Do I need to drink hormones. Do I need to take hormones. Factors affecting the result of hormone tests

Myth 1: Hormonal drugs are special birth control pills for women.

No. Hormonal drugs are drugs obtained synthetically. They act like natural hormones produced in our body. There are many organs in the human body that secrete hormones: female and male reproductive organs, endocrine glands, central nervous system and others. Accordingly, hormonal drugs can be different, and they are prescribed for a wide variety of diseases.

Female hormonal drugs (containing female sex hormones) may or may not have a contraceptive effect. Sometimes, on the contrary, they normalize hormones and promote pregnancy. Preparations containing male sex hormones are prescribed to men with a decrease in the quality of ejaculate (that is, sperm motility), with hypofunction, and a decrease in the level of male sex hormones.

Myth 2: Hormones are prescribed only for very serious illnesses.

No. There are a number of minor illnesses in which hormonal drugs are also prescribed. For example, decreased function thyroid gland(hypofunction). Doctors often prescribe hormones in this case, for example, thyroxine or eutirox.

Myth 3: If you do not take a hormonal pill in time, then nothing terrible will happen.

No. Hormonal drugs must be taken strictly by the hour. For example, the hormonal contraceptive pill works for 24 hours. Accordingly, it is imperative to drink it once a day. There are drugs that you need to drink 2 times a day. These are some male sex hormones, as well as corticosteroids (for example, dexamethasone). Moreover, it is recommended to take hormones at the same time of the day. If you drink hormones irregularly, or forget to drink altogether, the level of the necessary hormone can drop dramatically.

For example, if a woman forgot to take a hormonal contraceptive pill, the next day she should take the forgotten evening pill in the morning, and another pill in the evening of the same day. If the interval between doses was more than a day (recall: the hormonal contraceptive pill works for 24 hours), then the level of hormones in the blood will decrease very much. In response to this, minor bleeding will surely appear. In such cases, you can continue to take the contraceptive pill, but additionally protect yourself for the next week. If more than 3 days have passed, it is necessary to stop taking hormones, use other means of contraception, wait for the onset of menstruation and additionally consult a doctor.

Myth 4: When hormones are taken, they build up in the body.

No. When the hormone enters the body, it immediately breaks down into chemical compounds, which are then excreted from the body. For example, the contraceptive pill breaks down and “leaves” the body within 24 hours: that's why you need to drink it every 24 hours.

Need to know: the mechanism of prolonged action of hormones is not associated with their accumulation in the body. This is simply the principle of action of these drugs: "work" through other structures of the body.

However, hormonal drugs continue to "work" after they have stopped taking. But they act indirectly. For example, a woman drinks hormonal pills for several months, then stops taking them, and in the future she has no problems with the cycle.

Why is this happening? Hormonal drugs act on different target organs. For example, female contraceptive pills affect the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, and parts of the brain. When the pill is “gone” from the body, the mechanism that it triggered continues to work.

Myth 5: Hormones are not prescribed during pregnancy.

They write out. If a woman had hormonal disorders before pregnancy, then during gestation she needs drug support so that the production of female and male hormones is normal, and the child develops normally.

Or another situation. Before pregnancy, the woman was all right, but with her onset something suddenly went wrong. For example, she suddenly notices that intense hair growth has begun from the navel down and around the nipples. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor who can prescribe a hormonal examination, and, if necessary, prescribe hormones. Not necessarily female genital - it can be, for example, adrenal hormones.

Myth 6: Do hormonal drugs weight side effects, first of all - an increase in body weight

There are practically no medications without side effects at all. But you need to distinguish between side effects that do not require discontinuation of the drug. For example, it is normal for the mammary glands to swell when taking birth control hormones. Scanty spotting in the first or second months of admission during the intermenstrual period also has the right to be. Headache, dizziness, fluctuations in weight (plus or minus 2 kg) - all this is not a pathology or a sign of a disease. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for a long enough period. By the end of the first month, the body adapts, and everything returns to normal.

But, so that there are no really serious problems associated, say, with blood vessels, it is imperative to be examined and tested before prescribing the medication and during its administration. And only a doctor can prescribe you a specific hormonal drug that will not harm your health.

Myth 7: There is always an alternative to hormones.

Not always. There are situations when hormonal drugs are indispensable. Let's say a woman under 50 has had her ovaries removed. As a result, she very quickly begins to age and lose health. In this case, her body until 55-60 years old must be supported by hormone therapy. Of course, provided that her underlying disease (due to which the ovaries were removed) has no contraindications to this appointment.

Moreover, in some diseases, female sex hormones can be strictly recommended even by a neuropsychiatrist. For example, with depression.

Endocrinologists and gynecologists have been using hormonal preparations for a long time to restore hormonal levels and treat many diseases associated with a lack or excess of hormones. But for residents of Russia, especially those over 40-45 years old, this is one of the biggest "horror stories", so the percentage of those taking these drugs is low, although this is a real chance to prolong youth, restore or preserve health.

Should I take hormonal medications?

Hormones are involved in almost all processes in a woman's body, regardless of age. Hormonal disruption can occur as a result of any disease or as a result of the onset of menopause in a woman. To restore the background, it is simply impossible to do without special preparations.

