Association of drug control and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Merge analysis. new concerns of the police: what will the transition of the FMS and the FMSS under the Ministry of Internal Affairs lead to. Fms and fskn will transmit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs: new news

Liquidation of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) and Federal Service on drug control (FSKN) will be completed by the end of the year. At the same time, about 30 large objects, including institutes, medical institutions and sanatoriums, will be transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to which the functions of both services have been transferred. Decisions on personnel issues related to the dissolution of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control Service and the creation of appropriate structures in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be made, as expected, in the very near future.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed government decrees on the transfer of organizations that were previously part of the FMS and FSKN systems to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Liquidation measures to abolish both structures must be completed by December 31 of this year inclusive. The liquidation commissions in the abolished departments will be headed by Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service Nikolai Smorodin and Deputy Head of the International Legal Department, Head of the Contractual Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service, Major General Valery Zinoviev.

Government decrees were issued in pursuance of the decree of the President of Russia dated April 5 this year. Recall that on that day, Vladimir Putin carried out a large-scale reform of the law enforcement system. The Federal Service was created national guard RF, to which internal troops, special forces, riot police, private security, aviation and some other structures departed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the president abolished the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service, transferring their powers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the heads of the newly created main directorates for migration and drug control have already been appointed.

According to government decrees, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive control over 10 large facilities previously owned by the Federal Drug Control Service and 19 facilities inherited from the Federal Migration Service. Among them - more than a dozen centers for temporary accommodation of immigrants, forced migrants and refugees, foreign citizens subject to deportation, centers for medical and psychological rehabilitation of these persons located in different regions, training centers and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Passport and Visa Service", as well as the research center of the Federal Drug Control Service in Moscow, several institutes, sanatoriums in the Moscow region, the Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar Territory and the central clinic of the Federal Drug Control Service in Moscow.

As for the rest of the property, which until now was under the jurisdiction of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control Service (including the premises that were occupied by the divisions of both services), then after its inventory, which takes two months, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Property Management Agency will jointly determine the list of objects that will receive police department. The right of operational management of this property for the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be formalized by December 29.

As for personnel issues related to the disbanding of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service and the creation of appropriate structures in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their solution is expected in the very near future. Let us recall that by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 5, it is prescribed to complete the organizational and staff activities by June 1, 2016. At the same time, the document says, the staff of the abolished services is transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, taking into account the reduction in the number of FMS employees by 30%. In addition, the decree stipulates that when moving to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a drug police officer has the right to count on the maximum rank of colonel, while dozens of generals served in the Federal Drug Control Service.

As suggested by the Interior Ministry officials interviewed by Kommersant, the basis for further personnel decisions will be a decree of the President of Russia, which will establish the maximum number of both the National Guard, to which part of the Interior Ministry's structures have passed, and the internal affairs bodies themselves. Based on these figures, it will already be possible to talk about the total number of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for control over migration and drug trafficking.

They are awaiting personnel decisions in the regional divisions of the abolished departments. So, in the St. Petersburg UFSKN "Kommersant" was informed that since May 20, 2016, "the reception, registration and resolution of statements and reports on crimes, administrative offenses and incidents have been stopped." Now they will be received in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Privately, the FSKN officers said that all the property and transport of the department had already been transferred to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the building of the FSKN on 2nd Sovetskaya Street was also being transferred to the police (according to unofficial data, the drug control department would be located there). Now all the offices are sealed, service documentation in sealed boxes is waiting for new owners. The drug police themselves handed over their certificates. "Most of the operatives and experts will probably go to the police," one of the former employees UFSKN. According to the estimates of the drug police themselves, after the transition to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their salaries will be reduced by 40%, in addition, they will not have the previous allowance for length of service - in the UFSKN it was three months for each year of service. According to unofficial data, most of the former leaders of the FSKN do not plan to continue their service: "generals are not going to colonel positions." Those of them who are allowed by seniority, such as, for example, the deputy head of the regional department, Police Major General Vyacheslav Ryabtsev, are likely to resign.

Alexander Igorev; Vladislav Litovchenko, St. Petersburg

From an article in the newspaper VERSION No. 14 dated 04/11/2016.

