Electric boilers in a private house. How to choose electric heating boilers: boiler type, power and other parameters. Electrode heating boilers

Both the owners of ordinary apartments and the owners of luxurious country houses are faced with the need to choose heating equipment for their home. And the majority opt for electric boilers for space heating.

Among the advantages of such equipment are ease of installation, affordable cost and complete safety of use; that is why electric boilers are so in demand today.

How to avoid mistakes in choosing an electric boiler for heating and heating a home? In what situations is heating with electricity justified? How to determine the power of the unit? Which electrical cable is suitable for connection? Is there a way to reduce the cost of heating a country house? Similar questions arise before thrifty owners.

In order to correctly determine the choice of a boiler operating on electricity, you should study the main parameters of such units.


there is different types equipment designed for heating buildings. The boilers differ in the way they work and use different types of fuel. Each variety has its own characteristics.

Electric boilers also have their own parameters. You should know them in order to understand what functions such equipment can perform, and what expectations will not be met.

On a note! Only a small heating unit with a maximum consumption of 3.5 kW can be connected to a simple electrical outlet.

The calculations are very simple: all outlets are marked with a voltage limit of 16 amperes. If the voltage is 220 volts, then the maximum allowable power will be 3520 watts (multiply 16 amperes by 220 volts). Exceeding this value is dangerous.

Electric boiler device diagram

What are the electric boilers for heating? There are modern units on the market, the power of which is 12 kW, intended for connection to a single-phase line, but experts recommend connecting units from 6 kW to the 380 V network.

In order for the heater to receive power, a cord with a cross section of at least 1 mm and designed for loads of 8 A.

The efficiency characteristics of the unit are impressive, since all the electricity consumed is used for heating. Naturally, some models may experience energy losses, which are spent on heating not the heat carrier, but the parts of the structure and its body. In the event that the boiler is installed directly inside the heated room, heat is consumed only for its intended purpose, remaining in a closed loop of the room.

Ignore advertisements claiming that their devices are more efficient: there are more significant parameters that should be considered when choosing a heating boiler - these include the safety and duration of use of the unit, ease of installation and operation, cost, power and efficiency.

Places of heat loss in a private house

Heating with electricity is expensive; it is used only when there are no other possibilities or as a backup heating. You should be prepared for high electricity bills.

Electric boilers have both pros and cons: both should be taken into account. The main advantages are, first of all, ease of installation and use, safety.

Pluses of electric heating

The great advantage of electric boilers is aggregate sizeoperating on electricity. All models of electrical equipment are small in size. In the event that you need to heat a small area, you should choose an electrical appliance for wall installation: it is ergonomic and will easily fit into the environment among other electrical units and pieces of furniture.

Diagram of connecting the boiler to the heating system

Another plus in comparison with other heat sources is absolute zero waste, first of all, the products formed as a result of fuel combustion, since there is no need for their disposal.

This is the purest type of heating device that exists. Lack of waste eliminates contamination of the natural environment. Of course, most of the power plants that supply electricity operate thanks to fuel combustion, and this does not improve the environmental situation at all. But harmful emissions do not enter the environment in your home.

There is no open fire in electric boilers, due to this, their fire safety... But certain measures are still needed for this, since the device is a heat source. But in comparison with the measures that are required when installing units operating on the principle of fuel combustion, they are insignificant.

Electric boilers, easy to install... The installation principle is so simple that even a person without experience and appropriate skills can cope with this task.

The easiest installation is distinguished by units, the design of which includes an expansion tank, electrical control and safety devices, protected by a housing. To install such a device, it is enough to connect the power supply, place the device itself and turn on the heating.

Electric boiler connection and piping diagram

Boilers operating on electricity do not need fuel, which means that there is no need to create fuel reserves and clog up homes with coal, containers with fuel with a liquid consistency, and firewood. It is enough to connect the boiler with a copper cord to the power line.

Ease of service - one more significant advantage. With such a boiler, there are no hassles to control its operation and the amount of fuel in it. You just need to turn on the device. When using a unit operating on solid fuel, it is necessary to put fuel into it at least twice a day and purify it from the products formed during the combustion process. Here, you do not need to think about heating and operation of the device as long as electricity is supplied.

An equally significant advantage is cost... Heating appliances powered by electricity - most affordable.

