Presentation on the theme "all works are good, choose to taste." Topic: "all works are good, choose to taste" Equipment and materials

"Man and Professions" - "Each hand has its own grasp, in every head there are inclinations." Aviation meteorology. Marine meteorologists. Make your choice. Forecasters. Childhood dreams. Need to know: Graduate. Meteorology. Your choice. Types of professions: Profession. Open Day. Professions in geography. Prepare yourself for a career...

"World of Professions" - Explosive submariner. This company is located in Chicago. Are you tired of standing in lines? Organ builder. People in these professions risk their health and life. There are interesting professions that make money. Dangerous professions. Trainer. world of the profession. Rare professions. Services are not cheap - almost $ 40 per hour.

"Professions at school" - Since childhood, I dreamed of being a teacher. Grade 11. Why am I in the profession? Caring, understanding. But if I had to make a choice in modern conditions, I would not become a teacher. Now I have a great teaching experience behind me. Discipline has always been good. And never regretted. Total. By the way, I studied with great pleasure.

"Profession" - Actor. Florist - decorator, livestock specialist. What is a cinematographer called? a) editor; b) fitter; c) installer. 11. Warm-up - humor. Accountant, programmer. Teacher, doctor. 1. The most common group. Man is an artistic image. Painter. Artist, musician. Man is nature.

"Professions for people" - Qualification requirements for job seekers. By tools (departments) - what uses, what tool. Examples: decorator, musical instrument tuner, concert performer. artist. There are no useless and unnecessary professions - all professions are needed! Examples: master horticulturalist, agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist.

"Professions in pictures" - Youth has its own, no need to envy. In the old shop. Lesson goals. How many years have sunk, how many waters have flown under the bridge. Drawings-coloring. My future profession. Nikolay Dmitriev. M. Plyatskovsky's poem "Adult Children". I go even if I can't see the way. The earth is even more generous because there are cooks in the world. There is a selection of sweets and nails.

slide 2

Seryozha coughs loudly, he has bronchitis, it seems that they call the clinic, and they say to Seryozha: “Don’t be afraid and don’t cry, a kind one is coming to you ...”

slide 3

slide 4

If something hurts you, if something is broken in your body and you need to fix it urgently, you know who to turn to - of course, to the doctor.

slide 5

Doctor, but not for children, But for birds and animals. He has a special gift, This doctor ...

slide 6


Slide 7

What to do if your pet is sad or refuses to eat? Maybe he is sick? A special animal doctor - a veterinarian - will help to find the answer and return our friends to a good mood.

Slide 8

We are given the goods and a check. Not a philosopher, not a sage And not a super person, But an ordinary ...

Slide 9


Slide 10

They say a good salesman can sell mittens in summer, and even snow to an Eskimo in winter. The seller's profession can be called creative, because it primarily consists in communicating with people.

slide 11

Fun work, enviably from the heart! Whistle when the hunt, Yes, wave your wand! …

slide 12


slide 13

The policeman is engaged in the fight against offenses and crimes, as well as their prevention; ensuring public order, checking identity documents.

Slide 14

Holy ancestors guarded the borders of their native land. Today the army and navy Protect our people. Always protect us all, Serve the Motherland ...

slide 15

slide 16

Spetsnaz - special forces fighter

Countering and capturing armed criminals and criminal gangs, terrorist and bandit formations in large and small cities, in conditions of escort on the highway, conducting special operations to free "hostages" and objects of great strategic importance for the country.

Slide 17

Last time I was a teacher, The day after tomorrow - a machinist. He must know a lot, Because he ...

Slide 18

Slide 19

The profession of an artist is considered one of the most prestigious. For more than a dozen years, crowds of young men and women have been storming theater institutes, dreaming of being on stage. Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to become an artist realizes how difficult this profession is.

Slide 20

And they must fight with fire, And they are partners with water. Everyone needs a lot of people, Answer quickly, who are they?

slide 21


slide 22

Is in constant readiness to leave to extinguish the fire; monitors the serviceability of fire equipment; knows the rules of fire extinguishing; risking their lives to save people, animals and property from fire.

slide 23

This artist has neither a brush nor paint, but a comb and scissors...

slide 24


Slide 25

Makes hairstyles in accordance with the fashion and facial features of the client; dyes hair; doing wig work.


Doctor, but not for children, But for birds and animals. He has a special gift, This doctor is ...


Passengers he meets, Checks their tickets, Tells where to go, He treats tea on the way.


I see a plane in the sky Like a luminous lump, The pilot controls it, It's just different...

At first they twisted him in a centrifuge, And then they dressed him up in a heavy spacesuit. He went to fly among the stars. I also want to! They say he hasn't matured.


I'll find them in a restaurant - These people in caps Conjure over pots With ladles in their hands.

