Fireclay bricks sha 5 weight 1 pc. Fireclay bricks: types, sizes and weight. What it is

Fireclay bricks for stoves and fireplaces: composition, types, characteristics

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When building a furnace or combustion chamber, it is important to understand that red brick is not the best option. This material is very practical and popular among users. However, under the influence of high temperatures, the clay from which this material is made can collapse. When the temperature reaches 1200 ° C, the clay begins to melt, and when it cools, it crumbles.

Refractory brick SHA-5

Considering the fact that an ordinary stove heats up to 800 ° C, then ordinary red brick can be used for the construction of its body. But for doors and cast iron plates - it is not suitable. This is due to the fact that the heating of metal elements reaches a maximum, as a result, the brick collapses. In such cases, it is better to use refractory bricks for the oven.

Refractories are divided into several types:

  • main;
  • quartz;
  • carbonaceous;
  • alumina.

One of the variations of the alumina type is fireclay brick. Such material has become widespread due to the fact that it tolerates temperature extremes well.

What is fireclay brick made of?

As already noted, fireclay bricks are very durable and stable, they withstand strong heating well, they are not afraid of temperature changes. These qualities are due to the composition of fireclay bricks and the technology of its production, which is based on firing a clay mixture with the addition of fireclay powder. As a result, when high temperatures affect the brick, it turns gray-brown or yellowish, which is its hallmark.

The composition of fireclay bricks determines its operational characteristics. Based on the proportions of clay and powder, certain grades of material stand out. The method by which the material is processed, or more precisely, the period of time during which the bricks are baked, also has a significant impact.

In case of overexposure, a strong glassy film will appear on the surface, which has the most direct effect on the strength of the brick - it will increase it. However, the refractoriness values \u200b\u200bwill be lower.

If you bake it not for very long, then such a material will absorb moisture well, but will lose its strength. That is why it is necessary to strictly adhere to equal proportions, this is the only way to get the most suitable brick for laying stoves and fireplaces.

In order to prevent the products from spreading during the firing process, you need to add a special refractory clay called chamotte. In rare cases, coke powder, graphite or coarse quartz are added instead. As a result, different types bricks with individual characteristics.

The end result is directly dependent not only on the raw materials and the method of their processing, but also on the characteristics of the fuel for burning and the resulting ash.

Fireclay bricks are produced in accordance with GOST 390-69, and depending on its purpose, the manufacturing method, weight and dimensions of the material will differ. The weight of fireclay bricks can vary from 2.5 to 6 kg. The parameters of strength, density, and porosity of bricks also differ. There are uniform size standards that are adhered to by almost all manufacturers: 230x113x65 mm, 250x120x65 mm and 300x150x65... These dimensions are the most suitable for construction.

Most often, ordinary people prefer such markings: ShB # 5, ShB # 9, ShB # 22, ShB # 44, ShB # 47.


For a better understanding, we will present the main types of fireclay bricks.

It is important to know and physical properties fireclay bricks:

  • specific heat: 0.87-1.01 kJ / (kg / k);
  • thermal conductivity coefficient: 1.27-1.28 W / m * g .;
  • ultimate strength: 20-12 n / mm;
  • fire resistance (the maximum temperature that a brick can withstand: 1800 C °).

Based on the above, it becomes clear that fireclay brick is a good material that is suitable for any type of work.

Advantages and disadvantages

The key advantage of fireclay bricks is its ability to withstand high temperature conditions well and retain heat for a long period of time. Due to these properties, such products are used for the construction of fireplaces, stoves, barbecues, chimneys, etc.

The stove fireplace is not only very efficient and productive, it is also very attractive in appearance.

Thanks to the natural sand color in the room where such a unit is installed, a comfortable and cozy atmosphere is immediately formed. Also, using fireclay bricks, you can come up with and implement interesting design solutions.

