Buy into phrasal verb translation. Eyesight, or About vision in English. What is a phrasal verb?

A few thoughts about phrasal verbs in English.

Hi all! In this article I would like to talk about phrasal verbs. Do you like them? I'm betting yes! 🙂 But how many of them do you know? And in general, how many phrasal verbs are there in English?

And the answer will be - A LOT! In fact, phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult topics to learn. I've been learning English for more than a year and a half, but I can't say that I know many phrasal verbs and use them often in my speech. I always try to learn them, but the point is that the best way to remember them is through frequent practice. And for me it’s quite difficult to speak English every day for a long time, I just don’t have anyone with me. Of course, I practice English with my tutor and with friends, but this is not enough to master phrasal verbs well. I would really like to go to some English speaking country and live there for a while. I think this would be the best way to remember the most popular of these expressions!

But one way or another, it is very important to learn phrasal verbs and try to use them in conversation. This is a characteristic feature of the English language that makes you speak better.

What is a phrasal verb?

This is a stable expression, usually consisting of two words that are combined with each other. One of them is a verb, the other, as a rule, a preposition. If you try to translate them separately, you will not understand the meaning of the phrase, because it is the complete phrase that has an exact translation and the best way to remember it is to memorize it and use it as often as possible.

Phrasal verb

act to play a trick
add on add
add up fold
answer back snap
answer to correspond
ask after inquire about
attend to service
back out give up
back up insure
bank on rely on
bear out support
bear up hold on
beat down lash, shoot
belt out bawl
belt up shut up
blast off take off, take off
blot out obscure
blow out go out
blow over pass
boil down to boil down to
book in register
bottle up keep to yourself
box off surround
break down fence off
break in break in, interfere
break off interrupt, dissolve
break open hack
break out burst out
break through break through
bring about cause, generate
bring back revive
bring down reduce
bring forward put forward
bring in enter
bring off conclude
bring out identify
bring round bring to life
brush aside sweep aside
brush past rush past
brush up refresh
build on use
build up ramp up
bump along shake on
bump into bump into
bundle off send
bundle out leave quickly
burst into break in
burst open swing open
burst out break out
buy in purchase
buy into share
buy off bribe
buy out redeem
buy up buy up
buzz off fuck off
call at stay at
call back come in again, call back
call for call for
call off cancel
call on come to
call out scream
carry on continue
carry out scream
cast aside reject
catch on take root
catch up catch up
catch up with catch up with someone
chance on accidentally stumble upon
chase up remind
chat up flirt
check in register
check off note
check out check out
check up make inquiries
cheer up encourage
chill out get high
chip in interfere
clear off clean up
climb down give in
close in go down
close off fence off
come across bump into
come along advance
come apart fall apart
come by get
come forward be called upon
come in for be subjected to
come off have a blast
come on advance
come round come to life
come through been through
come up against bump into
come up with invent
cool down cool down
count on count on
count up count
cover up cover up, cover someone up
crack down on deal with
crack up burst out laughing
cross out cross off
cry off refuse
cut off turn off
cut out disable
deal in trade
die away freeze
die down fade away
dig into dig
do away with end with
do up tie, fasten
do without do without
double back turn around and go back
double up bend in half
draw back pull back
draw in drive up
draw on use
draw out stretch
draw up move
dream up dream up
dress up dress up
drink in revel
drive off discard
drive out displace
drop in look at someone
drum up call upon
dwell on linger on
ease off become quieter, slow down
eat away fret
eat out eat in the restaurant
enter upon start off
explain away find an excuse
fade in gradually increase, strengthen
fade out gradually reduce, weaken
fall apart fall apart piece by piece
fall back on resort to
fall behind fall behind
fall for fall in love with
fall in with agree with
fast on focus on
feel about search by touch
fetch up turn out to be
fiddle with twirl in one's hands
fight back defend, hold back the onslaught
fight down suppress
figure out calculate, understand
fill in fill a tooth
filter in leak out
find out find out, expose
finish up finish eating, finish drinking
fish out fish out
fit in to fit in
fix up arrange
flick through browse
float around float in the air
flush out scare away
follow out execute
follow up investigate
fool about fool around
force back repel the onslaught
forge ahead get ahead
fork out lay out
frown on look askance at
fuss over shake over
gasp out blurt out
get about spread
get across explain
get along cope with
get at carp
get away leave
get away with avoid punishment
get by pass
get off get off transport
get on get into transport
get on to go to
get out of get rid of
get over overcome
get round to get ready to do something