Ministry of unsolved cases

The merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs became one of the most discussed topics of the past week. Unfortunately, the alarming figures of low crime detection rates remained behind the scenes of the reforms. In March 2014, Vladimir Putin stated that the crime detection rate was 44%, and was extremely dissatisfied with this figure. Now no one names the numbers. It is only known that in 2015 in Russia every second crime remained unsolved. At the same time, there is practically no statistics on the number of people missing, some of whom may be among those killed. There is no information on the number of bodies found with traces of violent death, which remained unidentified. A few years ago, all this data could be found in the public domain without difficulty. Time goes by, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is changing, becoming more and more closed ...

The law enforcement officers themselves do not hide: today they are reluctant to initiate criminal cases, so as not to spoil the reporting. Some joke gloomily: "The Ministry of the Interior has become the Ministry of Positive Statistics." Abroad, as you know, everything is different. There, on any appeal, law enforcement agencies immediately initiate a case. If the information is not confirmed, it is simply closed. In our country, they will first collect the evidence base for a long time, write kilometer-long protocols, so that later they will refuse to initiate a case.

Unprofessional suitability

Experts associate negative changes in the work of law enforcement agencies with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the law "On Police" came into force. It was after this that data began to appear about a sharp decrease in the detection of crimes. The consequence of this reform was the reduction of operatives who directly solved crimes. We must not forget that each operational officer had his own agent base, informants, developments - all this was destroyed at once. As a result, by the end of 2011, the crime detection rate decreased by 6%.

Oleg Khatyushenko, a veteran of the Organized Crime Control Department, a retired police colonel, believes: “The reforms of recent years have affected the internal affairs system painfully. Thousands of high-level police professionals were laid off. As a result, we got an exponential growth of crime. The succession of generations in the internal affairs bodies has ceased, people who have no experience teach in specialized universities, there are practically no officers' positions in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Operatives are taught from textbooks, not personal experience... Independent, professional employees found themselves on the street. Hence the collapse, which is confirmed by the drop in crime detection rates ”.

A special role in the degradation of the department was played, in the opinion of many, by the clannishness of the current system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which did not exist under the USSR and even in the 90s. This is what the lieutenant general of police has to say

Alexander Mikhailov: “Recently I came to one of the district police departments, and there everyone does not speak Russian to each other. Why? It's very simple. A leader comes from the region, dismisses the unwanted, and puts his fellow countrymen in their place ”. This is how obedient laymen find themselves in leadership positions. The lack of qualified investigators who could investigate complex cases is, in my opinion, the main problem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today. For example, cases of Internet fraud and illegal access to computer information simply cannot be investigated. Because there are no specialists who could work with such cases: this requires special qualifications. It is necessary to train such employees, the demand for them is growing every year. Unfortunately, today there is no methodology for investigating such crimes. We make the excuse that the law enforcement agencies do not have enough laws, the regulatory framework is being improved, reforms are underway. By this we arm the criminals. Enough to make excuses, you have to work, and for unwillingness to work - punish to the fullest extent.

"Statistics should only be good!"

Many pin their hopes for the revival of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the accession of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service to this department. However, in reality, it seems to be about the actual failure of the activities of the last two structures. So, the Federal Drug Control Service for recent times rocked by several corruption scandals. In 2013, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the discovery of marijuana and cocaine from employees of the Moscow Federal Drug Control Service - drug policemen were found unconscious in their official car as a result of an overdose. They found marijuana and cocaine in the car. And what is the cost of the appearance on sale at street vendors of the secret base of the Federal Drug Control Service? As a result, the names of many informants, addresses of drug dealerships, names and photos of drug addicts, personal data of informants, as well as ordinary citizens who called the FSKN helpline were revealed ... It also became known that materials on the former deputy head of the FSKN Nikolai Aulov were transferred to Interpol. The procedure for organizing an international search has already begun. Prior to this, the judge of the Central Investigative Court No. 5 of Spain found that Aulov was involved in the activities of the criminal community. How could such a person become one of the leaders of the Federal Drug Control Service? According to General Alexander Mikhailov, Nikolai Aulov received a complete inconsistency in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. However, after that, literally a month later, he took the position of deputy head of the Federal Drug Control Service.

“I won’t be surprised if now criminal cases are initiated against the heads of regional departments of the Federal Drug Control Service,” says Alexander Mikhailov. - It is known that the former head of the Federal Service for the Control of Drug Trafficking had four deputies among the ten richest security officials. Of course, the business there was registered with the wives, but questions inevitably arise for these people. As for the head of this department, Mr. Ivanov, the main thing in his activities was foreign trips. Ivanov was in Moscow less often than abroad. At the same time, no one was involved in the work of the territorial bodies, almost no one went to the regions, they were led from Moscow. And as a result, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service himself reports that the number of drug addicts in the country has increased and reached 7 million. What is it like?!"

