Cooling down the golf stream - myths and reality. The Gulf Stream is Slowing Down The Gulf Stream has changed over the past 5 years

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    Opinion one: the Gulf Stream no longer exists

    According to the latest satellite data, the Gulf Stream no longer exists. The entire system of sea currents in the North Atlantic is a key element of the thermal regulation of the planet, allowing Ireland and England to be ice-free and the Scandinavian countries not to be too cold. This is what protected the whole world from a new ice age - the thermohaline circulation system - is now dead in a number of places and is dying in other areas.

    The Gulf Stream is a "river" with warm water that moved across the Atlantic Ocean, reached Murmansk and warmed Europe with its warmth, while protecting it from polar winds.

    In Germany, for two months in a row (during November and December 2010), a stable snow cover with a thickness of about 10 cm remains, which has not happened for many decades, and there are frosts, unusual for these places, reaching minus 20 ° C at night. There were no thaws typical for the beginning of winter this year.

    During the experiment, Italian physicists used a bath with cold water and gave color to warm jets of water. The boundaries of cold layers and warm streams could be seen. When oil was added to the bath, the boundaries of the warm water layers were broken and the current vortex was effectively destroyed. This is what is happening now in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf Stream. The river of "warm water" that flows from the Caribbean does not reach Western Europe, it is dying from corexite - this is the chemical that the Barack Obama administration allowed British Petroleum (BP) to use to hide the scale of the oil rig explosion. platforms in April last year.

    About 2 million gallons of Corexite, as well as several million gallons of other dispersants, were added to the more than 200 million gallons of crude oil that was spilled over several months from a well drilled by BP at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, it was possible to effectively hide most of the oil, dropping it to the bottom, and hope that BP will be able to significantly reduce the size of the federal fine, depending on the size of the oil disaster.

    There is currently no way to effectively "cleanse" the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, oil reached the east coast of America and then flowed out into the North Atlantic Ocean, and there, too, there is no way to effectively purify the oil at the bottom ...

    The first to report the Gulf Stream stop was Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, a theoretical physicist at the Frascati Institute in Italy. The scientist has been collaborating for several years with a group of specialists involved in monitoring what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico. His information is contained in a June 12, 2010 magazine article based on Colorado CCAR satellite data agreed with the US Navy NOAA. This live data from satellite maps was later modified on the CCAR server, and the scientist says it was "falsification."

    He returned to the US Navy NOAA data and later data, and stated in early August that the CCAR data were unreliable and his findings had not changed in quality or quantity of serious implications. He believes that glaciation "in the near future is inevitable because of this disaster."

    Dr. Zangari argues that the huge amount of oil, constantly expanding in volume, covers such huge areas that it has a serious impact on the entire thermoregulatory system of the planet by destroying the boundary layers of the warm water flow. The conveyor belt in the Gulf of Mexico ceased to exist this fall, the latest satellite data clearly show that the Gulf Stream is currently not, it is starting to break into pieces and die about 250 kilometers east of the coast of North Carolina, while the width of the Atlantic Ocean at this latitude exceeds 5000 km.

    In connection with the interest that aroused the topic of the "disappearance" of the Gulf Stream on the Internet, a Russian scientist professor, author of two monographs and 130 publications in the field of physics, acoustics, geophysics, mathematics, physical chemistry, economics, as well as the famous blogger Sergei Leonidovich Lopatnikov, wrote LJ article in my blog, we give it in its original form.

    “About the Gulf Stream and Winter Weather The thermohaline vascular system, where warm waters flow through cooler waters, has a major impact not only on the ocean, but also on the upper atmosphere up to seven miles. The absence of the Gulf Stream in the eastern part of the North Atlantic disrupted the normal course of atmospheric currents this summer, resulting in unheard-of high temperatures in Moscow, droughts and floods in Central Europe, increased temperatures in many Asian countries, massive floods in China, Pakistan and others. countries of Asia. "

    So what does this all mean? This means that in the future there will be violent mixing of seasons, frequent crop failures and an increase in the size of droughts and floods in various parts of the Earth. The creation by BP of an "oil volcano" at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico killed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet. Here is what Dr. Zangari says:

    I know well the history of our atmosphere, and the climate, and even what they were like when there was no human being. For example, hundreds of millions of years ago, the temperature compared to the present was 12-14 degrees higher. Of course, there is something to blame a person for ... Over the past fifty years, industry has worked very intensively, emitting a huge amount of greenhouse gases, which certainly affected the climate. That is, there is definitely an anthropogenic contribution. But climate is a very subtle phenomenon. In addition to high temperatures, there have been glaciations on Earth. And they arise when the concentration of greenhouse gases is below two hundred parts per million. Then the so-called white land appears. So, now we are closer to this "white earth" than to the hottest anomalies that have been in the history of our planet.

    Everything that has happened will lead to corresponding consequences for human civilization, to ecological collapse, global hunger, deaths and mass migration of the population from areas unsuitable for human habitation .. A new ice age can begin at any time, it will begin with glaciation in North America , Europe and Asia perhaps even this winter. A new ice age could kill 2/3 of the human race in the first year if it starts quickly; if everything goes slowly, it will most likely kill close to this number, but just within a few years!

    So what do we have at the entrance? A huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and now in the Atlantic. Two things can be safely stated: a) the presence of an oil film on the water surface, b) the presence of oil inclusions in the water column. What does the thinnest oil film on the surface affect?

    1) the evaporation of moisture and the heat exchange of the water surface and the atmosphere change (it is obvious that less evaporates, and the evaporated liquid is warmer than the norm.)

    2) the dynamics of heating and cooling of water masses, carried away by currents forming in the Atlantic (including in the Gulf of Mexico and near it), changes.

