Don't meddle in other people's lives quotes. What do you care? Why are we so willing to interfere in other people's lives? Lack of personal privacy

Advice and gossip, secret discussions and open criticism, pimping and other attempts to influence the lives of others...

Is this “complex of military actions” connected with good neighborliness, sincere concern and devoted friendship? Those who don’t have their own personal life (or do, but it’s quite boring) love to meddle in someone else’s. Why?

Why do people meddle in other people's lives: 7 main reasons

But they are very surprised when an ill-wisher visits their page and starts writing offensive and sarcastic comments.

Don’t feed gossipers bread – let them discuss someone else’s personal life. They revel in this observer position: they get the sweetest pieces of the “neighbor’s pie”, the very first news, intrigues, heated quarrels.

They will be sarcastic, slander and ridicule, or they will sympathize, support and give advice.

People receive almost physical pleasure: this process is accompanied by emotional arousal, the release of hormones, excitement, a surge of energy, and a sense of power.

A couple of friends have separated and are dividing property? An excellent opportunity to analyze their marriage in detail.

The neighbor cheated on his wife with the nanny? Oh, what a bastard, but where was she looking! A young colleague deceived her elderly sponsor? So it was clear to everyone that she was with him for the money.

There can be many reasons why people interfere in other people's lives:

1. Low self-esteem. Other people's problems brighten up the existence of those who consider themselves losers and unpopular individuals.

2. Problems in the family, at work, with health, as well as dissatisfaction with appearance and, in general, fate. People are driven by the desire to make sure that others - rich, educated, famous, beautiful - live worse than they do. You read bad news and your soul immediately becomes lighter and more optimistic.

3. Envy and bad education. It was simply not explained to people that poking one’s nose into other people’s affairs is bad manners.

4. Character traits. An extroverted nature and an influential person, accustomed to being in the center of events, have little life of their own. She has an almost physiological need to insert advice into the personal space of her comrades and colleagues.

5. The desire to receive bright emotions. Often, discussing fresh gossip causes awe, ecstasy, excitement, and the release of pleasure hormones.

6. Lack of a full life, filled with events and impressions. It’s easy to compensate if you immerse yourself in someone else’s life. The squabbles and quarrels that take place behind the neighbor’s wall can be more interesting than a Brazilian TV series.

7. Banal boredom. Sometimes people simply have nothing better to do – for example, in the workplace.

It’s much more pleasant to spend time cleaning up other people’s bones than preparing an annual report. Moreover, if the group of women is older (the weaker sex has cravings in their blood).

In our country, the concept of personal boundaries is very blurred. In both decorous English and American society, only those closest to you (say, parents, best friends, spouses) can ask intimate questions.

The same applies to face-to-face discussions, advice, and criticism. In our country, any passer-by, even the station toilet cleaner, can give out their weighty five kopecks. And she really doesn’t give a damn about all these personal boundaries, intimate zones and other people’s freedoms.

Why is it important for people to talk about others?

The husband comes home from work, his tired wife is waiting for him at home, the two of them spend another evening out of a thousand like them. We need to talk about something, and then mutual friends decided to get a divorce.

A great chance to briefly get into someone else’s life, identify the culprit, sympathize with the victim, experience new emotions, argue and criticize. The evening ceases to be languid, and the next morning both return “to the bench” and forget the empty conversation.

The desire to gossip and discuss other people's lives can arise spontaneously. Often such conversations are completely harmless, and the subject in question will never know about the intriguing conversations.

It is important for people to look up to someone, draw conclusions, condemn something, support something - in a word, to be an active participant in society.

Trouble is caused by moments when people meddle in other people's lives openly, impudently and assertively.

So, my friend Tatyana has been complaining about her office staff for seven years now. Every day it becomes a favorite subject of discussion - everyone willingly gives out advice and asks questions.

At first they asked how it happened that at 28 years old she was still not married. “Hurry up, youth is leaving. And your guy is absolutely perfect! Grab it quickly. It’s even strange that he chose you.” Then, when their dream finally came true, they began to insist: it’s time to have offspring.

