Voice Notepad is a program for voice typing. Voice input of text into a Word A program that writes dictation

1. Listen to the word.

2. Repeat a word.

3. Speak the word by syllable.

5. Dictate to yourself by syllables.

6. Perform verification. Read the written word, put the stress. After the introduction of the concept of "spelling" -underline the spelling.

We draw special attention of teachers to the obligatoryness of points 2-5 in the given algorithm. it mandatory operations independent student actions, which cannot be skipped at this stage of learning.

The dictation technique, including dictation recording of individual syllables and words, has received considerable attention in the works of well-known methodologists in the field of the Russian language. So, F.I.Buslaev (1818-1897), when dictating, demanded from students repeat dictatedand analyze words.For checks recommended using a variety of tricks: verification of what was written against the sample (according to the book); verification of what was written against the note on the board; mutual check (change notebooks and check each other); the teacher puts a sign in the margin, the children themselves must find and correct the mistake.

As a sample dictation recordings(student writes down the word on the desk)give method of work,described by N.A.Korf:

1. The teacher dictates the word.

2. Disciple clearly repeats begins to write on the board.

3. The teacher repeats the word. It is possible several times, since the child's hearing is not yet developed enough to
I could hear at once, make out all the sounds that make up the word.

4 the student in the writing process dictates to himself . The teacher organizes these types of work to prevent mistakes. [sometimes does not interrupt the student, even if he writes with errors.] /

5.On progress check. The teacher asks the student to read the written word. Teacher again (already as a sample for verification) utters the same word especially stretches out that sound which when writing is missed by the student or is written incorrectly by him. The student must "get to the error" by ear and correct it

Dictation of a separate sentence.

Teacher reads a sentence 3 times.

Students should be clear about the purpose of each reading:

1st time - children listen, comprehend, remember.

You can repeat the sentence in chorus, then the students say "to themselves."

2nd time - the teacher pronounces every word clearly, children pay attention to pronunciation.

1st step - the students repeat the sentence in chorus the way they will write - they clearly pronounce each word in syllables.

2nd step - write down, dictating to themselves by syllables.

3rd time - self-test, i.e. reading to perform a control operation; the purpose of this reading should be agreed in advance: "Check if you forgot to write a letter, syllable, word."

Students must hold a pen in their hand and follow the teacher's reading.

Dictation of the text.

The teacher reads the text :

1) the entire text is for general perception (1);

2) each sentence with pauses - for recording (2);

· Listen to the first sentence.

· Repeat it.

· Dictate to yourself by syllables.

3) the entire text is for verification.

The choice of the type of dictation is due to the stage of work on the formation of spelling skills and the purpose of the lesson.

3. F. Ulchenko proposed the following system of using various types of dictations:

Spelling stage Recommended type of dictation
Spelling recognition at the level of familiarity with it Selective dictation
Oral explanation of spelling before writing text Warning dictation
Explaining spelling while writing Commented dictation
Explaining the spelling after writing the text Explanatory dictation
Including Spelling in New Links Selective explanatory dictation
Return at a higher level to the stage of awareness of the spelling Dictation "Checking myself"
Combining the learned private actions into one complex activity in conditions of complete independence of students Control dictation

2.2.1. Auditory dictation - spelling exercise, during which the writer correlates the sound and letter structures of words, phrases, sentences, text.

2.2.2. Warning dictation - type of auditory dictation. The goal is to prevent errors by explaining spelling before recording text, words. It is used in the initial stages of studying the topic. As you master the method of checking and assimilating the material, it is replaced by an explanatory dictation. The teacher dictates a sentence (phrase, word). Spelling analysis is carried out before recording - students explain how to spell a word and why.

2.2.3. "Unmistakable" dictation - a kind of warning dictation. The students are given the task of fully understanding the spelling side of the text and writing a dictation without errors. After listening to the text, students ask questions about the spelling of certain words. Students who are confident in the spelling of the given word answer these questions. In case of difficulty, the teacher is connected to the explanation of the spelling.

