Schedule of Orthodox posts. Calendar of posts and trapes. What is allowed to eat during the Great Post

In 2017, the Great Post lasts 49 days. It is also known for its name as "Holy Fourteen". This name emphasizes a special feast of these days. It also reflects that the general post actually lasts exactly 40 days. Of the total number 49, the Holidays of the Annunciation and Entrances of the Lord in Jerusalem (Verbnaya Saturday and Sunday) are excluded, in which the post is planted, and therefore, he can no longer be referred to as a strict sense. 6 days passionate saddimians are also not considered, as they form a special liturgical and ascetic cycle - the post of passionate week.

Great post in 2017 day after day

  • 1st week - from February 26 (evening) to March 4, 2017
  • 2nd week - from March 5 to March 11, 2017
  • 3rd week - from March 12 to March 18, 2017
  • 4th week - from March 19 to March 25, 2017
  • Sedmian 5 - from March 26 to April 1, 2017
  • 6th week - from April 2 to April 8, 2017
  • Passionate saddemic - from April 9 to April 15, 2017

Why do you need abstaining in food during the post?

Now every year there are more and more people who want to join the sacrament of the post. And very often, the beginners arises the question: they are assigned restrictions on food during the post, how can this affect the condition and cleansing of the soul?

Very often, it is the great post that is elected as the first sample in an abstinence feud, probably attracting its significance. But about the church post you need to think only if there is some spiritual experience. Today there are many people drawn to faith, they are decided to enter into a Christian life with what they start to fast, and especially the great post. At the same time, they do not go to the temple and do not read prayers, and one solid diet is obtained from such a post. The post carries the meaning of both abstinence and in bodily pleasures, and in spiritual entertainments, and the essence of the post is not in the abstinence itself as a fact, but to show through this church obedience and express faithful to Christ, prepare your soul to meet with the living God.

Deciding to observe the post, every Christian should clearly represent his goals and objectives. The post serves to focus on serving God, renovated from worldly problems and worries, clean his soul from sinful bad. Important, although far from the only component of the post are restrictions in nutrition. Why do you need it? What the abstinence in food has a Christian to the spiritual state during the post? The answer is quite simple. In the period of the post, we need to maximize our love for God, but love, as you know, learn from the affairs, and if we want to love God, should restrict themselves in what removes us from him. And in worldly life, and in the life of the spiritual, if we set yourself some kind of purpose, then you have to sacrifice something. Those who do not want to sacrifice nothing with anything with anything, not only do not acquire anything worthwhile, but also lose what they had. Nutrition restrictions and act as one of such victims, the most simple, understandable and affordable. But it is impossible to approach the concept of compliance with the post only with the gastronomic position there are people who have a tendency to restrictions imposed by post, for example, due to the fact that they do not like meat and entertainment. In this case, if the post is given to you easily, without effort, it is worth contacting your spiritual father to figure out what should be done during the post.

Each of us has something that it can be the subject of special care in the days of the post - imperfection often lies not outside, and inside us, and the task of the post is to help see it. The church allocates special lean periods as the time of the knowledge of their own gentity and overcoming their own "I". During this period, we are aware of something important for the soul, we stand on the way to combat those or other inconsistencies and disadvantages, and these achievements, awareness, we endure from the post in everyday life. The next post brings something one. So through every post we become closer to God, therefore the holy fathers say that posts are a staircase that leads us to the sky. Therefore, during the post, it is necessary not only to observe the restrictions in nutrition, but also to relate to their inner confusion very carefully, try to be calm and benevolent with everyone, regularly praying and ask for forgiveness from the Lord for all sorts of, even small, pregriction, to give humility, patience and meekness.

How to prepare for a great post?

Those who are serious about the post are understood that this is not just compliance with a certain diet, but first of all spiritual cleansing and mental labor. In this regard, the question arises: how to prepare for the post, what is required for this?

"The post is not in the belly, but in the spirit" - so the folk proverb. For many years now, most priests agree that the post is either the goal is not a target, he is just a means. And the goal is the post of feelings, mental experiences. If you restrict yourself in nutrition, but you allow yourself empty pastime, watching TV, then your abstinence in food is meaningless. The meaning of the post is that, limiting, driving his flesh, a person gives the opportunity to work his spirit, concentrating on his ministry to God.

In the post, as already mentioned, you must attend the temple, pray, control your behavior, to create good deeds. In the post a special inner joy brings worship. To understand that this is so, you need to start going to the temple. In the worship service, the proximity of God is manifested most brightly, and this feeling is the main content of the Great Post.

