"Technology of speech therapy examination of preschool children" consultation on speech therapy on the topic. Speech therapy examination Requirements for the organization and conduct of speech therapy examination

"Technology of speech therapy examination

preschool children "

The purpose of the speech therapy examination:
determination of ways and means of correctional and developmental work and educational opportunities for the child based on the identification of violations in the speech sphere.

1) identification of the features of speech development for subsequent consideration when planning and conducting the educational process;
2) identification of negative trends in development to determine the need for further in-depth study;
3) identification of changes in speech activity to determine the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.
Gribova O. E. identifies 5 stages of speech therapy examination.

Stage 1. Indicative.

Stage 2. Diagnostic.

Stage 3. Analytical.

Stage 4. Prognostic.

Stage 5. Informing parents.

(1991) identified the following stages of speech therapy examination of preschool children:
Stage 1: Indicative stage;
Stage 2. Differentiation stage;
Stage 3: Main;
Stage 4 The final (clarifying stage).

Consider the stages of speech therapy by examining which offers

Gribova O. E.

I stage. Indicative.

The tasks of the first stage:

Collection of anamnestic data;

Clarification of the parent's request;

Identification of preliminary data on the individual-typological characteristics of the child.

Solving these problems allows you to form a package of diagnostic materials adequate to age and speech capabilities, as well as to the interests of the child .


Study of medical and pedagogical documentation;

Study of the child's work;

Conversation with parents.

Study of medical and pedagogical documentation.

Medical records include :

Child's medical card;

Extracts of specialists;

Conclusions of experts.

Pedagogical documentation includes :

Pedagogical characteristics;

Speech therapy characteristics;

Psychological characteristics.

Studying the child's work .

This type of documentation includes:


Creative crafts.

Conversation with parents.

It is most rational to start a conversation with parents by identifying the parent's request or parental complaints about the child's speech.

Completion of the questionnaire by parents (mother or father);

II stage. Diagnostic.

The diagnostic stage is the actual procedure for examining the child's speech. In this case, the interaction of the speech therapist and the child is aimed at clarifying the following points:

What language means are formed by the time of the survey;

What language means were not formed by the time of the survey;

The nature of the unformed language means.

Thus, as speech therapists, we will be worried not only about the shortcomings that the child has in speech, but also how the language means are formed by the time of the examination.

In addition, we must consider:

In what types of speech activity are deficiencies manifested (speaking, listening);

What factors affect the manifestation of a speech defect.

Speech therapy methods :

* pedagogical experiment;

* conversation with the child;

* supervision of the child;

* a game.

The nature of the didactic material in each case will depend on:

From the age of the child(the smaller the child, the more real and realistic the objects presented to the child should be);

From the level of speech development(the lower the level of development of the child's speech, the more realistic and real the presented material should be );

From the level of mental development of the child;

From the level of training of the child (the presented material must be sufficiently mastered by a non-learned child ).

The survey of children of different age groups and different degrees of training will be built in different ways. However, there aregeneral principles and approaches determining the sequence of the survey.

1.The principle of individual and differentiated approach assumes that the selection of tasks, their formulation and filling with verbal and non-verbal material should correlate with the level of the child's real psycho-speech development and take into account the specifics of his social environment and personal development.

2. Research is rational to carry out in the direction from the general to the particular ... First, the specialist identifies problems in the development of the child's speech, and then these problems are examined more closely, subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis.

3. Within each type of testing, the presentation of the material is given from complex to simple. This allows the child to complete each trial successfully, which creates additional motivation and a positive emotional outlook, which in turn increases the productivity and duration of the exam.With the standard approach, when each trial becomes more difficult as the child is tested, the child is doomed in most cases to "run up" in failure, which causes a feeling of negativity, a feeling of inevitability of an error, and this largely provokes a decrease in interest in the material presented and a deterioration in the demonstrated achievements.

4. From productive types of speech activity to receptive. Based on this principle, first of all, such types of speech activity as speaking are examined.

5. It is logical to first investigate the volume and nature of the use of linguistic and speech units, and only if there are difficulties in using them, proceed to identifying the features of using them in passive.Thus, the sequence of the procedure can be formulated as from expressive linguistic competence to impressive. This approach will reduce the time and effort spent on the survey, make the survey of impressive language stock purposeful.