get through call, break through
get up get up, get out of bed
get up to study
give in submit
give off smoke
give up give up, give up
go about stroll
go ahead advance
go back on don't hold back
go for achieve
go in for participate
go on continue
go on at pester
go through with realize
go with correspond
go without be left without
grow apart move away from each other
grow up grow up
hang about loiter
hang on wait
hang up hang up
happen on bump into
head for head towards
head off withdraw
hit on look for
hit out at pounce
hold back hold
hold on hold on, wait
hold on to to hold on
hold out stretch out
hold over save
hold up lift, support
hurry up rush
hush up keep silent
inquire into investigate
iron out settle
jog along move slowly
jump about fuss
jump at grab hold of
keep away from stay away from
keep down hold back
keep in keep at home
keep off bypass, avoid
keep out don't let in
keep up support
knock about hang around
knock off wrap up
knock out deafen
ladle out distribute left and right
land up find yourself
launch into indulge in
lay in stock up
lay into pounce on
lay off dismiss
lay on arrange
lay out lay out
lead off move away from
lead on lead by the nose
leave behind forget something
leave off do not turn on
leave on don't take off
leave out skip, ignore
let on let it slip
let out release
let up stop
lie about lie around
lie back recline
lie up hide
live down make amends
live up to justify, reach some level
lock away take into custody
log in login
log into enter
log off log out
look after take care of
look around look around
look down on look down on
look for search
look forward to look forward to something
look into investigate
look on observe
look out for beware
look through browse
look up find information
look up to read
make for head towards
make off hide
make out distinguish
make up make up, do makeup
make up for replenish
mark down reduce, discount
mark off note
mark out mark, highlight
mark up increase, add value
measure up justify
mix up confuse
mount up accumulate
muddle along cope somehow
muddle through crawl out
nod off take a nap
pack off send
pass away on
pass by pass, pass by
pass out lose consciousness
pass up miss
patch up settle
pick at pick
pick off methodically shoot down
pick on find fault with
pick out discern
play down don't focus on
play up act up
plug in plug in
polish off end with
pop in drop in on someone
pop out leap out
pop up get out
pour into rush into
press ahead get down to business
press on continue
pull about chatter
pull up pull up
push in fit in
push off clean up
push on move forward
push over overturn
push up raise
put across explain
put by save
put forth announce
put forward push forward, bring forward
put in for apply for
put on put on
put out extinguish, turn off
put through connect, connect
put up with endure, put up with
reach out stretch out
reflect on cast a shadow on
root about rummage
root for cheer for
root out dig up
round off complete
round up round up
rule out exclude
run across bump into
run down cut down, cut down
run into to deal with
run off run away, run away
run out expire, end
run over crush
rush through do in a hurry
score out cross off
scrape together scrape
screw up crumple, spoil
see about study
see off see off
see through bring to a conclusion
see to take care of
seize up stall
send for order
send in apply for
send up launch
serve out lay out
set about start
set back detain
set off go
set up establish
shoot down shoot down
shoot in run headlong
shoot out run out headlong
shoot up jump
shop around ask the price
shout down drown out with screams
show in lead inside
show off brush off
show out escort to the exit
show up appear
shrug off brush off
shut off turn off
shut out do not miss
shut up shut up
sign away transmit
sign in register
sign off end
sign out check out
sign up hire, subscribe
skate around bypass
skate over ignore
sleep around sleep around
sleep in wake up, go to sleep
slip up make a mistake
smooth over settle matters
sound off speak out about
square up get even with someone
stamp out trample
stand by be ready
stand down give way
stand for designate, represent
stand in for replace
stand up for defend
stand up to withstand
stems from come from
stick up for stand up for
stir up call
stop by come in
stop up close up
strike out cross off
take after go to someone
take down demolish
take in include
take off take off
take on fight with
take over take direction
take to become addicted to
take up take up, pick up
tear along rush
tell off tell someone off
tell on complain about
think up invent
throw up vomit
touch on affect
touch up tint
try on measure, try on
tuck away hide
tuck in tuck in, stuff in
tuck up cover
turn down reject
turn in roll up
turn off turn off
turn on include
turn up be announced
wait on service
walk out on throw
wash up wash the dishes
wear off gradually pass
wear on stretch
work out succeed, work out
write off write off, cancel
write up put in order

Today, more than ever, we strain our vision ( eyesight), watching TV or reading something on a smartphone. Looking at the fine print ( a small font) or images, we spend hours on the computer. Therefore, vision problems are becoming more and more relevant. Poor vision ( weak eyesight) is most often associated with myopia ( nearsightedness) or farsightedness ( farsightedness). These problems can be corrected with glasses ( glasses), lenses ( lenses), and sometimes operations ( surgery).

