What sign will the new year be? Main characteristics. Chinese horoscope: Roosters are leaders and leaders

The eastern calendar, based on 12 animals, was invented by the ancient Chinese. It arose three thousand years ago, long before the appearance of European astrology. But only recently in the Western world it has become popular to determine the character and fate of a person by the year in which he was born. The eastern horoscope is a serious competitor to the zodiacal system, which is built on the cyclical monthly dominance of signs.

Tiger and Rabbit

When the chimes strike, we are all waiting for a happy, joyful, new life. The Eastern calendar year does not have a fixed start. Therefore, people who were born in January and February should take this into account if they want to determine their year of birth.

People born during the "striped" year according to the Eastern calendar are courageous and purposeful. Tigers are noble individuals, leaders and patriots. The main thing for them is freedom, honor and the fight for justice.

Rabbits are hardworking. They are realists with a sober mind and calculation. They walk through life quietly but confidently.

Dragon and Snake

If the basis of the zodiacal horoscope is the movements and trajectories of the stars, planets and the Sun, then the calendar of the eastern horoscope for years is based on the phases of the moon.

Those who are fortunate enough to be born within the framework of the "dragon" year according to the Eastern calendar are influential, successful, easy-going. They are darlings of fate, often achieve all their goals.

Snakes are real thinkers with developed logic, versatile talents and subtle intuition. They are ambitious from birth, have the gift of magnetism and suggestion. Easily read information from people.

Horse and Goat

Twelve-year cycles form the horoscope. January or February is the beginning of each year in the Eastern calendar. The table below shows the periods of the Horse and the Goat. Although both are classified as pets, they are very different.

Horses are talented, smart, know their worth. They do not depend on someone else's opinion, they always act at their own discretion. Self-sufficient and firm natures.

Goats love to travel. But after each distant outing, they invariably return to their homeland, as they value the hearth. They treat life superficially, do not like problems, they are ambivalent and capricious.

Monkey and Rooster

The Chinese emperor did not trust the development of the horoscope to astrologers, so he solely controlled the cycles: the beginning and end of each year according to the Eastern calendar, the process of compiling and decoding them.

Monkeys are self-serving and cunning. They have an analytical mindset, developed logic. Freaky and temperamental, but at the same time the most unreliable and superficial people.

Roosters are creepy conservatives. They work hard and hard to provide for themselves and their families. Active individuals who rely only on their own strength.

Dog and Pig

Which year according to the eastern calendar came into its own, the ruler of the Celestial Empire solemnly announced. For several days people celebrated this event, had fun and rest.

Dogs are always straightforward, smart, intelligent. They are deep and sensitive natures, often ironic. Hardworking philosophers. Pessimists who hate crowds and gatherings.

Pigs are decent people. Avoid conflicts. They have many talents. They always know what they want and confidently go towards the goal. Noble and realistic. They will always have money and work.

Rat and Bull

In China, even a marriage cannot be concluded until the parents tell each other the dates of birth of the newlyweds, especially what year they are according to the Eastern calendar. The table below is the last in our calculation of cyclical periods.

Rats are pedants. They are careful in life and attentive to all the little things. They are hard to break. Excellent business partners. Savvy. They have a presentiment of impending troubles, so they are easily avoided.

Born during the "horned" year according to the Eastern calendar, they are hardy and strong people. Bulls are laconic, have tremendous energy. Too down to earth. They always go ahead to their dream.

2015, 2016, 2017

The eastern calendar of animals by years suggests that the blue wooden Goat dominates today. Based on this, we can say that 2015 is a calm and balanced year. Sharp ups and downs are not expected, but if you decide to start a new business, you will definitely get the support you want. The goat is good-natured, so it always lends a helping hand. People who are born in 2015 will become extraordinary and sociable personalities.

In 2016, the fiery Monkey comes into its own. Expect career advancement, business success, a chance for a new life and fireworks of change. During this period, relationships between people improve, personal life is improved. Children born in 2016 will become famous, very active and successful people.

The next stage will be hectic. 2017 - whose year is in the Eastern calendar? It belongs to the fiery Rooster, so you cannot avoid different events. You will continually tackle critical issues, troubleshoot issues, and develop new capabilities. Those who are lucky enough to be born during this period will have the gift of persuasion and will be able to succeed in any activity.

2018, 2019, 2020

After a series of stress and setbacks, a favorable time for all will finally come. 2018 belongs to the Earth Dog. The economic crisis will pass, it will be possible to invest in real estate. This is a good start to family life, harmonious and new. The year according to the Eastern calendar will be successful for marriage. Born children will be harmonious natures, attractive to the opposite sex and gifted.

2019 is full of surprises and pleasant troubles. The Pig dominates, from which one can expect financial prosperity and complete well-being. A good time for businessmen, bankers, farmers. Babies who will be born will be optimistic, cautious and reasonable personalities. They are natural born public figures, volunteers and missionaries.

