Inclusive education from September 1 of this year. Inclusive education in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Education of children with disabilities. Principles of inclusiveness in vocational and higher education

Increasing inclusion

In the new year 2016, Russian schools expect the emergence of new standards for inclusive education. Today, about 160 thousand children study in inclusive classes. The needs far exceed the existing capabilities for this type of education. In Russia there are approximately 0.5 million disabled children, plus children with special needs who, although not disabled, nevertheless need special educational conditions. At the same time, as the standard of inclusive education itself emphasizes, education should be carried out in mass schools, surrounded by healthy peers.

The Ministry of Education and Science says that the transition will be smooth, new requirements will not be introduced immediately. Most schools, in principle, do not have the opportunity to connect to these requirements. The question is both in material conditions (ramps, many special devices...), and - and this is the main thing - in the availability of specialists and high-quality teaching methods.

Such different “special” children

The standard for inclusion takes into account different groups of special students - deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, children with musculoskeletal disorders. Thousands of differences are hidden behind the phrase “disability.” The most difficult students for regular schools are those with mental retardation and autism. According to the new requirements, schools must organize psychological, medical and pedagogical support for such children. Education for students with developmental delays will be based on both regular and special textbooks. The teacher will decide which one to choose. In inclusive classes, not only the teacher works with schoolchildren, but also a speech therapist, defectologist, and social pedagogue.

A special workplace needs to be organized for an autistic child in a regular school. Preferably near the wall, at an individual desk; a screen may be provided. In primary school, a toy house or tent can be made for such a child. The rules do not prohibit such children from bringing a toy from home or studying in class while lying on the floor. Of course, among autistic children there are gifted children (about 5%), but the majority cannot learn the simplest everyday life skills. For defectologists, this is a vital working practice, but for the average teacher, much of this correctional component is unusual. It is clear that such children have great difficulties with communication; they can easily address the teacher on a first-name basis or sit under their desks for the entire lesson. Therefore, the teacher must be prepared for the fact that he will have to communicate with the child using cards, a tablet, tables, diagrams and test knowledge in the form of tests.

It is unlikely that 2016 will be able to radically improve the situation. The main thing is that it is not clear whether Russian education has moved on the right path in terms of the widespread introduction of inclusive practices. Is there enough money to solve thousands of emerging problems?

Today, according to official data from the Ministry of Education and Science, out of 30 million children living in Russia, 1.006 million need correctional assistance. And according to UNESCO, there are from 2.5 to 3.5 million such children in our country. At the same time, there are only about 500 thousand places in correctional institutions. However, soon there will be no such special (correctional) general education schools left in Russia at all. According to the Law “On Education”, by 2016 even such a concept will disappear.

In return, from September 1, 2016, a new educational standard of inclusive education will be introduced in Russia, that is, children with disabilities will study together with ordinary schoolchildren. Opinions differ on whether this is good or bad. Meanwhile, an investigation conducted by a Top Secret correspondent showed that at the moment nothing is ready for such a reform, although the closure of correctional schools is already in full swing!

Many experts agree that the transition to inclusive education is associated not so much with caring for children with disabilities and their education, but with the distribution of budget funds. Attempts at implementation often result in the mechanical closure of correctional schools - their maintenance is too expensive for the state. 20 times more money is spent per child than in a regular school. In addition, the law requires a medical unit there.

In order for the new system to work reliably and effectively, it is not enough to simply make a decision; we need specially trained teaching staff, a large asset of psychologists, speech pathologists and other specialists, and we need practice in such work. But all this is missing. The system began the transition process with the closure of correctional schools. The December Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on problems related to the education of people with disabilities stated that over 10 years, about 280 special correctional educational institutions have already been closed.

What will they spend more than three billion rubles on?