Verbs see, look, watch

We need good eyesight in order to see ( to see) the world in all its glory. Do you know what the difference between verbs is? to see, to look And to watch in English? All of them are related to vision, but each of them has its own meaning.

Verb to look at something means “to look at”, “to look at”, “to glance at something”. This is a quick action: we focus our attention on something and then look away.

She looked at the customer the moment he entered the shop. - She looked at visitor the moment he enters the store.

Several phrasal verbs with look

Phrasal verb Translation
to look about = to look around (to look round) look around, look around, look around
to look ahead look forward, think about the future
to look aside to be distracted, to look away
to look back remember, look back into the past
to look down (on somebody) to look down on (someone), to despise
to look forward to doing something look forward to, look forward to (something)
to look in look at (someone);
watch TV shows
to look on observe (from the outside, without interfering)
to look out be on your guard
to look over quickly look over something (but can mean “to study carefully”)
to look round ponder, ponder, consider
to look through view, scroll through (something);
look past, not notice
to look up look for (something in a directory)

Verb to see means to see something in the field of vision, not always consciously, translated as “to see.” This verb describes our physical ability.

She couldn't see her in the crowd. - She could not see her in the crowd.

Several phrasal verbs with see

Phrasal verb Translation
to see ahead foresee, look into the future
to see off see off (those leaving)
to see out to see off (those leaving, leaving);
been through
to see through see through, see through

As for to watch, then this word means “observe”, “look”. This is already a long-term effect.

He watched some TV programs yesterday. - He watched programs on TV yesterday.

Several phrasal verbs with watch

Talking about poor vision in English

Let's see how a native speaker talks about poor eyesight and learn new words.

So, if your eyesight is poor ( bad eyesight), people may squint ( to squint) when they want to look at something. So it's time to go to the ophthalmologist ( an eye doctor / an optometrist / an ophthalmologist). The doctor is examining to examine) and in some cases reports that the patient ( a patient) myopic ( nearsighted/shortsighted) or farsighted ( farsighted). In English these are adjectives, so you need to say it like this:

I am nearsighted. - I nearsighted. (I'm nearsighted)

She is farsighted. - She farsighted. (She is farsighted).

Farsightedness or hypermetropia in English sounds like hyperopia (/haɪ.pərˈəʊpiə/), but myopia or myopia is myopia /maɪˈəʊpiə/. These are nouns, so you need to say it like this:

She has myopia. - She has myopia.

He has hyperopia. - Him farsightedness.

Another problem is astigmatism ( astigmatism /əˈstɪɡməˌtɪz(ə)m/). This is a vision defect in which objects appear blurry ( blurry). This happens due to an anomaly ( an abnormal) in the structure of the eye ( an eye) or lens ( a lens). A person sees distorted images ( distorted images).

Her grandmother has astigmatism. - At her grandmother's astigmatism.

For a number of reasons, many people have to wear glasses ( to wear glasses). And those who are uncomfortable wearing them buy lenses ( contacts). Their full name in English is contact lenses(contact lenses). With their help you can not only improve your vision ( to improve your eyesight), but also change eye color ( eye color), in which case you will need colored contact lenses ( color contacts).

In old age, when vision deteriorates ( to deteriorate), some people wear bifocals ( bifocals /baɪˈfəʊk(ə)lz/), that is, glasses with two different lenses. In this case, there is no need to change glasses for myopia or farsightedness, these are two-in-one glasses: attachment bi- means “two”.

If you are tired of glasses or contacts ( sick and tired of glasses or lenses), you can decide on laser surgery or surgery ( laser surgery). Doctor using a laser beam ( a laser beam) affects the cornea ( a cornea). As a result, the patient sees well again.

Let your eyes always be healthy and see only pleasant and exciting pictures of life!

Download the list of words and expressions from the article, learn them and use them in your speech.

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Many phrasal verbs are ambiguous: pick up chicks - 1) pick up chickens from the floor, 2) “pick up” girls.

Phrasal verbs in English (phrasal verbs) - a problematic topic, like or, and problematic not only for beginners. One of the difficulties associated with them is which phrasal verbs to learn first.

What are phrasal verbs?

A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and 1) an adverb, 2) a preposition, 3) an adverb and a preposition. This is an integral semantic unit that should be perceived as one word, and not a combination of words. Often the meaning of a phrasal verb is far from the meaning of each word included in it individually.