2.2.4 Preventive and control dictation - a kind of warning dictation. Before the dictation, the spelling rules that are reflected in its text are repeated for 8-10 minutes. As examples, we consider words from the text of the dictation, specially selected by the teacher.

2.2.5 Prepared dictation - a kind of warning dictation with explanatory elements. The text is first parsed, then recorded and verified.

2.2.6 Explanatory dictation - type of auditory dictation. After writing down a sentence or text as a whole, students explain the spelling. This is a kind of collective written check that develops students' attention to spelling. It is carried out when the topic is pinned. In the process of writing down the text, students underline the spellings that require checking, after writing down, they control the correctness of the work.

2.2.7. Explanatory dictation with preliminary preparation. Before writing down the text, the teacher takes time to review the spelling rules learned and how to check the necessary spelling. After spelling preparation and a kind of "tuning" of students for a certain type of spelling, dictation is conducted. After recording, students prove the correct spelling of words with the studied spelling, correct mistakes.

2.2.8. Dictation "Checking myself" (introduced by A.I.Kobyzev) - a type of auditory dictation, characterized by a high level of self-control. Promotes the development of spelling vigilance, a critical attitude to one's own text, understanding spelling at a sufficiently high level, develops self-checking skills. During the writing of the text, the student is allowed to ask the teacher how this or that spelling is spelled, to use a dictionary, reference books, etc. The student underlines the spelling that has caused doubt (it is important for the teacher to use this for analysis). If a correction is made to the underlined spelling, it is not considered an error. At the same time, mistakes made on the learned rules are taken into account more strictly, since the student did not see spelling dangerous places.

2.2.9. Skipping letter (dictation with missing spelling) - a kind of dictation "Checking myself". In the process of writing down the text, students skip letters (spelling) if they do not know or have doubts about the spelling. A dash is placed at the place of the skipping of letters; a line is drawn along the lower ruler. The entry in the notebook looks like this: Vl_su can hear the ringing trill of the voice. After the recording, the spelling analysis of words with missing letters is carried out. The gaps are being filled. This technique prevents the appearance of errors and a large number of corrections, is one of the most effective techniques for developing spelling vigilance. Students should understand: if you do not know how to check, it is better to skip a letter, but you cannot write at random!

2.2.10. Commented dictation (commented writing, grammar and spelling commenting) - type of spelling exercise - a type of spelling exercise, a type of auditory dictation in combination with spelling analysis. Spelling analysis of the text is not performed before or after the recording, but is combined with the writing of the text.

One student in progress and at the pace of writing comments out loud all spelling, indicates their types, names the checking rule, briefly names the steps of the spelling algorithm, selects test words, and draws a conclusion. In this case, the form of explaining the spelling should be short, otherwise the connection between words is lost. For instance: “I write green with an unstressed vowel e. Test word- greens"or "Green. I check an unstressed vowel - stress - green. I write green with the letter e. "A prerequisite is that all the students in the class, not only the strong ones, are alternately involved in commenting. With systematic use, spelling vigilance is developed. Commented dictation provides students with mastering the algorithm of action, aimed at practicing techniques for applying the rule in the writing process.

2.2.11. Combined dictation -a type of auditory dictation, which has signs of warning, explanatory and control dictation. It is used mainly in generalization lessons, as well as in working with laggards. First, a preliminary explanation of the spelling is carried out (2-3 sentences), in the subsequent sentences the spelling is explained simultaneously with the letter or after the sentence is written, then several sentences are written without explanation, according to the control dictation technique.

2.2.12. Selective dictation- the type of auditory or visual dictation. It involves writing not the entire text, but only those words, phrases, sentences in which there are spelling (punctogram, grammatical forms) for the rule being studied. May be accompanied by an additional task. Selective dictation develops spelling vigilance, attention, the ability to detect the studied linguistic phenomena, and teaches students to analyze the text before writing it.

2.2.13. Selective distribution dictation -a kind of selective dictation. It involves choosing from the text and writing words with certain spellings and their simultaneous grouping according to some criteria, for example, words with checked unstressed vowels are written out in the left column, with unchecked ones - in the right.

