Dr. kerner with cranberries. Breads Dr. Kerner: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content, reviews. What they taste like

Bought to try new cranberry crispbreads from Dr. Körner. The manufacturer writes that now they are sugar-free, and now I'm on a diet, so I liked them.

They taste great, and how sweet and crunchy they are, I didn't even expect them to be. I thought the taste would be bland and more natural. I began to figure out what they consist of. There are buckwheat and rice groats, wheat. There is only juice and natural flavoring from cranberries, there are no dried berries in the bread. Conveniently open, do not crumble, kcal are indicated for one loaf.

I looked at the composition, found fructose and sucralose there. I asked my trainer, she said that fructose turns into fat immediately. Then I went to the Internet to see what kind of sweetener it was - sucralose. It turned out that they make it from a sugar molecule, there are no kcal from this, but there is no benefit either! So in vain I hoped that this is a natural product (((

It is written on the Internet that sucralose kills healthy intestinal microflora, can cause rashes and allergies. So you will think 100 times before you eat these bread the next time.

Maybe as a rare snack they are healthier than sweet pastries, I even made a couple of sweets with them, but you definitely shouldn't abuse them!

In the photo there are crispbreads with vegetables and chicken

Here with riccott cheese and berries

And then I put the bread on a dry frying pan, sprinkled mozzarella on top, added the tomatoes and baked under the lid.

They shout with each other about the dangers of "ordinary" bread. They say that it contains artificial additives and yeast that do not bring us any benefit and can even harm. But for many, bread is a familiar component of their diet and an important part of their diet. Is it possible to replace it with something? Naturopaths happily nod their heads at this question. They recommend using special breads, which are now presented in a huge variety of brands, as their "daily bread". Dr. Körner is one of them.

Breads Dr. Körner: what are they like?

Despite the "non-Russian" name, these are breads of domestic production, they are produced by JSC "Khlebprom". In addition to them, the company produces several more types of products for healthy eating. But the topic of our conversation is bread. So what is special about them?

The manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of crispbreads, dividing them into 3 groups: classic, sweet and salty.

The classic group includes 6 items: "Buckwheat" with vitamins, "Rice" with vitamins, "Wheat" with vitamins, "Corn", "Seven cereals" and "Cereal cocktail" with vitamins and minerals.

Salty are "Cereal cocktails" with iodized salt and cheese, as well as "Borodinsky" bread.

The group of sweet breads is represented by 5 types of Cereal Cocktail with various flavors: honey, lemon, cranberry, blueberry and pineapple. (Hmm ... Pineapple bread? Interesting ...)

All products are made only from natural raw materials in a special way, in which the heat treatment time is only 5 - 8 seconds. This allows you to maximize all the beneficial properties of cereals. Flavoring additives also have an exclusively natural origin - these are extracts of fruits and berries. And as a sugar substitute for sweet breads, fructose and sucralose are used.

Whom does Dr. Körner? The benefits of bread

The health benefits of cereal breads are, on the one hand, from the valuable properties of the cereals themselves, and on the other, from the absence of yeast and artificial additives in the product.

Cereals are known as a rich source, especially of group B, as well as minerals and.
B vitamins are beneficial to the nervous system, as they improve the conduction of the nerve impulse, and blood vessels, as they help to strengthen their walls and improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

Of the minerals in cereals, there is a fairly high content of phosphorus. We are well aware of the need for calcium and phosphorus for the strength of our bones and teeth, iron for normal blood formation, magnesium for muscle function.

Coarse fiber, which is contained in large quantities in bread, contributes to the full functioning of the intestines, and also "collects" and helps to remove from the body toxic substances formed during the digestion of food, especially not the healthiest one.

Fiber is also important for the fight against excess weight, because, in addition to the listed properties, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, thus preventing overeating and exceeding the required calorie intake.

In general, bread can not only be a full-fledged substitute for regular bread, they also help us become healthier.

