Oak barrels. Simple and delicious pickled pumpkin recipes: cooking instructions and useful tips With hot pepper

Let's start preparing sauerkraut with pumpkin by chopping and chopping all the fresh vegetables needed for the recipe. Traditionally, thick-walled sweet peppers of bright colors - red or yellow - are used for the recipe.

We cut it into thin strips along the fruit, removing the seed part and rinsing the cavity.

And instead of carrots, let's take pumpkin - it will perfectly complement the preparation no worse than carrots, since it has a sweetish taste (dessert varieties and varieties for cooking porridge). Three peeled fresh pumpkin on a coarse grater.

We chop the cabbage, first removing the withered and crushed top leaves, removing the dense stalk.

Chop the apples last so they don’t have time to darken. Sour apple varieties are recommended for this salad appetizer. Just in case, have some lemon juice ready to drizzle on top of the apple slices.

It is also advisable to chop the apples coarsely so that they are not “lost” in the rest of the ingredients and their taste can be clearly distinguished during tasting.

Mix cabbage and pumpkin in one large saucepan, add salt and sugar, as well as coriander (peas or ground, in our case 50/50). Grind and crush the cabbage and pumpkin with your hands so that the vegetables release juice in which all the bulk ingredients dissolve.

When everything is ready, take a suitable container and place allspice peas and several bay leaves on the bottom. A three-liter jar or other similar tall container is perfect for these purposes.

We begin to lay out the cabbage and pumpkin vegetable mixture in layers in a container, then add apple slices on top of it. Sprinkle with a portion of sweet pepper.

Repeat the cabbage-pumpkin-apples-peppers layers until the pan is full or you run out of ingredients (the cabbage should be the last layer, covering all the vegetable layers).

Pour all the juice that has come out of the cabbage into the pan.

We compact everything tightly and apply pressure if possible. Leave at room temperature and watch for the appearance of foam on top of the brine. As soon as we see bubbles, we pierce the cabbage over the entire surface and depth with a long wooden splinter, and leave for another 2-3 days.

Then transfer the sauerkraut to the refrigerator.

Sauerkraut with pumpkin and apples is ready! When serving, do not forget to sprinkle with aromatic sunflower oil and sprinkle with fresh green onions.

Bon appetit!


Let's talk about pumpkin today!

Pumpkin is consumed raw, baked, steamed, fried, it is added to soups, porridges, salads, and jam and candied fruits are made from it. And there is another amazing way to cook pumpkin - pickled pumpkin.

The recipe is simple; dried herbs (dill, garlic) are placed at the bottom of a liter jar (a three-liter jar is also possible), the pumpkin is cut into small pieces, placed in a jar and filled with raw filtered water, 1 liter. pre-dilute water with 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and 2 tablespoons of the preparation “Baikal EM1”, or fermented milk EM-kurunga. If it stands at room temperature for 2-3 days, you get the taste of lightly salted cucumbers; if you stand longer, you get the taste of barrel cucumbers.

In winter, it is especially pleasant to see bright orange vegetables and fruits on the table. It is believed that the color orange energizes, activates brain activity, improves appetite and lifts mood.

Since childhood, I heard from my mother that pumpkin is very healthy. What are its beneficial properties? It is pumpkin and zucchini that contain the minerals necessary to nourish the brain: zinc, selenium, magnesium. Pumpkin also contains a large amount of B vitamins.

The healing properties of pumpkin fruits have been known since ancient times. Low fiber content combined with a rich set of vitamins and mineral salts make them a valuable dietary product for various diseases. Pumpkin fruits are useful for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Pumpkin pulp has a laxative effect. It is recommended to be consumed in case of decreased appetite. The high anthelmintic ability of pumpkin seeds, which do not have a toxic effect on the body, has been established. Pumpkin is useful for intense mental work.

