Carnival: History of the holiday, traditions and customs. Maslenitsa and passenger week, forgiveness Sunday, Google History When Maslenitsa begins

The most beloved folk winter holiday is Maslenitsa. The passenger week is considered to be a favorite time for fun and festivities. In 2018, this holiday will have to celebrate earlier because of the early Easter.

In 2018, Maslenitsa will come in mid-February. This festival does not have any specific date, as it depends on the beginning of the Great Post and Christ of the Resurrection. Of course, the tradition of celebrating Carnival has moved to us from pagan times, when our ancestors spent the winter and welcomed the long-awaited spring. However, the carnival is not deprived of both Christian roots. It is the carnival week who precedes a great post and is called the church of meat suite. A huge number of traditions is devoted to this fun holiday.

Maslenitsa in 2018

Calculate the date of the celebration of Carnival is easy. All you need to know is the date of Easter. Extend from Christ the Resurrection of 56 days: 48 days of great abstinence and 7 days of Maslenitsa. And it turns out that in 2018, the meeting of the removal of the carnival will be marked in the calendar of the 18th day. However, the passenger week always starts from Monday and ends with Sundays. So it will be more correct to say that the celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia it will last 7 days: from February 12 to February 18.On Sunday, a great post will begin with the ringing of evening bells.

The church is not approved by any pagan traditions and rituals, but the Slavic holiday continues to live. There are countless rites associated with this period. For example, pancakes are a symbol of the sun, guaranteeing a happy and fed life. Well, who is not familiar with the brightest part of the holiday - burning the straw stuffed? It is this event that the climax of the entire celebration. But the stuffed winter is ignited only on Sunday, and before that there are still many interesting traditions.

Maslenitsa in Russia

Seven days of Maslenitsa is the time when Orthodox is eaten away and having fun before the great post. He was always the most stringent and the longest, so there was still allowed to eat and dance, our ancestors did not lose a minute.

Monday - the beginning of the passenger week. On Monday, preparation for Maslenitsa was completed: building a slide, swing, pillars for lasagna, - and funny gatherings began. According to the reference, the first pancake, which is always comment, was remembered by the deceased. In the evening, all residents of the city or village are Masteryli Maslenitsa - a straw doll, which was identified with people with winter.

Tuesday - a ray.On Tuesday, the lonely men flirted with potential wives. Young people climbed the girls to ride a rink, and those in response swept their pancakes their own cooking. This rite allowed to look like a daughter-in-law in order to play a wedding after Easter.

Wednesday - "Teschins Pancakes." On Wednesday, all the mother-in-law tried to draw the son-in-law, calling him to visit him. The richest table - the happiness of the son-in-law, and hence the daughter.

Thursday - ragble, or wide Thursday.On Thursday, all people moved away from economic work and household problems. The holiday has come into full force. Someone rode horses, someone drove rounds, someone participated in fist battles, the word, entertainment enough. Slavs knew many ways to raise themselves and used themselves. But the main fun is the tick of the snowy city.

Friday - party for trees.This time the mother-in-law came to the guests, where she had to meet the son-in-law and, as usual, is notable and tasty. The mother-in-law never came alone, she was always accompanied by "lots" - girlfriends, before which she boasted their son-in-law.

Saturday - Zolivkin gathering.On Saturday, relatives of her husband came to the newlyweds, as a rule, it was his sisters. In addition to the wide table, the wife had to give birth to her husband with cute and pleasant gifts.

Sunday - Winter Watching.So we approached the culmination of the festival, to its highest point and end. In Russia, on this day, Folk Gullya acquired a special meaning and great scope. People burned the stuffed winter. A peculiar "execution" of winter symbolized exemption from negative, seals, troubles, evil and, of course, cold weather.

The carnival week can be called an intense for a Russian person. That is why this pagan holiday still warms the hearts of people with their scope, happiness and fun. But do not forget that this is the last week before the great post, when the time should be given to its spiritual growth. We wish you a great mood, success in everything, And do not forget to click on the buttons and

28.01.2018 05:58

For the week to be successful, and the planned affairs led to success, it is worth using proven rituals on ...

Annually last Saturday of March All over the world has an environmental action " Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF).