After 45 years, about 55% of women take hormone replacement therapy in England, and less than 1% in Russia.

Hormonal drugs are widely used to treat and stabilize conditions caused by hormone imbalances.

Are hormonal drugs so dangerous?

Preparations containing hormones, entering the body, interact with receptors that are sensitive to these proteins. As a result, low hormonal levels increase. This is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is given to a woman when:

  • Thyroid dysfunction. As a result, there is an imbalance of the corresponding hormones, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes. Without insulin-containing (hormonal) drugs, a woman's life is threatened.
  • Infertility. Often this is due to the high level of prolactin, the suppression of which with appropriate drugs will solve the problem.
  • Climax, including artificial. It occurs as a result of the extinction of the function of the ovaries or their removal. It is they who produce estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for reproductive function, youthful skin, the severity of symptoms such as hot flashes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis.

All of these cases are a direct indication for the appointment of HRT, without which the quality of a woman's life decreases, and there is a threat of the development of serious diseases.

Myths about HRT

Many do not know for certain why hormonal drugs should not be taken, they have no reasons for this, but there is a great fear. It is caused by the following myths:

  • They are only contraceptives. This is not so, because the effect on the body depends on the type of active hormone, its concentration. HRT successfully fights against a large number of different diseases.
  • It is a treatment for severe dysfunctions. In fact, even a small deviation from the norm can cause health problems that can be easily solved by taking hormonal drugs.
  • Hormones should not be taken during pregnancy. This is a categorical delusion that leads to the independent refusal of patients from taking the prescribed drugs. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of a threat to the life of the child and mother (dysfunction of the thyroid gland causes underdevelopment, including mental, in children).
  • Hormones accumulate in tissues. These substances cannot persist for a long time, therefore, in the absence of a reaction with receptors, they are quickly destroyed.
  • HRT provokes weight gain. This is possible only with an incorrectly selected dosage (self-medication), as a result of which a hormonal imbalance develops. It leads to improper absorption of nutrients.
  • HRT can be replaced with non-hormonal drugs. An alternative is phytoestrogen-based products. But they are not able to fully replace hormones, and long-term use causes allergic reactions.
  • Young people are not in danger of hormonal disruption. An imbalance can be caused by any factor, including stressful situations. Therefore, age is not a contraindication for taking substitution therapy.

Russian women have an absolutely unfounded fear of HRT, which is based on myths, not real facts.

Pros and cons of hormonal drugs

Women are afraid of hormones that are natural for their body, while boldly taking foreign substances - antibiotics. Highest value for women's health have estrogen and progesterone. Maintaining their normal balance will prevent the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, uterine fibroids, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. They will also significantly reduce the manifestations of the climacteric syndrome, and will allow the menstrual cycle to be adjusted.

Only the attending physician who conducted the necessary examinations can make a decision on the appointment of a specific drug and its doses.

Modern drugs are microdoses that are as safe as possible for a woman's health, practically causing no side effects. But sometimes such side effects like dizziness, nausea, indigestion, candidiasis, feeling of shortness of breath. If you notice any deterioration in well-being, see your doctor so that he can adjust the therapy.

Why are hormonal drugs dangerous for women?

The danger of taking hormonal drugs arises only in the case of self-medication. There are a number of contraindications for prescribing HRT, and a detailed examination is also required beforehand.

Replacement therapy is contraindicated if there is:

  • Malignant tumors of the breast or uterus. This is a 100% contraindication, while benign neoplasms do not belong to the prohibitions on the appointment of hormone therapy. Recent studies show that modern drugs can prevent the development of any tumor processes.
  • Ovarian cyst. But the prohibition applies only to diseases caused by an imbalance in sex hormones. If pituitary hormones are the cause, then therapy is indicated for use.
  • High blood clots. In this case, taking HRT can provoke the appearance of new blood clots.
  • Myocardial infarction as a result of ischemic heart disease. This suggests that it is too late to take hormones.
  • Fibroadenoma. The risk of degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one is increased.

Other types of cancer are not a contraindication to HRT.

Many girls instinctively feel threatened and fearful at the mention of the phrase "hormonal drugs". Indeed, in the understanding of the majority of the fair sex, who have nothing to do with the field of medicine, hormones are pills that have monstrous power and bring a large number of similar effects.

Features of the classification

The composition of hormonal drugs contains special substances that are similar in properties to hormones. The production of the last elements occurs in the endocrine functions of a person, and they spread throughout the body along with the blood, affecting the systems they need.

The conditional classification of hormonal drugs assumes the existence of several groups of them.

Pituitary gland - these are hormones such as gonadotropin, oxytocin. The funds can be used by any woman if it is necessary to take on the treatment of hypothyroidism, when there is insufficient production of her own hormones.

Pancreas- Traditionally, this group includes basic drugs, for example, insulin and parathyroid glands. This group involves the use of well-known drugs.

Sex hormones Are androgens, anabolic steroids. These funds are taken when it is necessary to normalize reproductive function after undergoing a special consultation with a specialist.

What is treated with hormonal drugs

Despite the fact that many people are wary of these drugs, it can be said that they play an important role in the lives of many women and are related to the necessary substances.

