Dangerous properties of melon. Delicious and nutritious melon - can you read your fate by cracks in the skin? What trace elements are found in melon

Fragrant melon is a delicacy that is appreciated by both adults and children. But in addition to its excellent taste, the fruit has many health benefits. We will find out what are the benefits and harms of melon, how and in what quantities it can be eaten, as well as for what diseases it is recommended to use funds based on it.

Melon is a berry or a fruit

The first question worth answering is melon is a fruit, berry, or, in general, a vegetable. It is more common to call it a fruit - it is fragrant, juicy and sweet, suitable for fruit salads. But the fruit does not grow on a tree like an ordinary fruit, but on the ground like a berry. Just like the berries, the melon has a juicy center and hard seeds.

But from a biological point of view, melon is a vegetable. It is the edible fruit of a herbaceous plant, which is characteristic of vegetables. It has a root system similar to that of a cucumber, as well as leaves similar in shape, color and texture.

Melon composition and calorie content

The next interesting question is how many calories are in a melon. The calorie content of a melon per 100 grams is only 33 kcal. It contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 7.4 g of carbohydrates. It contains the following minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

Also, the fruit contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, which is typical for fruits and vegetables.

What vitamins are in melon

The benefits of melon for the body are largely due to the presence of vitamins in it. Despite the fact that most of the weight of the fruit is water, it is rich in vitamins A, groups B, C, E, H, PP.

Melon health benefits

Now let's look at what health benefits the product has:

  1. Ability to nourish, energize, uplift and improve emotional well-being.
  2. Cleansing the skin, strengthening hair, walls of blood vessels and nerve fibers - all this is thanks to silicon.
  3. Improving bowel function and digestion in general due to the large amount of fiber.
  4. Normalization of energy processes in the body, which is provided by vitamins PP and folic acid.
  5. Improving the appearance of the skin, for which the B vitamins are responsible.
  6. Mild diuretic effect of melon juice.
  7. Strengthens the nervous system thanks to B vitamins, potassium and silicon.
  8. Beneficial effect on the heart, blood quality, provided by vitamins B1 and B2.
  9. Supports the immune system with vitamins A and C.

Separately, it is worth talking about the beneficial properties for male and female health.

How melon is useful for men

Men can use melon products to treat prostate problems. The fetus also contains zinc, which improves sperm quality.

Melon benefits for women

As part of the composition, it eases the difficulties of pregnancy and menopause. Thanks to silicon, the condition of the skin improves: rashes and irritation disappear, wrinkles are smoothed. Good for the skin and A-antioxidants - they increase elasticity and prevent stretch marks.

Melon for weight loss

The fruit is suitable as a dietary component due to its low calorie content. A diuretic effect will also be useful, relieving edema, as well as the ability to remove toxins.

Important! Despite the low calorie content, the melon contains carbohydrates, the daily amount of which is important to monitor when losing weight.

The fruit consists of 90% water, so it saturates well without overloading the body with extra calories.

At what age can a melon be given to a child

In the summer season, parents may be concerned about the question of whether children can melon. Pediatricians do not recommend giving it to babies under one year old. This can harm the baby's digestive system. Children who are one year old will benefit from the product: folic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells, and vitamin A will improve vision and support growth processes.

Is it possible to melon during pregnancy

This kind of vegetable is useful for the body of the expectant mother and child due to the following properties:

  1. Increased hemoglobin responsible for transporting oxygen and supplying it to the fetus.
  2. Improving intestinal motility which helps to eliminate toxins and fight constipation.
  3. Removing fluid from the body, due to which puffiness is reduced.

However, the product is not recommended to be consumed in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to possible harm. Increased intestinal motility can cause an increase in the tone of the myometrium. Therefore, there is a possibility of a short term miscarriage or premature birth in the 3rd trimester.