The meaning of the promotion is in voluntary failure to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, the Company is aware of the importance of adopting measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the surrounding nature.

For the first time this wonderful idea was implemented in the Australian Sydney in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by an example, all new and new cities began to join the action "Earth Hour" every year. In 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements of our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in the voluntary disconnection of energy for 1 hour. Among the countries participating in the action, Russia is also over.

What is the number and how much is the action "Earth Hour" 2020:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually last Saturday of MarchWith the exception of those years when the last Saturday of March precedes Easter.

This year, the "hour of the Earth" is scheduled for Saturday March 28 2020. Promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the action hour of the Earth 2020 - what number is carried out and how much:
* Date of holding - March 28, 2020
* From 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

When the carnival is celebrated in 2018: rites, signs and what you can not do these days and the program of events

There is no specific duty of the Carnival Calendar in the calendar. But it is possible to understand what number you begin. It follows from the day of Easter to subtract 56 days, 48 \u200b\u200bdays of the Great Post and the week of the carnival itself. In 2018, the Maslenitsa week will begin on February 12 and will last until Sunday on February 18. Maslenitsa is considered an ancient Russian folk holiday. The meaning of the holiday is to farewell to the cold winter and the meeting of the long-awaited spring.

The program "Hello, Maslenitsa, give us, Maslitsa!"

Location: Yakutsk, Old Town, Tr "Crozoo"

Time spending: from 12.00.


"Maslenitsa goes - damn yes honey carries!" - Calling, fun, play with spectators

"Hello, Maslenitsa, give us, Maslitsa!" Theatrical view

"Taras Maslenitsa" Open People's Competition for Maslenic Dolls (Stuffed)

"We need to have time everywhere - and sleep and sing!" - Concert - entertainment program (competitions, street games):

· "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar" People's Competition;

· "Who is confused by whom will surprise the honest people" People's Competition of Chastushki (inside the competition, the Pavloposad scarves and elegant sundresses are evaluated);

"Where are the pancakes, there and we!" - Competition program (inside TP "Crooked")

· Master class on baking pancakes;

· Dominous records;

· Auction pancakes.

· "Masseman - Maslenitsa" Exhibition - review of elegant dolls - sore throat, boots, feldles.

"Fair for a merry carnival" - souvenir series, exhibition - sale of products of folk creativity (inside TP "Crooked")

"Maslenitsa Tournament announces, invited younger fun!" - Competitive gaming action (youth fun):

· Tightening of the rope;

· Method of brooms;

· Raising Giri;

· Pinning relay;

· People's games and fun.

"From Baryni to Hip - Hop" - Maslenchnyy Dance Flashmob

"Sunny Red, Gori - Gori Clear!" - Forgiveness rite.

For each day of Carnival existed its meaning and their rites. The topic of love and marriage is reflected in many of them. Celebrations began on Monday. On this day, the carnival straw scarecrow was mastered, dressed him up and drove through the streets. Also started the furnace pancakes, discuss the lists of the guests and the plan of events for the carnival week.

✨ The week, February 12 - the first day of Maslenitsa - "Meeting". On this day they make ice slides. In antiquity, they believed that the farther Sanya rolls and the louder laughter over the ice slide, the better there would be a crop.

✨Teterman - "Blash". On this day they called for Maslenitsa. Invited friends and relatives to pancakes. Looks were also a mandatory component of the holiday. The guys were looking for brides, and the girls were grooms.

✨Shreda - "Landca". Pancakes were the most important treat on the tables in every home. Moreover, each mistress had its own special recipe, which in their family was transmitted from generation to generation.

✨ Tours - "Wide Thursday". From this day, the fun has already been carried out with a special scope. To help drive winter the sun, the traditions arranged riding around the village. Also, men shared two teams to capture and protect the snow fortress.

✨Teatenitsa - "Lores of the evening." On this day, it was customary to be invited to visit the pancakes baked by his wife, mother-in-law, her girlfriends and relatives to express her respect and respect to her.

✨Subbote - "Castle Sowing". On this day, the relatives from her husband were invited. And the daughter-in-law gave sisters and her husband's brothers.

