Saint Feodosius Chernigov in what helps. Saint Feodosius Chernigovsky. Complete live of St. Feodosia, Archbishop Chernihiv

Saint Feodosius, Archbishop Chernigov, by origin, belonged to the rearprovsk nobility name Ulitsky1. Father Feodosia, named Nikita, was a priest in Malorus, the mother was called Marieu. Parents brought up their sons in fear of God and Christian piety; Under the influence of their instructions, he from the most young years received the departments of that piety, who were decorated with all his subsequent life. By nature, the meek, obedient and impressionable, Feodosius from the young years burned with flames for God and zeal to the Temple of God. Having received initial training in the family and there I learned to read and write, Feodosius was then given by the Father for further education in the Kiev-fraternal Epiphany School2. Here, under the influence and guidance of pious mentors, exercising in the study of the Holy Scriptures and St. Creations, Holy sought to arrange his life on them; Here he agreed and strengthened the spirit in the knowledge of the truths of the Orthodox faith and in the exploits of piety. And here, during school training, in the young Feodosia, the desire to imitate, as far as possible, equal to the lives of Rev. Anthony and Feodosia and other devotees of Pechersk, are these great prayer prayers and the heavenly patrons of the HerpRostol Kiev, under the fertile oxygen he lived and raised , and nonhisted, glorified detergents of which he constantly mature before him. Watching the watches of the favorite activities of Feodosia were prayer, the beydiness and reading of the Word of God. Here, the Holy Feodosius was well acquainted with church-party singing, in a singing school, arranged by the excreted Lazarra Baranovich. In general, the Kiev-fraternal Epiphany School, based on the maintenance and protection of the Orthodox faith against the attacks of the Polish-Catholic clergy and Jesuit3, led all the teaching in the strictly Orthodox Christian spirit, which the young souls of Pets were penetrated; He had among the mentors their true shining Orthodox spiritual enlightenment. There is no doubt that the Holy Feodosius received the highest and the best education for that time, which was to promote the full development of all the richly gifted abilities of his soul.
Soon, at the end of the upbringing in the Kiev-fraternal Epiphany school, Feodosius took a monasticism, which was still in the school I sought the flaming female shower soul. And so, in young years, this true devotee of Christ imposes anything all the benefits of this world, leaves a multi-member, a fussy world and takes the chase at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra named Feodosia, in honor of the great devotee of the Kiev-Pechersky and the primancy of a hostel inherent In Russia, the Rev. Feodosia, whom he so reverently read and to the prayer concept of which he so often appealed during his studies in Kiev. From that time, the Strict-Mobilic life of Feodosia begins, in the near future the fame of him not only in the monota world, but also among the laity.
The humility and approximate life of the young devotee turned the attention of the ex-Kiev Metropolitan Dionysia4 (Valaban), which he put it by the archigitalon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, where he had a nevertheless before removing Metropolitan Dionysius from Kiev, after which the governor of the Metropolitan Cathedral House was appointed. But, violated by a worldly bustle, life in Kiev could not satisfy the internal imposition of a modest ink to silence and the desire to stay in constant prayer communication with God. Therefore, the Holy Feodosius, inhabit love of the feats of piety and in the monochetic silence, soon left Kiev and settled in the distant, small Crupite Baturin monastery5, which was minted by the glory of the inochetic life, where he was dedicated to San Hieromonach. But no matter how hid formed, pious and active ink from the world, he still could not remain unnoticed by the highest spiritual authority. The Holy Feodosius lasted in the Cupitsky Monastery for a short time; He dramatically stand out from the environment of other brethren, his spiritual wisdom and a strictly moving, virtuous life, why, why was the hegumen of the Korsun monastery, the Kiev diocese, was appointed by the Igumen. The new appointment of Saint Feodosia satisfied his internal attractions. The Korsun Monastery, which was located on the river island, away from the worldly dwellings, in a picturesque area, quite corresponded to the desire of the Holy Privacy and the feats of piety away from the worldly bustle. And he himself served here a high example for the monastic life of the brotherhood, and showed a wise ability to manage the monastery. Therefore, soon he was translated into the reins of the famous Kiev Vestubitsky Monastery7. This ancient abode is shortly before the time was in the hands of uniations and Poles Catholics and ruined them. Most of the inkom scattered, for no one wanted to go to live in a ruined abode; The monastery buildings were in decline, some monastery lands are unfairly captured by the monastery. In general, the monastery needed in the inner, and in external improvement, and there was a lot of strength and decrease to restore it in the same form. But Feodosius did not fell in spirit and, with the help of God, successfully performed his work and led the famous ancient abode in former well-landscaping. He found out at the hetman of Malorussia, the strengthening of the Earth in different tracts and the permission of the king, after every five years to send his Chernets to Moscow to collect the alms and the buds of the royal grace, which they received in generous sizes. At the same time, he resumed monastic buildings and temples, and generally restored the exterior improvement of the monastery; He especially cared for a meselness and adoption of worship in the monastery: a well-known church singing, the Holy Feodosius formed such a beautiful choir in his abode, which he was famous not only in Kiev and in all Malorus, but became known in Moscow why Feodosiya, Inquiry from Moscow, sent there with singer as the organizers there singing. But even more attention to the work of this true devotee of Christ to restore the monochase density and streamlining the inner life of the vyubitsky monastery. Ignoraly fulfilling the duties of the chanting title, he served for the concept of a high example of a strict mobility life, attracting a lot of rescue seekers in his abode. At the same time, wanting to further introduce the spirit of true mobility in the Idubitsky in the inocities, the saint arranged at the monastery land, in Mozyr Uzende8, a small skete for those from the brethren who were looking for full privacy and harsh ascetic feats.
Although after the word of the Savior: "In the world, you will have grief; but be restful: I won the world" (Ioan.16: 33), Saint Feodosius, this is the correct Maewener of Christov, because of the slander and the envy of human, has undergone a lot Unjust griends and sorrow9, - but his mobilic life and wise leading in the inquires earned him by the general respect of the Kievan. In particular, the Holy Feodosia was distinguished by his favoring and attention and attention of the then location of the Kiev Metropolis, Archbishop Chernigov Lazar Baranovich10, who was previously his teacher and the rector in the Kiev-Epiphany fraternal school. In one of the letters belonging to this time, the presended Lazarus prophetic expresses his desire to "his name (Feodosia) was written in heaven." As a location of Shevskaya Metropolis, Saint Lazar prescribed Feodosius, who was then still Vyubitsky Archimandrite, his governor of Metropolis11. Then, when Malorossey was elected by the Kiev Metropolitan Bishop Lutsk Gideon12, then Lazar Baranovich, with a request for the approval of the choice, together with one venerable igumen, was sent by Feodosius, as a person who served a lot of Malorosi s Church13. This saint Lazar and other spiritual and secular ranks of Malororsia wanted, explicitly, put the Feodosia, as a person especially worthy and capable of top. At the same time, in Moscow, the Holy Feodosius found a royal gramatic about the permitting of an imagination monastery to send to Moscow to collect lawns. From that time, with every case, they appeal to the Feodosia of the Uglitsky, as worthy to take a higher place. So, by death of the Metropolitan of Kiev Gedeon, Feodosius was one of the candidates for the Department of Kiev Metropolis. Even earlier, by the will and wishes of the Hispanic Lazarus, returning from Kiev to Chernigov to the affairs of his diocese, he was called in Chernigov and was defined by Archimandrite of the Chernihiv Yeetsky Monastery14 to the place of the rector of this monastery, the famous Johnnicia Golyatovsky15.
The Yeletsky Monastery at that time was very poor and Sudden. There were few estates and spiritual economic articles, and in general, the Inaks endured much need in content. The new rector actively began to arrange the monastery entrusted to him. Immediately at the entry into their duties, he entered the hetman of Malorusia Mazepa16 with the idea that "Yelets Resident is scarce with stocks of bread and especially wood, so it is difficult to live with brethren, and there is nothing to live, because there are few subjects to help the archimandria," and The Mazepa, who did not differ in generosity in relation to the spiritual persons and the abode, fulfilled the request of St. Feodosia, from special respect for him, and he paid to the monastery of the village of Polelon. Also, others who had adeques, respect for Feodosia encouraged the charity to the monastery. Thus, with the Holy Feodosia, in the continuation of two three years, the Yelets Abode reached well-being, which fully ensured its existence. Taking care of the external landscaping of the monastery, the Holy Feodosius was no less that she took care of her inner well-being, on approval and maintaining true monastic life in it. In this regard, his most personal feats served as a highly instructive example for Yeetskoy Briat in the passage of the monotheal life.
Among these and other works of monastic, Feodosius was at the same time an active assistant to Archbishop Lazarus in preaching and, at the request of the archpastor, he ordered the economic and part of the diocesan affairs of his bishop home. Over the time of the Time of Holy Lazar, the Archimandrite Feodosius Uglitsky is prudent and wisely leads the case entrusted to him, and it was quite convinced that he could be his best assistant to manage the Chernihiv Diocese, and therefore, with the consent of Hetman, Malorusia, suggested him to go to Moscow to Patriarch Adriana17 with a request to determine his assistant. It was in 1691. In Moscow, he had long been heard of a virtuous life and spiritual wisdom of Feodosia, and therefore the Patriarch willingly fulfilled the desire to be respected by all the elderly St. Chernygovsky, and he notified the hetman of Malorussessia, the Saint Feodosia, with Praise.
But this help was not sufficient for the ending days their elder-saint. Execurated appreciation to Feodosia for the zealous participation of him in the management of the policy, His also wanted to see the Feodosius in San saint, to prepare the successor to prepare in him.
In 1692, he with the hetman turned to Moscow with written petings to the kings of John and Peter Alekseevicham and to Patriarch Adriana on the construction of Archimandrite Yeletsky Feodosiya Uglitsky in San Archbishop18, with both of them from their own name, which, "the presenter archimandrite - the Husband of Goodness, Decorated with the virtues of the monastic life, which leads from young years; is experienced in the management of monasteries, the fear of God and spiritual wisdom is enlightened, enlightened, very diverted to church adultery, is able to manage the department of the department and Chernihiv Diocese. " The petition of the respected elder-saint was desperately, and in the same year, Feodosius went to Moscow for Cahrotonia. Here on September 11, he was adopted in the bishop, and the 18th of the same month he was Hwirotonisan in the archbishop. The neglected archbishop stayed in Moscow for about two months, at the request of the Patriarch, who was respecting the feodosius with respect and exercised a convenient opportunity to detain him in Moscow for conversations and a joint committee of worship.
Great was the joy of the elderly Archupster of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich, when he saw his beloved assistant in St. Sana. Deep was happy with this and the flock, a reverently loved and respected St. Feodosia. Thus, the Chernihiv Church was attended by the Office of the two famous hierarchs - the pillars of Orthodoxy, who had disrupted the mercy of God about the world of all over the world and about the well-being of their horizontal flock. Meanwhile, the Feodosius and in St. San, helping the pre-liberated Lazar, and often completely replacing CSOs, retained the infinite love and devotion of his son, putting full obedience to his benefactor, without the consent of Chernygovsky's high grain, trying to act on his work Indication and grace.
But did not judge the Lord with the two great, famous pillars of Orthodoxy together to stand on guard of the flock of Chernihiv. On September 3, 1693, the great older archpastor quietly and peacefully passed away after the 36-flight department of the Chernihiv Diocese. The Saint Feodosius solemnly buried him, together with all Chernigov and from other places by the clergy in the Chernigov Borisoglebsky Cathedral, behind the left pollos.
Before notifying the king and the Patriarch about the death of the Holy Lazarus, the saint Feodosius went to the hetman of Malorus to notify him about a sad event. Together with him, he sent Hieromona to Pakhomy and some other persons to Moscow with the conveying of the king and the Patriarch about the death and burial of the Hoping Lazarus, with Hetman wrote that he had a grief and sadness about the lighting of Lazarus, and now finds consolation and repelve that The death of CSO, in an emergency time, that bishop throne was perceived by the pre-graded Feodosius Uglitsky, which his virtues can decorate the church and a skillful harm to arrange the affairs of the board of church.
