DIY polypropylene plumbing. Installation of polypropylene pipes: detailed instructions. Wiring diagrams of a polypropylene plumbing in an apartment

Comfortable housing, be it an apartment, your own cottage or a small country house, is unthinkable without running water. The supply of cold and heated water has long become a prerequisite for a comfortable stay. Homeowners try to choose the most practical water supply option.

We have presented all connection methods polypropylene pipes, led the types of fittings used in the construction of circuits. Have indicated typical mistakes... The information offered by us is supplemented with diagrams, photo selections and videos.

Steel has long been considered a traditional material for water pipes.

However, today this option is rarely used. It was replaced by various plastics, including polypropylene.

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It is advisable to use special scissors for cutting the elements. True, this shortcoming is easily corrected. Most stores selling polypropylene pipes provide soldering equipment for rent.

Polypropylene pipes are a great alternative to traditional steel parts. They are not subject to corrosion, resistant to aggressive environments, environmentally friendly, reliable and durable

Features of the range of polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene is a type of plastic produced by the cracking of petroleum products and petroleum gases. Its basis is propylene gas. Under high pressure with the presence of a catalyst, a polymerization reaction is carried out, as a result of which polypropylene is obtained. Pipes are subsequently produced from it. For water supply systems, two types of such products are produced: single and multi-layer.

The first option is intended mainly for various types of pipelines through which cold water is transported. Multilayer or reinforced parts are used for arranging hot water lines, they are also used for installing heating systems. Their main difference is the presence of several layers of polypropylene, between which a reinforcing material is laid.

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The advantageous difference between polypropylene pipes and other types of these construction and repair materials is their low cost and easy assembly technology. Of course, the installation of polypropylene pipes has its own subtleties, knowledge and adherence to which is necessary. But as practice shows, a pipeline made of such materials rarely leaks, and only in cases where the soldering technology has been violated.

Should you start installing a water supply system from polypropylene pipes yourself? Definitely worth it. Thus, you will not only save on the repair of the bathroom or sewer, but you will also be able to do the job exactly as you need it.

The most important thing is to strictly adhere to the rules of installation technology. We will tell you how to avoid mistakes and do the job professionally.

Everything you need to know about polypropylene pipes

The material from which such pipes are made is called a copolymer. Their markings are PP-R. In everyday life, these pipes, depending on the type, are used for:

  • Feed cold water(cold water supply at an operating temperature of 20 degrees and a pressure of 10 atm);
  • Hot water supply (hot water supply at an operating temperature of 60 degrees and a pressure of 10 atm);
  • Heating networks (at an operating temperature of 60-90 degrees and a pressure of 6 atm).

When installing polypropylene pipes at home with your own hands, manual polyfusion thermal welding is usually used.

For hot and cold water, you will need to take two types of pipes that differ in wall thickness. Their markings are PN16 and PN10, respectively. For a heating system using water with a temperature of 60-80 degrees, you can use a homogeneous pipe PN20 or combined pipes PN20 Al (polypropylene, stabilized with aluminum). Pipes of this type have a lower thermal elongation relative to homogeneous pipes, but they will need special tool, and their assembly is a little more complicated.

By the way, there is one more advantage that distinguishes them: their plasticity allows them to easily endure low temperatures, which is guaranteed to exclude freezing and mechanical damage associated with it.

Installation diagram of polypropylene pipes

Before proceeding with the installation of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes, you need to complete the primary task: design. This will allow you to calculate the amount of materials required, which means their cost. In addition, pre-planned work, printed on paper in the form of a diagram, will save you from possible mistakes... There is no need to spend a lot of time, it is enough to take into account all the details and dimensions.

To make the diagram of the future installation of a water supply system convenient with your own hands, take a sheet of paper in a cage. Immediately decide what kind of plumbing and in what places you will install, where the furniture will be. If the room for the bathroom is large enough, then the pipes can later be easily hidden behind an additional plasterboard wall.