Board of beginners who find it difficult to fill these days for their own improvement: Before starting a great post on a sheet of paper, write, from what in your life you should get rid of. The Great Post is the time when you can work on yourself.

If there is such an appropriate spiritual attitude and abstinence in food will become natural and natural for you.

Preparation for the Great Post 2017

Very often, leading speech about the great post, forget to dwell on those days that they are in anticipation.

February 18, 2017 - Ecumenical meat-making parent Saturday

The day of remembering the departed. Parental days, Orthodox Christians commemorate the departed, visit the temples where clock services are committed. These days, it is customary to bring victims to the memorial table (eve) in the form of various products, with the exception of meat.

This is a week of folk festivities, when everyone bakes pancakes and pies in abundance, go to visit and hide each other. The whole week is allowed butter, eggs, fish and dairy, but meat this week no longer consumes

Again, the celebration should be reasonable: not in drunkenness you need to spend time, not in combination, because this is the time of preparation of gradual entry into the ascetic feats of the Great Post. With the spiritual growth, every Christian will gradually refuse such purely worldly, secular fun on Maslenitsa and comes to understanding the spiritual meaning of this preparatory week: the cheese week (Maslenitsa) takes place between the weeks (Sundays) about the terrible court and the memory of Adam's expulsion. That is, two Sundays, framing Maslenitsa, tell us about quite serious events in the history of mankind, not particularly providing mercy.

February 26, 2017 - Forgiveness Sunday

On this day there is a valid for the post: the last time the rapid products are allowed (except meat and dairy). There are two meals. On this day, there is already a ban on dairy products. This day is referred to as the Church of Syrophusive Week.

Food in the Great Post 2017

The Orthodox Charter implies no more than 2 dads per day. The first of them is usually performed after the Divine Liturgy (about noon), and the second is after evening. If only one meal is laid, it is usually performed at 15 o'clock in Moscow time.

The post is prohibited in food only in the fast (from the old-Russian "fast" - fat) and high-tech products (with a high content of nutritional supplements, and simply chemistry). When nutritional nutrition, mostly vegetable food, during the Great Post, the body has time not only to be cleaned of poisons and toxins, but also rejected. The correct selection of dishes and products will not allow you to dial extra kilograms, despite the limitation of protein food. Due to the active use of raw salads, restricting many sweet dishes, drinking herbal teas, various natural kvass and other drinks always used in Russia, your body will be cleansing at the physical level on an equalized spiritual cleansing. Lenten cuisine may have to be healthy and diverse.

The first semist of the Great Post 2017 from February 26 to March 4

She is called "Fedorova Week", or the week of "Celebration of Orthodoxy". At this time, it is customary to remember all defenders of Faith Orthodox. The holiday itself falls on the first Sunday (week) of the Great Post - March 5. The first and last weeks of the Great Post on the statute of the most stringent in relation to abstinence from food.

  • This is a complete abstinence day. Christians are clean, change underwear, try to spend this day clean. Maslenic fun remains in the past, concentration and humility comes to replace. On this day, any food, only drinking water is prohibited by the charter.
  • On this day you can drink a lot of cold water, about 2 liters per day. Two days (including Tuesday) of such washing with water against the background of complete starvation perfectly purify the body from slags and toxins, as a result of consciousness clarifies and ease in the body appears. At the hungry stomach, praying is better able to focus his thoughts and ascertain them to God. Mirous care is retreating because it is not necessary to think about food and cooking. The time is released to think about the soul.
  • On this day, it is recommended to continue fasting, well, if it is not for the use of health, then the trunk should be followed. Entering the period of the post, in relation to restrictions in food, health status should be taken into account. And for those who cannot withstand the complete abstinence from food and drink during the first two days of the Great Post, as well as for the elderly, "bread and kvass" on Tuesday after evening.
  • Xerophagy. According to the Afonov Option on Wednesday and Thursday eaten once a day, you can with salt, and drink water.
  • In the first four days, the Sedmians in the evening for worship (on the vortices) in the temples are read by the Great Conquained Canon of St. Andrei Crytsky. This liturgical follow-up contains 250 tropars; It is permeated with a feeling of repentance before God, awareness of the man of his sinfulness; This main topic is revealed in the canon by applying to images from the Old and New Testament, to the examples of saints. From Monday to Thursday, the 1st week canon is read in parts; His read fully takes place on the morning on Thursday, the 5th week of the Great Post.
  • Support (forces of fasting). Dishes allowed to use, also remain cold. Blessed in the church and Susta is served.
  • Susta is blessed in the church and is served on the table on Friday the first week of the Great Post in the memory of the miracle of St. The martyr of Theodore Tiro-on, which, appearing on this day in 362, in the dream of the Antioch Bishop of Education, warned about the desecration of food in the markets of poddered blood.
  • Recommended on the meal boiled legumes, olives and olives.

