To dream of pouring rain. In a dream I got caught in the rain: what is the dream? What does it mean to dance in the rain

Rain in a dream - See the calm and drizzling rain- to repentance for the deeds you have done.
Thunderstorm with rain and thunder- a dream reveals your sexual dissatisfaction in the real world, a lack of self-realization and a surge of emotions. It is worth noting that everything is in your hands. Start to live interestingly, communicate more and learn something new, be in constant search of adventure.
If in your dream you got caught in the rain and got very wet, this may mean cooling feelings with your beloved, tears, melancholy. A heavy downpour in a dream portends failure, grief, despair and loneliness in real life.
If you dreamed that there was no roof in your house, and the rain was pouring directly on your family, this means that in life you will have to solve all household problems yourself.
If you dreamed that you were caught in the rain, then wait for good news.
If you dreamed that it rained during the winter, this is good news.
If in a dream you were awakened by the sound of raindrops, expect unpleasant news.
If in a dream you see a direct and prolonged rain without dirt, then soon you can go bankrupt.
If in a dream you cannot find shelter from the rain, it means that soon you will be faced with chores and fuss.
If in a dream you hear a loud noise of rain, then in reality you can expect a protracted illness.
If in a dream you hear the raindrops drumming on the roof, then in reality little joys and wonderful well-being await you.
If in a dream you saw that it was raining heavily, the water from which floods the houses, then in reality your plans will collapse.
If, due to heavy rain, a flood has begun in your dream, then this is the most promising sign that you will become a happy person.
If you see in a dream that a flood has begun from a heavy rain, then everything in your life will turn out in the best possible way. Happiness and good fortune await you.
If you see that other people have fallen into the rain, then in reality you will have to be more careful in communicating with friends. They can neglect your trust.
If you are wet to the skin, then soon you will have to endure many trials.
If the rain in a dream is accompanied by a thunderstorm, this means that in reality you are pursued by the evil intent of ill-wishers.
If just outside the window you hear the sound of rain- good news.
If farmers had this dream, you can expect a rich harvest and good earnings. To get completely wet in the rain in a dream promises troubles in reality, tears and sadness. After this dream, illness of relatives, unpleasant news and other kinds of grief are possible.
If, on the contrary, in a dream you observe a warm, pleasant, spring or summer rain, then in the real world everything will turn out great for you. No worries are expected in the near future.
When you see in a dream how the rain stops before your eyes, the clouds disperse and the bright sun appears, you can be sure that your hopes will come true, illnesses and sorrows will recede, you will get a lot of pleasant impressions.
Light warm summer rain portends you a lot of joy and warmth in relations with loved ones.
A light, almost imperceptible rain in calm weather dreams of unpleasant impressions.
A lot of water filling everything around from the rain- luck, joy and success will become your companions in life.
To get into a strong rain storm in your dream means hidden sexual dissatisfaction.
Fall in a dream under the pouring rain- a salary increase or a bonus for your efforts.
Get caught in the rain in a dream- to luck.
A gusty, strong or stormy wind that accompanies rain in your dreams promises anxiety and anxiety that you will have to endure in real life.
Heavy rain in your dream indicates that it's time for you to figure out own desires, put things in order in thoughts, and at the same time in the apartment.
Heavy and prolonged rain in a dream- to bad luck and even to sudden bankruptcy.
Warm rain without wind, which gives pleasure to admire it and walk in this rain, will bring calmness, a streak of success and joyful events into your life.
Warm rain dreams of happiness, family comfort and good relationships with friends.
To dream of people caught in the rain- to rethink the past and to strive forward.
Cold, unpleasant rain dreams of longing and worries.
Good, heavy rain dreams of good profits.

When an interesting, exciting, memorable dream is dreamed, people attach a lot of importance to this and believe that it may be some kind of warning or even a prophetic vision. In addition, various natural changes do not go unnoticed. For every person, rainy or snowy weather in reality is a common occurrence. And in the event that drops fly from the sky or white snowflakes fall in a dream, this has various explanations.