Why do you need hormonal therapy:

  • Contraception - in this case, we mean hormone therapy during menopause in men and women;
  • In order to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body and different types allergies;
  • If necessary, getting rid of hormonal deficiency - in the form of hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • The use of hormonal agents for various types of oncological diseases is justified.

Hormonal pills: benefit or harm?

Modern hormonal drugs are not created for the purpose of helping people to actively fight various problems.

That is, taking only them, you cannot get rid of excess weight or excess hair growth, so taking it solely for cosmetic purposes is the wrong decision. If you decide to take these medications, you should tune in to the fact that they will only help in getting rid of a few things.

It is STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED to take hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription, since self-medication can lead to irreversible processes.

Only with the help of a competent doctor can you get rid of the problem, create protection and gain confidence in your own health. In this case, hormonal agents can give not only an excellent internal state, but also improve your appearance, giving your skin beauty.

Many people are convinced that hormone pills are a must for a change both inside and out. In principle, if you consult a good endocrinologist and visit a gynecologist, they can refute this myth.

However, in many cases, during treatment wide range diseases, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Hormonal pills during pregnancy

Insufficient hormone production can also be encountered during pregnancy, since hypothyroidism is often an unpredictable disease.

If there is a need to take funds designed to help in the fight against ailments, you can take the drugs, but only in the case of a preliminary consultation with your doctor.

Hormonal pills for mastopathy

Funds in the presence of this ailment are also prescribed by a specialist. Mastopathy is represented by a benign formation in the mammary gland, which grows pathologically and can lead to side effects in the absence of proper timely treatment.

If this disease appears, it is necessary to consult with a doctor - mammologist, who will give several recommendations and help you deal with the treatment.

Hormones for fibroadenoma

The onset and development of this disease is strongly influenced by the hormonal background of a woman, therefore, it is necessary for treatment so that hormones are normal. If this factor is not present, the specialist prescribes high-quality and proven hormonal drugs.

The influence of hormonal levels on the conception of a child is undeniable. Elements such as prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and others appear here.

By the time of planning pregnancy, many women are faced with an insufficiently well-developed hormonal background, so a lot of efforts have to be made to normalize it. In such cases, hormones may be prescribed by the attending physician.

It's important to know!

It is not recommended to take hormones along with antibiotics.
Thus, the effect of hormones on a woman's body can hardly be overestimated. If quality hormone therapy is required, this fact should be discussed with the doctor.

Sex hormones for women in their body play a very important role. But in Lately Hormonal disorders have become a fairly common occurrence, which can be associated with poor ecology, constant stress and other negative factors. To bring the content of these elements back to normal, special preparations were developed - female hormones in tablets. They not only help a woman to be healthy and beautiful, but also protect her from unwanted pregnancy.

Major sex hormones

The most significant hormones in women are progesterone and estrogen. The ovaries produce estrogen, which affects the health and puberty of the fair sex. In addition, this hormone affects the shaping of the figure and softness of the lady's character. If the body suffers from a lack of estrogen, then it begins to age quickly, but too much of it can lead to various disorders and diseases, such as being overweight or, worse, benign tumors. Progesterone is also important for women's health, because the distribution of adipose tissue, the formation of the mammary glands, genitals, and the development of the embryo depend on it. The production of this hormone occurs by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and the placenta.

The use of hormonal drugs

To eliminate hormonal disruptions in the girl's body, they are used in tablets. This is necessary, as unstable can provoke serious consequences such as sudden changes blood pressure, disruptions of the menstrual cycle, chronic fatigue, disorders of the digestive system, headaches. Everything will affect the appearance: the appearance of acne, acne is possible, the hair becomes oily, the skin begins to peel off. It is also often used as a contraceptive to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is because of this that female hormones in tablets are widely used.

Types of hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs produced in pill form can be divided into two types:

It should be noted that it is necessary to take drugs of this kind only if they are prescribed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. After all, improper intake of hormonal agents can cause serious harm to a woman's body.

Many belong to hormone treatment with apprehension and disbelief. It is believed that the consequence of such treatment may be unnecessary obesity. So what to be prepared for, what to know and what to fear if hormone treatment is prescribed?

Consider the role hormones play

If the human body can be imagined as a harmoniously playing orchestra, then hormones play the role of "conductors". Hormones are released at the right intervals and in the right proportions. As a result, the body works well, and the person does not get sick. But, if the functioning of any gland is disrupted, then a hormonal failure occurs in the body. To restore hormonal balance, hormonal treatment is prescribed.

Hormone treatment it is prescribed for endocrine diseases, infertility in women and men, menopause, both female and male, osteoporosis, renal failure, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, ischemic heart disease, skin diseases, acne. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

Hormone action

When hormones enter the body, they are broken down into chemical compounds that affect certain organs. For example, hormonal contraceptives block the release of an egg from the ovaries, and as a result, pregnancy does not occur.

Hormones do not accumulate in the body, but are excreted after about a day. But, since they start a mechanism that continues to work even after they are excreted from the body. Therefore, in order to maintain the functioning of this mechanism, hormones must be taken regularly. Hormone treatments can take weeks, months, or even years. In the latter case, the doctor prescribes breaks in treatment.

Do hubbubs cause cancer?