Please note: if you intend to add any additional plumbing devices over time, immediately take this into account and provide for the conclusions in the plan, closing them with plugs

  1. Considering the number of pipe bends during installation, make sure that all necessary details were in stock. For example, each bend corresponds to a certain type of angle, 45 or 90 degrees.
  2. The tap installed at the inlet of the water supply system must be reliable and capable of shutting off the water in the apartment well. Be sure to take into account the place for installing water meters, it must be in direct accessibility. Taps and fittings should also be included in your plan.
  3. To significantly save on the materials used, place the main junctions at the beginning. And in the middle of the diagram. This will give savings in pipe length.
  4. Tees will also allow you to save money: for example, a branch to the washing machine leaves the branch of the washbasin. True, you will have to try so that it does not look sloppy afterwards.

To completely simplify your task, you can draw a diagram right on the wall, along with all the details - the place where the pipe passes, the installation of the crane and the tee, and so on.

Materials and tools that will be needed in the installation of polypropylene pipes

After the diagram is calculated and printed on paper, stock up on the necessary tools.

  • The main thing that you need is a special iron, that is, a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes. It is cheap, and besides, if you do not deal with plumbing systems all the time, you will not need an expensive device with a long warranty.
  • The plastic pipes will need to be cut. For this, special scissors are used. They are also inexpensive, but can be replaced with a metal hacksaw.
  • Fittings, tees, angles - all connecting materials - are made of the same material as the pipes, but they are larger in diameter. Just in case, buy them with a margin, as well as pipes.

After all the materials are purchased according to the scheme and all the tools are purchased, proceed to the workflow.

First, you will need to dismantle the old plumbing, if there is one in your bathroom. To do this, you need to block the main riser in the apartment. Then carefully remove the pipes, cutting them for convenience in suitable places. Try to avoid unnecessary destruction so that you do not have to deal with the restoration of walls and floors.

You may need to replace all plumbing systems in the apartment. Such work is more difficult, and will require contacting the housing department, since it will be necessary to block the riser in the house for some time. It is necessary to stipulate this need in advance so that there are no troubles with neighbors.

DIY plumbing installation from polypropylene pipes

Installation work should be started by cutting the pipes into sections of the required length in order to insert them into the fittings and install the taps. Installation of water pipes is carried out from the riser.

It is important to remember: during installation, part of the pipe is inserted into the extension cord or angle. Therefore, measure the depth of the fitting in advance in order to have an allowance for the length of the pipe.

We start soldering polypropylene pipes with our own hands.

  1. Read the instructions for your iron: different models may differ slightly from each other and have some peculiarities. Assemble the device according to the instructions and install the required attachment. The size of the nozzle depends on the diameter of the pipes you are using.
  2. The pipe cut should be clean and smooth, so if you used a hacksaw for cutting, carefully clean the surfaces. Check in the instructions for the iron how long it will take to heat the connecting parts, and then turn on the device.
  3. After the indicator on the soldering machine indicates the required heating level, take the pipe and fitting and insert them all the way into the nozzle from both sides at the same time. Maintain the required time, usually it is 5-25 seconds, depending on the power of the unit and.
  4. After the required time has elapsed, remove the pipe and extension from the nozzle and immediately connect them together. In this position, the parts should be held for 5-10 seconds so that the plastic seizes. If the fitting is angled, consider the direction when welding.
  5. In the same way, connect the pipes with fittings, moving from the very beginning of the riser to taps and plumbing items. If you do everything right, the connection will never leak, since the surfaces are tightly welded to each other.

The same scheme for installing polypropylene pipes is suitable not only for water supply, but also for sewerage equipment. Let's take a closer look at this option.