The new education law abolished all special statuses of schools (except for schools for children with deviant behavior). Now the law guarantees support not for schools, but for children. “Per capita financing” of schools (educational complexes) is calculated based on the number of students. And if earlier correctional schools had coefficients that increase funding, now only students have them. If there is a disabled child in the school, then his funding is multiplied by 2 or 3 (depending on the diagnosis). At first glance, it would seem that little has changed for people with disabilities, but this is not so.

The additional funding allocated for several children in a regular school is simply not enough to provide these students with at least minimally acceptable conditions. If a child has vision problems, then you need to purchase visual relief material suitable for bisensory perception (using vision and touch), equip an audio library (recordings of works of art or textbooks on electronic media), purchase special optical and technical means (“electronic magnifying glass” , converters of light signals into sound and tactile signals, telescopic glasses, contact lenses, voice recorders, “talking” calculators), etc. How many regular schools have you seen equipped to accommodate children in wheelchairs?

In specialized schools, the cost of expensive equipment is made up of the additional coefficients of all children, and even so, not everyone could afford such institutions. Meanwhile, according to the Law “On Education”, by 2016 the concept of “special (correctional) general education school” will disappear. Article 108, paragraph 5: “The names and charters of educational institutions must be brought into compliance with this Federal Law no later than January 1, 2016, taking into account the following: 1) special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with disabilities must be renamed general education institutions organizations..."

How will the principals of regular schools get out of this situation? Large additional budget funds will be required to improve and equip secondary schools. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in April of this year that the government is allocating 3.762 billion rubles to the formation of the educational system, which will make it possible to create a network of basic general education organizations in the constituent entities of the Federation with conditions for the inclusive education of children with disabilities.

But how and on what will this money be spent? So far, acceptable conditions for the inclusive education of children with disabilities (specially trained teaching staff, architectural accessibility, special transport, adapted educational programs, special equipment for training) are available only in 3,345 educational institutions in the country, that is, only in every 13 of the general education institutions.

All children will suffer

Not only children with disabilities, but also everyone else can suffer from the ongoing reform. The workload on teachers will definitely increase. Firstly, children are attracted to everything unusual, and a disabled child is unusual, at least during the first time of communication with him. Secondly, some special children need more time to master the material; they can disrupt the learning process with their uncontrolled behavior; some of them quickly get tired and lose attention to the topic or begin to demand attention to themselves.

How quickly can students and teachers adapt to new conditions? And how ready are ordinary children and their parents, whose perceptions are not easy to change, to accept children with special needs? Some teachers are simply afraid of such children. We need to change the psychology of children and adults. This is a huge job - who will carry it out?

Inclusion is the integration into society of people with developmental difficulties. The philosophy of inclusive thinking is that every child has the right to a full education, to unlimited opportunities for personal development, and ultimately to a happy life. Inclusion implies equality of opportunity. Inclusive education is considered as a process of training and education in which all students, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in the general education system and study together with their peers without disabilities. Every student is valued and accepted for who he is.

In a good way, this system should work starting from the birth of a child. From the first year of life of a child with disabilities, his parents should clearly know where to go for help - medical, psychological, patronage. At specialized correctional kindergartens, self-care lessons should be held, where children will be taught to eat independently, serve themselves, and prepare for studying at school and joining the school community.

Thus, such children enter a regular school with an inclusive education system already prepared. But will the child be able to cope with difficulties if he suddenly finds himself in a different situation?

Now, upon reaching school age, parents of a child with disabilities are offered three options for his further education - send him to a specialized boarding school, which is under the care of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and in which, by and large, they are not interested in the child’s education; leave the child home-schooled or send him to a district school where this very inclusive education will be developed, which is already controlled by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Correctional schools no longer offer them. Why, if the district secondary school is required to admit a child with any special needs?

We are significantly behind developed countries

With inclusive education, in a class of 25 children without disabilities, a child with a speech disorder, a child with organic lesions (cerebral palsy, a wheelchair user) and a child with mental retardation, for example, may also study, or maybe blind. And according to today’s legal norms, they are required to be enrolled in this class based on their place of residence.

