Famous people who had sexually transmitted diseases. Great people suffering from mental illnesses Case histories of famous personalities

Like this famous person, who had fame, honor, money in life, who could afford, if not everything, then a lot, found himself in the face of such a formidable danger - a serious illness. Dreams of happiness, love, career, illness erases like an eraser, written in pencil. How was he able to survive, defeat the disease, and recover?

Of course, when a celebrity is diagnosed with a disease, everything is at his service, the best clinics, doctors, modern methods treatment. But the main thing in order to defeat the disease is willpower, which does not allow you to fall into despair and boundless faith in yourself, that you can defeat the disease.

Celebrities of past centuries who defeated the disease

Famous writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra while serving in the army, lost in battle left hand, in addition, four years later he was captured, and for five years he experienced all the hardships of captivity. And yet, these misfortunes did not break him, but only strengthened his will and desire to live a full life. A few years later, he not only returned to normal life, but also became a famous writer. His novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” is known throughout the world.

“For a person with talent and love for work, there are no barriers,” asserted Ludwig van Beethoven. This statement says everything about the character and will of the great composer. Already at the age of 26, due to illness, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, and after a short time he became completely deaf. Having heard almost nothing, he composed the “Moonlight Sonata,” which is admired even by those who are far from classical music. And he wrote all his subsequent works while completely deaf. He said, “music sounds inside me, and I hear it.” Moreover, during the concert, when his famous 9th symphony was played, the deaf composer himself conducted the orchestra.

“The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be our doubts today,” this is a statement by one of the greatest presidents of the United States of America Franklin Delano Roosevelt. When he turned 39 years old, he received a serious illness - polio. At that time, medicine could not help cure this disease, but Franklin still did not give up and hoped, if not for a cure, then for an improvement in the condition.

He tried to at least maintain mobility, torturing himself with uncomfortable orthopedic devices and using crutches. He never complained, did not want his condition to cause offensive pity among people. What else, if not courage, the desire to benefit his country, allowed a man confined to a wheelchair to win the election and become the President of America. Roosevelt led the country during its difficult period, during the Second World War. He was one of the most respected presidents of America, his decisions were wise and far-sighted, and the patience and courage with which he endured his illness aroused the admiration of not only his friends, but also his enemies.

Ray Charles- American musical legend, at the age of 7 he became completely blind, and at 15 he lost his mother. The blind boy was in many ways completely dependent on his mother, who was his bridge with the outside world, and when she was gone, he seemed to have fallen out of life for a long time, could not speak, sleep, eat, it seemed that he was going crazy . “I realized,” the musician later recalls, “that having survived this tragedy and not breaking down, I can now cope with anything.” When Ray turned 17, his music, singles in the style of soul and jazz, were already heard everywhere in the country. He gained well-deserved popularity and his musical works were even included in the Library of the US Congress. After his death, he was included in the list of the hundred greatest musicians in the world.

Celebrities of our time who have overcome the disease

Football celebrity and sports sex symbol David Beckham has had asthma since childhood. But the general public and his fans learned about this only in 2009, and then, by chance, a photograph of a football player with an inhaler in his hand was published in the magazine. This serious illness not only does not prevent the celebrity from leading an ordinary life, but also could not prevent him from achieving such high results in football. David told reporters briefly and expressively about his illness: “Yes, I have had asthma for many years. I didn’t talk about it because there was no reason. What is there to talk about here anyway?” After these words, there’s really nothing to add, just such a sober and calm attitude towards your illness.

Here's another great sports celebrity, a famous cyclist. Lance Armstrong, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer in 1996 and already had metastases to other organs. Probably, sport teaches you to fight even in the most hopeless situations, Lance did not give in to the disease, he agreed to the proposal, very risky, with an unpredictable result and possible side effects, a method of treatment, and defeated the disease. Now the sports celebrity is back on his two-wheeled horse and, in addition, he founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation to support and help cancer patients.

The famous American actor Roberta De Niro Cancer was discovered when he turned 60. But the actor did not fall into despair; he firmly believed in recovery and in the continuation of his acting career. He underwent surgery and, precisely thanks to the will of the actor and the desire to fully recover, recovery after the operation was very fast. Now the Hollywood celebrity is absolutely healthy, his creative life continues, after recovery he has already starred in several films.

World-famous "guru of optimism" Nick Vujicic, in general, was born without arms and without legs. He could have spent his whole life in a wheelchair, but Nick's extraordinary willpower made his life not just the life of a normal person, but a very happy and successful man. Now he is 33 years old, he is a millionaire, the author of five books, the director of two companies, has a beautiful wife and two sons, and outwardly, he is a very charming man who constantly radiates optimism. Nick Vujicic writes books, sings beautifully, swims, surfs, plays golf, and travels the world. Looking at him, you understand that he is a strong-willed person, even with disabilities, can make your life happy and successful.