Today it has already been proven that a high concentration of estrogen provokes the growth of breast tissue, and this can lead. In men, especially if the man smokes, estrogen contributes to lung cancer.

During menopause, hormone therapy increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer if the pill is taken for more than 10 years. 2-3 women per thousand are at risk.

Excess estrogen in men increases the risk of developing benign prostate enlargement, heart attack, and stroke.

How to take hormones correctly

Before prescribing hormonal treatment, the doctor must conduct an examination, prescribe tests for the content of hormones in the body. He also assesses the state of the body as a whole, taking into account the existing diseases. If a doctor boldly writes out a prescription without prescribing tests, be wary.

At taking hormonal drugs strictly observe the dosage and frequency. To maintain the required level of hormones in the blood, hormonal drugs are prescribed clearly by the clock, since after a certain time the effect of the drug ends, and it is necessary to take it again.

The instructions for hormonal drugs indicate the recommended time for taking them.

In order for the treatment to be effective, you must never skip taking the pills.

Consequences of hormonal treatment

Moreover, the reaction to taking hormones each person is individual. But the most common consequences of taking hormonal drugs are: slight weight gain, active hair growth, skin rashes, dizziness, and digestive disorders. Taking male hormones can increase blood pressure and cause fluid retention.
You can not take hormonal drugs uncontrollably. For example, drugs for psoriasis and other skin diseases that relieve itching will not cure the underlying disease, but can cause addiction for life.

When hormones cannot be treated

Female hubbub estrogen should not be prescribed during pregnancy, malignant neoplasms, liver diseases.

You can not prescribe hormonal treatment for women with obesity, heavy smokers, people with venous disease, fibroadenoma or cyst in the mammary gland, a predisposition to trombones. If you suspect a breast tumor, hormones are urgently canceled. You can also not take hormonal drugs after removal of the tumor.

If an allergic reaction occurs during treatment, weight gains rapidly, problems with blood vessels arise, hormonal treatment is stopped.

If in the course of treatment hormone therapy does not bring the desired result, the patient feels a deterioration in his condition, then the drug is changed or stopped altogether. Don't expect relief immediately after giving up hormonal treatment, it will come after some time, when the mechanism triggered by hormones ceases to work.

Pros of hormones

Local hormonal preparations (ointments, sprays, drops) quickly relieve the condition and relieve symptoms.

Modern hormonal contraceptives not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also improve the skin and remove acne.

In men, hormone therapy eases the course of menopause, which occurs after 45 years. In men at this age, there is a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to an increase in the risk of heart attack, stroke and the development of coronary heart disease. A properly selected course of hormones will protect against the occurrence of these diseases, increase physical activity, sexual desire, relieve fatigue, irritability, from which men suffer during this period of life.

Do not be afraid hormonal treatment... Some diseases can only be treated with hormones. Be sure to undergo an examination before treatment, strictly adhere to the recommendations and in no case self-medicate. Then you will achieve recovery with minimal consequences.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Alcohol is bad for your health even by itself. And if in combination with drugs - even more so. This is known to every sane person. Alcohol is a toxic substance, and its combination with drugs can be accompanied by serious troubles, up to and including death. Let's not talk about and. Let's discuss how alcohol affects the body when taking hormonal drugs? What drugs are strictly forbidden to combine with alcohol?

Alcohol and hormonal drugs

Many women use hormonal drugs for treatment or contraception. Moreover, treatment with hormonal drugs usually lasts a very long time, and contraceptives are used even regularly. And, sooner or later, many are wondering - ah can a hormonal drug be combined with alcohol? After all, there can be many reasons - a birthday, a wedding, just a rest in the company, and the course of admission is long. How to be? What do experts say on this topic?

  • Alcohol is not recommended with any medications .
  • The effects of concurrent drug and alcohol use are unpredictable. .
  • Hormonal drugs are among those medicines which are forbidden to combine with alcohol .

Consequences of taking hormonal pills with alcohol

In the process of taking hormonal drugs, the female endocrine system begins to function in a different mode. When combined with alcohol, the following happens:

  • Activation of the adrenal glands and gonads "turns on". This, in turn, becomes a consequence of an increase in blood adrenaline, cortisone and aldosterone. Is happening oversaturation of the body with hormones and, accordingly, their overdose.
  • The opposite result is also possible. That is, the absence therapeutic effect from taking drugs due to alcohol inhibition of the action of drugs. But this is a relatively safe situation that should not be counted on.
  • A very difficult consequence of the combination of artificially introduced hormones and alcohol can be exacerbation of peptic ulcer, thrombophlebitis, headaches and seizures.
  • The consequences of such a rash act can be many. And no one can predict the reaction of alcohol with hormonal drugs to a specific organism. It cannot be ruled out that the endocrine system will stop working altogether in the previous usual mode... In this case, problems associated with hormonal background can cover the body like an avalanche.

Almost every the instruction for the medicinal product contains a warning that it is undesirable or prohibited to combine it with alcohol... And when treating with hormonal drugs, the intake of which in itself is stressful for the body, it is better to refrain from alcohol and follow clear instructions.