✨Voice - the last day of the carnival. It was customary to ask for relatives and familiar forgiveness, and then there was funny songs and dances were accompanied by Maslenitsa. In the evening, the straw scarecroves of Carnival was burned on a large area, personifying winter. With noisy songs and jokes, the winter was scolded for the cold and frost and gratitude for fun holidays. After the burning stuffed, the ashes dispelled above the fields, thereby completing the celebration of the carnival.

This cannot be done in Maslenitsa: the main prohibitions

Despite the fact that this is a pretty fun triumph, the banners on the carnival concern almost all spheres of life, starting with food, ending with behavior. It is believed that there is no meat products on the carnival. This will be a cheese week. But on the fish, this ban does not apply to the festival, so it is possible, respectively, you can eat pancakes. Also, the prohibitions in the carnival concern and our behavior. It is believed that for a whole week of the holiday in no case cannot be angry, fade and swear. Especially this concerns people close to you. Do not forget that after Maslenitsa will immediately begin the great post to which it also needs to be prepared.
In addition, no matter how much I want to clean the house. It is believed that Maslenitsa cannot be carried out in an unlocked house. Therefore, almost every day of the holiday people cleaned. Yes, and as we have already said, immediately after the carnival begins the great post, and this celebration is certainly forbidden to meet in an unobed room. It is not possible to work on the carnival, but even need. At a minimum, this is due to the fact that in the carnival you need to cook a lot and delicious. Especially pancakes, they need to eat almost every day of the holiday. Well, of course, one of the main traditions of Carnival is the festivities. Relatives constantly went to visit and invited to themselves. But the non-compliance of this tradition was considered not just a very bad tone, but disrespect for the holiday.

✨ Forms on Maslenitsa

The mistress on Carnival was especially trying to make pancakes, because if this dish succeeds bad, then the coming year will pass with troubles and misfortunes, if well, then the year will be joyful and happy. They also tried to bake as much as possible pancakes on the carnival. After all, the more pancakes work in this holiday, the richer will spend the coming year. Beautiful and tasty pancakes also talked about the fact that the crop will be abundant and rich, and the weather in summer solar and warm. If on the feet, during riding a swing to take over all, then the crop will be richer. It was believed that the higher the harvest would be abundant. But if with a slide ride on all, then in the coming year there will be the best harvest of flax. And about the good crop of mushrooms spoke rain, which fell out on the eve of the carnival week. If the frost is cold on the carnival, then the summer will necessarily be warm, but not arid.

According to accept how the carnival will spend, and the year will pass. Therefore, the people tried not to bother to treat and do not sit at home, bored. After all, otherwise the year will be dreary and poor. And in order not to attract unhappiness and misfortunes suddenly into your house, the mistress was trying to burn everything broken and unnecessary in the fire. Otherwise, the whole year will be held in misfortune and quarrels. The unmarried girls also tried to led pancakes, after which they went out and treated them the first oncoming, after which they asked any male name. What will be called and will call the narrowed. What was very happy when the first oncoming was drunk, because it was breathing in family life.

✨ Guests on the carnival on the pancakes

You can have to pay out during baking pancakes: if pancakes are even edges, then the upcoming marriage will be happy, and if the edges turned out uneven, then the girl should think again, is it worth marriage with the current fiance; If the first pancake turned easily, then a unmarried girl living in this house had marriage, and if the first pancake was stuck to the pan, then three more years to be in girls; How many holes turned out to be in pancake, so many children will be; If damn burns to the pan in the middle, then the husband will be true, and if the side - will look at others; The first pancake turned out to be ruddy and beautiful - to strong health, and if pale - to diseases; Thin damn it turned out - the year will pass easily, fat - to a hard year.

In forgiveness, Sunday the pancakes were distributed to passersby. If damn first took a man, then the firstborn will be a boy, and if a woman is a girl. If all the pancakes dismantled, then all family members were waiting for happiness, and if pancakes remained, then they could determine how many years to sit in girls in girls.

For Orthodox Christians, a week coming preceding Great postwhich is designed to prepare believers to the Chief Christian holiday - Easter. Week before the great post in Orthodoxy called Meat support or cheese saddemic. The national name of this period is Maslenitsa, this is the time of fun and abundant trapes, the main dish of which - pancakes.

