As a month, Hood became full. Conspiracy for money and good luck - read at home. Here are common love spell

Each person at least once thought about his destination, about fate, about life. Unfortunately, not everything depends on us. Sometimes throughout life we \u200b\u200bfall into such complex living conditions with which not everyone can cope with. Then we appeal for help to people who endowed the talents of healing, clairvoyance, predictions.

Bioenergy in our life

1. It is believed that if a person burns face and ears - someone recalls him. Indeed, the energy impact of one person can occur on another and at a distance. To get rid of it, it is necessary to rinse the face with cool water and spend the wet hand where the top is located. No water nearby - make a wash gesture.

2. Bath or shower always improve well-being. Is it because after an unpleasant event so you want to wash? Mashy, we not only wash off the dirt, remove the tension, but also get rid of harmful energy, restore the aura.

3. We raise each other, crying for children. So parents reset the accumulated pathological energy, and then surprise why the child is nervous, why he constantly has health problems. The most dangerous is to shout a child in the back. This is a real energy blow, traces of which may remain long as stuttering or other nervous disorders. If you think you need to scold off the child, do it looking into your eyes.

4. If you have scored "foreign energy" during the day (through handshakes, random touch, money, documents, dishes, mirrors), then at the end of the working day or after the end of work, shake your hands 6 times towards the ground and thoroughly with soap Wash cold water. This removes all negative information.

Tips for all occasions

1. Monday and Wednesday Most unfavorable days for washing hair.
2. During meals, do not look in the mirror so as not to lose beauty.
3. Two you can not eat one spoon, you can quarrel.
4. Do not give the nasal headscarves to relatives and relatives. Let them buy them themselves.
5. In order not to be heartburn, do not take bread with dirty hands.
6. Do not put a new one, just purchased suit on the bed.
7. Ikota attacked - stretch to crunch in the bones.
8. Almighty must be submitted only with his right hand.
9. Do not give anyone a needle and threads, you will hurt.
10. Do not cross through the broom to do not get sick.

Mystical Signs and Believers

I believe that mysticism should not be rejected only because it is incomprehensible. For you can repeat the error that the French Academy of Sciences has done in relation to meteorites: she decided that they were not and could not be, because it could not be in the sky of stones. As a result, the most valuable exhibits were thrown out.

Bitter mistakes, as a rule, occur from ignorance, and to them, alas, people are persistently in all a century. From the darkness of primitive times, a person together with the meetings of knowledge made various beliefs. Culture historians argue that these are ancient knowledge, expressed in poetic form.

The beliefs were a focus of practical information about the world, played in the ancient practice of people the same role as accurate sciences in modern production. Psychologists believe that beliefs, signs are the fragments of ancient truth, and therefore should not be freed from them. They, even at first glance, senseless, help people adapt to difficult living conditions.

I will give you a few accept and believes, in the mysterious language of which nature itself speaks:

1. If you have insomnia, a bad dream, the nightmares are tormented, and you can not get rid of it, then do this: in the evening, go to bed, put the dress, shirt or shirt three times, and put the sneakers in different angles with the words:

"You stand in these corners
and I do not wake up to dawn, sleep,

2. When buying a new bucket, you must say 3 times the following words:

"Bucket to be full
And I forget all poverty. "

3. If someone sticks to you in transport, queues or other public places, trying to bring you out of equilibrium, then you need to sit on this person, mentally say (necessarily in a plural): "Close your eyes."

4. To the new moon, when a new month is born, pour a glass of water and leave it on the windowsill behind the curtains until the full moon comes. Then be accustomed to this water, pronouncing: "As you, a month, it was Hood, yes it was full, and I have all kinds of good that it was full." After a while you will notice and feel that all your business went on amendment.

5. In order for loved ones (husband, groom and so on), they did not delay anywhere, but hurried home, take a cup, pour water from under the tap and, putting to the door threshold, say: "Slave of God (name), your water here."

6. Undress, things need to be carefully hung, and not to scat out where it fell, since the abandoned things sits down the evil spirit.