Over the years, no one remembers who was the first to come up with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The German Langerhans, who discovered the islets in the pancreas, and our compatriot Sobolev, who established their role in the production of insulin, and the Canadians Banting and Best, who received insulin from a bovine pancreas in 1922, distinguished themselves.

This should also include the one who was the first to comprehend the simple truth: it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the disease. His name is unknown, but the tactics helped the descendants: since there is not enough hormone, let's add it, and everything will immediately fall into place. And so they did.

Equivalent replacement

The first "test subjects" on whom hormone replacement therapy was tested were patients with diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, the results of insulin therapy turned out to be far from perfect. Still: the hormone was extracted from the first animals that came across, the methods of its purification left much to be desired, and the injection schemes required revision. Only in the 1960s-1980s, things went smoothly, and on the wave of this success, all the now-known hormone replacement therapy rose up - a treatment aimed at replacing the missing hormones in the body.

Dwarfism began to be treated with somatotropin - growth hormone, hypothyroidism - with hormones, Addison's disease - with cortisol and aldosterone. The category of states that can be corrected by HRT, of course, includes and.

Not all women take menopause for granted and find in it positive sides(like saving on pads and contraceptives). Most are seriously worried about the drop in the level of sex hormones (estrogens and progestins), because it is accompanied by mood swings, "hot flashes", thinning of the skin, dry mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, osteoporosis, loss of interest in sexuality, neurocirculatory dystonia. In short, a whole set of unpleasant symptoms.

For such ladies, hormone replacement therapy was just right. By the end of the twentieth century, more than 20 million women in the West were taking drugs with hormones every day, and for many years they did not want to give them up. So far, inquisitive scientists have not overcome doubts: is it so useful to interfere with the hormonal background of the body and give it a dose of the active substance day after day?

A whip for fright!

Large-scale studies of that time showed that HRT heals one and cripples the other. Women who have been using sex hormones for more than five years really looked great and felt pretty good, but ... It turned out that the use of estrogens increases the likelihood of developing breast and endometrial cancer: estrogens stimulate cell division, including cancerous ones. Again, hormone replacement therapy after three times increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism, including pulmonary embolism.

However, an attempt to link HRT with ischemic disease heart, hypertension and liver disease failed miserably.

It turned out that all cases of weight gain on the background of HRT are associated with a late start of treatment, when obesity has already begun, and just from a lack of sex hormones. And American doctors, together with the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology, have proved that hormone replacement therapy, on the contrary, improves survival in women with coronary heart disease. The 10-year survival rate of patients taking hormones was 97% versus 60% of those who never took them. If we talk about the risk of cancer, it was possible to reduce the use of combined estrogen-progestogen drugs.

Today, the newest low-dose products of biochemical technologies and genetic engineering have replaced "heavy" hormonal drugs of low purity. However, many doctors still remain in the camp of opponents of HRT. And that's why.

The main thing that is alarming in the bright prospect of mass propaganda of HRT is the dosage. All hormones are present in the blood in trace amounts, their balance is extremely individual and can change from day to day. It is possible, of course, to study the daily rhythm of the production of one or another hormone in the body, but how to calculate the required individual dose of a hormone replacement therapy drug?

Let's reveal a little secret. Until now, all hormones are prescribed in average doses. That is, by and large, with each drug intake, patients inflict a powerful blow on their tissue receptors, which have to adapt, roughly speaking, do not react so actively to the stimulus. It is not difficult to guess how it will end: their sensitivity to hormonal drugs gradually decreases, and then disappears altogether.

Specialist comment
I prescribe hormone replacement therapy for women in menopause, but when my patients hear about hormones, they often refuse to take them. Therefore, I prefer to make do with homeopathic remedies or dietary supplements, the effect of which is, empirically tested. By the way, I take them myself.
Regarding true hormone replacement therapy, I can say that over the course of many years of practice, I have observed only three cases of complications. These were edema and exacerbation of hypertension.
Zubanova I.V., gynecologist

Another disadvantage: the hormone introduced from the outside suppresses the work of the gland that synthesizes it normally. The negative feedback principle. While someone else's hormone circulates in the blood, its own is practically not produced - the gland rests without receiving an order from above (from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland). If substitution treatment lasts a long time, she generally loses her skills, and when HRT is canceled, her abilities do not return.

What to do? The answer lies in the competent tactics of treating hormone deficiencies:

  • Do not rush to switch to hormone therapy. Let us recall the basics of endocrinology: at first they try to cure thyroid insufficiency with iodine preparations, and stimulate the ovaries with various physiotherapy procedures. And only if all these methods are ineffective should one resort to hormones as an extreme remedy.
  • If you can do without HRT, then it is better to do without it. For example, in menopause, hormones are prescribed for osteoporosis and severe climacteric disorders, if they cause anxiety to the patient. Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy: malignant tumors, hepatic or renal failure, acute thromboembolic diseases
  • Choose the right medicine. Modern drugs for HRT are divided into herbal hormone-like drugs, bioidentical hormones and synthetic analogs of natural hormones. The former are good from a psychological point of view, because a clear bias has formed against hormones, and a rare patient is eager to accept them. Synthetic hormones have a quick and powerful effect, but their structure is slightly different from the natural hormones of our body, therefore, the production of their own hormones is more actively suppressed. The golden mean is bioidentical hormones.
  • Choose the optimal route of drug administration. For gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, HRT tablets are not recommended to be swallowed. Instead, you can give injections, apply hormonal patches, and throw special fast-absorbing pills under your tongue.
  • Stop in time. You don't have to take hormones all your life. Practice shows that 2-3 years are enough to stop climacteric disorders, after the drug is discontinued, hot flashes and other "delights" of menopause are unlikely to return. Lifetime hormone prescription is justified only in cases where a woman has removed one or both ovaries.