Sewer polypropylene pipes: features, differences, choice

  1. To save space in the bathroom and money for the purchase of materials, for all plumbing devices, except for the toilet, use one common pipe, choosing the optimal size.
  2. Having completed all the preparatory work, the same as those preceding the installation of the water supply system (that is, dismantling the old system, cutting and stripping pipes), you can start assembling the structure. The main thing to remember when doing this is that the pipes should be located with a slope. Fixing the installed slope will help you to fix the brackets on the wall, you will purchase them along with the pipes.
  3. By itself, the installation scheme for sewer pipes is practically no different from the process of assembling water pipes, with the exception of the obligatory tilt. The connection of the pipe to the fitting is ensured by a sealed rubber band inside the extension. The main thing is that the pipe is inserted exactly as far as it will go.
  4. Experts often recommend using soapy water or glycerin grease to treat the ends of the pipe to be connected with them: this provides greater reliability of the connection.
  5. After the main system is assembled, connect all the plumbing devices in turn.
  6. Start testing your sewer and checking its tightness. For this, you can turn on all the devices that provide water supply, or you can use the old method: collect water in several buckets and pour it into the sink, toilet and bathtub. While the water is draining, check the connections for leaks.
  7. If leaks are found, use a special one. Apply it to the joints without removing the sealing rubber, connect the pipe to the fitting and let it dry, then test the system again.

Video about the installation of polypropylene pipes

The main thing in working with polypropylene pipes is attention during installation and compliance with all rules. Please ask your questions in the comments, and we will be happy to help your work become even easier, and your skills more professional!

Metal pipes, which have been massively used for many years in water supply systems, are a thing of the past. They were replaced by the latest generation material - polypropylene. Do-it-yourself polypropylene plumbing is characterized by ease of installation, resistance to high temperatures and chemicals.

The main advantages are:

  • the service life of pipes for hot water is more than 25 years, for cold water - more than 50;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • smooth inner surface of the walls prevents the formation of build-ups;
  • low hydraulic resistance;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • tightness of welded seams;
  • high strength;
  • ease of installation.

So that during the operation of the water supply system there are no problems, the installation of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes with your own hands should be carried out only from high-quality materials. The determining factors when choosing components are the conditions of their operation, temperature regime and the operating pressure of the entire system.

Marking of polypropylene pipes

  • PN10 - for cold water supply.
  • PN16 - for cold and hot water.
  • PN20 - for hot water and installation of heating systems.
  • PN25 - mainly for heating systems.

Sometimes the temperature of the liquid passing through the pipes exceeds 90 ° C. In such cases, PN20 and PN25 markings are used, which have a reinforcing layer of aluminum or fiberglass foil. The arrangement of a cold water supply system is accompanied by the use of pipes of the first two markings.

Remember: If the water passing through the pipes reaches 100 ° C, nothing will happen to the polypropylene pipes. The maximum operating temperature is taken with a margin.

Diameter of polypropylene pipe for water supply

Pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used for systems with a length approaching 10 meters. Pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are preferred for systems with a length of 10 to 30 m. Systems with a length of more than 30 m are supplied with pipes with a diameter of 32 mm. The diameter of the riser (if applicable) should be 32 mm.

Having determined which polypropylene pipes are best for plumbing in your home, carefully review all purchased products. They should not have sagging and roughness. When a quality pipe is cut, its shape remains round, and the wall thickness remains unchanged.

Water supply system design

So that the installation of a water supply system made of polypropylene with your own hands in the country or in an apartment was competently and without incidents, a detailed wiring diagram, connection and fastening of pipes is drawn up. When drawing up this scheme, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid unnecessary bends, details and try to organize the shortest length of the pipeline.

Tip: To see the whole picture, namely: the intersection of pipes, the number of bends and bevels, the most accurate marking scheme is best outlined with a pencil directly on the walls.

Do-it-yourself plumbing in an apartment made of polypropylene can be organized in two ways: closed or open... The first is considered the most common, but difficult. This requires accurate calculation and professional execution. Most of the pipeline in this case must be carried out without joints. Although welding at the joints does not reduce the reliability of the entire system, it is still better to leave such areas open. This is necessary for preventive maintenance and regular inspection.

Another thing is open wiring. When choosing this option, the pipes can also be made less "noticeable" if they are laid in the corners of the room in vertical planes, and along the floor level in horizontal planes.

The important benefits of open wiring are:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to replace part of the system at any time in the event of a leak.

Wiring options

There are two options: serial and parallel (collector) wiring systems. Each has its own pros and cons.