The second week of the Great Post from March 5 to March 11, 2017

March 5, 2017 - the celebration of Orthodoxy, the first week of the Great Post

  • This is the first week (Sunday day) of the Great Post. On this day, the celebration of Orthodoxy celebrations falls. A week (Sunday) of the celebration of Orthodoxy is celebrated victory over iconocobal heresy. Almost 100 years of the iconoborets opposed the icons, considering the readings by their idolatry. Finally, the iconication was restored in the IX century by Empress Feodoroy on the first Sunday of the Great Post, which since then is celebrated by the celebration of Orthodoxy.
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil.
  • Trapes once a day.
  • It is allowed hot food without oil, seafood.
  • Trapes once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Cool dishes are allowed without vegetable oil and cold drink. But in our climatic conditions for the laity, there will be a hot tea.
  • Trapes once a day.
  • The acquisition of the head of John the Forerunner (the first and second acquisition) is an Orthodox holiday in honor of the most revered part of the relics of John the Forerunner - his chapters. The prophet John the Baptist fell a huge honor to baptize the very Jesus Christ. He is also called the forerunner, because he became the predecessor and the birth of the Lord, and his sermon, and his death. John the Forerition recalls in every worship. According to its holiness, it is considered above all people, except the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • On this day, hot food with vegetable oil is allowed. Taking it once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Cool dishes are allowed without vegetable oil and cold drink. But in our climatic conditions for the laity, there will be a hot tea.
  • Trapes once a day.

March 11, 2017 - Parental Universal Saturday of the 2nd week of the Great Post. The day of remembering the departed.

  • Hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine, a meal twice a day.
  • Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.

The third week of the Great Post - from March 12 to March 18, 2017

March 12, 2017 - Week Grigory Palama, the second week of the Great Post.

  • This is the second week (Sunday day) of the Great Post. On this day, the church prayerfully recalls St. Gregory Palamus who lived in the XIV century, - the zealous champion of the monastic life and spiritual business, the expressant of a special church teaching about the Favorsk light - the intangible fertile celestial light, which the Lord spawned asone during the transformation on Mount Favor; This is the doctrine of the opportunity for a person to comply with the grace of the Holy Spirit, about the paths to this - prayer and void, what believers are especially called upon by the Church in the Days of the post.
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine, a meal twice a day.
  • Allowed pure grape wine diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.
  • Drying: Meal once a day.
  • Drying: Power Once a day.
  • Drying: Tourz once a day.

March 18, 2017 - Parental Ecumenical Saturday 3 weeks of the Great Post

  • On Saturday, the third week for worshiping the believer is made by the life-giving cross of the Lord, therefore the third week and the next, fourth, the student is called a cross-plane.
  • Hot food with vegetable oil and wine, a meal twice a day.
  • Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.

The fourth week of the great post is a cross-plane from 19 to 25 March 2017

The fourth week of the Great Post is called a cross-plane, or a medium-intensive one. The life-giving cross from the Sunday Day - the week of the stencil - until Friday, this week is located in the center of the temple, on the site of the icon of the holiday. The church glorifies the Holy Cross of Christ as a sign of the powerful force that protects us and opens the way to salvation. All week, believers with special reverence worship this shrine. On Friday, the saddemians at the end of the service, the cross is solemnly transmitted to the altar.

March 19, 2017, Sunday. The third week of the Great Post - Crossproof

  • On this day, they read spiritual literature, help the neighbor, reflect on death and a terrible court, it is considered to be sin. All believers attend temples to worship the cross, reflect on the concept of "carry their cross."
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil and wine (a clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar, preferably diluted with hot water). However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.
  • Seafood is allowed.
  • Drying, eating once a day.
  • . On the day of memory, 40 Martyrs, the Holy Church set to make a liturgy, facilitate the post and those day to do the solemn.
  • In a cross-plane Wednesday (for the post of post), the charter of the Holy Mountain Athos resolves two dishes with butter. But dishes allowed to use, also remain cold. These are salads from raw and fresh vegetables, chowers, cold infusions and teas from herbs and other drinks. Cold snacks.
  • By tradition in Russia on this day, products from a lean dough in the form of birds - "Larks" were baked.
  • Hot food that has been thermal processing, i.e. boiled, baked, etc. Without butter. Once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Power is allowed once a day.

