Day of the angel alexandra women's according to the church calendar. When is Angel Alexandra day? Alexander's birthday in June

Every month. On January 17, the church commemorates the martyr Bishop Alexander, who died for the faith, and the martyr Alexander of Rome. In March, Alexander has six name days at once: on the 3rd, 8th, 22nd, 26th, 28th and 29th. These are the days of memory of Alexander Medvedsky, the original leader of the monastery of the Unsleeping Reverend Alexander, the martyr Alexander of Sebastia, the holy martyr Alexander of Pindus, the priest of the city of Side, the holy martyr Alexander and Pope Alexander, respectively.

On April 9, the church commemorates the Monk Alexander Votsky, who served in Soligalich in the 10-12th century, and on April 23, the Martyr Alexander the African. - the day of memory of Alexander Svirsky, whose relics were found in 1641. In May, Alexander can be congratulated for two days in a row - on the 3rd and 4th, when the monks Alexander Oshevensky and Alexander of Sinai are commemorated, and then on May 26 and 29 in the days of commemoration of the holy martyr Bishop Alexander of Tiberian and Saint Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem.

On the day of the name day, it is customary for righteous Christians to attend church, receive communion and confess. After that, you can arrange a small meal for those closest to you and commemorate the saints with prayer.

In June, Angel Alexander Day falls on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 22nd and 23rd. These days, the church reads a commemoration for Alexander Petrovsky, Alexander of Aegean, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, martyr Alexander, who died in 1794, Bishop Alexander of Prussia, and warrior Alexander, who died a martyr's death, respectively.

In July, Alexander celebrates the 22nd and 23rd (the day of memory of Alexander of Egypt and Alexander Nikopolsky). In August, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates Hieromartyr Alexander (August 7), Martyr Alexander of Perga (August 14), Martyr Alexander of Rome, son of Martyr Claudius of Rome (24 August) and Bishop Hieromartyr Alexander of Coman (25 August).

The autumn months are marked by the following name days for Alexander: September 12 (Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople; Alexander Svirsky; holy grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, in schema Alexy), 5 (righteous Alexander), October 11 (Alexander Kalitsky, a blacksmith who met martyrdom in the 6th century), October 30 (Archbishop Hieromartyr Alexander Shchukin of Nizhny Novgorod), November 4 (Bishop Alexander Adrianople), November 22 (martyr Alexander Solunsky). And in December, the Day of the Angel can be celebrated on the 6th and 25th in the days of the memory of the holy right-believing prince Alexander Nevsky and the Bishop of Jerusalem, Hieromartyr Alexander.

The best gift for a person celebrating Angel's Day is an icon of a saint, but it is also customary to give various church symbols, jewelry with the first letter of the name or souvenirs that are appropriate for this holiday.

Alexandra's birthday

Alexandra, whose name is translated from Greek as "courageous", celebrates the Day of the Angel six times a year: in April, when the Martyr Alexandra of Pontic is commemorated on the 2nd; May 6, on the day of memory of Alexandra of Rome - the empress, who was martyred for her faith; May 31, the feast day of the Martyr Alexandra of Corinth. In June, Alexandra has a name day on the 26th (Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya), and in July - on the 17th (Empress Alexandra, holy passion-bearer). November 19 is another day in memory of the Martyr Alexandra of Corinth.

In most cases, Sasha's girls are capricious and stubborn, especially if they are the only ones in the family. They are often single-handed and do not like to play with other children. They feel good alone with themselves. In her studies, she always has success: willingly study at "excellent".

At first glance, it seems that all female Alexandras are closed, but in fact, inside they are very bright and happy to communicate with any people. It's just that they often look for a person who will like them for a long time. He treats people with all sincerity and expects the same in return. They are always fair in their decisions. Despite the assumed indifference, Alexandras are quite inquisitive.

Fate: Alexandra is one of those who prefer to make decisions themselves. She is ambitious, but she can go to the goal all her life, being distracted by trifles.

The Saints: Alexandra Amissia (name day on April 2), Alexandra Rimskaya (name day on May 6).