In response, the king wrote that he would have the same royal mercy to have the same royal mercy, which he used the Holy Lazar; The Patriarch also wrote hetman that the ordination of the Archbishop of Feodosia during the lifetime of the archbishop of Lazarus, he refers to the special fishery of God, the grave to the Chernihiv Pethi, and asked the hetman as the son of the Church, helping the Htum Feodosius in his concerns about the Holy Church. At the same time, the Patriarch sent a "postric" diploma for the final approval of St. Feodosiya in the Chernihiv department as an independent archpastor, where, by the way, he speaks about him as a virtuous one, with a young year decorated with monochese in virtues and skillful in managing honest The abode, the full fear of God and the intelligence of the spiritual, the wisdom of the wisdom, the diligent guardian of church adultery, quite by justice, deserved the management of the house and the Diocese of Chernigov.
Remaining the sole archpastric Chernigov, the saint Feodosius about the deception of jealousy took care of the welfare of his flock, and even more than before, showed, the sorcelauny of all, the holiness of life, sincere love for moving, Christian mercy and love for all those who appeal to him. He shone with her good deeds and Christian virtues not only for the flock of Chernihiv, but also far beyond her.
In Moscow itself, his name has long been pronounced with special respect, since he has his spiritual wisdom and moral advantages allocated from the environment of all Russian hierarchs of that time. The landscaping of the Chernihiv Church, St. Feodosius in herself itself, for the passas, a sample of deep faith in the fishery of God, diligence to prayer and church worship, a meek of condescension to the disadvantages of neighbors and regity to their needs, why and acquired the unanimous shy love and respect for the flock. Until the last minutes of his life, he, as a true warrior and the ascetic of Christ, laughed in the glory of the Holy Orthodox faith and for the benefit of his neighbor. According to the apostle, he is "the Spirit of Plaplacee; \u200b\u200bLord" (RIML.12: 11) served; And for all those surrounded there was a "lamp, burning and luminous" (Ioan. 6:35).
Chernihiv's flock was aware that her archpastor, St. Feodosius, is the true slave of God, the faithful builder in the house of God, the guardian of the church is alert, the worker is a prayer, prayer and the concept for all before the Lord is a trusty. Particularly attracted to himself the saint of the heart of all his court - fair and gracious and was compassionate to the helpless and siema, for whom, with care to find the required truth, as well as generous, in the spirit of gospel, charity and Christian mercy.
In general, it was one of these public figures, which are only in the kingdom of Christ, who have time to do for a common good much more than the great and strengths of this world. "Be contemporary between them; not high, but follow humble; do not dream about yourself" (Rome.12: 16).
With the most thorough diligence, the saint Feodosius took care of strengthening in his ward of love for the lives of the mobility, which he loved from the most young years, and the high sample of which was everyone in itself. With this purpose, he diligently tried not only to support the monasteries that existed earlier in his diocese, but also to base new monotorous monasses. So, he founded the maiden so-called Petennik monastery19. The best monument of the deceic caringness of St. Feodosia about the landscaping of the inochetic monasses is his saint blessed diploma, given by the inkryes of the Petechnik monastery. Blessing with the love of Father Novososidated Abodeh, the saint commands the inkins "Virtue of humility and all of all the obedience" as a source of peace and the key to His, the Saints, and God's blessing.
Then, on the blessing of the saint, there was another monastery, in two versts from the city of Leend20. At the same time, on a par with concerns about the development of mobility and the disruption of the inhank abode in the Chernihiv diocese, the saint of Feodosius zealously took care of the creation and the beneficial of the temples of God21. Taking care of the moral well-being of his diocese, he focused on the clergy, trying to choose the persons with decent and capable people and all measures to strengthen the shepherd-educational activities of the parish clergy.
The saint of Feodosius also worked out during his control of the Chernihiv diocese and for the Affairs of Orthodoxy in Malorosseess, to unsubscribe into it a detrimental Polish uniate-Catholic influence and strengthening Russian nationality here. He also brought a lot of benefit to the Russian state by the fact that he was always able to, thanks to his moral influence, eloquence and Christian peace, reassure outbreaks of hot twilight Ukrainians and those guard the state from harmful and dangerous unrest.
But the saint Feodosius shone at the Department of Chernihiv not long shone. Only about 8 years old he lived in Chernigov: up to 5 years old Archimandrite Yelets, 3 years 4 months by Archbishop, and he independently managed the policy, on the death of Hispanish Lazarus Baranovich, about two years. Singing his closest death, the saint summoned in the Chernihiv of the governor of the Bryansky Sven Monastery, Hieromonach John Maksimovich22, and in half of 1695 he dedicated him to Archimandrite of the Yeletsky Monastery, who had never ceased to manage himself, preparing a decent successor to himself in the New Archprint . Shortly thereafter, the great lamp of the Church of the Russian Ugas. The end of St. Feodosia followed on February 5, 1696. Gorky mourned by orphaned detergent, the saint Feodosius was buried in the Chernihiv Chernihiv Cathedral Borisoglebsky monastery behind the right cleir.
Having completed his earthly ministry, the St. Feodosius did not leave his flock, amemptiously with his body in the cathedral temple, and from the very first days, he did not leave his blessing to his help from his very first days, the grace of God in abundant wonderful healing of his prayer Before God's republic. A number of wonderful manifestations of the grace of God, revealed by the prayerful concept of St. Feodosia, opened soon after its blissful death of his fertile healing from the grave illness of his successor in the Chernihiv department, the excited archbishop of John Maximovich. Eminence John hard ill is ill; The disease was quickly intensified, was nonsense. Suddenly, in the midst of the illness, the disturbed calls for himself to himself and makes an order immediately send the evening in his rest and read the service rule for him, and to prepare everything for him to serve him in the temple. The surrounding patient archpastor thought that he had, but were forced to give way to his present demand and fulfill his desire. The next day, to the surprise of all, and completely healthy, served the Divine Liturgy. Then he announced the surrounding that the day before he was the saint Feodosius and said: "Serve tomorrow and you will be healthy." In gratitude for its instantaneous, wonderful healing from the grave illness, the High Archbishop John Maksimovich at the same time was in honor of the aspects of God written on the then custom, "praise" 23, in which he calls him "Earth Angel and Saints, staying in the Serafima Flary." At his order, over the coffin of St. Feodosia was arranged then in the foundation of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral Temple, a stone cave with the entrance to it along a twisted staircase.
The striking miracle of the healing of the Holy John Maksimovich was the beginning of honoring St. Feodosia, as a gracious wonderworker and the ashes of God. Over time, this honor has spread far beyond the limits of the Chernihiv province, as a result of the new abundant manifestations of the grace of God from the healing reasons of St. Feodosia. These miracles were the more obvious and more importantly, which was often accompanied by the phenomena of St. Feodosia sick in a dream, and he ordered to pray, fast, serve prayers, etc., promising healing; Sometimes he instructed at the same time, I hadanced and left the one who came across something or sinned. So, one sulfur saint is in a sleepy vision and says: "Go to the Cathedral and challenge a prayer, and you will be healthy." The next day, a dumb, to the amazement, began to speak, and then, seeing the portrait of the saint in the cathedral, he recognized him in him in a dream of the ward of God. "Bless and forgive," says Saint the priest who confessed his sins and prayed for him in his sleep and prayed for the healing of the Son, with which she promises to heal the baby, which another day recovered. A woman, in the grave sufferings of the saint to the rescue and with a crying of him in the holy quarter, he says, Krotko turning and exhorted: "You did not thank you, it's not good. You will not taste to taste Easter. Try to compete in the Great Saturday." Another woman, with tears of the praised God and called the saint to pray for the recovery of her husband, the wonderworker gentlely says, comforting her and encouraging: "Do not cry, I'm clever God, and your husband will be healthy." And soon after that, her husband, who suffered from a painful illness of about a year, completely recovered. The saint is to one patient who called him, and only one word tells her: "Calm down," and her moral suffering finally cease. It is difficult to list all the wonderful healings committed by the prayer victim of St. Feodosia: suffice to say. that from all the ends of the Russian land they began to attract numerous crowds of the Bogomolers to his coffin.
For the first time, the body of St. Feodosia was gained imperfolded at 76 years after his blissful presumption on February 14, 1772, when it, on the blessing of the local bishop of Theophilus, was shifted in a new wooden coffin, and the first cypress coffin of God was riddled in parts to the Bogomoles. From the beginning of the last century, the reverence of St. Theodosia of the Uglitsky, as a fertile wonderworker, is particularly enhanced. Solva about him and about the miracles that expire from its relics, at this time it extends far beyond the limits of Chernihiv province, among the Orthodox various titles and conditions. In 1824, under the coffin of St. Feodosia, healing was made from the gravitory disease of the Chernihiv merchant-splitter Gorbunov, who after this moved to Orthodoxy and in memory of the wonderful healing of his own funds to his own funds the new coffin for the unchecked relics of the saint. Over time, at the Cathedral, a little-graveyard, more or less correct and permanent records of the healing, sufficiently proven and certified, began to be conducted. Since 1850, with Chernigov Cathedral, there is already a constantly detailed chronicle of miracles on prayers to the Holy Feodosius, as well as in some other places.
Meanwhile, the permanent rich confluence of the Bogomoltsev to the coffin with the relics of St. Feodosia, with the tightness and inconvenience of entry towards him, entered into the front part of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral from the south side to the front of the Borisoglebsky Cathedral.
By the end of the past century, the name of St. Feodosia, as the Great Relief of God, the defender from the troubles and the misfortune, the delight of all evil the circumstances and a warm prayerman before God, was known throughout Russia, and, although only pahonoches were committed at the coffin of St. Revision was rewarded, as if already glorified by the Holy. West by the people of St. Feodosia, as a saint, numerous cases of wonderful healing from his rapid relevant, attracted attention and civil authorities, which was expressed in the adven report of the Chernihiv Governor for 1889, and this report, in turn, paid attention to the God of the Honor of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich. In the view of this, St. Synod found the alone to begin the certificate of the body of the body of the saint and the wonderful phenomena committed during the coffin of it24. The body of the saint, despite almost a 200-year stay in a cave, not characterized by dryness, turned out to be impaired; At the same time, there were properly many cases of wonderful healing through the prayer appeal of the Holy Feodosius, they were examined under the oath of healed, their affinations and eyewitnesses25. In the mind of this San. Synod determined - "In the blissful memory of the confession, the Archbishop of Chernihivsky, rank to the face of the saints, the grateful of God, the famous and imperishable body to recognize his holy relics" and commit their solemn discovery, for which he did not slow down to follow the consent of the sovereign of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich.
The solemn opening of the relics of St. Feodosia followed on September 9, 1896. It was committed by an extremely intended Metropolitan of Kiev Joanniki, in serving six bishops and the Song of Archimandrite and Igumen and other clergy. The deterioration of God was moved from the Borisoglebsky Cathedral to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky and were transferred to the new cypress coffin and a new precious silver cancer; Here, under the sentence with a lot of lamp, they laid on the right side of the cathedral, where they are now. All the days of the celebration of the glorification of the newly waters of God are tremendous, the semi-redesky confluence of the people overwhelmed the city, with hot plea, referring to the saint Feodosius, asking his prayers before God and in a hurry to attach to his holy, imperious relics. The celebration of the glorification was marked by numerous wonderful healings and made a deep impression not only on the Orthodox, but also on the rank. Thank God, wondering his saints!
Tropear, voice 4:
It was always possible in the bishops, Saint Feodosie, was the same shone his herd, the same was the same in the eternal monastery: the throne of the king of Glory to get rid of us from those who were angry and to escape souls, our souls, and your prayers.
Kondak, voice 4:
Shepherds to the head of Christ worked by Christ, St. Feodosie, on the values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual, the feet of the verbal of your sheep, and the enjoyment of Christ the healing gift of Goti from the physical essentials of Body and the peasant and the faith with faith comes to healing your power. Moths, holy, about calling your name from the entrances of the enemy to escape our souls.