March 25, 2017, Parental Universal Saturday 4 Sadmits of the Great Post

  • Hot food with vegetable oil, biting fish and sea products is prohibited.

Fifth saddemian of the Great Post 2017 from March 26 to April 1

  • Day of memory of the theologian John the Districant. Prep. John the Distrownik was the igumen of the Sinai Monastery, wrote the famous "virtue charity". "Pallet" in Staroslavyansky means "staircase". This is a Scripture on the steps of ascent to spiritual perfection. The image of the "rods" is borrowed from the Bible, which describes the vision of the Jacob of the stairs, according to which angels are being gone. According to the calendar, the day of the memory of John the Districant falls at the time of the Great Post, he was transferred to Sunday, and he secured for the 4th Sunday of the Great Post.
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil, seafood and wine (one bowl 200 ml), the meal twice a day. Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.
  • Xerophagy. Food once a day.
  • Hot food without oil. Taking it once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Meal once a day.
  • On Wednesday evening, a special service is committed in Orthodox churches - "Maryano Standing". In this service, the entire general canon of Andrei Crete is read entirely in the year (he sounded in parts from Monday to Thursday the first week of the Great Post) and the lives of St. Maria Egyptian.
  • On this day, according to an ancient custom, the following canon is coming. I composed his reverend Andrei at the same time, when the Holy Sofronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, recorded the lives of Maria Egypt. The Great Canon and the Word about Rev. Maria Father Andrei first brought to Constantinople when he was sent by the Patriarch of Jerusalem Feodor to help the sixth cathedral.
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil. Taking it once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Once a day.
  • Praise the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • In history there were several cases of the wonderful deliverance of Constantinople from the enemies with prayers to the Mother of God. In memory of their holy church, the feast of the praise of the Most Holy Virgin on Saturday is the 5th week of the Great Post. On this day, everyone is not asked to the Virgin and not even with gratitude, but with praise. With special solemnity read in the temples Akathist of the Most Holy Virgin. This is the first Akathist written for church consumption and has become a model for all subsequent akathists in honor of various church holidays.
  • It is allowed hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine (one bowl 200 ml). Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.

Sixth saddimians of the Great Post 2017 from April 2 to April 8

April 2, 2017, Sunday. Fifth week of the Great Post (Fifth Sunday Day Post)

  • Day of memory of Rev. Maria Egypt. Rev. Maria was born in Egypt in the middle of the V century. At the age of 12, she left the parents and went to Alexandria, where he spent 17 years, living in sin. One day, Maria arrived in Jerusalem for the holiday of the Cross of the Lord and tried to enter the temple of the Mernel of the Lord, but some force did not give her to do it. She realized his fall and began to pray before the icon of the Virgin, who was in the focus of the temple. After that, she was able to enter the temple. Then Mary went to the desert, where he held all his remaining life, 47 years old, in post, asceticism and repentance. The church gives the Egyptian sample of true repentance in the face of the Rev. Maria and shows the mercy of the Lord to the sinners. Maria Egypt's calendar memory falls for the time of the Great Post, she was postponed on Sunday, and she secured in the 5th Sunday of the Great Post.
  • On this day, hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine, a meal twice a day are allowed. Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.
  • Xerophagy. Once a day.
  • Hot food without oil. Once a day.
  • Xerophagy. Once a day.
  • Hot food without oil. Once a day.
  • Holiday of Annunciation.
  • On this day, the spiritual event of a global scale is celebrated. The announcement of the Virgin Mary is the good to lead about conception and the upcoming birth of Hergladin of Jesus Christ. Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary the greatest and important news - the Son of God becomes the son of man. The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled. The Mother of God meets the Most of the Angel: "May I have for your word." Without this voluntary consent, God could not come true and become Bogochlek. He could not come true, as God does not act by force, does not force us for anything.
  • Hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine. Fish is allowed. Trapes once a day. The wine is pure grape without alcohol and sugar, preferably diluted with hot water.
  • Fish dishes during the Great Post are permitted only on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in Palm Sunday.
  • Lazareva Saturday
  • On this day, Christians remember the wonder of the resurrection of the Righteous Lazarus, which was committed in the certificate of the coming resurrection of all the dead. The celebration of the Lazareva Saturday is established since ancient times, it precesses the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.
  • Hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, fish caviar, wine, a meal twice a day are allowed. Clean grape wine without alcohol and sugar diluted with hot water. However, it is very commendable to refrain from wine.

