Calendar of the year of whom was born. Horoscope zodiac signs by years, eastern calendar of animals. Celebrities born in the Year of the Monkey

First life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (3 to 7 years old)
Fourth life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years old)
Seventh life - KABAN (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth life - DOG (31-42-)
Ninth life - SNAKE (42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years old)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth life - TIGER (death)

Compatibility horoscope for Eastern signs.

Chinese astorologists classify all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the signs of the same group have similar characteristics that determine the course of their thoughts, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, it is just that the innate features of their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to the disclosure of the best sides of other people from the same group. It has been noticed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are the most successful.

Competitors -, and. All of these signs tend to be very competitive and decisive. Rats need the self-confidence and courage of the Dragon, because extremely unsure of themselves. In turn, the Dragon is too straightforward and sometimes he just needs the Rat's wits or even the Monkey's cunning. The latter highly value the intellectuality of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals -, and. People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. There are thinkers and seers among them. The bull is constant and firm, but it is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and agility of the Snake. The Rooster's straightforwardness is balanced by a diplomatic Snake or a self-confident Ox, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can reach great heights if the Ox or the Rooster helps her.
Independent -, and. These people are emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - a kind of "free spirits" of the Chinese zodiac. The horse is a born strategist, but to translate anything into reality, it needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can give way to the restlessness of the Horse, while only the Dog is able to calm her down. The Tiger will also benefit from communication with the Dog - her constant good nature will keep him from being overly cruel.
Diplomats -

The material of this article provides basic information about the Chinese zodiac signs and pays attention to their main features that will help you find a common language with them.

Characteristics of the signs of the rat, bull and tiger

- Rat
People born in the year of the Rat have such character traits as: prudence, purposefulness, hard work, curiosity. These people are often very tolerant. All of the above character traits in this zodiac sign develop extremely quickly. Pure reason and deduction are preferable to intuition.

- Bull
Bulls are strong and very energetic, their heads are constantly filled with thoughts and ideas. A sign of a winner, they are the most successful in their careers. These people are usually the most loyal and selfless friends who are always ready to help.

- Tiger
Tigers are distinguished by their courage and willpower. Such people often attract whole crowds who are ready to follow the Tigers. Their energy is in full swing and, despite this, are distinguished by special tolerance, which allows them to achieve many of the goals that they set for themselves.

Chinese zodiac signs general characteristics

- Rat
Years of birth: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Element: water.

- Bull
Years of birth: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Capricorn. Element: earth.

- Tiger
Years of birth: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Aquarius. Element: wood.

- Rabbit
Years of birth: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023. Corresponds to the zodiac sign of Pisces. Element: wood.

- The Dragon
Years of birth: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Aries. Element: earth.

- Snake
Years of birth: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Taurus. Element: Fire.

- Horse
Years of birth: 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini. Element: fire.

- Sheep
Years of birth: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027. Corresponds to the Cancer zodiac sign. Element: earth.

- A monkey
Years of birth: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Leo. Element: metal.

- Rooster
Years of birth: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Element: metal.

- Dog
Years of birth: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030. Corresponds to the zodiac sign of Libra. Element: earth.

- Pig
Years of birth: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. Corresponds to the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Element: water.

Characteristics of the signs of the rabbit, dragon and snake

- Rabbit
People born in the year of the Rabbit are friendly and close to society, because they constantly need attention and warm friendly conversations. They know how to truly be friends and value friendship, which is rare.

- The Dragon
The year of the dragon gives a special desire for freedom, which is expressed in the desire to constantly defend their rights and be lonely. Such people are often unhappy in love, and their career growth is at its peak. Often, Dragons who have failed to achieve success in their careers start their own business.

- Snake
The most contrasting among all the eastern signs are precisely the Snakes, which can be stingy and aggressive, but when they see a person weaker than them, they show kindness and care. Emotionally stable and balanced in their careers, which leaves them in the same job for a long time.

Characteristics of signs of a rooster, dog and pig

- Rooster
People born in the year of the Rooster are prone to excessive sensitivity and understanding, which often becomes one of the most important problems for this sign. Roosters are attentive and can subdue whole crowds to their will, sometimes this happens unintentionally and on a subconscious level.

- Dog
Like a semblance of a dog's character, people born in the Year of the Dog are loyal and friendly. They do justice in fairness and honor. A strong and rebellious sign has a detrimental effect on weak people and those who are under their control.

- Pig
People who were born in the Year of the Pig are distinguished by their love of freedom. This character trait is very contagious and people who fall under the influence of this eastern sign become the same. They strive to provide themselves materially as much as possible.

