IQ test without registration 5 questions. IQ test result: what do the scores mean? How to find out your IQ for free

Attempts to express human intelligence in numerical terms have been known since the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1912, the German scientist William Stern first introduced the concept of intelligence quotient. This idea turned out to be very timely and already in 1916 it was used in an earlier system of intellectual calculus, known as the Stanford-Binet scale.

These days, IQ tests have become very popular and relevant. The abbreviation IQ itself is correctly deciphered as intelligence quotient, which translated from English means intelligence quotient. Accordingly, an IQ test determines a person’s intelligence level based on the obtained coefficient, the calculation of which also takes into account his age. The most popular is the Hans Jurgen Eysenck test.

The mathematical formula for IQ is a fraction multiplied by 100, the numerator of which is a person’s mental age, and the denominator is his chronological age. Currently, the fourth edition of the IQ measurement scale is used in psychodiagnostics.

Today, many companies engage in IQ testing, checking employees applying for a particular vacancy. Even children can take the intelligence test. Thus, an IQ test helps determine the ability of people tested to perform certain tasks.

An interesting fact is that this test is not some kind of erudition exam and does not require special knowledge, but rather reveals a person’s ingenuity and intelligence, which is what intelligence essentially is.

The proposed test consists of forty questions that must be answered in exactly thirty minutes. There are no pauses, timeouts or breaks. Since the IQ test is an important indicator, the conditions for its purity are exactly the same for all subjects. At the same time, more inattentive people will have less chance of high intelligence scores, which, in fact, is quite fair.

When taking a test, it is best to skip questions that cannot be resolved immediately. It is not difficult to calculate that on average the program allocates 45 seconds for each question. This time is, of course, arbitrary, since rarely does anyone manage to solve all forty problems correctly, however, if you linger too long on difficult questions, then the chance of not having time to reach the tasks that could potentially be solved by the test subject increases.

It happens that a simpler problem takes longer to solve than a complex one. This may occur as a result of the individual characteristics of the person being tested, and will subsequently be reflected by his IQ. Skipping difficult tasks, the test taker returns to them again, but having already answered all the “easy” questions. This approach is more rational and therefore effective.

This is interesting! It turns out that intelligence tests and mental ability tests were first developed... in the 7th century by Chinese employers. At that time, based on the results, officials were divided into three classes: public service officer (one of a hundred competitors), a mandarin (one of a hundred public service officials) and, finally, an inspector (one of a hundred mandarins).

Attention! Before taking the test, it is recommended to do an intellectual warm-up: count out loud from one hundred to one, backwards, or, as quickly as possible, remember and name 20 exotic male and female names. After such a warm-up, you will feel that you are ready to solve more complex problems.

An IQ test can be used for many reasons. It allows you to determine your level of ability to learn, understand, form concepts, use information, apply logic and reason, in comparison with the population. It speaks volumes and can affect characters that are not the norm in society, whether they are interpersonal, such as isolation, rejection and withdrawal, or intellectual, such as ease or difficulty in performing intellectual activities. On the other hand, it can also explain the successes achieved by individuals in a simpler way than other people.

The effectiveness of this test

The IQ test we offer was developed by a research group of specialists in the field of psychology. It is used worldwide by millions of users and new ones are added every day. Statistical data established on the basis of the overall results make it possible to verify its reliability in relation to IQ scales represented by the Gaussian curve.

Super gifted

People with very high IQ levels, compared to the average (> 130), also called “super-gifted,” tend to have more opportunities for intellectual activity than others. The most well-known characteristics of the super-gifted are:

  • Curiosity and thirst for knowledge: They ask a lot of questions and are able to acquire knowledge on their own.
  • Self-improvement, the need to do something with precision and excellence.
  • Fear of himself, of his capabilities, the consequences of overwhelming thoughts and emotions.
  • An interest that becomes obsessive in certain topics.
  • Hypersensitivity is often invisible from the outside.
  • Prolonged concentration and concentration.
  • Metacognitive Awareness: They are able to identify and use plans, concepts, and strategies to solve problems.

Mental disability

People with very low IQ (

Our statistics

We accompany each IQ result with individual statistics that rank candidates based on several parameters (population, age, education level, field of study).

Knowing your IQ (IQ) is considered important for a modern person. Dozens of tests and techniques enable us to lift the veil of our own abilities. In our article, let's talk about what IQ is, what are the ways to study this indicator of human thinking, and who helped us learn more about our brain. We’ll also talk a little about well-known IQ tests and what data can really be gleaned from them.