1. Verb + adverb:

I asked around but no one has seen Johnny. - I asked people, but no one saw Johnny.

2. Verb + preposition:

The movie is coming out this summer. - Movie comes out this summer.

3. Verb + adverb + preposition:

We are looking forward to your reply. - We look forward to your answer.

It is also sometimes said that a phrasal verb consists of a verb and one or two particles, meaning by particles a preposition and an adverb.

Features of phrasal verbs

It is important to understand that a phrasal verb is a word, and not a combination of two or three words, that is, its meaning is not equal to the sum of the meanings of the words included in it.

Let's take a phrasal verb go out. Individually the words mean the following: go- go, out- out, out. It can be assumed, that go out- this is “coming out from somewhere.” In fact go out- this is going somewhere for a walk, having fun.

Sheila is going to go out with her college friends tonight. – Sheila is going out tonight go somewhere with friends from college.

Moreover, go out with in a certain context it is dating someone, being in a romantic relationship.

Sheila is still going out with Daniel. – Sheila is still meets with Daniel.

Another difficulty with phrasal verbs is that they are often ambiguous (just like ordinary words). At the verb go out There is another meaning, which, however, is less common in colloquial speech:

The lights go out at eleven. - Light turns off at eleven o'clock.

Combinations “verb + preposition” are not always a phrasal verb; there are also prepositional verbs (), such as depend ondepend on, be afraid ofbe afraid of something. Their meaning can usually be guessed from the verb. I talked more about prepositions and the constructions in which they are used in this video:

Why you need to know phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are very common in spoken language. Without understanding them, at least the basic ones, you will not understand native speakers well. By the way, non-native English speakers often avoid phrasal verbs, replacing them with one-word synonyms (“contuniue” instead of “go on”), so it is easier to communicate with them.

In general, to speak and express thoughts, many phrasal verbs are optional. Yes, they make speech livelier, more conversational, shorter, but often they can be replaced with synonyms or circumvented by expressing it in some other way. Phrasal verbs need to be known first of all in order to understand live speech.

How to learn phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs, like any words, can be taught in different ways: etc. - this is more a matter of personal preference rather than the effectiveness of a particular technique. The most important thing is that phrasal verbs need to be memorized, taking into account their context.

There are words, say, the names of household items, that are perfectly remembered without context. Microwave in any context microwave. This trick will not work with phrasal verbs; their meaning is clear only in context, and they are remembered much better when there is an example before your eyes. That is why I have prepared a list of phrasal verbs with examples - examples will help you understand and remember them better.

Another tip for memorizing phrasal verbs: don't be afraid of them. Yes, there are many of them, but they are often found in speech (in speech more often than in texts), so if you watch, listen to programs, talk, you will quickly learn the main verbs due to their frequency.

List: phrasal verbs with examples and translation + cards

The list I offer is based on common sense and personal experience - these are the phrasal verbs that I think are most useful to know. Below you will also find a short summary of this list of just 30 words. Abbreviations smb And smt stand for somebody(someone) and something(something). I have written more detailed articles about some verbs with phrasal verbs, idioms, useful expressions, you will find links below.

In addition, I recommend you video lessons and exercises on Puzzle English. There is a series of lessons on phrasal verbs, and in the exercises you need to assemble sentences by choosing the right words.

Exercises on phrasal verbs in Puzzle English


  • ask smb out- invite you on a date

John asked Nancy out to (for) dinner. – John invited Nancy for lunch.

Did that nice young man ask you out?- This nice young man asked you out on a date?

  • ask around– ask people, ask a question to several people

I asked around but nobody knew how to find that hotel. - I asked people, but no one knows how to find this hotel.

What? Sorry, I haven’t seen your cat. Ask around. - What? Sorry, I didn't see your cat. Ask people.


  • be after- try to get something, find something

What are you after in that room? There's nothing in there. - What you trying to find in this room? There's nothing here.

I don't know what he is after. - I do not know what he needs.

  • be away (to somewhere)– to be absent, to be in another place

The Johnson's were away all last week to Mexico. – The Johnson family all last week was away in Mexico.

  • be on\off– be on, off (about the device)

Is the robot still on?– The robot is still included?

The lights are off in the building. – Light in the building switched off.


  • blow up- explode

Cars don't blow up like they do in movies. - Cars are not explode like in the movies.


  • break up– to separate (about lovers)

Jack and Helen broke up finally. – Jack and Helen finally broke up.

  • break down– to break down (for example, about a car)

Can you give me a ride? My car broke down. -Can you give me a ride? My car broke.