    Warmer water flows through. A fraction of a degree, but it matters. What do we have at the end? The westerly winds prevailing in the center of the Atlantic bring warmer and more humid air to southern Europe than before. T.N. he could not break through a hot glass over the flat territory of the Russian Federation in the summer and dumped moisture in the upper reaches of European rivers (in the mountains)

    What is even more important is that the lenses of heavier oil fractions, “submerged” with the help of binding chemicals, hundreds of meters deep into the lens. These inclusions prevent convection heat exchange between the bottom and surface layers of water. At the same time, they were "drowned and okay." No mapping. And these "lenses" were fired in the fall and their influence will be much longer. As a result, the annular current in the Gulf of Mexico stopped. And now the world is feeling it. Because of this, there was a change in the viscosity of water saturated with an oil emulsion to great depths due to the treatment of an oil release with a binding agent "Corexit", this will also lead to a darkening of the color of the water, and to a more significant absorption of sunlight by it, to a corresponding increase in its temperature.

    Dr. Zangari is concerned that if the Gulf of Mexico Ring Current does not launch in the near future, it could have global impacts that would lead to significant weather changes, resulting in widespread droughts, floods, crop failures, and subsequent food shortages in the Gulf of Mexico. global scale.

    As noted by Dr. Zangari, "The real concern is that there is no historical precedent for the sudden complete replacement of a natural system with a non-functioning human-made system." And worst of all, real-time data from satellites are clear evidence for Zangari that a new artificially created natural system has arisen in the Gulf of Mexico. Within this new and unnatural system, parameters such as viscosity, temperature and salinity have radically changed. sea ​​water... This stopped the millions of years running of the Ring Current in the Gulf of Mexico.

    But the following message, expressed by Dr. Zangari with mathematical precision and illustrated by the dynamics of satellite imagery, is better to read several times:

    “Today, temperature measurements of the Gulf Stream between 76 and 47 meridians show that it is 10 degrees Celsius colder than it was in the same period last year. Accordingly, we can talk about the presence of a direct causal relationship between the stopping of the warm Ring Current in the Gulf of Mexico and the drop in the temperature of the Gulf Stream. "

    Let's add to the opinion of the Italian scientist the opinion of other researchers that this "hellish cocktail of oil and corexite" is capable of destroying all life in the Atlantic, thanks to BP and B. Obama! Until now, there has been a global economic crisis. If climatic conditions change, it will be a global systemic crisis.

    Opinion two: the Gulf Stream is overheated

    Author - sl_lopatnikov. Author of two monographs and 130+ publications in the field of physics, acoustics, geophysics, mathematics, physical chemistry, economics and several dozen publications in the leading Soviet and Russian media in the field of geopolitics, political analytics and economics.

    Golstream hasn't gone anywhere, which is to be expected. But then he warmed up very much.

    This is especially evident in the area of ​​Nova Scotia, a piece of which is clearly visible in the north. Warming by five degrees or more. Moreover, in comparison with all laid out years at the same time.

    This is a huge warming. And, in my unenlightened opinion, this warming can bring a serious cooling in the European part of Russia and heavy snowfalls in Western Europe quite tactically "right now".

    It seems a paradox - cyclones are brought to the European part either from the south, or from the south-west, or from the West. It would seem that it is warmer in the West, and it will be warmer in Russia as well. But this is only looking out of the window. The Earth seems to be flat. On reflection, you can understand that everything is not so simple with her.

    So it is here.

    I will explain once where my not yet very confident forecast of the abnormally cold winter of 2010 -2011 in the European part of Russia came from.

    For some reason, there is a "counter-intuitive" fact: most of the people I interviewed for some reason believe that humid air is heavier than dry air.

    This is a gross mistake for a simple reason: water molecules H2O are much lighter than molecules of oxygen O2, carbon dioxide CO2, nitrogen N2. Therefore, the greater the humidity - that is, the greater the proportion of water molecules per unit volume, the less this volume weighs. That is, the density of humid air is LOWER than the density of dry air.

    It is clear that a warming ocean leads to an increase in water evaporation and an increase in humidity.

    This, as we can see, leads to a decrease in air density and, accordingly, to a REDUCTION OF PRESSURE over the evaporation zones. Due to the warming of the Gulf Stream, the zone of strong evaporation, important for Russia and, therefore, a zone of low pressure, will be located in the ocean, to the West of Europe. As a result, drier continental air from Russia is expected to be sucked into this zone. Moreover, the situation will worsen, since the "initial" not extremely dry Russian air will be replaced by colder and, therefore, automatically even drier air from the north-east and east of the country.

    But such air will be heavier and, therefore, a zone of increased pressure - an anticyclone - will form over the European part.

    But if in summer the anticyclone brings heat (and this leads to an increase in humidity and, nevertheless, some "negative feedback", working against an increase in air density and, thus, against the stability of the anticyclone, in winter the situation will be reversed. The anticyclone will provide clear nights, and even more cooling of the air, its dehumidification (the dew point at a lower temperature is lower) and, consequently, an increase in its density, and with the density - and pressure.That is, in winter the mechanism will only strengthen the anticyclone and ensure its stability.

    This foreshadows, thus, a little snow, very cold winter with a long period of cold weather and sunny "Mongolian" weather.

    I believe that this very mechanism provided a stable anticyclone in summer. But it should also provide an even more stable anticyclone in winter.

    But if I'm right, Western Europe will be covered with snow. Snowfalls will ensure the introduction of cold Russian air into the humid Atlantic. Simultaneously, this will lead to strong, if not hurricane, winds. Especially in France ...

    So, approximately, on these grounds, I predicted anomalous cold and little snow in the European part of Russia. There are also some more subtle considerations. But this is on the fingers.

    Moral: I would seriously drive the officials with kicks right now - this is the first thing. Minus 40-45 in Moscow is not horseradish, and you can die.

    And privately, I would think about the preservation of fruit trees. In the winter of 1978-1979, the trees in our country house were beaten well ... Well, also winter crops, of course. We need to start active snow protection measures right now. Although, of course, in the cold, the snow will simply sublimate.

    Someone asked me about Canada. I think the situation is almost mirror-like: a cloud of snow on the east coast with blizzards and cold "in the middle" in Toronto and further north. Although the Canadian circulation is even less understandable to me: there is also the Pacific Ocean buzzing.

    Something like this. Although ... man proposes, and the Gulf Stream disposes. If there are meteorologists - fashion designers, let them correct them.