1 According to legend, this surname was assigned to one of the ancestors of St. Feodosia for the difference in the reflection of the enemy from the city of Uglich.
2 This is the famous oldest school in Russia, the foundation of which goes back to the end of the XVI century; Now - the Kiev Spiritual Academy placed in the Bratsky Monastery, on Podol, in Kiev.
3 Kiev-fraternal Epiphany School, serving the chief sender for the entire South Orthodox Russia, at the same time released a lot of famous fighters for the Orthodox faith from its walls within the South-Russian Church, who was undergoing incessant attacks of enemies - Catholics and Industrial Uniants, which , despite the Orthodox faith, recognized the departure of the Pope, and even more cunning Jesuits, the monks of the Catholic Order, who had a purpose for any means to approve the Catholicism and the primacy of Dad.
4 Metropolitan Dionysius managed Kiev Metropolitan of all no more than six months. He was appointed to Metropolitan in February 1658 and retired from Kiev in July 1658, although nominally continued to be listed by the Kiev Metropolitan.
5 near the town of Baturin, now - in the Chernihiv province, in 30 versts from the city of Konotop; Founded in the XVI century.
6 in Konevsky district, Kiev province. - St. Feodosius was appointed by the Korsun Monastery Igumen around 1661.
7 It was in 1664. Kiev-Vedubitsky monastery was one of the oldest and most important monasteries of the Kiev Diocese; founded at the end of the XI century; At the beginning of the XVII Art., During the Polish rule, it was Water, but then he was again returned to the department of Kiev Metropolitan; Today is a restrained men's monastery.
8 Minsk province. There was the island of Mikhailovshchina, who belonged to the Kiev-Vestubitsky monastery, where in 1680 and was founded and works. Theodosius of a small slate, whose governor was appointed by one of the strict devotees of the Vedubitsky Monastery, Hieromona Job Olinsky.
9 Especially a lot had to suffer St. Feodosia, according to Methodius, Bishop of the Mstislavsky and Orsha, who claimed the Kiev Metropolitan throne, and, because of his goals, slandered the saint together with the rebels of other Kiev monasteries in political ingregs and treason in the Moscow government; But the truth immediately enthusiasm himself, and the innocence of Feodosia was then clearly proven.
10 Lazar Baranovich - Rector of the Kiev-Epiphany fraternal school, since 1657, Archbishop Chernigov, prominent political and literary figure of Southern Russia, a preacher and a paramisturist against Catholics N Uniats; was very respecting contemporaries; sv. Dimitri Rostovsky calls him the "Great Pillar of the Church."
11 At that time, Metropolitan Kievan remained idle for quite a long time, due to political stem, as a result, temporarily managing it and was entrusted to the most respected archpastory of Southern Russia, which was Lazar Baranovich.
12 Gidoneon (Svyatopolk-Cartetinsky) - Bishop Lutsky, from 1686 - Kiev Metropolitan, died in 1690, known to gramites and messages to different spiritual persons.
The 13th Holy Feodosius, as one of the most honorable spiritual persons, was a representative of the embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich the cathedral, who eating Metropolitan, sent in 1685 to the newly elected election of election and with the invitation to adopt the throne of Kiev Metropolis. In the same year, the "precessive" and "in the Church of the Malorosiysk Honored" Hegumen Feodosius, together with Pereyaslav's igumen, John, Dubino, was sent to the kings of John and Peter Alekseevich and Patriarch Joachim with a request for the approval of the elected Malororsia Metropolitan. It should be noted that in Moscow at the time of the Malorus sent elected people not only so that they bring them there or another petition and appeared in case of petitions in these petitions, but with the goal to expose them before the king and the patriarch, as persons who are able and intended for supreme positions. So looked at it in Moscow, and there both representatives of the embassy, \u200b\u200bIgumen - Vestubitsky and Pereyaslavsky, were adopted as "people honored by the Malorosiysk Church." The result of this embassy was a great deal of joining the South-Russian Church to the Moscow Patriarchant.
14 Yeletsky Assumption First-class monastery in Chernigov founded in 1060 the Grand Duke of the Chernigov Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
15 John Golyatovsky - the famous South-Russian preacher and the screening writer XVII century, first the rector of the Kiev-Mogilyan College and then Archimandrite Chernihiv Yeletsky Monastery.
16 Ivan Mazepa - Hetman Malorossiysky from 1687 to 1709, when he changed Peter the Great and Russia, rummaged to the side of the Swedish king Charles XII; In the same year he died.
17 Adrian - the last (10th time) Patriarch All-Russian, ruled the church from 1690-1700 g.
18 With regard to the fact that Theodosius was immediately erected in San Archbishop, this is due to the fact that Archbishopia was established in Chernigov's large Moscow cathedral, and the Chernihivsky department was then raised the first between other Archbishopians of the Russian Church.
19 The monastery was built by a widow Starubetsky Colonel Marieu Sulimova on her bought together with the late husband of the earth, called "liver" from where the monastery and got his name; now does not exist.
20 Lisher - now the commercial settlement of the Gorodensky County Chernihiv province, in 52 versts from Chernigov.
21 So, they were consecrated by the majestic temple in honor of the Holy Trinity near the Ilyinsky Monastery, and the temple in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Domnitsky Men's Monastery (in 35 versts from Chernigov).
22 John Maksimovich - subsequently Metropolitan Tobolsky and all of Siberia, where a lot was bothering in the spread of Christianity among foreigners; Died in 1716. The memory of him is topically honored with the reverence of the ward of God.
23 "praise" this was written under the scenic image of St. Feodosia in the Borisoglebsky Chernihiv Cathedral, over the entrance to the stone tent, where the relics of the saint.
24 The survey was made by an extremely intended John, Metropolitan of Kiev, together with the local bishop of Anthony, with the rector of the Chernihiv seminary, with an arreater - a member of the Kiev spiritual consistory and two protocyereans from the local cathedral party.
25 such cases were examined 49.