What is IQ (IQ): definition

A person's intelligence, expressed in IQ, is the ability to cognition, as well as the totality of all his cognitive abilities.

Intelligence determines the success of a person’s activities, his ability to solve problems quickly, relying only on his knowledge.

Studying IQ with Science

Since the thirties of the twentieth century, scientists have attempted to scientifically determine the level of intelligence. The problem of studying and measuring the level of intelligence throughout the twentieth century was addressed by such scientists as V. Stern, R. Stenberg, A. Binet, J. Piaget, C. Spearman, G. Eysenck, J. Guilford, D. Wexler and others . Determining what a person’s aikyu is, what indicators need to be taken into account - all this was the object of study.

Practicing psychologists put forward various hypotheses and conducted experiments to study intelligence:

  • determining the relationship between the processes occurring in the human brain and its responses to them;
  • dependence on the size and weight of the brain;
  • comparison of the level of intelligence of parents and their children;
  • interdependence of the level of intelligence and social status of a person;
  • dependence of the level of intelligence on the age of the individual.

Scientists also developed test methods to determine the level of intelligence. Since that time, the question of what an IQ number is - a quantitative indicator that gives an idea of ​​thinking abilities - has become relevant.

Methods for measuring intelligence

Initially, the tests contained only vocabulary exercises. Today, such techniques include the following exercises: non-arithmetic counting, logical series, addition of geometry figures, recognizing parts of an object, memorizing facts and drawings, operations with letters and words.

In the scientific world, the term “intelligence quotation” was adopted and adapted. This concept was first introduced by V. Stern (1912), proposing to designate the number that is obtained by dividing the age of the subject’s mind by his. In the Stanford-Binet scale (1916), the term “IQ” was first mentioned.

The abbreviation “IQ” is widely used in Russian literature, but domestic scientists do not translate this concept literally (translated from English as “amount of intelligence”), but as “intelligence quotient.”

IQ is an indicator that is determined after an IQ test. Coefficient is a value expressing the percentage ratio of an individual’s mental age to biological age. To determine what an IQ level is means to find out how much a person can use certain capabilities of his brain.

Moreover, indicators of the proper level of intelligence at a certain age are calculated based on the average statistical indicators of people of the same age as the subject.

Meaning of test results

The average IQ corresponds to 100 units. This is an average figure between 90 and 110 units, which is usually received by 50% of people tested. 100 units corresponds to half of the problems solved in the test, respectively, the maximum indicator is 200 units. Values ​​below 70 units are often classified as mental deficiency, and above 140 as genius.

IQ is a relative indicator that reflects the level of performance of a specific intelligence test. Such a test cannot serve as a comprehensive measure of intellectual ability.

Intelligence tests cannot show the level of erudition of a person, but only his ability to think, and mainly in a certain way. The more developed type of thinking of a given person is determined: logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal. By which type of thinking is less developed, one can determine the desired abilities.

Of course, a high IQ level is by no means a guarantee of success in life. Purposefulness, determination, hard work, clear goals and motivation to achieve success are of great importance in a person’s life. We should not forget about heredity, genetic data, innate inclinations and talent, as well as the significant influence of the social environment and family.


In our article, we examined one of the most interesting questions in psychology that worries modern people - what is IQ, what are the methods for measuring intelligence and what information can really be gleaned from them.

The conclusion that should be drawn from the existing knowledge about a person’s IQ is that the digital data provided by the tests is not at all the final authority in assessing you as an individual. Thought processes are so complex that no test can provide material to fully assess their capabilities. Let’s be ourselves and never stop developing!

So that you don’t become like the hero of the joke who finished taking the test by asking the question: “What is the Eysenck test?”, we want to tell the story of its origin. And so, as soon as the world-famous psychologist Stern introduced the concept of intelligence coefficient in 1912, the problem of its correct calculation immediately arose. It turned out to be a curious situation when there is an answer, but no solution has been invented for it. And only in 1916 Mr. Eysenck proposed a convenient option for assessing intelligence by solving problems assigned to a person. Naturally, scientists could not come to terms with the world fame that had passed them by and proposed their own versions of tests, but it remained the classic Eysenck IQ test.

In our version, which is optimal for calculating the coefficient, you will need to take the Eysenck IQ test for free and answer 40 questions, and the online test is designed for 30 minutes.