    PS. Yes, I forgot to emphasize. The mechanism is described, whether it will be launched depends on whether the pressure drop is powerful enough. It seems to me for a number of signs that yes, it will.

    And here's another thing: Russian illiterate bloggers, spreading stinks about stopping the Gulf Stream, do not understand: even if the Gulf Stream stops (which is possible and practically happened - but only because of the melting of the Greenland ice), then EUROPE will have problems, first of all, where it will get colder in winter. Russia can only be threatened by some great aridity in summer.

    The Gulf Stream has stopped. Ice Age is coming

    The earth may never be the same again. According to scientists, the North Atlantic current of the Gulf Stream has stopped. The inhabitants of the Nordic countries may be the first to suffer, then global climate changes will affect the entire planet. Scientists consider the British Petroleum company and the US authorities to be responsible for the cataclysm, which allowed a colossal oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and resorted to radical measures to solve the problem.

    The first to sound the alarm was Italian scientist Gianluigi Zangari, a physicist at the Frascati Institute (Rome) who has been monitoring the Gulf of Mexico for several years.

    Back in June, Zangari published a scientific article based on satellite data. Federal agency oceanic and atmospheric observations of the United States. Zangari argued that satellite data clearly indicated a fundamental change in the structure of the Gulf Stream - a kind of "river" of warm water that moves in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from south to north and provides a relatively warm climate in northern Europe.

    It is thanks to the Gulf Stream that the British Isles are not bound by ice, Scandinavia maintains a climate suitable for life, and tulips grow in Holland, although permafrost remains at the same latitude in Siberia.

    The Gulf Stream carries warm water to the coast of Northern Europe

    Zangari argued that "glaciation, the extent of which cannot yet be predicted, is inevitable."

    Zangari's article caused a great resonance among scientists, but there was no confirmation of his data, since the operational data of satellite maps on the agency's server were later changed for unknown reasons.

    In early August, Zangari announced that the official satellite data could no longer be considered reliable, and his conclusions about the threat of the Gulf Stream stopping did not change.

    “There is no historical precedent for such changes in natural systems after human intervention. The only exception can be considered only the consequences of tests nuclear weapons and the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 ”,

    Gianluigi Zangari, physicist at the Frascati Institute (Rome)

    Zangari claims that the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is the cause of the cataclysm. A huge amount of oil, constantly expanding in volume, covers such large areas in the ocean that it disrupts the thermoregulation system, destroying the boundary layers of the warm water flow.

    According to Zangari, satellite data has clearly shown that there is no longer a single Gulf Stream. The North Atlantic Current split into parts.

    Previously, streams of warm water passing through the cooler layers of the ocean had an impact not only on overall temperature ocean, but also to the upper atmosphere - to a height of up to 10 km.

    Since now the warm current has been disrupted, the normal currents of atmospheric flows have also been disrupted. Because of this, the atmospheric front in the eastern part of the North Atlantic changed, and, as a result, this summer there were droughts and floods in Central Europe, extremely high temperatures in Eastern Europe and many Asian countries, and floods in China.

    “There is no historical precedent for such changes in natural systems after human intervention,” says Zangari. “The only exception can be considered the consequences of nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986”.

    According to the scientist, having discovered the "oil volcano" in the Gulf of Mexico on April 10 this year, people "killed the pacemaker of the global climate on the planet." The main weapons of murder were oil gushing from the ocean floor and the substance Corexit, which the oil company British Petroleum (BP) used to solve the problem of pollution in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Poison for "salvation"

    Dispersant Corexit was first used in 1989 to eliminate the consequences of the crash of the Exxon Valdez tanker, when 260 thousand tons of oil spilled into the ocean.

    It is a powerful solvent manufactured by Nalco Holding Company, a company affiliated with BP and Exxon. The formula of this substance, used to dissolve oil spills in water, and its characteristics are strictly classified, but some experts believe that it is four times more toxic to living things than oil itself.

    More than 1 million gallons of Corexit (almost 3.7 million liters) have been used in the Gulf of Mexico, according to official figures. At the same time, some environmentalists consider this figure to be underestimated.

    Corexit has been banned in England and several European countries, but the US authorities did not object when BP announced that it was using the toxic substance to sediment an oil spill that threatened to turn the coast of several US states into habitable places.

    Zangari claims that the millions of barrels of oil that entered the ocean through the BP hole and the Corexit used to sediment the oil slick together disrupted the Gulf Stream.

    Oil and chemicals altered the temperature, viscosity, and salinity of the water in the Gulf of Mexico and stopped currents that have existed for millions of years.
    Satellite data shows a rip occurred during the Gulf Stream

    In contrast, General Ted Allen, the head of the National Emergency Service, is trying to reassure Americans that the worst is over. That the oil spills disappeared by themselves, thanks to natural processes. Only here the data from the satellites indicate otherwise.

    Millions of gallons of Corexit have only allowed the US and BP to calm down public opinion... The logic was simple - if the oil spills disappeared, there would be no crisis. But to remove oil from the surface and mix it with the water column is not a PR issue. This is a tragic mistake.

    It's easy to imagine what exactly happened to the Gulf Stream. As a matter of fact, the same thing will happen with the sublimated oil and vinegar, if you mix them, say, for a salad dressing. Put a bottle with such a "potion" on the shelf for a while and the liquids will separate from one another by themselves. Simply because they have different densities.

    But if you shake them well, then a substance with a completely different density is formed and it will flow much more slowly. Something similar happened in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Day after tomorrow?

    Once the Gulf Stream has already stopped. In 2004, in the American blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow", as a result of which the temperature in New York plummeted to a lethal level for humans.

    The film was based on real scientific research, and its authors showed how important the Gulf Stream is for the Earth's climate. After all, the current carries warm water from the equatorial latitudes, along the East coast of America, across the Atlantic to the north of Europe.

    The truth is now the water is not so warm. Now the temperature of the Gulf Stream is 10 degrees lower than it was at the same time last year. Scientists see this as a direct relationship between stopping the flow and falling water temperature. However, predicting further development events are in no hurry. In their opinion, it is simply useless. Simply because "this phenomenon is unpredictable," says Zangari.

