What is the most popular zodiac sign in the world. The best sign of the zodiac. The sexiest zodiac sign

Today, it is very difficult to determine rarest zodiac sign, since conception occurs all year round, and not, as before, in late autumn or winter.

In the old days, from early spring to late autumn, people worked in the fields, there was simply not enough time for carnal pleasures and the conception of children. Therefore, almost all those born belonged to the signs born in July, August, September and October. The rest of the signs were considered very rare.

If we consider the existing rare signs, we can conclude that the fewest children are born at the end of November and December. This is due to the fact that vitamin deficiency begins in February and March, and conception is usually delayed, from this theory it follows that Scorpions and Sagittarius can be found less frequently than other signs of the zodiac. You can also notice that Virgo and Libra are more than other signs, because in new year holidays conception rate is higher.

Astrologer's advice: Observing cosmic bodies above our head, there is a chance to read the answers to complex problems, even without owning specific skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

Astrologers suggest that in the zodiac cycle there is one more sign, the 13th sign - Ophiuchus. And this representative is rarest sign of the zodiac. Ophiuchus is not considered an official sign, and therefore it can be considered the rarest. This sign does not stand out in an independent category, and many astrologers do not take it seriously. The meaning and meaning of this sign is still not clear, and what its element is also not yet clear. It is believed that people who were born from November 27 to December 17 belong to this sign. Ophiuchus is assigned some mystical traits, and people born under this sign have a unique life mission. Astrologers define the life of these people as happy with a lot of bright and happy moments.

Ophiuchus tend to be idealistic, often sacrificing themselves so that others achieve happiness. They are very brave and purposeful, able to reach any heights, no matter how hard it costs. They have great endurance and the ability to get used to any difficult situation. Ophiuchus is surprisingly easy to change goals and generally change their whole lifestyle, they do not get hung up on one thing for a long time, but at the same time, in order to achieve the desired goal, Ophiuchus is ready to go through all the thorns, including ice and flame, showing incredible endurance.

These people are incredibly attractive and friendly, fully open to the interlocutor and help create a pleasant atmosphere when communicating.

Ophiuchus are great romantics, but this does not at all prevent them from being womanizers, constantly getting involved in love whirlpools. Most of all, representatives of this sign love to court and seek the location of their other half, but as soon as the victim has given up, the attention of Ophiuchus can immediately switch to another object of sighing. It turns into a vicious circle.

Despite the impossibility of a specific definition rarest zodiac sign, it can be said on all grounds that Ophiuchus is, if not the rarest, then at least one of the rare signs.

All Signs of the Zodiac are different from each other. There is no doubt about this. Astrologers decided to rank the most-very Zodiac Signs and see which of them succeeds in what.

The strongest zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is the strongest sign of the Zodiac. This is rather strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. Where does their power come from? Pisces has a lot of internal resources that other constellations do not have. And when, for example, stubborn and ambitious Aries and Capricorns fail, Pisces take a fairly strong position. We can say that Pisces bend, but do not break.

Sexiest Zodiac Sign

The sexiest sign of the zodiac is Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They have no equal in love pleasures. Aries attract attention due to their charisma and inner charm.

The most insidious zodiac sign

The most insidious sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. If the representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act by the most sophisticated methods, it is difficult to convict and suspect them of something. Scorpios are the worst and most dangerous enemies.

The most faithful sign of the zodiac

Astrologers consider Virgo to be the most faithful Sign of the Zodiac. People of this constellation strive to find a partner for life and are very careful in choosing their soulmate. And if they choose someone, then we can say with full confidence that the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will definitely not change.

The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

The most attractive zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The people of this constellation are by nature outwardly very harmoniously built, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always watch their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.

The kindest zodiac sign

The most kind sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his benevolence. Taurus can provide free assistance, thereby proving once again that they have the biggest heart.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The luckiest zodiac sign is Gemini. Often they are in the right place at the right time, which makes them more successful than other constellations. Geminis are naturally optimistic, and this already accounts for 90% of their luck. Due to their luck, they can rightfully be called the happiest sign of the zodiac.

The most family zodiac sign

The most family sign of the Zodiac is Cancer. For representatives of this constellation, family values ​​come first. They strive to find a worthy partner, get a cozy house and give birth to a bunch of children. This is the most ideal zodiac sign for marriage and serious relationships.

The most selfish zodiac sign

The most selfish zodiac sign is Leo. Despite their generosity and friendliness, the representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. They love to be the center of attention, which replenishes their energy. In addition, Lions are very fond of praise and flattery, as they feel at their best at such moments.

The most sociable sign of the zodiac

Libra is considered the most sociable sign of the zodiac. Don't put your finger in their mouths - just let them chat for an hour or two. Representatives of this constellation find pleasure in new acquaintances. When they are in society, they feel confident and at ease. It is difficult for them to withstand even one day of loneliness.