Refractory Brick Designer Furnace

Also, the pluses include the size of the blocks - they exceed the dimensions of standard clay bricks. In this regard, the number of fireclay bricks required for construction will need less. For stacking furnaces, products marked ШБ№5 and ШБ№8 are most often used.

The weight of one fireclay brick is much less than that of an ordinary clay product. Due to this, the load on the foundation for the furnace becomes much less. Considering the fact that the elements are laid on a thin layer of adhesive mortar, the weight of the entire building becomes less.

You cannot use ordinary cement-sand mortar to join bricks, because in this case, it will not be able to withstand powerful heat. It is imperative to use a temperature-resistant mixture specially designed for this.

In addition to advantages, shortcomings are also highlighted, which are rather regarded as features. Fireclay brick absorbs moisture very strongly, which negatively affects the strength of the material. That is why ovens made of such material should never be installed in rooms with high humidity, for example, in a bath.

If the stove, which is made of fireclay bricks, is irregularly heated, then soon it may begin to crumble. Such instability to freezing obliges to strictly observe the rules for the operation of such products.

Due to the fact that the described bricks have a high density, it is difficult to work with them - it will not be possible to cut them with a hacksaw, for example. To do this, you will need to use a grinder with a segmented diamond disc or bakelite discs for stone.

There is a fireclay brick - not cheap, much more expensive than ordinary. However, due to its larger size, it will need much less. Due to the low weight, you will save on foundation and transportation.

Selection of refractory bricks

Only professionals know how to choose really high quality material. In order to simplify the task for ordinary people, we decided to describe short instruction, which helps to determine the choice of SB brick.

  1. The first thing to do is knock on it. If it was produced in strict accordance with the technology, then you will hear a subtle sound. A dull sound indicates that the sample you are considering is hygroscopic, this property negatively affects the strength and thermal conductivity. In order not to make a mistake in your choice and not to purchase low-quality material, be sure to pay attention to the sound. It should resemble the beating of metal objects.
  2. The next step is to evaluate the bricks in appearance. It is important that they do not crumble or fall apart. Their texture should be uniform.

    Obvious flaws indicate that the technology was not followed accurately.

  3. If you see a thin film on the surface that looks like glass, then the brick has been in the oven for too long. And this casts doubt on its quality and, moreover, significantly reduces the adhesion with the solution.


Today, many large manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of fireclay bricks. Let's highlight the most popular ones:

  1. Kondratyevsky Refractory Plant. This enterprise is located in Ukraine, equipped in all modern standards... The plant uses only high quality raw materials.
  2. Ogneupor LLC is a domestic manufacturer that gained wide popularity back in the 30s of the twentieth century. The production and production of fireclay bricks began in the mid-1960s and continues to occupy a leading position in this sector to this day.
  3. Chasovoyarskiy Zavod is another Ukrainian enterprise that has been successfully operating for over 100 years.
  4. TD "Rosogneupor" - the plant is located near the Latnensky clay deposit. It was built in the 1930s. During its existence, it has changed many times, and now it is equipped with modern high-quality equipment necessary for the production of fireclay bricks.

In conclusion, it is worth noting once again that fireclay brick is a high-quality material that is currently used for the construction of stoves, fireplaces, etc. User reviews indicate that a fireclay brick stove can effectively heat a house. When choosing such material, be sure to pay attention to the labeling and the manufacturer. If you are at a loss in choosing, use the help of professionals.

From the author: welcome to our repair and construction site, dear reader. From the article you will find out what size fireclay bricks are the standard according to GOST. In addition, we will talk about how much fireclay bricks weigh, how fireclay bricks are made and what properties this building material must have in order for it to perform its functions correctly.

But first, you will find out exactly why you came here - what are the dimensions of fireclay bricks for a stove or fireplace.

Brand and sizes of products

Refractory bricks are classified into grades. First of all, these are ША and ШБ. What are their differences? In short (and we need it), they differ in their production technology. And then - insignificantly. The content of the Al203 component in SB is 28%, and in ШA - 30%. Now it makes little sense to delve into these details, we will restrict ourselves to what we note: the refractoriness of SB is 1650 ° C (3002 ° F), and that of ША is not less than 1690 ° C (3074 ° F). That’s probably all we need to know about these designations.

