreaming of the ruins of a church on a mountain - in reality to suffer from a lack of vital energy. A dream also signals the need to understand yourself.
  • A burnt church is dreamed of in the event that a person is very afraid of something. In fact, fears are groundless.

Romantic dream book

Dream Church

Church - The decoration of the church, its appearance will help to understand why the dream is in this way.

  • A building under construction - to improve sex life, establish relationships with a partner.
  • A burning church can dream of a family breakup. You indulge your desires too much, not paying attention to the opinion of the other half.
  • For a man, going to church is a sign of his desire for intimacy with his beloved woman. If you didn't manage to enter the church, the problem lies in doubts about your sex appeal.
  • Dreaming of an unfinished church with people - to doubts about the correct choice of a partner.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Temple dreamed

A church building is an architectural structure in which people gather to perform special rituals, which are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organismic nature. The image of the church reflects the situation of pressure, control and violence from the super-ego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image denotes an artificially preserved, protective one. a nourishing environment (illusory world), and at the same time negative, dictating, oppressive, restrictive, programming, forcing to act according to a rigid algorithm (computer mother).

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why does the Church dream

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.
  • Seeing yourself entering the church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to reckon with the people around you.
  • This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • Being present in a church at a service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors portends life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • If in a dream you stand in a destroyed church and try to put a candle in a candlestick - this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • To dream of a church in the distance means disappointment in long-awaited events.
  • Entering a church plunged into darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. It can also portend dim prospects and a long wait for better times.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Church is a wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; to hear singing in it - your desires will be fulfilled. Illuminated - a heavy misfortune; destroyed - you recognize the need; to pass about - to commit a careless act.

What is the archbishop dreaming of - Seeing him - expect protection; talking to him - expect something pleasant.

Church bells dreaming about - Something pleasant is waiting for you.

Church Bell Tower - Seeing or climbing on it are good views of the future.

What is the dream of a rural church for - Find truthful allegations.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Why does the Church dream

The appearance of this symbol in a dream testifies to despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance. Seeing yourself entering the church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal selfishness and unwillingness to reckon with the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins. To be present in a church at a service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you. The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors portends life changes for the worse, melancholy and despair. In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual revival and renewal. You enter the church during the service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You lift your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the more you feel fear, it seems, a little more, and it will fall from a height right on the head of the praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness, not a participant. To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an old church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you can restore your old relationship with a loved one.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Why does the Church dream

It is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, purity. To dream of a snow-white church with golden domes - portends the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, universal unity. The dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering. If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will feel remorse. Building a church in a dream - your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold. To dream of a church entwined with a snake is a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, since all human values \u200b\u200bwill be destroyed by evil. If in a dream you saw a castle on the church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone close and dear to you. The dream in which you saw the church on fire foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the general world order.

Interpreter of dreams of Maria Fedorovskaya

The meaning of the Temple dream

  • Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams portend the will.
  • However, if there is a dream - fading, when the dreamer's soul visits the other world, then the church may just be a sign of the sacred space. If the icon in a dream talks to the dreamer, then this is a dream - a vision that does not portend anything except what the icon said.
  • If in a dream the icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, blood, but does not say anything, then this portends suffering and serves as a blessing for patience or repentance.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Interpretation according to the saint:

The church is a wonderful future - to be in it - you will find help and consolation in need - to hear singing in it - your desires will come true - illuminated - heavy misfortune - destroyed - you recognize the need - to pass around - to commit a careless act.

Why is the Village Church dreaming - Find truthful friends.

Archbishop - Seeing him - waiting for protection - talking to him - waiting for a pleasant event

Bishop - Good News.

Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.

Worship - To be present in a dream at a service in a church means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.

Why Church Bells Dream - Something Pleasant awaits you

Assyrian dream book

Churches what they mean to the dreamer

Church, temple - if a person visits a temple in a dream, then good news awaits him, and his prayers will be heard, he will be healthy and prosperous.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

Wooden, small - to the choice of place or type of activity. Enter Ts. - you will make the right choice, as you will soon see. Passing by the side - the decision to which you are still inclined is not successful. Church altar - you are guaranteed the help of friends in employment, business, etc. Do not neglect it. See "Cathedral", "Temple".

Dream interpretation of Azar

Why did I dream about Churches according to spiritual sources

The church is an ordeal, longing.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

If the churches dream

The church is a foreign side, a foreign land. How the church dreams, therefore, who are in captivity, then this is a sign that will soon be released. The church is a prison. How churches dream - there will be some kind of patience. Church, icon, dough, rolls in the oven - sadness. Church - talk. Before the wedding, the mother dreamed of her son in the church.

Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the Temple dream

What the Church dreams of - To create marks happiness and prosperity to the highest degree; entering a church means charity and honest conduct; praying to God in church means comfort and joy; to talk in church marks the commission of a crime and a worthy punishment for that; sitting or lying in church means a change in the kind of life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing a vision with the Church, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep

To dream of a white-stone church with golden domes - this portends the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your striving for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded. If in a dream from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday you saw a destroyed church, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you are attending a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home. If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all mankind. Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The church is dreaming of - Pray - happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Church from your dream

Church Service, Worship - To participate is joy, satisfaction.

What does it mean when the Church dreams - Seeing - well-being; awakening of religious feeling; event associated with her: wedding (marriage), funeral service (death of a loved one).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

The Church is dreaming, what does this mean?

What is the dream of the Church (temple) - This is a bright palace of your soul, a place of solitude. A symbol of the dreamer's high spiritual faith. If you find yourself in a church in a dream, you will be comprehended by illumination and peace.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

The meaning of the dream about Golden Domes

Why the Golden Church is dreaming - This is a world where beings (mostly of a high level) are looking for knowledge and connections with the Highest.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the church dreaming?

Divine service (ceremony) - Wait for the guests.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Church:

Countryside Church - You will have loyal and sincere friends. Imagine walking into a village church and lighting candles in front of holy images.

The interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Church - a difficult test, longing awaits you.

Why dream of Amen - Hearing this word in a dream means a collapse in your business or the closure of your business.

Why the Archbishop is dreaming - Seeing an archbishop in a dream is a brilliant career.

What the Archbishop dreams of - Seeing means walking the right path. For the widow, this dream is for a new marriage.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Amen - Seeing yourself reading a prayer in a dream means that it's time for you to go to church and confess all your sins.

Why does the Archbishop dream - Seeing an archbishop in luxurious robes in a dream - to further strengthen your faith in God.

What the Church Dreams about - You may receive a large inheritance.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Church - To enduring love.

In most cases, you should not pay attention to the dream that you dreamed on the 11th. The thing is that from the dreams of this number, only separate and extremely clear plot lines will come true. If within three days the dream has not been fulfilled, then there is no point in waiting, it will no longer be fulfilled. Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which relatives and other people close to you are present.

Church as interpreted by experts