  • break in- break in

The police broke in and arrested everyone. – Police broke in and everyone was arrested.

  • break out- escape, escape

The movie is about a guy who broke out of jail. - A film about a guy, escaped from prison.


  • bring along- bring someone with you

He brought along his son to the football match. - He brought with him son to a football match.

  • bring over- bring something to someone, take something with you

Jack brought over a new videogame and we played it together. – Jack brought with me a new video game and we played it together.

  • bring up– 1) mention something in a conversation, raise a topic, 2) educate, raise children

I didn't want to bring up business at lunch. - I did not want mention about business at lunch.

His grandmother brought him up.- His raised grandmother.


  • call (smb) back– call back

I’ve been to ten job interviews, you know what they all said? We'll call you back. – I went to ten interviews, do you know what they all told me? We will help you We'll call you back.

  • call by- come in for a while, visit

I wanted to call by on my way home. - I wanted come in to you on the way home.


  • calm (smb) down- calm down, calm someone down

Calm down, everything is going to be just fine. – Calm down everything will be just fine.

The nurse came up to the little girl and calmed her down. – The nurse approached the little girl and calmed her down.


  • chip in- chip in money

I'm gonna order a pizza, let's chip in. - I'll order pizza, let's go Let's chip in.

They each chipped in ten dollars to buy a present. - They all chipped in$10 each to buy a gift.


  • count on (rely on)- rely on someone

You can count on my friend, he always keeps his word. - You can rely on to my friend, he always keeps his word.


  • check in\out- check in, check out of a hotel

We checked in on Saturday, and we check out on Tuesday. - We let's settle down(at the hotel) on Saturday, and let's move out on Tuesday.

  • check with= agree with someone, get approval

He doesn't need to check with his wife to make sure they don’t have other plans. - He needs consult (agree) with his wife to make sure they had no other plans.


  • come across (run across)- to stumble upon something, someone, to meet by chance

I came across my ex-wife in the grocery store. - I accidentally I stumbled at his ex-wife at the grocery store.

  • come back- come back

He's gone. But he promised to come back. - He left. But he promised return.

  • come up to smb\smt- approach someone or something

She came up to me and asked if I was lost. - She came up to me and asked if I was lost.

  • come up with smt- come up with a solution, find an idea

And then all of a sudden Mary came up with her brilliant plan. “And then all of a sudden Mary came up with it your brilliant plan.

Just come up with something. - Just come up with anything (solution).

  • come from- to be from somewhere

Where do you come from? – Where You?

She comes from Spain. - She from Spain.

  • come off– fall off

Old paint has come off the wall. – Old paint fell off from the wall.

  • come out– 1) come out (about a film, book) 2) open up (about a secret)

When is your new book coming out? - When comes out your new book?

It came out that the picture was fake. – It revealed, that the picture was fake.

  • come over– come to someone (usually home)

My parents are gone for a business trip, come over. - My parents went on a business trip, come to me.

  • Come on!– an expression with meanings: 1) come on! (encouraging) 2) let's go! hurry up! 3) stop it already! (well that's enough for you, come on)

Come on, guys, you can do it! – Let's, guys, you can do it!

Come on, we need to hurry. – Went, we need to hurry.

Oh, come on, dad, I know there is no Santa. - Dad, well that's enough for you, I know there is no Santa.

  • come around– 1) visit, stop by, 2) come to your senses after losing consciousness

I live just across the street, come around some time. - I live across the street come in somehow.

He was unconscious but the doctor made him come around. - He was unconscious, but the doctor brought him to his senses.


  • cut down on smt– 1) cut back, reduce the consumption of something

We'll have to cut down on water if we want to last until help arrives. - We will have to reduce consumption water if we want to hold out until help arrives.

The gevernment is going to cut down on defense spending. – The government is meeting cut costs on defense.

  • cut smt off– 1) cut something off, 2) isolate

Why did you cut the sleeves off?- Why do you cut off sleeves?

On this island, we are cut off from the rest of the world. - On this island we cut off from the rest of the world.

  • cut smt out- cut something out

She cut out his picture from the magazine. - She cut out his photo from a magazine.

  • cut in (front of smb)– cut off with a car, suddenly wedge in front of another car

The green Ford cut in front of us as if he owned the road! – Green Ford cut us off as if it were his road!


  • deal with smt/smb- make business

I prefer to deal with the same representative each time. – I prefer every time make business with the same representative.