Russian celebrities who defeated the disease

Who hasn't read the detective stories of the Russian writer? Daria Dontsova, it is difficult to imagine that this fragile blond woman suffered a terrible, in many cases, incurable disease. She didn’t just endure it, she won, and it was during the treatment period that she began to write. Breast cancer is in the last, fourth stage, the doctors’ verdict was harsh - “you have three to four months left to live.” Even in such a hopeless situation, she did not give up. And endless chemotherapy procedures and a series of operations followed. “I probably started writing so as not to go crazy,” the writer recalls about that time. Having conquered the disease, even by the fact of its recovery, it gives hope for life to such patients. Dontsova claims that cancer is not the end, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start being treated, cancer can be treated.

Russian television celebrity, well-known to TV viewers, former permanent presenter of the Morning Mail program. Yuri Nikolaev I fought cancer for several years and won. “I recovered because throughout all the years of treatment I did not give in to despair, but fought. God helped me with this; I am a deeply religious person.” Now Yuri Nikolaev successfully continues his television activities, participating in the programs “Property of the Republic” and “In Our Time.”

Another Russian celebrity, journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner twenty years ago I suffered from cancer. Posner is deeply convinced that people who have overcome a disease, even one as terrible as cancer, have overcome it thanks to their willpower, courage and faith that they can overcome everything and win. “In addition, I was very supported by the faith in me of my family and friends. They didn’t doubt for a minute that the disease would recede and I would make a full recovery,” says the journalist. In 2013, Vladimir Pozner became ambassador international program"Together against cancer."

I have already made posts on the topic of which famous people had ulcers; asthma. But there is also an interesting (in every sense...) topic. How unexpectedly (for me, at least) it turned out that there is something to talk about here...
I compiled this post using various websites on the Internet. There are proven facts, and there are assumptions. I'll post the latter separately.
Quite a few famous and talented people, including artists, writers, musicians (by the way, let us involuntarily note in parentheses that there are almost no people of science in the list below! Why is a separate question), had one thing in common: they loved, passionately and selflessly; or simply indulged in carnal pleasures... and the payment for this came from “venereum”.
Many celebrities with a minus sign did not escape this either.

Francisco Goya (1746–1828), legendary Spanish artist. The painter paid considerable attention not only to art, but also to women. In 1792, Goya became seriously ill with a venereal disease, presumably syphilis. Back then, syphilis and gonorrhea were not very different.

Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867), eminent poet and critic of the 19th century. He is famous in many ways for shocking the public in terms of the image and content of his poems. Essentially the “punk” of that era. His favorite women were mostly prostitutes. He also had experience with drug use. It is not surprising that Baudelaire did not live not only to old age, but even to old age and died terribly, for several years being in clouded consciousness and paralysis. And the “case” was also strengthened by the existing history, which is also no wonder, of syphilis.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860), legendary German philosopher. As you know, he did not have a family or children, and there were no women in his life at all. However, he was seriously ill with syphilis, which still did not prevent him from living 72 years, which was not easy for a person with such a diagnosis at that time. But where could he get it? The everyday origin of this disease is increasingly disputed by science. Obviously, in order not to die a virgin, Arthur, who did not know how to build relationships with women in life, still had one relationship with a prostitute for money and - not very successfully... No luck... But there is another somewhat exotic version: that Schopenhauer supposedly He inoculated himself with this disease in order to understand the state of mind of a syphilitic person. It seems to be from that episode when Dostoevsky got a kind of high from epilepsy. Although in my opinion, the version is still strange.

Guy De Maupassant (1850–1893), French writer, author of the world-famous novels “Beloved Ami”, “Life”, and an equally famous libertine who did not even try to hide the fact that he practically never left brothels. With such a life, it is simply impossible to end in any other way. Moreover, Maupassant’s development of syphilis was also influenced by unfavorable heredity in this regard... One way or another, at the age of 40, Maupassant dies in complete madness.

Giacomo Casanova, whose name already seems like a household word and a kind of legend. But in fact, this is a real person who lived in the 18th century (1725–1798), an adventurer count who tried magic in his life, and an incredible, as we would put it now, “pick-up”. The payback was ending up in Venetian prisons and a whole bunch of venereal diseases.
Surprisingly, he also lived to be 73.

Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1900), "little Henri", a great impressionist artist. Because of his very short stature, he was usually ridiculed by women. Therefore, I distracted myself with trips to brothels and absinthe. Before reaching forty, he dies of alcoholism and syphilis.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900), which needs no comment. Perhaps his complete madness at the end of his life was also fueled by syphilis. Rather asexual in life, Nietzsche in his youth was practically raped by his cousin, a sexual maniac, after which he fell ill.

Paul Verlaine (1844–1896), famous poet of the Expressionist period in French literature. Bisexual, alcoholic and syphilitic.

And next to him, of course, is another name - the “damned” poet Arthur Rimbaud (1854–1891), Verlaine’s young lover. Books have been written and films made about their relationship. Most likely, they “earned” syphilis from each other. Rimbaud first loses his leg from a terrible illness, but even then his life cannot be saved.

King Henry VIII of England (1491–1547). According to historians, the dictator and psychopathic ruler is worse than Ivan the Terrible. On his orders, in particular, thousands of people were hanged without trial for just one act of vagrancy (not even theft). Like Ivan the Terrible, he is a polygamist, who similarly killed and imprisoned some of his wives. He didn’t live to see old age, which I think is fair. IN last years was seriously ill - in addition to the consequences of syphilis, apparently, he also had diabetes.

And - Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584), already mentioned by us for comparison. Many historians and doctors familiar with the analysis of the king's bones and records of his illnesses at that time believe that Ivan the Terrible - a polygamist, a libertine and, very likely, a bisexual - suffered from syphilis. This is why some explain the large amount of mercury found in his remains - syphilis was then treated with mercury preparations. Interestingly, no less mercury was found in the bones of his son. So, perhaps, father and son went around looking for women together and - they got it.

Mao Zedong (1893–1976). The Chinese dictator was a pathological libertine and constantly participated in orgies. There is a version that he allegedly adhered to an occult belief: if he manages to “unpatronize” a thousand virgins, he will gain immortality. Probably, Mao still did not have enough strength and time for a thousand - that’s why he died... Moving from a joke to a serious one, we note that in everyday life Mao Zedong was also not distinguished by neatness: he could easily go out to official visitors in the lower underwear because it’s hot; I preferred not to wash normally, but only to dry myself with a wet towel. He did not like to go to doctors (by the way, like Stalin). Therefore, the elderly Mao already had a whole “bunch” of neglected diseases caused by untidiness and venereal diseases, which were also impossible to avoid with such a life.
Also on the list of famous venereals are: Oscar Wilde, Paul Gauguin and Van Gogh, Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko, Franz Schubert, kings Charles VI and Charles VII, Abraham Lincoln, Cardinal Richelieu and even the literary “father” of Faust - Goethe. And even some popes.

There is a hypothesis that syphilis was brought to Europe en masse from America immediately after the expedition of Christopher Columbus. Other sources prove that everything is just the opposite - it was syphilis that was brought from Europe to the New World, and it is no coincidence that this disease is called “French”. However, her “nickname” may simply be related to French morals, which also do not require comment. In addition, the French themselves call syphilis a “Spanish disease”... (Like how we call roller coasters “American”, and Americans call the same roller coasters “Russian”.)

One way or another, there is an assumption that Columbus himself suffered from syphilis, and this is one of the reasons for his early death, at the age of 55.

Jules Goncourt, one of the famous Goncourt brothers, and possibly both, suffered from syphilis.

Under some “suspicion” is Beethoven.

Letters from Pushkin’s contemporaries mention that young Alexander dated women of easy virtue and, as a result, “suffered repeatedly from Venus.” Nevertheless, Pushkin later had children, four of them. So if Alexander Sergeevich was sick with something of this kind, it was unlikely to be syphilis, but still something easier. (By the way, in Russia gonorrhea was called the “hussar runny nose” - a disease of the “Rzhev lieutenants”.) Well, we know well - in life, the great poet was oh so alien to anything human, sometimes even too much... And Pushkin’s “Don Juan list” takes up more than one page.

There is a persistent version that the number one Bolshevik, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), has syphilis. The version has not been fully confirmed, partly because the results of the autopsy of Lenin’s body have not yet been fully declassified.

There is also an opinion that Hitler suffered from syphilis, which led in part to his paranoid tendencies, which played a fatal role in world history, and the inability to lead a healthy sex life. Some go further, claiming that Hitler allegedly received this from a Jewish prostitute, which is why he became, in particular, a pathological hater of Jews. I think it’s difficult to verify such details. In addition, the biography of this blackest personality is generally surrounded by secrets, and this one is far from the only one among them.