By the way, buckwheat bread, as a source of iron and possessing a low, is recommended to be consumed in case of anemia and diabetes mellitus. Wheat helps with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And rice will be useful for diseases of the nervous system and sleep disorders. But, of course, their use alone will not allow you to recover from the listed diseases. As they say, man does not live by bread alone ...

Contraindications to the use of Dr. Körner

Whole grain crisps will not cause significant harm to your health, but in some situations it is better to refuse them or introduce them into the diet carefully, after consulting a doctor. These situations are diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage and problems with the digestion of fiber.

If after plant food you have pain, bloating and increased gas formation, then it is not destiny for you to regularly eat bread. And people with gluten enteropathy (intolerance to the protein of cereals) may not even dream of eating them regularly. All those risking a nightmare diarrhea.

Calorie content

The calorie content of loaves is on average about 300 kcal per 100 grams. At first glance, this is quite a lot, but do not rush to be disappointed. The fiber in breads is a complex carbohydrate and gives you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, they are very light, although they are quite bulky. So 3 - 5 loaves of bread per day will be enough for you, and this will not at all hinder the struggle for harmony, if you are currently leading it.


All reviews about Dr. Körner is exceptionally supportive. People love literally everything about them, and first of all, the real taste of bread, which is not often found in whole grain breads from other manufacturers. In addition, it impresses with a wide selection of flavors, and sweet breads can successfully replace high-calorie pastries, which are so fond of the sweet tooth. Also, buyers are satisfied with the low price and availability of the product in retail chains. In a word, the reviews are so good that the author of the article at the moment is also not averse to trying these wonderful breads.

So, Dr. Körner is a product that, when used correctly, will provide health benefits and even slightly help in. In addition, they are tasty, cheap and from a domestic manufacturer. And the latter, as you know, must be supported!

Which crispbreads are really healthy?

Product of the day: Bread

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Today, proper nutrition is becoming the benchmark. Demand creates supply, and a variety of dietary products appear in stores. A special place is occupied by crispbreads, which are an alternative to the usual flour products. But can they be called unambiguously useful? Today we have to sort out this issue. Most often, a person on a diet refuses starchy foods. If everything is clear with buns and cakes, then there is still not enough bread. Therefore, on the second or third day of the diet, relaxation and gradual rejection of the desire to lose weight follow. However, an alternative has appeared - crispbread. There are a lot of them in stores today. We'll talk about Dr. Korner. Reviews of nutritionists will be very interesting, because they will help you make the right choice.

All the best for you

Indeed, when you see several dozen brands in a store, each of which offers the most delicious and healthy products, it is not easy to decide. However, after analyzing supply and demand, we come to the conclusion that many people prefer Dr. Korner. Reviews of nutritionists confirm that these are quality products. The manufacturer is the domestic JSC "Khlebprom". He assures the consumer that crispbreads promote effective weight loss, improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Beneficial features

Are they really a valuable product for our body? Let's ask the experts. They say that, first of all, Dr. Korner. Nutritionists' reviews emphasize that, unlike bread, this product does not contain yeast, which means it will not cause digestive problems. Due to the unique composition, the bread has the following properties:

  • Normalize bowel function.
  • They inhibit the processes of fat deposition.
  • They have excellent taste, which means they can become a full-fledged alternative to bread.
  • An undeniable advantage is the high content of B vitamins, protein and amino acids.
  • Low calorie content is another plus. One loaf contains 4 times less calories than a slice of bread.

Let's dwell on the last point in more detail. It can be questioned when it comes to a product such as Dr. Korner. Nutritionists' reviews suggest that everything depends on the main diet. There are 220 kcal per 100 g of the product. Of course, the products we are considering are very light, so it is difficult to eat such an amount per day, while much more bread is consumed at a time. Apparently, this is what the effect is based on.

Consumer opinion

More and more people every year begin to purchase Dr. Korner. The types presented on the shelves allow everyone to choose the best option for themselves for lunch and tea. This is the perfect way to replace regular bread. Moreover, it is convenient and important not only for those who are constantly on a diet, but also for athletes and adherents of a healthy diet. Breads perfectly complement breakfast, are very good as a snack, and are great for the production of delicious mini-desserts. The composition is almost perfect: there is no salt and sugar, oil and everything else. You can choose the option that you like the most.