2.2.14. Morpheme dictation- a kind of selective dictation. The teacher dictates words, phrases or sentences, the students write down only the significant parts of a particular word indicated by the teacher with the desired spelling. This type of dictation contributes to the memorization of the graphic appearance of morphemes, develops spelling vigilance, combines grammatical and spelling analyzes of words.

2.2.15. Creative dictation- on the instructions of the teacher, students insert certain words into the dictated text or change the grammatical form of the dictated words. For example, in the course of studying the name of an adjective, the teacher suggests supplementing sentences with adjectives that are appropriate in meaning; when studying the plural of a noun - to replace the singular with the plural, etc. The skill of applying the spelling rule in conditions when it is necessary to think about the content of the sentence and its grammatical design is developed.

2.2.16. Free dictation- in the process of writing text, students can replace individual words, change the structure of the sentence. The text is dictated at first in its entirety, then in parts (3-4 sentences); each part is written down after re-reading it. Students write down each part of the text from memory, as they remember. Memory is trained. An additional goal is the development of students' speech. The methodology is considered as a type of work that prepares students for writing presentations.

2.2.17. Visual dictation- a type of spelling exercise that develops spelling vigilance, visual memory and attention. The text (words, sentences) written on the board is read by students, analyzed, then erased. Schoolchildren write it from memory. After recording, a check is carried out.

Visual dictations by the method of professor I. T. Fedorenko- a system of specially selected sets of proposals, ensuring the development random access memory... Each of the 18 sets contains 6 suggestions. Each subsequent sentence gradually, one or two letters at a time, is increased in length. The first sentence of set No. 1 consists of two words and contains a total of 8 letters, the last sentence of set No. 18 consists of 10 words and contains 46 letters. If sentences do not correspond to the content of the lesson, they can be replaced with equivalent ones with the same number of letters.

Working time with all sets takes 2-3 months. It takes 5 to 8 minutes to record six sentences in a lesson. Visual dictations must be written daily (training of working memory can be carried out in the lessons of both Russian and Belarusian, choosing sentences in Russian and Belarusian, respectively). A letter in a day does not give an effective result!


1. On the blackboard, the teacher writes down 6 sentences of one set in advance and covers it with a sheet of paper (you can prepare each sentence on a separate strip of paper, print it in large print, or use multimedia teaching aids to demonstrate the sentences).

2. The first sentence is opened (the sheet of paper is moved down). Students for a certain time (from 4 to 8 seconds depending on the set of sentences) read the sentence "to themselves" and try
remember it.

3. After the expiration of time, the teacher erases the sentence and offers to write it down in notebooks from memory.

If the student did not have timeremember offer, he is allowed to look at the neighbor. If many students of the class do not have time to memorize the sentence and turn to the neighbors on the desk, work with this set of sentences is repeated the next day. And so on until almost all students can write sentences from memory on their own. Only then can you move on to the next set.

4. The second sentence opens. Students read, try to remember. The sentence is erased, the students write it down from memory.

5-8. Reading, memorizing and writing from memory the following sentences of the set (the work is organized in a similar way).

2.2.18. A letter from memory or self-dictating -self-recording of a text learned by heart, which is perceived by students visually or by ear. At the end of the work, the text is opened for self-testing.

2.2.19. Learned dictation (prepared dictation) -a kind of writing from memory, you can practice in IV grade. Preliminary preparation for writing the text is carried out by the students independently, possibly at home. The text is learned by heart. The next day, in class, students write the memorized text from memory or under the teacher's dictation.

2.2.20. Picture dictation (soundless dictation) -the teacher silently demonstrates the object picture, the students write down the name of the depicted object.

2.2. 21. Subject dictation (soundless dictation) -the teacher silently demonstrates the subject, the students write down the name of the subject.

2.2. 22. Dictation-game "Who will remember more?"(introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) - a kind of auditory or visual dictation with the installation to accurately reproduce from memory heard or visually perceived words, aimed at training memory.


1. The teacher says once a chain, for example of 3 words, or demonstrates it on a board or screen for 9-15 seconds (about 3-5 seconds per word) and more does not repeat.