The post is coming to an end and suddenly I notice: there is not a single woman on the list! Although, I repeat, I found several materials, but the fact is: of the famous women who wrote books or entered their name into politics, not a single one was mentioned. Hm…
And it’s also curious that the Marquis de Sade is not mentioned anywhere in this context.
As a summary, it can be noted that sexually transmitted diseases are still relevant in our time. And it is not even known when they were more common - in the current 21st century or in past eras. Rubber protection, of course, is a good thing, but alas, it does not provide a 100% guarantee of safety. True, now it is not syphilis that is more relevant, but diseases of the “new generation”: such as chlamydia, urethroplasmosis, genital herpes, etc. And the terrible AIDS has also been added, which humanity, apparently, did not know before. And the series listed earlier is not at all as “harmless” as it seems: if such infections are not noticed in time, they can lead to serious complications, leading to infertility, impotence and frigidity of varying degrees. And unfortunately, the same chlamydia sometimes takes insidious forms, not making itself known at all for months, and then suddenly manifesting itself in the form of a sharp complication.
Yes, today we have antibiotics and much more, but... But if you can avoid joining casual connection“It’s better not to do this,” it’s fair to say on this topic in the form of main advice.

Even kings are not immune from inflammation of the appendix or tetanus. You cannot hide from death either in the highest tower or in a golden castle. And no matter what they say, money still cannot buy health. Our rating includes stars who, like ordinary people, suffer incurable diseases, but do not lose heart.


The actor was given a terrible diagnosis in 1991 - Parkinson's disease. Only seven years later he was able to admit this and tell how he was fighting for life.

CHER (69)

Eternal Cher suffers from severe form myalgic encephalomyelitis, better known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Back in 1991, she first felt unwell and is still struggling with the disease.


Singer Prince suffered from epilepsy and in 2009 he openly spoke about this in an interview.


This famous singer, despite her serious illness, was able to achieve world fame. The girl was diagnosed as a child lupus And Schmidt syndrome. It is known that these diseases are often fatal; her uncle died from lupus.


Looking at this actor, it is difficult to imagine that he suffers from one of the most terrible and difficult to diagnose diseases - this Lyme disease, or tick-borne borreliosis. This disease causes a person to experience constant fatigue, drowsiness, and problems with joints and kidneys.


In one episode of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians show, Kim admitted that she suffers from eczema− a disease in which inflammation appears on the skin. Stress is believed to be the main cause of eczema.


The son of the famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne is suffering chronic relapsing multiple sclerosis. This is a disease in which disturbances occur in nervous system, as a result of which all organs suffer: hearing, vision, reproduction and, of course, memory.


It's hard to believe, but the actor has been suffering from severe muscle and bone pain since he was diagnosed fibromyalgia.


The famous rapper suffers from epilepsy. One day he had three attacks in a row and was hospitalized.


The actor, known to us for his roles in the children's films Agent Cody Banks, Big Fat Liar and My Dog Skip, is still so young, but has already experienced four mini-strokes. And who will take their child to the casting after this?


The actress suffered from childhood kidney disease, in 2012 she even had to undergo a transplant, then her father became the donor.


The rapper suffers from a disease thyroid gland , or Graves' disease. In 2008, the girl was diagnosed with this disease, and in recent years she has been struggling with it.


The actress was diagnosed diabetes still at 23 years old. The girl fell into a coma, and when she came out of it, she began to drive healthy image life and sports.


The singer suffers from Crohn's disease, and in 2003 she had a mastectomy because she was diagnosed with mammary cancer.


The actress suffers from thrombocytopenia− a disease in which the blood does not clot well and even a small cut can cause severe bleeding.


One of the most famous football players turns out to be ill asthma! This became known when he had to get an inhaler at one of the matches. Although the PR people tried to attribute it to bronchitis, David still had to reveal the truth.


The actor suffers from a rare disease - prosopagnosia, in which a person does not remember faces.


The actor admitted that he suffers from a rare disease dyspraxia. This is a disease in which a person is unable to purposefully perform movements, and such people are called clumsy.

The life of a gifted person is not as wonderful as it seems at first glance. Brilliant people are often crazy. But who knows if they would be great now if not for their madness.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Science fiction, mysticism and horror intertwined in Lovecraft's work into one bizarre whole. The writer suffered from a severe sleep disorder. In the writer's night visions, beings with membranous wings, which he called "beasts of the night," lifted him into the air and carried him to the "vile plateau of Lang." Lovecraft woke up in a completely insane state.