Survey directions:

The state of coherent speech;

The state of the vocabulary;

The state of the grammatical structure of speech;

Sound pronunciation state;

Examination of the syllable structure of a word;

The state of the articulatory apparatus;

Phonemic perception survey;

III stage. Analytical.

The task the analytical stage is the interpretation of the data obtained and filling out the speech card, which is a mandatory reporting document of the speech therapist, regardless of his place of work.

The speech map, as a rule, contains sections :

Passport part, including the child's age at the time of the examination;

Anamnestic data;

Data on the physical and mental health of the child;

Section devoted to the characteristics of speech;

Speech therapy conclusion.

IV stage. Prognostic.

At this stage, based on the results of the examination of the preschooler, the speech therapist determines the prognosis further development child, the main directions of correctional work with him, an individual work plan is drawn up.

Forms of implementation of individual routes :

Individual lessons according to an individual plan;

Group lessons for a specific correction program;

Lessons in a small group;

Integrated classes in interaction with preschool educational institutions;

Classes at home with parents with the advisory support of preschool educational institutions.

A speech therapy conclusion, directions of correctional work and its organizational forms should be brought to the parents and discussed with them at the 5th stage of the examination .

V stage. Informational.

Informing parents is a delicate and difficult stage in examining a child.

It is carried out in the form of a conversation with the parents in the absence of the child.

Requirements for informing parents:

Conversation with parents should be based on terminology that is understandable to them;

The conversation should take into account the parental feelings of love for the child;

The conversation should be structured in a constructive direction in order to find allies in the person of the parents.

Consider the stages offered to usG.V. Chirkina and T.B. Filicheva .

Stage I. Indicative (which interviews parents, examines special documentation, talks with a child ).

Stage II. Differentiation stageincluding examination of cognitive and sensory processes in order to distinguish children with primary speech pathology from similar conditions caused by hearing or intellectual impairment .

Stage III. Main.Examination of all components of the language system:

Sound pronunciation,

Articulation apparatus structures,

Respiratory function,

The prosodic side of speech,

Phonemic perception,

Understanding words,

Understanding sentences,

Understanding of grammatical forms,

Lexical stock,

The grammatical structure of the language,

Sentence building skills,

Grammatical changes in words in a sentence,

Grammatical design at the morphological level,

Coherent speech.

Stage IV. Final (clarifying).Including dynamic observation of a child in a special education and upbringing environment .

Used literature sources:

1.Gribova O.E. Technology of organizing speech therapy examination. Toolkit. - M .: Airis-press, 2005 .-- 96 p.

2.Russian E.N., Garanina L.A. Pronouncing side of speech: Practical course. - M .: ARKTI, 2003 .-- 104 p.

3.http: //logoportal.ru/logopedicheskie-tehnologii/.html

11.1. General requirements for diagnostic activities

Psychological and pedagogical examination is a single complex that includes three fairly independent areas, each of which has its own special tasks: clinical, psychological, pedagogical. The ultimate goal of the survey is to determine the pedagogical conditions and individual techniques and methods of assistance needed by a child with one or another speech disorder.

The first is usually carried out clinical examination, aimed at constructing a preliminary hypothesis about the type of dysontogenesis according to the data of a clinically confirmed anamnesis. A detailed anamnesis is an important prognostic part of a clinical examination, during the collection of which the diagnostician receives a lot of significant information about the family and congenital malformations, about the course of pregnancy, diseases and injuries of the first years of life, about adaptation in children; garden (school) and much more.

Clinical examination usually includes:

Survey therapist in order to obtain information about the somatic health of the child and, on the basis of these data, determine the possibilities of organizing a protective regime and therapeutic and preventive measures;

Survey neuropathologist, which allows you to determine the presence of disorders of the central nervous system and their nature. In the case of detection of organic brain disorders, in addition to corrective pedagogical influence, drug therapy is carried out, while in case of functional disorders, only pedagogical intervention is used;

Examination by a neuropathologist in case of organic disorders is supplemented by objective data (EEG, Doppler, REG) obtained with neurophysiological examination;

With aphasia, it is necessary to conduct neuropsychological examination, which allows you to obtain information about the state of higher mental functions.

Pedagogical examination conducted by the teacher in order to determine the level of the child's mastery of educational skills and the degree of mastering the educational material in accordance with the program educational institutionin which the child is.

