Is it possible to find out the name of the future husband. How to find out the name of the husband (future). How to find out the name of the future husband by hand: Hiromantia. How to find out the future hand

Numerology is a science of numbers, it is she who allows you to open the veil of the future, based on the date of our birth or name. How to find out the name of the future husband, having calculated the number of destinies?

Well, what woman does not want to know how to call her future spouse? Our ancestors used to open the secret of the future, and we will tell you a new way to find out your destiny.

In order to calculate the number of destinies you need to fold all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 07/12/1996, you need to add 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 \u003d 34, then to get a number from 1 to 9, you must once again fold 3 + 4 \u003d 7. So, your number of fate - 7. And then just read the decoding of your number.

If you have a day of birth and the month coincide , for example, 08.08.1995, then this suggests that your husband can call exactly as your father, grandfather or brother. And if you were already married, then most likely, your second husband will call in the same way as the first one.

If there is at least 4 identical numbers in the date of birth , for example 11.11.2000, this suggests that the name of your future husband can be pair to yours.

Deciphering the number of fate

Unit - the name of your husband will be short and doubling, in his name will be the letters a and n. For example, Andrei, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Two - The name of your future husband will be long, in the name there will be letters C and I. For example, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.

Troika - Your husband has a rather unusual name, in which there will be letters and, y, f. For example, Philip, Irakli, Timofey.

Four - means that the name of your future husband will be the most common or, on the contrary, the most rare and in it will be present in and M. For example, Vadim, Vitaly, Matvey, Miroslav.

Five - Your husband will most likely become a man whose name you don't really like, the letters P and there will be prevailing in it. Timur, Taras, Rostislav, Ruslan.

Six - most likely, in the name of your husband there will be the letters E and M. For example , Mikhail, Makar, Efim, Elisha.

Seven - Bulletin of what your chosen one will be very strong and will prevail the letters about and G. For example, Oleg, Orest, Igor, Ignat.

Eight - The name of your future husband is likely to have in its composition the letter D, C and L. It will be: Dmitry, Denis, Danil, Savva, Savely, Luka, Leonid.

Nine It suggests that the letter C, E. The most likely names of your future husband are certainly in the name of your husband. Sergey, Semen, Stepan, Eugene.

Also be sure to find out about

You can find out the name of the future husband with the help of old ghosts. There are many ways to go on a husband. We present you the most accurate and simple, use which can any woman. Before any such fortune it, it is important to form a person in my head, whom you would like to see next to you will help you tune in to the process of divination.

Fortune telling to her husband on the book

Take any book. It is advisable to choose fiction. If the book is about love, then even better. Open the book on the page equal to the number of your birthday. Write down the letter to which the page begins. Then open the page equal to the number of birthday and do the same. Next, open the page equal to the number of your father's birth and also write down the first letter on this page. So, you got three letters. These letters will be the initial name of your future spouse.

How to find out the name of the husband with your relatives

It is believed that the woman chooses a person to her husband, similar to his father. Psychologists argue that this is true. Sometimes it comes to funny: the girl's husband becomes a man whose name is like her father. It happens that when choosing a satellite of life a woman moves generic instincts. In this case, she receives not only a person similar to his father, but also the name, which is most often found in the family of the paternal line.

So if you want to know the name of your future husband, then you need to find among the relatives of the Father's most popular male name. So will call your chosen one.

How to find out the name of the husband with wax

This ancient divination must be held late in the evening. A candle and a dish with water will be required. Light a candle and ask what you want to know. Give a candle to melting a little, and then tilt it over a saucer on Start to drip in the water wax. After a couple of seconds or minutes, the wax will freeze on the surface of the water in the form of one letter or several. It will give you the opportunity to find out the name of your future husband.

If you want reliable information, it should not be too often. Remember about the saying: do not guess often - your life is giving your life. It is enough once in order to see the future. If the future is in no hurry to disclose their secrets before you, then it does not have time. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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Each girl comes the moment when she wants to learn about the future family life and its second half. That is why the fortune telling in the name of the future husband will never lose its relevance.

Open the curtain of the secrets, to learn about the future family life and our second half will help

Today there are many magical ways to satisfy their curiosity. The weak floor representatives at least once thought about them and when they go under the crown, and the fortune telling would allow to open the curtain of the secrecy.