7. Avoid lenting money on Tuesday - you will all life in debt; And also you can not swap money on Tuesday (it is better to give them without surrender). The money in the evening of any day does not occupy and do not consider - they will not be found. You need to take money with your left hand, but to give right, then they will not be translated from you.

8. Do not eat and do not drink in front of the mirror - donate all your beauty, lose your health.

9. The broom always needs to keep down the handle - money will be found.

10. You can not sit in the scene.

I told you only about few signs and beliefs. I hope, after reading the article, you will want to know more about them.

For individual consultations, please contact the experienced parapsychologist Tatiana Anatolyevna. With the help of predictions on tarot cards, healing and psychoanalysis, it will help you in solving your problems in all spheres of your life.

With a prerequisite and at the same time the main component of success to add money is sincere faith. Getting Started with rituals, it is categorically not recommended to doubt and fluctuate. Confidence and faith in success will help to accomplish conceived.
An important value has a ritual period. It is best to produce rituals and read conspiracies to increase the material condition, bringing good luck in financial affairs, enrichment with a growing moon.
It is in this phase that the heavenly luminaire especially perceives the wishes spoken by a person. But only to go, they must necessarily from the heart.
If the Customer wants to receive an increase in the form of a significant amount of money or simply attract more money to his life, which corresponds to the conclusion to be able to read on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

If you pour into a glass of water on that day, when a month was arranged, and leave it for the curtain on the window until the moon becomes complete, then wash this water, saying:

"As you, a month, it was bad, yes it became full, and I have all kinds of good that it was full" - You will soon notice that your cases are corrected for the better.

To have money

Go to the forest, find an ant bunch, throw a trifle there, how ants will run on the money, immediately read:

"As in this heap there are many ants, so that and money from me, I was not translated. Amen".

For luck

You will be accompanied by luck and success in affairs, trade, if you dig up the hole in one of the Thursdays, throw a coin there, a small wash and cockroaches, jump and say so:

"How fast soap is washed, so quickly would miss my bad luck, how many thin hostess cockroaches, so many I had good luck and money. The conspiracy for good luck, I am drowning the luck, raw land fall asleep. Amen."

To get rich quickly

They put copper money on a white saucer without a pattern, pour on the bottom of the wheat grain, closed with a handkerchief, every third day is watered with warm water (a little) to give rise to wheat and crucial:

"Wheat Mother, you feed and young and old, and beggars, and a bar. From the grain you give ten, and fifteen, and twenty. Give me, God's slave, the money to originate, like this wheat. How it is growing day and night , I don't die with hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer for wealth

They inspire money, on a profitable month, to an even number. Put in the corner of the room for seven days, then spend. And so repeat three times.

"Like a lot of dirt in a swamp, fish in water, and a lot of wealth me. Month, grow rapidly, and me, the servant of God (name), wealthy. Amen. Amen.

Rite new moon
In the day scheduled for the ritual, you should buy: a new handkerchief on the head (black); Glass of grains of gray poppy. Purchase to make all the rules. Distil on the tabletop a new handkerchief. Take the surprise (only one person should use soap) and draw a closed circle on the handker. In the middle of the circle, embark the grains of poppy. Right hand (nameless finger) in Maka draw the cross. At the same time, pronounce the words: "There is an island on the sea-ocean. On Tom Island, the Father God is our and God's Mother. I will go there, come up to them, I crossed him, I slow down. Mother of God, you went on the ground, I lived with people, I ate bread with them, I gave money for him, I walked money in the wallet. The bread does not give without money, the clothes will not be saved without money, the candles in the temple will not be sold. Give me, the slave of God (your name), the Lord, so much money in my wallet, how much on the scarf of this poppy. My words are strong, let him come true. I lock your speeches on the goal and I close my job on the castle. Amen. " If you do everything exactly, as requires recommendations for holding a rite, the effect can be noticed soon. Within a month, cash should replenish the wallet, and your financial condition will improve.