The sad result of the FSKN's activities over the past five years is as follows: the number of drug addicts in Russia has increased by 3.5 million, the number of drug seizures has dropped sharply. In January of this year, Ivanov, at a meeting with the president, reported on the seizure of 29 tons of narcotic substances as an incredible achievement. It is known that up to 139 tons of drugs were annually withdrawn from circulation before his arrival.

What kind of effective activity can we talk about here? “The decision to transfer the Federal Drug Control Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a corresponding reduction in the administrative staff of the department, I think is absolutely logical. First of all, because the Ministry of Internal Affairs has more opportunities in operational-search activities. In addition, the fight against the use and distribution of drugs there is already engaged in every day from the district and patrol service to the inspectors for minors, "- said Alexander Mikhailov. The FMS has also had enough problems lately. Firstly, this department did not have the right of operational-search activity. As a result, with every raid on illegal migrants, whose number has been growing recently, they were forced to seek help from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This department clearly lacked its own resources, especially given the terrorist threat. The staff in this structure was periodically reduced, and the work was added. Retired Police Colonel Oleg Khatyushenko notes: “If the FMS staff is further reduced, the queues for obtaining documents will grow. People are already waiting for registration for three months. The situation in this structure is deplorable: people were deprived of their officer ranks, salaries were cut. Naturally, there is a fear that with a salary of 25 thousand rubles a person will strive to get a “smile in an envelope”. And what kind of job quality can you talk about with such a salary? As a result, we have the corresponding result. Recently I learned about a paradoxical situation: people on the wanted list were registered in Voronezh on a street that does not exist, in a house that does not exist. How could this happen with total computerization and created databases? In my opinion, this structure will not be able to work effectively without serious changes. " Most likely, the next reform in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will result, as usual, with reductions, exposures and loud reports. Everything will end as usual: the police authorities will again begin to demand positive statistics on solving crimes. They will most likely begin to achieve this, as usual, at any cost: falsifications, postscripts, refusal to register applications, initiate proceedings. As a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will again find itself on the sidelines of criminal matters.

After 13 years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs regained its anti-drug and passport and visa divisions: the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service joined the structure of the department. The services themselves, as a result of the merger, receive additional powers that have been requested for a long time

Employees of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control Service during a joint raid on nightclubs in Moscow (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, April 5, announced the subordination of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both departments being liquidated are implementing their long-standing plans - to increase their powers.


The merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was discussed more than a year... As a RBC source close to the presidential administration, the head of the department, Viktor Ivanov, was against the liquidation of the FSKN. Ivanov was appointed to the post of head of the Federal Drug Control Service in May 2008, before that he worked for a long time in the administration of President Vladimir Putin, in particular, from 2004 to 2008, he held the position of assistant to the president on personnel issues.

Over the past few years, the Federal Drug Control Service has tried to expand the range of its interests, in particular, the department wanted to monopolize the field of rehabilitation and socialization of drug addicts. FSKN even developed state program, which involves the unification of about 500 existing rehabilitation centers in Russia under the auspices of the Federal Drug Control Service. They, as planned, were to be able to receive grants from the state to help drug addicts. Initially, the Federal Drug Control Service requested from the state more than 150 billion rubles for these purposes. Subsequently, the estimated costs of the program were reduced to $ 1.5 billion.

The agency was empowered to provide financial and organizational support to rehabilitation NGOs in August 2014 by Putin's decree. But Ivanov did not succeed in implementing the program, since the Ministry of Finance refused to allocate money for it. The Federal Drug Control Service failed to approve the profile law on the service, which was developed back in 2013. This law significantly expanded the powers of the service: the department wanted to conduct a medical examination, issue orders to companies and individual entrepreneurs so that they “take measures to prevent drug trafficking,” and even through the courts to suspend the work of companies if they did not comply with the order of the service.

But for its main work - countering drug trafficking - the FSKN was criticized by experts who compared the performance of the service with the indicators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police are involved in solving non-violent drug-related crimes or crimes of average gravity. Experts from the St. Petersburg Institute for Law Enforcement Problems, dedicated to the effectiveness of the work of the two departments, stated that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is ahead of the Federal Drug Control Service in the number of crimes solved, and the Federal Drug Control Service is ahead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of seized drugs.