Melon breastfeeding

A nursing mother can eat a melon, subject to certain conditions:

  1. The first portion should be eaten in the morning and in small quantities to check the child's reaction.
  2. The fruit should be eaten separately from other foods, as a separate meal.
  3. It is important not to overeat - even the most harmless food in large quantities can be harmful.
  4. It is advisable to eat the melon during its ripening season. The use of imported fruits must be abandoned, in return for receiving the benefits of candied melon fruits.

The body of each woman and child is individual, therefore, in any particular case, it is important to take into account the doctor's recommendations.

Melon for diabetes

The fruits do not accumulate glucose, so it is safe for diabetics to use them. Nevertheless, the composition contains sucrose, the negative effect of which even vitamins cannot eliminate. It turns out that melon should be eaten with other products, but there are not so many products that can be combined with it. Therefore, before using it for diabetes mellitus, it is important to consult a doctor who will establish an acceptable norm for the patient.

Is melon harmful for pancreatitis?

With this disease, eating fruit is not allowed, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. The product increases the amount of gastric juice, which harms the pancreas.
  2. Fiber and sugars cause fermentation, which can lead to heavy stools, gas and discomfort.
  3. Carbohydrates, of which the fetus mainly consists, load the endocrine structures of the pancreas.

In the remission stage, the product can be eaten in the form of jelly or mousses. If there is no negative effect, then small pieces of the fruit can be consumed fresh, but not earlier than a week after the exacerbation.

The benefits and harms of dried melon

Dried cantaloupe is no less healthy than fresh melon: all valuable components are preserved in it. It is thanks to them that the product has useful properties:

  1. These dried fruits will have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, hair, heart and blood vessels.
  2. The product contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines from waste products.
  3. A special enzyme in the composition of dried fruits helps with stress, insomnia, restores strength.

However, due to the high amount of sugar, diabetics should be careful with dried fruit. Dried fruits, like fresh fruits, can lead to eating disorders due to poor compatibility with other foods.

The beneficial properties of melon juice

Melon juice is a healthy and nutritious drink that quenches thirst well and has a positive effect on the body:

  • improves kidney function;
  • cleanses the body of chemotherapy products;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • relieves joint pain.

Juice is especially useful for the elderly. Its components prevent memory and concentration impairment, and rejuvenate the body. Juice is prepared not only from the pulp of the fruit, but also from its peel - this drink has an anti-stress effect thanks to essential oils.

Melon seeds: benefits and recipes of traditional medicine

The benefits of melon seeds are due to the high amount of potassium, sodium and magnesium. They also contain B vitamins that contribute to tissue repair. The seeds also have other beneficial properties:

  • remove heavy metals and pesticides from the body;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • improve potency;
  • prevent prostate adenoma;
  • enhance the effect of medications;
  • have a positive effect on metabolism.

These positive characteristics make fruit seeds an effective traditional medicine.

Against cholecystitis

For the treatment of this ailment, an infusion of seeds is prepared. 1 tsp seeds, crushed into powder, are poured with boiled milk and additionally boiled for 4 minutes. You need to take the remedy 2 times a day.

Against urolithiasis

To remove stones from the kidneys, 1 kg of seeds must be boiled in 5 liters of water. When about 3 liters of water remains in the pan, the broth should be cooled, bottled and refrigerated. The tool should be drunk half a glass three times a day before meals.

Application in cosmetology

Masks based on fruit pulp rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, soothe irritation, and make hair beautiful and healthy.

Face masks

To nourish the skin 2 tbsp. l. puréed pulp should be mixed with 1 tsp. honey and apply to the skin of the face. The mask should be kept for about 30 minutes.

To get rid of irritation, you need to mix a mashed piece of fruit pulp with 1 tbsp. l. cream cheese and 1 tsp. pumpkin oil. The product is kept on the face for 15 minutes and removed with a cotton pad dipped in milk.

Melon for hair

To soften and moisturize your hair, you need to mix a few pieces of melon, 100 g of cognac and 150 g of strong black coffee. The mask is applied to clean and slightly damp hair, rubbing it into the roots. You can wash off the product after 40 minutes.