Passionate semist of the Great Post 2017 from 9 to 15 April

Food restrictions in the passionate sadmits are as strict as in the first week of fasting. It is necessary to observe the trio once a day.

  • Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - the Great Both the New Year celebrated a week before the celebration of the Sunday's bright Christ, in memory of the solemn entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on the eve of his glory suffering. Christ hung in Jerusalem on a young foal, welcomed by many people who learned about the resurrection miracle of Lazarus. The people met him, as they meet the kings and winners, but these same people will shout in a few days to the Roman ruler of Pilate: "Take it, take it to a cut!" And they say a terrible curse on their people: "Its blood on us and on our children." Therefore, this celebration is actually the foresight of the Savior's suffering.
  • According to the church tradition on this day in the temples, believers, as if meeting the most apparently the upcoming gentlemen, stand in worship with sprigs of the willow in their hands (from here and another holiday name - Palm Sunday). Willows are replaced by Vaia - palm branches, which kept the residents of Jerusalem in the hands of Christ.
  • On the eve of the holiday, on the all-sleeping day off on Saturday, the willow is sanctified by the sprinkling of holy water after reading the special prayer.
  • Fish is allowed. Hot food with vegetable oil, seafood, wine.
  • The Last Monday is remembered by the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph, sold by brothers in Egypt, as a prototype of the suffering of Jesus Christ, as well as the gospel narrative of the curse by Jesus, a fruitless fig tree, symbolizing the soul, not bringing spiritual fruits - true repentance, faith, prayers and good deeds.
  • The Great Tuesday is remembered by the Lord of the Lord of the books and Pharisees, his conversations and parables, spoken by him on this day in the temple of Jerusalem: about Dani Cesare, about the resurrection of the dead, terrible court, about ten virgins and talents.
  • The Great Wednesday remembers the anointing of the feet of Jesus Christ the world and the betrayal of Judas.
  • The Great Thursday is remembered in the worship service of the 4 most important evangelical events, which took place on this day: the Last Supper, on which the Lord has established the New Testament Mystery of the Holy Community (Eucharist), the skill of the Lord's feet to his disciples as a sign of the deepest humility and love for them, the Savior's Prayer in Garden Hoodymansky And the betrayal of Judas.
  • The day of the Great Heel (Friday) is devoted to the memory of the condemnation on the death, the crosses of the suffering and death of the Savior. In the worship service of this day, the church, as it were, supplies us at the foot of the Cross of Christ and before our reverent and loose gaze depicts the saving sufferings of the Lord. On the utsend of the Great Heel (usually it serves on Thursday evening) a "follow-up of the Passions of the Lord" is committed, followed by 12 relevant fragments from the Gospels. At the end of the evening, the Great Friday is made a rite of removal of the shroud of Christ with the image of his position in the coffin, after which the canon is reading about the crucifixion of the Lord and the crying of the Bleach of the Mother of God.
  • Abstinence from food before the removal of the shroud.
  • In the Great Saturday, the Church recalls the burial of Jesus Christ, staying his body in the coffin, the descent of the soul of hell to submit a victory over death and delivering the souls, with faithful of his coming, and the introduction of a prudent robber to paradise.
  • In the Great Saturday, many believers also refuse food before the occurrence of Easter, but 200-250 g of bread, 6 pieces of figs or dates, a cup of kvass or honey beverage is allowed for monasthing. Or bread with vegetables. For laity, hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
  • Easter means "transition", "deliverance". With the resurrection of Christ, we celebrate the deliverance of the human race from the power of sin and death.

Assumption Post - Summer Culmination, two weeks of spiritual and physical preparations for one of the most beloved holiday in the Russian people - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It is known that Virgo Maria the whole earthly life observed strict moderation in food, and in three days of his audio ceased to eat food and only drank water. Thus, imposing the restrictions on the Assumption post believers imitate the Virgin very much.

When does the Assumption post begins in 2017?

All multi-day Orthodox posts have, both common features and its own characteristics. Assumption post on rigor comparable to the great post. Just like Potrov post, he falls for the summer. And the similarity with the Christmas waiting is that its beginning and ending have fixed calendar dates.

Therefore, to the question: "When the Uspensky post begins in 2017? " Reply easily - 1 (14) August, that is, the same as in all past years.