Let's look through the dream book: why is there a rainstorm in a dream?

If a person sees rain, then this may indicate a lot. After all, water carries great significance and important symbolism. It is she who is associated with the spiritual world, the manifestation of emotions, with what is hidden from others and cannot be noticed immediately. Another circumstance worth paying attention to is that water is under the control of the moon, and this cosmic body itself is mysterious.

Finding out why the downpour is dreaming is not an easy task. But one thing is certain, water has a connection with femininity. Different interpretation written in the dream book. The downpour is basically still a harbinger of the fact that in the future there will be many emotions, experiences, feelings.

Most dream books say that such visions do not bode well. The person will receive negative emotions. But there is no need to get upset here. Indeed, with the help of a dream and its interpretation, you can prevent an undesirable event in the future or know where trouble may come from. Therefore, if you saw heavy rain in a dream, then know that this is a warning, and not something terrible.

Details are important

But if you remember the dream in part, then you will not be able to see the whole picture and figure out what awaits a person in the future. Therefore, in order to understand why the downpour is dreaming, you need to collect all the details. Moreover, they must have consistency. It is very important to remember the details, whether there was a thunderstorm, it was a heavy downpour, or just a little drizzle.

During the rainy season, did the sun peep out, or, on the contrary, the sky was covered with black clouds? Did the sleeper hear the thunder rolls in his dream or saw the flashing lightning? All these details are important when interpreting dreams.

Popular visions

Based on the more common dreams, the main events can be distinguished:

For example, the following dream is dreamed - a downpour outside the window, and a person is watching him. In principle, this is a fairly common night vision.

In a dream, a person noticed a little rain that was drizzling, the sky was covered with gray clouds.

There was a strong thunderstorm, lightning flashed, and thunder rumbles were heard.

During rain, strong and gusty wind.

You may dream that there is a little rain and the sun is shining.

A person can fall under heavy rain in a dream.

You can see how you get wet in the shower or get wet only one part of your body (mainly the head).

Walk in the calm and warm rain.

Have fun in the rain.

She dreams that the downpour is so strong that she had to hide from him somewhere.

The rain that falls at night is dark all around.

Heard only the sound of the shower.

In a dream, they saw someone else getting wet in the rain.

Fall in a downpour in a dream, but stay dry.

Swim in a pond, and it rains from the sky.


In night vision, you can contemplate various scenarios, but the most common ones were presented above. And in order to understand why the downpour is dreaming, you need to consider each option separately and choose exactly for your case.

To begin with, we will interpret the one where the person dreamed of rain. That is, a dream, where he was only an observer, saw rain, but did not interact with the elements. As the dream book points out, a downpour is always associated with emotions. In this case, the vision speaks of the person who is dreaming about it. This person is emotionally vulnerable, vulnerable, but with a developed intuition. With the help of interpretation, you can figure out what this dream means, and find out what will await a person in the future.

Little rain

In the event that in a dream a person sees that the rain is not significant, but only drizzling, this may mean that in the future there will be frivolous grievances. But this state will not last long. It is only temporary, and soon everything will work out again.

In the event that it rains for a long time, a person will have long and boring weekdays in reality. Because of this pastime, he may begin to mope and even become depressed. Therefore, it is better during this period to find an interesting occupation for yourself and to get carried away with something.

Thunderstorm and heavy rain

Another dream may also be dreamed. A thunderstorm shower in night vision indicates that there will soon be a lot of positive emotions. Most likely, the person will be surrounded by attention from the outside, many gifts and much more await him. During this period, he will be actively engaged in something. And it will bring him pleasure.

If you dream of a long and heavy rain that comes from a gray sky, and the puddles are covered with bubbles, then this can be deciphered as follows: a person can have various kinds of failures, not only in his personal life, but also in everyday life, at work. During this period, you need to gain as much strength as possible and try to survive everything with your head held high.