However, the danger for the writer’s fragile psyche lurked not only within. The financial affairs of the writer's family suddenly and rapidly went downhill, the standard of living deteriorated sharply, which became one of the reasons for deep depression; it even almost came to suicide. Later, intestinal cancer and kidney inflammation added torment to Lovecraft’s life, the pain from which accompanied the rest of the writer’s life.

Joanne Rowling

Clinical depression for a long time the creator of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, suffered. As the writer herself admitted, writing books about a young wizard became a kind of therapy for her. It was thanks to depressive disorder that the writer came up with dementors, which “suck” all the joy out of a person.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln also suffered from depression; historians claim that the US president often sobbed into his pillow and even attempted suicide.

Ernest Hemingway

The psychological state of this “block” of American literature was also far from prosperous. For a significant part of his life, Hemingway, like many other great artists, suffered from alcohol addiction. But there were other diagnoses, from bipolar psychosis and traumatic brain injury to narcissistic personality disorder.

As a result, the writer was placed in a psychiatric clinic, where, after fifteen sessions of electroconvulsive therapy, he completely lost both his memory and the ability to formulate thoughts. And soon after his discharge, in July 1961, he shot himself with his favorite gun.

Marquis de Sade

The name of the Marquis de Sade is associated with a somewhat... peculiar way of life. He was glorified by the idea of ​​sexual and moral freedom, revolutionary for his time, which the Marquis outlined in detail in numerous literary opuses. And “sadism” began to be called sexual satisfaction obtained by causing pain and humiliation to another person.

In 1803, by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Marquis was first taken into custody without trial and then declared insane and placed in the Charenton psychiatric hospital. But even there, de Sade managed to write plays and lead the same dissolute lifestyle until his death in 1814.

Vincent Van Gogh

They say it was bipolar disorder that caused Vincent van Gogh to cut off his ear. The artist’s condition was aggravated by epilepsy and hallucinations associated with the constant use of absinthe. Ludwig Van Beethoven had the same pathology (composers in general have strange quirks). For a composer suffering from bipolar disorder, states of creative elation and a surge of energy are replaced by complete apathy. To switch over at a moment of apathy and force himself to write music again, Beethoven dipped his head in a basin of ice water.

Edgar Allan Poe

The consciousness of the author of the “dark” stories, Edgar Allan Poe, was full of the same demons that inhabited his works. After the death of his wife, the writer admitted: “In terms of my physical properties, I am impressionable - nervous to a very unusual degree. I became insane, with long intervals of terrifying sanity.”

In October 1849, Edgar Poe was found wandering deliriously through the streets of Baltimore. He was unable to explain how he got there or even say anything intelligible. He died the next day at a local hospital.

Alfred Nobel

Not only Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, known to us all, suffered from taphophobia, or the fear of being buried alive. He was terrified that he would be buried alive, the founder Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel. By the way, Nobel’s father was the inventor of the so-called “safe coffin”, as he also suffered from taphophobia. Marina Tsvetaeva, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Wilkie Collins were afraid of being buried alive.

Mikhail Lermontov

Some biographers of Mikhail Lermontov believe that the poet suffered from a form of schizophrenia. Mental disorder The poet most likely inherited it on his mother's side, his grandfather took his own life with poison, his mother suffered from neuroses and hysteria. Contemporaries noted that Lermontov was a very angry and uncommunicative person; even in his appearance something sinister could be read. According to Pyotr Vyazemsky, Lermontov was extremely nervous, his moods changed sharply and polarly. A cheerful and good-natured poet could become angry and gloomy in a moment. “And at such moments he was unsafe.”

John Nash

The prototype for the main character in the award-winning film A Beautiful Mind, mathematician John Nash suffered from paranoia all his life. The genius often had hallucinations, he constantly heard strange voices and saw non-existent people. The wife of the Nobel laureate tried in every possible way to help her husband hide the symptoms of the disease, because according to American laws of that time he could be forced to undergo treatment. What ultimately happened, however, the mathematician managed to deceive the doctors. He learned to mask the manifestations of the disease with such skill that psychiatrists believed in his healing. It must be said that Nash’s wife Lucia, in her old age, was also diagnosed with paranoid disorder.

Lev Tolstoy

The author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina became famous for his complex plots with lengthy philosophical and historical digressions. By creating his many characters (and there are hundreds of them), Tolstoy tried to distract himself from the melancholy and fear that he experienced in the painful search for answers to the most intimate questions of human existence.

The writer suffered from frequent, deep and prolonged bouts of depression. At the age of 83, Tolstoy decided to become a wandering ascetic. Unfortunately, this last trip was short-lived. Lev Nikolaevich fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to make a stop at the small Astapovo station, where he soon died.