Chinese animal of the month

Rat - December 7
Bull - January 6;
Tiger - February 4;
Rabbit - March 6;
Dragon - April 5;
Snake - May 6;
Horse - June 6;
Sheep - July 8
Monkey - August 8
Rooster - September 8;
Dog - October 9
Pig - November 8.

The first mentions of the Eastern horoscope were four thousand years ago. The Chinese or Eastern horoscope by year of birth will help you understand your personality and know yourself, revealing previously unknown talents and opportunities. As the Chinese wisdom says - “A person who knows himself can manage his Destiny on his own, attracting good luck, success, prosperity into his life”. According to an ancient Eastern legend, which says that Buddha, leaving this world, called all the animals goodbye.

Of all the invited animals, only twelve came, in gratitude he gave each of them a year of reign on Earth, making up a full cycle of twelve years. Since that time, animals “come” to people in strict sequence, observing their fates. Each representative of the year endows people who were born in their year with certain talents and gifts. The signs of the Eastern calendar are always depicted in a circle, where all animals are located in a certain order opposite each other. It is believed that opposite signs are complete opposites, they are not compatible with each other.

The new eastern year is counted from the second new moon, which occurs after the winter solstice - December 22. The entire count of the Eastern year is based on the lunar calendar, and each new month, in the Eastern calendar, begins with a new moon.

Chinese astrologers divide all signs of the zodiac into four groups (triads), they believe that people who were born in one triad can easily find a common language with each other. According to many observations, it has been noticed that partnerships and marriages concluded between representatives of the same group are the most successful.

Table of dependence of the year of birth and the sign of the zodiac

* Chinese horoscope by year of birth table

The Dragon
A monkey

Chinese zodiac signs

  1. The first group - Rat, Monkey, Dragon. Energetic, active, they tend to go to extremes. They love decisive action and rivalry. Rats need the decisiveness and self-confidence of the Dragon, in turn he lacks the cunning mind of the Monkey and the resourceful ingenuity of the Rat. Monkeys appreciate the high intelligence and enthusiasm of the Dragon in Rats.
  2. The second group - Snake, Rooster, Bull. Hardworking, calculating, have a high intellectual, self-confident, purposeful. The self-confident Ox and the diplomatic Snake help balance the Rooster's hot temper. The balanced Ox is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the agility of the Snake, and the Snake, in turn, is helped to reach great heights by the Ox and the Rooster, thanks to their positive qualities.
  3. The third group - Horse, Dog, Tiger. Impulsive, friendly, they know how to easily build friendships. For the implementation of their strategic plans, the Horses will help - the determination of the Dog and the restlessness of the Tiger. The dog, in turn, will keep the Tiger from being excessively rude and harsh.
  4. The fourth group - Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Boar. Modest, sympathetic, ingenuous, gentle and caring. The rabbit gives the Goat a sense of security and balances her generosity. The Pig complements the Goat with its meek, sensitive character, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking.

Elements of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese zodiac

Each sign of the Eastern horoscope is characterized not only by the animal, which corresponds to the year, but also by one of the five elements - Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. Chinese philosophy believes that each of these elements is ruled by its own planet: Water by Mercury, Metal by Venus, Fire by Mars, Wood by Jupiter, Earth by Saturn.

Each of these elements has its own positive and negative qualities that a person possesses under their influence. Also, the power of influence of each element affects differently at different times of the year. The strongest influence of Water - in winter, Metal - in Autumn, Fire - in summer, Wood - in spring, while the Earth retains its influence throughout the year.