On a note! A similar heating unit can be designed on your own. The device of electric heaters is rather primitive, therefore, it is not difficult to recreate it.

Cons of heating with electricity

The main disadvantage of heating with electricity is the cost... The price per kilowatt is quite high. To show clearly how expensive such a heating option is, let's make calculations: for heating a house with an area of \u200b\u200b120 sq. m., about 6 kW per hour is required. There are 24 hours in a day, and if we also multiply the cost of one kilowatt (4 rubles) by 30 days, the amount will be impressive - 17,280 rubles. monthly. And if the building is poorly insulated or is located in the northern region, then the electricity consumption for heating will be even higher.

In addition, it is not always possible to provide the required power supply; this problem is especially acute in small settlements.

Factors of natural influence and theft of wires in villages should also be taken into account. If bad weather breaks out, then its consequences can be eliminated for several days. Wind gusts and ice on the wires can deprive lighting and heat.

Let's summarize the analysis of the disadvantages and advantages of electric heating with boilers.

If there is a gas main in the territory of your residence, then the most optimal solution is to connect to it; if it is absent, then a heating system that runs on electricity is already being installed.

The option of heating with electricity is also suitable if the building is not permanently resident and it is not possible to control the operation of a solid fuel boiler, because it is not possible to fully service it.

Do not forget about the possibility of a power outage: in this case, it is better to choose a coolant such as antifreeze instead of water in order to prevent a situation with its freezing.

Types of electric boilers

There are three types of boilers on the market that operate on electricity:

  • induction appliances;
  • Heating elements;
  • electronic devices.

TENOVA units

Electric boilers of TENOV type are the most reliable, they are used most often.

Diagram of a heating element electric boiler

The design features of such units are simple: several electric tube-type heaters are lowered into a bowl filled with water. As a rule, they are turned on one by one in order to increase the power of the device. The power of each element is about 2 kW. The total power is determined by the number of heating elements. The water is driven by a pumping mechanism built into the body of the device.

This design has certain features. For example, in flow-through heat carrier systems, in which part of the water is taken from the heating circuit, scale appears on the working areas of the heating elements during their operation, which negatively affects the operation of the device, which reduces the parameters of its power and often leads to overheating of heating elements. All this can cause destruction of the heating element. But in most cases, such systems have a closed circuit, eliminating the problem of scale formation.

The cost of such units is low, since they are distinguished by their simple design and have been produced for a long time. These are budget devices.

System parameters: temperature level, head are controlled automatically. If failures occur, the heating elements may turn off.

Induction devices

Electric induction boiler design

The induction type of heating devices still functions according to the principle of induction discovered in the 19th century. Scientist Max Faraday found that when a ferromagnetic core is placed in a coil with a copper cable and a current is passed through it, a voltage is generated in the core. In the case of an alternating current, a closed system appears in it with charges of particles constantly moving in it. Due to this movement, heating occurs.

According to this principle, an induction heater, powered by electricity, functions. The dielectric conduit contains a core and a coil is located around it. The heating of the water moving through the pipeline comes from the core, which is heated by the electric current of the coil.

The peculiarity of such a system lies in its small size... This also applies to powerful models: their width is no more than the width of the heating circuit, and their length does not exceed one meter.

This design is primitive, there are no narrow sections in it, therefore malfunctions occur in rare cases... Breakdowns happen only with electronic automation, but it is located outside the contour of the case and does not come into contact with negative influences, moreover, it is easy to change it.

There is such a device more expensive than heating units... But there are no reasonable arguments for such a price, since the device of induction boilers is not much more complicated than heating elements, but their cost on the market has not yet decreased.

The advantages of induction devices include the fact that several units can be combined into a line to increase power.

Electrode devices

Electrode type electric heating devices function according to a different physical principle: in the presence of salts (in a certain volume) in the water, resistance is inherent in it, and an alternating electric current can pass through it; due to this, it is heated. Electrode heaters function according to this principle.

Electrode electric boiler design

Electrode boilers are the safest to operate... In the case of water flowing out of the container, heating stops, because there is no more heat source, electricity from the electrode elements will not go through the air.

It is necessary that the water in the container meets the standards and contains salts in a certain amount: in most cases, this is ordinary water suitable for drinking.