But if you eat pumpkin raw, it is not very tasty, and biologically active substances (BAS) are less absorbed. If you cook different dishes from pumpkin, then some of the biologically active substances are destroyed. And if you ferment pumpkin using fermented milk EM-kurunga or “Baikal EM1”, then the pumpkin not only preserves minerals and vitamins, but they also turn into easily accessible substances. During fermentation, any minerals turn into colloidal forms within 24 hours and are therefore more quickly absorbed by the body. By consuming any pickled plants, vegetables, herbs, you can quickly solve the problem of nutritional deficiency. Pickled pumpkin is especially useful, as it contains a large amount of enzymes that promote the production of gastric juice.

Famous scientist B.V. Bolotov uses plants for medicinal purposes, from which he obtains medicines not by chemical means, but by microbial fermentation, i.e. To restore health, he uses fermented kvass. I offer you a recipe for kvass according to Bolotov... Where we replaced sour cream with fermented milk kurunga. We take 3l. water, half a glass of dry or 1 glass of fresh medicinal plants (in a gauze bag and weight) + 1 tbsp. spoon of fermented milk emkurunga + 1 glass of sugar. Cover everything with three layers of gauze. Kvass will be ready in two weeks. Store in a dark place at room temperature during the souring period. Then pour 1 liter. Drink 1-2 times a day, ½ glass, 10-20 minutes before meals, for a month. The remaining kvass is supplemented with water + 1/3 cup sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of fermented milk EM-kurunga. On the 3rd day, kvass is again suitable for consumption. If the kvass is very sour, dilute with water.

Pickled pumpkin for the Lenten table

December! Time to learn creatively, prepare various dishes, including from vegetables grown in our Em-beds. Let's talk about pumpkin now!

Pumpkin is consumed raw, baked, steamed, fried, it is used in soups, porridges, salads, jam and candied fruits are made from it. There is another mind-blowing method of preparing pumpkin - pickled pumpkin.

The recipe is simple; dried herbs (dill, garlic) are placed at the bottom of a liter jar (or three-liter jar), the pumpkin is cut into small pieces, placed in a jar and filled with filtered water, 1 liter. dilute water with 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and 2 tablespoons of the product, or fermented milk . If it stands at room temperature for 2-3 days, it will taste like lightly salted cucumbers; if it stands longer, it will taste like barrel cucumbers.

In winter, it is especially pleasant to see bright orange vegetables and fruits on the table. It is believed that this color energizes, initiates brain activity, improves appetite and lifts mood.

Since I was a teenager, I heard from my mother that pumpkin can be extremely beneficial. What are its useful characteristics? Specifically, pumpkin and zucchini contain minerals needed to nourish the brain: zinc, selenium, magnesium. Pumpkin also contains a huge amount of B vitamins.

The medicinal properties of pumpkin fruits have been popular since ancient times. The low fiber content in combination with a set of vitamins and mineral salts makes them a valuable dietary product for various diseases. Pumpkin gifts can be useful for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Pumpkin pulp has a laxative effect. It is recommended to use it in food when hunger is reduced. The highest anthelmintic potency of pumpkin seeds has been established, which do not have a toxic effect on the body. Pumpkin can be useful for intense mental work.

But if you eat pumpkin raw, it is not entirely tasty; however, the biologically functional substances are not absorbed to the same extent. Various dishes are prepared from pumpkin, but some are destroyed. And if you ferment pumpkin using fermented milk Em-kurunga or “Baikal Em1”, then minerals and vitamins are stored in the pumpkin, and they are also converted into easily accessible substances.

During fermentation, all kinds of minerals turn into colloidal forms within a day and, due to this, are more quickly absorbed by the body. Using all kinds of pickled plants, vegetables, herbs, you can quickly solve the problem of nutritional deficiency. Pickled pumpkin in particular can be useful, it contains a huge number of enzymes that promote the production of gastric juice.

Scientist B.V. Bolotov uses plants for healing purposes, from which medicines are obtained not by the chemical method, but by the method of microbial fermentation, i.e., to restore health, he uses fermented kvass. I advise you a recipe for kvass according to Bolotov... Where we replaced sour cream with fermented milk kurunga. We take 3l. water, half a glass of dry or 1 glass of fresh preparation of healing plants (in a gauze bag and weight) + 1 tbsp. spoon of fermented milk Em-Kurunga + 1 glass of sugar. Cover everything with 3 layers of gauze.