Now - about the size. Below in the list - there are several options for the most popular and common types of this building material On the market:

  • SHA-8 - 250 × 124 × 60 mm;
  • SHA-6 - 230 × 114 × 60 mm;
  • SHA-5 - 230 × 114 × 65 mm.

Parameters of brands ША and ШБ are identical. That is, their sizes are the same.

Also, a table of sizes with other varieties is offered to your attention. The list is courtesy of the Sizes Info site.

Now you have the information you need about brands and sizes. And now, as promised in the introduction, we will reveal the topic of the weight of this building material.

Weight of fireclay refractory bricks

In accordance with GOST, the specific weight of one element is 3.4–4 kg. We will also provide examples of popular brands:

  • ShB-8 - 4 kg (250 × 124 × 65);
  • ShB-6 - 2.7 kg (230 × 114 × 40);
  • ШБ-5 - 3.4kg (230 × 144 × 65).

How is fireclay brick made?

This question is also asked quite often, so in the article we considered it necessary to give a detailed answer to it. IN Russian Empire refractory bricks began to be used in the XVII – XVIII centuries. The beginning of its use was due to the development of technologies and the need to obtain a heat-resistant material that could be used in industry.

Externally, fire-resistant bricks of the Enlightenment did not differ from those that were used everywhere, but, unlike them, they could withstand temperatures of 1200 ° C and higher without damage to themselves.

We found such a solution experimentally, but since those distant times nothing has fundamentally changed in the production technology of this building material. It just contained clay that went through the firing procedure. She was the basis of the composition. Its content in the product could be 70% or even more.

Graphite was most often used as a binder (it could be replaced with coke powder). But the general standard was adopted only in the XX century, or rather, in 1927. A German-made brick, with dimensions 250 × 120 × 65, was used as a sample.

Chamotte, a material used in the production of refractory bricks, is formed by firing clay at high temperatures - 1300–1500 ° C. This procedure usually takes place in shaft or rotary production furnaces. In a word, the task of firing is to get rid of the plasticity of the material and give it subsequent refractoriness.

Chamotte can be conditionally divided into two types - "highly annealed" and "low-burned". Their differences lie in the fact that the first type has a degree of water absorption - up to 10%, and the second - up to 25%.

Products from fireclay are used for interior facing of fireplaces, chimneys, stoves. Also, the material was widely used in architecture and even sculpture (second half of the 20th century).

It is quite easy to recognize a chamotte product by its appearance. It has a sandy yellow color and a slightly grainy texture. Such material can be used not only in terms of functionalism, but also aesthetics. Let's just say in appearance brickwork from refractory elements looks pretty presentable. These bricks not only fulfill their direct function - the accumulation, storage and release of heat without damage to themselves and deformations, but also give the fireplace an attractive authentic look. In general, to put it simply, it is not only functional, but also quite beautiful. Let's just say that the masonry will fit perfectly into the design of a cozy interior.

What properties should a refractory brick have? First of all, it is resistance to high temperatures, which is quite logical. Without damage to itself, the material must be able to withstand many heatings and cooling. It must also have a low heat conduction capacity in order to retain heat inside the stove and / or fireplace. In addition, the material must have a large thermal inertia so that it can slowly release heat to the environment, and also a large heat capacity, in order to be able to store a large amount of heat.

Fireclay brick laying

There are no particular restrictions on its use. The main thing is that it should not be used in rooms with high humidity - more than 80%. To make a brickwork, the skills that you could get when working with ordinary bricks are enough. But the process of preparing the solution is somewhat specific.

It is necessary to soak the refractory clay in water for up to three days. The water should completely cover the material, and it should be stirred at least once every ten hours.