The most private zodiac sign

The most closed sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. It is very difficult to imagine what is on the minds of the people of this constellation! They rarely trust their feelings and experiences to anyone, and, most often, they behave indifferently and coldly in public.

The most brilliant sign of the zodiac

The most ingenious sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they do not have enough strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore, all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.

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30.01.2014 13:59

Having learned the Zodiac Sign of your chosen one, you can easily understand what she will be like in marriage. Hurry up...

All Signs of the Zodiac are different from each other. There is no doubt about this. Astrologers decided to rank the most-very Zodiac Signs and see which of them succeeds in what.

The strongest zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is the strongest sign of the Zodiac. This is rather strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. Where does their power come from? Pisces has a lot of internal resources that other constellations do not have. And when, for example, stubborn and ambitious Aries and Capricorns fail, Pisces take a fairly strong position. We can say that Pisces bend, but do not break.

Sexiest Zodiac Sign

The sexiest sign of the zodiac is Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They have no equal in love pleasures. Aries attract attention due to their charisma and inner charm.

The most insidious zodiac sign

The most insidious sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. If the representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act by the most sophisticated methods, it is difficult to convict and suspect them of something. Scorpions are the worst and most dangerous enemies.

The most faithful sign of the zodiac

Astrologers consider Virgo to be the most faithful Sign of the Zodiac. People of this constellation strive to find a partner for life and are very careful in choosing their soulmate. And if they choose someone, then we can say with full confidence that the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will definitely not change.

The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

The most attractive zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The people of this constellation are by nature outwardly very harmoniously built, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always monitor their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.

The kindest zodiac sign

The most kind sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his benevolence. Taurus can provide free assistance, thereby proving once again that they have the biggest heart.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The luckiest zodiac sign is Gemini. Often they are in the right place at the right time, which makes them more successful than other constellations. Geminis are naturally optimistic, and this already accounts for 90% of their luck. Due to their luck, they can rightfully be called the happiest sign of the zodiac.

The most family zodiac sign

The most family sign of the Zodiac is Cancer. For representatives of this constellation, family values ​​come first. They strive to find a worthy partner, get a cozy house and give birth to a bunch of children. This is the most perfect sign Zodiac for marriage and serious relationships.

The most selfish zodiac sign

The most selfish zodiac sign is Leo. Despite their generosity and friendliness, the representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. They love to be the center of attention, which replenishes their energy. In addition, Lions are very fond of praise and flattery, as they feel at their best at such moments.

The most sociable sign of the zodiac

Libra is considered the most sociable sign of the zodiac. Don't put your finger in their mouths - just let them chat for an hour or two. Representatives of this constellation find pleasure in new acquaintances. When they are in society, they feel confident and at ease. It is difficult for them to withstand even one day of loneliness.

The most private zodiac sign

The most closed sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. It is very difficult to imagine what is on the minds of the people of this constellation! They rarely trust their feelings and experiences to anyone, and, most often, they behave indifferently and coldly in public.

The most brilliant sign of the zodiac

The most ingenious sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they do not have enough strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore, all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.


Aries often smiles at luck, which they simply do not notice. These people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life and are not prone to risky activities. Aries, like no other, are the favorites of Fortune, but, for some reason, they rarely use it. Their position in life prevents them from relying on the will of fate and just go with the flow.


Taurus is lucky in everything related to money and material gain. They stand firmly on their feet and know how to manage finances well. In times of protracted economic crises, it is the Taurus who remain in a relatively stable financial position, unlike the rest. True, Taurus can scare away Fortune himself if he starts saving hard, becomes greedy and petty. Luck does not like such people, so this sign should be extremely careful and learn how to correctly interpret the signs sent from above for themselves.


These are the real minions of fate. Gemini are accustomed to take life lightly, they are led by chance. They are active and positive about life, and Fortune loves such people very much, and will do everything possible so that the Gemini are at the right time in the right place, where the "distribution of gingerbread" is currently taking place.

People born under the constellation Cancer do not have to rely on the help of Fortune. Unfortunately, among the representatives of this sign, you can rarely meet real lucky ones.

Lions have great conceit, so they often perceive the gifts of fate as their own achievement. For the gifts of Fortune from Lviv, words of gratitude are extremely rarely heard, so she sometimes turns away from the representatives of this zodiac constellation at the most unexpected moment.


Virgos cannot be called minions of fate, but also chronic losers, too. Virgo has everything in moderation - happy events followed by failures and vice versa. Sometimes Fortune breaks into their lives at the most unexpected moment, and sometimes a happy occasion has to wait for years.


This sign of the Zodiac also cannot boast of the favor of Fortune, but this fact does not bother Libra at all. They live quietly, relying only on their own strengths, and they do it well - there are very few chronic losers among Libra.