Angel Alexandra Day

From the ancient Greek language - the protector of people, protecting - the female form of the male name Alexander It is possible that the word originally comes from the name of the ancient Greek hero - Ales (Alez, Alest), a descendant of Hercules, king of Mycenae.

As a child, Alexandra is somewhat shy, reads a lot, studies well. Due to the fact that Sasha often likes to "snack", especially with various "yummy", which her parents (mainly grandmother) spoil her, she looks like a kind of "bun" against the background of her peers.

However, in high school, intensive sports, a moderate diet, general cleaning in the house, which Sasha often voluntarily takes upon herself, completely relieve her of extra pounds. And already at the age of 17-18, Sasha turns from a "bun" into a gazelle - playful, cheerful, graceful, able to maintain a conversation with any young man. She has more than enough fans.

However, Alexandra is in no hurry to get married. First of all, she seeks to get a good education, and she wants to choose an ideal companion, such that he would be both a friend, and a lover, and an assistant in household chores. She herself is a wonderful housewife in the family, a caring mother, knows how to find a common language with children. Alexandra is respected by her work colleagues. She can be a good doctor, translator (she has a tendency to foreign languages), economist (accountant), teacher.

Straightforward, deliberately rational, forcibly entering the perfection of virtues, Alexandra is such in her phenomenality, in her cruel truth, while in the depths she is blind, insanely insistent. Women's chaos, not seeing herself and not admitting to herself, that's what she is. Meanwhile, pushed by a blind will, Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, firmly holding on to what she has outlined as a reasonable and proven goal.

Alexander's Name Day on the Church Calendar

  • February 18 - Alexandra (Kasparova), prmts. / newcomer /
  • March 14 - Alexandra (Dyachkova), prmts. / newcomer /
  • March 22 - Alexandra (Samoilova), prmts. / newcomer /
  • April 2 - Alexandra Amisia (Pontic), mts.
  • May 6 - Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, mts., Empress
  • May 31 - Alexandra Ankirskaya (Corinthian), mts., Virgin
  • June 26 - Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), Venerable
  • July 17 - Alexandra (Romanova), Passion-bearer, Empress / newcomer /
  • September 30 - Alexandra (Khvorostyannikova), prmts., Novice / newcomer /
  • October 13 - Alexandra (Chervyakova), prmts., Schema nun / novomuch./
  • October 15 - Alexandra, mts.
  • November 19 - Alexandra Ankirskaya (Corinthian), mts., Virgin
  • December 23 - Alexandra (Ustyukhina), mts. / newcomer /

The male part of the population with the name celebrates the name day more than representatives of other names. They are worshiped more than 100 times a year, almost every third day of the year. According to the church calendar, the name coincides with the worldly -.

  • In January - 8, 10, 14, 17, 31;
  • in February - 7, 17, 19, 20, 21;
  • in March - 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30;
  • in April - 9, 23, 27, 28, 30;
  • in May - 3, 4, 24, 26, 27, 29;
  • in June - 1, 2, 8, 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27;
  • in July - 1, 6, 10, 16, 21, 22, 23;
  • in August - 2, 7, 11, 14, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29;
  • in September - 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26;
  • in October - 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 24, 25, 30;
  • in November - 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27;
  • in December - 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 17, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30.

Origin, meaning and interpretation of the name

From the merger of the two Greek words "alex" ("protector") and "andros" (man "), the name Alexander was formed. The combination of these words began to be interpreted as "protector". Some people associate the name with the genius commander Alexander the Great, a courageous and courageous man, a man of action. Thanks to him, the name became popular in Europe. With the advent of Christianity, it became popular in Russia and is still in the top of popular names. The owners of such a sonorous and majestic name were emperors (Alexander I, II and III), generals (Suvorov, Nevsky), writers (Pushkin, Blok, Kuprin, Green), artists (Bryullov, Benois) and many more famous people... This only emphasizes the greatness and significance of the name.

The name itself already betrays Alexander's leadership qualities and willpower. The name bestows on a person with this great name authority, nobility, courage, and confidence. He will achieve the goals that he set for himself. And he will do it with all his efforts.