The piety of the parents contributed to the spiritual development and the good tendencies of the boy: since childhood he adjusted prayer and was distinguished by a meek character.

He joined the spiritual school, the so-called Kiev-fraternal collegium, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 40s of the XVII century was the breakdown time of the college.

During the years of study, the vocation of the saint to the monochable feat was finally determined. Free from time to take time he gave prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures and God.

After receiving the formation, the future saint accepted the lead in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and was named Feodosius in honor of the Rev. Feodosia Pechersky (MEMORY on May 3).

In 1664 he was appointed by the rector of the famous Kiev-Vedubitsky monastery. This monastery was shortly before that was in the hands of the uniations that led it in full ruin. Holy Feodosius with diligence began to work, and, thanks to its energy and hardworking, quickly restored inherent life in the vydubitsky monastery. Taking care of church wellness, he organized an excellent choir, which was famous not only in Malorusia, but also in Moscow, where the Saint Feodosius sent his singers in 1685.

In those years, Holy Feodosia had to survive a grievous test: along with other hegumen, he was accused of Methodius, Bishop Mstislavsky and Orsha, in treason to the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was called to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and the Saint Feodosius, together with others, was justified.

When Bishop Lazar was appointed by the location of the Kiev Metropolis, he appointed the Holy Feodosia to his governor in Kiev, and remained in Chernigov himself. In this rank of Saint Feodosius, he took an active part in many church events.

In 1688, St. Feodosius was appointed Archimandrite of the Chernigov Elezzan Monastery to the place of the archived Archimandrite Joranica (Golyatovsky). There he had to work much over the improvement of the monastery, also given to the ruin of Jesuits and Dominicans.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Feodosius was solemnly Charotonisan in the Assumption of the Moscow Cathedral of the Kremlin in San Archbishop Chernigov.