Excess weight, health problems, and even a loss of interest in sex can all be the result of improper selection or use of hormonal contraceptives. With all the advantages of hormonal contraception, one should not forget about the disadvantages of such pills. Of course, modern oral contraceptives cause much fewer problems than drugs of previous generations, but, like all drugs, they have side effects. Problem: You are gaining weight.

The estrogens that make up the OC can cause fluid retention (fortunately, the 1-2 kilograms gained because of this often go away after the body adapts). Other components, gestagens (progestogens, progestins), have a certain anabolic activity and can change carbohydrate metabolism, especially if there were violations of it before taking OC.

Is there a solution? As shown by numerous studies, modern drugs with 3rd generation progestogens (Jess, Yarina, Klayra, Midiana, etc.) affect metabolism much less than the OC of the first generations. “In most cases, weight gain is caused by the woman moving less or eating more calories. OK can indirectly influence appetite, both increasing and decreasing it, ”explains Larisa Ivanova, Ph.D., gynecologist at Central Clinical Hospital No. 13 (Moscow). So in the first months of taking it is worth keeping an eye on what and how much you eat!

Problem: you don't feel like having sex

Against the background of taking OK, the production of female sex hormones and the main hormone of sexuality - testosterone decreases, and sexual desire may decrease. For example, a study by scientists from the University of Heidelberg (Germany) showed that women who use hormonal contraception are more likely to complain of sexual dysfunctions associated with the ability to arouse and have an orgasm.

Is there a solution? In some cases, you can solve the problem by switching to pills with a lower progesterone content, in others, you have to change the method of contraception.

Problem: mood skips and you want to sleep

The mood and well-being of women largely depends on hormonal levels, especially on fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels during the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, interference in this process sometimes does not go unnoticed. Also, the progestogen components of OC can impair the metabolism of tryptophan, an amino acid necessary for the production of hormones for a good mood.

Is there a solution? Change OK. The downside: if some reception of OK affects negatively, others, on the contrary, adjusting the hormonal status helps to get rid of depression, irritability and mood swings caused by sharp fluctuations in hormones or their excess.

Issue: risk of thrombosis increases

In the 60s of the twentieth century, the frequency of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in women increased sharply - OK was the culprit.

Is there a solution? In modern contraceptives, the amount of hormones is several times lower, and they do not have such a strong effect on the blood coagulation system (the "critical" figure, the excess of which significantly increases the risk of such complications, is considered to be 50 μg of ethinyl estradiol). But only if we are talking about healthy women. If there were hemostasis disorders before the start of OCs, the likelihood of complications increases, especially against the background of concomitant risk factors: age over 35 years, smoking, hypertension, etc.

Problem: varicose veins are aggravated

According to the Association of Phlebologists of Russia, in 30% of cases, prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives causes varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.

Is there a solution? This is another reason why it is worth taking breaks in taking OK (Russian gynecologists often prescribe them for 1.5-2 years, then a break of 2-3 months). And before you start drinking them, it is worth visiting a phlebologist (especially if there is a "bad heredity").

Do not forget: oral contraceptives are medicines, and the doctor should select them after taking an anamnesis and the necessary examination, including examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands, blood pressure measurement, biochemical blood test, blood test for hormones, sugar, etc. for prothrombin (ideally for hemostasis). It is good to add to this the consultation of a phlebologist and an endocrinologist.

Thank you

The site provides background information for information only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

general information

Hormones are active substances that are involved in all physiological processes. They are produced by the endocrine glands and coordinate various processes: growth, reproduction, metabolism, and so on.

Hormone therapy in children

This type of treatment requires special qualifications from doctors, since the use of even the lightest hormonal agent necessarily reduces the activity of the gland that secretes it. It should be understood that the endocrine glands finally develop only by the age of twenty-five. Therefore, inept use of hormones can disrupt the natural process of becoming endocrine system.

Children are prescribed hormonal drugs only on special occasions and those that are quickly destroyed in the body ( prednisolone, hydrocortisone). It is better to give a medicine containing hormones to a baby during ( or before) breakfast.
Insulin preparations are very carefully prescribed to babies. The presence of glucose in the urine does not necessarily indicate diabetes... There are many diseases that are similar in their manifestations to diabetes mellitus, but not all of them are associated with a lack of insulin. Usually, hormonal agents are not used in hospitals to treat these conditions.

After infectious diseases and in case of disruption of the endocrine glands, in some cases, babies are prescribed anabolic steroids, but they absolutely cannot be used for diseases of an infectious-allergic nature ( e.g. collagen diseases, glomerulonephritis).
Any hormonal agents can be given to babies only after consulting an endocrinologist and in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage.
During the course of treatment, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby, the weight of his body, the work of the digestive system.
If prednisone is prescribed, you need to periodically check the amount of calcium and sugar in the blood, make sure that the child does not increase the hair on the body, does not rise in pressure, and there are no signs of a decrease in adrenal function.