“The issue related to the implementation of the right of parents to choose schools and kindergartens for their children - inclusive or correctional, respectively, has been hotly discussed several times. We are still faced with situations where regular schools do not accept children with disabilities whose parents would like to teach them in such schools. Now they have been supplemented by letters from those who want to teach their children in correctional educational institutions, but they are being disbanded,” says Oleg Smolin, State Duma deputy, first deputy chairman of the Education Committee. – One of my proposals is to enshrine the concept of “early correctional assistance” in federal legislation. Throughout the world, this is one of the main conditions for inclusion. The sooner a child receives such help, the greater his chances of avoiding disability and studying in a regular school. This is where we lag significantly behind developed countries.”

In Europe, any child can come to study at any school. Apparently, after considering the Western experience, which is already decades old and in which many of the initial mistakes have already been eradicated, our officials decided that any special child will easily fit into regular classes. And that co-education is simply allowing disabled children into regular classes. But that's not true. For each child with disabilities admitted to school, it is necessary to develop an individual education program taking into account his capabilities, weaknesses and strengths.

A child with disabilities is assigned a tutor who accompanies him throughout the entire learning process, is familiar with his particular developmental characteristics, is in contact with his parents, and helps in the process of communicating with peers and teachers. Translated from English, a tutor is a teacher-mentor. He gets acquainted with the history of the ward, develops an individual lesson program, possible teaching methods, daily fills out a “feedback sheet” addressed to parents, where he writes about the child’s achievements, problems, and behavior.

Parents, in turn, fill out this sheet regarding the child’s behavior at home. If inappropriate physical reactions occur during a lesson, it is the tutor who has the right to take the child to the rest room (sensory area), and he is also responsible for ensuring that there are fewer such disruptions.

In Russia, this specialty was introduced into the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2010; one tutor should and can supervise up to six children. But still not everyone understands the purpose of tutors. At the same time, no separate money has been allocated for their salaries and their work standards have not been outlined. School principals may not even understand why they need to introduce new positions into the school schedule.

Parents of special children are against

Parents, understanding that joint education is good, nevertheless fear for their children in a group of people who do not understand the pain of others. Time must pass for classmates to not just feel sorry for disabled children (this still exists today), but to perceive them as equals, only with the condition that they need real help with some things - reading aloud to a visually impaired person, helping them move up the stairs wheelchair user And competent psychologists should also help teachers and ordinary schoolchildren with this.

We are talking with the mother of a disabled child, now she is calmly talking about the past: “My visually impaired son studied in a regular class at a regular school. When we arrived there, the director assured me that my son would have additional classes, that he would not be burdened with homework and demand results in physical education (we are prohibited from vigorous exercise). But... in the end it turned out that, apart from putting him in the first desk, nothing was done. They gave my son bad grades, not thinking that he simply could not see some tasks on the board or could not quickly read the textbook. And he perceived deuces as proof of his stupidity.

His classmates bullied him because of his appearance (he wore thick glasses). We survived there as best we could, I tried to convince my son that he was not a fool, but he still felt like an outcast there. And I was also very afraid for him - you know how, they will deliberately push a blind man, and he will lose orientation and fall somewhere... After suffering for several years, I took him to a specialized school, where he gradually became self-confident, began to get good grades, I graduated from school with a medal, now I’m studying at a university...”

Save the correctional education system in Russia

Is it possible to save the correctional education system in our country? In the current situation, almost everything ends up in the hands of... school principals. When merging several different educational institutions under a single number and a single leadership, you can actually try to preserve the correctional school. If the director decides that, despite the cost and unprofitability of such an institution, he needs it, then everything turns out great. Children remain in their classes, they are not mixed, but are provided with expanded opportunities for communication and integration into ordinary society. As a concrete positive example, we can cite GBOU SKOSHI No. 101, which joined gymnasium No. 2077 and retained special (correctional) education for deaf children. This is the merit of director Irina Valentinovna Sivtsova.