When Maslenitsa comes, the Great Post and Easter in 2018

The time of the carnival is different every year, because it depends on the time of the offensive Easterwhich in 2018 is quite early and falls on April 8.. Thus, in 2018, a meat suite week, or Maslenitsa will last from 12 to 18 February. The last day of Maslenitsa - February 18 - called Forgiveness Sunday. On Monday February 19 will begin the great postwhich will end on Saturday, April 7th. AND April 8. The most important Christian holiday will come - Bright easter christian.

Maslenitsa - Folk traditions and Christianity

Maslenitsa is a celebration of folk and very ancient. Even before the adoption of Christianity, people, noticing, as the day lengthens, began to be fun and treating the "lock" to themselves. Initially, the celebration of carnival or her more ancient analogues was associated with the day of spring equinox. Rudy pancakes- Since ancient times, the traditional Carnival dish - shape and color symbolize the Sun, giving life to everything alive.

By the way, the rejection of meat during this period also has ancient roots, especially among the peoples engaged in animal husbandry. In the spring in the villages, as a rule, meat reserves were completed in autumn. This was due to the ritual ban on the use of meat food during this period, so managed to preserve the herd, not allowing the uncontrolled herring of young and the module.

Since ancient times, there has also been a custom on the outcome of a festive week to burn the stuffed carnival to fire and dances around the fire quickly drive winter and free the road in spring.

After the baptism of Rus, folk oil rites organically intertwined with new rules - in the meat suite week the church and authorities did not have fun and even some excesses (with the exception of meat food, which with the end of the meatyad was banned before Easter).

Delooled and even encouraged the authorities and various folk envelope - riding a sleigh, fist fights, mass games in snowballs, fairs with treats, etc.

But at the same time, it is not necessary to forget that in church life, the meat sitting is a very important time, and not just the opportunity to eat and drink. This is the time of preparation for the great post when you should pay more time to prayers, as well as to reconcile with everyone who else or unwittingly offended, to start preparing for Easter with a pure heart. That is why a very rampant passenger week ends Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa in Russia and the Russian Empire has always been celebrated widely, with pancakes, this tradition remained and in Soviet years. By the end of the existence of Soviet power among the intelligentsia, more and more in interest in Christianity, to Russian history, people sought to return to the roots, it was during this period that the active revival of the Maslenitsa folk traditions began.

Now the Maslenitsa is a holiday marked with a fitting scale, with festivities, fairs, folk entertainment, up to comic fooling battles, and, of course, with plentiful treats, where the main dish is ruddy palazing pancakes with various additives and pancakes.

Maslenitsa - day titles

Every day the carnival carries a specific name.

Monday is a "meeting", day of preparation for the holiday.

Tuesday is called "Blash" - this is the day of the beginning of the festivities and passenger fun.

Wednesday is called "Landca" - on this day there are the beginning of pancakes feasts.

Thursday is called "ragble" - this is the beginning of a wide carnival, when the tables are broken from the yoke, and the people are indulging in various passenger fun. In the Russian Empire from this day and until the end of the week, the weekend was even declared.

Friday is called "Leschina Sowing". On this day, in the villages of the mother came to visit married daughters, and women together baked pancakes, treating men.

Saturday is already the "Castle of the gathering" - the day when youth went to visit the pancakes to each other.

The last day of the carnival is for forgiveness Sunday, or "Corolor". On this day, people ask each other for forgiveness for inflicted insults, while kissing.

Well, in the evening, on Sunday, the stuffed carnival burns and they are preparing to join the 40-day great post.

Pancakes recipe

We offer a simple verified recipe for thin pancakes that can be supplied with oil or sour cream, as well as with different fillings.


400 grams of wheat flour, two tablespoons of sugar, five chicken eggs, a liter of milk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt to taste.


Beat eggs with sugar, gradually add flour to the mixture, thoroughly stirring, so that no lumps are formed, salt to taste. Pour warm milk and thoroughly stir up to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass.

You will leave the finished mixture in a warm place for twenty minutes. Add vegetable oil to the real dough and move everything neatly.