A great dreamer and dreamer who at times exists in his own invented universe. He desires love, although he himself is not ready to love. He is a charming man with a sense of humor that many girls succumb to. However, being with him is very difficult. At times, he shows rudeness, harshness and does not observe the bounds of decency. Sasha can be irritable and angry, mental health problems are likely. He needs female care, warmth, a sense of peace and security, and at the same time remain independent.

He has excellent intuition and reaction, and his dedication can only be envied. Thanks to all this, he reaches heights in his career. Although we can confidently call a decisive and strong-willed person, he questions a lot. He has a fear of the unknown and failure. It will never work to bribe Sasha with flattery or to influence him by force. He can listen to the opinion of another person and listen to his advice, but in no case should he be forced to do this by force, otherwise the result will be completely opposite.

Alexander is a touchy and vengeful person. Under the influence of resentment and revenge, he can do such things that later he will regret it. Handles money wisely, making a profitable investment in a profitable enterprise.

In business and career, Alexander reaches heights, investing all his strength, knowledge and skills. He only moves forward. Status and wealth are important to him. He will be an honest and fair leader, however for the result he can cheat without remorse. In addition to a successful business, he can become a successful journalist, actor, lawyer, economist.

As a wife, Sasha will choose a strong woman who will take care of him and obey. In it, he seeks understanding and support. He may be an unfaithful spouse, but he will take care of his wife and love only her. For the family, he tries his best.

Patrons of the name

Alexander of Constantinople is considered the patron saint of Alexandrov. He was born in Asia and studied in Constantinople. After that, he took monastic vows at the Syrian monastery. After 4 years, he went into the wilderness with one Gospel. He wandered in the desert for 7 years, and then the Almighty called him to preach to the pagans. He founded the Monastery of the Unsleeping One, where services were held around the clock. After 20 years of reigning at the monastery, he again went on a journey and preached to the pagans.

Hegumen, Venerable Alexander Svirsky - days of veneration on April 30 and September 12. His real name is Amos. At the age of 19, he went to the island of Valaam and was a novice for 7 years. Then he was tonsured with the name Alexander. I lived in a cave for 7 years. Famous for multiple miracles and righteous life. He had many students and followers. He is the only Russian saint to have seen the apparitions of the Holy Trinity.

The patron saint of the name Alexander is called the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky. It is called a symbol of medieval Russia. He did not lose a single battle when Russia was attacked by Europeans and Mongol-Tatars. Alexander Nevsky is a good commander and diplomat. He made peace with the Golden Horde and saved Russia from Western attacks, preventing the Catholic faith from spreading to the territory of the Orthodox state.

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One of the most important holidays for a person is the day of his name. Many people confuse angel day and name day, believing that these are two identical holidays. But they are wrong. On the day of the name, they remember the saint, whose name is given to the child. And the angel's day - when the baby was baptized. These holidays can coincide and be celebrated on the same day, but this does not mean that they are one and the same celebration. For example, Alexander's name day in one of the months of the year coincides with the day of his angel.

Angel Day and Alexander's name day

Everyone treats the choice of a name for their child differently. Some call it the name that they like, and someone strictly according to the calendar. This is the choice of everyone. But the day of the name, like the day of the angel, is for everyone. For instance, alexander's Angel Day church calendar may well coincide with his name day. This holiday has been honored by the people for a very long time, most of modern society knows about its existence, but for some reason they do not give it any attention. And only the church remembers all the birthday people on the day of their names.

Name days, like all holidays, had their own characteristics. On this day, guests were called and a small feast was arranged. The main dish of the holiday was considered to be a pie, which was baked by relatives of the birthday man. And it was also mandatory visiting church that day: in the morning it was necessary to pray and light a candle to the saint, whose name was given to the child. And in the evening, in fact, there was a holiday. The birthday boy was given gifts. Usually these are church attributes: church literature, icons, candles, etc.

Dates for boys

Alexander's birthday orthodox calendar celebrated many times a year. The name is quite popular in our days, it was also in demand 100-200 years ago. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many saints on whose days someone celebrates their name days. Probably, noble adventure and roots of the name are still pushing modern mothers to call their sons "protectors":

There are many different names for this name. Previously, there was a small list of numbers, but over time it began to expand, and now you can find Alexander's name days even for every day. But this list is the most accurate, verified with many Orthodox calendars.