With the wind

If you dream that a strong wind is blowing along with the rain, this suggests that the period in a person's life will be hectic. It also promises that in life he has something serious that worries him. As a result, if you do not solve this problem, it can seriously undermine. But such a state of anxiety and anxiety is more like a contrived one. It is unlikely that everything is really that serious.

Other interpretations

If a person dreams of a pleasant rain, during which the sky is clear and the sun is shining, then this can be considered a good sign. Even a dreamer can experience positive emotions. Such a vision suggests that there will be pleasant changes in a person's life. And those problems that he had will go aside or even forever.

In the event that a heavy downpour is dreaming, while the weather is raging, lightning flashes - this is not good sign... You should be more attentive to the people around you and not trust everyone in a row. You need to be on the lookout. After all, it is those people who are around that can hurt.

If you dream of a strong, gloomy and even fearful rain at night, then this suggests that some kind of misfortune may happen, as well as disappointment. Therefore, you should be careful not to conflict with anyone. If you adhere to this model of behavior, then there is a possibility of avoiding such problems.

When in a dream the rain begins to calm down, the sky becomes clear and the rays of the sun appear, then this can be understood as the fact that soon all problems and adversities will pass and the first gaps and opportunities will appear. And those sorrows that were, will be forgotten, peace and balance will come in life.

Get caught in the warm rain

We considered options when a person is only an observer, but does not interact with nature. And now we find out why the downpour is dreaming when a person is under it or somehow comes into contact with a natural phenomenon.

In such dreams, it is necessary to take into account not only the details of the bad weather, but also the feelings experienced during this phenomenon. Therefore, when interpreting such visions Special attention it is worth giving to the emotions experienced in a dream. Of course, if in a dream a person experienced positive emotions, then you should not expect something terrible, but even vice versa.

It happens that he dreams that a person walks in the rain and feels that he is pleased, that all fatigue and worries pass. This suggests that everything will improve in life. That is, all adversity will go away, the dreamer will be lucky. It is a warm light rain that says that harmony will come in life.

Get caught in heavy rain

What does it mean if you happened to get caught in a downpour in a dream? Let's figure it out now. In the event that a person is very wet in a dream in the rain, while wet clothes adhered to the body, he is cold, this indicates that in real life he will feel dislike from other persons. In this case, the person will cry, feel empty. Most of these dreams relate to partners.

My head is wet

In the event that only the head fell under the rain and nothing else got wet, this indicates that a person will soon have a storm of positive emotions. Perhaps new relationships will appear or the current ones will move to a new pleasant stage.

When a person frolics in the warm rain and this evokes positive emotions, this suggests that big changes await him in real life.


Now you know what are the interpretations of dreams. Rain, downpour can predict both good and bad. In any case, it is important to remember that water is emotions, and what a person experiences in a dream will be the same in reality. Those visions that speak of trouble can be perceived as a warning, the current situation can still be changed in the future.

Dreams are very diverse, but what dreams of getting caught in the rain is interpreted ambiguously. Although the general meaning of rebirth and cleansing is present in many. A more specific decoding depends on the details.

Dream interpretation

The type of rain itself is important, and the impressions experienced by the dreamer when in contact with water are also taken into account. If the dream left an extremely pleasant impression, then everything will turn out well in reality, but if it's the other way around, then you shouldn't expect good news. For example, sparkling raindrops promise a date with an old friend. But if the water was dirty, this indicates an upcoming conversation with the enemy.

  • Rusty spray promise slander.
  • Light rain Are tears, and torrents are sobs.
  • Temperature: warm water will give new strength, cold- there is sadness ahead.
  • Thunder and lightning with thunder- offensive quarrel.
  • Drops filled with sunlight- winnings.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Rain in this source is interpreted as the development of new events in life.... If you dreamed that you fled under the downpour, but did not get wet, an ugly act on your part will not bring punishment. To see the pouring rain - you will have to make important decisions if you had to hide from it - this means that you will receive reliable protection in reality.

Walking in the rain in a hood, with an umbrella, or simply covering your head with something - to cautious actions and prudence. If someone else is hit by a thunderstorm, it will not be easy for him, he will need help. One will not overcome difficulties. Light mushroom rain promises auspicious. If you feel cold from the flowing jets - a bad omen, you may soon get sick.