  • Release of Water. Gentleness, generosity, insight, understanding, empathy, mood swings, depression, frivolity. Infallible intuition, calmness are the hallmarks of this element. Representatives of this element tend to have big hands, wavy hair, plump lips, you should pay attention to your weight, obesity can lead to infertility. This element controls the kidneys and ears. People who are at the mercy of this element are most often businessmen, artists, poets. The colors of the element of Water are dark blue, white, blue, turquoise, black.
  • Metal Release. Determination, stability, romance, luck, decisiveness, straightforwardness, toughness. Calm and stubborn representatives of this element are excellent in the role of doctors, accountants, engineers, designers. Lovers of justice are always distinguished by a balanced disposition and natural kindness. Metal Release controls the lungs and skin. Typical features of representatives of the element of Metal are narrow cheekbones, a thin straight nose, thin lips. Colors of the element of Metal - white, gray, black.
  • Fire Release. Devotion, passion, determination and activity in achieving their goals, optimism, quick temper, stubbornness, persistence. The fight for justice is a distinctive feature of the representatives of signs influenced by this element. Representatives of this element have pronounced cheekbones and nose, thick hair and a broad figure. The Fire Release rules - blood and heart. Representatives of this element perfectly show themselves in the role of lawyers, politicians, orators, teachers. The colors of the elements of Fire are red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Wood Release. Sociability, resourcefulness, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, compassion, good nature. It is the most elegant, strong, hardy of all elements. Representatives of this element have a very developed imagination. People who are under the influence of the element of the Wood may have a lean physique, expressive eyes, thin hands. The tree is the most fruitful of the elements, the signs that are under its influence always achieve their goals. Representatives of the Wood element feel great in the role of farmers, artists, writers, guides. The element Wood controls the liver and eyes. Colors of the element Wood - brown, green.
  • Release of the Earth. peacefulness, practicality, stability, endurance, consistency, isolation, stubbornness, conservatism. People who are under the influence of this element are able to implement their ideas, have strategic thinking and diligence. People of high moral values \u200b\u200band views. Representatives of this element make brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, and lawyers. Representatives of the elements of the Earth have pronounced wide eyebrows, a flat stomach, and a high forehead. Earth release controls the spleen and mouth. The colors of the elements of the Earth are yellow, brown, black.

Each element complements the characteristics of the sign, giving it individuality and originality. Also, Chinese philosophers distinguish six pairs of signs in which the development of an astrological conflict is always observed. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in how the representatives of these signs react differently to the world around them. These pairs are:

Rat (Water) - Horse (Fire)

Ox (Earth) - Goat (Earth)

Tiger (Wood) - Monkey (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) - Dog (Earth)

Snake (Fire) - Boar (Water)

However, do not despair if the results of the analysis, according to the Eastern horoscope, turned out to be disappointing. Chinese philosophers argue that human destiny and luck are in the hands of the person himself.

Influence of Yin and Yang energies on the characteristics of the sign

It is also believed that energy influences the characteristics of the sign. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, this is expressed through the energies of two opposites, two principles that are always in continuous interaction - Yin and Yang. These two energies are opposite, always complement each other, and do not exist without each other. In order to understand what type of energy prevails in a person, you need to pay attention to which signs of energy are manifested more.

  • Yin is a symbol of a woman. A lean physique, not tall, responsiveness, not a material mindset, individualism, contemplation, melancholy.
  • Yang is a symbol of a man. Strong physique, medium and tall growth, sociability, optimism, material mindset, self-confidence, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies, harmoniously combined in any person, regardless of gender.

The characteristics of each sign are given in accordance with the year of birth, date and time in which the person was born. A person receives the qualities of his sign, the corresponding character traits, his destiny. The eastern horoscope tells about the characteristics of a person's character, his special talents, opportunities, specifics in communicating with other people. Also, using the characteristics, according to the Eastern horoscope, it is possible to find out what spheres of activity it is better for a person to do. In the characteristics of the horoscope, the main milestones of a person's fate are displayed, what is worth paying attention to and what can be avoided.

The Eastern horoscope describes not a person's life events, but his character and relationships between people. Characteristics of the zodiac sign offers us a high-precision tool with which each of us can understand our potential, set life priorities and directions for ourselves.

With the help of this tool, each of us will be able to understand which relationships can be useful, and which should be corrected or completely abandoned. According to the Eastern horoscope, you can also understand the character and relationship with other people, in order to understand which approach and communication style will be the most productive.

The Rat is the first sign in the Eastern horoscope. Representatives of this sign are highly industrious, practical and sociable. Rats are charming and welcoming, they always leave indelible impressions in the memory of others, although they themselves do not strive ...

The bull is the second sign in the Eastern horoscope. People born in the Year of the Ox are a clot of positive energy, strength and patience. A characteristic feature of the Ox is resilience and endurance, which allows the Ox to withstand all trials of life and with ...

The tiger is the third sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1950 in the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Tiger People born in the year of the Metal Tiger have a charismatic personality. Tigers have strong character, wisdom and courage. ...

1951 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) 1951 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) In this article you will find out: what is the year 1951 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Metal Rabbit ...

Dragon is the fifth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1952 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Water Dragon In this article you will find out: 1952 which year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Water Dragon according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and ...

The snake is the sixth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1953 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Water Snake In this article you will find out: 1953 which year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Water Snake according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and disadvantages ...

The horse is the seventh sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1954 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Wooden Horse In this article you will find out: which year is 1954 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Wooden Horse according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and ...