By the way, the spiritual name of the child may not be the same as that stated on the birth certificate. It can be chosen completely different.

Name day for girls

According to the church calendar, Alexander celebrates her name days much less often. The male version of the name is in great demand, and there are much more holidays in honor of the saints named Alexander than in honor of Alexandra. But despite this, there were still holy women.

It's strange that the same name has such a huge popularization gap. After all, if you look at the statistics of girls named by this name over the past 5 years, then the name will appear on the list of rare ones. But if you look at the statistics of the male sex, then among the kids name Alexander is the most popular.

Angel Day and the name day of Alexander and Alexandra can be celebrated on the same day. It is believed that if the name day is very far away for a girl's birthday, then the parents or the church can appoint a name day according to the male calendar. Since they are the same name. And the saints can also be read to girls. Officially, girls have only a few name days a year:

The female version of the name is very different in character from the male one. Despite the fact that the names are similar, Alexandra is the opposite of Alexander.

The day of the angel of Alexandra, the female population with this name, celebrates, like everyone else, on the day of their baptism, that is, usually on the eighth day from birth.

Origin and meaning of the name

The origin of the name Alexander is ancient Greek. Translated means "protector" and "man". Initially, the name was only masculine, and the feminine version appeared much later. The name was great emperors and generals.

It was believed that the name endows the boy with strength and courage, so everyone knew: this is the future ruler growing. Thanks to the famous campaigns of Alexander the Great, Muslims had an analogue of the name - Iskander. And the female form of the name appeared immediately after the canonization of Nevsky. And it still exists.

The name has many meanings: kind, intelligent, wise, brave. The name has secrecy. A person with this name always achieves great heights. Alexander sounds noble and loud. Ease of communication and friendship is inherent in him. There are always many people around this name who treat its owner well.

The female version of the name is translated in the same way as the male one - "protector", but in character there are cardinal differences between a man and a woman who have this name. In other languages \u200b\u200bthere are analogues of the feminine form: Sandra - in English, and in Ukrainian - Olesya. And also Alexandrina and Sandrina. And the male version exists in one copy - Alex.

Alexander, like Alexandra, is a complete church nametherefore it is not changed at baptism. There are several diminutive forms that refer to both names: Sanka, Sanya, Sashka, Savushka, Sanechka, and the most common one is Sasha.

Personality characteristic

As a child, boys are very smart and cannot sit still. Because of this, it can bring several problems to its parents. From early childhood, you need to set a goal for the child and push in the right direction, otherwise it will be difficult for him to find himself.

They are very athletic., so it doesn't hurt to send your child to some sports sect, such as wrestling or football. The character is dominated by a little uncertainty along with narcissism.

The boy Sasha is a born leader, due to the fact that he always wants to take the upper hand over everyone, often with this he makes himself ill-wishers. But he absolutely non-conflicting and very sociable... Therefore, he does not have enemies. They love to show off and be the center of attention, so he always has a fairly wide circle of friends, in which he feels himself the main one.

At heart, Sasha is very vulnerable and touchy. He has a good memory for evil, but short for good. He absolutely does not perceive criticism, as he considers it to be something offensive. In life, the main thing is the goal. He will always follow his goal and achieve it in any case. There should be a strong character next to him, capable of pleasing him, and when necessary - stimulating and supporting.

The girl Sasha is very obedient and a real helper for her mother. There is a large proportion of masculine character in it. Everything that can be said about the boy Sasha can be said about her. True, she also lacks femininity. She is a very gentle and caring girl. At school, she learns easily. She has many talents, but unlike the boy, sports are not as close to her as science or art. Because of her good nature, many can sit on her neck. Therefore, her parents should instill perseverance and the ability to siege.

The girl likes to go to extremes: she's either all now, or nothing. A very proud and self-confident lady will never compromise her principles. In life, the main thing for her is family. Girls are always looking for a worthy father for their children and a faithful husband. Since she is always determined in relationships, many guys are intimidated by this. But she is a wonderful wife.

Sasha, named after Saint Alexandrina, can be said to have been born for family life.