Diagnostics of the pedagogical (correctional) process is necessary:

To assess the dynamics of the child's development, and above all thosemental characteristics to which the correction is directed in order to achieve the best result;

For the organization of optimal interpersonal interactions in the "child - teacher" dyad based on the determination of the individual typological characteristics of the student and the teacher and the nature of the relationships developing between them during the course of speech correction;

To analyze the results of the pedagogical influence exerted by all teachers, to one degree or another participating in the correctional process; for advisory work with the child's parents and for planning further work based on this data.

Psychological examination - leading type of survey. whose task is to obtain information about the personality, level of mental development and behavior of the child. The effectiveness of the psychological examination and the degree of validity of the conclusions largely depend on the adequacy of the selected psychodiagnostic techniques to the psychological and pedagogical tasks being solved.

The diagnostic activity of a psychologist is carried out within the framework of a psychological model, the purpose of which is to assess non-speech symptoms in the structure of a speech defect and to determine corrective work aimed at teaching the subject adaptive forms of behavior under conditions of a defect.

The diagnostic activity of a speech therapist is primarily aimed at identifying and analyzing the manifestations of speech development disorders, determining ways to overcome these disorders (see: Lalaeva R.I., 2000).

The organization of the examination of the child by a speech therapist and a psychologist has a lot in common, primarily in the stages of its implementation.

Diagnostic steps:

1) orientation in the actual problems of the child, the formulation of a research hypothesis, determination of diagnostic tools, planning the examination procedure;

2) carrying out diagnostics in accordance with the hypothesis formulated by the specialist;

3) analysis and interpretation of the obtained objective results, determination of a program of corrective measures as part of the implementation of an individual educational route in an educational institution corresponding to a violation.

Diagnostic examination procedure begins with a plan in accordance with the presented problem, the age of the subject and his current capabilities.

The preparation of the survey involves the selection of incentive material and specific techniques in accordance with the goal.

Speech examination is usually carried out by a speech therapist using various non-standardized methods, test tasks, which are not subject to assessment requirements for validity, reliability and representativeness; the standardization of conditions for conducting a survey is also usually not subject to strict requirements. An indicative list of the stimulus material used in the speech therapy examination of the child is offered below.

I. Material for the study of the phonetic side of speech:

1) subject pictures containing sound in different positions in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

2) speech material (words, phrases, sentences, texts containing various sounds).

II. Material for the study of the phonemic side of speech:

pictures and speech material to determine the ability to differentiate sounds by oppositions: voicedness - deafness, hardness - softness, whistling - hissing, etc.).

III. Material for the study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech:

1) subject and plot pictures by lexical topics;

2) pictures depicting actions;

3) pictures depicting a different number of objects (chair - chairs, wardrobe - cabinets, etc.);

4) pictures depicting homogeneous objects that differ in some way (size, height, width, etc.).

IV. Material for researching the state of coherent speech:

1) plot pictures;

2) a series of plot pictures (2, 3, 4, 5) for different age groups.

V. Material for the study of language analysis and synthesis:

1) speech material (sentences, words of various sound-syllable structures);

2) subject and plot pictures.

Vi. Material for researching the state of writing:

1) texts for reading (of varying complexity);

2) syllable tables;

4) texts of dictations and statements;

5) printed and handwritten texts for cheating. As for the psychologist, on the contrary, he uses in the examination only those psychological instruments that meet all the criteria for the diagnostic material, has been adapted on a large sample of children with similar problems, and there are standardized data on the features of their development.

11.2. Particular requirements for the organization of diagnostic activities

Specific survey conditions (observation, experiment, conversation, testing, analysis of performance results) can, to varying degrees, contribute to the adequacy of the results obtained, which, in turn, can affect the interpretation of the data obtained. This is especially important when conducting a psychological examination.

The conditions that the psychologist must take into account include the personality traits of the subject (gender, age, motives, attitudes, positions, habits, character, temperament) and the external conditions in which the examination is carried out. Extremely attentive to the state of health, various psychosomatic, physiological disorders, developmental deviations. The psychologist's ability to grasp, understand the child's condition, tune in to the "wave" of goodwill, interest in communication contributes to the adequacy of information about the psychological characteristics of children.

Along with this, the psychologist needs to follow the external conditions in which the psychological examination is carried out: lighting, sound background, air condition, furniture quality, etc. An important influence on the results of the examination can be exerted by the personality of the psychologist himself, who must ensure not only the standard procedure of its conduct, but also create a benevolent atmosphere, positive attitude to perform the proposed tasks and actions.