After this procedure, the clay must be passed through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 3 × 3 mm. Then you need to mix the sand, which also went through the sifting procedure. The proportions of clay and sand should ideally be as follows: 1: 2, that is, one part of clay to two parts of sand.

These two components should be thoroughly mixed, after which - add water, while constantly mixing the composition. Water is added until the composition is similar in consistency to thick mayonnaise. To increase the strength, it is advisable to add salt - 150 g per bucket (10 l), cement (no more than one trowel) of a brand not lower than 150. You can also mix water glass in an amount of no more than 3% of the total mass.

The masonry process does not imply anything specific. Simply the bricks are laid on the mortar in the dressing. Moreover, during the construction of the masonry, it is necessary to control its evenness. The bricks must be wetted first. Then - apply the solution in a thin layer, as if priming the surface. This is necessary for the mortar to penetrate the structure of the refractory brick. Moreover, the solution should be applied both to the brick that will be laid, and to the place where it will be placed. And after this "priming", - you need to apply the main layer of the mortar - and, finally - lay the brick and tap it with a hammer from above, so that the excess of the fastening mortar comes out of the gap. After completing the work, the masonry should be wiped with a damp cloth to clean it from dirt with a solution.

Depending on the temperature regime, there are four categories of seams. They differ among themselves, of course, in thickness:

  1. No more than 1 mm.
  2. 2 mm.
  3. 3 mm.
  4. 4 mm or more.

The higher the temperature, the thinner the seam should be. As they say, it is better to see once than hear / read a hundred times. Therefore, below is a video on the topic "How to lay refractory bricks with your own hands":

How much does fireclay brick cost? The average price can vary from 20 ₽ to 40 ₽ or 5–20 ₴. Anyway, such prices were in 2017. But if you wish, you can find cheaper or more expensive. When purchasing a batch, take into account the fact that truly high-quality products cannot be too cheap. And, as a rule, not so much of this building material is required in order to significantly save. Therefore, do not buy suspiciously cheap building materials. And this applies not only to bricks, but also to other building materials.

Logical conclusion

From the article you learned what dimensions and weight a fireclay brick has, we also found out some of the nuances of its production, scope and characteristics that a fireclay product should have. Thank you for reading the article to the end, dear reader. I hope you found it helpful.

P.S. Below is a video from which you will get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to glue fireclay bricks:

In the construction of stone structures operating under the influence of high temperatures, refractory bricks are used. Special additives are introduced into the composition of the products in order to prevent the appearance of cracks during strong heating. For the construction of industrial installations using combustion energy, chimneys and fireplaces, refractory bricks are required different classes and sizes.

Refractory brick dimensions

Depending on the type of additive, firing method and purpose with refractory properties, products are divided into 4 classes:

  • quartz (from sandstone or quartz);
  • fireclay or alumina (clay products with the addition of fireclay);
  • basic (differs in lime-magnesian composition);
  • carbonaceous (from pressed graphite or coke).

The last two types are used in industrial plants. They can withstand significant temperatures. For home stoves, baths and saunas, a fireclay sample is usually taken. Quartz bricks withstand temperatures well, but are destroyed by acids and other chemical factors.


Outwardly, it looks like a golden rectangle.

It has dimensions of 230x114x65 mm. The volume of this brick grade is 1704 m 3. According to GOST, the product must comply with the following parameters:

  • the proportion of aluminum oxide - 28%;
  • fire resistance - not less than 1,650 ° C;
  • the temperature at which softening begins is absent.

The weight of one piece of such a product is 3.5 kg. Price - from 35 rubles.


The product is used in industrial and private construction. It has a high content of aluminum oxide and is fire resistant. Used for internal masonry (lining) of the arches of furnaces and chimneys. Product characteristic:

Weight 4.0 kg. Dimensions - 250x124x65mm. Price - from 32 rubles per piece. The cost may differ from the indicated one, it depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the purchase.