Kvass will be ready in two weeks. Store in a dark place at room temperature during the souring period. Then pour 1 liter. Drink 1-2 times a day, equivalent to ½ glass, 10-20 minutes before meals, for a month. The remaining kvass is supplemented with water + 1/3 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of fermented milk Em-kurunga. On the 3rd day, kvass is again suitable for consumption. If the kvass is very sour, dilute with water.

And we’ll talk in detail about the benefits of pickled vegetables and kvass for digestion and more in the next newsletter.

Sincerely, Elena Kokhanovskaya,
Director of the Belarusian representative office of Argo Em-1

Carotene-rich pumpkin inspires us to create a variety of delicious dishes. At my dacha, the pumpkin usually grows gigantic, and after cutting it, it must be used. I'm making spicy pickled pumpkin!

Number of servings: 10

A very simple homemade pickled pumpkin recipe step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 2 days 22 hours. Contains only 232 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 days 22 hours
  • Calorie Amount: 232 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Preparations, Pickling

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Pumpkin - 1 piece (3-4 kg)
  • Salt - 50 grams (or to taste)
  • Red hot pepper - - To taste
  • Water - 1-1.5 Liters

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pumpkin is perfectly stored at the same temperature, but if you haven’t met this condition, it’s lost. As a rule, I have huge pumpkins at home. That's why I stew them, fry them, and make jam! But, in addition to sweet dishes, Cinderella’s carriage can also become a very savory independent snack on your everyday or holiday table. Pickled pumpkin with hot pepper is what you need! Both for meat and for a variety of snacks. It looks great and immediately stands out as a bright yellow spot on a white tablecloth. In addition, it is unusual, so it arouses interest and a desire to try in almost everyone.
  2. So, how to cook pickled pumpkin?
  3. Wash the pumpkin, cut it, use a spoon to scoop out the seeds (which you can later eat or plant) and remove the skin.
  4. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes. Blanch the cubes in boiling water for five minutes.
  5. Place the cubes in a clay or enamel bowl with large sides.
  6. Prepare a brine from water, salt and ground red pepper. Mix everything well. The salt should dissolve.
  7. Pour the prepared brine over the chopped pumpkin. Press with pressure and leave to ferment for several days at room temperature.
  8. After fermentation, send the pumpkin to the cellar or refrigerator.
  9. Pickled pumpkin is ready! Bon appetit!

Oh, I was lucky enough to prepare a delicacy today – pickled pumpkin. I was prompted to this recipe by my little daughter, who is simply cowardly for a miraculously healthy vegetable. To diversify the pumpkin dish, I decided to eliminate the added sugar and make the delicacy spicy to eat with side dishes. But, however, I didn’t take into account that I needed to make much more of it, since one portion was eaten literally right away. Well, that’s okay, I think next time I’ll definitely double the portion.
The pickled pumpkin turned out to be very tasty, just like... I even think that due to the integrity of the pieces of this vegetable, it can be used as a filling for pies and pies. The recipe for pickled pumpkin is simple, look, make sure and start fermenting pumpkin for the winter.

So, a recipe for pickled pumpkin for the winter.

- half a ripe, bright orange pumpkin,
- 1 hot pepper,
- 1 glass of water,
- 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

The vegetable must first be washed very well with water. Then cut off the peel with a sharp knife, and then cut into pieces. If you have time, you can use metal cutters and cut out the pumpkin into beautiful shapes.

The chopped pieces of the bright beauty should be placed in a bowl or ladle.

Add hot pepper.

Then salt and water.

Next, you should boil the pumpkin for 3-5 minutes so that it softens a little.

You need to drain the boiled pumpkin and then press the vegetable down with a saucer or plate.

In just 2-3 hours, the pickled pumpkin will be ready. You can also add minced garlic to the recipe, but this is suitable for those who like spicy food.
This pickled pumpkin can be eaten just like that. This recipe will be especially useful for people who fast or are on some kind of diet.
It is only important to remember that overeating vegetables is not recommended.

Also see how it is prepared