The disadvantage of such a system is that it from time to time needs replacement of electrode elements... During the operation of the device, water absorbs electrode atoms, due to this, the electrode elements are destroyed. In principle, the operation of such a system is not difficult.

What type of electric boilers is better to choose and preferable to install for a country house? Decide for yourself, focusing on the principles of their functioning.


In the case of heating with electricity, the power of the device is equal to the heat power.

Power is calculated using simple rules. It takes about 40 watts to heat one cube of the area. To the resulting value, add 100 W from each window opening, and from the doorway - twice as much. These are average figures and may vary by region. For settlements in Siberia, it is necessary to multiply by a value of 1.5-2, for regions located in the middle lane - by 1.2-1.3, for the southern territories the coefficient is 0.7-0.9.

Dependence of boiler power and power consumption on the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room

These figures apply exclusively to heating the apartment; for private households, the total should be multiplied by 1.5. This is due to high heat losses through the roof and floors (if there is no basement).

For example, let's take a small household located in the south with an area of \u200b\u200b80 square meters. m, ceiling height 3 m. The house has six windows and one door. 80 x 40 W x 3 m + 600 (windows) +200 (door) and multiply the resulting value by the coefficient southern region 0.7 and private households 1.5. The final result is 10,920 watts.

Additional features

When choosing an electric boiler, a number of other points should be considered. First of all, operational safety is important.

Council. Do not save and buy a device with sensors that control temperature and pressure. In such a unit with a sharp leap The heating elements will shut off automatically.

The device and principle of operation of the EPV boiler

Most owners of private houses make a choice in favor of heating equipment with a flow-through water heater. Such devices make it possible to obtain heated water. But at the same time, we must not forget that if the water intake is large, then the electricity costs will be appropriate.

The best option is a boiler: it allows you to save and store heated water in case the system fails. And at the same time much less power is spent.

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The procedure and nuances of do-it-yourself roof insulation of a house are described in the article at:

Savings methods

The main question that torments the owners of electric heating boilers is how to save electricity in order to reduce the cost of paying heating bills. There are several recommendations from people who use such boilers and manufacturers of heating equipment.

In the event that different tariffs are set in your region (at night - one, during the day - another), you should try to save on this moment. For this purpose, heat accumulators are installed and included in the piping of the heater. At night, the electricity tariff is lower, the electric unit will heat a large container of water, and during the day it will be used to heat the home.

If it's not too cold outside, you can use air conditioners for heating. The air conditioner converts 1 kW of electrical energy into 5 kW of heat: it takes heat from the outside (this is due to the difference in power).

Such an air conditioner is economically feasible to use for heating premises in southern latitudes with a mild climate. In order to heat an 80 sq. m, located, for example, in Sochi, three air conditioners are enough; the power of each should be 3 kW. This heating option is the most profitable for homeowners in the southern area.

Knowledge of the features of electric boilers and the principles of their operation will help you choose the right heating equipment.


Below we suggest watching a video review on how to choose the right electric boiler for heating a private house:

Today, the problem of selecting a heating system for a private house is becoming more acute and urgent. Electric boilers for heating a private house in recent times begin to enjoy great popularity. Many reasons contribute to this, such as, for example, a low level of security or the absence of a gas pipeline near the house. Modern technologies do not stand still, so today you can find a great variety of various heating electrical appliances on sale. Thanks to a wide range, you can choose the most suitable device model, with which you can create the most optimal temperature conditions in the house.

Not only the microclimate in the house depends on the choice of the heater, but also the convenience of its use, and the reliability of the entire system.

Types of heating electric boilers

An electric boiler for heating a private house consists of several main components, such as:

  • Housing. All its constituent parts are collected here.
  • Heat exchanger. It contains a heating component and a coolant tank.
  • Regulation, control and monitoring units.

Modern electric boilers for home heating, in addition to the main components, are also equipped with various sensors and valves, as well as a built-in circulation pump.

Thanks to modern electric boilers for home heating, you can not only heat water, but also provide a safe and economical operating mode. Regardless of the manufacturer, all units work according to the same principle of operation. The heating component, which is located in the heat exchanger, converts electrical energy into heat energy. Due to it, the coolant is heated, which is transferred to the heating radiators through pipes.