Goat is the seventh sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1955 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Blue Wood Goat (Sheep) In this article you will find out: which year is 1955 according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Blue Wood Goat (Sheep) in Chinese ...

Monkey is the eighth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1956 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Monkey In this article you will find out: 1956 which year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Fire Monkey according to the Chinese calendar Advantages ...

The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1957 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Rooster In this article you will find out: 1957 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Fire Rooster according to the Chinese calendar ...

Eastern numerology has its own characteristics and differences from Western numerology. For example, in Eastern numerology there is no life path number. It is believed to have been discovered by Pythagoras 2,500 years ago when he adapted numerology for the Western world. Therefore, there is no analogue of this number in the East.

The chart of the birth of a person, drawn up according to the rules of eastern numerology, will also differ from the one compiled according to the principles of western numerology. It is the person's birth chart today that we will consider in more detail.

So, what are the differences between the western and eastern birth charts? There are only two of them. And the first thing that catches your eye is the principle of placing numbers in a square. The numbers are arranged in a special way, as in the magic square, or rather the Loshu Square. (The sum of the numbers of any line \u003d 15).

The second difference between the birth chart in eastern numerology is that it is built not according to the solar calendar, but according to the lunar calendar (that's why I call it "lunar"). Accordingly, the date of birth of a person will not be at all the same as according to the solar calendar.

The lunar calendar is quite an interesting phenomenon. According to it, the New Year begins with the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice (therefore, those born in January or February will find that they were born a year earlier). The number of days in the lunar month is 29-30. Sometimes 13 is formed, a leap month of the year. The number of days in the lunar calendar ranges from 353 to 385.

Eastern person birth card

The eastern (lunar) birth chart has three horizontal rows:

The top row is the intellectual level (human intelligence);
The middle row is the spiritual level (intuition, feelings, emotions);
Bottom row - material level (success in business and financial affairs).

In eastern numerology, these levels are considered from an agricultural point of view. The top row is associated with rainy and sunny days. Middle row - with crops grown on the ground. The bottom row is connected to the ground itself.

The three vertical rows of the eastern birth chart have the following meaning:

The left column is associated with a person's thoughts;
The middle column is responsible for activity;
The left column is related to the strength of the person.

Now let's look at how the eastern birth chart is made using the example of my birthday. According to the solar calendar, this date is 10/31/1984. We need to convert this date. For this we
we will use tables (unfortunately the tables are compiled only until 2000).

We select a table with our year of birth. In the table, the month of birth is first, then the day (10/31). Opposite your date of birth is another date (10/8) - this is your date of birth according to the lunar calendar.

Then everything is simple - we fill in the birth chart according to the principle of the Loshu Square and move on to the meaning of numbers in Eastern numerology. But first, I would like to give a small recommendation regarding the interpretation of numbers in the birth chart:

Considering the meaning of each individual number, take into account the meaning of the 5 elements of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology !!! Often, combinations of numbers in Eastern numerology are more important than the meaning of each digit taken separately. Therefore, the absence of any number is not necessarily negative. The main thing in Chinese numerology is balance, and it can be provided by combinations of some numbers in the birth chart. In addition, you can compensate for the missing numbers through the 5 elements of Chinese astrology.

The meaning of numbers in eastern numerology

Number 1 in Eastern Numerology

The number 1 in Eastern numerology is a positive number. It is associated with a person's ability to make money and the ability to enjoy a good life.

If a person who has one unit in the card has numbers 6 and 8 at the material level, he has every chance of earning good money (1, 6 and 8 form a line of prosperity). If, along with the prosperity line, there is a "77" or "777" in the card, this indicates that the person will have a fairly versatile job and will be successful in several areas.

People with "11" in the birth chart are almost always destined to be financially wealthy, they are almost always lucky.

People with "111" in their birth chart are financially successful, distinguished by a welcoming and optimistic outlook on the world.

A person with "1111 and more" in the card is focused on increasing material wealth, nothing else bothers him - he develops one-sidedly. Become obsessed with money. But the presence of 3, 5 and 7 (on a spiritual level) can change it.

Number 2 in Eastern Numerology

Two is the number of the mind. In eastern numerology, "2" is negative or neutral (if it does not go with the numbers 4 and 9, in this case a line of mind is formed). The combination of "3" and "2" indicates that the person is a debater and a lover of quarreling over trifles.

A person with a "2" in the birth chart has average mental abilities and rarely expresses original ideas on their own. If there is a line of mind ("2", "4", "9") - there is every chance to succeed in the field of philosophy, literature or jurisprudence.