You can find out more about red solid brick and its price per piece from this

SHA-6 (narrow)

Suitable for the construction of heating units with temperatures up to 1,690 ° C. The main characteristics of the product do not differ from the SHA-8 brand. The difference is in size. The weight of one product is 3.4 kg. Dimensions - 230x114x40 mm. Price - from 30 rubles apiece.


The dimensions of a unit of goods are 230x114x65 mm. There are 385 bricks on a pallet. Unit weight - 3.4 kg. The cost of this refractory brand is from 30 rubles per piece. The laying of this and other types of bricks is carried out on a special refractory mixture.

Size is an important criterion for choosing a building material. The quality of the masonry, durability, practicality and safety of the finished structure depend on the accuracy of the fit. A loose fit of bricks should not be allowed, and areas with a too thin layer of mortar should be avoided. The calculation of the consumption of refractory bricks is carried out according to the masonry scheme using construction drawings. It is also useful to read about what else is there.

This is due to its strength and fire resistance. The weight of fireclay bricks, width, length and height are very diverse, which makes it possible to use it in the construction of fireplaces, stoves, chimneys, barbecues, fuel chambers, barbecues, as well as other structures that must withstand significant temperature changes and interact with open fire.

What it is?

Fireproof brick briquettes are used for both household and industrial purposes.

Fireclay brick is a building material made of kaolin - white refractory clay with a fine dispersed structure, as well as with the addition of specific impurities, coconut powder, coarse sand and graphite. It is possible to obtain briquettes by firing refractory dust and chamotte powder at high temperatures. The main characteristics of this type of brick blocks:

  • Diverse shape:
    • wedge-shaped;
    • rectangular;
    • trapezoidal;
    • arched.
  • Light weight:
    • from 3.4 to 4 kg.
  • Variety of brands:
    • general use - ША, ШБ (the most popular standard ШБ 5 and large ШБ 8);
    • cupola - SHAV;
    • double-sided facing - ШЦУ;
    • bucket - ShKU;
    • blast furnaces for furnaces - broadband access;
    • others - PB, PV, SHAK, SHV, SHUS.
  • Different models:
    • porous;
    • dense.
  • Wide range of colors:
    • from white to brown light shades.

The color of the defective material will differ from the quality one.

If production technologies are violated during the manufacture of fireclay bricks, then such a material loses its properties. You can recognize low-quality products by paying attention to their appearance... Violation of technology will not be limited to visual defects, such a brick will be less durable and will absorb moisture. A manufacturing defect is evidenced by:

  • the presence of a glassy film on the brick;
  • color change to dark brown;
  • the presence of cracks.

Properties of refractory brick blocks

Characteristic features of fireclay bricks:

  • It does not have a significant load on the foundation of the building due to its small size and the fact that it weighs little.
  • Strength. Able to withstand loads from 1700 to 1900 kg / m.
  • Keeping warm for a long time.
  • Excellent adhesion to mortar.
  • Lack of a reactive response to aggressive effects of chemical elements, alkalis.
  • Refractory even with open flame. Withstands surface heating up to a temperature of 1300-1500 degrees.
  • No cracks under strong heating.
  • High heat transfer rate.
  • Using a minimum amount of mortar when laying.

In addition to positive qualities, fireclay bricks also have negative ones.

When manufacturing products, many manufacturers are guided by their own specifications instead of the conditions prescribed by GOST. Therefore, when choosing a material, the question arises, which brick to take. Indeed, for a number of characteristics, products manufactured in accordance with GOST and the manufacturer's specifications very often do not coincide. In this case, it is best if possible purchase goods with a GOST mark, because it is of better quality.

As for the geometric parameters, the GOST prescribes the size of a standard rectangular product 230x113x65 mm, and this is considered the optimal material for the construction of brick structures. But today, other dimensional characteristics are also acceptable, so the market is filled with a variety of products from different manufacturers.