  • dress up (as smb/smt)- to dress up, to dress beautifully or formally, to change into someone or something

You don't have to dress up to go to the mall, jeans and a T-shirt a fine. – You don’t need dress up for a shopping center, jeans and a T-shirt will do.

Ellie dressed up as a witch for Halloween. – Ellie dressed up as a witch on Halloween.


  • end up- to end up in some place or situation

That's how I ended up in small this town. - That's how I am in the end it turned out in this city.

After such a brilliant career, he ended up selling second hand cars. – After such a brilliant career, he eventually became used car dealer.


  • fall down- fall

My cat fell down from the balcony, but it’s ok. - My cat fell from the balcony, but he's fine.

  • fall for smb- fall in love

Mike fell for Jane. – Mike fell in love in Jane.

  • fall for smt- buy into a trick, believe in a deception

That's a stupid story, my wife will never fall for it.- This is a stupid story, my wife. never do this buy it.

  • fall apart- fall apart

If we are talking about a person, then fall apart - it’s hard to experience something

How are you going to sell your house? It's falling apart. – How are you going to sell your house? He's the same falling apart.

After losing my job, I was falling apart. - After I lost my job, I was not himself(I was having a hard time).

  • fall behind– to lag behind

To fall behind both physically, while moving, and figuratively, for example, behind schedule.

One of the tourists fell behind and got lost. - One of the tourists lagged behind and got lost.

We have to hurry, we are falling behind the schedule. - We need to hurry, we we're falling behind from the schedule.


  • fill in/out- fill in the form)

There will be a lot of paperwork, you’ll have to read, fill in, sign hundreds of documents. - There will be a lot of paperwork, you will have to read, fill in, sign hundreds of documents.

  • find out / figure out- find out, find out

I don’t’ know how it works but let’s figure it out. – I don’t know how it works, but let’s do it let's find out(we'll figure it out).

How did you find out where to find me? - How are you found out where can you find me?


  • get along with- to get along with someone, to be on good terms

In school, I didn't get along with my classmates. - I'm at school didn't get along with classmates.

  • get through- call by phone

I called you twice but couldn’t get through. - I called you twice, but I couldn’t get through.

  • get in- get into the car.

Hey, we gotta hurry! Get in! - Hey, we need to hurry! Get in the car!

He didn’t see the truck coming when we was getting in his car. “He didn’t see the truck coming when sat down in the car.

  • get on– board a train, plane, ship, bus

I am afraid, we got on the wrong train. - I'm afraid that we sat down on the wrong train.

  • get off– 1) get off transport (car, train, bus, etc.), 2) get off, take off something

I'm getting off here, see you later! - I'm here I'm going out see you!

Get your feet off my table! – Take it away your feet off my table!

  • get up\down– rise, stand up\fall, bend down

The boxer got up and continued to fight. – Boxer got up and continued the fight.

When something exploded got down, but it was just a firework. - When something exploded, I crouched down but it was just fireworks.

  • get away (with smt)- to avoid punishment for something

How to get away with murder. - How avoid punishment for murder.

  • get over– 1) get over an obstacle, 2) cope with a problem, illness

The cat is so fat that it can’t get over a fence. - This cat is so fat that you can’t climb over over the fence.

If you have a problem, you have to get over it. – If you have a problem, you have to deal with it cope with.


  • give up– 1) give up, 2) stop doing something

Fight and never give up. - Fight and never give up.

I gave up smoking. - I quit(stop) smoking.

  • give smt away– 1) to give away a secret, 2) to give away, to give away (for free)

Someone gave your little secret away.- Somebody told about your little secret.

The are giving away some unsold stuff. - They hand out some unsold items.

  • give back- to return

You took my phone! Give it back!– You took my phone! Give it back his!

  • give out– distribute, usually free of charge and to a large number of people

You can't just give out the candies, they are one dollar each. -You can't just do that distribute candies, they cost a dollar apiece.


  • go on (with smt)- continue doing something

Go on, please, I’m listening. – Carry on please, I'm listening.

After a short pause, Jane went on with her story. – After a short pause Jane continued your story.

  • go out- go somewhere to have fun, take a walk

I go out with my friends every Friday night. - I I'm going somewhere with friends every Friday evening.

  • go out with smb– dating someone, being in a romantic relationship

Are you still going out with Bob? -Are you still dating with Bob?

  • go with– approach, combine, go towards something (about clothes, food)

These shoes don't go well with your pants. - These shoes are bad combine with your pants.

What wine goes with fish? – What kind of wine? fits to the fish?

  • go back to- return to some activity

We went back to work after a short break. - We are back back to work after a short break.