2. Students write down what they remember.

3. The teacher reads or demonstrates a new chain of 3 words and pauses long enough for the students to write down the words from memory.

4.Self-test or mutual-test. Students count each other's or each of their own words. One point is awarded for each correctly spelled word. For a missed or replaced word and for each spelling error - a penalty point.

5. The teacher demonstrates correctly written words on the board or screen. Students check the accuracy of their calculations. The winner is the one with the most points.

6. The notebook of the candidate for the winners is checked by the teacher.

Number of words for dictation:

Class II- 4-6-8 words (strings of 2 words); 6-9 words (strings of 3 words);

III class- 8-10 words (strings of 2 words); 9-12 words (strings of 3 words);

4th grade-10-12-14 words (strings of 2 words); 12-15 words (strings of 3 words).

The most lungs for memorization are strings of words belonging to one part of speech and one thematic group, for example: cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes. Difficult but the most effective for training memory (you can develop memory only by loading it) are strings of words related to different parts of speech and thematic groups, for example: bed, decide, hot.

The dictation "Be accurate" (introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) is a kind of dictation "Who will remember more?", But not separate words are suggested for recording, but offers. The name of the dictation indicates that in relation to the sentence, its exact reproduction is important, and not the number of written words. The teacher reads each sentence only once. Students write down as they remember. First sentence does not repeat! Further the teacher reads once second sentence, etc.

2.2.23. Control, or verification, dictation - typeauditory dictation, is a grammatical-spelling analytic-synthetic exercise and is carried out as completely independent work: students must understand the content of the text and write it down without distorting the meaning, understand each word and grammatical form, detect spelling and punctogram, check them, write without errors. The goal is to find out the level of students' proficiency in the learned rules and the ability to apply them in practice.

Textthe control dictation should include the basic spelling and punctogram studied at the time of the check. If possible, spelling should be evenly distributed in different parts of the text. This is explained by the fact that the greatest number of mistakes, corrections, omissions of letters, syllables and even whole words are allowed by students at the beginning and at the end of the text: at the beginning of the text, all other things being equal, the students have not yet had time to concentrate, get involved in work, at the end of the dictation - on background of general fatigue weakens attention. Word Count from unexplored spelling should not exceed three.If the text contains more than three such words, it is not used for dictation.

The control dictation may be accompanied by additional grammar tasks,the content of which must correspond to the curriculum. The number of tasks should not exceed three. For each option, the same type of grammar tasks are selected.

No program can completely replace the manual work of transcribing recorded speech. However, there are solutions that can significantly speed up and facilitate the translation of speech into text, that is, to simplify transcription.

Transcription is the recording of an audio or video file in text form. There are paid paid tasks on the Internet, when a certain amount of money is paid to the performer for the transcription of the text.

Speech-to-text translation is useful

  • students to translate recorded audio or video lectures into text,
  • bloggers leading websites and blogs,
  • writers, journalists for writing books and texts,
  • info business people who need text after their webinar, speech, etc.,
  • people who find it difficult to type - they can dictate a letter and send it to family or friends,
  • other options.

Let's describe the most effective tools available on the PC, mobile applications and online services.

1 Website speechpad.ru

It is an online service that allows you to translate speech to text through the Google Chrome browser. The service works with a microphone and ready-made files. Of course, the quality will be much higher if you use an external microphone and dictate yourself. However, the service does a pretty good job even with YouTube videos.

Click "Enable recording", answer the question about "Using the microphone" - for this click "Allow".

A long instruction on using the service can be collapsed by clicking on button 1 in Fig. 3. You can get rid of ads by going through a simple registration.

Figure: 3. Speechpad service

The finished result is easy to edit. To do this, you need to either manually correct the selected word, or dictate it again. The work results are saved in personal account, they can also be downloaded to your computer.

List of video tutorials on working with speechpad:

You can transcribe videos from Youtube or from your computer, however, you need a mixer, more details:

Audio transcription video

The service works in seven languages. There is a small minus. It lies in the fact that if you need to transcribe a finished audio file, then its sound is distributed to the speakers, which creates additional noise in the form of an echo.