Electric boilers for heating a house can be electrode, induction and with heating elements. The latter have recently become increasingly popular. Regardless of the manufacturer, domestic or imported, such boilers practically do not differ in design features. The difference can only be observed in terms of additional functions or security level.

Electric boilers for home heating can be divided according to the operating voltage category. Thus, there are the following types of boilers:

  • Electric boilers for home heating 220v;
  • From a voltage of 380V. Typically, such boilers are three-phase and have a minimum power of 12 kW.
  • Mixed boilers.

Also, boilers may differ in such a criterion as the installation method. Boilers can be floor-standing or wall-mounted.

Pros and cons of eclectic boilers

Electric heating boilers for private houses have both their own advantages and disadvantages. Among their advantages are the following:

  • Electric boilers do not need a time-consuming and laborious installation.
  • There is no need to connect a chimney or pipe to an electric boiler. All that is required is simply to connect it to the network.
  • Compared to a gas boiler, there is no need to look for a separate room for an electric boiler.

  • Compared to gas boilers, 220V electric boilers for heating houses are lighter and not so large. Also, during the operation of the boiler, it is not necessary to carry out special measures and additional costs are not expected.
  • An electric boiler is the safest from an environmental point of view, since no carbon monoxide is emitted during its operation.
  • An electric boiler has a fairly high efficiency rate, from 95 to 98%.

In order to connect an electric boiler to the heating system, you need to choose the wiring with the most suitable cross-section. This will not only allow the system to run smoothly, but also minimize the risk of short circuits.

Electric boilers have their own disadvantages, which are shown by reviews:

  • In order to connect an electric boiler, it is necessary to calculate as accurately as possible how much electrical cable is required.
  • To provide power to the device, a separate line must be drawn from the shield.
  • Electricity is a more expensive source of energy than gas, for example.

When buying an electric boiler, various factors can influence its choice. From conditions such as the type of heating system, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room that needs to be heated, the level of efficiency of heating radiators and batteries, it depends on how many kilowatts per month will be required to heat a house. Boilers are different in power, which means that their electricity consumption will be different. For example, a wall-mounted electric boiler for heating a house is more compact than a floor-standing one, and it will consume power from 2.5 kW per hour. Boilers with a higher power can consume up to 20 kW per hour.

With a wall-mounted electric boiler, you can heat a room or house with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 25 square meters. meters. In rooms with a large area, it makes no sense to connect it, since it will not be effective. It is also impractical to connect a boiler with high power for small rooms.

In order for the house to be heated not only in the most optimal way, but also without overpaying extra money, you need to measure the power of the electric boiler for heating the house in parallel with the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

There is a formula to be guided by when choosing an electric boiler. The power of the appliance should be about 10 times lower than the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. For example, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is about 100 sq. meters, you will need an electric boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. These figures are approximate, as there are other factors that can affect the efficiency of the heating system. These include the presence of thermal insulation, the location of the wind rose and others. From these factors, the required power of the heating boiler can be slightly reduced.

A good solution would be to install a multi-tariff meter. The boiler can be turned on at a time when the electricity tariff is at its minimum.

The cost of electric boilers for the heating system

A small device with a minimum number of parameters and functions will cost about 2,000 rubles. Such a boiler will be of the wall type and will be able to heat a small private or country house.

A powerful device with a large number of functions and capable of heating a large mansion or cottage will cost 50,000 rubles or more.

The manufacturer's brand will not necessarily affect the price of an electric boiler, its parameters and equipment will be more important. The wider range that the devices possess makes them a higher price point.

Also, the cost of an electric boiler can be affected by the presence of another circuit. Such a boiler can heat not only the coolant, but also the water in the water supply system. Such a boiler would be an excellent solution for those private houses that do not have access to central hot water supply. Although it will cost a little more, it will be more useful and more effective.

The boiler can be equipped with a component such as a magnesium anode. It is necessary in order to soften water if it has high hardness values. Also, electric boilers for heating a private house can be equipped with various sensors, such as: a temperature sensor, a pressure sensor, a liquid level control sensor and others.

A modern boiler with a large number of functions will make the heating of a private house with an electric boiler practically autonomous. It is enough to set the required operating parameters just once and the program will maintain the set temperature regime. In this case, in the process of heating the house, a person will practically not take part.