To strengthen your hair, you can make a mask based on melon juice, oil and sour cream. Half a glass of juice is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. The product is applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes.

How to eat a melon

The fruit can be halved and cut into long slices, after removing the seeds. In this case, it is eaten in the same way as a watermelon. Melon, cut into pieces with the rind, can be eaten with a spoon. The chunks, which are served without crust, are eaten with a fork and knife.

The use of melon in cooking

Most often, the product is eaten fresh, as an independent dish. In addition, you can make jam, jam, jam from the melon. Compote is also cooked from the pulp of the fruit, and it is prepared from the peel. Melon marmalade is also delicious.

Attention! Eating melons with fermented milk products and alcohol is highly undesirable - this will cause unpleasant consequences for the stomach and intestines.

How to choose a melon

To choose a tasty and healthy fruit, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. The peel should be free of dents and stains.
  2. The aroma of the ripe fruit is pleasant and sweet, does not smell like grass.
  3. If possible, it is advisable to look at the color of the pulp - the richer it is, the more ripe and healthier the fruit.
  4. A high-quality fruit makes a dull, dense sound if you lightly pat its surface.
  5. The stalk and the place of its attachment must be dry.

The peel of the fruit on the back of the stalk should be easy to press. This suggests that the melon is ripe on the melon, and has not been picked yet green. It is best to buy the product in August-September in trusted places.

Melon harm and contraindications

In addition to the benefits, the product can also harm the body:

  1. A large amount of the product burdens the digestion, causing indigestion.
  2. The fruit can cause fermentation, which leads to flatulence, bloating.
  3. The product is contraindicated in patients with infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Excessive consumption of the fetus can cause hypervitaminosis, which can damage the intestines and heart.

In general, this tasty fruit is more useful than harmful. The main thing is to observe the measure and take into account possible contraindications.


The benefits and harms of melon largely depend on the state of health and the way it is consumed. If you eat it in small quantities as an independent meal, then the benefits for the body will be obvious. The medicinal properties of melon allow it to be used in folk medicine, and its pleasant taste and aroma make the delicacy especially popular in summer.

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The ancient Egyptians considered it a gift of the gods, tried to read their fate by the cracks on the peel, and even now, few people disagree with their opinion, having tasted the divine and aromatic melon. But, besides the fact that this false berry from the genus of cucumbers has a unique, honey taste, it is also incredibly healing for the body.

The benefits of melon are cleansing, tonic properties, and it also has a diuretic and laxative effect on the body.

Melons are grown in the countries of Central Asia, Western Europe and the Caucasus, and the benefits of melons are known throughout the world. There are many varieties of melons, which differ from each other in shape, color of the pulp and even taste. Melons grow in Armenia, which taste identical to strawberries, as well as fruits that look like giant overgrown cucumbers, reaching 2 meters in length.

The pulp consists mainly of water and sucrose, vitamins in the melon, as well as organic acids, enzymes and minerals are present in quantities depending on the place of growth, variety, as well as the characteristics of the soil and water composition when irrigated.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of pulp is 35 kcal, which the body receives from the following nutrients:


The fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, especially in varieties grown on black soil, as well as vitamin A. Varieties with a yellow or orange pulp, very rich in carotene, have greater benefits for human health.

The pulp, which is closer to the peel, contains a lot of B vitamins (folic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin), as well as vitamin PP, which promotes vasodilation and cleansing them of cholesterol.

What vitamins are contained in a melon, and in what quantity you can find out from the table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.067
Vitamin B1 0.04
Vitamin B2 0.04
Vitamin B3 0.04
Vitamin B5 0.2
Vitamin B6 0.06
Vitamin B9 0.006
Vitamin C 20
Vitamin E 0.1


Contains fruit and trace elements, so the benefits for nails and hair from the use of this berry is a high content of potassium and calcium, as well as iron.