Naturally, on our resource you can take the test several times for free, checking the state of your intelligence at a certain time of day. This way, you can determine when your brain is most prepared to solve various problems. And subsequently, based on the data obtained, you will be able to plan your activities at the peak of your performance. After you pass the Eysenck questionnaire test, you can even create a table in which you will enter the obtained values. This will allow you to clearly assess changes in the level of intellectual preparation over a certain time period.


From the table and graph we see that the evening hours can be considered the most productive for you.

Why do you need the Eysenck IQ test?

In more strict terms, this Eysenck test and the questions it contains assess your ability to complete the integrity of the “picture.” Those. you, based on your own experience and knowledge, formulate an answer to the question. Thus, the subjects demonstrate their ability to quickly adapt to the proposed conditions, and the correctness of their answer is assessed in a numerical value.

Very often there is a substitution of the concepts of mind and intelligence. And if intelligence is expressed through the ability to cognition, as well as the correct assessment of the situation, then the mind includes the process of cognition. Therefore, the Eysenck IQ test online to determine intelligence quotient includes questions where a problem should be solved. The test contains questions on solving logical, semantic and figurative problems and, based on the answers, generates an IQ indicator. Eysenck's online test (free) is a test of the ability to make logical conclusions; practically, it is a test for the development of the mind. Therefore, you are not only assessing your intelligence, but also assessing the potential of your mind.

Naturally, one should not accept the test results as beyond doubt. Perhaps the result of low readings was your absent-mindedness or stress. The Eysenck intelligence test does not take into account psychology, so make allowances for the wind, calm down and thoughtfully take the test - the Eysenck questionnaire again. According to proponents of the test, its result will only be meaningful if it is taken multiple times. This way it is possible to determine the maximum possible level of intelligence for an individual, as well as exclude the influence of extraneous factors.

Hans Eysenck test - test yourself in a few minutes.

And so, just thirty minutes, and you will receive an assessment of your intelligence level according to the version proposed by our resource. G. Eysenck's test is a chance to learn better about your intelligence and an opportunity to understand in which direction you should direct your activities. Take the IQ test online for free, Eysenck created it just for you, preparing the most tricky questions to answer. It is quite possible that the test result will be a complete surprise to you, and this is a powerful incentive for the further development of your personality.

IQ test

The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorizing facts, manipulating letters in words, memorizing technical drawings. After passing the test, you will see a graph with average values ​​for different ages and a mark about your IQ value, and you will also be able to find out the correct answers.

General Verbal Test

Verbal talent - mastery of lexicographic skills - understanding the meaning of words and the ability to use them effectively. People with a high level of verbal skills often achieve success in professional fields related to the written word (writer, journalist, editor, critic), in teaching, in the legal industry , and this should also include actors, psychologists, translators and interviewers.

Eysenck test No. 1

Dr. Eysenck developed an intelligence quotient (IQ) test in the mid-20th century. His tests provide the most accurate IQ measurement. When tested on a typical modern intelligence test, about 50% of the population has an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% below 90. (A score of 100 is the sample average). And only 14.5% of people have an IQ from 110 to 120, 7% - from 120 to 130, 3% - from 130 to 140. And no more than 0.5% of the population have an IQ of more than 140.

Think logically! Can you?

The concept of “logical”, i.e. analytical, or deductive, can be used in relation to a person who is characterized by the ability to make inferences or the ability to build an orderly and convincing argument.

IQ test No. 1 (brain explosion)

IQ (translation from English intelligence quotient) - amount of intelligence (CI), intellectual art, mental alertness, work of thought. In Russia, the term IQ has taken root - a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence relative to the average person of the same age. IQ tests measure thinking ability, not knowledge (“sophistication”). The IQ test uses exercises on arithmetic calculation, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorizing facts, manipulating letters in words, memorizing technical drawings. Tests not only show your CI, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and increase your CI.

IQ test No. 5 (the simplest)

An IQ test assesses the level of mental development. The tasks are distributed according to difficulty level, each of which is standardized. Tests not only show your IQ, but also reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, imaginative, mathematical, verbal). The lower the score you get for one of the strategies, the greater the reserves hidden in you. By identifying gaps in your strategies, you can then train them and raise your IQ.

Spatial perception

Spatial awareness refers to the perceptual and cognitive ability that enables activities involving three-dimensional space. People who score high on the spatial awareness test often excel in professional fields such as architecture, photography, technical design and decoration; In addition, such people can be good artists, carpenters, landscape designers, animators, tour guides, fashion designers and engineers.