Maybe he'll fall off his horse And not get hurt at all. He performs all the tricks, He replaces the actors in them.


Who is steeper Slightly noticeable To the cloud, to the cloud Meter by meter Rises with difficulty - Carries his house on his back? Think, think, don't be lazy! Not a snail - ....


Who, guys, guards our land on the border, To work and study Could our people calmly?


He walks boldly on the roofs - He has such a thing. He dives into the chimney with a ruff And saves us from soot.

chimney sweeper

In the company, he counts the profit, Calculates the salary for everyone. And he is not too lazy to count All taxes all day


He looks after the cows, And when he gets angry at them, Loudly cracks his whip. So the riddle about whom?

Having hidden the bangs under the cap, I'm plowing with my dad in the field. I am proud of the work on the ground, The shirt is soaked from sweat. But the palms are on the steering wheel.


His work is in depth, At the very bottom. His work is in darkness And silence. But who is he, answer the question, Not an astronaut, but walking among the stars?

They put dexterous two hands Heels on shoes, And heel heels - Also the work of these hands.


We dig deep into the earth And in the depths of the earth We mine coal for people, So that we can heat the house.

He sits on the bus And closely monitors, So that everyone has tickets, So that they don’t forget to buy them.


This doctor will remove my appendicitis easily. The scalpel is his best friend, Who is that doctor? …!

He looks like a captain, But he leads a steppe ship. He argues stubbornly with the wave, Only with the golden wave.


At night, at noon, at dawn He carries out his service in secret, The cows have known her for a long time, They always greet her with lowing And for her hard work All the milk is given to her.

This sorceress, This artist, Has not brushes and paints, But a comb and scissors. She has a mysterious power: Whomever she touches, He will become beautiful.

Class hour "All professions are good, choose the taste"

Target: give students ideas about professions, help identify abilities for a particular type of activity .

epigraphs :

1. "The true treasure for people is the ability to work"

2. "Let's work, because work is the father of pleasure"


3. “He who knows from childhood that work is the law of life,

who realized from a young age that bread is obtained only in

by the sweat of his face, he is capable of a feat, because

on the right day and hour he will find his will

fulfill and strength for this"

Jules Verne.

Finish sentences:

1.People work for...

2. Real work is ...

3. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account ...

4. In any professional work, the most important thing is ...

5. Happiness is…

Sayings of philosophers, economists, politicians

  • 1. People work for satisfaction of their needs, for the sake of self-expression of their own "I".
  • 2. real work It's about dedication and creativity.
  • 3. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account concepts that are expressed in three words: I want, I can, I need .

a) Want - your desire.

b) I can - their capabilities, abilities, knowledge, state of health. v) Necessary - the needs of the labor market.

  • 4. In any professional work, the most important knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.
  • 5. Once, to the question: "What is happiness?" the following answer was given: "Happiness is when you go to work with pleasure in the morning, and return home with joy in the evening." So, one of the components of happiness is the right choice of one's profession. This problem sooner or later confronts every person.

  • a) have almost or completely disappeared;
  • b) appeared only in the XX century;
  • c) will appear in the future.

  • a) past professions: coachman, lamplighter, spinner, laundress, coachman, seamstress, solicitor, chimney sweep, postmaster, policeman, merchant, etc.;
  • b) a programmer, a computer operator, a manager, a secretary-referent, an operator of machine tools with numerical control (CNC), a tractor driver - a general-purpose driver, a pilot, a crane operator, an astronaut, an embryologist, an electrician, etc .;
  • c) professions related to the exploration of the deep sea, space, the development of robotics, computerization, the chemical and nuclear industries, economics, television, video equipment , ecology, criminalistics, genetic engineering, etc.

"Desert Island"

  • This island has all the conditions for life: fresh water, fish in the rivers, birds and animals in the forests, fruit trees ... And you, quite by chance, had sunflower seeds and peas, wheat and carrots, as well as an ax, a saw, a hammer, a coil of rope ... In short, something between the island of Robinson Crusoe from the book of Daniel Defoe and the mysterious island of Captain Nemo from the book of Jules Verne ...











Engineer -









“If a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him”

Philosopher Seneca

In the world 50 thousand professions, depending on who the person works for, professions are divided into 5 groups:

  • 1.Man-wildlife
  • 2. Man - technology and inanimate nature
  • 3.Man-man
  • 4. Human sign system
  • 5. Man is an artistic image


The words Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky :

"If you choose your work well and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you."

Sections: Inclusive education

Presentation goals:

  • clarification and expansion of children's knowledge about professions;
  • activation of acquired skills in specially organized speech situations.


Correctional and educational:

  • expansion and activation of the subject, verbal dictionary and dictionary of signs on this topic;
  • development of the skill of compiling stories of a descriptive and descriptive-narrative nature, a story from personal experience;
  • improvement of prosodic components of speech.