  • go down\up– shrink/increase

Are you expecting the prices to go down? Normally, they only go up.– Do you expect prices will they fall? Usually they only grow.

  • go without smt- get by, cope without something

This time you'll have to go without my help. - This time you'll have to get by without my help.


  • hand out- distribute to a group of people

Hand out the invitations to everyone. – Give it away invitations to everyone.

  • hand in– hand in (e.g. homework)

You have to hand in your essay by Monday. - You must pass essay by Monday.


  • grow up- grow up, become an adult

When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. – I want to become a doctor when I'll grow up.

  • grow back- grow back, grow back

Don’t worry about your haircut, it’ll grow back. - Don't worry about your haircut, hair will grow back.

  • grow out of smt- to grow out of something, to become too big or too old for it

My kids grew out of the clothes I had bought just a few months ago. - My children grew out of clothes, which I bought just a few months ago.

I grew out of cartoons. - I have already too old for cartoons.


  • hang in- hold on, don’t lose heart

Hang in there! We're coming to rescue you. – Hold on! We are coming to help.

  • hang out- hang out with someone, spend time

I'm gonna hang out with my friends today. - I'm going today hang out with friends.

  • hang up- hang up, end the phone conversation

Wait! Don't hang up!- Wait! Don't hang up!

Note: pick up – pick up the phone.


  • hold on– 1) please wait, 2) do not give up, hold on

Hold on, I forgot my phone. – Wait, I forgot my phone.

Hold on, guys, help is coming. – Hold on guys, help is on the way.

  • hold it against smb- hold a grudge against someone

He lied to me but I don’t hold it against him.- He lied to me, but I I don't hold it against him for that.

  • hold back- restrain physically

A seven nation army couldn’t hold me back. – The army of seven nations (countries) could not contain.


  • hurry up- hurry

You have to hurry up,we are almost late. - You need hurry, we're almost late.


  • keep (on) doing smt- continue doing something

Instead of “doing” you can take another verb.

Keep on stirring until it boils. – Keep stirring until it boils.

Keep going, keep going. – Go-go(let's go, let's go).

  • keep smt from smb- keep something secret from someone

You can't keep your death from your family. - You can not hide your illness from families.

  • keep smt/smb out– don’t let anyone get close, don’t enter, don’t let in

You should keep your dog out of my lawn. - You feel better hold your dog further away from my lawn.

Keep your hands out of me! – Hold your hands from me further away!


  • let smb down- let down

Don’t worry, you can rely on me, I won’t let you down.- Don't worry, you can rely on me. I don't want you I'll let you down.

  • let smb in- let in, let in

Guy, let me in, it's cold out there! - Guys, let me in me, it's cold there!


  • log in\out– log in/log out of your account (on the Internet), log in/log out

How can I log in if I forgot my password? - How do I log in what if I forgot my password?

Log out first, then log in again and check if the game works. – Come out from the account, come in again and check if the game works.


  • look for- search

I am looking for a post office. - I looking for Postal office.

  • look forward to- look forward to something

We are looking forward to your next visit. - We and We're looking forward to it your next visit.

We are looking forward to visiting you. - We look forward to when we visit you.

  • look after- to keep an eye on, to keep an eye on

Can you look after my stuff, please? I'll be right back. - Could you look after my things please? I'll be right back.

  • look up– find information (usually in a book)

I don't know this word look it up in the dictionary. - I don’t know this word look in dictionary.

  • look out- to be afraid of something

Typically used as an exclamation “Look out!” - “Beware!”

Look out! Someone's coming! – Beware! Someone's coming!


  • make smt up- to invent, to lie about something

I had to make up a story about why I was late. - I had to compose the story of why I was late.

I told you she made it up!- I told you that she is all this I made it up!

  • make out- kiss passionately and for a long time

Jack cought his girlfriend making out with his friend. – Jack found his girlfriend, kissing with his friend.


  • move in (to)– settle into a new home, move in

We moved in yesterday and know no one here. - We moved came here yesterday and we don’t know anyone here.

I'm going to move in to my friend's place. - I'm going to move to to a friend.

  • move away (to)- leave somewhere, move out of housing

The Patterson's have moved away, but I can give your their new address. – The Pattersons moved out(moved), but I can give you their new address.

I was born in Germany but we moved away to England, when I was a kid. – I was born in Germany, but we moved to England when I was a child.

  • move on- move from one thing to another, move on

I think we've talked enough about it, let's move on. - I think we've talked about this enough, let's further(let's move on to another topic).

I want to change my job, I need to move on. – I want to change my job, I need move on.