    But the question, “what new, as a result, awaits us in the future?”, Will still have to be asked. Zangari has only one answer to this so far: "the Gulf Stream system is changing in an unpredictable way, which can lead to serious consequences on a planetary scale."

    There is no official confirmation of the Zangari theory from the scientific world yet. The theory was supported by a number of prominent American environmentalists, such as Paul Noel and Sterling Allan, founder of the New Energy Congress, who published an article with the headline "Gulf Stream Stopped Due to BP Oil Leak". D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% BB% D1% 81% D1% 8F-% D0% BD% D0 % B0% D0% B4% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B3% D0% B0% D0% B5% D1% 82% D1% 81% D1% 8F.html

    The journal Nature published the results of a study by scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Research on Climate Change and its consequences, led by Professor of Ocean Physics Stefan Ramstorf. The main conclusion of this study is that the circulation of water in the oceans is slowing down and that one of the consequences of this may be a slowing down of the Gulf Stream. This in turn will lead to many disasters. Cold winters in Europe and strong rises in water levels that will threaten major coastal cities on the US East Coast, such as New York and Boston. According to them, the Gulf Stream, which brings a mild climate to northern Europe and favorable conditions for residents of the southeastern United States, is slowing down at the fastest pace in the last 1000 years.

    Professor Stefan Ramstorf: “It is immediately striking that one particular area in the North Atlantic has been cooling for the past hundred years, while the rest of the world has been warming up. We have now found compelling evidence that the global pipeline has indeed been weakening over the past hundred years, especially since 1970. ”

    The data obtained by the scientists confirms that as the global temperature rises due to climate change, the areas warmed by the Gulf Stream show a drop in temperature, especially during the winter period. The influx of warm water from the equator, which flows through the Gulf of Mexico, across the ocean, and then up the western side of the UK and Norway, contributes to the warm climate in Northern Europe. This makes winter conditions in much of northern Europe much milder than they normally would, protecting these regions from a lot of snow and ice during the winter months.

    Now the researchers have found that the water in the North Atlantic Ocean is colder than computer models predicted earlier. They estimate that between 1900 and 1970, 8,000 cubic kilometers of fresh water entered the Atlantic Ocean from Greenland. In addition, the same source gave an additional 13,000 cubic kilometers between 1970 and 2000. This fresh water is less dense than the salty ocean and tends to float on the surface, upsetting the balance of the immense current.

    In the 90s, circulation began to recover, but the recovery was temporary. New weakening is now taking place, possibly due to the rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheet.

    At the moment, circulation is 15-20% weaker than one or two decades ago. At first glance, this is not so much. But on the other hand, scientists say that there has not been anything like this on Earth for at least 1100 years, since about 900. It is also alarming that the circulation weakening occurs faster than the rates predicted by scientists.

    Researchers believe that the onset of the Little Ice Age around 1300 was associated precisely with the slowing down of the Gulf Stream. In the 1310s, Western Europe, judging by the chronicles, experienced a real ecological catastrophe. The traditionally warm summer of 1311 was followed by four gloomy and rainy summers of 1312-1315. Heavy rains and unusually harsh winters killed several crops and froze fruit orchards in England, Scotland, northern France and Germany. Viticulture and wine production ceased in Scotland and northern Germany. Winter frosts began to affect even northern Italy. F. Petrarch and G. Boccaccio recorded that in the XIV century. snow often fell in Italy.

    In 2009-10, American scientists have already recorded a sudden rise in the water level in the Atlantic off the east coast of America by 10 cm. Then the current weakening of circulation was just beginning. In the event of a sharp weakening, the water level may rise by 1 meter. Moreover, we are talking only about the increase due to the weakening of circulation. Added to this meter is the rise in water expected from global warming.

    Scientists have calculated that the warm Gulf Stream is so powerful that it carries more water than all the rivers of the planet combined. Despite all its power, it is only one, albeit a major, component of the global thermohaline process, i.e. temperature-salty, water circulation. Its key components are located in the North Atlantic, where the Gulf Stream flows. Therefore, he plays such an important role in shaping the climate on the planet.

    The Gulf Stream carries warm water north to colder waters. At the Great Newfoundland Bank, it passes into the North Atlantic Current, which affects the weather in Europe. This current moves further north until the cold waters with a high salt content do not go deeper due to their increased density. Then, at great depths, it moves in the opposite direction, to the south. The Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current play a decisive role in the formation of the climate, because they transfer warm water to the north, and cold water to the south, to the tropics, i.e. constantly mixes water between ocean basins.

    If too much ice melts in the North Atlantic, say in Greenland, cold salt water is desalinated. Reducing the salt content of the water reduces its density and it rises to the surface.

    This process can slow down and even stop thermohaline circulation over time. Director Roland Emmerich tried to show what can happen in this case in the science fiction film The Day After Tomorrow (2004). In his version, a new ice age began on Earth, which provoked catastrophes and led to chaos on a planetary scale.

    Scientists reassure: if this happens, it will be very long ago. However, global warming is indeed slowing circulation. One of the consequences, Stefan Ramstorf notes, could be a rise in Atlantic Ocean levels off the east coast of the United States and much colder winters in Europe.

    Everyone knows from school that the Gulf Stream warms entire continents. So imagine what happens when it completely reverses direction. Now this process is underway and this explains many natural disasters ...

    Scientists have confirmed that the famous ocean current, the Gulf Stream, has finally changed its direction. Now it does not reach Svalbard, but turns towards Greenland, which contributes to warmer weather on the American continent, but “freezes” northern Siberia.

    The first to announce the stop of the Gulf Stream was doctor dr Gianluigi Zangari, theoretical physicist at the Frascati Institute in Italy, in his journal article June 12, 2010. The article is based on satellite data from the Colorado Aerodynamic Research Center, agreed with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US Navy. The author pointed to the stopping of the rotation of water flows in the Gulf of Mexico and the splitting of the Gulf Stream into parts. Subsequently, the images were changed on the server of the Colorado Center for Aerodynamic Research and now it is difficult to say by whom and when.