The presence of "22" in the birth chart is a negative sign (in the absence of additional numbers "4" and "9" or at least one of them), speaks of possible illnesses and a lack of energy. If, in addition to "22", there is a line of determination and intelligence in the card - this combination speaks of an excellent memory and excellent mental abilities of a person.

The presence of "222" in the birth chart is extremely unfavorable (in the absence of a line of mind and determination). This is an even more painful condition. However, the presence of the prosperity line changes the meaning.

The presence of "2222 or more" is an even more unfavorable sign. In addition to health problems, a person also has negative character traits: arrogance, rudeness and sarcasm. They tend to blame others for their mistakes.

Number 3 in Eastern Numerology

Three in Eastern numerology is associated with sensitivity and intuition. The three is included in the spirituality line (3, 5, 7) and the planning line (3, 8, 4).

A person with a "3" in the birth chart is easily vulnerable and prone to stress, it is difficult for him to survive in a competitive environment. If, in addition to the three, there are 8 in the card, this indicates that the person has a friend who provides support.

A person with "33" in the birth chart has a developed intuition, is smart and sensitive. He easily joins a new team, gets along well with other people. Possessing supersensitivity, he perfectly understands the motives of others.

A person with "333" in the birth chart is hypersensitive. He has a tendency to live in a fictitious world and take offense at the real or imagined actions of other people. However, the meaning of "333" changes if they form the line of spirituality (that is, there is also the number "5" and "7"). In this case, "333" characterizes a person as intelligent, spiritualized and intuitive. And he will achieve significant success as soon as he learns to live in a real world, and not invented.

A person with "3333" in the birth chart is impulsive, impatient and reckless (even with the numbers "5" and "7"). You should not trust the intuition of such a person (the exception is when there is a planning line, in which case the intuition is enhanced).

Number 4 in Eastern Numerology

Four in Eastern numerology is often considered a negative number, because in some Chinese dialects, “four” sounds like death. The four in eastern numerology is part of the line of the mind. Therefore, it can be found in the birth charts of highly intelligent people.

A person with a "4" in the birth chart is careful, smart and consistent.

A person with "44" in the birth chart is prone to stubbornness and intolerance. He is confident in the correctness of his actions. Has excellent intellectual abilities and uses them skillfully.

The person with "444" in the birth chart is adamant and overly stubborn. It is difficult for him to find a common language with those whom he considers less intellectual. His life is filled with loneliness and is painted in gray tones.

It is difficult for a person with "4444" in the birth chart to understand himself and it is difficult to communicate with others. The birth chart of such a person is not balanced.

Number 5 in Eastern Numerology

Five in eastern numerology reveals the power of a person's emotions and feelings.

A person with a "5" in the birth chart is emotionally balanced. He instinctively makes the right decisions (especially when there is a line of will or spirituality). If in addition to "5" there are also numbers "2" and "3" - a person can show ruthlessness and insensitivity. The absence of these numbers often manifests itself in strength of character.

The person with "55" in the card is full of enthusiasm and energy. He loves to enjoy life and solve difficult problems. He is ambitious, determined and confident. The qualities are manifested brighter in the presence of the will line (1,5,9). If a person does not find a worthy use of his abilities, this can lead to a person to a riot lifestyle, the use of alcohol and drugs.

The person with "555" in the card is prone to dominant behavior. It is difficult for him to communicate with another person if he does not control him.

A person with "5555" in the birth chart has an incredible power of emotions, which is difficult for him to cope with.

Number 6 in Eastern Numerology

The number "6" is a symbol of a comfortable life and financial solvency.

A person with a “6” in the birth chart has fortune smiles from time to time. He is attached to his family and loves a cozy, comfortable environment. With an increase in material well-being, he begins to help less fortunate people (especially if there is a line of action). If in addition to "6" there are also numbers "1" and "8" - during his life a person never experiences financial problems. In the absence of these numbers, it is highly likely that a person will achieve financial success in the field of creativity.

The person with "66" in the card is a creatively gifted person, but he suffers from a lack of self-confidence. Is subject to unreasonable feelings of anxiety. It takes him time to recover from small setbacks. Works more productively, provided that he receives support from relatives.

A person with "666" in the birth chart worries about their loved ones all the time. "6666" further increases anxiety. If these sixes in a person are included in the line of prosperity, anxiety is smoothed out by financial success.

Number 7 in Eastern Numerology

The presence of the number "7" in the birth chart from 1983 to 2003 was an indicator of good wealth (20-year cycle of the number "7"). The very same seven symbolizes intuition and spirituality.