Managing the Chernihiv diocese, the saint Feodosius especially took care of the spiritual enlightenment of his flock. He supported the old and created new inochetic monasses, among them: the Pechistical Women's Monastery, where he himself sanctified the temple. In 1694, they were founded by a Liektsky Skit, in the same year the saint was consecrated by the temple in the Domnitsky Men's Monastery, and in 1695 - the majestic temple in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built on the top of the Boldin Mountain, near the Ilinsky monastery.

Saint Feodosius supported the existence in Chernigov typography, which issued many prints of liturgical books.

In the Holy Feodosia in the Chernihiv Diocese, there is a special rise and strengthening of monocities. The saint paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly laying in the choice of candidates.

The distinctive features of the personality of St. Feodosia were - condescension, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion to everyone who turned to him for help and advice, not only Orthodox, but also to people of other confessions.

In 1696, on February 5, St. Feodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Borisoglebsky Cathedral, behind the right cleir, in the arranged crypt.

Rev. Feodosius Great († 529)

Theodosius Great (424-529) - Christian Holy, ABVA, founder of hostel monasteries in Palestine. Required in the face of the presented in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Rev. Feodosius Great was born in Cappadocia in the village of Mogarion. His parents were Christians. Since childhood, possessing a good voice, Feodosius was dedicated to church readers. In the young years he went to the Holy Land in Jerusalem. On the way to Antioch, he met with Simeon a hat, who blessed him and predicted his future pastoral ministry.

In Jerusalem, Theodosius visited the place of evangelical events and became a student of St. Longgin, who lived at the "Piltee David" (the ancient tower in the Jerusalem fortress, at the Yaffian gate).

In an effort to hermit life, after a while, Saint Feodosius went to the desert and settled in a cave, in which, according to legend, three wrappers, who came to bow down to the Savior of the world. In it he lived for 30 years in the great abstinence and incessant prayer.

The desired to live under his leadership began to flow to the devotee and soon a monastic community formed around the Feodosia. When the cave no longer accompanied the assembled inok, the Rev. Feodosius began to pray that the Lord himself pointed the place for the monastery. Taking a cold coal with me, the reverend went through the desert. In one place, suddenly coal broke out and incense with Fimiam. Here the Monastery was founded and founded the first hostel monastery, or Lavra, called Lava Feodosius the Great. In it, the monastery charter of Vasily of the Great and Laurea was introduced in the first Hostel Monastery of Palestine. By the end of the life of Feodosia, up to 400 monks from different countries lived in it.

Monastery Feodosia Great

A few churches were built in the laurel, worship in which was held in various languages \u200b\u200b- Greek, Georgian and Armenian. Also in the monastery, Feodosius, a number of cross-country houses and hospitals for the Inok and Mijan were arranged, as well as shelters for the elderly.

Feodosius was a friend of Reverene Savva Svyulyn, with the Jerusalem Patriarch Salusia (486-494), the monks of the Palestinian Desert appealed to him with a request to put "Feodosia and Savva Archimandrites and the heads of all monasteries that are near Holy Grad." Patriarch satisfied the request of the monks, Feodosius became Archimandrite of all Palestinian hosty monasteries (Kinovy) and received his nicking - "Cynoviarch".

During the reign of Emperor Anastasia I (491 - 518) in the capital of the Empire, monophimitic disputes agreed, began to negate the decisions of the fourth universal cathedral. The emperor adhered to the monophimitism began persecution. The Rev. Feodosia firmly stood up with the defense of Orthodoxy and wrote from the face of herds a message to the emperor, where he was crushed in the heresy, and then, having come to Jerusalem, in the church of the Mernel of the Lord from Ambon proclaimed: "Who does not honor the four Ecumenical Cathedral, like the four Gospels, will be Anathema!".For his opposition actions, Feodosius was imprisoned, from which Anastasia was released (518 years).

Theodosius died in 529 at the age of 105 years after a long sickness ("lying on the Odra disease for the whole year"). The body of Feodosia was buried in the cave of three mois.

The tomb of the Reverend Feodosius the Great in the Cave of Three Magicians in the Lavra of St. Theodosius of the Great

Coffin pre. Theodosius of the Great in the Cave of Three Magi

Now the relics of the Feodosius of the Great are located in Jerusalem in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher .

Monastery Feodosia Great

Monastery Feodosia Great (also Laurus Feodosia Great) This is the first in Palestine a hostel monastery. Located 11 km east of Bethlehem, in the Jewish desert, on the territory of the West Bank of the Jordan River. Currently, this is the Orthodox Greek Women's Monastery in submission of the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

Founded in 476, Theodosius of the Great near the cave, where, according to the legend, who came to worship, the Magi, stopped at rest on the way back (Matt. 2:12). Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. In the period of maximum heyday, the monastery (VI - the beginning of the 6th century) the number of statements exceeded 700 people.

In 614, the monastery was destroyed by Persians. Persians inflicted the monastic movement of Palestine, perhaps the most cruel and crushing blow, after which the majority of monasteries could not recover, and after them, and the whole edge turned into a desert. They were carved 30 thousand Christians, all shrines were desecrated and looted. In 622, Josrars allowed Christians to rebuild their churches and monasteries. In 628, Josrars were killed by his son, and in the 629th Emperor Irakli, defeating the Persians, completely freed Palestine, having passed the entire power of Christian patriarchs. The life of the monks of the monastery of St. Feodosia entered its former channel.

At the beginning of the XVI century, the monastery of Feodosia was again ruined by the Turks, after which the long time was in launch. In 1898, the Jerusalem Patriarchy bought this plot of land and took up the reconstruction, which was from 1914 to 1952. Now the monastery is restored as female.

In the monastery there is an underground crypt, a cave consisting of two parts: in one of them, the rest, the Rev. Feodosius lasted, and the tomb was arranged in another. Here are buried: Energia - the mother of St. Feodosius the Great, Sofia - the mother of St. Sava Savda, the Feodotus - the mother of Saints and Damian, Rev. John Mosch, Rev. Maria (glorified with his husband Xenophon and sons Arkady and John). It was originally buried here and Rev. Feodosiya himself, as well as the Holy Patriarch of Sofronia. To the left of the ladder during the descent of the cave, the relics of martyrs suffered from Persians in 614

Tomb of St. Theodosius of the Great in the Cave of Three Magicians in the Lavra of St. Theodosius of the Great

Laurel Feodosia is notable also in the fact that in it for some time they were the relics of refreshtoped effrosions in Polotsk. Reverend Effrosions all his life had a heart desire to visit the Holy Land. And now, at the end of the life, the Lord has encouraged her to worship with this greatest shrine of the world. Here, on the Holy Land, Rev. and died. She was buried in the Lavra of St. Feodosia, because there was a tradition to bury in Kripte the abode of pious wives. Later, the relics of Rev. Efrosinia were transferred to Kiev, and then to Polotsk, in the insidency-founded.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

Tropear Feodosia Great, General Life Chief, Glas 8:
The tears of your latches of the desert fell silent Essays, and others from the depths of the raised one hundred works plunge the Esi, and there was an emery lamp of the Universe, the shining wonders, Feodosie the Father, the moths of Christ of God to escape our souls.

Kondak, voice 8:
It was planted to the Poorest of the Lord of yours, the reverend of your virtues redly flourished and multiplied by the children of yours in the desert, the tears of your clouds are attacked, the long-term of God's Divine yards. We call the blind: rejoice, Ferodosie.

Prayer Rev. Feodosia Great:
About Rev. and the governor of our Feodosie! You, to work, wanting, unlayer in labor, in conjunction, in prayers and posts, they would face ESI, and there was a mentor to monastic, the whole people - the father is alive. Nowadays, at the expense of yours from the Earth, the heavenly king of the opposite, the moths of his goodness, hedgehog the place of the village of your village, the holy abode is yours, the appearance of the spirit of LUVE is relentlessly, and everyone with you to fulfill them. We succeed at the Milostivago gentlemen of ours, but low seller to us the abundance of terrestrial benefits, the same for the benefit of our souls, let us give us, and condense the lives of this raised in repentance, it will be encouraged, on the day of the judgment of the upcoming and enjoyment in the kingdom centuries. Amen.