    How did the flow go

    The colder and denser Labrador current "dived" under the warmer and lighter Gulf Stream, not preventing it from heating Europe, reaching Murmansk. Then the Labrador Current "plunged" off the coast of Spain under the name of the cold Canary Current, crossed the Atlantic, reached Caribbean, heated up and, passing through a loop in the Gulf of Mexico, already under the name of the Gulf Stream, rushed unhindered back to the North.

    The Gulf Stream was part of the thermohaline circulation system, a key element of the planet's thermal regulation. It separated England and Ireland from becoming a glacier.

    Smoothed out the climate in the Scandinavian countries.

    Following Dr. Zangari's report, the Canadian Parliament created a commission to investigate the real state of affairs with the Gulf Stream off the coast of the state. It was headed by Ronald Rabbit, a well-known oceanologist in the United States, a technologist for the processing of biomass of the World Ocean and improving the environment. A special dye that does not harm the flora and fauna of the ocean was poured into containers that explode at a certain depth and, thus, tracked the flows of movement of masses of water. The Gulf Stream as an existing current was not found.

    But, as it turned out, the self-regulating system called the Earth "worked" this time too. The current for research "crawled" 800 miles (1481 kilometers) east of the area of ​​the former Gulf Stream. According to satellite images, the temperature of this current has increased relative to the Gulf Stream. This means that the evaporation rate has increased in the warm zone above the ocean.

    Consequences of stopping the Gulf Stream for Russia

    A group of Russian scientists, led by Valery Karnaukhov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Cell Biophysics in Pushchino, on the instructions of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in April 2000, calculated a scenario according to which events in Russia would develop. The script turned out to be much more dramatic than Emmerich's.

    So, suppose the Gulf Stream has risen, warm water does not enter the Arctic, and the Arctic is more and more covered with ice. Eventually, a huge ice dam will form along the northern coast of Russia. The dam, against which the most powerful Siberian rivers abut: Yenisei, Lena, Ob, and so on. At the end of the 20th century, the overflow of Lena, which did not manage to break open from the ice in time, led to a real disaster and actually destroyed the city of Lensk. After the formation of the Siberian ice dam, this "in time" will no longer be. Every year the ice jams on the rivers will become more powerful, and the floods will become more and more extensive.

    In the early 1950s, a project for the creation of a man-made West Siberian Sea was developed and almost put into production in the USSR. Huge dams were supposed to block the currents of the Ob and Yenisei at the exit to the ocean. As a result, the entire West Siberian lowland would be flooded, the country would receive the world's largest North-Ob hydroelectric power station, and the evaporation of a new sea, in area comparable to the Mediterranean, should have greatly mitigated the sharply continental Siberian climate. However, unfortunately or fortunately ?, shortly before the start of the project, the largest oil reserves were found in the area subject to flooding, and the "sea building" had to be postponed. Now, what man could not do, nature will do. Only the ice dam will be slightly higher than the one that we were going to build. Consequently, the spill will be larger. Ice dams will gradually block river flows. Water from the Ob and Yenisei, not finding an outlet into the ocean, will flood the lowland. The water level in the new sea will rise until it reaches 130 meters.

    After that, it will start flowing to Europe through the Turgai Hollow, located in the eastern part of the Ural Mountains. The resulting stream will wash away the 40-meter layer of soil and expose the granite bottom of the hollow. As the channel widens and deepens, the level of the young sea will eventually drop to 90 meters. Excess water will fill the Turan lowland, the Aral Sea will merge with the Caspian, and the level of the latter will rise by more than 80 meters. Further, the water along the Kumo-Manych depression will spill into the Don. These will actually be the greatest Siberian rivers turned towards Europe, and not some miserable 7% of the Ob, which, in the case of the famous project, should have fed the whole of Central Asia, and 100% of the same Ob and 100% of the Yenisei.

    The Central Asian republics will be under water, and the Don will turn into the deepest river in the world, next to which the Amazon or Amur will look like unreasonable streams. The width of the stream will reach 50 kilometers or more. The level of the Azov Sea will rise so much that it will flood the Crimean Peninsula and merge with the Black Sea. Then the water through the Bosphorus will go to the Mediterranean Sea. But the Bosphorus will not cope with such volumes. The Krasnodar Territory, part of Turkey and almost all of Bulgaria will go under the water. Scientists assign 50-70 years to everything about everything. By this time, the northern part of Russia, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, almost the entire UK, most of Germany and France will be covered with ice.

    The slowing down Gulf Stream - the cause of weather anomalies

    Senior researcher at the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, climatologist Alexei Karnaukhov told what the weather anomalies and climate changes on our planet are associated with.

    What is happening to our climate? Why does it rain in Russia in January, and snow sweeps in America?

    - A question to the Armenian radio: "Where did the Russian winter go? She went to work in America." This is a joke. To be serious, we are developing several processes in the climatic sphere of the Earth. The first major process, against the background of which all the others are unfolding, is global warming, associated with the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

    Over the past 100 years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 40 percent, almost one and a half times. This figure exceeded the significant value of 400 ppm, the so-called 400 ppm. The pre-industrial value was approximately 280 ppm. Such a significant increase significantly changes the heat balance of our planet. If it were not for the influence of the oceans, the temperature rise on our planet today would be 10 degrees, compared to the pre-industrial era.

    Those same 10 degrees in 2010, 30 records were set that year, and in fact, this was due to the fact that the air masses were formed in such a way that the sea could no longer cool those air masses that were over the territory of Russia. And this is very important, because such abnormal heat waves, or heat waves, will be repeated more often every year. They will have a greater significance of these anomalies, and say, in 30-40 years we may have in Moscow not 40 degrees, as in 2010, but all 50. At the same time, a process is developing, which is a consequence of global warming.

    - This is a change in the direction of the current in the World Ocean. The fact is that all the variety of currents that we observe in the seas and oceans today was formed from certain climatic conditions, the climate changes, the distribution of heat changes, the wind flows change, the picture of the currents changes.

    In particular, a very important current for the entire climate of Europe, Russia and America is the Gulf Stream, which may stop as a result of global warming. The mechanism for stopping the Gulf Stream is described in my 1994 work.