Various tastes

There are several lines from which you can choose the product you like best. The classic includes four varieties. These are "Buckwheat" or "Rice" gluten-free, "Seven cereals", "Cereal cocktail". For savory tastes lovers, there are salted options. This is a stunning "Cereal cocktail" with a cheese flavor, which can easily replace more. In addition, this line includes "Borodino" bread with rye flour, brown rice with sea salt, as well as corn with herbs.

As an alternative to the liver, Dr. Korner "Cranberry". Nutritionists' reviews say that now there is no need to torment yourself with the refusal of dessert. There is no sugar in this product, but only fructose, which means that it is perfect for those who suffer from diabetes. But most often, people who follow a diet use it as a dessert. These are breads made from a mixture of cereals with the addition of cranberries and honey, pineapple and blueberries or lemon. You can't eat them without measure, because they also contain calories. However, compared to cookies, they are in a better position. Instead of 500 calories, 100 products contain 350 kcal, and due to the air structure they are very light. That is, one or two loaves will definitely not add extra pounds to you.


And again, let's try to find out whether it is worth buying Dr. Korner, or you can just as well get by with regular foods, bread or biscuits. The loafs win the battle with confectionery, since they cost about the same, and they have much less chance of being "deposited in stock". Therefore, if you do not plan to spread them thickly with jam, then you can safely drink tea. But what about ordinary bread? It's a lot cheaper, so maybe it's better to choose whole grains and eat them in small quantities than to follow the fashion? After all, a pack of breads weighing 100 g will cost you 50-65 rubles.

In addition, it should be noted that not everyone likes a dietary product. Many people think that the crispbread resembles styrofoam, and they say that it is better to cook unleavened cakes with bran, seeds and other tasty additives in the oven. It turns out to be both useful and inexpensive. Well, if you have a lot of time and you are not averse to tinkering in the kitchen, this option deserves the right to life. But it's up to you to decide.

"Seven Cereals"

Let's take a closer look at the composition and reviews. Breads Dr. Korner Cereal Cocktail is a classic version. They have a neutral taste, no spice, salt or sweetness. They don't go well with tea, but they can easily replace a piece of bread. Those who are already familiar with this product are well aware of its dietary properties. A minimum of fat and calories is their main advantage. But what about the taste that Dr. Korner? Reviews indicate that they are neutral. That's putting it mildly. But as an addition to the soup - very much even nothing. And put a delicate curd cheese on top - and you get a great sandwich.

What makes the weightless and crispy Dr. Korner? The composition, reviews of nutritionists about which are very approving, are wheat and buckwheat, rice and millet, corn and oatmeal, as well as barley. A unique cocktail, very useful for the body, but the taste, according to consumers, is not for everybody.

Buckwheat product

One of the most preferred types. They are inexpensive and low in calories, which attracts most buyers. Let's take a look at expert opinion and feedback. Breads Dr. Korner "Buckwheat" is a benefit as well as natural amino acids. The product contains highly nutritious protein, various vitamins and minerals. If you do not like buckwheat, but understand that this cereal should be present in the diet, try these breads. Perhaps they will become a new experience for you.

The crisps themselves are standard flat cakes. They are airy and very thin, with a subtle aroma. Everyone notes that the crispbread is very fragile, they just crumble in the hands. The composition is the most modest, the taste is the same. However, the lack of salt makes them suitable for consumption during the diet. 100 g of the product contains only 200 kcal, but you definitely won't be able to eat the package at a time.