The success of the diagnosis largely depends on preliminary preparation. Before the examination, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to get used to the new environment for him, to master it and make it as natural as possible.

Measures should be taken to prevent possible deviations from the procedure for conducting the examination (the appearance of new persons, moving to another room, etc.), which should ensure the uniformity of the diagnostic procedure.

Preliminary preparation concerns various aspects of the examination procedure. Most methods of psychodiagnostics require accurate reproduction of verbal instructions. Even minor errors, unclear pronunciation, hesitation when reading the instructions to the subjects, can be significant, which can be prevented by preliminary acquaintance with their text.

Another important precondition for a good survey is preparation of incentive materials. In an individual examination, especially in performance tests, this preparation includes the placement of the necessary materials in order to minimize their risks or awkward handling. As a rule, the materials should be placed on a table near the testing site so that they are available to the psychologist. but did not distract the subject's attention either. When using equipment, it is often necessary to periodically check and calibrate. In a group examination, all test forms, answer sheets, special pencils and other materials must be carefully checked, recounted and put in order in advance.

Detailed familiarity with a specific diagnostic procedure is another important prerequisite. For an individual examination, it is especially important to have preliminary training in how to conduct a specific test. In group testing and especially in mass surveys, such training may include preliminary instruction of other teachers (curators) so that everyone knows their functions well. Typically, supervisors read instructions, track lead times, and lead the team in the testing environment. They issue and collect test materials, make sure that the subjects follow the instructions, answer the subjects' questions within the limits permitted by the instructions, and do not allow deception on their part.

First, it is necessary to follow standardization procedures in even the smallest detail. The creator of the psychodiagnostic method and its publisher are responsible for ensuring that the examination procedure is fully and clearly described in the manual for its use. Second, any non-standard research conditions should be recorded, no matter how minor they may seem. Third, it is important to take into account the research context when interpreting the results. In a detailed examination of the individual by individual testing, the experienced experimenter sometimes deviates from the standard test procedure in order to reveal additional data. By doing so, he loses the right to interpret the subject's answers in accordance with the test norms. In this case, test items are used only for qualitative research; and the responses of the subjects should be treated in the same way as any other informal observation of their behavior or interview data.

Terms of understanding.In psychometrics, the term "mutual understanding" means the experimenter's desire to arouse the subject's interest in the survey, to establish contact with him and to ensure that he fulfills standard test instructions. solve; in personality questionnaires, they require sincere and honest answers to questions about daily life and ordinary behavior; in some projective techniques, the instructions require a complete account of the associations elicited by test stimuli, without subjecting their content to censorship or editing. Other types of tests may require different approaches. But in all cases the experimenter tries to induce the subject to follow the instructions as conscientiously as possible.

The training of psychologists, in addition to techniques directly related to the test, provides for training in techniques to establish mutual understanding with the subject. When making contacts, as with other testing procedures, uniformity of conditions is an essential factor in obtaining comparable results. If a child is given the desired reward for a correctly solved test problem, its performance cannot be compared directly with the norm or with the results of other children, prompted to the solution only by ordinary verbal encouragement or praise. Any deviation from the standard conditions of motivation in a particular test should be noted and taken into account when interpreting its performance.

Although in an individual examination, mutual understanding may be more complete than in a group, but in this case, it is worth taking certain steps aimed at creating positive motivation in the subjects and relieving their tension. Specific techniques for establishing contacts vary depending on the nature of the test and depend on the age and other characteristics of the subjects. When testing preschoolers, factors such as fear of strangers, mild distractions and negativism should be considered. The experimenter's friendly, cheerful, and gentle demeanor helps the child to calm down. A shy, shy baby needs more time to get acquainted with his surroundings. Therefore, it is better if the experimenter is not too persistent from the very beginning, but waits until the child comes into contact with him. The survey period should be short. and the tasks should be made varied and interesting for the child. Testing should be presented to the child as a game, each task offered to him should arouse his curiosity For this age level, the testing procedure should be inherent in a certain adaptability to possible refusals, loss of interest and other manifestations of negativism.

A source: Povalyaeva M.A. Speech therapist reference book - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002. - 448 p.

The principles are understood as the initial theoretical provisions, which the teacher is guided by in his diagnostic and corrective activities. Correctly developed principles are the basis for the effectiveness of diagnosis and correction of speech disorders, therefore, the question of the principles of restorative education is relevant both in the country and abroad.