A child appeared, Tanya went on maternity leave - a year and a half of peace and quiet. I returned to the office - again a million pieces of advice: hire a nanny, take care of yourself, look after your husband, take out a loan, go on vacation alone.

And when Tatyana decided to file for divorce (after the betrayal of that very ideal guy), her colleagues almost surrounded her with pitchforks: “Come to your senses, stupid, who will need you and your child! Sit and be patient, you got yourself involved in this.”

A person who likes to pry into other people’s lives with criticism and advice should ask himself the question: why am I doing this? Am I satisfied with my destiny, achievements, family, work? Am I satisfied with my life, leisure time, relationships with my partner, friends?

Having admitted to himself the true motives of unhealthy interest, he will become less bothered by others and will be able to decide to make changes in his own and only life.

It's change LIFE...and not STATUS!!!

To live life with a not very faithful husband, there is a way, and it has been proven over the centuries: wrap the noodles that he hangs on your ears - wrap them around... his horns!

I have gone through fire, water and copper pipes in my life... So now I walk around... covered in burns, wet and deaf...

A strong person is not the one for whom everything is bad, but the one for whom everything is good, no matter what!!!

Love yourself. The rest will catch up.

Everyone is the master of their own life, the kind of master you are, that’s how your life is.

Don’t take revenge, but forgive - and you will see how life will destroy them for you!

I feel sorry for those people who don’t have their own normal family life, and they still meddle in someone else’s to mess up there too!

The black streak is always up!))) Always!!!

We should be grateful to every person who has influenced our life in some way... After all, he either brought joy and happiness to us... or simply made us wiser...

Do you know why you are alone? Because someone else's opinion is more important than your own happiness.

Music is a trace that can be used to return to different times in life.

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel...

A wave of work came over me, knocked me off my feet, and I... fell asleep...

Oh, who would know how these household chores can distract you from the Internet...

Everything always ends well. If everything ends badly, then it’s not the end yet.”

I don’t count the years!... There’s no point... The eternity of souls is not subject to limits!... I’m just happy... I’m just living!... That’s what I decided... That’s what I wanted!

If there are no conflicts in your life, check if you have a pulse.

There are always people in our lives that we avoid, and there are others that we change our route to meet.

If your wife cheated on you once, that's life.
If several times - that's the wife.
And if he cheats constantly - that’s you)))

There are people who live in us for a very long time even after their death, and there are those who die in our hearts while they are still alive.

When you forgive a person, he creates the illusion that it will be like this all his life!

Life does not send us random people... some bring love and joy into our lives... others bring pain and strong character... thanks to both...

“Surround yourself only with those people who will lift you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down.”

No person comes into the life of another by accident. If he appeared in your life, then it was necessary.

Never prove anything to anyone... This is your personal life, not a theorem in geometry!!!

If life begins to shower you with rose petals, look up to see if a pot of flowers is flying after you...

No matter how boring your life is, don’t meddle in someone else’s...)

I would be glad to lose my head... But it seems that I have it firmly nailed down by experience...

Never say expensive words to cheap people!

There were no young girls in the entrance, so the grandmothers on the bench had to call the janitor a prostitute.

It’s not for nothing that a wedding ring is placed on the finger from which blood is drawn throughout one’s life.

Another 10 years of such prices and wages, and instead of a census there will be a roll call!

“Lord, sometimes it seems to me that I can’t live without him!”
- "You're right!" - the Lord answered, “ only seems to you...”

If something doesn't stick in life, throw away the glue and switch to nails!!! FORGET EVERYTHING and live happily!!!

As long as our parents are alive, we can feel like children (no matter how old we are)!!!
May God bless our PARENTS!!!