Otherwise, correctional schools will be closed for purely economic reasons. The area of ​​such establishments is large (usually two or three buildings for various purposes, about 5 thousand square meters), the cost of utilities has increased, and increasing coefficients have been removed. 8 thousand rubles are allocated per student per year - this is not enough to cover all expenses, including decent salaries for teachers and other specialists. For example, at the State Budgetary Educational Institution SKOSH - boarding school of type II No. 30 named after. K. A. Mikaelyan previously, funding from the state amounted to 402 thousand rubles per year, now – 225 thousand. In order to maintain the school, another 1.5 million rubles are needed. Where can I get this money?

And often after a merger, many correctional institutions lose their main focus. Corrective kindergarten No. 1883, after entering the educational complex of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 398, became ordinary. Correctional boarding school for the deaf after merging with gymnasium No. 1529 named after. A. S. Griboyedova has lost the status of a boarding school; they work with the deaf only until lunch. At the correctional school - kindergarten No. 1635, classes were combined with secondary school No. 1485, and the number of hours of defectological work was reduced. There is now no evening school (the only one in all of Moscow) for the deaf, because there are no teachers of the deaf, they have been laid off.

Nowadays there is widespread staff reduction in schools and funding is being cut. In such conditions, can we talk about additional attention to special children?


Elena Babich, ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg:

“When I was a deputy, this law was implemented. I was categorically against it. There is a concept called “group averaging.” Normal children will descend into children with developmental disabilities. Co-education is possible only with children who are fine with mental development, but have problems with physical health. This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union, and there were special schools for children with disabilities.

I remember my childhood well. Until the 4th grade, we studied in neighboring buildings with sick children. We were terribly afraid of them. They were of little mind. Moreover, we knew that it was better to stay away, because if something bad happened on the part of these children towards us, nothing would happen to them, because they are sick and are not responsible for their actions.”

Roman Doschinsky, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation:

“We receive numerous requests from directors of specialized correctional schools and kindergartens. Under the guise of measures that supposedly contribute to the further integration of people with disabilities into the life of society, the system of specialized correctional education is actually being eliminated. This may be due to the fact that in the Russian Federation there is a single standard for assessing the effectiveness of educational institutions and specialized correctional institutions cannot pass state accreditation according to this standard. The fact is that one of the key parameters of accreditation of an educational institution is the “level of educational achievements.”

However, children with disabilities (mental disabilities, various forms of autism, blind and visually impaired, etc.) cannot demonstrate the same results as healthy children. As a result, in pursuit of formal indicators, many correctional institutions are forced to change the direction of their educational activities and target a more “strong” and “accessible audience.” Thus, in fact, the most vulnerable categories of disabled children are denied education.

The network of correctional educational organizations that has existed for decades should be preserved in the education system, as well as their material and technical base should be improved as much as possible. At the same time, of course, gradually develop forms of inclusive education. In principle, it does not deny support for the system of specialized schools, but complements and deepens it.

We can agree that the form of inclusive education is indeed suitable for children with “non-severe” disabilities (diabetes mellitus, etc.), for children without mental disorders who do not pose a danger to others. But this is not mentioned in any official document. In schools, where there are sometimes no medical workers, where there have been massive layoffs of psychologists, speech therapists, and social workers, the presence of children with “severe” disabilities is unacceptable!”

Anna Astakhova


Zhavoronkov R. N.

Russia, Moscow, Institute of Problems of Integrated (Inclusive) Education MSUPE

Inclusive education: practice, research, methodology: Sat. materials II International
scientific-practical conference / Rep. ed. Alekhina S.V.M.: MGPPU, 2013

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2012. The adoption of this law opened a qualitatively new stage in the legal regulation of education in our country. This is largely due to the unprecedented participation of wide circles of the professional community and the public in the development of this law.