Beneficial features

Melon is good for health due to its balanced composition, as well as the content of enzymes and other biologically active substances. Despite the high sugar content, it can be consumed in diets, as it copes well with hunger, and also soothes the nervous system. In addition, melon is useful so it is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and the enzymes and vitamins in the melon stimulate digestion and speed up metabolism.


There are even express diets based on the cleansing benefits for women. For medicinal purposes, the fruit is recommended to be used for atherosclerosis, hypertension, as well as anemia. The benefits of melon for the weaker sex is the ability to prolong youth due to the content of antioxidants, beta-carotene and lycopene, which prevent the formation of free radicals, slow down the aging process in the body of women and men. At the same time, the sweet fruit is used both internally and externally using the pulp to prepare effective masks for problem skin, and the juice from the seed part is an excellent basis for lotion.


The melon beauty is also useful for men, since seed oil is able to restore potency and increase the vitality of spermatozoa, therefore this medicine is used for male impotence and infertility.

In folk medicine, this false berry is used to treat headaches, sinusitis, tonsillitis, as well as to completely cleanse the body of toxins and kidney stones.


Melon is a wonderful fruit, but, unfortunately, perishable, of course, you can make jam and jams from it, but it is better to dry it, since dried and dried melon is useful, as well as fresh, because it retains all vitamins, micro and macro elements. Such a dessert is not high in calories, and helps to improve the state of blood vessels, increase hemoglobin in the blood and eliminate toxins from the body.

The benefits of dried melon for women and men are obvious, and making such a delicacy is quite simple. To do this, the pulp is peeled, and, having cut into slices, is taken out in the sun. Store dried or sun-dried melon in parchment paper or in glass containers.

Just like fresh fruit, dried and dried melon is harmful in combination with alcohol, meat and dairy products, but in small quantities it can be used by pregnant women and children.

Potential harm to health

Melon is a peculiar product and does not tolerate proximity to other products, therefore, it should be consumed in between main meals, not combining with dairy products, sour fruits, eggs, as well as alcohol. You should also not wash down the sweet fruit with water, as this can, at best, give a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and even cause colic.

Once the melon was even tried for the inability to combine with other products, after the King of France, Henry IV, after a plentiful meal, decided to feast on the fragrant fruit for dessert and after that toiled with colic in his stomach.

With a bacterial infection, the use of pulp helps to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, so you should use it with caution during this period or refuse altogether.

The fruit should be eaten immediately after it has been cut, after lying in the refrigerator for a while, it becomes harmful and even hazardous to health since it attracts pathogenic bacteria and promotes their reproduction. Melons are like sponges, capable of absorbing and accumulating nitrates from the soil, harmful salts of heavy metals from exhaust gases in the roadside area, therefore, fruits should be purchased only at proven points of sale and no earlier than August. It is very simple to poison a melon grown by adding saltpeter to the soil, the consequences of such poisoning can be sad, therefore, before the natural ripening season, you should not buy it.

Melon combines the best qualities, it is both tasty and healthy, and it can also improve your mood, since after being consumed in the human body, the hormone of joy begins to be released - serotonin, which activates the department responsible for pleasure in the brain.

It is difficult to find a person in the world who, with the word "melon", would not have pleasant memories of the taste and aroma of this wonderful product. The sunny yellow juicy fragrant berry attracts to itself, especially on hot summer days. But melon is not only a delicious dessert, but also a very healthy berry due to its high content of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and some biologically active substances. That's about them, useful properties of melon, as well as contraindications, pesticides, nitrogen fertilizers, etc. we will tell you.

Melon health benefits

The list of health benefits of melon is almost endless. This is primarily organic water, starch and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates, dietary fiber, as well as vitamins, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, free organic acids and more.

Melon contains a large amount of folate (vitamin B9). It is necessary for the female body during pregnancy, besides, it improves memory and protects us from depression.

Folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, and it is customary to eat the melon fresh, due to which the vitamin is not destroyed and is well absorbed by the body.