2 Service dictation.io

A wonderful online service that will allow you to translate speech to text for free and easily.

Figure: 4. Service dictation.io

1 in fig. 4 - Russian can be selected at the end of the page. In the Google Chrome browser, the language is selected, but in Mozilla for some reason there is no such possibility.

It is noteworthy that the ability to autosave the finished result has been implemented. This will prevent accidental deletion by closing a tab or browser. This service does not recognize finished files. Works with a microphone. You need to name punctuation marks when dictation.

The text is recognized quite correctly, there are no spelling errors. You can insert punctuation marks yourself from the keyboard. The finished result can be saved on your computer.

3 RealSpeaker

This program makes it easy to translate human speech into text. It is designed to work on different systems: Windows, Android, Linux, Mac. With its help, you can convert speech sounding into a microphone (for example, it can be built into a laptop), as well as recorded in audio files.

Can perceive 13 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. There is a beta version of the program that works as an online service:

You need to go to the above link, choose Russian, upload your audio or video file to the online service and pay for its transcription. After transcription, you can copy the resulting text. The larger the file for transcription, the more time it will take to process it, in more detail:

In 2017, there was a free transcription option using RealSpeaker, in 2018 there is no such option. It is very embarrassing that the transcribed file is available to all users for downloading, perhaps it will be improved.

The developer's contacts (VKontakte, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, email, phone) of the program can be found on the page of his site (more precisely, in the basement of the site):

4 Speechlogger

An alternative to the previous app for mobile devicesrunning on Android. Available for free in the app store:

The text is edited automatically, punctuation marks are placed in it. Very handy for dictating notes or making lists. As a result, the text will be of a very decent quality.

5 Dragon Dictation

This application is distributed free of charge for mobile devices from Apple.

The program can work with 15 languages. It allows you to edit the result, select the desired words from the list. It is necessary to clearly pronounce all sounds, not to make unnecessary pauses and to avoid intonation. Sometimes there are mistakes in the endings of words.

The Dragon Dictation app is used by owners, for example, to dictate a shopping list in a store as they move around an apartment. When I get there, you can look at the text in the note, and you don't need to listen.

Whatever program you use in your practice, be prepared to double-check the result and make certain adjustments. This is the only way to get a flawless text without errors.

Also useful services:

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Speech recognition is a technology that can dramatically increase productivity both at work and at home. You can dictate a document three times faster than print it.

Online speech recognition

To convert speech to text, you can use the corresponding online service in your browser. Speech recognition sites usually do not require registration or payment, they are very easy to use. First of all, you need to install the Google Chrome browser. This is due to the fact that all services run on the same speech recognition engine from Google. Recognition quality depends on the microphone and the rhythm and clarity of speech.

See also: Turning on the microphone on Windows 8

Method 1: Speechnotes

Speechouts is the most popular online speech recognition service, providing a wide range of languages, advanced punctuation and sending dictated text to third-party applications.

Online service Speechnotes


    1. Click on the microphone icon on the right.
    2. Please select "Allow" in the pop-up browser window. A flashing red circle will appear on the left above the microphone icon to indicate that recording is on.

    1. Select Russian from the dropdown menu.

    1. Start dictating.
    2. To stop recording, click on the microphone icon again.
    3. Copy the text to the clipboard (A) or send it to third-party services using the toolbar on the left (B).

There are three ways to place punctuation marks:

    1. Dictation: on the right there is a list of signs with the corresponding pronunciation;

    1. Typing on the keyboard is the fastest way, as it adds a character before the speech ends. The main thing here is to wait until the dictated speech appears in the buffer (see screenshot) and only after that press the button, otherwise the punctuation mark will appear before the dictated speech, and not after;

  1. Button on the site - just click the corresponding punctuation mark in the panel on the right (see point 1).

Recognition results will largely depend on the quality of the microphone and dictation. For best results, speak slowly and clearly. This applies to all speech recognition services.

Method 2: Speechlogger

Speechlogger is a multifunctional speech recognition service with which you can not only dictate texts, but also translate them into other languages \u200b\u200bin real time with Google Translate, as well as transcribe audio files.