Serial wiring

It is also called tee system... In this case, the installation of polypropylene pipes with your own hands is carried out from the central highway to the points of water consumption. From one main riser, on which there is an inlet shut-off device, two pipelines depart: for hot and cold water. Outlets to all points of water consumption from them are organized using tees.

  • System advantages: easy installation, material savings.
  • disadvantages: dependence of water consumption points from each other. For repair or inspection of one device or consumer, the entire system is turned off. Water pressure drops occur with the simultaneous opening of all points.

Parallel wiring

In this system collector required, having one input and a certain number of outputs, corresponding to the number of points of water consumption. Each pipeline is led out individually.

  • Advantages: there is no need to turn off the entire system when repairing or maintaining one area. In the event of a pressure drop, all available devices and points of consumption receive an absolutely equal amount of water.
  • disadvantages: laborious process, high cost, sufficient big number wiring.

You can find out how to choose and calculate correctly from our other article.

For more information on the wiring of tee and collector water supply circuits, see the article.

If you need to choose a bath mixer, then useful tips is on this page. We analyze the features of each type.

We prepare the necessary tools and fittings

To equip a water supply system in an apartment with your own hands from polypropylene, not only pipes are needed. A large number of additional connections are also required, also made of polypropylene. Fittings can be threaded or unthreaded.

What are the types of connecting elements for polypropylene pipes:

  • Couplings are necessary for high-quality connection of straight pipe sections and for transition to a pipe of a different diameter.
  • Angles are needed to set the pipeline at a certain angle and avoid obstacles.
  • A bypass (arc tube) is necessary to bend around one tube by another.
  • Tees are used in places where pipelines are taken off from the main riser.
  • Plugs for closing the pipeline.
  • The crosses are used in the places where the pipes are cross-connected.
  • Clips are needed to fix the pipeline to the wall. The distance between the fasteners on straight lines is 1.5-2 m. Clips are also used in corner joints. To fix the pipelines located one above the other, double clips are used.
  • with rubber gaskets are needed to fix the risers. For rigidity, the connected ends of the clamp are fixed with a bolt and nut.

Please note: All fittings have different diameters and sizes. To purchase connecting elements of the required dimensions and in the required quantity, "walk" once again through the water supply wiring diagram.

What tools are needed:

  • Scissors (in extreme cases, a hacksaw for metal, jigsaw) for cutting plastic.
  • and attachments to it.

How to use a polypropylene welding machine

The polypropylene welding machine has a fairly simple structure, it consists of a heating plate, a temperature controller and a handle. The nozzles are mounted on both sides of the heating plate, have a Teflon coating and come in different diameters, which allows you to solve, in principle, any domestic problems.

  • First, the required length of the pipe is measured and cut off strictly according to the mark with special scissors. We remove the burrs with the help of the facing tool; if there is an outer reinforcing aluminum layer, it is also removed. The cut site is cleaned and degreased. Selected nozzles are also degreased.
  • To determine the depth of entry of the pipe into the fitting, they must be connected while still unheated and put a mark with a marker. Nozzles are installed on both sides welding machine, on one of them the end of the pipe is put on, on the other - a fitting.
  • The device turns on and the nozzles begin to heat up. As soon as the lamps on the thermostat have gone out, it means that the products are warmed up to 260 ° C. After that, a pipe and a fitting are installed on the apparatus and the required time is maintained, which depends on the diameter of the pipe. The pipe and fitting are connected up to the mark. Your movements are fast and accurate! And no rotations! In a few seconds, the monolithic part is ready.

In order to qualitatively perform the installation of polypropylene pipes with your own hands, you will need a little skill in operating the welding device. You can learn this from unnecessary pipe cuttings.

Some tips for installing a polypropylene plumbing:

  • It is recommended to conduct a water supply system in an apartment with your own hands made of polypropylene from points of consumption to the input - switchgear nodes.
  • Fastening elements are installed along the entire planned line, pipelines are fixed on them, thereby combining into a single system.
  • If the laying of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes provides that the hot and cold water pipelines pass side by side, then the cold water line must be laid higher, which will exclude.
  • Pipes are located strictly horizontally or vertically and dock only at right angles.
  • In hard-to-reach places, pipes are mounted in a separate stage.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply installation video

In this video, you can watch the installation of polypropylene pipes and listen to the comments of the master.