Compatibility, profession and mascots

Sasha is a family man. But in his youth, he wants to walk up and therefore is in no hurry to strike up a relationship. Because of the riotous lifestyle in terms of relationships, he often becomes the bearer of the title "womanizer".

But this is for the time being. As soon as a man falls in love, at the same moment he turns in a faithful husband, father and an exemplary family man... With girls named Antonina, Galina, Elena, Larisa, Ulyana and Lyudmila, you can get a long and lasting relationship with a happy ending.

But if a man is already ripe for marriage, then Angela, Veronica, Lydia and Tatiana are ideal for family happiness. Compatibility with the names Veronica and Angela is maximum, so they are potential wives of Alexandrov. But as for Anastasia, Anna, Vera, Diana, Maria and Polina, then it is worth considering. These girls can have an unhappy marriage.

Girls named Alexandra are very domestic and ready for marriage at any time. Therefore, many relationships do not end well. But with many names sasha has maximum compatibility... You can try to build relationships with Boris, Gleb, Dmitry and Nikolai. But in the role of a husband, you should take a closer look at Alexei, Anatoly, Bogdan, Victor, Vladimir, Veniamin, Daniil, Denis, Ivan, Eugene, Egor, Makar, Matvey, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Roman, Timur, Timofey, Yuri and Philip.

But Anton, Artur, Vladislav, Georgy, Oleg and Yaroslav will not bring anything serious. They can break a girl's heart. A woman is quite amorous, and if she liked a man, then she will be with him, no matter how bad he turns out to be. Sasha is very sociable and responsible, so she may well work in a team. She will quickly move up the career ladder in an area that she likes to work with. She goes to such professions as a manager, administrator, doctor, translator or teacher.

But a man will not be able to sit in the assistant's chair for a long time. He needs a quick career growth and immediately a managing position. Men are very successful in business. And he can also achieve heights in sports and become a famous athlete. In order for him to succeed in everything in life, you need to know list of their talismansthat apply to the girl Sasha too:

  1. The talisman stone is Alexandrite.
  2. The color is red.
  3. The number is 6 and 9.
  4. Planet - Saturn.
  5. Element - Earth.
  6. The animal is a crab.
  7. The plant is chestnut.
  8. Metal is platinum.
  9. The season is spring.
  10. The zodiac of the name is Sagittarius.

One of the oldest names in popularity today is Alexander. Its noble significance and origin make Aleksandrov proud of the history of his name. An excellent name for any protector of his family. Sasha's guys grow obedient and always come to the rescue, and girls are potential hostesses and keepers of the family hearth. The name day should become one of the family holidays, which will be able to gather the family one day more often a year.

Attention, only TODAY!

The female name Alexander comes from the male name Alexander and means in translation from Greek "protector of people" or "protecting".

Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), commemorated June 26

With the name of Alexander she took monastic vows Agafya Semyonovna Melgunova... Her husband died at the age of 25. A little daughter remained in her arms. Agafya leaves for Kiev and finds shelter in the Frolovsky Monastery. She thought that she would remain here forever to serve the Lord, but the will Holy Mother of God was different. Once in a subtle dream, She appeared to mother Alexandra and indicated that she needed to go to the northern lands and look for a place where she needed to found a monastery, which would be equal to Athos, Kiev and Iberia.

After consulting with the spirit-bearing elders, she set off on a journey, hiding her tonsure from everyone. How long she was on the way is unknown, but in 1760 Agafya Semyonovna Melgunova stopped at Diveevo. In a subtle dream, the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to her and indicated that this was exactly the place where the Fourth inheritance of the Mother of God was destined to be. Mother Alexandra sold her estates left over from her husband. With the money she received, she helped the poor, orphans, and built more than 12 churches. For about 3.5 years, the future abbess of the Diveyevo monastery was engaged in property affairs, at this time her daughter dies, and around 1764, she returns to Diveyevo.

Soon, Matushka Alexandra begins construction of a church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to the surviving data, the construction took about 5 years. Little by little, nuns began to appear here, a community was formed.