Freud's dream book

For men and women, such a dream has a different meaning. The dream book of a psychoanalyst explains why a man dreams of getting wet in the rain - this is a reflection of the dreamer's excessive passion for himself. Girls have a great need for their own children..

If a woman in a dream tries to escape from rain streams, then this a sign of fear of getting pregnant contrary to your plans... For a guy hiding from a shower, a dream is a warning, since difficulties in the intimate sphere are possible.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

According to Vanga, when he dreams that he was caught in the rain, there is nothing to be afraid of. She usually did not warn anyone, claiming that rain was a sign of a dreamer's good intuition. He is able to correctly instruct people and help them with advice.

If a person falls into a thunderstorm in a dream, then according to this dream book, soon the conflict, which is very disturbing, will be exhausted. Although you will have to become the initiator of its resolution yourself.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

A rain soaked through a person in a dream predicts a deterioration in relationships with the most beloved and close people. Shereminskaya warns that there is a danger of a conflict flaring up if you do not have a heart-to-heart talk. It can all end very hard.

If in a dream, falling under a downpour, your head gets wet, then a passionate attraction awaits you, capable of flashing unexpectedly and in a very short time.

Drizzling rain that you fell under in a dream? Then business problems are coming which will be easy to deal with. A trouble that has followed for a long time is foreshadowed by a dream with a shower.

Loff's dream book

Rain, according to Loff, is a sign of aggression in your direction... A prolonged downpour and thunderstorms in dreams are heralds of unrest in society. Being in a house full of rainwater is good for this dream book. Soon, something that worries you very much will be decided.

If the debtor dreams of a thunderstorm, then, perhaps, he will soon pay off the debts. To the patient, this is a sign of an imminent correction imprisoned - a symbol of the desired freedom.

Dream interpretation Hasse

I dreamed that you were caught in the rain - this is for successful operations and the fulfillment of dreams... Falling under storm streams is interpreted as the realization in the future of many of their plans. If, at the same time, in a dream, the head is also wet or it is washed with warm waters, then there is a likelihood of a positive outcome of even the most risky enterprises. With cold streams, it is better to think over incoming proposals and not be led by emotions.

When there is a downpour during which you are taking a walk, should be regarded as a warning about soon-to-be worries... If you think about it yourself, they can be avoided. Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets the meaning of sleep with precipitation through the sun's rays. According to him, in order to obtain tangible profits, it is worth investing in a gambling business.

Aesop's dream book

Standing in the rain - this symbol does not carry any threat or trouble. On the contrary, according to Aesop, all dreams with showers to joy. Are you wet while walking under the rainy sky? Means, the most secret desire will soon become a reality... A dream, where the downpour is unrestrained, can signal that you need to do your own business and not rely on anyone. In it, a direct indication to independent action how to achieve victory with decent bonuses.

Perhaps one dreams of being caught in a meteorite rain, then this clearly warns of a new fateful stage in life. What it is like depends on the person.

Walk or dance in the downpour

What can mean all kinds of walks in the rain in a dream, you can find out further:

  • Walk in the warm rain with positive emotions - it means harmony ahead with loved ones.
  • Running towards the torrential streams- upcoming changes. The doors will open soon for the unfree, and the unhealthy will feel better.
  • Attempts to hide- this is the fear of responsibility and the desire to avoid making important decisions.
  • Have fun running in the rain- you will become the soul of the team, communication with colleagues will help advancement.
  • Dance with an umbrella- have good life support. Difficulties and obstacles will be overcome with the help of friends.

Summarizing the interpretations of many dream books, we can say firmly: getting caught in the rain dreams of positive changes in fate.

Why is heavy rain dreaming? The dream book examines this symbol, focusing on the details of the dream. Such a sign in a dream portends both disappointment, losses, unpleasant news, and success, family joys, monetary reward.