The eastern calendar of animals by years promises happiness in 2020. This period belongs to the metal Rat, which brings good luck to writers, art critics, and artists. Money flows like a river, but this is the last stage of possible material wealth, after which a long period of poverty and loss is foreseen. Born children are hard and tough. They know what they want and take full advantage of life. They will be able to prove themselves in show business, journalism, any creative profession.

New Year is approaching, and with it - new hopes, goals and opportunities. In order for a new stage in life to meet all expectations, one should enlist the support of the animal mascot of the year from the very chiming clock.

Coming 2017 a year will pass under the auspices of the Red (Fire) Rooster, an expressive and energetic animal. The accompanying element - Fire - will aggravate these qualities, therefore new Year promises to be challenging, but productive and filled with exciting events.

What are the features of the symbol of the year

The rooster loves novelty, so the coming year promises to be favorable for any undertakings. However, one cannot rely solely on the goodwill of Fortune: in order to achieve success, you will have to abandon all habits that are an obstacle to development from the very beginning of the year - the patron of the year does not tolerate laziness and postponing things for later. But such qualities as enthusiasm, initiative and willingness to take reasonable risks will help you get the location of the Symbol of the Year and change your life for the better.

The Rooster also has negative traits: it is known that this animal is stubborn and proud. Remember that advantages with an overly hot temperament can turn into disadvantages. Therefore, do not be blinded by your career successes, so as not to start "going over your head", do not show excessive obstinacy that can destroy relationships with loved ones. The ability to act in accordance with the circumstances, find a way out of conflict situations and the ability to understand the feelings of other people in the new year will be worth its weight in gold.

What to do in the Year of the Rooster

2017 will be the perfect year to improve the family nest. The economic vein inherent in the Rooster will lead you on the right path, and any measures - from general repairs to moving - will contribute to an increase in well-being and strengthen relations with the family. Even the smallest details will have a positive effect on the home atmosphere. It is especially good if, when buying this or that little thing, you give preference to red - the color of the symbol of the year will help you catch your luck.

In the year of the Rooster, it is good to renew interrupted personal ties, attend friendly evenings and get together with your family. The patron animal of 2017 is distinguished by its friendliness and enthusiasm, so large events - weddings, anniversaries, large-scale meetings - will be held with a bang. But do not forget about the cock's temper and a tendency to conflict - be able to redirect the brewing conflict in a favorable direction in time, and personal ties will only grow stronger.

A positive mood, activity and self-confidence are the keys to success in the Year of the Rooster. And so that luck does not leave you and your loved ones for a minute, think about it in time new Year's gifts - talismans associated with the symbol of the year will be very useful. Achieve what you want, tune in for the best and don't forget to click on the buttons è

07.11.2016 05:34

The age horoscope is a sequence of the signs of the eastern horoscope, which represent each period of time in a person's life. ...

In our time, the living conditions of many people leave much to be desired. Many people are now quite difficult to implement ...

How quickly time flies ... Representatives of the eastern calendar replace each other. 12 animal signs and 5 colored elements form the sixty-year cycle of the Chinese traditional calendar. Each representative east sign at some level, inexplicable for human understanding, affects the fate of people. That is why it is very important to know who the patron of the year is, in order to properly prepare and meet him fully armed.

2017 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar? Let's figure it out.

On January 28, 2017, the time of the Red Fire Rooster begins. The year will end on February 16, 2018. What has he prepared for us? What to expect this year? What actions should be taken so that the proud, pedantic and slightly selfish Fire Rooster is favorable to us?

Fire Rooster traits

First of all, you need to remember that 2017 is the year of whom. The Red Rooster is under the sign of the active planet - Mars. And this promises us a huge number of events. Add to the kaleidoscope of events the pugnacious, cocky, self-confident and zealous character of the Rooster - we get a very busy year in which no one will be bored.

The neat, but sometimes rude Fire Rooster loves bravado, loves to be in the center of attention, its fiery heat will not give a moment of rest. Energy and temperament help him get out of any trouble with minimal losses (or even without them at all). Roosters are leaders by nature, so it's no surprise that they are ambitious, authoritarian, and short-tempered. And if you add rare diligence to this cocktail of personality traits, you can guess what to expect this year. Yes, the Rooster is demanding, but fair, he does not shift his responsibilities to others. So if you're willing to put in the effort, you can count on your luck!

Learn how to properly celebrate the New Year 2017. How to decorate the house, what to wear and what to put on the table, read about all this in.