Yeletsky Chernigov Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin

A few years ago, the Harkovchan Group went on a big trip across Ukraine and overcame 3,500 km. On the way, one of the first cities filled with Russian ancient shrines was the handsome of Chernigov.

At first, the road itself led us to Yeletsky (Yelsky) Assumption Monastery, which is on the Bolden Mountain. The abode was founded in the XI century the Grand Duke of the Chernihiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich on the advice of the taught here in 1069-1072. The founder of the Russian monasticity of the PRP. Anthony of Pechersk. In antiquity, the monastery was great, rich and landscaped, but in the future it was destroyed by Tatars and Poles. In 1240, he was burned in Batiem together with the city, restored in 1445 in 1579 and 1611, was destroyed by Polish troops. The monastery began to recover from 1657 under the Chernihiv archpastor Lazar Baranovic. The preinsies of the monastery at different times were persons, very famous in the history of the Russian Church: John Golyatovsky, Dimitri Rostov and Feodosius Chernigov (also referred to as Uglichsky).

The Cathedral Monastery Temple in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1060, was updated in the XV century. and early XVII century.

Here in the iconostasa was the Yeletskaya Chernihiv Icon of Our Lady "unfavorable color", which appeared in 1060 near Chernigov on a her, which was also obtained. In the history of the Russian Church, the phenomenon of the icon on the tree was the first such miracle.

After the destruction of the monastery at the beginning of the XVII century. Icon was lost. In 1676, Brothers Matvey and Nikita for the name Kozel (goat) were brought here from Vladimir the accurate list of the Yelets image, which was bought by KN. K. Ostrogsky and donated to the monastery. The ancient Yesette Chernigov Icon was considered the one, which in 1579 the descendants of Svyatoslav Chernigov, KN. Baryatyatinski was taken to Moscow, and in 1687 in the Crimean campaign. Dying Daniel Baryatinsky on the way back (in the same year) icon was given to the Kharkov Assumption Cathedral.

The celebration in honor of Yelets Chernihiv Icons was committed on February 5, that is, the 18th on a new style. After years, the memory of St. Theodosia Chernigov began to read the same day.

Icon of the Mother of God Yeletskaya Chernihiv

Under the monastery temple in honor of SVV. APP. Peter and Paul and the bishops were hedzky caves, focused on prep. Anthony Pechersk. The location and device of these caves are similar to Kiev. In the west of the monastic bell tower there was a wooden house, where the beam was located under the ceiling with an inscription carved: "PRP. Feodosij Uglitsky, Archimandrite 1688. " This beam was in Sv. Feodosia.

On the Bolden Mountains, we rose to the 58-meter bell tower of the Cathedral Trinity Cathedral, built in 1775 by the project of Rastrelli. Rastrelli Monument, in particular, what is the architect of the Assumption Cathedral project in Kharkov.

Trinity Cathedral of Chernigov

The Tricky Cathedral itself was laid in 1679 on the German project of John Baptist from Vilna. In the right of the Cathedral, the Cancer of the Holy Wonderworker Theodosius of the Uglitsky and Chernigovsky is now. A wooden house, which has more than three hundred years, where the Great Feodosius lived, to this day remains on the territory of the Yeletsky Monastery.

In the Trinity Cathedral, we also bowed to the icon of the Chernihiv Virgin - the second miraculous icon of Chernigov, throughout the honor, along with the Icon of the Yelskaya Mother of God.

* * *

Saint Feodosius Archbishop Chernigov was born in the early 1630s in the Podolsk province. He came from the ancient nobility of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. His parents were Ieria Nikita and Maria.

Saint Feodosius Archbishop Chernigovsky. Icon

The Feodosia, who distinguished with childhood with meekness and adjacent to prayer, natural abilities were revealed in the Kiev-fraternal board at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. It was the heyday of the board when her rectors were Archimandrite Innokenti (Gizel), and then Igumen and subsequently Archbishop Chernigov - Lazar (Baranovich). Among his mentors were the Hieromons of the Epiphanas (Slavinetsky), the Hieromona of Arseny (Satanovsky), Bishop of Belarusian Feodosius (Baevsky), Hegumen Feodosius (Safonovich) and Reloji (DZIC). Comrades of St. Feodosia on the collegium were future outstanding shepherds: Simeon Polotsky, John Golyatovsky, Anthony Radzivilovsky, Varlaam Yasinsky.

At that time, the Kiev-fraternal Epiphany was the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the attacks of the Catholic clergy, Jesuits and Uniats.

The future saint accepted the inhang village in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra named Feodosiya, in honor of the Reverene Feodosius Pechersk. By Kiev Metropolitan Dionisia (Balaban), he was put by the archicalacon of the Kiev-Sofia Cathedral, but soon he left for the Kratytsky monastery of the Chernihiv diocese under Baturin, expecting a strict inochetic life. There he accepted San Hieromonach.

In 1662, Feodosius was appointed Igumen of the Korsun Monastery of the Kiev Diocese, and in 1664 - the abbot of the ancient Kiev-Vedubitsky monastery. This abode was in the hands of the uniats and was completely broken. But Saint Feodosia due to energy and perseverance managed to quickly revive the monastery. He created an excellent choir, which was famous not only in Malorus, but also in Moscow, where Saint Feodosius in 1685 sent his singers.

When you look at the history of this monastery, it seems that some special staic role is prepared. Lost SVT. Feodosia she had to survive a difficult period. Nowadays, she is captured by the self-slippers of Kiev Patriarchate.

Having built Lazarus (Baranovich) called Hegumen Feodosius "Sheepdown of the herd of Christ, who has learned humility." Becoming in 1679 by the location of the Kiev Metropolis, remaining in Chernigov, he appointed Feodosia to his Kiev governor. In this capacity SVT. Feodosius in 1685 was sent to Moscow. As a result, the most important event occurred: the reunion of the Kiev Metropolis with the Russian Church.

In 1688 SVT. Feodosius was appointed to the Yelets Monastery in the place of the Honor Archimandrite Joranica (Golyatovsky). It was since then that Saint became constantly connected with Chernigov.

The saint was pretty to work well in the Eleset Residents devastated by Jesuits and Dominicans. For several years, the monastery restored welfare. Yeletsky Archimandrite provided a significant assistance to the Holy Lazar. For example, he participated in the compilation of the Cathedral response to the Moscow Patriarch Joachim on his questioning certificates about the attitude of the Kiev Metropolis for the Florentine Cathedral. When the Patriarch was not satisfied with these answers, Batienka Igumen, Saint Dimitri, was sent to Moscow at the beginning of 1689 (Tuttal) - the future Metropolitan Rostov. SVT. Feodosius traveled with him as a representative from the Holy Lazarus. He was entrusted to convey a response letter to His Holiness and urban explaining all misunderstandings between Moscow and Kiev. At the same time, the commission, this Archimandrite Feodosius, should have indicated him as a trustee, which deserves special attention from the Patriarch and the Moscow government.

Last soverees Peter I and Patriarch sent from the people of the People with Hoping Lazarem and Hetman, was indicated on the high advantages of the future of the saint: "Proven archimandrite, the husband of good, decorated with the virtues of the monastic life, which he has been experienced by the monasteries, fulfilled fear God and spiritual experience, enlightened, very diluted to church adultery, is able to manage the department of the Department and Diocese Chernihiv. "

September 11, 1692 St. Feodosius, handing a personally signed swirl promise "Archbishop of Moscow and All Russia and all Northern countries of Patriarch" Adrian, was nailed by Archbishop Chernigov and Novgorod (Novgorod-Seversk). On September 13, he was dedicated to the Archbishops in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In the issued sv. Theodosius in his own request of a posterior royal diploma, confirming the right of Chernihiv archbishopov, was indicated by the dependence not from the Kiev Metropolitan, but from the Moscow Patriarch.