A striking example of such a boiler is the Protherm Skat 9K device, which has a power of 9 kW and is capable of heating a house with an area of \u200b\u200b80-90 sq. meters. Efficiency indicator this device is 99.5%. Such a boiler is in rather high demand among the owners of private or country houses.

Another striking representative, which falls into approximately the same price category, is the boiler from the German manufacturer Vaillant eloBLOCK 9KVR14. It has similar power parameters and is an efficient and reliable heating device.

Among domestic brands, such models of electric boilers as Evan and RUSNIT are popular.

The correct choice of a boiler can be made only when its parameters are selected based on specific factors, such as thermal insulation, house area and calculation of an electric boiler for heating a house.

Electric heating boilers are in stable demand among owners of private houses, since it is not advisable to use powerful heating equipment in all rooms. And also quite often any other sources besides electricity are simply absent - and then it is much easier to provide the cottage with electricity than to supply gas to it. You can also choose a solid fuel boiler, but solid fuel requires both storage and delivery space, while electricity is always at hand.

You can buy an electric boiler "Proterm" or any other popular and reliable manufacturer in our company. Here you will find many types of heating equipment, as well as quality service, a full guarantee for all goods and fast delivery.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boilers

The main advantages of electric heating boilers are the following factors:

  • relative cheapness and easy access to an energy source;
  • a minimum of mechanical parts, due to which the maintenance of such a boiler is easier than a gas or any other;
  • the possibility of automatic operation, which allows you to turn on the heating at any time convenient for you according to a given program;
  • lack of noise during operation. An important feature for a residential building, as well as compactness and low weight, which allows you to install electric boilers almost anywhere;
  • no harmful emissions into the atmosphere and the need for additional installation of the chimney.

Among the disadvantages of electric heating boilers are low power. For heating rooms over 300 sq. m of such equipment is not enough. Another disadvantage is low efficiency, due to which they consume quite a lot of electricity.

Features of electric boilers

Due to the ability to heat relatively small areas, electric heating boilers are used in apartments, as well as private houses and medium-sized industrial premises. Often, such equipment is installed as additional to the main one (gas or solid fuel). Thus, the possibility of shutting down the heating system due to the temporary lack of other types of fuel, except for electricity, is prevented.

The main requirement when using an electric boiler Galan, Vaillant and other brands is the technical possibility of installing equipment of similar power in the room, that is, it is necessary to provide for the presence of an appropriate power supply system in advance.

Electricity is the most common type of energy carrier, which predetermined its mass use for heating, despite its higher cost than gas. The task of heating a private house can be realized with the help of an electric boiler, but it is necessary to choose it correctly.

Electric boiler for heating a private house: the main advantages

An electric boiler for heating is a device that converts electricity into thermal energy and circulates the coolant in a pipeline heating system. The use of such devices has a number of advantages over their counterparts that run on solid fuel or gas:

  • ease of use (switching on, off and adjusting the temperature of the coolant is carried out by pressing several buttons);
  • absolute environmental friendliness (during operation they do not produce smoke, ash or noise);
  • the ability to install in houses of any size and architecture;
  • low cost;
  • minimal fire hazard;
  • do not require the connection of additional lines and pipelines to the house;
  • full automation of heating.

In addition, electric boilers are characterized by a fairly high efficiency: depending on the model, the efficiency of such devices varies within 95-98%.

The main types of electric boilers and their characteristics

Electric boilers differ from each other in the following ways:

  • by the mechanism of heating the coolant;
  • by the number of contours;
  • by power;
  • at the place of installation.

Wall or floor

First of all, when choosing an electric boiler, you should pay attention to the place of its installation, whether it is suitable in size for the room, will it hang on the wall or stand on the floor. Wall mounted boilers lighter and more compact, however, to provide heat to large houses of 2-3 floors, it is better to give preference to floor-standing heat generators. In addition, many units are double-circuit and immediately with built-in boiler systems, this is very convenient, but this affects both the dimensions of the device and its weight.

Selection by power parameter

The power of such units directly depends on the boiler power supply circuit, it can be of two types - single-phase or three-phase. In the first case, the heat generator operates from a common network (220V), and its power does not exceed 5 kW. Three-phase ones operate from a power voltage (380V), that is, they require an additional cable of a larger cross-section, in such models, the power of heat generators is 15 kW or more.