Speechlogger online service

To start recording on the Speechlogger website, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the site, scroll down a little to the block with a blue background and click on the microphone icon.
    2. Please select "Allow".
    3. Find Russian in the list, if necessary.
    4. Click on the button in the upper right to make the speech recognition unit occupy the entire screen (this is not necessary, but it is more convenient to work this way).

    1. Start dictating.
    2. Text that may contain an error is highlighted in red. This allows you to quickly find inaccuracies and correct them.

    1. After the work is finished, click on the microphone icon again.
    2. Select all text with the button All(A) and copy by right clicking and selecting "Copy" (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C doesn't work), or use the toolbar (B) to send text via e-mail, save in .txt, .doc format, upload to Google Drive or print.

Methods for setting punctuation marks:

    1. Dictation: To learn how to pronounce a particular punctuation mark, move the cursor over it - a hint will appear in a pop-up window.
    2. Just click on the punctuation mark in the bar above the text area.

    1. Auto-punctuation: You can configure settings on the site to automatically set punctuation marks. It is not a very convenient option, since the system puts a full stop at every pause, while the Russian language is too flexible and diverse - it is impossible to set clear conditions for setting certain punctuation marks. Therefore, it is recommended to disable this function by unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

Additional settings are located in the upper left corner.

With their help, you can enable or disable the following functions:

    • Autosave text: if the function is enabled, access to all sessions can be obtained by clicking on the folder icon in the toolbar;

  • Highlighting words in red;
  • Timestamps in text (enabled by default).

In addition, you can configure settings for auto-punctuation and change the background color.

Method 3: Online Dictation

Online Dictation is a convenient service with a laconic interface. The main advantage is ease of use.

Dictation Online Service

    1. The service automatically detects the default language configured in the browser. If the language is not installed or if you are using a Chrome guest account, you need to install Russian: the drop-down list of languages \u200b\u200bis located below the text area.

    1. Click the button "Start Dictation".

    1. Allow the use of a microphone on the site.

    1. Start dictating. To set punctuation marks, use voice commands: "point", "comma", "question mark", "exclamation mark", the rest of the signs are set using the keyboard. To start a new paragraph, the voice command "new paragraph" operates, to move to a new line - "new line".
    2. When you finish dictating, press Stop Listening.

  1. After the text is ready, you can:
    • Copy by clicking the button "Copy" (1);
    • Save in .txt format by clicking the button "Save" (2);
    • Erase by pressing the button "Clear" (3).

Method 4: SpeechTexter

SpeechTexter speech recognition service has a beautiful compact design and allows you to edit text directly on the site. The formatting is preserved when you transfer the text to a third-party editor. "Voice Punctuation is ON", and then add punctuation marks manually.

    1. Press to stop recording. "Stop".

    1. Once the text is written down, it can be formatted using the tools in the panel above the text.

    1. The finished text can be copied (1), saved in .txt format (2) or printed (3).

Embed code on the site.

Tip: you can change the recognition.lang property and substitute ‘ru-RU’ instead of ‘en-US’, then Russian is set by default.

Each of the services has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to try working on each of them and choose the most suitable one based on your goals and preferences.

Hello dear readers! Here is the most unusual article of our blog, because it was written using voice typing. Therefore, today we will discuss with you how to type text with a voice.

This is a method of typing text using speech that is transmitted through a microphone. This topic is very relevant for those who work with large volumes, for example, bloggers, as well as people with disabilities. Or for those who have not yet mastered the computer keyboard.

Voice dialing services

There are services that work online and there are programs that are installed on a computer.

Online services

  • Speechpad

This is a free development from Google Chrome, which, accordingly, only works in this browser. I think this will not be a problem, because this is the best browser, and if you still do not use it, then read the article about. Notepad can be installed directly into the browser or you can use voice typing by going to their website.

  • Voisnot II

Similar to the previous service, also works only in Google Chrome. Using it is elementary: we select the desired language and the application automatically prints under dictation.

  • August4u
  • TalkTyper

The advantages of this free service are the presence of voice prompts, the ability to view recognition options. There is also a convenient editor with which you can copy the received material, print it on a printer, translate to foreign languages or send by mail.