    Tell us briefly what it looks like ...

    - Very simple. As a result of global warming, Arctic glaciers are melting, in particular, the Greenland glaciers, which have stored a huge amount of fresh water. Because of this, the water in the Arctic Ocean is freshened in such a cold current as the Labrodor current, which originates in the Arctic basin, and this current is also freshened. Moving at the ready to the Golsf Stream, at one moment it can block the path of the Gulf Stream to the north. They are currently meeting in the Newfoundland Bank area.

    Today, while the Gulf Stream is still working, the Labrodore Current, despite the fact that it is already more bland, dives under the Gulf Stream, prevents it from moving north and heats all of Europe, Russia and even all of Asia and America. Therefore, we have a relatively favorable climate.

    Now we are observing the instability of the Gulf Stream in the form of anomalies (heat in Russia, abnormal cold in the USA). In my opinion, this is due to the unevenness of the Gulf Stream.

    This is a common property of such complex systems, at the point of bifurcation, fluctuations increase in them, that is, roughly speaking, a car with a clogged carburetor or running out of gasoline will go jerky before it finally stops. In the same way, the Gulf Stream, before it stops, begins to move with such jerks.

    For example, in the fall we had winter a little earlier in Siberia. Because of this, northern delivery was disrupted in a number of regions. And even earlier, in May, snow fell in Spain. There was snow in Cairo, and for some time the Venetian canals were under the ice.

    The current of the Gulf Stream brings us a huge number of such anomalies, and this is very dangerous.

    To understand the latest events in the world, you need to clearly understand two things. The US dollar is not the government's currency at all, but the money of a private firm called the Federal Reserve System (FRS). And second - in the coming years, a catastrophic deterioration of the climate is coming on both sides of the North Atlantic.

    And these things are tightly interconnected. There is no political chaos. There are clear actions by the Fed on the future structure on planet Earth after a sharp cooling in the United States and Western Europe... Exactly where the so-called golden billion lives now happily ever after.

    The warm and comfortable climate of the USA and Western Europe is 90% due to the action of the Gulf Stream, which carries 50 million cubic meters. m of warm water per second. Its capacity is equivalent to one million nuclear power plants. This "thermal additive" raises the temperature in Europe and the USA by 8-10 degrees. The action of the Gulf Stream creates exceptional conditions for agriculture in these areas. The grain yield in non-black earth Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden ranges from 60 to 85 centners per hectare. And in black earth Ukraine only 24 centners are harvested, in non-black earth Russia - 12-15 centners / ha. In Europe and the USA, there are no spring frosts that destroy crops. Today the USA and Canada export 100 million tons of grain, and Western Europe - 50 million tons per year. The yield of agricultural crops there is only 5% dependent on the climate, while in our country it is 50%.

    The favorable warm climate, the absence of permafrost and freezing of the soil can save trillions of dollars on infrastructure and its operation. A huge amount of fuel and electricity, building materials, insulation is saved. There is no need to build powerful heating plants and heating mains. The population saves on warm clothes, there is no need to eat more high-calorie foods. Due to the absence of deadly processes of freezing-thawing, roads are preserved tens of times longer. Light houses are being built from cheap materials. Remember the standard scene from Hollywood action movies, how some Rambo punches the wall of a house with a blow of his fist. And this is not fiction. Strong walls are not needed there. Warmly. This comrade would try to break through the wall of our house with four bricks.

    In general, the Gulf Stream for Europe and the United States is a royal gift to their economies and population. Live for yourself and enjoy. But then a large-scale trouble happened. "Free" Gulf Stream began to junk. Weather Kitchen is located in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. The warm ocean current, the Gulf Stream, which is often called the "stove of Europe", plays the role of the heating system.

    Now the picture of ocean currents looks like this - the cold and denser Labrador current "dives" under the warm and lighter current, the Gulf Stream, without interfering with it heating Europe. Then the Labrador Current "emerges" off the coast of Spain under the name of the cold Canary Current, crosses the Atlantic, reaches the Caribbean Sea, heats up and, under the name of the Gulf Stream, rushes back to the North without hindrance. Not the "greenhouse effect", not the "ozone holes", not the man-made activity of mankind, but the density of Labrador waters is a key factor in the well-being of the world. At present, the density of the waters of the Labrador Current is only one tenth of a percent higher than the density of the waters of the Gulf Stream.

    Only 0.1%, and as a result - palm trees in London, the beaches of the Cote d'Azur, the ice-free fjords of Norway and year-round navigation in the Barents Sea
    As soon as the Labrador Current equals the density of the Gulf Stream, it will rise to the ocean surface and block the northward movement of the Gulf Stream. The great interconnected "eight" of ocean currents will turn into two circular currents characteristic of the ice age. The Gulf Stream will head to Spain and begin to circulate in a small circle, the cold Labrador Current will break through to Europe, which will immediately begin to freeze.

    Data on previous cold snaps obtained when drilling ice in Greenland show that this will happen almost instantly, even by the standards of human life. Three to ten years for the whole process - and the Gulf Stream will be "turned off". The air temperature in Europe will become Siberian in a few short years. Living in Europe, Canada and the United States will become unbearable. Today there are palm trees in London, and tomorrow Britain will be buried in snow, frosts will reach -40 ° C, and even reindeer will refuse to live there. And who would have guessed that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the massive use of dispersants would affect the speed of the Gulf Stream.

    According to the latest satellite data, the North Atlantic Current no longer exists in its former form. The Norwegian Current also disappeared with it.

    As a result of the cold snap and the inevitable shortage of food, each person from the “golden billion” will have to spend 3-4 thousand dollars more per year. This is 3-4 trillion. dollars. To adapt the infrastructure, 15-20 trillion will be needed, to keep it in working order in winter - another two to three trillion "green".

    But this is not the worst thing. We'll have to take the missing heat somewhere for the winter heating of a billion people and feed these "golden" ones. Now the United States and Europe export 150 million tons of grain per year, and you will have to buy about the same amount of grain somewhere. So the feverish secret preparations for the climate collapse began.