Element and color of 2017

The color of 2017 will be red. The element of this year is fire. Chinese sages believed that red is a continuous movement of energies. But the energy does not move in a straight line, but in a spiral upward. This means 2017 will be characterized by an incredible commitment to success. Careerists are waiting for a meteoric rise up the career ladder, cherished dreams will come true, the most secret desires will come true! The fiery rooster will take care of your excellent health and self-improvement. But you shouldn't shift your responsibilities onto the fragile shoulders of the patron of the year. We carefully monitor our health, we turn to the doctor for advice on time, we eat balanced, we are friends with sports, we work with pleasure. This is the only way, and nothing else! Simply put - we live for our pleasure!

What is red associated with? That's right, with love, passion, ardor and sex. So the gallant Red Fire Rooster guarantees a very intense 2017 in a romantic plan. Lovers will play breathtaking weddings, couples will remember how their relationship began, and those who are still in search of their soul mate will definitely find their love.

And remember, the red flame is incredible power. Luck will be your faithful companion only if you are confident in yourself. All doubts - away! Fly towards the new, unknown, do not be afraid of changes. After all, whatever is done is for the best!

So we figured it out: according to the eastern calendar, 2017 is the year of which animal. The wise Chinese call the sign of the Rooster "a chicken that pecks at grain", and the Vietnamese call it "chicken."

It remains to remember that the Rooster is the most sociable and sophisticated sign of the Eastern calendar. Therefore, feel free to make new acquaintances, fall in love and be beautiful!

The symbol of 2017 on the Eastern (Chinese) calendar is the Red Fire Rooster.

The rooster symbolizes, on the one hand, self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, industriousness, brightness, honesty, and on the other hand, vanity, impudence, hot temper, stubbornness, conservatism, and wastefulness.

Fire gives the Rooster authority. The red color gives it strength.

Red Fire Rooster - a born leader. He easily leads the team, captivating with his ideas. At the same time, he never listens to objections and advice. Sometimes he should listen to the opinions of others and behave more correctly with others.

How to meet 2017

The Red Fire Rooster is a family sign. Therefore, it is advisable to spend New Year's Eve in the circle of friends and family. It is better not to have a noisy celebration, but to celebrate the New Year quietly and calmly.

If the family has a tradition to travel during this time and celebrate the event outside the home, it is recommended to change the routine in 2017. After all, the host of the holiday loves home comfort and does not tolerate the extravagance that accompanies any trip.

However, it is better not to skimp on fireworks, sparklers and garlands. The year of the Fire Rooster is coming - it is worth meeting it "with a spark".

What to wear

The rooster loves red and its derivatives - burgundy, purple. Therefore, a bright colorful outfit is suitable for New Year's Eve. The second most important shade is gold. You can choose gold jewelry suitable for the dress. An accessory such as a feather will look original and appropriate, especially in a hairdo or on a headdress.

There is a risk that everyone will wear red dresses to celebrate New 2017. An outfit made of shiny flowing fabric - brocade, silk, satin or crepe satin will help you stand out from the crowd. It is recommended to choose a dress with a romantic air cut. If you have to celebrate the New Year in an old dress, it is advisable to update it with accessories. A satin ribbon or bow is suitable for this.

You should not wear leopard or tiger-colored clothes - they can bring bad luck in the coming year. The rooster is not friendly with the feline family, so it will remember such an oversight in the outfit for a long time.

What to gift

The owner of 2017 does not accept wastefulness and useless things. Therefore, it is better not to present any trinkets and souvenirs. It is advisable to give something that will come in handy at home - a set of towels, blankets, bed linen, pans, a double boiler. The original version there will be tickets for a concert, a theater, a spa salon, a master class. The rooster will regard such a gift as a useful event and will be supportive of the donor.

To appease the owner of the year and enlist his support, you need to present a figurine or image of a Rooster.

Many pleasant and not so much surprises await most of the animals. eastern horoscope in 2017. The Fire Rooster is the owner of 2017, quite unpredictable and emotional. Those born under the sign of the Rooster will lead the most during this period. The patron saint of 2017 will help all Roosters finally feel peace of mind and move up the career ladder. Those who do not yet know the 2017 year of which animal should be as careful as possible, because the patron saint of this period, the Rooster, is very unpredictable.


“An interesting fact is that which animal chooses its mood this year will spend 2017 this way. The Rat will be the luckiest in 2017. People born under this sign will be full of strength and energy. Regardless of what they want: to tie the knot or learn new skills, etc. - they will succeed! Following the horoscope, the Rats will be able to carry out their plans. "

The stars advise the Rats not to anger the animal of the year and moderate their pride. In the event that colleagues or loved ones ask for help, they need to lend a helping hand. If the Rats are still lonely, then it's time to pay attention to the Ox and the Tiger. The second half of the year will be the most productive for career achievements.


Regardless of who the person was born in, he needs to remember that surprises are not only good, but also bad. The tense relationship with the second half will unpleasantly surprise Bykov at the beginning of the year. The horoscope recommends showing maximum diplomacy and more often turning a blind eye to the partner's shortcomings.