The initial theoretical basis for the development of the principles of diagnostics and the organization of correctional work was the doctrine of laws, compensatory and reserve capabilities, as well as the driving forces of child development. This topic was developed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets and other researchers. The choice of goals, direction of diagnosis, correction, strategy for its implementation are determined by a number of principles. One of the principles is an integrated approach. The principle of systematic study of the child and the system of correctional measures is one of the most important approaches in the methodology of Russian pedagogy. The implementation of this principle ensures the elimination of the causes and sources of violations, and its success is based on the results of a diagnostic examination.

A complex approach as one of the basic pedagogical principles means the requirement for a comprehensive thorough examination and assessment of the characteristics of the child's development. This approach covers not only speech, intellectual, cognitive activity, but also behavior, emotions, the level of mastering skills, as well as the state of vision, hearing, motor sphere, its neurological, mental and speech status.

Information about the somatic state of the child, about the state of his nervous system, sensory organs, about the possible hereditary nature of disorders are no less important in the diagnosis and determination of pathways corrective action... The idea of \u200b\u200ban integrated approach in the system of speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders is focused on the diagnostic aspects of this assistance, which is quite consistent with the real practice of interaction of a speech therapist with representatives of related disciplines.

The main form of cooperation of a speech therapist with doctors and other narrow specialists is getting information from them that helps to clarify a speech diagnosis. A meaningful exchange of information promotes the full cooperation of specialists.

Thus, speech therapy research is an organic part of an integrated approach to a comprehensive examination of a child. This principle makes it possible to build correctional work not as a simple training of speech skills and abilities, but as an integral system that organically fits into the child's daily activities. Integrated learning is needed.

Implementation activity principle allows you to determine the tactics of corrective action, the choice of means and ways to achieve the goals. Correctional work is carried out in a playful, labor and intellectual-cognitive form, therefore it is important to think over the integration of speech therapy tasks into the child's daily activities.

Dynamic learning principle is closely related to the development of the provisions of L.S. Vygotsky on the main patterns of development of a normal and an abnormal child. Specific patterns have become the main guidelines in the differential diagnosis and correction of speech disorders. The principle of dynamic study presupposes, first of all, not only the use of diagnostic techniques, taking into account the age of the subject, but also the identification of potential opportunities, "the zone of its proximal development." L.S. Vygotsky about the "zones of actual and proximal development" of the child is important for speech diagnostics.

The concept formulated by L.S. Vygotsky was the “top-down” principle, which puts “tomorrow's development” in the center of attention, and considers the creation of a zone of proximal personality development in the child's activity as the main content of correctional work. Correction "from top to bottom" is anticipatory. Its goal is to actively shape what should be achieved by the child in the near future.

When planning a strategy for the correctional educational process, it is important not to be limited to momentary needs and demands. It is necessary to take into account the perspective of the child's speech and personal development.

The principle of qualitative data analysis , obtained in the process of pedagogical diagnostics and correction of speech disorders, is in close connection with the principle of dynamic learning. A qualitative analysis of a child's speech activity includes the methods of action, the nature of his mistakes, the child's attitude to experiments, as well as to the results of his activities. A qualitative analysis of the results obtained during speech examination is not opposed to the accounting of quantitative data. This principle is put forward as opposed to a purely quantitative approach to assessing the data obtained, characteristic of testing. However, the principle of qualitative analysis also requires further development, since its implementation faces the same difficulties as the implementation of the dynamic study principle.

It follows from the above that in the diagnosis it is necessary to use a whole set of diagnostic techniques, each of which should contain several tasks of the same type. A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to data analysis is inevitable, and the qualitative differences between an abnormal and a normal child can only be established by comparing quantitative indicators.

Quantitative and qualitative differences are closely related. These indicators are determined on the basis of the conversion of quantity to quality. Qualitative and quantitative diagnostics of the main components of learning: susceptibility to help, ability to logical transfer, activity in solving problems, allow to determine the structure of the defect, its etiology, pathogenesis, formulate a diagnosis, choose the optimal correction technique, and give a probabilistic forecast.

For the development of the foundations of diagnostics, including speech, two provisions formulated by L.S. Vygotsky. One of them is that the basic laws of development of a normal child retain their force even in case of abnormal development and are common to both cases. At the same time, L.S. Vygotsky also noted the presence of specific patterns of abnormal development, which made it difficult for the child to interact with others.