A person with a "7" in the card, in his younger years, rarely realizes the influence of the seven. If with one “7” there are no numbers “3” and “5” - such a person strives for perfection, revealing secrets and mysteries. If one seven forms a line of spirituality (that is, there are 3.5 and 7 in the card) - a person has the opportunity to build a career in the humanitarian or religious sphere. One "7" in the presence of two or more "3" or "5", says that often a person does not take into account the big picture. He concentrates on details and also tends to be overly categorical. Seven, together with the prosperity line, indicates a lucky and caring person.

A person with "77" in the birth chart may well become wealthy, but it is highly likely that as a result he will feel guilty for his success. Often, people with "77" in religion prefer bombast and grandeur much more than spirituality.

The person with a 777 on the card can be one of two types: Type 1 is an exemplary citizen who works hard to achieve goals. Type 2 are people with a line of suspicion on their chart (3, 5, 6).

A person with "7777" uses the inherent potential negatively. Having four sevens destroys the balance of the card.

Number 8 in Eastern Numerology

The presence of the number "8" in the birth chart promises a person a great fortune and financial success. For such a person, the period from 2004 to 2023 is the most successful (20-year cycle of the number "8"). The number "8", together with the numbers "1" and "6", forms a line of prosperity and promises huge financial success and a happy life. Taken separately (without the numbers "1" and "6"), it is associated with money, productivity and attention to detail.

A person with "88" in his birth card has every chance of succeeding in business and retirement rich. He is open to new possibilities, has an insightful mind and the ability to quickly analyze a situation. However, such a person, in order to create balance, needs to think about the non-material aspects of life.

A person with "888" in their birth chart rarely achieves financial success in their younger years. In the first half of his life, he gains experience, learns from his mistakes. And by the age of 40, he has enough wisdom to take full advantage of the opportunities presented.

Number 9 in Eastern Numerology

The number 9 in Eastern numerology is considered very auspicious. It is a symbol of completion, the unity of earth and sky. As in Western numerology, it is considered the number of the mind. Symbolizes philanthropy, ambition and idealism. The presence of "9" in the card foreshadows prosperity in the distant future (in the future, because the 20-year cycle of the number "9" will begin only in 2024).

People with "99" in the card are the owners of excellent mental abilities, they love to learn. If, in the presence of "99", the line of spirituality is absent in the card, then the person completely relies on the mind, not listening to the heart.

"999" in the birth chart makes a person an idealist. He is highly intelligent, ambitious, striving to excel in academia. If in the card of a person with "999" there is a line of loneliness - his negative character traits are manifested with special force.

Lines in the Eastern Birth Chart

Determination line

The decisiveness line consists of the numbers "2", "5" and "8". A person who has a decisive line in the birth chart is decisive, persistent and patient. He will never lose sight of his goal. Will wait for the right moment and take action.

Emotional balance line

The line of emotional balance consists of the numbers "4", "5" and "6". A person who has this line in the birth chart is endowed with developed intuition, sensitive and understands well the desires of other people. He knows how to empathize. Likes to take care of others. Can gain fame by doing charity work.

Spirituality line

The spirituality line consists of the numbers "3", "5" and "7". It reflects the state of mind of a person, his feelings and emotions. A person who has this line in the birth chart is serious about life, internally calm and serene (these qualities usually appear after 40 years).

Mind line

The line of the mind consists of the numbers "4", "9" and "2". A person who has this line in the birth chart has an excellent memory and excellent intellectual abilities. He is a good analyst, he knows how to express his thoughts clearly and logically.

Willpower line

Willpower line consists of the numbers "1", "5" and "9". She is a symbol of success, since a person who has this line in the birth chart persistently and persistently achieves the intended goal. He is stubborn and determined. Loves to argue. There is an opinion on certain issues.

Prosperity line

The prosperity line consists of the numbers "1", "8" and "6". A person who has this line in the birth chart has every chance to succeed in the field of trade and business. The lack of numbers in the spirituality line makes a person insensitive, calculating and impartial. He is not worried about spiritual values, he thinks exclusively about money.

Planning line

The planning line consists of the numbers "4", "3" and "8". The meaning of the planning line in western and eastern numerology is the same. But there is a slight difference - in the Chinese sense, a planning person must be cunning and do not have to adhere to strict moral and ethical standards.

Action line

The line of action consists of the numbers "2", "7" and "6". A person who has this line in the birth chart is active and energetic, he likes to maintain his physical body in good condition and he gladly spends his energy on sports.