  • pass away- go to another world, die

Pass away is the formal, most polite and cautious synonym for the word die (to die).

My grandfather passed away when I was ten. - My grandfather left us when I was ten.

  • pass by- pass, pass by and not stop

We were passing by the City Hall, when Ann saw Harry in the street. - We passed by City Hall when Anne saw Harry on the street.

  • pass out- lose consciousness

It was hot in the church and an old lady passed out. – It was hot in the church, and the elderly woman fainted.

Note: come round - come to your senses.


  • pay smb back- repay a debt, repay

Morgan bought me a ticket, but I haven’t paid him back yet. Morgan bought me a ticket, but I haven’t yet. returned give him money.

  • pay off– pay off

Your effort will pay off. – Your works will pay off.


  • pick up– 1) pick up from the floor, 2) pick up the phone, 3) “pick up”, “pick up” (about getting to know each other)

Have you just dropped a cigarette on the ground? Pick it up!“Did you just throw a cigarette on the ground?” Lift it up!

It’s my boss calling, don’t’ pick it up. - This is my boss calling. don't pick up the phone.

“He came home with a girl he had picked up in a bar.” – “You mean she had picked him up?”- “He came home with a girl whom picked up in the bar." - “You mean which one is his did you catch it?


  • play along (with smb)- play along

Jim played along with Ron, when he said he was a movie producer. – Jim played along Ron when he said he was a film producer.

Don't worry, just play along ok? - Don't worry, just play along Fine?

  • play around (fool around)- fool around

Aren't you too big boys for playing around? - Aren't you guys too big to fool?

The teacher was angry because we were fooling around. – The teacher was angry because we were fooling around.


  • pull over- stop the car by the road, on the side of the road

We pulled over to check our tires. - We stopped by the road to check the wheels.

  • pull oneself together- pull yourself together, pull yourself together

Come on pull yourself together,we have to work. - Come on already, get yourself together we need to work.


  • put on– put on

Put your hat on.Put it on hat.

Put on your seat belts. – Buckle up(put on) your seat belts.


  • run away- run away

Tell me that funny story how you early away from a dog. – Tell them this funny story about how you ran away from the dog.

  • run for- to catch up, to run after something

I lost my wallet when was running for a bus. - I lost my wallet when ran for by bus.

  • run across \ run into smb (come across)- accidentally bump into someone

Ron ran across his teacher, miss Smith, in the park when he was supposed to be at school. – Ron I came across it by accident at his teacher, Miss Smith, in the park when he was supposed to be at school.

  • run around- be very busy, do a lot of things

After running around all day, James is too tired to play with his kids. - After he minded business all day, James is too tired to play with the children.

  • run on smt– to work on something (about a source of energy)

Does this bus run on gas or electricity? – This bus works for gasoline or electricity?

  • run over smt\smb- move by car

The deer was ran over by a car. – Deer moved car.


  • set smt up– 1) arrange, organize, 2) substitute

Can you set up a meeting with him? - You can arrange will I meet him?

The police have set him up. They put some drugs in his pocket. - Police him framed They planted drugs in his pocket.

Note: the word “police” in the meaning of “police officers” is plural, not singular, so it is “police have”, not “police has”.


  • show off- to brag, to show off

He bought the most expensive guitar to show off to his friends. - He bought the most expensive guitar so that grab in front of friends.

  • show up- appear, come

Show up is usually to come unexpectedly or late, like “show up” in Russian. Often used when someone was expected, but he never came.

We’ve been waiting for him for an hour but he didn't show up. “We waited for him for an hour, but he did not come.

He showed up in the middle of the night. - He showed up in the middle of the night.


  • sleep over- spend the night at someone's house

It’s too late to go back home, why don’t you sleep over? - It's too late to go home, why don't you stay overnight?

Can I sleep over at my friend's house? - May I spend the night at a friend's house?


  • slow down– reduce speed

The car slowed down passing us by. - Car slowed down, passing by us.


  • shut (smt/smb) up- shut up, shut up

Hey, shut up, I can't hear anything. - Hey, shut up I hear nothing.

Somebody shut this alarm up.- Anyone shut up already this alarm.


You are not supposed to write the best essay ever, but it has to stand out. – You don't have to write the best essay of all time, but it should do something differ.

The tourist guide was wearing an orange jacket so that he stood out in a crowd. – The guide was wearing an orange vest to stand out in crowd.


  • stick to smt- stick to something

You can’t lose weight if you don’t stick to the diet. – You won’t be able to lose weight if you don’t stick to diets.