Simple christmas fortune telling

The fortune telling on the future husband will be as accurate as possible if the ritual is done on Christmas Eve.

Before you know the name of the future husband, the girls thoroughly prepared for secret rituals. It has long been believed that if in the Christmas night to go outside and at the first counter guy find out the name, then the same will be the same.

You can use another proven way. Before you go to bed, take a few pieces of paper and write to them in any order in any order. Notes lie under the pillow. After waking up, we first take out at random one of them and see the name. Everything, fortune-telling completed!

Such simple ways are satisfied not all, so girls try to use more serious methods to satisfy their curiosity.

Fortune telling using the finished table

The fortune telling in the name of the future husband on the table is also impossible to be called particularly difficult, but it is already a deeper meaning. The method is based not only on observations, but also on proven facts that suggest that the presence of the same letters in the name of the wife and husband speaks of mutual understanding and happy marriage. And the more coincidences will be in your names, the greater attachment and love will be in the family.

It is enough just to remember the guys with which you have a romantic relationship at first sight. Most likely, Olga cannot forget - Oleg, Leonid or Igor.

Having studied the next table, the girls will be able to learn a lot of interesting things not only about the future husband, but also about any person from their surroundings. If the fortune telling in the name of the future husband on a table with numbers makes it possible to learn how to call a person chosen on fate, then on the table of alphabet letters, you can calculate the main spiritual qualities of the challenger on hand and heart.

A - Letter, symbolizing a man as a true workaholic

LetterMain character traits
ANDIt does not represent life without difficulty. True workaholic, especially if the work is a favorite thing.
B.Risk instance, supporter of love adventures, extreme travel and risk in business.
INA person who plans every day of his life and slowly, but confidently conquers the peaks created in fantasy dreams.
G.Men are distinguished by squeamishness and minimal patience.
D.The main feature is the desire to take a leading position, even if you have to go through the heads.
E.Open person striving to power at any cost. But with the truth in mind and in practice.
J.Estet and Gourmet. Wishes to bring everything started to perfection.
Z.The trouble-free guy who is ready to stretch the help hand at any time and help solve problems.
ANDIt is distinguished by sanity and a solid approach to both work and family creation.
TOStubborn cunning, which can hide its true intention under the mask of purity.
L.Man accepts only a comfortable life. If I'm going, then delicacies, if a woman, then the queen.
M.Desperate experimenter who prefers travel to the household and seeks to learn new on his experience.
N.The person is elected in friends and loved ones. His actions speak about true feelings.
ABOUTA fundamental conservative that spoils often his personal life because of fear of disclosure. Many opportunities misses this.
PShe strives for victory is not pleased with glory, but just glad to prove to himself that any unpaulous vertex can be taken.
RIt is faithful not only to its half, but also set goal and a dream.
FROMShe strives for fame and glory, has a sparkled charm that can help achieve the desired one.
T.Man loving constant changes, and a variety in all directions. Permanent little things only annoy it.
W.Trying to achieve the goals, resorting to the cunning tricks. May well hide from those surrounding their true views.
F.The purposeful owner, who is the right to go to any price and will not be offended by relatives and loved ones.
H.Responsiveness and friendliness are the main features of these men.
C.People who are not looking in friendship and love, but constantly seek to help and find justice.
ShDoes not be panic in extreme conditions, keeping a sober look and coldness in any situations.
E.An calculating man seeking to profit and benefit by any means.
YUSelf love, an inflated assessment of your capabilities that interfere with build harmonious relationships.
IAn ardent thinker who enjoys his mental abilities and deductive skills.

I am a letter, symbolizing a thinker man enjoying his deductive abilities

Card fortune telling

Such a direction as fortune-telling on the maps is also very common among weak sex representatives. To understand that you feel the selected guy, it is enough to know his full name and the next alignment. Thoroughly mix the cards and lay them into a stack by the number of letters in the name of the narrowed. A stack on which the last map of the deck is laid down.

When the last pair of stacks will be on the table, then the fortune telling turns to the next level. Now we open with each of them at the same time on the map, if their name matches, the pair is postponed to the side. After all the cards of the move begins the most interesting - decoding the values \u200b\u200bof the coincided pairs.