Finally, I would like to add that the price of polypropylene pipes for water supply is low. To better represent the price level, here are a few examples.

The cost of a pipe without reinforcement 4 meters long by the Czech manufacturer Ekoplastik (PN10, diameter 32mm) is 330 rubles. A pipe from this manufacturer with the same characteristics, but with reinforcement - 880 rubles.

A Turkish pipe of the SPK PN25 brand () costs 46-68-110 rubles / running meter with a diameter of 20-25-32 mm, respectively.

Polypropylene fittings are also inexpensive, for example, a coupling made in Turkey (brand SPK) will cost only 5-13 rubles for a diameter of 20 and 32 mm, respectively.

Polypropylene pipes began to be manufactured not so long ago, but they have already become very widespread. Their widespread use is facilitated by a combination of low cost and excellent technical characteristics.

Water supply and heating systems are laid from polypropylene pipelines both in new houses and in old ones instead of outdated metal ones. But their application is not limited to this. This article will discuss how to install a polypropylene pipeline yourself.

Advantages of polypropylene

Polypropylene pipes are great for installing heating systems, water supply or sewage systems. They have low thermal conductivity, are not affected by moisture and external factors.

Polypropylene is an environmentally friendly material. During operation, it does not affect the environment and the quality of the supplied water, which is very important for a drinking water supply system.

The low weight of polypropylene makes the pipes easy to transport and install. The guaranteed service life of such pipes declared by the manufacturers is at least 50 years.

Polypropylene pipe marking

The choice of this or that type of polypropylene pipe depends on its future purpose. The most common are:

  • PN10 - used for cold water supply;
  • PN20 - for cold and hot water supply, as well as sewerage;
  • PN25 - for heating.

The PN25 pipe differs from PN20 in the presence of a special reinforcement that prevents deformation under the influence of high temperature water.

Installation of a polypropylene pipeline is carried out using connecting fittings - fittings:

  • couplings - transition of the pipeline to a different diameter, material or threaded connection;
  • corners - changing the direction of laying the pipeline (90⁰ or 45⁰);
  • tees - branch device.

When choosing pipes and fittings made of polypropylene, in addition to low cost, attention must be paid to the quality of the part.

Tools for the installation of polypropylene pipes

To install a polypropylene pipeline, you will need the following special tools.

  • Soldering iron for polypropylene pipes. This tool has a limited purpose, but you should not save on it, because the quality of the connecting seams and the speed of work depends on the correct heating of the pipe. In addition, a cheap option can quickly fail.
  • A set of soldering iron tips usually comes with the soldering iron itself. Different nozzles are used to connect pipelines of different diameters.

  • The soldering iron stand will ensure the convenience and safety of the installation.
  • Pipe cutter (scissors for polypropylene pipes). Without such a tool, it will not be possible to make a high-quality smooth cut of the pipe.
  • Shaver for removing aluminum reinforcement at the junction.

Before performing work, you should draw a diagram of the future pipeline with turns, branches and dimensions. Then read the theory on the matter and practice soldering on unnecessary pipe cuttings.

Connection of polypropylene pipes

The long-lasting future heating or plumbing system depends on the quality of the joint joints. The connection of plastic pipes is divided into stages:

Measure the required pipe length and cut with a pipe cutter. When using a non-specialized tool, for example, a grinder, for a high-quality connection with the fitting, pay attention to the cut - it must be even.

If there is a reinforcing layer, it must be removed to the full depth of entry into the shaped part, otherwise the aluminum foil will not melt the polypropylene and make a high-quality connection. To determine the depth, place the pipe against the fitting and mark with a 1mm gap that remains after the connection.