  • development of general motor skills;
  • development of orientation in space;
  • development of verbal-logical thinking, visual and auditory attention and memory;
  • development of the communicative function of speech;
  • mastering the forms of speech etiquette.


  • fostering a caring attitude to work;
  • educating children of interest and respect for the professional activities of their parents;
  • further development of motivation for joint activities of children and parents;
  • strengthening the desire and ability to listen to each other;
  • developing the skill of observing certain situational rules;
  • maintaining family values.

Preliminary preparation.

  • Conducting GCD on the development of speech, visual activity and design on the topic "Professions".
  • Reading and discussion of the works of children's writers and poets about professions.
  • Learning poems on the topic "Professions".
  • Acquaintance of children with the professions of parents, joint preparation of the presentation and its defense in front of the children and teachers of the group.
  • Practical mastery of the genre of "interview" by children in the process of getting to know professions in kindergarten.
  • Organization and conduct of role-playing games corresponding to the topic under study.

Equipment and materials:

  • magnetic boards;
  • illustrative material;
  • notebook;
  • projector;
  • music Center;
  • piano;
  • audio recordings: "Song of the Masters" from the film "About Little Red Riding Hood", music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Y. Kim;
  • "Magic wand";
  • Witch costume;
  • pictures depicting representatives of professions: cook, teacher, hairdresser and items related to these professions.

Presentation progress

I. Organizational moment

Children enter the music hall under the "Song of the Masters" and stand in a line in the center of the hall.

Children in a chain read a poem by I. Gurina (Annex 1).

The introductory speech of the educator sounds. ( Presentation. slide 1).

II. main stage

1. Presentation slides are shown on the screen, children comment on each slide in turn.

Slide 2. - And now we will talk about how we studied professions.

- We talked about different professions in the classroom.

Slide 3. - Made sentences and stories about professions.

Slide 4. - We found out what is needed to complete a certain job.

2. Relay "What does anyone need?".

There are 3 tables in the center of the hall, on which there are pictures depicting representatives of professions: a cook, a teacher, a hairdresser.

Children are divided into 3 teams. Relay race participants one by one run up to a separate table with various items and choose what is necessary for representatives of each profession.

2. Slide 5. - Mastered the profession of a correspondent.

Slide 6. - We interviewed kindergarten staff. (A video recording of an interview with a speech therapist teacher is shown).

Slide 7. - We clarified what a psychologist does.

Slide 8. - Learned how to become a nurse.

Slide 9. - We visited other groups, met with the teachers.

4. The mobile game "Transformations".

One of the teachers plays the role of the Sorceress and reads a poem. ( Annex 2). Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem, depicting the actions of representatives of the professions named by the Sorceress.

5. Slide 10. - We got acquainted with Russian life and old professions.

Slide 11. - They threw a "bridge" between the past and the present.

6. Musical outdoor game "Shoemaker".

The music director performs the Polish folk song "The Shoemaker" on the piano ( Annex 3).

Children stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. After listening to the introduction, the Shoemaker sings the first sentence, addressing the children. Children go in a circle. After the Shoemaker finishes singing, the children stop and sing their answer. On the second and third verses, the movements are repeated. The shoemaker asks the question again, the children answer. After the words "the one you catch", the children scatter, and the Shoemaker catches them. Caught becomes Shoemaker.

7. Slide 12. - They drew and made.

Children invite parents to see the exhibition of drawings and crafts.

8. Slides 13-15. - Participated in quizzes. Here's how it was (Parents look at the photos on the slides.)

9. Slide 16. - They talked about the professions of parents.

10. Slides 17-30. Presentations of children about the professions of their parents are projected onto the screen.

Children along the chain briefly say what their parents work for.

11. Slides 31-35.

- We played different games.

- We played in the hospital. Makar was a doctor, and Masha was a nurse.

– Repeated the rules of behavior on the road.

- Learned how to give first aid.

- They cooked a treat in a Russian stove.

One of the teachers talks about the history of the profession, which has changed over time. This is the job of a postman.

13. Children perform the song "Postman" music. A. Samonova, sl. A. Rastsvetnikova. ( Appendix 4).

Slide 36. - They chose their future profession.

2-3 children show their presentations and talk about their dream.

A girl from a dynasty of musicians plays a melody on a flute.

14. Summary of the presentation. Child reads a poem

All professions are important
All professions are needed!
Even if there is no talent
Write poetry every day
Can you be a waiter
Or a dashing racer
Or you can bake cheesecakes
Or sing or dance
Or, here, help the old woman
Write letters to grandchildren!
In general, everything is possible in the world,
If you really want!
And Gagarin himself will answer:
"Even fly into space!"

The children say in unison:

wonderful professions
In the world do not count
And every profession