By the number of contours

Electric boilers are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit. A heat generator of the first type can only heat private house, providing hot coolant to the pipeline heating system. And the second one is connected to two lines and also provides hot water for domestic needs.

Choosing an electric boiler for heating based on the heating principle

According to the mechanism of heating the coolant, electric boilers for heating a private house are divided into three main types:

  • electrode;
  • tenovye;
  • induction.

This parameter seems to be the most interesting, therefore, we will analyze each type of heat generators in more detail.

The circuit for heating the coolant in an electrode boiler is not so easy to understand: the fact is that the electrodes themselves do not heat up during operation - they only transfer electrical energy to the water. Due to the work of electricity, water is divided into negative and positively charged ions, which move along their own electrode. The movement of ions leads to intensive heating of the coolant. The unpleasant moment of this scheme is that over time, salt precipitates on the electrodes, which reduces the efficiency of the device.

The negative features of such devices also include the following aspects:

  • requires preparation before starting (works with water with a certain specific resistance value);
  • it is necessary to control the level of the coolant in the system (an insufficient level can lead to boiling);
  • as the electrodes fail, they will have to be replaced with new ones;
  • it is impossible to use antifreeze liquid as a heat carrier.

Nevertheless, such a model of an electric heating boiler differs in a number of advantages, which include:

  • low price;
  • absolute safety;
  • miniature sizes;
  • gradual reaching the specified power.

The algorithm of operation of heating devices is much easier to understand, because the mechanism of its operation is somewhat similar to an ordinary electric kettle. Heating water comes from heating elements - hollow metal tubes that glow when electricity passes through them.

Heating units have become widespread due to their simplicity of design, miniature dimensions and unlimited customization options.

In such heat generators, the coolant temperature can be controlled in two ways:

  1. First, the sensor takes the temperature of the coolant, and depending on this indicator, the device increases or decreases the heating power.
  2. The second - the temperature sensor takes the air temperature in the room, and depending on its value, the device regulates the heating to the specified figure. In the second case, the temperature sensor will have to be taken out separately from the boiler, but such an arrangement will allow for more accurate regulation of the room temperature and reduce energy costs.

A significant disadvantage of a heating element boiler is the need to periodically replace the heating element (heating element) and clean it. The fact is that when heated, salts are deposited on the heating element, which are in the coolant. These salts impede heat transfer and significantly reduce the efficiency of the heat generator.

The operation algorithm of an induction boiler is based on the laws of electromagnetic induction: water circulates through tubes made of ferrimagnetic material. This piping is part of a secondary winding or core. Tubes of ferrimagnetic alloys, heated under the influence of an electromagnetic field, transfer heat to the water circulating through them.

An induction electric heating boiler has the following advantages:

  • high level of security;
  • high reliability (due to the absence of detachable elements, leakage is completely excluded);
  • the ability to use any type of coolant.

At the same time, such a boiler model also has disadvantages, of which there are only two - too large dimensions and an extremely high price.

How profitable are electric boilers for a private house

It is impossible to answer this question with absolute precision. The fact is that this question has several aspects. Of course, the price of gas as an energy source is much lower than that of electricity. But do not forget that for gas heating it is necessary to equip an expensive chimney and piping, and an electric boiler for heating a house will not require these costs.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe heated housing and the degree of its insulation are of great importance. If you heat a small and well-insulated house with an electric boiler, the costs are unlikely to be too burdensome. While heating a large house can be quite expensive, since the energy carrier will be needed many times more. Then gas becomes more cost-effective than electricity, but if there is no gas supply pipeline and the installation of a gas tank is impossible, this is the only option.

In modern stores, a huge assortment of electrical devices of domestic and foreign production is presented, so you can choose absolutely any unit according to the principle of heating, power and the coolant used.


To choose the most profitable heat generator model, you should not rely only on your intuition. Purchase electrical models of heating equipment in specialized stores, where professional consultants can determine optimal modelthat suits your needs. In order not to overpay, it is also worth calculating in advance the required boiler power for your home.

Using information about electric boilers and the recommendations of our specialists, you can choose as accurately as possible a model of an electric boiler for a private house.