The principle of a systems approach received a fairly deep development in the research of L.S. Vygotsky, his students and followers. He is one of the main in the methodology. However, its full implementation seems to be a very difficult matter and a systematic approach is not always implemented.

The principles can be conditionally divided into psychophysiological, psychological and pedagogical.

To psychophysiological principles include: the principle of qualifying a defect; the principle of reliance in teaching on intact analyzers, which is based on the doctrine of functional systems, their plasticity; the principle of reliance on intact mental functions interacting with the victim; the principle of reliance on different levels of organization of mental functions; the principle of control, since only the flow of feedback signaling ensures timely correction of errors made in speech.

Psychological principles include: the principle of reliance on intact forms of verbal and non-verbal human activity; the principle of reliance on substantive activity; the principle of organizing activities based on program learning; the principle of taking into account the personality of the child, his individuality, which should underlie the entire correctional and educational process.

Pedagogical principles include: principle from simple to complex; the principle of taking into account the volume and degree of diversity of the material - verbal and visual-illustrative (the volume should be "comfortable", not load attention, it is better to work on a small volume and with a small variety of material); the principle of taking into account the complexity of verbal material (phonetic, lexical, accessibility, frequency); the principle of taking into account the emotional side of the material (verbal and non-verbal material should create a favorable background, stimulate positive emotions).

Thus, the basic principles of the system of correctional and pedagogical work include a set of methods and presuppose an early start of work, the stage-by-stage development of speech disorders, as well as creativity, consistency, consistency, activity and clarity. All principles are closely interrelated and interdependent. They are widely used in correctional work, but always taking into account the compensatory capabilities and personality traits of children with dysarthria; taking into account the structure of the defect, its etiology, pathogenesis. The listed principles of pedagogical diagnosis and correction of speech disorders are the scientific basis, contribute to the choice of the most optimal diagnostic correctional educational paths.

At what age can you conduct logo diagnostics?

Speech therapy examination of a child is extremely necessary to determine the level of his speech development. Diagnostics can be carried out starting from one and a half years: the earlier purposeful work with the child begins, the more complete and effective correction and compensation of violations can be, and in some cases it is possible to prevent secondary developmental disorders (for example, mental retardation).
In our center you can undergo diagnostics 1 year before your child enters school. Speech therapists will be able to establish the level of development of your child's speech, compliance with its age norms and contribute to further improvement.
You are definitely interested in your child's school success. But not always a nice, obedient preschooler copes with school problems. Requirements for a child, for his speech, behavior at school are changing dramatically. Many difficulties can be avoided by contacting specialists in a timely manner. We can help you with this. Parents of schoolchildren often contact us. Their children have had difficulty learning to read and write, and grades are not encouraging at all. Most likely, the child needs the help of a speech therapist, and the examination cannot be delayed (screening for writing disorders can be carried out by a specialist in the student's notebooks). See the section "School difficulties" - article "Strange" mistakes when writing)
When carrying out diagnostics, the specialists of our center use various methods of examining a child, depending on his age and individual characteristics.

Children come to our Center every day with a request for diagnostics coming from various children's institutions, faced with the problem of an increase in the contingent of children who have signs of mental retardation in terms of readiness to study at school, difficulties in adapting to new school conditions, difficulties in mastering the school curriculum.

IN recent times there is an increase in the number of children with minimal brain dysfunctions, which lead to impaired development of higher mental functions, including speech. Diagnostic examination of such children presents certain difficulties, because this contingent of children has not only speech, but communication and emotional-volitional disorders of varying severity.

Therefore, speech therapists in their work use complex diagnosticsdeveloped on the basis of:

Thus, a diagnostic study, on the one hand, allows us to determine the violation or lack of formation of functional systems, including speech, and thereby approach the cause of the difficulties experienced by the child, and on the other hand, complex diagnostics helps to determine special correctional teaching methods that can help overcome these difficulties.

Complex diagnostic methods in the study of disorders and deviations in the development of higher mental functions in children are of particular importance:

  • Speaking and writing
  • Features of the processes of perception
  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Thinking
  • Spatial imagination.
Speech therapy examination includes 2 independent sections:
  • "General diagnostics" (memory, attention, counting, thinking, emotions).
  • "Speech diagnostics" (speaking, reading, writing, auditory-speech memory).