Deciphering this fortune telling on the maps in the name as follows:

  • 6 - The guy dreams of a meeting;
  • 7 - waiting for a conversation;
  • 8 - misses much;
  • 9 - without a doubt loves;
  • 10 - considers it ideal your character;
  • In - jealous;
  • D - like your appearance;
  • To - chosen one dreams of kissing you;
  • T - all thoughts about sex.

Letter "T" warns: a man thinks exclusively about sex

Such fortune telling on playing cards may not answer global questions, but will help create a certain impression that a person thinks about you and your relationship.

In the presence of the house of the Tarot cards, you can use them for fortune telling on your beloved, the presence of feelings for a gadget person and a joint future.

The main thing in the process of working with any maps believing them will focus on the result and the truthful answer. The deck for divination is used only new, this is a personal thing of gadgetting. It is important that other people's hands do not touch her.

Before guess, thoroughly tasuch a deck and remove the seven cards at rag. Selected cards are put on the table with a shirt up. They will tell the entire history of relationships:

  • the first card will tell about your condition and readiness for marriage and general attitude to marriage;
  • the second card will report when you meet the narrowed, how to meet and in what place;
  • the third map specifically describes the circumstances of the meeting so that you find out your second half;
  • the fourth card will tell about the identity of the narrowed, sometimes there can be even the main features of his appearance;
  • the fifth card will tell if this young man is the purpose of destiny or has come to your life by chance;
  • the sixth card carries information about your wife with a wife of family life after the wedding;
  • the seventh card is the result of the entire scenario, it gives advice regarding marriage with the selected man.

In the process of divination on the maps in the name of the Beloved, it is worth considering what will be paid information regarding your present chosen one who goes on fate. If general information is unreliable, then this suggests that none of the men who are near you at the moment will not be a husband.

To find out what will be the narrowed and your future joint life will be, then you can pay the following to the husband in this way.

We take your working deck of cards and pull the kings out of it. Before you go to bed lay them under the pillow, pronouncing a certain conspiracy. One nuance - you can not read words on paper, you need to learn by heart. This rule concerns not only this divination. All conspiracies are definitely pronounced by heart.

Early in the morning, only opening the eyes, lower the hand under the pillow and select one card. The crown of the king and will be the basis of predictions:

  • Peak king - groom with severe character, but provided.
  • The Cross King is a big love of her husband, but at the same time it promises a lot of tears in family life.
  • The worm king is a calm husband and a happy family life.
  • Bubnov King - predicts misunderstanding and swearing between you with her husband.

All exciting questions, hidden thoughts and even pictures from the future can pop up during sleep.

The universe does not share the present and the future, so seeing your future about a dream, running the program with a certain conspiracy, quite real.

The first way. If you want to see in a dream of a narrowed, it can be done by the following method. We take a breadpid and put a note in it with a plot: "I leave a piece of bread under the pillow for you, my squeezed, come, treat my face." The girl dresses in a spacious nightie and dismisses braids.

If in the dream process it was not possible to consider the appearance or it was forgotten after waking up, the procedure can be repeated. However, if the sleep carried in itself the negative is better to refuse to re-attempt and just forget everything.

The next fortune telling, which is carried out before bedtime, is called "Bridge". To see the future husband in a dream you need to take a deep vessel and pour clean water into it. The rims of the plates are connected by a wooden plank, after which the design falls under the bed. Before sleeping on a plate with water, a certain spell is screwed. Future husband must be dreamed.

Thus, it will not be possible to find out nor the name nor the name, but only to define the appearance and other habits of a young man going with you on fate.

Recognize husband's name on hand lines

Do not look for a name on your palm, but the first letter can be defined as follows. Ask someone from acquaintances to make "stray" on the hand below the shoulder. After this procedure, carefully look into the drawing of the red stripes, among them you can consider the first letter from which the name of the person prepared by the girl fate begins.

When a girl sees his chosen one, she will understand it immediately. The body will pass the wave of lightness and heat. The girl will immediately feel that it is with this man to her easily and ease. Maybe even a desire to live with him next to the rest of my life.

And it doesn't matter how you were looking for a narrowed, using fortune telling on the name of the table with numbers, card layouts or triggeless dreams, it is important that he appeared and seeks to give family happiness to his chosen.