To use the set without touching the keyboard, you need to open the tab "Tools”And then click on "Voice input ..."

Various commands for editing and formatting are currently only available on english language, but for the Russian language punctuation commands:

  • "dot",
  • "comma",
  • "exclamation mark",
  • "question mark",
  • "new line",
  • "New paragraph".

As practice has shown, it is very convenient.


  • Voco

A paid program that, using voice, not only prints on a computer and installs punctuation marks, but also pleases with additional options: it knows how to audio, you can also expand the version with dictionaries (for example, with legal terms or others).

Supported by operating systems from Windows 7 and up.
Price: from 1 690 rubles.

  • MSpeech

It is free and can satisfy the ambitions of many users. Its appeal is that it can recognize voice in 50 languages. For convenient use there are hot keys, you can choose the sound source yourself, correct the recognized text.

Pros and cons of voice dialing


  • Thanks to these applications, freelancers can make good money by doing transcription. Many quests of this kind can be found at work-zilla exchangeIs a favorite place for newcomers to remote work. You just have to turn on the program and a little later correct the text in Word.
  • Saving time and effort.
  • An excellent find for people with disabilities.
  • For creative people, the above proposed services are a lifesaver, all ideas can be quickly written down, simply by voiceover so as not to forget.

Unfortunately, there are minuses when working with these services:

  • If there are extraneous sounds in the room where you are dictating, then the recognition of words and phrases deteriorates significantly.
  • Many online applications are only available in the Google Chrome browser.
  • After typing, you need to take time to edit and correct the text.
  • It is necessary to have a high quality sensitive microphone.
  • Good diction is desirable to reduce the risk of errors.


Summing up this article, we can say that technologies have made great strides forward, and if earlier everything was required to be typed by hand, now it is quite possible to do it by simply dictating information with a voice. Of course, there is no guarantee of perfect recognition, but progress is evident.

With the development of applications that greatly facilitate the work of remote workers, you can achieve maximum productivity and faster tasks. Therefore, we hope that this article will help you become more efficient in your work.

Leave your feedback on the work of various speech recognition services in the comments.

All the best!

Modern technologies of voice input and output of information provide users with a lot of opportunities to make work easier and save time. No one will be surprised anymore by the program for turning text into a voice, nor by the one that types everything that you say instead of you. There is still much to develop in this direction, but today you can find quite decent services and software for verbal communication with a computer. Speech recognition systems digitize the sound coming from the microphone and identify the information by referring to the available dictionaries (software can support different languages \u200b\u200band have a large vocabulary), after which they display the already printed text or set various commands.

The technology is actively used on smartphones, tablets and other devices, where by default there may be programs that "understand" the user's language, which is very convenient to operate. For advanced users, it has long been a novelty to use speech instead of a set of commands, queries in the browser search bar from the keyboard. But progress does not stand still and the transformation of voice into text in more substantial volumes is also becoming commonplace. Application special programs, browser extensions and online services for speech data entry allows you to partially free your hands and not strain your eyes, and also complete tasks faster. This is invaluable for representatives of many professions, including lawyers, doctors, writers, copywriters and other professionals working with a set of texts.

Despite the fact that usually people who write a lot do it quickly enough and the typing speed quite keeps up with the thought, it often makes sense to use the program. Typing by voice will help out if, for some reason, it is inconvenient to type by hand, your hands are busy with other things, or they can get tired of long work. Also, do not forget about people with disabilities - for them such innovations are simply salvation. On the other hand, not everyone knows the "blind typing" method, does not type at the right pace, or is simply lazy. Many writers, journalists and other personalities have used the voice recorder for decades to say the desired text faster and not let thoughts slip away. For the same purpose, voice typing programs are used today.

Of course, the transformation of dictated information into a printed version is not yet at the highest level. After the program translates the voice into text, it will definitely need to be corrected, since some words may not be present in the software dictionaries, as well as due to phrases incorrectly decoded by the device, which may be associated with the operation of the microphone or indistinct pronunciation. Technologies are not yet so perfect, because development requires a lot of capital investment, but there are definitely some shifts. The farthest in this area is Google, which produces numerous software products, including applications for recording and converting voice to text.