To SVT Feodosia appealed for help and advice not only Orthodox, but also the faces of other confessions. He particularly patronized Chernihiv spiritual schools, invited scientists from Kiev, among whom was John John (Maksimovich). It was him, then the governor of the Bryansky Sven Monastery, called SVT. Feodosius, feeling the approach of his death, and put Archimandrite of the Chernihiv Yezky Monastery.

Subsequently, the future Metropolitan Tobolsky and All Siberia John (Maksimovich) built over his coffin in the Chernihiv Borisoglebsky Cathedral behind the right-wing tray, a brick arch with a praise inscription in verses in gratitude for his wonderful healing from a gravily disease.

Saint Feodosius Archbishop Chernigovsky. Wood. Thread. End of the XIX century.

The glorification of St. Feodosia was accomplished on September 9, 1896, on the eve of the 200th anniversary of his death. About 150 thousand pilgrims arrived at the great reverence of the Chernihiv Saint, about 150 thousand pilgrims arrived at the celebrations in thirty thousandthly Chernigov. The definition of the sacred synod reads: "In the blissful memory of the confugee Feodosia, the Archbishop of Chernigovskago, to rank with the saints, the grateful of God of the Orthodoxy, and the imperishable body to recognize him with holy relics. The memory of the saint is celebrated on February 5 and on the opening day of the relics of the saint, and for the celebration of the opening of the relics of the saint, in perfecting the highest will of the sovereign of Emperor Nicholas II, appoint 9 day of September 2,896. " (respectively, February 18 and September 22 for a new style. -Avt..)

Sakharozavodik N. A. Tereshchenko, the one that gathered, like V. Tretyakov, the collection of Russian painting (now the Kiev National Museum of Russian Art), presented a silver sarcophage for the relics. Cancer with the relics of Feodosia was solemnly postponed from Borisoglebsky to the Cathedral of the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and was placed in the sarcophagus. A year later, worship the relics of St. Feodosia arrived from St. Petersburg about. John Sergiev (Holy Righteous John Kronstadsky) and spent two days in Chernigov.

After the October coup in 1917, the unwanted power of the saint served as a reason for the "debunking of Popov miracles." But misfire came out. "Military-urgent telegram. Head of the Polysception of the Right Bank of Ukraine. Kiev. According to the resolution of the provincial congress of the Soviets 18/2 (1921), the relics of St. Feodosia were opened in Chernigov. An opening turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. The body was whole and hardened. Mass mood is tense. The medical expert commission issued a tendentious resolution. The Gubspolk requests Kharkov expulsion of the professors of archaeologists - the latter need to establish the soil composition of Chernihiv region. If there is (c) Kiev Required people inform and send (c) Chernigov. We carry out successful campaigning, an anti-religious week has been declared. For details personally, I will send the protocol of opening. Secretary of Glamoving (Sokolov). "

However, the mockery continued: the power of SVT. Feodosia (unlated!) Exhibited first in Ukraine, then in Moscow and, finally, by the end of the 1920s in Leningrad, where the Museum of Religion and Atheism began to work in the Kazan Cathedral. Here, after decades, in the early 1990s, the relics were acquired. Seraphim Sarovsky and SVT. Joasaph Belgorodsky.

By the end of the 1930s, in the ancient Saint Chernigov there was no longer a single church.

It should be noted that Chernigov was released from the German-fascist invaders on September 21, 1943, on the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin, on the eve of the holiday of glorification in the face of Svt. Feodosia.

Tell a striking story. During the defense of Leningrad, participants in the meeting of the Military Council heard the voice: "Request (pray) of St. Feodosia, he will help you." They tried to find out who was such aeodosius. The search led them to continuing ministry in the blockade town of Metropolitan Leningradsky Alexy (Simansky), subsequently Patriarch Moskovsky and All Russia. The relics of the saint were transferred to the Nikolsky Cathedral, where the service began.

They say that the same night a heavy frost sought Ladoga, making it possible to deliver to the exhausted city of products, ammunition, live strength and technology, as well as evacuation of needed urgent export.

From the story, I remember the phrase "Road of Life", but few people know that Orthodox called her "expensive St. Feodosia."

They also say that immediately after the war, thanks to the personal participation of the new Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky) and I. Stalin's relics of SVT. Feodosia was returned to Chernihiv, where non-saturated acathists were already served. Majestic, duddy painting: September 15, 1946 Orthodox came out to meet the Feodosius who returned to the native city, his inequate relics. Predicted returned pre. Chernygovsky's Lavrentini (miscarriage, +1950) walked with a candle, like all monastic, like all the people who were not very much. The service in Trinity Cathedral was Easter, sang "Christ Risen!". The participant of the celebrations was excitedly told: "The Father of Lawrence ruled the chorus and the whole parade, the Vladyka served ... The Saint Feodosius served, and the Vladyka was a colleague. The relics were taken out to Ambon, in the salty place, put on the same place. We were all with big candles. It was an extraordinary service, an extraordinary celebration! "

The Trinity Monastery in 1962 was closed, the relics of St. Feodosia are lowered to the basement of the Trinity Cathedral in the tomb of Chernihiv bishops. And only in 1984, they again became accessible to believers.

The radioactive cloud formed on April 26, 1986 as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, the city went around. Chernigov are confident that Svt's patron saint is saved. Feodosius. Also consider holy by their patron the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. In 2009, the construction of the temple in Kiev was completed in honor of the saint.

Temple in honor of St. Feodosia Chernigov in Kiev

A new temple complex SVT has also been created. Feodosia Chernigovsky and in the Kiev Darnitsa, together with the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "of all mournful joy".

The temple complex SVT. Feodosia Chernigov in Darnice

The temple is erected in honor of St. Feodosia Chernigovsky and in p. Petroishki Minsk region - the first in Belarus.

So for many centuries, the Chernihiv Saint Feodosius continues the love teamwork in the Orthodox people environment, which must be remembered by the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

The Blessed Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir in the relics of SVT. Feodosia Chernigovsky

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In 1686, the reunion of Kiev Metropolis with the Russian Orthodox Church took place. An important participation in this historical event was accepted by St. Theodosius Chernigovsky, who performed the responsibilities of the governor of the location of the Kiev Metropolitan Department. September 22, the church celebrates the memory of this saint in honor of his glorious glorification.

"He was like a lamp that illuminated his quiet light through the entire Chernihiv diocese and all the heating warmth of his loving heart" (from the lives of St. Feodosia Chernigov) .

Choosing a path

On the early years of the life of St. Feodosia, we are not known to us, we do not even know the name obtained by him when baptism. It is known that he took place from the ancient nobility of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. A boy was born in the 1630s, in the Vinnitsa region. The father of his Nikita was a priest, mother called Maria. Other information about this time, besides the fact that the boy was grew up with meek and obedient, we do not have.

At the achievement of the necessary age, he was given to training in the Kiev-fraternal collegium at the Epiphany Monastery. At that time, the College was the center of protection of Orthodoxy from an exhausted Jesuit and Uniate invasion (it is worth remembering that at that time Malorosia was part of the Commonwealth). Destinations of at least the fact that Polonitsky-Uglitsky studied and was friends among the pupils of the board, was an outstanding spiritual figure Samuel Petrovsky-Cotomanovich (subsequently - St. Simeon Polotsk). The rector of the collegium at that time was the famous advocacy of Orthodoxy Bishop Lazar (Baranovich).

After studying in the Kiev-fraternal college, the future saint Feodosius takes the chase at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, with the ads of the name in honor of her primancy. The gifted ink was soon spotted by the Metropolitan of Kiev Dionisia (Balaban) and put on the Archdiano ministry to the Sophia Cathedral of Kiev. Later, Feodosia fell out to suffer obedience to the governor of the Metropolitan House. However, more prone to contemplative silent nightly inquiry, he will soon be removed from Kiev and settled in a small Krutitsky monastery under Baturin. Here he accepted the monastic stop.