Big difficulties, problems

Seeing him in a dream means: difficulties will soon arise that cause anxiety. You need to take care of yourself so as not to have a negative impact on events.

Why dream of heavy rain and wind? The dream book warns: there are troubles, failures, disappointments ahead.

The dream of a downpour and sharp gusts of wind warns against possible great dangers. We must be more careful, avoid dubious adventures.

Dreaming of heavy rainfall with the wind promises losses, financial losses, even ruin.

Try to control yourself

Often a downpour in a dream foreshadows anxiety about a loved one. If he is cold, the events that have occurred can lead to a loss of control over himself. A warm downpour indicates that the tension will soon subside and things will go much better.

Had a thunderstorm downpour? The dream book calls such a symbol a foreshadowing of stunning news. Seeing lightning at the same time, and even more so hearing thunder - impressive events will occur that will greatly surprise the sleeper.

Heavy rain with a thunderstorm promises family quarrels, you may have to experience an unpleasant loss. Frustration from a relationship with a loved one is very likely. But if lightning struck very close, all conflicts will be smoothed out thanks to the good news.

Why dream of getting wet under heavy rainfall? Be careful not to open up to people as much as you do. For a woman, getting wet in a dream means: with her excessive frivolity, she can deserve the disapproval of others.

You will be able to overcome all difficulties

Had a dream that it was raining heavily, and you fell under it? The dream interpretation suggests: you have the strength to cope with all previous difficulties and start living in a new way, with new exciting plans.

If in a dream he walked, but you were able to hide, wait out - in reality you will find an influential patron who will quickly solve problems.

Why dream that raindrops are drumming on the roof - according to the dream book, small domestic joys and happiness are coming. Fate will show favor.

Good luck, stormy displays of feelings

Had a very heavy rain? The dream interpretation interprets the vision according to the rest of the details. Specially to walk under it, with joy in your soul - there is a lot of luck ahead, and maybe even a significant profit.

Get wet from cold precipitation, chill, feel confused - quarrel with your beloved (sweetheart) and you will suffer from loneliness.

If in a dream he looked more like a flood - the dreamer will experience delight, he will be overwhelmed with joyful feelings.

Why dream of getting under it? The dream book claims: a salary increase or a significant monetary reward is possible.

Details of the dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on other details of the vision:

  • to see outside the window - success is ahead;
  • to wait at home - troubles are coming, but experiences will not capture you entirely;
  • to get caught in the pouring rain - personal growth, new facets of your “I”;
  • to hear its disturbing noise - you can get sick;
  • rainfall with hail - life changes are ahead.

Had a dream that you were watching him outside the window? Fate will please with good luck. Also, heavy rain outside the window portends pleasant events, good news.

To fall in a dream under the rain and hail - in reality you will meet a person who will help solve financial problems.

Water is the source of life for all life on earth. But you won't wish anyone to be at the mercy of the elements, under the torrent of pouring rain. Why rain dreams in a woman's dream, we find out in proven dream books.

Rain is the element of water, a symbol of change, purification, getting rid of something outdated, outdated. Water signifies variability, flexibility, but at the same time the preservation of its content, essence, and not properties.

For a woman, rain always portends positive changes in the future, provided that in a dream the dreamer felt comfort, experienced pleasure and joy. These emotions will surely pass into real life, which will bring many positive moments, fulfillment of desires, getting rid of bad habits, purification and enlightenment.

A negative sense of interpretation comes with those dreams where you were thrown by a stream of dirty water, knocked down by a wave, after a shower. You need to be prepared for unexpected troubles after a vision, where you find yourself under a cold, autumn rain, dressed completely out of the weather, or caught in a downpour without an umbrella in winter.

In many cultures, the influence of water on the internal state of a person is described. Clean and transparent drops represent a surge of strength, energy, faith in yourself and a bright future. A woman, after such a dream, is charged with health, optimism, hope for happiness, peace and tranquility.