A comprehensive examination, covering both speech and non-speech capabilities of the child, allows for high-quality functional diagnostics and development of a strategy for the effective focus of correction.

What is included in a speech therapy examination?
  • Diagnostics (about 1 hour)
  • Parental consultation
  • Registration of a speech therapy opinion
  • Discussion with the parents of the individual child support program
How is speech therapy diagnostics carried out?
The speech therapist examines the state of the child's speech in the following areas:
  • pronunciation side,
  • phonemic processes (hearing and perception, sound analysis and synthesis),
  • dictionary,
  • grammatical structure of speech,
  • coherent speech,
  • articulatory motor skills (mobility of the organs of speech),
  • fine motor skills of the hands,
  • the state of reading and writing of schoolchildren.

Before diagnostics, the speech therapist will offer you to fill out anamnesis - a questionnaire in which parents describe the main moments of the child's development, starting from birth, the conditions of his life. You can fill in the anamnesis by coming to our center for diagnostics. All the data obtained helps the speech therapist to understand the cause of the disorder and plan his work in such a way as to help the child as much as possible.
After the diagnosis, the speech therapist will recommend the necessary development program for your child, taking into account his speech, age and individual psychophysiological characteristics.

What documents do I need to bring with me to the examination?
  • Direction from school.
  • Characteristics for the child from the class teacher.
  • References from specialists: neuropsychiatrist (required), ophthalmologist, ENT.
  • Notebooks with a large amount of student's written work (in Russian, natural history, mathematics, singing, etc.)
The speech therapy examination protocol includes the following items:
  • Name, surname, age, date of birth, home address, school, class.
  • The names of the patronymics of the parents, who they work for, what are the names of other family members living with the child.
  • Complaints of parents, characteristics of educators or teachers.
  • Early development data: a) general (briefly); b) speech (in detail, by periods).
  • The structure of the organs of articulation, their mobility.
  • Speech: a) impressive (understanding of speech); b) expressive (owning one's own speech) - from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure; story, retelling.
  • The state of verbal intelligence.
  • Reading and writing skills.
Approximate types of speech therapy examination tasks
When examining general development of the child you need to find out:
  • whether the child understands the speech addressed to him;
  • what speech means he uses in communication;
  • imitates the speech of an adult;
  • how to answer questions (in monosyllables or in extended phrases);
  • whether he uses facial expressions, gestures.
Examination of the nominative vocabulary
Examination of grammatical categories
Coherent speech examination
  • What's your name?
  • How old are you?
  • Who else lives at home with you?
  • What's your favorite toy?
  • Who did you make friends with in kindergarten?
Drawing up a story based on a plot picture, or a series of pictures.
Reading and writing survey
  • Reading the text in accordance with age standards.
  • Retelling what you read, understanding the hidden meaning (what the fable teaches).
  • Dictation letter.
  • Copying a small text with an open end and ending it with 2-3 sentences (from grade 3).

Thus, special attention is paid to describing the sequence of actions of a speech therapist, providing a comprehensive approach to the study of the shortcomings of oral and written speech in children of different ages.

Stage I. Indicative.

// stage. Diagnostic.

Stage III. Analytical.

IV stage. Prognostic.

Stage V. Informing parents.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each of these stages and the technology for its implementation.

Stages of speech therapy examination

1. Indicative stage

The tasks of the first stage:

§ collection of anamnestic data;

§ clarification of the parent's request;

§ identification of preliminary data on the individual-typological characteristics of the child.

Solving these problems allows you to form a package of diagnostic materials that is adequate for age and speech capabilities, as well as the interests of the child.


§ study of medical and pedagogical documentation;

§ study of the child's work;

§ conversation with parents.

It is more rational to start the survey with an acquaintance with the medical and pedagogical documentation, which is studied in the absence of parents or their substitutes. Usually the list of necessary documents is discussed in advance with the parents when registering for the examination and its volume may depend on the nature of the difficulties the child is experiencing. Medical records include the child's medical record or extracts from it by specialists: pediatrician, neuropathologist, psychoneurologist, otolaryngologist, etc. In addition, expert opinions can be provided, consultations of which were obtained on the parents' own initiative in various medical institutions, including non-state ones: audiograms, conclusions on the results of EEG, REG, ECHO-EG1, etc.