Frustration line

The disappointment line is formed when the numbers "2", "5" and "8" are missing. It symbolizes a streak of bad luck and bad luck. A person who has this line in the birth chart should learn to think well over their actions and learn from their own mistakes.

Suspicious line

A suspicious line is formed in the absence of numbers "4", "5" and "6". A person who has this line in the birth chart is characterized by such character traits as suspicion, gloom and cynicism. It is constantly worried about something and tends to perceive everything in a negative light.

Loneliness line

The loneliness line is formed in the absence of the numbers "3", "5" and "7". As a rule, a person who has this line in the birth chart achieves his goals, forgetting about close people. Therefore, there is not much joy in his life. Lonely old age is very likely.

Indifference line

The line of indifference is formed in the absence of numbers "2", "7" and "6". A person whose birth chart contains a line of indifference is not decisive and is afraid of risk. In most cases, he lacks the incentive to act, so in life he misses all the opportunities provided.

Confusion line

A confusion line is formed when the numbers "4", "3" and "8" are missing. Most people with confusion lines are poorly organized and inconsistent. They live one day without making long-term plans. It is common for them to start something and not finish it.

Line of failures

A line of failures is formed when there are no numbers "8", "1" and "6". A person with this line has a desire to earn "easy money". But he will fail until he realizes that efforts should be made to achieve one, but worthwhile goal.

Indecision line

The indecision line is formed when the numbers "9", "5" and "1" are absent. It is difficult for a person who has this line in the eastern birth chart to defend his point of view. He is driven by a desire to please others at all costs. Therefore, it is easy for them to manipulate and lead.

Bad memory line

A bad memory line is formed in the absence of numbers "4", "9" and "2". The person in whose chart this line is formed has good mental abilities. But over time, they can weaken, especially closer to old age. Overflowing energies can lead a person to emotional imbalance.

Line of stealth and detail

The line of details and tricks is formed if available !!! numbers "1" and "3". A person who has this line in the birth chart likes to pay attention to detail. If there are more units and triplets than one each, this indicates a striving for the ideal in everything. The line has negative sides: in China it is called the "criminal line". A person from this line can lie or hide the truth to protect themselves.

Science line

The line of science is formed when there are numbers "1" and "7". A person who has this line is fascinated by the mysteries of our world. Sometimes he completely immerses himself in scientific research, forgetting about everything else. He likes to solve mysteries, scientific discoveries are possible.

Peace of mind line

The line of peace of mind is formed when the numbers "9" and "7" are present. Confident, cheerful people have this line in the birth chart. They easily go through all the difficulties encountered on the path of life.

Trial line

The line of the trial is formed when there are numbers "9" and "3". A person who has this line tends to take part in all types of disputes. Including litigation.

When does the year of the eastern calendar begin, this question came to me due to the fact that I was born in January. And you probably know that our modern calendar and the New Year do not coincide with eastern horoscope (calendar), it is also called chinese horoscope (calendar)... Moreover, those who are born at the beginning of the year according to the modern calendar may have a completely different year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) ...

According to the eastern horoscope (calendar) there are 12 animals representing the year. They follow in strict sequence one after another. And they represent the constellations under the sign of which a person is born. Let's figure it out what is the eastern horoscope (calendar).

Years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)

  1. year Rats
  2. year Bull
  3. year Tiger
  4. year A rabbit
  5. year Dragon
  6. year Snakes
  7. year Horses
  8. year Sheeps
  9. year Monkeys
  10. year Rooster
  11. year Dogs
  12. year Pigs (Boar)

Also, in the eastern horoscope (calendar), five basic elements are used.

  • Earth
  • Tree
  • Fire
  • Metal
  • Water

Another important characteristic of each year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is the color

  • white
  • the black
  • blue
  • red
  • yellow

Now let's see why all this is needed. Year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) starts differently. The interval is extended from mid-January to mid-February according to modern time. For those who were born during this period of time, it may be especially interesting to know in which year. according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) he was born.

Why did I raise this topic? Yes, I just myself was born at the very end of January and I was tormented for a long time by the question of whether I really belong to that year of the eastern horoscope (calendar) that my parents told me about. Or maybe I have something completely different patron animal according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)... I have processed quite a few sources in order to collect truthful and accurate information and post it here in a convenient format, I hope it will be useful to someone else besides me.

Next I quote table of years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)... First comes the year, in parentheses the date of its beginning according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is indicated. The following are animal symbol according to the eastern horoscope (calendar), element and color of a given year. For example, if you see the following phrase: "2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black", it means that the upcoming New Year 2012 according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) begins on January 23, 2012 (modern time) , the symbol of this year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) will be the Black Water Dragon.

start date, animal symbol, element and color.