At the Assumption post, two holidays are coming primarily in their "people's" names, but also with the church importance of honey Savior (in the church calendar - the origin (meal) of the honest trees of the life-governing cross of the Lord) and Apple Savior (transformation of the Lord). The first of them is associated with ancient custom, to endure on the streets and roads of the honest tree of the cross for disgusting from diseases that there was a lot in August. For folk traditions on this day, the temples bring to consecrate honey. This day is marked 1 (14) August, that is, from the festival of the origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord and the Assumption post begins.

A new harvest of apples traditionally consecrates on apple savage, but for the church, this day is important as a big holiday related to the number of the two-month - transformation of the Lord.It is installed in memory of the event on Mount Favor, where the Savior, together with three closest students, Peter, Jacob and Ion retired for prayer. And there, praying, he, according to the word evangelist Matthew,He "was transformed before them, and a facial faced his as the sun, his clothes became whitelike light. " At the same time, the Old Testament prophets of Moses and Elijah and talked with him. The holiday of the Transfiguration precedes one day of the Communion - 5 (18) August, and the seven day of the ministry will follow - from 7 (20) to 13 (26) August. In honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as one of the great holidays, the believing for the meal is allowed to fall into the fish.

What can I eat in the Assumption post?

The dies of the Assumption post exclude meat and meat products, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products. Remaining is allowed for the holiday of transfiguration when you can eat fish. But in many ways the question What can I eat in the Assumption post and whatit is impossible, it should be solved individually - depending on the state of health, age, the preparedness of a particular person. Separately, it is worth considering the lean diet of children - for them there is a refusal of food containing calcium, and other important substances for the growing organism may result in undesirable health consequences. All these questions are better to discuss with your confessor.

Thanks to the abundance of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, garden greenery, which Augustus gives us, the food of the Assumption post is diverse, nutritious and saturated with vitamins. No wonder the Assumption post in the people has long been called Guestcomport.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that in the issue of abstinence from a particular food, Orthodox believers are focused on the monastery charter, and this is not all forces. The post in any way is not a diet, and if the post is observed throughout the rigor (for example, in the days of drying) causes irritation on others, then it is obvious that such a "storm of heaven", reaches the opposite goal.

It is appropriate to remind the instruction of John Zlatoust: "One who believes that the post is mistaken - only in abstinence from food. True post - there is a removal from evil, curbing language, worship deposition, lustfulness, cessation of slander, lies, oaths. "

It is much easier to transfer the restrictions on the post, if there is no moderation on the eve, without arranging the abundant soda of "finally".

As already mentioned, in the abstinence in food, the Assumption post is similar to the Great Post. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it provides for the trunk - bouncing the incredible food, with tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions are replaced with water and juices. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot dishes are used, but without vegetable oil. On Saturdays and Sundays - hot food with vegetable oil.

Schedule of the Assumption post, food by day:

Drying - food is used intimidated vegetable food: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, germinated grain, nuts, honey, bread. From drink: water, juices.

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil: soups, porridge, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms. From drinks: tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions.

Drying - food is used intimidated vegetable food: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, germinated grain, nuts, honey, bread. From drink: water, juices.

Along with hot food, fishing and seafood is allowed, a little wine is allowed.

Hot food with butter - boiled vegetable food, including with the addition of oil: soups, porridge, potatoes (fried, boiled, baked) stew and baked vegetables, mushrooms, bread. Allowed drinks: tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions, a little wine is allowed.

Drying - food is used intimidated vegetable food: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, germinated grain, nuts, honey, bread. From drink: water, juices.

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil: soups, porridge, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms. From drinks: tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions.

Drying - food is used intimidated vegetable food: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, germinated grain, nuts, honey, bread. From drink: water, juices.

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil: soups, porridge, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms. From drinks: tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions.

Drying - food is used intimidated vegetable food: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, germinated grain, nuts, honey, bread. From drink: water, juices.

Hot food with butter - you can eat boiled vegetable food, including with the addition of oil: soups, porridge, potatoes (fried, boiled, baked) stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms, bread. Allowed drinks: tea, coffee, compotes, kisins, decoctions, a little wine is allowed.

Observing Assumption post, food by day In accordance with the Charter, it would be wrong to complete it by excessive priorion on the principle "Now you can!".

When does the Assumption post ends in 2017?

Holiday of Assumption is always celebrated by 15 (28) August - they are completed by the Assumption post. It refers to the number of fixed dates of the church calendar, not tied to the Easter holiday. Therefore, the end date of the Assumption post does not change in different years.

Assumption in 2017 accounts for Monday, there is no post on this day.