The choice of an electric boiler is not difficult. You just need to know how to select the power of the equipment, the type of heating element and, no less important, a reliable company. Next, we will consider all the main nuances so that you know how to choose an electric boiler for heating a house, a summer residence or even an apartment. Which electric boiler is better, you can determine only yourself, based on the data provided and the distinctive features of the compared types of heaters.

Heater power

The first and most important selection criterion is the power of the equipment. This parameter is determined depending on the area of \u200b\u200ba private house or apartment. Usually, the following formula is used in the calculations:

W \u003d (40 * Vroom + Qwindow + Qdv) * k ,

  • W is the estimated power of the electric boiler;
  • 40 - the average value of the required equipment power per 1 m 3 of the room, W;
  • Vroom - the total volume of heated space (of all rooms in a house or apartment), calculated as the total area of \u200b\u200bhousing multiplied by the height of the ceilings;
  • Qwindow - heat loss on windows (100 W each);
  • Qдв - heat loss on the door (200 W for each);
  • k - coefficient of the location of the region (southern strip - 0.7-0.9; European and central parts - 1.2-1.4; northern and eastern - 1.8-2).

This formula is suitable if you need to choose an electric boiler for heating an apartment. As for a private house or summer house, then in the calculations you need to multiply the total value by 1.5. The additional factor takes into account the heat loss through the ceiling and floor.

Heating element type

The second, no less important criterion for choosing an electric boiler is by the method of heating water for heating. Today there are heating elements, induction and electrode boilers.

The former are most often found on display cases. They can be both floor-standing and wall-mounted (mounted). Equipment with a heating element inside is the cheapest and can be used both in private houses and in apartments with a voltage of 220v or 380v. The disadvantage of this type of electric boilers is the formation of scale on the tube heaters. In addition, the power of one electric boiler may not be enough for two-storey house, and it is not always possible to install several heaters due to their size.

In this regard, the choice of an induction boiler is a more reasonable decision. Due to their small dimensions (seen in the photo below), such heaters can be connected to one heating system, which will increase its power to the required value. The only obstacle is the higher cost of the equipment. An induction electric boiler can be chosen for heating a summer cottage of an impressive area. A very important advantage of induction appliances is that they are the most economical, which is especially important for spacious houses.

Well, the last type of heater is electrode. Such devices are considered the safest, but at the same time, the most whimsical to the coolant - water. At the cost, you may not feel much difference, but still most often the choice of an electric boiler with an ionic heating method is carried out for private houses and summer cottages.

Video instruction on how to choose an electric boiler and which one is better according to the main indicators:

Review from a specialist

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A lot will depend on the correct choice of the brand of the device - the durability of the heating system, the quality of work, safety and, of course, the cost of the electric boiler. Now we will tell you which electric boiler company is better to choose in 2017, so as not to overpay and be calm for the purchase.

Today, Bosch, Vaillant and Dakon are considered the best boiler manufacturers. A little cheaper, but still good quality equipment from Kospel and Protherm. The domestic leader in the production of wall-mounted electric boilers is the RusNit company, which specializes in the production of both household and industrial models.

From my own experience I would like to say that 4 years ago I was advised to choose a two-circuit electric boiler from Protherm. During this time, the device never failed, and at the same time it was one of the cheapest in the store for the price, so my review - "Proterm" is the best manufacturer of household heating units.

Additional features

If you decide to choose a good electric boiler for heating a private house or apartment, then pay attention to the presence of several very important functions:

  1. The presence of a multifunctional control system, which is clearly displayed on the display. Your unit must be equipped with temperature and pressure sensors, as well as the ability to smoothly adjust the water temperature. If the pressure in the system drops, you will be able to notice this in a timely manner and correct the situation as soon as possible.
  2. Possibility of automatic power selection for heating operation. To save energy, the boiler will be able to independently change the heating power during operation.
  3. The possibility of using an electric boiler for hot water supply at home. Most modern models of equipment can be used not only as heating equipment, but also as a boiler. It is very convenient, but the consumption of electricity, as you understand, increases.

Consideration of the main types of devices

These are the parameters for the independent selection of electric boilers. We hope that now you know how to choose the right electric boiler for heating a house, apartment or summer cottage, and, no less important, which companies are better to give preference to in 2017!

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