1900 (January 31) - Animal: Rat, Element: Metal, Color: White
1901 (February 19) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, color: white
1902 (February 8) - animal: tiger, element: water, color: black
1903 (January 29) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Water, Color: Black
1904 (February 16) - animal: dragon, element: wood, color: blue
1905 (February 4) - Animal: Snake, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1906 (January 25) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1907 (February 13) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: red
1908 (February 2) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1909 (January 22) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1910 (February 10) - Animal: Dog, Element: Metal, Color: White
1911 (January 30) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1912 (February 18) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1913 (February 6) - animal: Ox, element: Water, color: black
1914 (January 26) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1915 (February 14) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1916 (February 3) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1917 (January 23) - Animal: Snake, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1918 (February 11) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1919 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: yellow
1920 (February 20) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1921 (February 8) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1922 (January 28) - Animal: Dog, Element: Water, Color: Black
1923 (February 16) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1924 (February 5) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1925 (January 25) - animal: bull, element: wood, color: blue
1926 (February 13) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1927 (February 2) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1928 (January 23) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Earth, Color: Yellow
1929 (February 10) - animal: snake, element: earth, color: yellow
1930 (January 30) - Animal: Horse, Element: Metal, Color: White
1931 (February 17) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1932 (February 6) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1933 (January 26) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1934 (February 14) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1935 (February 4) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1936 (January 24) - Animal: Rat, Element: Fire, Color: Color: Red
1937 (February 11) - animal: Ox, element: Fire, color: red
1938 (January 31) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1939 (February 19) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
1940 (February 8) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Metal, Color: White
1941 (January 27) - Animal: Snake, Element: Metal, Color: White
1942 (February 15) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
1943 (February 5) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
1944 (January 25) - Animal: Monkey, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1945 (February 13) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, color: blue
1946 (February 2) - Animal: Dog, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1947 (January 22) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, color: red
1948 (February 10) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
1949 (January 29) - animal: Ox, element: Earth, color: yellow
1950 (February 17) - Animal: Tiger, Element: Metal, Color: White
1951 (February 6) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Metal, Color: White
1952 (January 27) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Water, Color: Black
1953 (February 14) - Animal: Snake, Element: Water, Color: Black
1954 (February 3) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, color: blue
1955 (January 24) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: blue
1956 (February 12) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, color: red
1957 (January 31) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, color: red
1958 (February 18) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, color: yellow
1959 (February 8) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, color: yellow
1960 (January 28) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, white
1961 (February 15) - animal: bull, element: metal, white
1962 (February 5) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1963 (January 25) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Water, Color: Black
1964 (February 13) - animal: dragon, element: wood, color: blue
1965 (February 2) - Animal: Snake, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1966 (January 21) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1967 (February 9) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: red
1968 (January 30) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1969 (February 17) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1970 (February 6) - Animal: Dog, Element: Metal, Color: White
1971 (January 27) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1972 (February 15) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1973 (February 3) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1974 (January 23) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1975 (February 11) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1976 (January 31) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1977 (February 18) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1978 (February 7) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1979 (January 28) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Earth, color: yellow
1980 (February 16) - Animal: Monkey, Element: Metal, Color: White
1981 (February 5) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1982 (January 25) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1983 (February 13) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1984 (February 2) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1985 (February 20) - animal: bull, element: wood, color: blue
1986 (February 9) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1987 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1988 (February 17) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1989 (February 6) - Animal: Snake, Element: Earth, Color: Yellow
1990 (January 27) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1991 (February 15) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1992 (February 4) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1993 (January 23) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1994 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1995 (January 31) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1996 (February 19) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: red
1997 (February 7) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1998 (January 28) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1999 (February 16) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
2000 (February 5) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Metal, Color: White
2001 (January 24) - Animal: Snake, Element: Metal, Color: White
2002 (February 12) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
2003 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
2004 (January 22) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, blue
2005 (February 9) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, blue
2006 (January 29) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, red
2007 (February 18) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, red
2008 (February 7) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
2009 (January 26) - animal: Ox, element: Earth, yellow
2010 (February 14) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, white
2011 (February 3) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Metal, White
2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black
2013 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Water, black
2014 (January 31) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, blue
2015 (February 19) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, blue
2016 (February 8) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, red
2017 (January 28) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, red
2018 (February 16) - animal: dog, element: earth, yellow
2019 (February 5) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, yellow