Agafya Semyonovna always did alms, but she did it in secret and was awarded a gift from the Lord - gracious tears. Both mother and sisters worked very hard, knitted, sewed, prayed and fasted a lot. Shortly before her death, she adopted the Great Schema with the name of Alexander.

Icon of the Monk Alexandra of Diveevskaya

Passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, commemorated February 8 (Novomuch.), July 17

Alice Victoria Elena Brigitta Louise Beatrice, the future empress - passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova will also be baptized in the name of Alexander. She was born in Darmstadt in 1872. Her parents were the Duke of Hesse Ludwig the Fourth and the Duchess Alice, who died at the age of 35 from diphtheria while caring for the sick.

Little Alice began to live with her grandmother Queen Victoria. Since childhood, the girl kept a diary, which subsequently gave the believers the opportunity to learn the full depth of the thoughts and feelings of this amazing woman.

At the age of 12, she first visited Russia, and five years later, the young princess again found herself in St. Petersburg. On this visit, she felt a deep feeling for Tsarevich Nicholas. But the Romanov family dreamed of another bride: the daughter of Louis Philippe Bourbon of Orleans, Count of Paris. But the heart of the future emperor reciprocated, and already in 1894 Nikolai Alexandrovich made her an offer.

The preparation for the betrothal consisted mainly of converting to Orthodoxy, because the princess was a Lutheran. She did not dare to do this for a long time, but the Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, who had already accepted the Orthodox faith, came to the rescue.

Soon, through the Sacrament of Confirmation, she was accepted into the Orthodox Church with the name of Alexander. In the same year, after the death of Alexander III, the wedding took place, and two years later, the coronation of the royal throne.

Icon of the Passion-Bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova

Alexandra Feodorovna immediately became a faithful assistant to her husband in all his affairs. They became an example of a Christian family: united, standing in the faith of Christ, faithful to each other. Year after year, children began to appear: Princess Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and only in 1904, Tsarevich Alexy. Unfortunately, the begged heir turned out to be a hereditary disease - hemophilia. Thanks to great tact and endurance, the disease was not known to the general public, but became a secret of the royal family. Fear for the boy's health, perhaps, was the main reason why Grigory Rasputin appeared in the palace, since he stopped bleeding thanks to hypnosis.

The royal family was inseparable from Orthodox Church, they did a lot for the building of temples, monasteries, participated in the Church Sacraments. In 1903 they became participants in the canonization of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

The Empress tried to improve the life of the suffering people, she opened houses of industriousness, orphanages, sewing and sewing workshops, helped the crippled, sick, and beggars. During the Russo-Japanese War, the passion-bearer herself organized medical trains to the front, which delivered the most necessary medicines to the places of battle.

The most difficult and terrible times of apostasy from the faith, slander of the royal family were approaching. In 1917, the emperor abdicates the throne. A few days later, the arrest of both the sovereign and the empress with children followed. On August 1, they were sent to exile in the city of Tobolsk. They stayed here for 8 months, and then they were taken to Yekaterinburg.

On the night of July 16-17, 1918, the lives of members of the royal family were cut short. This terrible murder will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people. The canonization of the royal family took place in 1981 by the ROCOR. In Russia they were glorified in 2000 at the Bishops' Council.

Orthodox holy wives named Alexander

Dates are in the new style.

  • Alexandra (Dyachkova), prmts. February 8 (Novomuch.) March 14
  • Alexandra, mts. 18 october
  • Alexandra (Samoilova), prmts. February 8 (Novomuch.) March 22
  • Alexandra (Ustyukhina), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.) December 23
  • Alexandra (Smolyakova), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.)
  • Alexandra (Lebedeva), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.)
  • Alexandra (Romanova), Passion-Bearer, Empress February 8 (Novomuch.) July 17
  • Alexandra (Khvorostyannikova), prmts., Novice February 8 (Novomuch.) September 30
  • Alexandra (Chervyakova), prmts., Schema nun February 8 (Novomuch.) October 13
  • Alexandra Amisia (Pontic), mts. April 2
  • Alexandra Ankyrskaya (Corinthian), mts., Virgin May 31, November 19
  • Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), Venerable June 26
  • Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, mts., Empress May 6