The nozzles are fixed on a soldering iron, after which it is put to warm up. When the soldering iron heats up to the required temperature, the pipe and the fitting are simultaneously put on the nozzle, pushing and achieving uniform melting throughout the entire depth of the joint. All actions should be performed quickly and accurately.

Excessive melting and thinning of the walls should not be allowed. After heating the pipe and fitting to the desired depth, quickly remove and connect. Pay attention to the fact that the connection is even, you only have a dozen of the first seconds to fix, then the propylene will begin to set.

Work in a well-ventilated area as toxic fumes are emitted during melting and take breaks periodically.

DIY polypropylene heating pipeline repair

V apartment building if the coolant leaks in the heating system from plastic pipes, it is impossible to make an independent repair. But if this happened in a private house, it is permissible to carry out an independent repair.

It is better to carry out repairs during a warm period. Even if the work does not take much time, restarting the heating system may take a long time.

  • Before starting work, turn off the boiler and drain the heating system.
  • It is necessary to provide access to the damaged area. If the area behind the wall is made of plasterboard, then a rectangular cutout is made in the wall.

  • Pulling towards you, the fixed pipe is released from the brackets. A fire-resistant spacer is installed between the wall and the pipe, then the damaged section of the pipeline is cut out with a pipe cutter.
  • Using a soldering iron and fittings, mount a new section of the pipeline as described above.
  • After completing the work, the drained water is returned to the system, which will simplify the start-up of the system. However, the dirty water needs to be changed.

DIY polypropylene drip irrigation

The technical qualities of plastic pipes make it possible to use them for drip irrigation in the garden. They are not afraid of external natural influences, therefore, they do not need to be additionally processed.

The drip irrigation system is perfect for growing vegetables, berries, trees. It is very simple to perform and will cost much less than the original. Installation works are carried out in several stages:

You should start with an image of the diagram of the site on which the beds and the pipeline for irrigation are located. The scheme allows you to determine the required length of pipes and the number of fittings for them.

Holes are made in the pipes with the required frequency with an awl. For vegetables and berries, the interval is taken as 30-40 cm. If the diameter of the holes turns out to be small, after testing the system, they can be increased. After preparation, the pipes are placed at the installation site.

The ends of the perforated pipes are sealed with special fittings. The pipes can be laid both between rows and along the edge of the beds close to the plants. During drip irrigation, moisture will be absorbed by the root without dampening the stem of the plant.

To securely fix the pipeline and prevent soil from entering the holes, it is better to place the pipes on bars or supports at a low height.

The connection of pipes with holes in a one-piece pipe is made by soldering couplings. It is better to determine the length of pipes before cutting at the place of laying.

After connecting the pipes to each other, they are combined into one pipeline going to the irrigation water tank. To ensure pressure in the irrigation pipeline, the tank must be located at least 1.5 m above the level of the surface of the beds.

To limit the water supply, a tap is mounted immediately after the container. It allows you to create an optimal watering regime or stop it altogether.

Unusual application of propylene pipes

Many useful things can be made from plastic pipes, just learn how to use a soldering iron and stock up on a variety of fittings.

There are many options for making chairs. The legs can be made by connecting U-shaped pipes with a diameter of 20-25 mm. They will be strengthened by a pipe welded along the perimeter from above or below. After that, the backrest of the required size is soldered, and a sheet of chipboard is screwed onto the legs, which can be previously wrapped with a cloth filled with foam rubber.

Furniture made of polypropylene is well suited for summer cottages. Also, more and more often you can find greenhouses and hotbeds made of polypropylene pipes. This design is quite durable, and its low weight makes it possible to assemble and disassemble it without unnecessary effort.

A small greenhouse can be made by putting the pipe on a metal wedge previously driven into the ground, then bending it and putting the other end on the other wedge. After bending several pipes, such a structure can be covered with film, and then attached with brackets.

When making a greenhouse, the ends of the pipes should be concreted, and several pipes should be passed to increase the rigidity of the structure. Subsequently, they can be used to tie up tall plants.