Flavored tea loaves

Dinner hour has passed, and it's time to start dessert. And if you are on a diet? In this case, Dr. Korner "Cranberry". Reviews of nutritionists emphasize that it is sweets that do not allow you to have a slender figure, but here is a worthy alternative. It contains whole grains, fiber and no sugar at all. A pleasant taste is achieved due to fructose, which, although high in calories in itself, is more preferable for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Let's take a look at a simple comparison. A 100 g bar of chocolate is 500 kcal, and a pack of loaves is 300 kcal. That is, no one canceled the principle of measure. Having eaten a couple of packages of the most dietary breads in the evening, you definitely will not add harmony to yourself. Likewise, a cube of chocolate will not put on weight.

However, there is one point that favorably distinguishes Dr. Korner "Cranberry". Nutritionists' reviews indicate that the composition contains a large amount of insoluble and soluble dietary fiber. They have a positive effect on the entire digestive process and also speed up satiety.

Buyers' verdict

But the taste will disappoint those who want to feel the clear presence of cranberries. You need to carefully listen to your feelings in order to distinguish it. And so these are just sweet breads that resemble Dietitians warn that you will not be able to lose weight simply from the fact that you eat this product. But if you supplement them with a boring diet on a diet, you can endure much longer without breaking down.

What else do customers say about Dr. Korner Cranberry Cereal Cocktail? Reviews emphasize that they are tastier than their classic counterparts, and that they are great for tea drinking. However, there is also a minus: they are sticky, and if they lie in an open pack, they stick together. Nutritionists point out that sugary varieties are generally not suitable for people who want to lose weight.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the external similarity, crispbreads have a different effect on our body. For example, buckwheat is recommended for people with anemia, diabetics and overweight people. If you are prone to colds and skin diseases, then it is better to include oat bread in the diet. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat wheat and barley products. Multigrain bread is a versatile option for the whole family.

- Is it possible to lose weight with these breads? Are they dietary? Let's figure it out now

Pluses: sweet

Disadvantages: no cranberry taste and aroma, sticky, inconvenient packaging

And again a review on the topic of the struggle for a slim figure :)

I have long since switched from bread to bread. And, in search of a new taste, when I saw bread with the inscription "CRANBERRY cereal cocktail" in the store, my imagination had already presented this interesting taste, and my hands reached out to this product.

On the front side of the package, the advantages of these crisps are indicated:

Whole grains



What do I pay attention to when choosing food? Of course, on the composition and ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

So, these loaves contain fructose and sucralose, thanks to these components, the loaves are sweet. I can't help but note that this is far from the best option from sugar substitutes and sweeteners, because fructose is a fruit sugar and, in fact, its dietary quality is in great doubt.

And sucralose is a chemically derived sweetener, which suggests that it is not harmless to the body.

By the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, we can observe a fairly high percentage of carbohydrates. It is higher than, for example, dark chocolate. However, due to the low fat content, the total calorie content is less than that of the same chocolate (in a regular chocolate about 550 kcal, in these breads - 320).

Well, okay, I bought these breads to taste and feel the cranberry taste.

I want to note the not very successful packaging for this product - it is inconvenient to open (

Now about the taste. I didn't feel anything like the taste, not even the smell of cranberries. These are just sweet breads. They remind me of sweet puffed rice, which was quite popular during my childhood :)

And they are also very sticky and, if they lie in an open pack, they stick together and it is problematic to tear them off.

So what's the verdict? Can you lose weight by eating Dr. Korner Cranberry Cereal Smoothie?

We lose weight when we expend more calories than we consume from food. Therefore, if these breads are within your daily calorie intake, then yes, you can lose weight. However, I would not classify these crispbreads as dietary products, since I am against fructose and products on it. In this case, it is better to eat the fruit than the indicated loaves.

So I was DISAPPOINTED by the Dr. Korner Cranberry Cereal Cocktail. I bought them hoping to feel the taste and aroma of cranberries, but this did not happen, and I do not understand why they are called cranberries? Oo Because the composition contains natural cranberry and cranberry juice flavoring? Perhaps their percentage of content is so low that it is not felt.

I give this product 2 stars.

P.s. I could not eat a package of these breads (100 g) even in 2 months - I did not like them.