    3-4 years ago, the exodus of the mini-rich began - only millionaires of the "average" left the United States - those who, despite the relatively large money, still do not solve really serious issues. Now the hyper-rich have taken over. American super-oligarchs (attention!) Of non-Jewish origin buy land in Chile and Argentina. Among them (authentically) Rockefellers, Ted Turner, Holdren, Fords and others .......

    What do they know about? About stopping the Gulf Stream or about the imminent explosion of the Yellowstone volcano? ...

    And what to expect ... what awaits us either DRY and heat, or ICE and freezing ... or maybe a flood?

    Hello, with you an informational overview of climate events in the world. In the current release we will see:

    1. The Gulf Stream may disappear.

    2. Climatic review for the week.

    3. An example of kindness and humanity from Xuzhou province in China.

    4. How we react in different life situations.

    The Gulf Stream is a warm sea current in the Atlantic Ocean. It originates in the Gulf of Mexico near the equator, and then moves along the US coast through the North Atlantic Ocean and reaches northwestern Europe. This is a whole system of warm currents. The length of the Gulf Stream covers a distance of 10 thousand km, width - 150-200 km, and the thickness of the stream is 700-800 m. The mass of water in the Gulf Stream is comparable to the mass of all rivers flowing on land. The volume of water reaches 25 million m3 per second. The current, thanks to its bright blue color, stands out noticeably against the background of the green and gray colors of the ocean water. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, northern Europe receives a lot of heat and in winter the temperature is 15-20 ° C higher than in other countries of the same latitude. For the same reason, the seaports on the coast of Norway and the Russian northern port of Murmansk are ice-free all year round. And winter in the years. London and Paris are warmer than southern Labrador. The planet's climate changes significantly along the Gulf Stream.

    Recently, there are more and more reports of scientists that the Gulf Stream slows down and changes its direction, and soon it may stop altogether. The researchers say that due to the melting of Greenland's glaciers, a lot of fresh water flows into the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which tends to stay near the surface due to its lower density than salt water, thereby upsetting the balance of the huge current. This will lead to a sharp cooling in Western Europe and on the east coast of North America.

    In future issues we will tell you more about the Gulf Stream. Stay with us.

    As a result of the storm "Nate", which hit Central America at a speed of up to 47 m / s, more than 50 people were injured.

    During the day, 273 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 47 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 5.4.

    In the western states of South and North Carolina, 22 tornadoes swept through. Thousands of people were evacuated.

    Russia. As a result of heavy rains in the Zelenograd district of the Kaliningrad region, the streets were flooded. An emergency mode has been introduced.

    During the day, 280 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 48 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 6.3.

    SOUTH AFRICA. 6 tornadoes swept through the provinces of Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Free State. This is a new record for the number of tornadoes in a single day in Africa.

    In Durban, streets were flooded as a result of heavy rain.

    Portugal. Forest fires broke out in the central regions of the country.

    USA. In the city of Denver, Colorado, there was an abnormal temperature difference. On October 7, the air temperature in the city was +26 ° C.

    During the day, 381 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 68 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 6.7.

    Vietnam. The rains brought on by the tropical depression caused severe flooding and landslides in the northwestern and central regions of the country. More than 30 thousand houses were damaged. More than 17 thousand people were evacuated.

    During the day, 405 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 54 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 6.7.

    Brazil. As a result of heavy rain, the streets of Porto Alegre are flooded.

    United Kingdom. Heavy rains have led to flooding in Cumbria. In some places, more than 200 mm of precipitation fell.

    During the day, 333 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 51 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 5.3.

    Thailand. Heavy rains led to powerful floods in Chiang Mai in the north of the country.

    Brazil. Strong winds affected the municipalities of Clevelandia, Mariopolis and the city of Patu Branco. More than a hundred buildings were damaged. Power lines were cut and dozens of trees were broken.

    Bolivia. A hail storm hit the city of Sucre.

    USA. A tornado swept through Clackamas County, Oregon.

    SOUTH AFRICA. A forest fire broke out in Cape Town, Western Cape.

    During the day, 367 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 66 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 5.7.

    Philippines. Tropical storm "Odette" with wind speed up to 25 m / s hit the north of the Philippine island of Luzon.

    Vietnam. Pouring rain caused flooding in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City.

    Russia. In the city of St. Petersburg, 70% of the monthly precipitation rate fell in five days.

    During the day, 320 earthquakes were recorded on the Planet. Of these, 53 have a magnitude of over 4.0. The maximum magnitude was 5.0.

    Recently, there has been a noticeable drop in water level in many large lakes. So, in 2016 in Bolivia, the mineral lake Poopo with an area of ​​1,300 sq. km. Since 1979, the Caspian Sea has been shallowing at a speed of 7 cm per year. Scientists suggest that at this rate, the northern part of the sea will disappear in the next 75 years. They see the reason in global warming, which intensifies the process of evaporation of water.

    The drying up of the seas is believed to increase volcanic activity. For example, the Mediterranean Sea, during the period of the Messinian peak of salinity, dried up and filled up 8 times. By evaporating, the water helped to relieve pressure on the earth's surface, which could cause bursts of volcanic activity.

    In the state of California in the United States, incessant forest fires have spread to 77 thousand hectares. 808 people were injured. 20 thousand residents were evacuated. More than 3.5 thousand buildings were destroyed. The city of Santa Rosa completely burned out. This fire was the largest in the state in 84 years.

    During the week, 35 volcanoes were erupting. Shimmoe Volcano in Japan on October 12, 2017, erupted for the first time in 6 years. Ashfalls fell in four cities located near the volcano.

    During the week, 376 earthquakes occurred within a radius of up to 20 km from active volcanoes and at a depth not exceeding 20 km. The most active volcanoes were Akyarlar in Turkey, Klia Lake and Mount Mammoth in California, and Krisyuvik in Iceland. There were also 22 earthquakes 20 km from the Yellowstone caldera with a maximum magnitude of 1.7.

    In just a week, more than 19 thousand people became climate refugees.