Substitution therapy for menopause

During menopause, a woman's body produces not only less female sex hormone - estrogen, but also a weaker form - estrone... Thanks to the introduction of substitution therapy, the level of the female sex hormone in the body is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the body.


  • The work of the brain is activated,
  • Sleep is normalized
  • Blood pressure is normalized,
  • The heart rate is normalized,
  • Collagen fibers are strengthened in blood vessels, cartilage, skin,
  • Atherosclerosis is prevented ( increases the amount of high density lipoprotein - good cholesterol),
  • The likelihood of a heart attack, heart attacks decreases, the likelihood of death from coronary diseases decreases by half,
  • Reduces the likelihood of stroke by 50%,
  • Reduces the likelihood of fractures due to osteoporosis by 50%,
  • Eliminate such symptoms of menopause as vaginal dryness, itching of the vulva, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, urinary disorders,
  • The work of the thyroid gland is regulated,
  • The body weight does not increase under the influence of testosterones.
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus,
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Vaginal bleeding of an unclear nature.
A large selection of drugs for substitution therapy, as well as modern diagnostic methods make it possible to choose an individual course of treatment for each of the fair sex. These drugs are very low in hormones, which reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Before prescribing medication, the doctor will send you for an examination that reveals common diseases, the course of which can be aggravated by taking hormones. You will need to go to a gynecologist's appointment, do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, take an analysis for oncocytology, examine the condition of the chest, check pressure, body weight, donate blood for cholesterol and general analysis, for sugar, as well as urine analysis.
During the course of substitution therapy, you need to undergo examinations by a doctor and ultrasound control annually.

Substitution therapy in gynecology

  • Menopause,
  • Earlier ovarian depletion
  • Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea,
  • Dysgenesis of the gonads,
  • Normalization of the state of the endometrium after surgery or in the chronic form of endometritis,
  • Medical menopause.
In the treatment of women with infertility, hormone therapy is prescribed during the stimulation of ovulation, during in vitro fertilization, using donor oocytes.

Steroid hormones are used in treatment because they affect many internal organs. Their lack negatively affects the state of fatty tissue, liver, dermis, bones, digestive system, reproductive organs, blood vessels, and the brain.

Hormonal drugs of the latest generations, practically, one to one imitate natural ones, their concentration in the blood. The treatment uses small dosages of sex hormones that do not interfere with ovulation and do not have a contraceptive effect.
The use of hormones in the treatment of infertility comes down to the fact that with a natural lack of hormones in the patient's body, with the help of their artificial analogues, conditions are created that are as close to normal as possible. Thanks to this, fertilization and bearing of the fetus is carried out. When prescribing dosages of drugs, one of the most important indicators is the state of the endometrium.

With amenorrhea and early menopause, hormonal drugs are taken in cycles. Treatment continues until the age of normal menopause. If a woman wants children, hormone intake is not interrupted, as it helps to normalize the condition of the endometrium.

Tumors are divided into three groups:

  • Hormone active,
  • Hormone-conditioned,
  • Hormone dependent.
Hormone-conditioned are called neoplasms that appeared as a result of disruption of the endocrine system. One of these tumors is breast cancer, which develops when the function of the ovaries or the thyroid gland is dysfunctional.
The appearance of such a tumor does not in all cases indicate the advisability of treatment with hormones.

Hormone-active Are tumors that secrete hormones. Such neoplasms have a double destructive effect on the body. These include cancer of the adrenal or pituitary gland, pancreas, and thyroid gland. They can also appear on other organs that do not produce hormones in a healthy state ( e.g. intestines or lungs).

Hormone dependent - these are neoplasms, the existence of which is impossible without the presence of certain hormones. A change in the hormonal background of the body, the cessation of the production of the hormone necessary for the tumor, leads to inhibition of the development of the tumor. Some tumors of the breast, testicles, ovaries, prostate, kidneys, thyroid gland, and uterus can be classified in this category. It is for the treatment of such tumors that hormone therapy is needed.

Usually hormone therapy is used for metastasis ( the emergence of secondary tumors). The effect depends on how sensitive the tumor is to hormones. Sometimes this method appointed to early stages in combination with other methods.
The most significant results have been achieved in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer hormones.

Breast cancer therapy

The female sex hormone estrogen in many cases is an activator of the appearance of malignant breast tumors. Estrogens interact with proteins in the upper layers of the neoplasm and accelerate the division of malignant cells.

The use of hormones in breast cancer leads to:

  • Reducing the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries,
  • Inhibition of the activity of the mammary gland receptors for progesterone and estrogen,
  • Decrease in the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands,
  • Inhibition of the activity of the hormone itself by increasing the level of male sex hormones.
Hormonal treatment is often combined with chemotherapy. It is easier to tolerate and less impact on the work of the body as a whole.
If the tumor is sensitive to this type of therapy, then it can eliminate itself completely along with metastases. Often, it is thanks to this type of treatment that patients live several decades longer.