Thanks for attention,

Your Naty

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Recently, a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is gaining popularity. This means that you have to exclude or look for a replacement for many products. Since there is a demand, then there will be supply, so today you can see a huge variety of dietary products on store shelves. “Bread is the head of everything,” says a Russian proverb. But adherents of a healthy lifestyle have found an alternative to him: bread. Rye, wheat, oat, with and without additives. Cakes of domestic production of JSC "Khlebprom" under the trade mark Dr. Korner.

How do they taste?

The manufacturer divides the line of bread into three types: classic cereals, sweet and salty.

The first group includes six items:

- “Rice Cakes Dr. Korner with vitamins ”. Rice improves digestion, replenishes the body's energy reserves and is considered the best grain crop for fasting days.

- "Wheat with vitamins". Wheat prevents fatigue, stimulates metabolic processes, helps to restore and rejuvenate facial skin.

- "Buckwheat with vitamins." Buckwheat helps to improve the functioning of the immune system, lowers cholesterol and is an auxiliary material for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

- "Cereal cocktail with vitamins and minerals." They combine the valuable components of the cereals included in the composition, contain vitamins belonging to group B, and vitamin PP.

- "Seven Cereals". We have collected the beneficial properties of wheat, millet, rice, as well as barley, oatmeal, corn and buckwheat groats.

- "Cornbreads Dr. Korner ". Corn helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, increases stress resistance and prevents aging of the body.

Salted bread

Salty crispbreads combine cereals with cheese, iodized salt, as well as "Borodinsky". Breads Dr. Korner cheese "are very popular. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and zinc. The protein, which is part of the cheese and is almost completely absorbed by the body, is necessary for it as a building material for cells. The cheese itself is rich in vitamins A, B 2, B 12, D. The cereal cocktail "With iodized salt" is rich in iodine and contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Bread "Borodinsky" is the taste of real Borodino bread. Made from rye and wheat with the addition of herbs - coriander and caraway seeds.

Sweet breads are presented more extensively than salty ones - five names of the Cereal Cocktail with different flavors: lemon, honey, cranberry, pineapple and blueberry. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which is absolutely indispensable for the normal metabolism in the body, and also participates in tissue nutrition and undoubtedly strengthens the immune system. There is no doubt about the healing properties of honey - this is a well-known truth, proven by centuries of history and experience. Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries, the strongest natural antioxidant. It is essential for the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Pineapple is a natural "fat burner" containing organic acids. In addition, it contains bromelain, a plant enzyme that accelerates the absorption of proteins. Blueberries have no analogues in terms of their beneficial properties for vision: reduces eye fatigue, normalizes eye pressure. In addition, it removes heavy metal salts from the body. Breads Dr. Korner caramel tastes amazing.

The composition of the loaves

Cereals Dr. Korner, according to nutritionists, is tasty and healthy:

- "Rice with vitamins": crushed and parboiled rice, a mixture of vitamins and minerals "Kolosok-1", including vitamins PP, B 1, B 2, B 6, as well as folic acid and iron.

"Wheat with vitamins": wheat, "Kolosok-1" - a vitamin-mineral mixture of iron, folic acid, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, PP.

- "Buckwheat with vitamins": buckwheat kernel, vitamin-mineral mixture "Kolosok-1" (vitamins PP, B 6, B 1, B 2, iron, folic acid). The composition of Dr. Korner is indicated on the packaging.

- "Cereal cocktail with vitamins and minerals": wheat, buckwheat, rice, a mixture based on vitamins and minerals "Kolosok-1" (vitamins PP, B 6, B 1, B 2, iron, folic acid).

- "Seven cereals": buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat, millet.

- "Corn": corn grits, popcorn corn.

Salted Cakes Dr. Kerner:

- "Cheese cereal cocktail": buckwheat and rice cereals, wheat, natural flavoring "Cheese", yeast extract, food fiber based on citrus.

- "With iodized salt": rice, wheat, buckwheat, iodized food salt.

- "Borodinsky": rye, wheat, whole caraway seeds, whole coriander, fermented rye malt, peeled rye baking flour, iodized table salt.

Many people are interested in the benefits of bread.