In the spring of 2015, Ivanov, commenting on rumors about a possible reorganization of his department, said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had higher rates of arrests of ordinary drug users, but the Federal Drug Control Service was looking at large suppliers and distributors of drugs. “It is the Federal Drug Control Service that seizes 90% of all wholesale drug shipments,” Ivanov emphasized.

It is not yet clear what will happen to the more than 30 thousand employees of the Federal Drug Control Service, who are on the staff of the department. At a meeting with representatives of departments, Putin did not report on dismissals in the Federal Drug Control Service, he only said that "this entire structure will work independently, independently, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." In mid-January, the Federal Drug Control Service itself announced that it was optimizing its structure and staff.

What structural unit will be created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with joining the Federal Drug Control Service has not yet been announced. Before the creation of the FSKN, the Main Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking (GUBNON) was engaged in the fight against drugs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the disbandment, the anti-drug administration was created in the structure of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation and special departments in the regions. As Kommersant wrote, after the liquidation of the FSKN, it is planned to transfer the drug police to the Criminal Investigation units. In addition, according to the newspaper, the possibility of recreating GUBNON is being discussed.

The FMS became an independent unit in 2004, when the department left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. V last years the FMS complained that the service is not included in the number of law enforcement agencies and does not have the functions necessary to work with migrants, explains the interlocutor of RBC in the FMS. Last week, Nadezhda Voronina, deputy head of the monitoring department of the department for organizing work with foreign citizens of the Federal Migration Service, spoke about the lack of authority at a round table in the Public Chamber.

In the spring of 2014, the FMS developed a draft law "On Immigration Control", which significantly expands the authority of the department and turns it into a full-fledged security structure. If this law was approved by the State Duma and signed by the President, service employees could conduct inspections legal entities, revoke licenses and withdraw permits from employers. In addition, employees of the department would have the right to initiate and investigate criminal cases on the fact of organizing illegal migration, check documents of citizens and use weapons.

Prior to its liquidation, the FMS was responsible for granting citizenship, issuing visas to enter Russia, issuing and issuing passports to citizens Russian Federation, deportation and a ban on entry for violators of migration laws. The leadership of the department consists of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Three of the eight deputies of the head of the FMS, Konstantin Romodanovsky, are from the state security agencies, like himself, three more are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the FMS, after the staffing reduction in the summer of 2015, 36 thousand people worked. It is already known that the Federal Migration Service will cut another 30%: this is stated in Putin's decree on the merger of structures. The fact that the FMS returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not mean that "an independent state was recognized as unsuccessful," Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary, told reporters. “It's just that as a result of the interdepartmental study, we came to the conclusion that at this stage such a structure is more expedient,” Peskov explained.

The fate of the current head of the FMS Romodanovsky will be decided by Putin, Yekaterina Yegorova, deputy head of the FMS, told RBC on Tuesday.

President of the Migration XXI Century Foundation, former Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service Vyacheslav Postavnin, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the decision to merge the departments had been asking for a long time, since recently part of the functions of the migration service was taken over by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to him, there are two options for the subordination of the FMS to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The first option assumes that the FMS remains a service, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the head of the migration department becomes the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

“The second option is that the FMS will turn, in fact, into a passport and visa center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which it was before. The functions of control over migrants and regulation of migration will then have to be given to someone, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not deal with this, ”adds Postavnin. According to him, the functions of issuing labor patents to migrants can be given either to the regions, as is the case in Moscow, or to the Ministry of Labor.

After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FMS to some extent realized its desire to expand its powers, says Postavnin. But these powers - inquiry, interrogation, operational work - are most likely not needed by the service employees, Postavnin is sure. Direct work with migrants, in his opinion, will be carried out by police officers - precinct, guards, etc., since the FMS will concentrate on passport and visa work.

After 13 years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs regained its anti-drug and passport and visa divisions: the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service joined the structure of the department. The services themselves, as a result of the merger, receive additional powers that have been requested for a long time

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, April 5, announced the subordination of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both departments being liquidated are implementing their long-standing plans - to increase their powers.


The merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been discussed for over a year. As reported to RBC by a source close to the presidential administration, the head of the department, Viktor Ivanov, was against the liquidation of the FSKN. Ivanov was appointed to the post of head of the Federal Drug Control Service in May 2008, before that he worked for a long time in the administration of President Vladimir Putin, in particular, from 2004 to 2008, he held the position of assistant to the president on personnel issues.