Abbot of monasteries

For a short time, a young devotee was able to hide his talents in the distant Krutitsky Monastery - soon he was transferred to the Korsun Monastery with appointment to the position of Heguman. And again, very quickly brilliant abilities of Feodosia, now as the abbot of the monastery, were noticed and appreciated by priestly. In 1664, he was again translated - now he becomes the abbot of the ancient Vesturba monastery of Kiev.

Feodosia managed to bring the monastery to the former improvement

At that time, the vydubitsky monastery was in a ruined state after a temporary stay under the rule of Polish uniats and Catholics. However, the conventional abbot of the monastery was newly appointed in time. Over time, bring the monastery to the former improvement. It concerned both the external - economic - part, and even more important internal state of the monastery. The monastery soon began to return the old and coming new statements, the abbot of the monastery strictly followed their piety. Skit was organized for the inkom prone to silent residence. It should be noted that the spirit of the mobility, which was famous at that time the Vedubitsky monastery, Feodosija rustled in the hearts of breeds and supported, above all, his personal example.

He also paid special attention to the worship service, which was always accomplished with strict compliance with the Charter. Of great importance attached to both church singing. Feodosia managed to create such a beautiful chorus in the vydubitsky monastery that they knew about him even in Moscow and often asked for people from this choir to Moscow to teach their singers.

24 years of Feodosius managed the vydubitsky abode. At the same time, the envy and the ill-wishes of some people had to undergo many sorrow, slander, it was necessary to survive and ban in clergy due to the fact that the saint defended the rights of the monastery to the land. According to leader, they accused him even in treason, the Russian government, the secret correspondence with the enemies of the state - is inflicted, of course. However, the innocence of the holy devotee was proved soon. Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich gave him a gracious diploma.

Lazarus successor (Baranovich)

The Archbishop Chernigov Lazarov (Baranovich), who appreciated him highly appreciated and called the "sheepdie of the herd of Christ, who had a" sheepdia of the herd of Christ, who had learned humans was given a special patronage of the spiritually gifted Archimandrit. It is also known that in one of the letters, her sincere desire expressed his sincere desire that the name of Feodosia was written in heaven. "

Performing the responsibilities of the location of the Kiev Metropolis, Lazarus (Baranovich) appointed Hegumen Feodosia (at that time he was still the rector of the vydubitsky monastery) with his governor in this position. At the same time, Archbishop Lazar himself remained living in Chernigov.

Defender of Orthodoxy

Performing the duties of the Kiev governor, Feodosij Uglitsky took part in many important church affairs. One of such important events occurred in the 1685th year, when Gedeon (Four) was elected Metropolitan. In the election of the Kiev Metropolitan, the right of a decisive voice was among the number of Hegumen Feodosius. With the news about this election as part of the delegation, he went to Moscow. The actual result of such a trip was the reunion of Kiev Metropolis, which before that was subordinate to Constantinople, with the Russian Orthodox Church. In the next - 1686th year, the candidacy of Metropolitan Kyiv offered by Moscow was approved by Constantinople Patriarchate, since then, all Kiev Metropolitans were elected in Moscow.

Also, Hegumen Feodosius took part in the compilation of the Cathedral response to the Moscow Patriarch on the attitude of the Kiev Metropolis for the Florentine Cathedral, in particular, the issue of the time of the liberation of holy gifts was discussed. To discuss this issue, he also traveled to Moscow together with St. Dimitri Rostovsky.

Archbishop Chernigovsky

When Archimandrite Yelets John (Galyatovsky) was pressed in 1687 in 1687 (Galyatovsky), Feodosiy Uglitsky was put on his place the abbot of the Chernihiv Yeetsky Assumption Monastery in Sana Archimandrite. Now he was engaged in the improvement of the second committee entrusted to him. How large was the respect for the Feodosia, at least the fact that Hetman Ivan Mazep himself, who did not differ in particular charity towards the monasteries, at the request of the new rector gave an entire village withdrawal by Yelets.

In addition to the management of the monastery, Archimandrite Feodosius provided invaluable assistance to the pre-liberated Lazari in the management of the Chernihiv diocese. Wanting to see Feodosia by his successor in the Chernihiv department, the pre-secrecy of Vladyka sent the petition of Patriarch Adrian to Moscow about the appointment of Feodosia Uglitsky his assistant. This request was satisfied. And in the next - 1662th year, Archimandrite Yeletsky at the request of the same Lazarus (Baranovich) was erected in San Archbishop. Charotonia was committed in Moscow, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, September 11th. In addition, the Archbishop of Feodosius received the right to commit worship in Sakkos, which in those days was the privilege of exclusively Metropolitans and the Patriarch.

However, unfordible two outstanding saintly managed to jointly manage the Chernihiv diocese. On September 3, 1693, Archbishop Lazar (Baranovich) finished his earthly path. Now all concerns about the Chernihiv department lay on the shoulders of Archbishop Feodosia. He is a good ministry with great junction about spiritual piety until the end of his days. The Saint Feodosius was founded by Petechensky Women's Monastery and Lobesky Skit. Another important event occurred in 1665, when the Trinity Cathedral on Bolden Mount was consecrated, he later received Chernigov's Cathedral status.

The saint of Feodosius also cared about the high level of spiritual education - the spiritual schools of the Chernihiv diocese used his care care. One of the students of such a school was John (Maksimovich), subsequently Metropolitan Tobolsky and All Siberia. It was him who was appointed by the Vladyka of Theodosius by the governor of the Yeletsky Monastery, the preemptive proximity of his death.

The Saint Feodosius fell back to the Lord 5 (18) February 1696. He was buried in the Borisoglebsk Cathedral of Chernigov, in a specially constructed crypt.

Gun canonization

After the praise, Feodosia followed a number of cases of wonderful help on the prayers of the Holy

Immediately after the presumption of Archbishop, Feodosia followed a number of cases of wonderful assistance in the prayers of the Holy. Particularly noteworthy was one of them. One day, the pregnant John (Maksimovich) was very ill - he had a lot of happened. The archbishop prayed hardly to St. Theodosius about healing. In the evening he was his saint himself and said: "Serve tomorrow, and you will be healthy." The next morning, Vladyka John, to the great surprise of others, himself served Liturgy, after which he was completely healed. In gratitude for this miracle, he wrote a special "praise" of the Holy, and also designed his crypt.

Despite the revisement with each year the reverence of the Chernihiv Saint, his glorification in the saints took place much later. The first acquisition of the relics of St. Feodosia Chernigov occurred in the 1772nd year, when his remains detected by the net was transferred to a new wooden coffin. However, the canonization of Saint took place only after two centuries from the day of his death - 9 (22) of September 1896. Then the relics were saint solemnly postponed from Borisoglebsky to the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of Chernigov.

"Saint Feodosia Road"

Keeps history and another evidence of the amazing assistance of St. Feodosia in the times of the Great Patriotic War. It happened in 1942, when the city of Leningrad was taken to the second ring of the blockade, the exit to Ladoga Lake blocked the German troops, cutting off the only possibility of communication between cities - Leningrad was completely deposited. In such hopeless, it seemed, the military situation discussed the solutions that could not find. Then they all clearly heard the voice: "Pray Feodosia Chernigov, it will help."

Not knowing nothing about the holy, the military turned to Leningrad. He blessed to move the power of St. Feodosia from the Atheism Museum in the Leningrad Kazan Cathedral, where they were staying at the time. The relics of the saint, with the permission of the authorities, were transferred to the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral, where the solemn service was served in front of them.

At night, due to the strong frost, Ladoga frowned, and it could be moved. For a long time, it was the only way in Leningrad there were loads, and people were evacuated from the departed city. That is why in the people, this track has become widely known as the road of life. However, there is a second name - "Road of St. Feodosia."

After the end of the war Alexy (Simansky), who became a Patriarch, achieved the power of St. Feodosia to be returned to Chernigov. In the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral of St. Petersburg in honor of the Chernihiv Sainry was consecrated by one of the chairs in memory of that his holy power was won here.