    In our videos, we constantly challenge and talk about the importance of unification. That only by uniting we, people, are able to survive the impending cataclysms. Let's now take a detached look at how we act in different life situations, what we say and what thoughts we give preference to. Let's remember how we react when we are stepped on or accidentally pushed on public transport. How do we react when we do not give up space on the road, "cut". Also, let's remember similar events in our life ... And then let's think about whether we will be able to remain human and help others when an urgent evacuation is announced in connection with a natural disaster? Can we lend a helping hand when there is a massive rush? These are very important points. And it is important to honestly answer yourself in this. Only by observing “oneself”, one can see that without daily control over thoughts, words, emerging reactions in consciousness and behavior, it will not be possible to react humanly, to act wisely in emerging situations. This requires the experience of educating oneself as a Personality. It is important to be a good example to others. Indeed, looking at us, the people around them read the model of behavior and act accordingly. The choice is for each of us! Uniting people is the key to the survival of mankind!

    As stated in the book of A. Novykh “Birds and a stone. Primordial Shambhala ":

    “Throughout life, a person seems to be running through a forest teeming with thoughts of the material principle. And in this forest there are a lot of tricks, leads, nets, dug holes. But a person must run with open eyes. He must learn to dodge and see these traps, to understand that all this is not his ...

    It is certainly necessary to solve problems, but not to turn them into the meaning of your existence. And most importantly, no matter what happens, no matter how you are thrown from problem to problem, it is important to always remain Human. Because any of your problems in life is, first of all, nothing more than a test for your animal "lice". Therefore, a spiritually stable person simply does not give a damn about the fact that he periodically has certain difficulties. He copes with them, but does not allow their enslaving dominance in thoughts. And a stupid person succumbs to this provocation of his animal and allows himself to behave like a donkey on a carrot suspended in front of him, without even noticing that he is approaching the edge of the abyss. So essentially, any external problem that you have taken seriously is your internal problem, a personal internal conflict between you and your animal. Everything is in you! ...

    Live in a good way, in a good way, with God in your soul. Do nothing bad, even if it is unprofitable for you ... ”.

    You can read more about our activities, tasks and goals in the article: “The Climate Control Project Team. Unity in spirit creates unity in the world! ”

    You can read about climate events in the world and the solution of climate problems in the report of ALLATRA SCIENCE scientists.

    The Gulf Stream directly affects the climate in Western Europe. Scientists today are worried about his behavior. If the Gulf Stream cools down or stops, it will have dramatic consequences.

    It was already

    The Gulf Stream was already cooling down and slowing down. Last time it was one of the reasons for the Little Ice Age, which began in 1312. According to the chronicles, medieval Europe experienced a real ecological catastrophe. Rainy summers gave way to cold winters, fruit trees were completely frozen in England, Scotland, northern France and Germany. In Germany and Scotland, all vineyards were frozen, which led to the end of the winemaking tradition. Snow began to fall in Italy, and severe frosts led to widespread famine.

    According to experts, during the period from 1315 to 1317 due to the Great Famine in Europe, almost a quarter of the population died out. The least affected lands were south of the Alps and east of Poland. There the land continued to be fertile.

    Between 1371 and 1791, there were 111 hunger years in France alone. In 1601 alone, half a million inhabitants died of hunger in Russia due to poor harvests.

    The average annual temperature at this time of the Little Ice Age was the lowest in two thousand years.

    The stop of the Gulf Stream, together with other anomalous factors such as global warming and changes in solar activity, could lead to the most unpleasant consequences for Europe.


    Why did the Gulf Stream stop then? The fact is that under normal conditions off the coast of Greenland, warm water cools down, becomes denser and heavier and goes deeper, forming a countercurrent to the tropics.

    But with an increase in global temperature, there is a rapid melting of glaciers and freshening of the World Ocean. An increase in the amount of precipitation makes a significant contribution to this process. As a result, the density and weight of the cooling Gulf Stream water decreases. As a result, it begins to "sink" much earlier than Greenland. As a result, Europe does not receive additional heat.

    The Little Ice Age was preceded by massive volcanic eruptions. Global warming is on the agenda today. It is this that leads to the melting of glaciers, desalination and cooling of water in the North Atlantic.

    A threat

    For the first time they started talking about the threat of stopping the Gulf Stream in the early 2000s. In 2002, the American magazine Discovery came out with frightening headlines "Surprise of global warming - a new ice age", "Oceanographers discovered a huge flow of fresh water in the Atlantic, formed as a result of melting ice at the pole. They warn that this flood could soon crush the Gulf Stream and doom North America and Europe to cold winters. ”
    Two years later, Sciense magazine published an article by the adviser to British Prime Minister David King, where he called possible climate change the biggest problem, even more than international terrorism.

    In the same 2004, the head of the Pentagon's Cumulative Assessment Office, Andrew Marshall, based on the results of his department's work, published information about a possible disaster in Fortune magazine.
    In his article, Marshall explains that the melting of the North and South Pole ice and glaciers around the world creates fresh water and this fact is at the heart of the global weather disaster that threatens us.

    Oil threat

    Not only natural factors but also human activities have a direct effect on the Gulf Stream. On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the BP oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, almost 5 million barrels of oil got into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It took BP 152 days to concrete the well.
    After this accident, which at first glance has a local character, articles by scientists began to appear that this catastrophe had already led to global consequences - the Gulf Stream changed direction and began to cool down.

    However, the alarmists were quick to calm down. According to the atmospheric reanalysis data of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA), temperature fluctuations in the Gulf Stream were not anomalous. In September-November 2010, the deviation of the surface temperature in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in the part of the Atlantic where the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current pass, from the average value in the same months of 1970-2009 did not exceed one degree Celsius.

    Should you panic?

    It's too early to panic. Changes in the temperature of the Gulf Stream, despite all the flashy headlines, are still within normal limits. In 2010, reports began to appear in the press that the Gulf Stream between 76 and 47 meridians became colder by 10 degrees Celsius.

    However, as follows from the GODAS (Global Ocean Data Assimilation System) data, the average ocean surface temperature in June 2010 at these latitudes was lower than in June 2009 by only one to two degrees. Such temperature anomalies are well within the framework of natural variability.