The mass of products also has different indicators, and fluctuates in the range from 2.8 kg to 4.5 kg , with the permissible weight according to GOST - 3.7 kg... When purchasing, do not forget about this, since the thermal conductivity of the material depends on the mass. To preserve heat in the room, you need to choose a material with a larger mass, because a small weight increases its thermal conductivity.

From the quantitative content in the composition of the building material aluminum oxide resistance to the effects of chemicals, alkalis and high temperatures depends. The content of this element in the composition affects the structure of the material, making it porous ... A porous brick heats up for a long time, but it also cools down longer than usual, keeping the received heat.

At the same time, strength decreases with increasing porosity. Therefore, it is worth choosing material with an optimal density of 1700-1900 kg / m. Density also affects properties such as moisture absorption, thermal insulation, adhesion to the mounting mortar and the weight of fireclay bricks.

You can determine the porosity of a brick just by holding the various options in your hands.

Summing up, we can say that when choosing such a building material, one should take into account the production standards, dimensions, weight, aluminum oxide content and density.


For the convenience of classification and ease of selection of this building material, marking, thanks to which you can immediately determine the properties of the material. It reflects product dimensions, temperature properties and technical characteristics.

The most popular brands of fireclay bricks: SHA, SHB, SHAK, SHUS, SHV, PV and PB.

Using the example of a bar marked ШБ 5 СЛ, we will decipher the data from the manufacturer.

In addition to the standard rectangular shape of fireclay bricks, there is also trapezoidal and wedge.

Application area

Due to its resistance to temperature extremes and the effects of alkalis and chemicals, fireclay bricks have a wide range of applications. It is used in industrial plants in installations that emit active chemical substances during combustion: blast furnaces, boilers, fuel chambers.

The solution used to create thermal devices is also of great importance. Usually, the same ingredients are used for mixing that are used in the production of bricks. This gives the oven a high level of thermal stability.

To lay fireclay bricks of grade ШБ-5 or ШБ-8, refractory clay with crushed brick is used in the composition. The resulting solution is called or "Fireclay clay".

Before laying the furnace equipment, the operating temperature of the future structure should be calculated. The width of the assembly joint between fireclay bricks depends on this indicator. The higher the operating temperature, the thinner the masonry layer. Sometimes it does not exceed 1 mm. Such work requires a high level of skill from the performer, and good quality of the prepared solution.

As a result, the consumption and cost of the necessary materials increase, and you need to choose a brand of product with a higher resistance to fire.

Despite all the advantages, there are nuances that limit the use of fireclay bricks ( negative points ):

  • hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture. This quality reduces the strength of the product when heated and increases its weight.
  • Low resistance to freezing... Fireclay bricks of the brands ШБ-5, ШБ-45, ШБ-94 withstand low temperatures best of all. Not suitable for household stoves ШБ-8, because during inconstant operation, the stove, cooling down, begins to crumble.
  • High density of products... Such material is difficult to cut if the original dimensions need to be changed.
  • High cost, long heating time and the need to prepare a special assembly mixture.

How to distinguish between marriage

Special requirements are imposed on the quality of fireclay bricks, since it depends on strength the future oven, its resistance to high temperatures and ability to keep warm ... Therefore, it is worth excluding even the slightest product defect.

It is very simple to check it. If you knock on a brick, a quality product will make a metallic ringing sound. A dull sound indicates insufficient firing during the production process.

To test for strength, you need to hit it harder. A high-quality briquette will split into large pieces, and small crumbs eventually indicate a marriage.

Low-quality bricks must not be used for laying the furnaces. They acquire non-intrinsic moisture absorption and retention properties. Such material loses three quarters of its useful qualities, in contrast to dry.


When buying fireclay material, you should pay attention to the information
markings in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe manufacturer and class of refractory. For the construction of some objects, it may be necessary to combine several types of chamotte, depending on the location of the material and the functions assigned to it.

To calculate the optimal amount of fireclay bricks of different brands and sizes, you may need the help of specialists who will help you save money when buying building materials.