Getting to know the inhabitants of the virtual universe, we carefully, albeit gradually, study both the avatar of the interlocutor and his status. Because when creating their status, everyone undoubtedly wants to be non-standard and original, to surprise with something, to interest the interlocutor. This rule applies to both social networks and forums or individual blogs. If a person has something to say, and he is able to find words to express his credo in this life, and these words are laconic and easy to write and perceive, then this will be a big plus for the author’s status. Although there are times when you want to use ready-made templates, changing them in accordance with the mood that visited us today, at this particular moment in life.

The topics of statuses are very diverse: there are, for example, statuses that cause a smile or even homeric laughter. But there is another, no less interesting category - statuses “about life”, with philosophical overtones, after studying which sometimes you want to stop for a moment and think. After all, the basis for them is often wise aphorisms, thoughts of famous political figures, quotes from classics, sayings of philosophers or great scientists. But these people were able to achieve a lot in this life, not always, however, realizing its true meaning, but at the same time constantly being in search of it. It cannot be said, of course, that all user statuses are filled with cosmic wisdom and meaning and, thanks to this, as they say, completely “load” the interlocutor.

There are, after all, truly anecdotal situations in our lives that well characterize the current situation or the attitude to a particular situation of a particular user, ironically, or by chance, who has now become your counterpart on the World Wide Web. Sometimes, simply and casually surfing the Internet in your free time from work or household chores, you come across such deep, with philosophical overtones, as they say “about life,” statuses that characterize this life so capaciously and interestingly that it can hook you, as they say, to the core. And if the owner of the status did not forget to mention the authorship of this or that original phrase, it often happens that after reading it, you have a desire to know more about him - this is how interest in some person who lived perhaps thousands of years ago is manifested, but whose thoughts are absolutely in tune with yours at this moment in time.

The status “people meddle in other people’s lives” will significantly upset all your offenders. But instead, they will amuse you.

The less happiness a person has, the more interested he is in the happiness of others

  1. “People don’t really care about your life.” How I would like to believe this!
  2. I understand that my affairs are more interesting than yours. But please, take an interest in them, at least not so much.
  3. You think that your gossip upsets me, but in fact I have no time to listen to it!
  4. I sit and think: who else should I ask for advice? Still so wealthy!
  5. You know what? If you suddenly want to discuss me, please, I don’t mind.
  6. I'm really wondering how you're doing. But I don’t intend to discuss this with others. I advise you to do the same.
  7. If you speak about me in a good way, thank you. But still, it’s not worth talking about me!
  8. Look at your life: unloved job, unloved person, unloved thing. And you still have time to gossip!
  9. In life we ​​don't say hello. But when you see me with someone, you will immediately tell everyone you know about it...
  10. Even if your life is the most boring of all, don’t poke your nose into someone else’s!
  11. Being happy is also a talent. For example, do at least something for this happiness.
  12. Let's not quarrel with each other, but create moments that make our souls warm...
  13. I told my friends that I’m not in the mood, and then immediately you lack motivation, you concentrate on the past, you’re codependent. Psychologists suck.
  14. I used to not like people who tell a lot of jokes. Then I met the gossips. It would be better if they told jokes!
  15. If you do a good deed, they are unlikely to say anything good about you. At best, they will think that you are strange.
  16. It is not always comfortable to be with silent people. But at least you have some hope that at least someone won’t judge you after you leave.

Speak well of me or call me names to my face. But just don't start gossiping. It's disgusting

Nowadays, many people are unhappy because they have not made a decision in life. Even if they are already quite a few years old. If you sincerely feel sorry for them, set a status about people who meddle in other people's lives.