The fortune telling in the name of the future husband can be wondering how young girls who have no second half and those who are already in relationships and want to check if this fate is. Most often, the girls love to guess the Christmas Eve, because this time is endowed with magical power, but you can repay any day at midnight. Wedding portal.WS does not recommend too seriously referring to the results of the computing, since, having posed on predictions, you can destroy strong and reliable relationships. Listen to your heart and boldly try the fortune telling on the name of your narrowed, however regard it as a cheerful and fascinating experiment.

Fortune telling to her husband by date of birth

If you are already meeting with a young man and your relationship seem to you quite serious, you can repay the future husband and find out whether it is destined to become your fiance, and whether you have a happy life together. To do this, you need to find out the date of birth of your boyfriend and conduct a simple mathematical calculation: fold all the numbers together, for example, 07.03.1992 - 0 + 7 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 \u003d 31. Next fold tens with units : 3 + 1 \u003d 4. Now you can only come true with the table:

  1. Figure 1. It suggests that the letters a, s, and, for example, Alexander, Ivan, Ignat, Anton, Arthur may meet in the name.
  2. Figure 2. - These are the letters b, s, t who are present in such names like Bogdan, Boris, Timofey.
  3. Figure 3. - These are the letters in, K, V. With their beautiful men's names Kirill, Vladimir, Vladislav.
  4. Figure 4. - These are the letters E, G, F, K. They are found in the names of Philip, Grigory, Edward.
  5. Figure 5. Speaks about the presence of letters, r, s, for example, Roman, Ruslan, Zakhar.
  6. Figure 6. - These are the letters I, E, N, C, which are present in the men's names Yaroslav, Eugene, Nikolay.
  7. Number 7. Speaks about the presence of letters h, oh, k, for example, Oleg, Konstantin, Kirill.
  8. Figure 8. - These are the letters sh, l, f, P. These letters are found in the names of Leonid, Peter, Paul.
  9. Figure 9. - These are the letters Yu, M, X, D, for example, Yuri, Mikhail, Matvey, Daniel.

Divination on the bridegroom

The fortune telling on the name of the future husband can be carried out with the help of a wedding ring that can be borrowed from mom or grandmother. It is important that the ring must have passed the wedding ceremony, because it gives him a special force. To find out the cherished name, follow the following algorithm:

  • Grind through the ring thread and tie the nodule.
  • Fill the glass in half water.
  • Lower the ring into the glass in such a way that it does not concern its walls and water.
  • The ring will begin to rotate like a pendulum, and your task is to count how many times it will hit the wall of the glass.
  • Match the resulting number with the alphabet, for example, the figure 1 corresponds to the letter A, and the figure 3 - letter B. Such a fortune telling on the husband will help you calculate how you will call your potentially narrowed.

How to find out the name narrowed on the book

Surely you have a favorite book that you read up to holes and love with all my heart? With the help of it, you can just just spend the fortune telling to your husband to learn its possible initials. The day for fortune telling on the most difficult to choose the pre-holiday, and the time is evening or night. Take your favorite book and open it on the page, equal to your birthday, for example, June 25 - 25 Page. On the leaves, write down the letter from which this page begins. Similarly, you need to do with the month of your birth, for example, you were born in August, then we open the 8 page and write down its first letter. The same must be done with the number of birth of your father. As a result, you should have three letters that will correspond to the initials of the future groom. Such a fortune telling in the name of a potential husband does not require complex computing and is suitable even for the youngest girls who are full of romance, dreaminess and love.

How to find out the name narrowed with wax

There are many options for fortune telling a wedding with a candle, because it has always been a symbol of something mystical and mysterious. If you do not know how to guess for the future husband, use the wax candles, which will help you find answers to many questions. For divination you will need a deep bowl with cool water, candle and matches. Light a candle and wait until the wax starts slowly. Then tilt the candle over the bowl so that the wax is gradually dried into the water. Soon you will see various figures in which you need to try to see the silhouettes of letters. This will be a prompt about the possible name of your narrowed.

Also on the flame of the candle, you can learn a lot of interesting things about your future family life if you hold the ritual of fortune telling on the chief of October 14, on the cover. If the flame is quiet and even, then your life will be a power and peaceful. If the flame is white and bright, it means that in your life there will be many bright colors and surprises. Bright light with crackling means life, full of colorful moments and bright flashes. The red flame speaks of a possible grief that will have to your destiny. Flame with Sochu speaks about numerous misfortunes that will fall on your share.