Believers are preparing for the onset of the most strict great post, which ends with a large church holiday - Light Easter. When the great post begins and how much it lasts, what is the essence that at this time you can eat, and what is impossible?

In 2017, the Great Post begins on February 27, the next day after - the final day of Maslenitsa. The end of the Great Post falls on April 15.

History of the Great Post

The main purpose of the Great Post is to prepare for the Chief Christian holiday - the Light Resurrection or Easter. Therefore, the Great Post is considered the most important in Christianity and has beautiful traditions.

According to the ancient legends, once Jesus Christ led the Spirit in the desert, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. And all this time Christ did not eat anything. And during the last week of the post, passionate week, believers remember the last days of earthly life, suffering from the torment, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

During the observance of the Great Post, thanks to the prayers, restriction in food, visiting the temple and church services, comes the complete eradication of the destructive manifestations of the human soul.

The Great Post is divided into several parts. Full ages are the so-called the first 40 days of the Great Post. Lazareva Saturday - one day - Saturday before Verbal Sunday. Palm Sunday - Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - one day a week before Easter. Passion week - six days (from Monday to Saturday) the most strict post before the holiday of Light Easter.

Power calendar during the Great Post 2017

During the great post, believers must comply with several basic rules in nutrition. So, under the ban on all the rapid (having an animal origin) products - meat, butter, milk, eggs, and so on.

By tradition, the most stringent week of fasting are the first and last. And these days are needed with special care.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week of the great post is allowed to eat exclusively raw in, that is, food use is only cold and without butter. In addition, these days are allowed to eat only in the evening - once a day.

On Tuesday and Thursday of each week of posts are also allowed to take food once a day in the evening, but already hot, although without butter.

On certain days of the Great Post is allowed to eat fish

On Saturday and Sunday, small relaxation were allowed: according to the established rules it was possible to eat dishes prepared with the addition of vegetable oil and even twice a day to use some red wine.

A special calendar of nutrition acts during the passionate week, which completes the Great Post. For example, on Saturday a passionate week, believers will not eat Christians at all. In the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, if he does not fall on a passionate saddemitce, the believes can be eaten by fish. In addition, the fish is allowed and on Palm Sunday.

What is allowed to eat during the Great Post

The church permits not to adhere to patients with people, children and old men. The same one who decides to join the post, doctors advise carefully consider their diet, paying attention to not very popular, but very useful products.

In addition to traditional vegetable crops - potatoes, white cabbage, beets and carrots - it is necessary to include in the menu Brussels, color and Beijing cabbage. The diet of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, celery, as well as rich in vitamins all kinds of greens.

Good during fasting and dishes from various croup - they are rich in useful substances and give a long sense of satiety. Nutritionists advise not to stop their choice on two-three popular types of croup, and look at the new species for you. Also during the Great Post recommended dishes from legume crops. Peas, beans and beans are sources of vegetable protein. And even a great replacement for meat and fish can be mushrooms from which you can cook sauces, first and second dishes.

During the Great Post, almost all kinds of fruits and those sweets that are cooked without the use of frozen products are allowed.

Published 02.26.17 12:47.

What date begins the great post in 2017, the calendar of nutrition of the day that it is possible and that you can not eat - you read about all this in the TopNews material.

Great post in 2017: what number begins and ends

On February 27, 2017, Orthodox Christians begin the most "main" and strict post. The Great Post will last before Easter, which this year falls on April 16. And in this weekend, Maslenitsa ends - the preparatory post period.

It is not randomly prepared. To smoothly enter the post, you need to properly prepare - for what, in days before the start of the Great Post, it is not recommended to lean intkbbch on heavy and fatty products. Otherwise, the body will be hard to quickly rebuilt, and it threatens big problems with the stomach and intestines.

The worst of the first week of the Great Post will also be special and other than the rest of the day. For example, from Monday to Thursday, every evening a great violence is performed with reading the Great Conquained Canon of St. Andrew Cretsky.

The coming post is considered to be the most stringent, believers must refuse many products.

Great Post 2017: What can I eat and what is impossible

The first and most important rule of the wellness post states that in the Orthodox during this period should not use meat products of animal origin. Not only meat, but any milk and dairy products, eggs and other products of animal origin remain under the ban.

The first and last week of abstinence from rapid food are particularly strictly, Friday, Monday and Wednesday are also very strictly observed, since during this period you can use exclusively raw meals that have not been subjected to heat treatment.

In addition, three days a week, food intake is necessarily postponed at the evening after sunset.