In Buddhism, streams of fresh water personify the flow of material wealth. In this sense, the stronger the rain, the dreamer expect more profit and financial benefits. Such a dream for a business lady is a harbinger of a good period for a profitable investment, augmenting initial capital, and the successful development of her own business.

In Christianity, dew drops bring restoration, renewal, cleansing. For those who dream of future offspring, it is a good sign to feel themselves under the warm pouring rain. A woman should hope for an early pregnancy and happy motherhood.

Dreamed of streams of mud, after a typhoon - get ready for a series of troubles and problems. Sometimes it will seem that you are unable to stop all the negativity that can befall you. Count on the support of loved ones and do not turn away from relatives in difficult times, showing your pride, independence and independence.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Everything related to the water element personifies the conception of a future life. Rain in a man's dream can personify his active ejaculation. For a woman, splashes of rain falling on her body signify an imminent pregnancy and childbirth.

Getting wet under a warm shower means complete satisfaction from intimacy with a partner. To feel the drops on your face is to experience an orgasm in reality. Going into a thunderstorm without an umbrella and not being afraid of bad weather is to feel a strong desire to become a mother.

Hiding from the weather, covering with a raincoat - be afraid unplanned pregnancy... Your plans now do not include maternity leave and a sedentary lifestyle. Sex for you is a way to relax and get maximum pleasure.


A positive interpretation is predicted by a dream book. The rain in a woman's dream is a symbol of insight, the disclosure of one's inner potential, the development of intuition, enlightenment and the acquisition of the gift of divination. I saw a thunderstorm - protracted conflicts and litigations would soon be resolved. Seeing a rainbow after a bad weather is a great reason to enjoy life, wait for happiness and prosperity.

To look through the rain stream - in reality, to be able to foresee the situation in time, to set on the true path of loved ones, acquaintances and friends. During this period, you need to believe in your own premonition, give advice to those who are in dire need of them.

David Loff

The soothsayer puts a negative connotation into his prediction. An uncontrollable water element is associated with a wave of aggression and violence against the people. Heavy rain in a dream is a harbinger of various wars, popular unrest, uprisings, riots and revolutions. Those days when you should not visit public places, so as not to be at the mercy of cruelty and injustice. The consequences can lead to long suffering and be extremely dire.

Seeing such a strange phenomenon as a house filled with rainwater on the roof is a great sign. The dreamer's problems and adversities will completely drown in the vanity of the past. It's time to make plans, discuss new ideas, projects and goals. There will be a chance to change your place of residence, work or citizenship.

Thunderstorm and lightning for a sick woman is in reality a symbol of a speedy recovery. For those who are bound by invisible fetters, feel dependent and doomed, such a plot personifies liberation, absolution, universal forgiveness. The spirit of freedom and endless possibilities will enter you. Taking advantage of the fortune now means completely changing your karma for the future.

If you dreamed of carrying full buckets of rainwater - in reality it will be possible to get rid of all obligations and overdue debts that have been weighing on you for a long time. Your well-being will pick up the pace of growth and raise you to a high level of the social ladder.

Watching the autumn rain outside the window, sitting under a warm blanket - in reality, you will be able to bypass all the hardships and troubles. You recognize a dubious and disadvantageous situation in time by rejecting the offer. Possible conflicts after this will not affect your well-being and reputation.

Gustov Miller

Rain in a woman's dream is a symbol of a new stage in life. The moment when you should not refuse unexpected, adventurous offers, be afraid of deals that promise big profits. If you have a chance to go on a cruise - use it. Such a chance will expand your imagination, raise the bar of desires and needs, and prompt you to act for the benefit of happy change.

Dirty rain streams in dreams - to cash receipts and financial stability of the dreamer. A good time to find a new job. The position will require a lot of responsibility from you, but it promises a decent reward. For those who have their own business, income is likely to be sudden and unplanned. But do not spend all the funds on current needs. Investing in new ideas will prove to be very promising.

It's not a good sign for a girl to try to hide from the shower, but still get wet. Sleep warns to avoid casual acquaintances and dubious relationships. These contacts can lead to disappointment in people and lingering depression.