The user can choose the most convenient option for himself, use the software by downloading it to a PC or use web resources. Programs for translating speech and audio recordings into text may be freely available for download or distributed on a commercial basis.

A voice typing program that uses the Google Voice API, recognizes speech in more than 50 languages, a choice of interface (Russian, English) is available and there is a wide range of options, including transferring the recognized text to editors, the ability to add your own commands and assign "hot keys "to activate / stop the recording process for recognition. The MSpeech application is completely free, despite this its functionality and quality of work are at a decent level. Unfortunately, the program will not be able to function without an Internet connection.


The voice typing application has a large vocabulary of 85,000 words. In extended versions of the program, additional thematic dictionaries are included, thanks to which the use of terminology is available. The Voco Professional and Voco Enterprise software, in addition to dictation through the device microphone, also recognize audio recordings. Punctuation is performed on command, and in the case of translating audio format recordings into text, punctuation marks are placed automatically. The program is distributed on a paid basis, available for windows versions 7 and up. A big plus of the software is the ability to use it without an Internet connection, which is very convenient if you write a lot, but often you are out of the network coverage area.

An extension for Microsoft Office was released in 2017, and you can use the tool by installing it in addition to the package. In updated versions of Word, PowerPoint and Outlook, the Dictate service is not enabled by default. The free add-on allows you to type text by voice in more than 20 languages \u200b\u200bof the world and has a translation function in 60 languages. You can download the tool on the official Microsoft website, choosing the appropriate system bit. After a simple installation of the downloaded Dictate file using the installation wizard, the Dictation tab will appear in Word, where you can dictate text and, if necessary, translate it into another language. For those who work with this editor, this is a great option to speed up the pace of productivity, instead of banging on the keys for hours.

Google's Free SpeechPad Voice Notebook is a great tool for converting speech to text format information. To use the service requires the installation of the Google Chrome browser, which is not convenient for everyone, but the functionality is definitely worthy of attention. The notebook can be used by owners of Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems, Internet connection is required. The online service provides options for converting audio and video to text, translating into other languages, for convenience, you can assign "hot keys". In addition, by installing the SpeechPad extensions, you have additional options for direct text input. Integration module for operating system will allow the use of speech input in each of the applications installed on the system.

Another product for typing using voice from Google, respectively, by analogy with the SpeechPad notebook, is launched in the Chrome browser. Voisnot can be installed as an extension or an application on a computer. Whichever option you choose, it is not difficult to master the tool. You can start the recording procedure by clicking on the microphone icon, then just type a message by voice. To avoid a large number of mistakes, you need to speak clearly and distinctly, making small pauses.

This tool for converting speech to text is also good at typing under dictation, checking the results for punctuation and grammatical errors, and has the function of translating text information into different languages. In addition, the advantage of using the app is the much-needed option, which offers a choice of options for words that TalkTyper did not recognize accurately, they will be highlighted.

How to improve the quality of speech input on your computer

Any service or program for processing speech, converting it into a text form will work better if all conditions are provided for this, because the quality of writing directly depends on a properly configured microphone, user diction, and the absence of additional noise accompaniment. Do not hope that the voice recognizer will work correctly if there are obvious speech defects. To reduce the number of errors and devote less time to correcting the text, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • For correct speech conversion, clear pronunciation and the absence of extraneous sounds are required. If you pronounce the words with the arrangement of punctuation marks as clearly as possible, you won't have to edit the text too long;
  • Before performing work, you must configure the microphone. If it is not possible to eliminate extraneous noise, it is better to reduce its sensitivity and pronounce the words louder and more clearly;
  • You do not need to pronounce too long phrases, seasoned with many complex syntactic structures.

If you follow these recommendations and get used to dictating correctly, the program will write text with a minimum of errors, which will have a beneficial effect on your productivity. At the same time, it is not yet necessary to consider speech input as a 100% alternative to keyboard typing, corrections will definitely be required, but for many users this opportunity makes everyday tasks easier.