Another vitamin, valuable (or, more simply, invaluable) for human health is vitamin C. Due to the high content of this vitamin, melon helps our body to resist colds and feel great throughout the fall.

What Other Benefits Does Melon Have? Thanks to the presence of silicon in it, it improves the condition of hair and skin. Iron (and there is much more of it in a melon than, for example, in fish and milk) - will increase hemoglobin. Thanks to beta-carotene, we will provide ourselves with beautiful, smooth skin in a noble peach shade.

By the way, despite the color, there is more beta-carotene in a melon than in a carrot.

Magnesium is extremely useful and, in general, indispensable for the heart muscle.

And the most precious thing in a melon is gold! After all, we need gold not only as jewelry. This is the same element, like many others - necessary for the body. So, having sated melons in the season, you will provide yourself with gold (!) For the whole year.

And this is not all, but only the most obvious beneficial properties of melon!


In addition to the beneficial properties of melon, it also has certain qualities that are not very pleasant, and sometimes hazardous to health. The main one can be called its rather difficult digestibility by the gastrointestinal tract. It's no secret that a melon in combination, for example, with milk gives the same result as a cucumber. For many people, melon can cause intestinal distress. In this regard, melon is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Such as gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and chronic colitis.

Due to the "severity" for the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use the melon as a separate meal, without combining it with anything.

It is noteworthy that in the south, melon, on the contrary, is considered a natural digestive enhancer and is consumed at the end of a hearty meal. And therefore - look at your own well-being. Perhaps - this option is yours;)

What else can a melon contain ...

Another unpleasant aspect is the possible presence of pesticide residues and a large amount of nitrates in the melon. As a rule, melon, especially sold earlier than the usual ripening season (late August - early September), is "filled" in abundance with both.

As you know, pesticides in agriculture are used to combat harmful insects. And since the melon is a sweet fruit, there are enough various insects that love to profit from sweets. Consequently, pesticides for melon protection are used abundantly and widely. Unfortunately, this does not add any health benefits to the melon ...

In testing 49 of the most popular fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues, the common kolkhoz melon ranked fifteenth, and its exotic sweet sister, the cantaloupe melon, ranked eleventh.

In addition to pesticides, nitrogen fertilizers are widely used in melon cultivation. The plant needs nitrogen for active growth and fruiting. Therefore, often, wishing to get a higher and earlier yield, an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers is applied to the soil, which, with an excess of nitrogen, is deposited in the leaves and fruits of the plant in the form of sodium nitrate. In small quantities, it is not dangerous to the body, but a large amount of it can lead to poisoning.

From all of the above, we can conclude that you need to choose this product wisely so that the beneficial properties of the melon do not turn into harm. Here are some tips:

  • You should not buy a melon earlier than the period of its natural ripening - July-September. Only during this period is the melon most useful.
  • You need to choose a melon, especially "Kolkhoz Woman" by its smell. If the berry smells right through the skin, it is a ripe, sweet fruit.
  • The greatest amount of nitrates and pesticides accumulates in the peel and in the area of ​​its "tail", so it will be safer to cut this place, and eat or cut the pulp, without saving and retreating from the edge of at least a centimeter.

Since time immemorial, this sweet, incredibly fragrant melon has been cultivated in Central Asia and China. It is one of the most ancient agricultural crops. By cultivating it for thousands of years, man has improved the taste of the fruit.

Melon, or Cucumis melo, belongs to the genus of cucumbers, the pumpkin family. According to the specifics of cultivation, the culture belongs to melons. This tasty and healthy dessert vegetable is highly regarded for its rich composition and dietary properties.

It is possible to list the beneficial properties of melon for a long time. Its composition is very rich. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain easily digestible sugar, organic water, starch, proteins, fiber, pectins, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, organic acids.

Interesting fact. More than a hundred rare local varieties of this crop are cultivated in Uzbekistan.