Over the past few years, the Federal Drug Control Service has tried to expand the range of its interests, in particular, the department wanted to monopolize the field of rehabilitation and socialization of drug addicts. The Federal Drug Control Service has even developed a state program that envisages the unification of about 500 rehabilitation centers existing in Russia under the auspices of the Federal Drug Control Service. They, as planned, were to be able to receive grants from the state to help drug addicts. Initially, the Federal Drug Control Service requested from the state more than 150 billion rubles for these purposes. Subsequently, the estimated costs of the program were reduced to $ 1.5 billion.

The agency was empowered to provide financial and organizational support to rehabilitation NGOs in August 2014 by Putin's decree. But Ivanov did not succeed in implementing the program, since the Ministry of Finance refused to allocate money for it. The Federal Drug Control Service failed to approve the profile law on the service, which was developed back in 2013. This law significantly expanded the powers of the service: the department wanted to conduct a medical examination, issue orders to companies and individual entrepreneurs so that they “take measures to prevent drug trafficking,” and even through the courts to suspend the work of companies if they did not comply with the order of the service.

But for its main work - countering drug trafficking - the FSKN was criticized by experts who compared the performance of the service with the indicators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police are involved in solving non-violent drug-related crimes or crimes of average gravity. Experts of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law Enforcement Problems in a report on the effectiveness of the work of the two departments, stated that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is ahead of the Federal Drug Control Service in the number of crimes solved, and the Federal Drug Control Service is ahead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of seized drugs.

In the spring of 2015, Ivanov, commenting on rumors about a possible reorganization of his department, said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had higher rates of arrests of ordinary drug users, but the Federal Drug Control Service was looking at large suppliers and distributors of drugs. “It is the Federal Drug Control Service that seizes 90% of all wholesale drug shipments,” Ivanov emphasized.

It is not yet clear what will happen to the more than 30 thousand employees of the Federal Drug Control Service, who are on the staff of the department. At a meeting with representatives of departments, Putin did not report on dismissals in the Federal Drug Control Service, he only said that "this entire structure will work independently, independently, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." In mid-January, the Federal Drug Control Service itself announced that it was optimizing its structure and staff.

What structural unit will be created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with joining the Federal Drug Control Service has not yet been announced. Before the creation of the FSKN, the Main Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking (GUBNON) was engaged in the fight against drugs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the disbandment, the anti-drug administration was created in the structure of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation and special departments in the regions. As Kommersant wrote, after the liquidation of the FSKN, it is planned to transfer the drug police to the Criminal Investigation units. In addition, according to the newspaper, the possibility of recreating GUBNON is being discussed.

The FMS became an independent unit in 2004, when the department left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In recent years, the FMS has complained that the service is not included in the number of law enforcement agencies and does not have the functions necessary to work with migrants, explains the interlocutor of RBC in the FMS. Last week, Nadezhda Voronina, deputy head of the monitoring department of the department for organizing work with foreign citizens of the Federal Migration Service, spoke about the lack of authority at a round table in the Public Chamber.

In the spring of 2014, the FMS developed a draft law "On Immigration Control", which significantly expands the authority of the department and turns it into a full-fledged security structure. If this law was approved by the State Duma and signed by the president, service employees could carry out inspections of legal entities, revoke licenses and withdraw permits from employers. In addition, employees of the department would have the right to initiate and investigate criminal cases on the fact of organizing illegal migration, check documents of citizens and use weapons.

Prior to its liquidation, the FMS was responsible for granting citizenship, issuing visas to enter Russia, issuing and issuing passports to citizens of the Russian Federation, deportation and a ban on entry for violators of migration legislation. The leadership of the department consists of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Three of the eight deputies of the head of the FMS, Konstantin Romodanovsky, are from the state security agencies, like himself, three more are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the FMS, after the staffing reduction in the summer of 2015, 36 thousand people worked. It is already known that the Federal Migration Service will cut another 30%: this is stated in Putin's decree on the merger of structures. The fact that the FMS returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not mean that "an independent state was recognized as unsuccessful," Dmitry Peskov, the presidential press secretary, told reporters. “It's just that as a result of the interdepartmental study, we came to the conclusion that at this stage such a structure is more expedient,” Peskov explained.

The fate of the current head of the FMS Romodanovsky will be decided by Putin, Yekaterina Yegorova, deputy head of the FMS, told RBC on Tuesday.