  1. A person who, when asked: “Do you know what she told you,” answers: “I don’t care,” really deserves respect.
  2. People can say whatever they want about you. And you shouldn't care what other people say about you.
  3. You learn the most interesting things about yourself from ex-husbands and ex-wives.
  4. Do you know why I want to leave here? So as not to hear your gossip and not see your faces!!!
  5. I once set my own rules in my own life. One of them is to immediately weed out gossipers. So goodbye!
  6. People should know less about your personal life. But hiding it at all is stupid.
  7. We all seem to dislike gossip, but we don’t mind hearing something good about ourselves. And almost all of us have an account on social networks.
  8. Hey, gossipers, I, of course, feel sorry for you, but I’m not a charity foundation!
  9. We don't always know our neighbors. But we definitely know who comes to them and when. And if it doesn’t come, then we come up with versions of why.
  10. If I have one regret, it would be that I talked about other people instead of taking charge of myself.
  11. May there never be room for envy in your destiny. This means that everything else will work out just fine!
  12. Our life is one, and we are alone in it. Well, at most, a few close friends. And we don't need to let too much information about other people into it!
  13. Everywhere is good, where we are not. And, perhaps, everyone is better than us.
  14. I think leaving because of gossipers is stupid. So I'll stay here to piss you off!
  15. Enjoy nature, cook a new dish, watch a movie - see how many things you can do INSTEAD OF DISCUSSING ME!!!

I would love to tell you the truth, but I know that it is pointless

“Don’t meddle in my life” statuses will save the mood of more than a dozen people. Tell your friends that you are not ready to tolerate gossip about yourself!

  1. People look for the bad things in your life to convince THEMSELVES that his existence is not so miserable.
  2. If everyone on earth stopped gossiping, many of them would stop spending time together.
  3. Don't expect too much from life, and you won't have to envy, gossip and follow...
  4. A person may not drink, not smoke, not swear, but be such a ****...
  5. People are afraid of burning in hell, but living a boring and even disgusting life is not.
  6. In order to earn a good impression, people agree to communicate with anyone they don’t want and work around the clock.
  7. I would give you a certificate. Champion among gossips and Queen among envious women.
  8. I wanted to show off that I had read another book, but my interlocutor did not know the word “read”. That's how it is in life.
  9. Don't trust your spouse with secrets. Keep in mind that they may become exes.
  10. It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow. The main thing is that today all you do is discuss other people.
  11. You can survive any gossip, but not the kind that your best friend spreads.
  12. Maybe you can out-argue me in any argument. But what happiness does this make you?

Set a status about people who meddle in other people's lives, and then there will be much less gossip around you!

When people have nothing to do, they begin to get bored and look for a reason to somehow make their existence more interesting. Typically, this problem occurs among older people who have a lot of free time and nothing to do. Some find their calling in creativity, others in watching TV series, and still others discover their interest in following the development of other people's events. The lack of personal interests and ignorance of what to do pushes a person into fascinating surveillance of neighbors or acquaintances.

Lack of personal privacy

Very often, when a person’s personal life does not work out, he tries to live someone else’s. Since many abilities, feelings and emotions remain unrealized, he strives to at least somehow experience them. A person gradually becomes involved in the events of another’s life, with an interesting fate and coincidence of circumstances. The most successful “victim” is selected, whose life is under close scrutiny. At the same time, a curious person over time loses his sense of reality and begins to feel like part of one whole - he perceives the events of someone else's life as his own and cannot remain indifferent to solving problems. The person constantly notes that he personally would not do this. Moreover, he may simply be furious and exclaim indignantly about the wrong decisions being made. In his heart, he does not admit to himself that this is just a game, but considers himself a sincere helper and an expert on human life.


Some people pry into other people’s personal lives with advice and questions out of habit. Their natural curiosity was encouraged by their parents from childhood, and it is even possible that there was such a tradition in the family - to discuss life events and actions of acquaintances. If such a curious person has never been rebuffed in a company, the person takes his interest as a matter of course. Moreover, very often people consider their curiosity as a manifestation of attention to others, and sometimes even a sense of duty.


People can pry into someone else's personal life and be interested in details not only out of curiosity, but also out of a desire to compare living conditions. They will not be able to forgive themselves if someone lives better or has achieved high results in something. The love of competition forces you to go and find out the details of someone else's life. As a result of intelligence, such a person makes a plan in what and how he can surpass his opponent. After which a tough competition begins, and its main goal is to prove its superiority.