Therapy after removal of the ovaries

After removal of the ovaries, young patients begin to experience sensations that are observed in women of menopause. Already after 15 - 20 days, symptoms of malaise appear, which begin to seriously annoy 8 - 12 weeks after the operation. This is due to the fact that estrogen residues are gradually removed from the body and an early menopause develops.
A woman begins to experience a fever, increased work of sweat glands, tachycardia, her pressure and mood are unstable, her head often hurts, bad dream and no interest in the opposite sex.
After a while, these unpleasant signs will disappear, but others, more dangerous ones, will come in their place: dysfunction of blood vessels, urinary organs, external genital organs.

Some of the hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. However, their work is lacking. Therefore, women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal agents can be drunk until the end of life, which will prevent the development of early menopause and allow a woman to feel good for a long time.
In the event that the removal of the ovaries was due to a malignant tumor, hormonal treatment is usually prohibited. Then homeopathic remedies are prescribed instead.

With psoriatic arthritis

In severe cases of joint damage from psoriasis, it is prescribed the following drugs containing glucocorticoids:
  • Kenalog ,
  • Flosterone ,
  • Diprospan ,
  • Hydrocortisone ,
  • Metipred .
The positive effect of the treatment:
The patient's condition is quickly relieved: pain in the affected joints is relieved, their mobility increases, fever and lethargy disappear.

Negative effect of treatment:

  • Immunity is suppressed, which provokes abscesses on the body,
  • The drugs are addictive
  • Side effects: hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, edema,
  • It is forbidden to use drugs constantly and for a long time,
  • May contribute to the development of stomach ulcers,
  • The drug should not be canceled immediately, as the patient's condition will deteriorate sharply.

Against acne

Hormone treatments can sometimes help those who suffer from acne on the face and body. The use of hormonal drugs reduces the sebum production of the skin glands, so the skin actually clears up.
But many people notice that after the end of taking the drug, acne appears again. In order for the effect to last, hormones should be combined with skin treatment with special antibacterial agents. Funds should be selected on the basis of natural ingredients that do not contain antibiotics and chemicals.

Side effects observed when taking hormonal medications to clear acne skin:

  • Headache,
  • Increase in body weight,
  • Depressed mood
  • Swelling
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
You should not experiment with drugs on your own. It is better to get advice from doctors: dermatologist and endocrinologist.

Transsexuals and hormone therapy

To suppress testosterone production and make the body feminine, estrogen preparations are used. In addition, progestogens are used, under the influence of which the mammary glands enlarge.
Antiandrogens suppress the production of male sex hormones. The use of these hormones makes it possible to reduce the dosage of estrogen drugs and reduce sensitivity. internal organs to the action of testosterone.
Testosterone medications are taken to suppress estrogen production.

Sex reassignment hormone therapy is divided into two phases:
1. The first months of treatment ( half a year) hormonal drugs are taken in large dosages, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. As soon as the desired result is obtained or if the maximum dosage of hormonal drugs is taken, the doses should be slowly reduced. For 20 - 30 days before the operation, hormonal drugs should be completely canceled to reduce the likelihood of developing blood clots. This phase of treatment suppresses the functioning of the sex glands and helps the appearance of the signs of the desired gender. Also, treatment helps to prevent a serious complication of the operation - post-castration syndrome, characterized by lethargy, weakness and cravings for sleep.

2. The second phase begins after the operation. After removal of the testes, antiandrogens are discontinued. After removal of the uterus and ovaries, the dosage of drugs is reduced to suppress the production of female sex hormones. However, in order for the hormonal background to correspond to the chosen sex, therapy is carried out throughout life.

Reception of hormonal therapy allows you to achieve a change in the appearance of a transsexual according to the desired sexual type.
Most often, hormones are taken orally in pill form. But there are drugs in the form of plasters, gels, and injection fluids.
Since the use of hormone therapy increases the density of the blood, thrombosis, stroke, heart attack can develop as a side effect. The likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases, breast cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease increases.
To minimize the likelihood of side effects, you need to give up nicotine, balance the menu, lead a healthy lifestyle and from time to time carry out general diagnostics. In no case should you independently cancel or prescribe hormonal drugs.

It should be understood that the effect of taking hormonal drugs comes gradually and rather slowly. The maximum result can be achieved only 24 months after the start of treatment.
The effect of drugs may be stronger or less depending on age, genetic characteristics. The strongest effect is observed in individuals between the ages of 18 and 21. But if the patient is over 30 years old, the magic will not happen.

But there are indicators that even hormones cannot influence.

  • Facial hair growth. The hair will not be so coarse, but it will not disappear at all,
  • The breasts may enlarge quite a bit,
  • Shoulder width, height and size of legs and arms will not change,
  • The voice will not change either.

The consequences of therapy in men

Hormone therapy with female sex hormones causes:
  • Decreased attraction to the opposite sex,
  • Hot flushes in the cheeks and upper body
  • Osteoporosis and bone fractures
  • Breast enlargement and tension
  • Decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood,
  • Decreased memory function,
  • Decrease muscle mass body weight gain from fat,
  • Lethargy and fatigue
  • An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood,
  • Depressed mood.
Men who take this treatment increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
Before use, you must consult a specialist.