You can make a small gazebo from plastic pipes. The drawing is not difficult to find on the net, enough heavy metal replace with plastic. However, even in this case, it is better to choose large diameter pipes. A lightweight durable material such as polycarbonate is suitable as a roof. This option is not the most economical, however, it is simpler and more affordable than metal welding. The canopy is mounted in the same way.

The system of storage shelves will fit well in the cellar, nursery, closet, wardrobe, etc. Fastening to the wall allows you to take a large load, and it will not be difficult to make such a structure. Having assembled a small module, according to the same principle, you can make a rack with any number of shelves that can be cut from laminated chipboard or painted plywood.

Photo of the installation of polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly used in the installation of various systems - from plumbing to hot water heating. Thanks to its excellent characteristics and optimal prices for this building element, its popularity is constantly growing.

Advantages of the material

  1. The possibility of using plastic pipes for the design and implementation of various systems: water supply, sewerage, drainage, water heating. Most often they are used for laying in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.
  2. Polypropylene is an environmentally friendly material that allows for both industrial and drinking water.
  3. With their light weight, they are easy to install, which makes installation quite easy.
  4. Due to the material of manufacture, they are not subject to corrosion, deposits from the inside do not accumulate in them, which significantly increases their service life.
  5. When designing a water supply system using polypropylene pipes, you can count on 50 years of trouble-free operation.

Types of pipes

During construction, 3 pipe options are most often used:

  • PN10 markings for cold water;
  • PN20 markings intended for sewerage systems, supply of warm and hot water;
  • PN25 markings for heating systems.

The last two types - pipes PN20 and PN25 are reinforced with reinforcement, which allows them to conduct warm and hot water without deformation.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the material: the cuts must be even and clean, without sagging and burrs. The same goes for fittings, i.e. connecting elements.

During installation, the following types of connecting elements are used from the same material:

  • Couplings: connect pipes of different diameters; contribute to the transition from thread, both internal and external, to another type of connection; connect elements from different material... For example, switching from cast iron to polypropylene.
  • Angles: allow you to implement the rotation of the designed system in 45 or 90 degrees.
  • Tees: help to branch off the system and bring three pipes into one.

Stages of work

Before installation, you must make sure that no purchased building element is free from dirt, sagging or any other imperfections. It is advisable to install pipes at a warm, but not hot, ambient temperature.

At temperatures less than 5-10 degrees, work is not recommended.

For installation you will need:

  • Polyfusion welding machine with various attachments.
  • Scissors (hacksaw) for cutting.
  • Knife for pre-stripping pipes and fittings or for removing sagging.

Installation begins with cutting polypropylene pipes of the required length: using a marker, the places of future cuts are marked and the parts are prepared for further processing.

After preparation, you need to select fittings for the individual parts. Having marked the depth of entry of a certain fitting into the pipe with a marker, you can start welding.

Directly installation is carried out using a welding machine. It is designed to soften certain parts of polypropylene at high temperature and then join them. To do this, it is heated to 260 - 270 degrees. When the desired temperature is reached, prepared parts are put on one by one on the previously selected nozzle of the welding machine. The first to be heated should be a part with a large thickness.

The prepared pipe or fitting must fit tightly over the nozzle - otherwise the installation will be of poor quality.

The heating time directly depends on the diameter. The smaller the diameter (from 16 to 50 mm), the shorter the time period lasts: from 5 to 15 seconds.

After warming up both parts, they are carefully connected according to the marks made, while trying to avoid any distortions. This must be done carefully and quickly: after all, the solidification time of heated polypropylene is no more than 30 seconds. During this time, it is necessary not only to connect the two parts, but also to fix them until they solidify completely.

Any rotation during this time will deform part of the pipeline.

When connecting one part to another, you do not need to use excessive force: heated parts are easily deformed, which means that the integrity of building materials may be compromised.

At the end of the installation, if necessary, using a knife, you can remove the drips formed during the connection.

The result of a properly carried out installation of polypropylene pipes will be an uninterrupted operating system, whether it is water supply, sewerage, water heating or drainage. All that is required for this is attention, accuracy and thoroughness.


This video will show the process of working with polypropylene pipes during their installation.