The symbol of this sign is the Phoenix bird, which rises from the ashes and is reborn to a new life. Scorpions are so often favored by Fortune that they simply do not notice it. Scorpions are great mystics, so they take the intervention of higher powers in the most crucial moments of their lives for granted.


Purposeful and active Sagittarians attribute all their achievements to the influence of Fortune, sometimes not noticing their own successes at all. Sagittarians are used to looking to the future with optimism, and this helps them to cope with everyday problems with extraordinary ease, as if fate itself is leading them by the hand through life.


Capricorns are born realists, so they absolutely do not count on the fact that someone is able to help them achieve success and well-being, except for themselves. Fortune does not favor such people, so she rarely favors Capricorns.


Aquarians are used to letting their affairs go by themselves, counting on the fact that fate itself will come to their aid at a critical moment. Oddly enough, but this is exactly what often happens with representatives of this sign. Aquarius can truly be considered the luckiest, along with Gemini.


Pisces wholeheartedly believe in luck, but, unfortunately, she rarely favors them. Pisces rely on chance at critical moments, but often end up with nothing because they want too much and play their game at inflated stakes.

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The most SPIRITUALLY STRONG signs of the zodiac! Yes, it's true! I always felt that I was spiritually stronger than my husband. It is believed that each sign of the zodiac comes into the world with its own special mission. The stronger the spiritual sign of the zodiac, the harder his mission. You have probably noticed more than once that life always brings many trials to strong people. The one who overcomes them is tempered like steel.

The signs of the zodiac are greatly influenced by the elements - fire, water, air or earth. It is our elements that give us strength and energy. As Vasilisa Volodina says, one strongest sign can be distinguished in each element. The most SPIRITUALLY STRONG signs of the zodiac:

Air Element:

1. Aquarius

Aquarius is the strongest sign of the zodiac in the element of Air. Despite some dreaminess and striving for high ideals, this is a sign that can experience difficulties many times in life, but will never give up. Aquarians are able to quickly adapt to any changes in life, which makes them morally stronger.

2. Scales

In second place in terms of strength of mind in the air element are Libra. They are not that weak, but they have a bad habit of scattering their energy and not following through. They quickly lose their enthusiasm and desire, and with it their purpose.

3. Gemini

The weakest sign in this element is Gemini. They cannot focus on one thing, they often lack outside support. When difficulties befall them, they panic and ask other people for help.

Fire Release:

1. Sagittarius

In the element of Fire, Sagittarius is the strongest. Representatives of this sign never lose heart and try to maintain humanity under any circumstances. They know how to control their emotions, do not succumb to provocations and always have their own opinion. Their strength lies in optimism and open-mindedness.

2. Leo

In second place is Leo. At first glance, the representatives of this sign look strong and strong-willed people. But they largely depend on external circumstances and on the opinions of others. Leos constantly need support and praise. If this is not the case, they will quickly hang their nose.

3. Aries

The weakest fire sign is Aries. Despite the fact that this sign is very active and active, in its element it gives slack. Aries do not know how to control emotions, they are too subject to what is happening in their souls. Sometimes Aries act imprudently, which leads them to a difficult situation.

Earth Release:

1. Capricorn

In the element of Earth, Capricorn is the strongest sign of the zodiac. He is persistent, determined and consistent. It is difficult to offend and hurt him to the quick. Even if everything is bad, he will still go towards his goal, albeit with small and leisurely steps.

2. Virgo

Virgos are in second place in terms of strength of mind in the elements of the earth. They often give the impression of a strong person, but sometimes they are not able to accept the world as it is, and simply begin to go with the flow.

3. Taurus

Taurus is the weakest sign in the earth element. Representatives of this sign do not like change. All their lives they want to live in peace and happiness, but if their plans fail, Taurus become defenseless.

Water Release:

1. Pisces

In the element of Water, Pisces is the strongest sign. Moreover, they are strong not only among the signs of their element, but among the constellations of the entire zodiac horoscope. This may seem a little strange, because Pisces often have a complete lack of connection with the real world. This is their strength. Pisces can endure, wait and hope for a long time. Such fortitude helps them to fight for their happiness to the end.

2. Scorpio

Scorpio is not as strong as Pisces. His weakness is that he can accumulate emotions in himself for a long time. They will eat it from the inside, making it weaker and weaker.

3. Cancer

Cancer is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac in its element. Representatives of this sign are very sensitive and vulnerable. They constantly need moral support and help. If there is no one next to them, Cancers will take this as a sign that nothing can be changed and become depressed.

But it is obvious that the birth during the period of patronage of a weak sign of the Zodiac is not a prerequisite for the fact that a person will be haunted by failures and his life will be difficult. Also patronage. strong sign does not mean that a person can achieve much without much effort.