Many people know what it means to live from salary to salary and consider every penny. And when it comes to pay the next fee for a loan, and there is no money due to the fact that the salary is delayed, you start scattering the brains, where to take, who to take? Common situation? Very tired of the constant nerveness associated with a lack of finance, and so I want to come such times when you do not need to think about where to take money, how to earn them so much for everything. And in this you will help magic. You can spend a spell of money, whose help you attract cash energy into your life, which, for some reason, most people bypass side.

Money is a very powerful energy that exists in the universe. Not all people can attract this energy to themselves, but only units own it. There is a pattern, the more the person has money, the even more it becomes, that is, this attracts the like - the well-known universal law. So how to achieve the energy of the money to be not a rare guest, and the permanent resident of your home?

Most of the magical rituals associated with money are made on the wallet, therefore, it should be paid to the choice of special attention, as well as revise the quality of storage in it. A wallet is better to purchase red with a lot of compartments. Do not keep anything in the wallet, except for money, even plastic cards are recommended separately. Moreover, there should be no photos, checks, receipts, etc. There should be no money in the wallet in the wallet, carefully putting bills to the bill in the order of increasing the nominal. You can not fold them and keep in your pocket - money will not suffer.

All human misfortune misfortunes are that people do not perceive money as energy and do not know how to attract it. To try to pull cash energy, you can use love spells to help solve many problems.

Love spell on the moon

The monetary spell will help to attract cash energy, but to keep it near himself, it is necessary to make some efforts, and make sure that the money does not lie home by the dead cargo, but constantly circulated. There is such a belief that money goes to money, so create a few piggy bank in the apartment, where coins should be folded. All these piggy banks will create a specific egregor, which will definitely start working in this way (attracting money to money), and you can strengthen his work by spending a spell of money on the moon. For this, a glass with water is put on the window to the new moon so that the moonlight falls on it, keep this glass thus until the full moon is achieved, and at night, in full moon, this water must be washed, saying the spell:

« Like you, a month, was thin, yes I became full, and I have all kinds of good to be full

Strong ritual for money

How to make a spell for money yourself? This strong spell on money is done only if there is a hopeless situation. It must be remembered by resorting for help to this magical ritual that its consequences can be unpredictable, and you need to be prepared for any scenario.

Money - An important element in the life of a modern man. Every person is needed for a specific purpose - the car, apartment, food, study. But how can you become rich fast? Many people use conspiracies for money, we will talk about the best today.

Ritual with his own wallet

One of the best assistants in mining money is your personal wallet. You need to speak on it these words:

"As in the sky a lot of stars like water in the sea is neuroran, so that in my wallet the money has not ended. Amen".

The spell must be done on Wednesday on the growing moon.

Lunny ritual

Take a glass of water and put it on the windowsill on the lunar night, the light of the moon should fall on the liquid to charge its energy. Then clear water from a glass And tell me such a plot:

"As you, a month, it was Hood, and I became full, and I have all kinds of good to be full."

Conspiracy on wealth and good luck to the full moon

Stand in front of the window with bill in your hand. There is no difference, what nominal bills, the main thing it should be in excellent condition. Then fold the bill of triangle And read this plot:

"As the moon attracts the day and night, so let this talisman attracts money to me, wealth, golden things. I will save them, I will not spend on trifles, turning and go out into the case. Let the power of the Moon helps me in that. "

Bill wear every day in his wallet.

Conspiracy "To make money"

Every time you pay your purchases in the store or get money (delivery, payment), then say the following conspiracy:

"In our wallet, your money, your treasure is my treasury. Amen".

Appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker

Prayer helps to attract money Which you suddenly lost for your life:

"Father Nicholas! I pray you, by sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, accurate feeder, all a helper and patron, about the peaceful and bright path of life. Interactively singing one in the Trinity of God forever. Amen!".

Folk signs for good luck and wealth:

  • Duty only in the evening in order to accidentally not give your luck and wealth.
  • On Sundays, distribute the whole trifle from the wallet to poor people, later money to return to much big quantities.
  • Do not whistle in the house.
  • After you spent the guests - shake the tablecloth into the street.
  • On Mondays it is impossible to give anything to duty, so as not to give everything you have.
  • Do not let the paper bills inhibit, not to induce yourself.

Conspiracies for money, attract wealth and good luck - video