The development of the draft law was started by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2009. The initial text of the draft in 2010 was discussed for six months on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in the Public Chamber, the Federation Council, the State Duma, and the Union of Rectors of Russia. The ultimately revised text of the bill was published on the website for wide public discussion. Over 15 months - from December 1, 2010 to February 1, 2011 - the site received almost 11,000 comments and suggestions. Based on the results of their consideration, the President of the Russian Federation was presented with a report with recommendations for finalizing the bill. The text of the new version of the law was considered in 2011 at the traditional August pedagogical meetings of educators.

After the bill was submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation for consideration to the State Duma, the public discussion continued, but if earlier the concept and structure of the new law were discussed, now the proposals concerned mainly amendments to the existing text. On October 17, 2012, the draft federal law was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading. After this, within the framework of the work of the responsible committee of the State Duma, three working groups were formed to finalize it. The number of comments and proposals considered by the groups amounted to thousands. Parliamentary hearings were held, at which representatives of regions, professional and other organizations spoke. The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation conducted a public examination of the new law.

During December 2012, the draft law was adopted by the State Duma in the second and third readings (December 18 and 21), approved by the Federation Council (December 26) and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The participation of the professional community, representatives of people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities in the development of the law on education ensured its compliance with the requirements of international acts. For the first time, the law lays out a full-fledged legal basis for the development of inclusive education in our country.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Law in the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every person to education. Based on this, in paragraph 2 of Art. Article 3 establishes that one of the basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education is to ensure the right of every person to education and the inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education*.

Based on these provisions, in paragraphs. 1 clause 5 art. Article 5 states that in order to realize the right of every person to education, federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments create the necessary conditions for persons with disabilities to receive, without discrimination, quality education, for the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, and for the provision of early correctional assistance based on special pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages ​​for these persons, methods and means of communication and conditions that are most conducive to obtaining an education of a certain level and a certain orientation, as well as the social development of these persons, including through the organization of inclusive education for persons with disabilities limited health capabilities.

The Law on Education (Clause 16, Article 2) defines the concept of “student with disabilities”. This is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions. It should be noted that this term applies to both persons recognized as disabled and persons who are not disabled. There may also be people with disabilities (mostly those suffering from somatic diseases) who are not students with disabilities.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 79 of the Law on Education, the education of students with disabilities can be organized both together with other students, and in separate classes, groups or in separate organizations carrying out educational activities. Thus, the law laid the legal basis for the existence of both inclusive and integrated and special (correctional) education.

The Law on Education for the first time enshrines the concept of inclusive education in federal legislation (clause 27, article 2). This is to ensure equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 79 of the Law, general education of students with disabilities is carried out in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs. In such organizations, special conditions are created for these students to receive education.

According to paragraph 3 of the same article, special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities are understood as the conditions for the education, upbringing and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, providing the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult to master educational programs for students with disabilities.

Also, according to paragraph 11 of Art. 79 when receiving education, students with disabilities are provided with free special textbooks and teaching aids, other educational literature, as well as the services of sign language interpreters and sign language interpreters. The specified measure of social support is an expenditure obligation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in relation to such students, with the exception of those studying at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget. For disabled people studying at the expense of federal budget allocations, the provision of these social support measures is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

To ensure inclusive education, the procedure for establishing rules for admission to general education organizations, contained in Art. 67.

According to this article, the rules for admission to state and municipal educational organizations for training in basic general education programs must ensure the admission to the educational organization of citizens who have the right to receive general education at the appropriate level and who live in the territory to which the specified educational organization is assigned.

Admission to a state or municipal educational organization may be denied in the following cases:

Due to the lack of vacancies. If there are no places in a state or municipal educational organization, the parents (legal representatives) of the child, in order to resolve the issue of his placement in another general education organization, apply directly to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, or the local government body that carries out management in the field of education;

When organizing individual selection for state and municipal educational organizations to receive basic general and secondary general education with in-depth study of individual academic subjects or for specialized training in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

When organizing a competition or individual selection for obtaining general education in educational organizations implementing educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports, or educational programs of secondary vocational education in the field of arts, integrated with educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

Upon admission to foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to receive general education.