How to find out the name of the future groom by hand?

Hiromantia allows a person to learn about his future almost everything, ranging from the number of children and ending with a life expectancy. The fortune telling on the future groom can also be done by hand, but help you do not palm, but forearm. It is necessary that your close friend makes you in this area the so-called "nettle". To do this, it is necessary to clamp the skin between two palms and twist it between them, as if squeezing underwear. In this place, numerous folds are formed, which will form the letter with which the name of your narrowed will begin.

The portal about the weddings site told you many ways to guess the groom, but it does not recommend treating the results too seriously, as well as resort to all kinds of repraints, for example, black wedding. It is best not to trust one fortune study, but to spend several rituals throughout the year. If they all indicate the same letter, then most likely, you will not be able to get away from destiny, because she has already prepared for you the future spouse. All you have to spend patiently to wait for it when she will give you a loved one with whom you can hand about your hand throughout life.

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    Every young girl is wondering how to call her husband. To learn this information, the ladies are sometimes ready to spend huge money for the services of fortune-skunk, psychics, clairvoyant.

    IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

    In fact, find out the name of your spouse can be independently free. For this there are several truthful ways at once. The most popular esoteric methods are the following: by date of birth, hand, on the maps.

      By date of birth

      This is a very simple way to find out the name of the future husband. It will be necessary to take into account the numbers of your own date of birth. All of them are added before receiving a particular one-to-one. To be clearer, it is worth considering a way on a specific example. If the girl was born on May 21, 1992, then the calculation will be as follows: 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 \u003d 29. Next: 2 + 9 \u003d 11. And finally: 1 + 1 \u003d 2. This means that the resulting number 2 is a personal numerological code of a woman. You should not expect that the clarified figure will tell all the detailed information about the future of the girl's wife.

    1. 1. A single corresponds to the three letters at once. This is a, s and I. The name of the future husband of the girl, whose numerological code has become 1, will either begin to the listed letters, or they will simply be in it are often used. In this case, in this case, it is worth considering the Uhajarads Alexeyam, Artemam, Igor, Svyatoslav, Sergey.
    2. 2. Two - letters b, t, s. The spouse of the girl can be Boris, Bogdan, Tikhon, Timofey, Tamerlan.
    3. 3. Troika - Letters in, K, W. It is more often to communicate with Vitaly, Valeria, Vasily, Konstantin, Cyril, Usmans.
    4. 4. Four - letters G, F, E. Close up need to Gregory, George, Fyodor, Emmanuil.
    5. 5. Five - Letters Z, R, Sh. To pay attention to Ruslanov, Romanov, Zakharov, Zabirov.
    6. 6. Six - letters E, N, C, I. This is the names of Yang, Yaroslav, Eugene, Elisha, Nikita, Nikolai.
    7. 7. Oleg, Konstantin, Kupriyan falls into the list of male names.
    8. 8. Eight - Letters P, L, W, Sh. This is Shamil, Zhora, Leonid, Leopold, Peter, Pat, Paul.
    9. 9. Nine - Letters M, D, X, Yu. Related with the names of Matvey, Yuri, Danil, Dmitry.

    The list of names is the approximate. It can be significantly expanded.

    By hand

    It will help a woman to clarify the name of the future of the narrowed chiromantia. This special system of divination makes it possible for some features of the structure of the palm to read the past, present and / or future of a person. Accounts are taken into account, lines, bumps hands. People who work well-discussed in the science discussed usually note that it is not possible to determine how the girl's husband will not be called. But you can try to determine which letter his name will begin.

    This will require an assistant:

    • The second person is particularly compressed by a woman's hand. It is necessary to cover her palm in two places with hands at a distance of about 10-12 cm and start twisting the skin in different directions. Doing it is not too active and intense, otherwise the girl will feel pain.
    • During the twisting, you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the hand. It will form folds.
    • Among the "wrinkles" you need to try to find symbols, outlines resembling letters.

    The found letter is considered the first in the name of the future husband. If there are several of them, then pay attention is necessary for the very clear.

    By cards

    To find out the name of the narrowed, you can also turn to the cards. Correctly guess for them, if desired, it will turn out from any girl.

    It is necessary to use a new deck of cards. If only old turned out to be at hand, then she needs to spend three times around the door handle.