Trace elements and other useful substances in the composition

What vitamins and minerals are contained in a melon? There are more of them in this fragrant fruit than in a watermelon. The composition of trace elements makes the culture one of the most useful. Juicy pulp is rich in iron and potassium salts:

  1. Iron supplies oxygen to tissues. The element is part of many enzymes and proteins that are necessary for metabolic processes.
  2. Potassium is responsible for the state of the nervous system, muscle cells, and provides acid-base balance.

Thanks to this, the product used in nutritional care for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, anemia, liver and kidney diseases, and even with rheumatism and gout.

Melon fruits are marked with high silicon content... This trace element takes part in many physiological processes in the human body. Silicon is responsible for connective tissues, the condition of the walls of blood vessels, skin and hair. Without silicon, the cerebral cortex does not function properly. The work of the nervous system, intestines is disrupted.

Thanks to beta carotene, of which there is more in a melon than in carrots, the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the condition and color of the skin.

Magnesium in pulp, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.

Important! Melon contains more vitamin C than other melons. It is a great helper in maintaining immunity in the fall.

Fruits are also rich in vitamins A, E, PP, group B, folic acid.

The content of nutrients in the pulp and peel

The melon pulp is very aromatic and sweet. Large amount of easily digestible sugars contained in it, gives the body a lot of energy and improves mood. The improvement in the emotional state after consuming a dessert vegetable is explained by the fact that it contains amino acids - the precursors of serotonin, the hormone of joy.

Useful substances are found not only in the pulp, but also in the rinds of the melon.... The peel of this dessert vegetable contains such a beneficial substance as chlorophyll. It strengthens the circulatory system, delivers oxygen to the cells of the body, promotes wound healing and maintenance of hormonal balance, and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

The peel of the fruit is rich in the amino acid citrulline... This substance improves blood circulation through small capillaries. The essential oils in the peel enhance the health benefits of the melon.

Advice. Apply melon peels to bruises. This will help them heal faster.

Changes in composition during heat treatment

Many delicious dishes are prepared from melon fruits. Jam, jams, jam, marmalade are made from the pulp. Jam is also made from the crusts, candied fruits and compotes are made.

The greatest benefit to the body is brought by the use of the product fresh.... Heat treatment destroys some of the vitamins and nutrients, such as folic acid, vitamins A and C, B vitamins, carotene.

The nutritional value

The energy value of the melon is worth mentioning separately. The calorie content of the product depends on the variety and on average ranges from 33 to 60 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, it is shown to absolutely everyone, including obese people. However, it is worth remembering that melon whets the appetite.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in fruits explains the dietary properties of the product. 100 grams contains 90 g of water, 0.6 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 7.4 g of carbohydrates.

but fresh and, for example, dried melon are not the same... The calorie content of the dried product is significantly higher - about 334 kcal per 100 grams. Not to mention preserves, candied fruits and jams. Due to the high amount of sugar, these foods are no longer considered dietary.

Benefit and harm

Due to its high content of potassium and magnesium, melon is good for the cardiovascular system.... The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the tissues are saturated with oxygen. The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

The pulp has a diuretic effect, therefore it is useful for numerous kidney diseases.

Eating melon helps to normalize the digestion process and water exchange in the body. Melon juice removes excess water and has a pronounced anthelmintic effect.

Potassium, which is found in large quantities in vegetables, improves the functioning of the nervous system... And amino acids, the precursors of the joy hormone serotonin, help fight stress and depression, and improve mood.

Melon is high in fiber. Pectin fibers make the intestines work actively, improve peristalsis and promote the absorption of food.

Melon juice is also a wonderful cosmetic product. Its beneficial properties are often used in the treatment of various dermatoses and rashes, allergies and even psoriasis - it has such a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.

However, even in such a large barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. Melon contains a large amount of easily digestible sugar... Therefore, people with diabetes are allowed to consume it only in small quantities.