On Tuesday and Thursday, food is also used only once a day, while the reception of food is produced already after sunset, although it is completely allowed to eat hot dishes, but on this day will have to refrain from adding oil into dishes.

On the weekend days, the post becomes a little easier, as there are some relaxation, a little vegetable oil is added to the dishes, the products are allowed to prepare in the oven or on the stove, in addition, the Orthodox can afford a couple of wine glasses per day.

There is also a passionate week, it is considered the most strict, since after it there is a celebration of the Great Easter, especially those of the Orthodox should treat Friday at this week, since a passionate Friday implies a complete rejection of food, you can only drink clean water.

If there is no possibility to completely abandon meals, it is worth applying raw foods.

Well, the most simple days during the post are considered Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, as these days belong to the festive, when the hostesses can serve on the table dishes from fish.

There are other days when there is a slight reflection of the diet, for example, if a great post falls on one of the days of the Great Holy Martyr, then the Orthodox can afford hot dishes refilled by a small amount of vegetable oil,.

So, during a great post under the full ban on: meat, milk, eggs, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, animal oil, sink bread and baking. It is not necessary to completely abandon the flour products, the main thing is that there are no milk and eggs in them, but only water, flour and salt.

You can eat: surrounding, fruits, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, on some days - fish and caviar.

Allowed and sweets, but only if they are made without adding milk, for example, bitter chocolate, honey and sugar.

Great Post 2017: Power Calendar by Days (Table)

According to church canons, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday food is eaten only cold, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food is allowed without oil.

On Saturdays and Sundays, besides vegetable oil, you can hurt a little wine. It is impossible only on Saturday the passionate seventh.

The Great Post in 2017 begins on February 27 and lasts until April 15. Power calendar by day and that it is impossible to eat in an old-year week, RIA Vladnews reports with reference to Informing.

The Great post begins immediately after the carnival. In 2017, the last "pancake" day is February 26, and already the 27 numbers all the Orthodox passes to the most strict post in the year - the Great.

The forty-day period of the Great Post is associated with the tests of Christ in the desert, where he was subjected to the temptation of the devil for 40 days and did not eat anything at the same time. It was by this post, Christ began his great deal to rescue human souls. The purpose of the post is spiritual cleansing.

The post in the first and passionate weeks is observed with special severity.

In Clean Monday, a complete abstinence from food is accepted. Other time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Drying (Water, Bread, Fruits, Vegetables, Compote); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - Food with vegetable oil.

The fish is allowed to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and at Verbnoe Sunday (in 2017 on April 9). In Lazarev Saturday (in 2017 on April 8) fish caviar is allowed. In Good Friday (in 2017, on April 14), it is impossible to eat food before the removal of the shroud.

So, how do you need to eat during the Great Post?

Great post 2017 food: first week

Monday, February 27 - complete abstinence from food.
Tuesday, February 28 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Wednesday, March 1 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 2 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Friday, March 3 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 4 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 5 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, can be a little wine.

Great Post 2017 Food: Second Week

Monday, March 6 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, March 7 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 8 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 9 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, March 10 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 11 - you can eat boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 12 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Great Post 2017 Food: Third Week

Monday, March 13 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, March 14 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 15 - Drying, you can use bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts.
Thursday, March 16 - boiled vegetable food, but without oil.
Friday, March 17 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 18 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 19 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2017 food: fourth week

Monday, March 20 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, March 21 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 22 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 23 - boiled vegetable food without oil, but the fish is allowed.
Friday, March 24 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 25 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 26 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, does not prohibit wine.

Great post 2017 food: fifth week

Monday, March 27 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, March 28 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 29 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 30 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, March 31 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 1 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 2 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2017 meals: sixth week

Monday, April 3 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 4 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 5 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 6 - boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 7 - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts). Fish is allowed.
Saturday, April 8 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine, caviar. Fish caviar is allowed.
Sunday, April 9 - It is allowed to eat fish.
Great Post 2017 Food: Seventh Week

The passionate week is the strict week of the Great Post 2017, each day she has its own name. It should also be remembered that the fast week is strengthened and is truly truly strict.

Monday, April 10 (Good Monday) - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 11 (Passionate Tuesday) - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Wednesday, April 12 (Passionate Wednesday) - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 13 (Passion Thursday) - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Friday, April 14 (Good Friday) - complete abstinence from food.
Saturday, April 15 (Passionate Saturday) - Drying (Consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Sunday, April 16 (Resurrection of Christ) - Easter, the end of the Great Post.