President of the Migration XXI Century Foundation, former Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service Vyacheslav Postavnin, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the decision to merge the departments had been asking for a long time, since recently part of the functions of the migration service was taken over by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to him, there are two options for the subordination of the FMS to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The first option assumes that the FMS remains a service, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the head of the migration department becomes the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

“The second option is that the FMS will turn, in fact, into a passport and visa center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which it was before. The functions of control over migrants and regulation of migration will then have to be given to someone, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not deal with this, ”adds Postavnin. According to him, the functions of issuing labor patents to migrants can be given either to the regions, as is the case in Moscow, or to the Ministry of Labor.

After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FMS to some extent realized its desire to expand its powers, says Postavnin. But these powers - inquiry, interrogation, operational work - are most likely not needed by the service employees, Postavnin is sure. Direct work with migrants, in his opinion, will be carried out by police officers - precinct, guards, etc., since the FMS will concentrate on passport and visa work.

Vyacheslav Kozlov

An RBC source close to the leadership of the FMS previously stressed that the head of the FMS, Konstantin, would also object. Romodanovsky ... The interlocutor of RBC in the Kremlin noted that no decisions had been made.

Later in the Kremlin ... One of RBC's interlocutors in the law enforcement agencies clarified that Putin instructed the Security Council to further work out a proposal to abolish the FMS. At the same time, the source said, in Security CouncilRomodanovsky can count on the support of his colleague in managing his own security of the FSB - the current director of the FSKN Viktor Ivanov, as well as a permanent member Boris Gryzlov's Security Council.

March 31, 2016 that Putin and the Security Council will discuss the issue of abolishing the Federal Migration Service,. The interlocutors of the publication said that the issue of liquidating the department was referred to the Security Council for revision in February 2016, and its decision could be announced at the meeting. A source close to the FMS leadership reported that the main functions of the department could be transferred to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also said that it is proposed to establish a three-year transition period for these transformations. The interlocutor noted that the main reason for the proposed reform is the need to save budget funds.

The FMS became an independent unit in 2004, when the department left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In recent years, the FMS has complained that the service is not included in the number of law enforcement agencies and does not have the functions necessary to work with migrants, explains the interlocutor of RBC in the FMS. Last week, Nadezhda Voronina, deputy head of the monitoring department of the department for organizing work with foreign citizens of the Federal Migration Service, spoke about the lack of authority at a round table in the Public Chamber.

The competence of the FMS included issues of granting citizenship, issuing visas to enter Russia, issuing and issuing passports to citizens of the Russian Federation, deportation and a ban on entry for violators of migration legislation. The leadership of the department consists of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Three of Romodanovsky's eight deputies are from the state security agencies, like himself, three more are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

President of the Migration XXI Century Foundation, former Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service Vyacheslav Postavnin, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the decision to merge the departments had been asking for a long time, since recently part of the functions of the migration service was taken over by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "The FMS exhausted itself and fell like a ripe apple into the arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs," said Postavnin.

State Secretary, First Deputy Head of the Federal Migration Service, Ekaterina Egorova, in a conversation with RBC, clarified that the decision to merge the departments was predictable, since the issue had been discussed for some time. Egorova noted that it will be possible to discuss the technical details of the merger after the publication of the presidential decree, which will become "the starting point for organizing work."

Then it will be possible to talk about whether there will be reductions in FMS employees, Yegorova emphasized. The main direction of the merger, she said, will be set by the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, and the details will be decided at the working level. The fate of the current head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, will be decided by Vladimir Putin, Yegorova is sure.

The fate of the FSKN

The merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also been discussed for over a year. As RBC, citing a source close to the presidential administration, the head of the department, Viktor Ivanov, was against the liquidation of the FSKN. Former deputy head of the presidential administration, Ivanov for a long time tried to defend the right to the existence of the service, trying to expand the sphere of influence of the department and expand the specifics of work.

In particular, in recent years the Federal Drug Control Service wanted to monopolize the field of rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts. The department insisted on the allocation of funds for the implementation of the program for the rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts. The program envisages uniting under the auspices of the Federal Drug Control Service about 500 existing rehabilitation centers in Russia, which, as planned, will be able to receive grants from the state to help drug addicts. The agency was empowered to provide financial and organizational support to rehabilitation NGOs in August 2014 by a decree of Vladimir Putin.

Before the creation of the Federal Drug Control Service in 2003, the fight against drugs was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was done by the Main Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking (GUBNON). After the disbandment, the anti-drug administration was created in the structure of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation and special departments in the regions. As Kommersant wrote, after the liquidation of the FSKN, it is planned to transfer the drug police to the Criminal Investigation units. In addition, the possibility of recreating GUBNON is being discussed.