Sweet bread

Sweet crispbreads are presented in the following lines:

- "Lemon cereal cocktail": buckwheat, rice, wheat, lemon juice, fructose, natural lemon flavor, sucralose sweetener, iodized salt.

- "Honey cereal cocktail": rice and buckwheat groats, wheat, honey, fructose, iodized salt, natural honey flavor, sucralose sweetener.

There are also Dr. Korner cranberry.

- "Cranberry cereal cocktail": wheat, buckwheat and rice groats, fructose, cranberry juice, natural cranberry flavor, sucralose sweetener, iodized salt.

- “Pineapple cereal cocktail”: wheat, buckwheat, rice, fructose, food salt, natural pineapple flavor, pineapple extract, sucralose sweetener.

- "Blueberry cereal cocktail": rice groats, wheat, blueberry juice, buckwheat groats, fructose, sucralose sweetener, natural blueberry flavor, iodized salt.

Nutritionist reviews

Bread is a healthy product. They promote effective weight loss, improve metabolism and, in addition, help cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins from it.

Loaves, unlike breads, do not contain yeast, which can sometimes cause digestive problems. In addition, they are a good source of fiber and slow carbohydrates, which contribute to the fast satiety of the body and the long absence of hunger. It is noted that many breads of this brand include vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, and also does not include salt, which retains water in the body.

Nutritionists say that the benefits of using them in your diet depend on how consciously and intelligently a person approaches the use of bread. They advise not to consume more than five to seven pieces per day. The benefits of the crispbread are described below.

Useful properties of bread

The health benefits of cereal and grain breads are hard to dispute. This is the value of the properties of the cereals themselves and the minerals they contain, the B vitamins, which are part of many species from this product line, the absence of artificial additives, and fiber.

B vitamins benefit the nervous system and help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and blood circulation.

Cereals are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. The benefits of phosphorus and calcium for bones, teeth and hair are widely known; iron - for blood, magnesium - for muscle work.

The fiber contained in bread helps the intestines to function fully and removes from the body various toxic substances that are formed during the digestion of food.

Another useful property, even, one might say, a plus of loaves is the low calorie content. In one loaf of Dr. According to nutritionists, Korner contains four times fewer calories than a slice of bread (two hundred to seventy to three hundred and twenty kilocalories per hundred grams of product), while the feeling of fullness comes much faster than from bread.

Contraindications to the use of bread

The loaves, like any other product, have contraindications for use. Of great harm to health, the Dr. Korner, of course, will not be applied, since there are no artificial additives in the composition that can cause allergies, but in some cases it is better to either refuse them altogether, or first consult a doctor. With caution, it is worth introducing this product into the diet for diseases of the digestive system, problems with the digestion of fiber, as well as individual intolerance to certain foods.

With the appearance of pain and bloating, increased gas production after consuming plant foods, you may not even think about introducing this bread substitute into your daily diet. It is also worth forgetting about them for people with intolerance to cereal protein and fiber. People with hypertension should not eat salty types of bread, so as not to cause an aggravation. But since besides salty there are also classic and sweet ones, you can choose from these groups.

It should be remembered that there is no such product that can be absorbed in large quantities and lose weight. And "Dr. Kerner" bread is no exception.


The price of this product for a one-hundred-gram package varies from forty to seventy rubles. It depends, first of all, on the type of bread. So, sweet ones will cost a little more than classic or salty ones. Shopping centers / supermarkets also give their markups. But in general, we can say that this price category (when compared with other brands) is acceptable for bread.

Calorie content

Calorie content of Dr. Korner, according to nutritionists, averages about three hundred kilocalories per hundred grams. You might think that this is a lot, but you shouldn't get upset without understanding it. Fiber, which is found in large quantities in breads, belongs to complex carbohydrates, that is, it is slowly absorbed by the body and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, with a fairly large volume, they are very light, so four to six pieces per day will be enough for a person to get enough, and this will not interfere at all, but on the contrary, will contribute to weight loss and cleansing the body.