Bake pancakes should be on both sides on a strongly preheated pan (preferably on a special snack) before the appearance of a ruddy crust.

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan East Slavic holiday, which has come down to this day. Not only that he exists and now, it turned out to be closely intertwined with Orthodox traditions. In this article, I will tell about the essence of Maslenitsa, what date is it this year, how to celebrate and what to serve on the table.

What is the number of Maslenitsa in 2020

The fact is that the Orthodox Easter is a floating holiday. Every year a separate date on a lunarly sunny calendar is calculated. The great post is tied to Easter, his date is also changing. But the carnival, the carnival week itself goes just a week before the start.

Carnival is usually celebrated in February or March. In 2020, the carnival week in Russia and in the CIS countries all Orthodox will be inclusive from February 24 to March 1. The last day, March 1 is the carnival.

March 1 (Sunday) - the peak of the whole holiday. It is on this day that they are going on the squares, they dance, walk, play, climb on the pillar and burn the scarecrow. This event is celebrated in almost all cities of Russia, and even in small towns. Therefore, you must free yourself from all things, take relatives with you, close, necessarily children and go, too, meet the spring, look at the show and get nice impressions!

Who and why follow

The Slavic peoples of Maslenitsa are the winters of winter, this is the border that shares the cold and evil winter with warm and friendly spring. From the spring will come and the sun - a symbol of heat, summer and fertility.

Culmination of the festival - burning stuffed. Scarecrow - this and there is winter. Usually make it in the form of a girl, attach anthropomorphic features, put on appropriate clothes, even paint a face with blush. On the one hand, it is fun and interesting to observe the burning of the stuffed and interesting, and on the other, it is felt some terrible ancient barbarism.

The modern holiday option is a bit adapted for Orthodox Christianity. There is a lot of data that the carnival was celebrated before Christianity, and they also laid a little different meaning into it.

The holiday has a huge amount of synonyms: oil, oily, cheese week, meatpool, pancake week, foaming, chearny week, discourse, etc.

Pinnote week

Every day the carnival week has increased its traditions and nuances. I, as a person, non-religious and living in the 21st century, all this seems some strange and funny at the same time. It is clear that now people are waiting for only the last day, since all week is forced to work. Briefly I will describe these days, and that during them you need to do.

The week is divided into 2 parts: a narrow carnival and a wide carnival. Narrow is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Wide - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The first three days, people usually still worked, engaged in all sorts of deeds by farm, but allowed themselves various games, treats, etc. From Thursday to Sunday, it was stopped and the bake of pancakes began to work and began to celebrate and walk to each other.

Monday is a meeting

On this day there are relatives. The mother-in-law and beet are released in the day of the daughter-in-law to their parents. In the evening and they come to them. They negotiate who will deal with what guests and treats will be.

You can already start the furnace pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor, in order to remember the deceased relatives.

Tuesday is plenty

Most often, brides were performed on this day. I got acquainted, rode from the slide yes ate pancakes. Interestingly, the carnival week is also periods, waldness, creating a foundation of a future wedding.

Wednesday is a gourmet

And on this day, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law into pancakes. From here and the expression came: to the mother-in-law on pancakes. The mother-in-law prepared pancakes, sinking themselves and demonstrated her good attitude towards him.

Thursday is rampant

From Thursday work stopped. The people rode the sleigh from the slide, arranged fist fights and noisy pours. The meaning of all this is that a person spills the negative energy accumulated in winter.

Friday - these are chicks

And now the mother-in-law comes to visit the son-in-law. Bake them her daughter. Well, the son-in-law should demonstrate a good location to her mother-in-law.

Saturday - Zolakina Sowing

On this day, young daughters have invited Zolovok (sisters and other relatives of her husband). Dragged each other with all the baking.

Sunday - Wires themselves

Maslennichny Sunday is also for forgiveness Sunday. On this day, everyone asked for forgiveness from each other, in the evening I remembered the deceased.

And what's in the morning and during the day? Wireless Wires! They burn the stuffed winter, they are treated with pancakes, water dance and sing songs.

This day eat a lot of oily, meat and in general animal food. And all because the next day the post will begin.