Melon should be included with caution in the diet of those who suffers from peptic ulcers and liver pathologies. The same goes for breastfeeding women. Abuse of sweet fruits leads to indigestion in both the baby and the mother.

Melon benefits for women, men and children

Melon has a beneficial effect on the entire body... But it is worth mentioning separately the benefits of this product for women.

Fruits contain a large amount of folic acid, necessary for the female body during pregnancy and during menopause. And in combination with silicon, folic acid normalizes hormones, improves mood, and increases immunity. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, the sweet fruit helps to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair.

Melon is no less useful for men... Its seeds improve potency and stimulate sperm production. The seeds are eaten fresh with honey.

Melon is also useful for children... The mild laxative effect of the fruit helps to solve the problem of constipation in children.

How to eat a melon

The main rule of using melon fruits is not to mix them with any other products.... Melon is a self-sufficient product, its digestion is not an easy task for the body.

Need to know! Melon is best eaten 2 hours before or after the main meal.

The abuse of melon fruits leads to undesirable consequences. They contain a lot of fiber, which activates the intestines. Therefore, the effect can be unpleasant. For the same reason after melon do not drink sour milk (kefir or yogurt) and cold water.

An adult healthy person can eat without prejudice to well-being per day up to 1.5 kg of melon, dividing this amount into 2-3 doses. Melon should be eaten with extreme caution by children. Babies from one year old can be given no more than 100 grams per day.


Even such a healthy vegetable has certain limitations and contraindications. The danger lies in the fact that melon is a difficult product to digest..

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases(gastritis, chronic colitis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer) melon should be used with caution.

Patients with diabetes mellitus Due to the high content of easily digestible sugars in the pulp, it is allowed to eat the melon in small quantities.

Fruit abuse is fraught with trouble... The sugar contained in the melon, when it enters the stomach, begins to ferment, causing flatulence, bloating and colic.


Melon is extremely tasty and healthy at the same time. When consumed separately from main meals, this product provides health and wellness to the entire body and improves mood. The rich composition of vitamins and microelements, a unique complex of minerals and organic acids helps to preserve beauty and youth.

Melon is a unique product both for the health of men and for the preservation of the beauty and youth of women. If you follow the recommendations for use, this product becomes the best summer dessert and a good helper for those who decide to arrange a fasting day for themselves.

Another great product that pleases us in the summer season is. This melon culture affects our body only on the positive side. Let's see what vitamins are in the melon.


  1. The melon pulp contains a large amount of vitamin B9, which is also called folic acid. Thanks to this vitamin, hematopoiesis improves and the amount of cholesterol in the body decreases. The psychological state and mood are also significantly improved. Vitamin B9 must be consumed by pregnant women for their fetus to develop properly.
  2. Melon contains vitamin C, the positive aspects of which are known to everyone. The only drawback is that it does not accumulate in the body, which means that you need to replenish its amount constantly.
  3. Vitamin PP promotes faster absorption of vitamin C in the body.
  4. This yellow food contains something called beta-carotene. This vitamin is simply necessary in the prevention of eye diseases, and it also helps to assimilate healthy fats and carbohydrates. It also has a positive effect on the skeleton, teeth, hair, skin and mucous membranes. In addition, beta-carotene is an excellent solution in the fight against infectious diseases.

Trace elements

All these vitamins in melon make this product so useful and popular, especially in combination with a sweet taste and incredible aroma. The melon contains not only vitamins, but also trace elements. The pulp of this melon culture contains:

We figured out what vitamins are contained in melon, now we will find out how to eat it in order to take advantage of all the beneficial properties.

  1. People with diabetes are advised not to eat large quantities of melon.
  2. Eat it better in the afternoon.
  3. It is better not to combine with other products and eat separately.
  4. Eat the cut melon right away to not only enjoy the sweet taste, but also get all the nutrients.

I think now it is clear what vitamins melon contains and that it is very useful for all people. Therefore, in the summer, be sure to eat it in order to be healthy and beautiful throughout the year.