Thus, the established admission procedure in general does not limit the right of children with disabilities to enter general education institutions.

The Law on Education establishes (clause 2 of Article 34) that students have the right to be provided with conditions for learning, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and health status, including receiving socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction . Corresponding to this right is the obligation of teaching staff (clause 6, clause 1, article 48) to take into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, comply with the special conditions necessary for receiving education by persons with disabilities, and interact, if necessary, with medical organizations.

The law establishes the procedure for providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance (Article 42). This assistance is provided to children experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, as well as difficulties in development and social adaptation. This assistance is provided in centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, as well as by psychologists and educational psychologists of educational organizations in which such children study. The law establishes what psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance includes. This assistance is provided to children upon application or with the written consent of their parents.

According to paragraph 8 of Art. 79 of the Law on Education, vocational training and vocational education of students with disabilities are carried out on the basis of educational programs, adapted, if necessary, for the training of these students. In accordance with paragraph 10 of the same article, professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities in basic vocational training programs, must create special conditions for students with disabilities to receive education.

To develop the inclusiveness of vocational education and increase its accessibility, it is important that special rights have been established for people with disabilities when admitted to universities for undergraduate and specialist programs.

According to the general rules according to Art. 70 admission to these programs is based on the results of the unified state exam. In this case, the university sets the minimum number of points required for admission.

In accordance with Art. 55 admission to a university to study at state expense is carried out on a competitive basis. Consequently, those who present the highest USE results are accepted.

According to Art. 71 for the admission of disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to a military injury or illness received during military service, the university sets a quota. This quota cannot be less than ten percent of the total target figures for the admission of citizens studying at state expense. These categories of persons are accepted subject to successful completion of entrance examinations.

Also, disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II and war invalids have the right to be admitted to the preparatory departments of federal universities to study at the expense of the federal budget. They also have a preferential right to enroll in a university, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal.

The law provides for social support measures for students with disabilities. In accordance with Art. 36 students who are disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, as well as disabled due to a military injury or illness received during military service, are provided with a state social scholarship. According to Art. For the same categories of students, residential premises in the specialized housing stock of an educational organization are provided free of charge on a priority basis.

It can be stated with confidence that the law regulates all the key, basic issues of organizing inclusive education. Currently, the main task is to adequately develop the provisions of the law in by-laws in order to create a legal framework for the implementation of domestic scientific developments related to the inclusive education of citizens with disabilities.

* Here and below, the author refers to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” of December 29, 2012.

The new standard of inclusive education will be introduced in schools from September 1, 2016. However, many questions still remain: what needs to be done, prepared, changed in the remaining time? What will this give to children who will study under new programs and in new conditions?

These and other questions were discussed by experts who gathered at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency for the multimedia talk show “Education standards for children with disabilities: what will change in Russian schools from September 1, 2016.”

The adoption of a new educational standard has a long history. In 2008, Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which, among other things, talks about the need to ensure inclusive education. From that moment on, a full-scale experiment began in Russia; various models of inclusive education began to be created in the regions. The experience that was gained was used as the basis for the formation of standards.

On December 19, 2014, orders of the Ministry of Education were issued on the approval of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities and the standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities). Federal standards include requirements for the structure, conditions, and results of adapted basic general education programs. The norms of state standards apply to the hearing impaired, deaf and late-deafened, visually impaired and blind, children with severe speech and musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation and autism spectrum disorders, as well as other severe defects.
Head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Larisa Falkovskaya said:

- In order for officials to be able to provide all the necessary conditions by September 1, 2016, it is necessary long before this date to know exactly how many children with what health conditions and what conditions they need, and what school they will go to. Parents can choose an educational institution. They have a choice whether to send their child to a correctional or regular school. But this needs to be decided in advance, and not on September 1st!

Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Veniamin Kaganov said that the standards were born in the heat of serious discussions. The standards developers received thousands of proposals, and there was no confidence that representatives of different schools, parent associations and other interested groups would be able to agree - the characteristics and needs of children are too different! But we still managed to hear each other and agree on the main thing.

Kaganov noted:

- I am afraid that I cannot guarantee that all schools will be 100% ready to work according to the new standards from September 1, 2016. Our task is to move step by step to ensure that there are more and more schools where special children can study, without panic, rationally, using all possible resources. In some places it will be faster, in others slower - it depends on the level of equipment of schools and the training of teachers. But in any case, no one is going to spread this process endlessly over time.
Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Irina Terekhina clarified that the task of creating conditions for inclusive education by September 1, 2016 is facing every educational institution. To solve it, an appropriate material and technical base and personnel training are required. The regions should deal with these issues now.

As for personnel, a training program has already been developed.

- To this project, - said the vice-rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University Svetlana Alekhina, - a thousand people were caught. Half of them will be trained remotely, half in person.

Changes to the education programs of teachers, psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists will continue to be made. But in addition to teachers, it is necessary to prepare accompanying people for children with disabilities - tutors. A simple volunteer cannot cope with such work; special knowledge is needed.

It is obvious that there is a lot of work to be done in the next year and a half. And let’s hope that all participants in the implementation of inclusive education standards will adequately cope with the task entrusted to them - after all, it depends on whether children will receive truly equal educational opportunities.

Lydia Gromeka

From September 1, 2016, a new standard will come into force, which specifies special requirements for the structure, results and conditions of education for children with disabilities. It’s still too early to make assessments, but experts note that children involved in the new educational model show positive learning dynamics. Already today, in all regions of the country, work is actively underway to create a barrier-free environment in schools, kindergartens, and additional education institutions, and the material, technical and personnel base is being improved.

Work to create conditions for inclusion in secondary schools in Russia is carried out with the active support of government institutions at various levels. The final first stage of the state program “Accessible Environment” was aimed at implementing this task in 2011-2015. The program provides for an increase to 45% by 2016 in social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities accessible to people with limited mobility.

As part of the creation of a modern information and educational environment on the basis of pilot sites, approaches to equipping classrooms with multimedia, computer and educational laboratory equipment, and the use of electronic educational resources in the educational process have been developed.


Today, 482 thousand children with special educational needs are studying in Russian educational institutions. Of these, 270 thousand study inclusively in secondary schools, the rest in special educational correctional institutions. According to the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, in the last three years alone, the number of children who have been included has increased by more than 21 thousand people.

There are different models of activity for centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance. In addition to educators, the new model kindergartens employ qualified teachers, psychologists, defectologists, and speech therapists. If necessary, in some regions the child is provided with a tutor. This approach helps socialize not only children, but also the family as a whole. Parents do not need to give up employment or choose a lower-paying job for the opportunity to additionally visit specialized centers with their child. He receives all the assistance necessary for the child’s individual development in his educational institution according to programs recommended to him by specialists in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.


At the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference “Inclusive Education: Results, Experience and Prospects,” the results of the second all-Russian competition “Inclusive School of Russia” were summed up and the winners were awarded. In the category “Best kindergarten implementing inclusive practices” the winners were: GBDOU No. 83 (St. Petersburg) and the “Our Home” Department of GBOU School No. 1206 (Moscow).

The “Regional Center for Diagnostics and Consulting” (Novosibirsk region) was recognized as the “best resource center for inclusive education”.

The winner in the nomination “Best Teacher of Inclusive Education” was a teacher of Russian language and literature at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution No. 3 (Sverdlovsk Region).

In the category "Best practice of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education" the victory was won by the Verkh-Tulinsk secondary school No. 14 (Novosibirsk region). "The best school implementing inclusive practices" was recognized by MBOU "Secondary School No. 84" (Tomsk Region).

The article was prepared based on materials from RIA / Photo: RIA