What animal according to the Eastern calendar will refuse to make his dream come true? So, it is the Bull who will be lucky in mid-2017 with the fulfillment of his cherished desire. The Ox does not need to think about who in the year he will be really lucky, since the Rooster is able to become a reliable patron for him! According to the horoscope, it is the Ox who should take a closer look at his health this year.


The animal of the year - the Rooster - will be a good incentive for the Tiger to act! The owner of the year will help the temperamental Tiger look at his life differently. The tiger will decide in 2017 to devote time to self-development or get a second education. If the Tiger does not yet know which animal is suitable for a relationship, then he should pay attention to the Dragon and the Boar.

In the case when the Tiger begins to act according to the horoscope, he will be able to improve the quality of his life. The Animal of the Year will help the Tiger become more persistent in achieving the goal.


If the Rabbit is lonely and cannot understand the year of which of the animals is suitable for him for a relationship, then it's time to pay attention to the Dog and the Horse. It is with these signs that the relationship will develop the most harmonious. The Animal of the Year will favor the Rabbit in matters of career. If the Rabbit finds an approach to leadership and begins to work harder, then his efforts will be noticed.

Judging by the horoscope, the Rabbit in 2017 should devote time to equipping his monastery. If the Rabbit lives in a well-equipped apartment, he will be able to attract good luck and wealth.

The Dragon

During this period, it will be important for the Dragon to decide to open a new business. After all, 2017 will bring real luck to the Dragon (what animal would not choose this sign as a partner for his business - everything will work out). Working in pairs will allow you to count on maximum results in the future. But in his personal life, the situation will be quite tense. The dragon will have to work hard to find common ground with a loved one.

If the Dragon doesn't know which animal can bring bad luck in 2017, then it's time to be wary of the Goat and the Rabbit. The horoscope strongly does not recommend lending money - it is highly likely that they will not be returned.


Family Snakes 2017 will be full of events and vivid impressions. In the case when the Snake doubts the year of whom is best suited for travel, then she will not find a better option than 2017. Lonely signs need to devote more time to finding a soul mate, since in the middle of the year there is a high probability of meeting their fate.

If the Snake acts according to the horoscope, it will be able to truly enrich itself. What animal, according to the eastern horoscope, would not offer her a profitable option with work, you have to agree. The Animal of the Year warns the Snake that she should be careful in showing her emotions.


There are many problems to fall on the shoulders of the Horse at the beginning of 2017. Regardless of what year of which animal the Horse offers help, she should agree. There are no huge prospects for career growth during this period. Judging by the horoscope, Horses should rest more often and just enjoy life.

  • spend time with your soulmate more often;
  • try to diversify the intimate life of a couple;
  • loners should choose which animal will be most attractive to them and start acting (call the object of their attention on a date).


You should not think about whom the year is most likely suitable for the implementation of your plans. It is in 2017 that Sheep's dedication will bring what they want. The animal of the year promises to be kind in his personal life, conflicts with a loved one will be resolved by themselves. If a lonely Sheep acts according to a horoscope and pays attention to cute colleagues and acquaintances, then a love relationship will develop.

A monkey

In the case when a lonely Monkey is impatient to find out which animal is most suitable for her for a relationship, then she should pay attention to the Dragon and the Dog. You should not think a year who will help the Monkey take the desired position, since 2017 is exactly that ideal time. The animal of the year recommends this sign to moderate alcohol and nicotine consumption, as well as pay more attention to sports.

Acting according to the horoscope, the Monkey will avoid many problems. The horoscope recommends that she engage in less conflicts and be friendlier during this period.


Whatever animal the Rooster would not have caught, on the way to achieving his goal, he will be able to "plug" everyone in the belt. It's time to stop doubting who the year will help to implement the plans, since your own year is what you need! What animal in 2017 this sign would not choose for a relationship - everything will work out. Lonely Roosters are most likely to marry during this period.

Family animals will want maximum peace and tranquility in 2017. The animal of the year will try to avoid quarrels and squabbles.


Following the horoscope, the Dog will come to the desired - complete independence. Heavenly bodies indicate that the time has come to decide to open your own business, doubts aside! What animal would not decide during this period to connect its personal life with the Dog - it will greatly regret it. A Wayward Dog will not be ready to be faithful to one partner.

You do not need to think about who according to the Eastern calendar is suitable for moving. If the Dog has long wanted to move to live in another house or even a city, then it's time to act!


The Animal of the Year advises the Pig to decide in 2017 to change the profession. Whichever animal would not offer a good option for starting a career - the Pig should agree. Judging by the horoscope, during this period this sign will have a tense relationship with a loved one, so it's time for the Pig to become kinder and more responsive. A lonely Pig does not need to think about whom the year is most suitable for her for a relationship, since in 2017 this animal is not ready to enter into a serious relationship.